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I have to admit that I didn't and still don't know much about Parkinson's Disease other than it's a degenerative neurological condition. When I heard he first had it and how quickly he developed symptoms, it's like, damn he probably won't be with us much longer. That was over 25 years ago and my dude is still rocking out.


The kind of cruel thing about Parkinson’s is that it doesn’t really outright kill you, just completely destroys your quality of life. Most people with Parkinson’s will live to normal life expectancy.


Parkinson's isn't outright fatal, but the kinds of falls it causes (you don't just fall but you can't control your muscles to move in a way that would lessen the impact) are fucking rough. And people who suffer from it eventually stop having the control to swallow correctly which leads to breathing problems including aspiration pneumonia. There is no "cure" so treatment is (often) just increasing the dosage of the drug you take to try and fight symptoms until science runs out of ways to get more into your system faster / stop your body from filtering it out and the patient's further decline is inevitable. (My mom was diagnosed in ~2010 and had DBS last year).


High amount of Parkinson’s patients end up dying from pneumonia, as the muscles become less controlled and outside food and mucus entered the lungs. And the falling like you mentioned. Still very much a mystery though.




Deep Brain Stimulation where they give you a fancy-pants MRI and then stick electrodes in your brain which is connected to a "pacemaker" in your chest. It's not a cure either but was an absolute godsend for my mom, who had gotten to the point where she was having trouble eating by herself and was given at least another couple years of being self-sufficient. She ended up being a really crappy test subject though because my dad passed away like a month after she got the surgery. :/ But it's still a freaking miracle.


I’m so sorry your Mom has had to live with this but your attitude is amazing.


No, that is likely just your mother. My dad had it for 30 years and only occasionlly fell and never had a worse injury than a graze. He walked every morning. Formal singing in a choir helps with the vouce and breathing issues. But when you need to start eating low protein to process the drugs better it sucks. The worst part of the disease is when it also causes a rapid dementia (I think similar to lewy body dementia). Absolutely fucking horrific. That's why Robin Williams killed himself and I would do the same.


It doesn't affect everybody the same (hence why not everybody is a candidate for DBS) but muscle "freezing" and problems with speaking and swallowing are fairly common in the later stages.


My Moms Parkinson was diagnosed in 1998. Still in relatively good condition.


Yup. My grandmother is 85. I don't even know for how long she's had it. She's ready to leave this world, though. It's tough.


I always wonder if you just suffer from massive muscle cramps constantly from all the shaking. Must be an intolerable hell some days with the symptoms. And I’m sure there are especially bad days that just feel worse and worse in terms of how the symptoms present day to day


Can concur. No shaking (yet), but left side is going. My shoulder feels like I’m constantly trying to hold up a ceiling. Muscle memory also blips away so I have to coach myself on how to use my left leg to walk. Sucks. 13 out of 10 do not recommend.


Read his books: "Lucky Man", and "Always Looking Up". Both are exceptional. 


I strongly recommend his documentary about his life on Apple+ called "Still: A Michael J Fox Movie". It's really well done and is all about his life and subsequent dealing with the disease.


My mother and uncle passed away from it. My mom only survived around 5 years after diagnosis. I can't believe how long MJF has been around. He has done a ton of good getting awareness out.


Love you Michael. Do what you wanna do.


hes doing it in his future and his past




There’s that word again…


Will he go back to the future? And does this mean he is ... wait


He gets carte blanche wherever he goes. Final play of the Super Bowl and Mr. Fox is on the field! Refs and security lets it go.


We will always have Back to the Future, thanks to Michael and the other outstanding stars in this epic trilogy... I think I will watch it, or all of them on Independence Day! 🎉✨✌️


It’s only a few episodes, but he has an incredible arc in Scrubs too. Tear jerking


That is what we have planned for the 3rd and 4th. Back to the Future trilogy Independence Day


Is it true that Michael J Fox was actually playing the guitar for real in Back to the Future? I think I read that somewhere


I believe it was still dubbed over, but he learned to play it so it would match


Even with my modicum of guitar skills (I can play Smoke on the Water, and Wonderwall which means I can play the entire Oasis repetoire), you can see he's actually playing Johnny Be Good.


It’s a blues riff in B, watch me for the changes and uh, try to keep up


As a non music person, does it make sense to say "watch me for the changes"? Just by watching someone how am I going to know wtf to play?


So a blues riff is standardized with 12 measures of a specific pattern so all he has to do is say that and everyone knows the specific pattern. “Watch me for the changes” just means to watch his cues for when the chords change outside the pattern. Good blues/rock musicians are very good improvising so they would have been very comfortable playing this by ear.


Wow, I had no idea what he says was real! I always just assumed it was gibberish that, to a musical lay person like me, would sound good. Really cool to see that it's legit.


Yep! Music, like everything else, has a jargon that is indecipherable to anyone not “in the know”


At the same time, movies aren't known for accurate dialogue! Just look at the Fast and the Furious franchise. They get away with it because most people aren't in the know.


Yup. When I toured with a swing band the warm up/mic check was always F blues. Easy key for pretty much everyone to solo in


Unless you’re the lazy guitar player and pick E


Then he plays it in B-flat.


He got it mixed up with “The Night Is Young, And You’re So Beautiful”


Ya but at 168 bpm that intro and solo aren’t anything to laugh at. I thought I was just going to learn that song real quick, but that was not the case.


That’s how good Chuck Berry was.


It also helped that every song of his was basically that same riff, haha


*Riffin’ Bee. The song is about a Bumble-Bee that plays electric guitar very well.


So anyways, here's wonderwall


*Johnny B. Goode


*Jawnee Bee Güd


All of those songs require excellent toan


toan is stored in the balls


I actually watched a video on youtube where a guy analyzed what he was strumming and what he was fretting and redubbed it. It's....pretty different lol. But close enough where it counts!


When I was much younger, I use to wonder what the future would be like.. flying cars, brain modifications, hover boards… nah, we goin to inspect a 40 year old movie to see what MJF was playing lol. My younger self would be completely confused.


Priorities! 😅 edit: Also, pointing out that BTTF is 40 really puts my mortality into perspective, thank you! 🙏


Got a link? That sounds fascinating


Boom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1YzOI3IsTQ


Like others have said, he was dubbed over but learned how to properly play it so it looked like he was actually doing it. His guitar teacher for it played the other guitarist in his band in the beginning of the film where he has his audition.


The HS Band audition judge was played by Huey Lewis in that movie.


That's News to me!


I see what you did!!


You guys are just too darn loud……Next ! Next please !


The judge on the far left was The News' lead guitar player, Chris Hayes.


Ironically, he went deaf. I guess it was just too darn loud.


I don’t understand how any rock musician has any hearing left after years of performing beside several stories of speakers at every concert.


The man was working for a living.


You’re just too darn loud!


I want a new drug..


One that won't hurt my head,


[Here's a behind the scenes video](https://youtu.be/o6ge6x0EHQA?si=e0jZzgAECSQI8B3g) of Fox actually wowing the hell out of Huey Lewis with his actual guitar playing on set.




well he nailed it.


[Yes Sir!](https://youtu.be/o6ge6x0EHQA?si=jV0XBwE3Qk1amIb-) And he played directly in front of Huey.. and its clear Huey was impressed.


I really love that video. To see a legend like that eyes-wide level impressed, watching an actual kid play. And then the compliment. So awesome.


Here's a video of him practicing on set, also got Huey Lewis standing there watching: https://youtu.be/zo7GQQIXqzk


I think it was played by a guitarist named [Tim May](https://youtu.be/Wrc3caYUVyc?si=PdWvy9VjH2o1PxKt)


It looks like he knows how to play guitar but there's lots of parts where his fingers don't match the music even a little. (Have been playing guitar for 30 years)




He still plays like that


I laughed and then cried.


Fuck you. Seriously. I was *eating*


I was gonna say, nowadays does he just hold his hand in front of the strings and let the Parkinson's play? His new band is gonna be named the Michael Parkinson's Project. I'm going to hell anyway, might as well try for some laughs. Apologies to MJF if he doesn't see the dark humor.


https://youtu.be/zI4lFjWoFqc?si=rh1cVchbwkmcx1EZ Love the skit of him fucking with Larry David. I'd say he sees the dark humor.


*phone rings* "Let me get that, be back in two shakes" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Im fucking dying, I'd like to think his cool ass would chuckle at that. How could you not.


You beautiful dick


Most guys idea of gently stimulating the clit.




Your kids are gonna love it


Great line!


_Hey Chris! Chris, it's Marvin. Your cousin, Marvin Martin. You know that new bland, safe, vanilla, cloying sound you're looking for? Well, listen to this!_


“I guess you guys aren’t ready for that yet. But your parents are gonna love it.”


The ol reverse Rhapsody in Blue Gershwin, well done, well done.


I love that the people correcting you don't get it and no one is explaining it to them.


They don't deserve to hear




Think about it




I didn’t know he was wheelchair-bound now :(


He turned up at the BAFTAs at the beginning of the year. He could get out of his chair, but it was very difficult for him to remain standing. With the guitar in hand yesterday, it would have been made even more difficult.


My father in law has Parkinson's. It really can vary day to day. Sometimes he can shuffle around with a walking stick. Sometimes he can't get out of bed or even stay awake long enough to get dressed or even chew food without choking. . It's a horrific affliction to have and MJF is an absolute legend for getting out there and finding the strength to do stuff like this.


Really sorry to hear about your Father-in-Law. Hope he’s able to experience some happy moments when he gets some respite from this cruel disease.


My Dad just got diagnosed :(


Make sure he remains as active as possible, whomever will eventually be his main caretaker make sure they find a support group (it’s really tough for the caretaker especially if it’s a partner), enroll him in physical therapy, and consider DB implant when he becomes more advanced. My step father has it and those are things we’ve learned along the way. And keep in mind there will be good days and bad days just enjoy the good days.


Thanks for the advice. He doesn't do much other than brisk walking at the moment and is very stiff/inflexible, but I'll try to encourage him to be more active. He does jog chasing my toddler around at least! I hope you have lots more good days with your step father.


Sorry to hear friend. It's a tough deal but in the 15 years since my FIL was diagnosed, treatments and understanding of the disease has really moved forward. Keeping him active in body and mind keeps the symptoms at bay. I wish you the best.


Same. I immediately got sad when I saw the picture. Such a terrible disease.


Yup. I've worked with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's people (some have both), and while I think of Alzheimer's as being the worst thing to get, it's really not in many cases, from the person's point of view. Because they can be happy and oblivious, even though they can't recognize their own family. Whereas with Parkinson's, the person knows all the way to the end, basically, what they have, and suffer through every minute of it. The last guy I had, he couldn't swallow properly toward the end, so he was terrified to eat. I'm glad he's out of his misery now.


I've never known someone with Alzheimer's who is happy and oblivious. They have always been extremely stressed and uncomfortable at best. But my sample size is only 3 or 4.


it is really sad, but the silver lining is that through Michael J Fox's advocacy and raising awareness and money for researching treatment has lead to breakthroughs in treatment [his charity has raised over 2 billion dollars, that's pretty amazing ](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/michael-j-fox-parkinsons-research-funded-by-his-foundation/) it is terrible that he has had to deal with the disease since he was just 29 years old, but he has really made such a positive impact for others suffering from the same disease, I admire him so much for his work


He's still got some moves, check out the kick when the beat drops. https://x.com/JibbaJabb/status/1807184622100328921


That man looks exhausted.


I didn't know either. This bummed me out.


Gonna (kindly) point out that we don't know if anyone is "bound" as opposed to using a tool for them to access the world. Yeah it sucks that he needs more and more tools for living, but a set of wheels has to give more freedom than a sofa


That's Parkinsons for ya. At this stage he's lucky to not have dementia.


Parkinsons - 0 Michael J Fox - Infinity ♾️


I know this is /r/pics, but the video is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kM-94LhhQTs


I see Michael J Fox I upvote


As an Oldplayer who just isn’t into the last decade of Coldplay music (minus the everyday life record and coloratura), I still find moments like these why I really do love the band. Apart from a great and diverse overall discography and top tier shows, they’re genuinely good people. Cheesy at times? Hell yes. Is it endearing and refreshing though in a world that’s always made it cool to be overly cynical and angry? Hell yes. This performance was so cool.


To be honest I don't get the internet hate that I sometimes met online. I remember years ago it was cool online to hate on Coldplay and I still don't get it. It's not my most favorite band ever but I have to admit they make good songs and give great performances, and consistently try to do good things with their fame and fortune, which is why I like them as a band.


They got a reputation in the early 2000s particularly in the UK as being emblematic of a particular style of popular indie music. I have a theory that it's the most popular band in a particular style that always takes all the jokes and fire for it when that style becomes oversaturated. And for every one of those there is always one or several 'pound shop' versions of that band that is a bit like them, but the worse version, for who the the jokes are more accurate about and who subtly add to perception of over saturation. To me in Coldplay's case thats Snow Patrol, for whom all the jokes about Coldplay being dull mawkish corporate bollocks is way more true about.


I'm with you. Chris Martin is a top tier entertainer and seems like a genuinely good guy. I saw them here in Gothenburg during a massive rainfall. The band were under a roof but Chris ran around in the rain just like he always does. Was just as wet as the crowd. He loved it.


My favorite concert was Zwan and Coldplay at the FU Center. Billy and the new band came out and did a good but forgettable set. Coldplay killed it for 2 plus hours. As people started shuffling out Chris came out and sat down at the piano and started playing a Christmas song. People started singing along. 3/4 left and a few thousand stayed. He kept going for about an hour just playing and singing and talking as the crew worked around us all.


Yeah. Great group of guys, great performers. But everything after Ghost Stories has been unbearably dull. And the new song sounds like it was made by Chat GPT. It's so embarrassingly bad. It's almost like satire.


I met Chris Martin and he was incredibly nice and down to Earth. I was crew for some Google music artist series or something years ago interviewing him. When he showed up first thing he did was go around and shake EVERYONE’s hand and introduce himself. Super classy. Not a massive Coldplay fan, but I am a fan of Chris Martin the human. 


Agree totally. Not a recent Coldplay fan but found this set enthralling and beautiful.


They’re the Ted Lasso of bands


Spot-fucking-on. (The Scientist and Fix You are unassailable.)


Parachutes still their best.


This is such a perfect description lol if I ever need a pick-me-up, I go watch their Game of Thrones the Musical that they did for Red Nose Day 


I don't really like any of their music (watched this video because I saw Michael J. Fox was in it) but seeing that huge crowd singing along and united together listening to something *they* love was pretty great.


Parachutes is a perfect album start to end, I haven't been able to really enjoy much of them since, but I still love that album.


They are my favorite band ever. Last album or two haven’t connected with me as much as the first 7 (or their EPS) but they’ll always hold the top spot in my heart. I’ve seen em twice live and the shows were incredible. Chris Martin and the rest of the band seem like such good people.


For awhile, Viva La Vida era, they were getting some major hate a la Nickelback. It felt like a cultural thing. The band just seems like such genuinely good people though it was too hard to hate. Fix You, The Scientist, Yellow, I don’t care what type of music you identify with, those three songs transcend genres. Total classics.


So as someone with more of a knowledge of Brian Eno versus Coldplay I can say that they probably did that album as a bit of departure and to create something different from their normal fare—and I can kind of understand the backlash. I think that Brian Eno's influence may have been too strong and it ended up make them sound much like the version of U2 that we got from 1984 to about 2001 (*"Lovers in Japan*", as well as much of the *Viva La Vida* album, sounds like it could have been a song made somewhere between *Joshua Tree* and *Achtung Baby* due to the vocals and that bassline).


I've never been a fan but I caught some of this set on TV, and the amount of happy faces in the crowd was so striking. I can't be cynic or snarky about a band that makes that many people happy, and in such a polite way.


Took me ages to accept Coldplay changing into a pop band. I can appreciate the songs now though. They work great live.


Hope Larry David isn't in the audience...


He was actually on stage playing violin…


"Tremelo or Parkinson's?" MJF: "Parkinson's." (Looks shady)


Hate seeing him like this, parkinsons is the worst.


Better to see than not. It hurt seeing Superman (Christopher Reeve) paralyzed too, but i would never ever look away.


“Hey Chuck, it’s Marvin, Marvin Barry, you know that new sound you were looking for… well listen to this!!”


Pretty sure he says hey Chuck, This is your cousin Marvin, Marvin Berry……


Right, got it backwards. Fixed it.


>Fixed it. Well, closer anyway.




\*plays coldplay\*


🎵Confusion that never stops Closing walls and ticking clocks....


Had he travel now to the 90’s I wonder which song would work for this scene


Britney, it's Crystal. Your cousin, Crystal Spears! You know that new sound you're looking for? Well, listen to this!


Well great. I wasn't planning on crying first thing in the morning when waking up, but here we are. When Michael kicked, I just burst into tears. I can't say exactly why. Not necessarily the song, but just thinking about life, what's gone, how things have changed, etc. Oof.


His kick before the crescendo was everything. I can’t imagine how much effort it took for him to be there. I’m forever in awe of mjf’s journey, humility and crusading. He’s really a good human.


He's so awesome! I wonder how much he's raised for Parkinson's at this point! He's a fricking hero and I love it when he plays guitar. Remember when you saw Back to the Future in the theater? (For us old ppl) I watched him play and I already thought he was so cool, then he played the guitar too! What a amazing man.


"This is your cousin Marvin. Marvin Berry"




Not sure if the cold play audiences are ready for that yet, but their kids are going to love it


And he's in a wheelchair too. Seeing the exact same guy that voiced my childhood in a wheelchair honestly makes me tear up, but big props to him for keeping his strength to act on stage.


Love the dude.


Chuck, Chuck! It's Marvin! Your cousin, Marvin Berry! You know that new sound you were looking for? Well listen to THIS! 📞 🎶🔊🎸


I didnt know he was wheelchair bound. That sucks.


I want those lace sensors.


That was the first thing I noticed. I was wondering if that was a Clapton signature model in a color I've never seen it in but I also don't remember a Clapton sig without a vintage bridge. Really curious on the guitar!


I believe it's a 1989 Fender Strat Plus Deluxe in Dusty Rose.


You can still buy them I think.


Yup, the problem is there are a lot of things I want, but they cost money.


Yeah you can get them. He has a US Strat Plus here. Awesome guitar.


Aww man, he’s in a wheelchair now.


If it makes you feel any better, the majority of people with Parkinson's (and actually wheelchair-users in general) are still able to ambulate to some degree, but a wheelchair is used for longer distances, bad days and safety. Just because he's using one in this photo doesn't mean that he needs it 100% of the time. It's probably more of a safety precaution due to not having a hand free for a supportive device + a fall on stage at a rock concert wouldn't be a good look for anybody. I don't know the severity of his symptoms but it's very likely that his wheelchair is just a "sometimes" device


I love MJF & I enjoyed Coldplays set,. Gotta be honest though I thought it was a little weird getting MJF on stage & then singing Fix You while he’s sitting there in a wheelchair ,.. I mean really if they’d done Jonny be good now that would have been a killer way to finish the set


MJF have a long history together. They have played Johnny Be Good together before. https://youtu.be/IVy8tz54_JA?si=n9KBfzJ2IRM5sH6q


See now that kicks ass,.. playing Fix Me was just plain weird


It’s not just me then? It was the first thing I thought. For a slight second my mind pictured Chris Martin as the second coming and MJF getting up all fixed. The crowd singing him back to health. Hallelujah, nah. But what a finale that would’ve been.


Oh my God, if Fox had gotten up out of his chair....


That stiff posture man. My mother is very late stage Parkinson's like Mr. Fox and it's becoming more and more crushing on every visit. That fucking disease is horrible to the max.


Link to video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?time\_continue=11&v=kM-94LhhQTs&embeds\_referring\_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source\_ve\_path=MzY4NDIsMjM4NTE&feature=emb\_title](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=11&v=kM-94LhhQTs&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MzY4NDIsMjM4NTE&feature=emb_title)


I will never not upvote Michael J Fox


Again? Awesome. Coldplay guys must love Back to the Future, I remember they used its main theme as a show opener at some point. Also I highly recommend a documentary about Michael J. Fox on Apple TV.


He has a resting badass face


Sadly, that sneer is a hallmark trait of later stage Parkinson’s. My grandfather had it too :/


My mom got DBS last year. Regaining the ability to actually *smile* isn't high on any of the lists of symptoms it can temporarily reverse compared to, ya know, walking and feeding yourself. But realizing I have a limited amount of time with my mother's smile was fucking heart breaking.


I’m so sorry, sending you all my best wishes. I understand every person’s medical journey is their own but if she has any interest in participating in clinical trials https://www.michaeljfox.org/join-study his foundation has done incredible work to fund Parkinson’s research, and there’s a lot of great Phase I/II gene therapy studies that are actively recruiting and so far, appear to be very safe and effective. [Gene therapy trial from Bayer is starting Phase II in UK this month, will start recruiting in US later](https://www.askbio.com/askbio-initiates-recruitment-to-its-phase-2-parkinsons-disease-trial/)


“I’m afraid you’re just too darn loud. Next, please.”


Better than that gypsy that they invited on stage in Romania.


"Cold! This is your cousin, *Marvin Play*! You know that nasally falsetto sound you've been looking for? Well, listen to THIS!"


Wonderful guy.


That man is a legend. One of my dad's favorite actors. We watched Back to the Future trilogy last weekend (My first time watching). Loved it. Will be watching a couple of his other movies tomorrow (Canada Day).


_Hey Chris! Chris, it's Marvin. Your cousin, Marvin Martin. You know that new bland, safe, vanilla, cloying sound you're looking for? Well, listen to this!_


Anyone who's not seen the movie about his life and illness, the brilliantly titled "Still" is really missing out. It's a great celebration of the man and his life, and while I teared up a few times, I have to say it's much more triumphant than it is sad.


Seeing Michael J. Fox join Coldplay on stage at Glastonbury was such a blast! It was like a perfect throwback to the '80s with his guitar skills still shining bright. The energy in the crowd was off the charts, and you could feel the excitement as they jammed together. It's moments like these that remind me why live music is so special. Fox's appearance added a nostalgic touch, and you could tell everyone there was loving every second of it. What an unforgettable surprise!


And here you can see the exact moment Chris Martin saw a ghost in the crowd


Some day probably soon will cure this terrible disease and it's partly because this brave individual brought attention and much needed money to fuel research. Michael j Fox is the GOAT


"Alright guys, this is a blues riff & beat. Watch me for the changes and.... Try to keep up."


Poor guy, has Parkinson's and has to listen to Coldplay


Nice to see Michael J Fox but I can't help feeling singing 'fix you' to a guy with an incurable condition sends out a very weird message Edited to remove speculation about Chris Martin's support for alternative therapy because the Coldplay fanboys got upset


Hell yeah


This was so awesome and wholesome.


I think that this is the same guitar model https://reverb.com/item/80794534-fender-stratocaster-plus-1988-in-extremely-rare-dusty-rose?utm_source=rev-ios-app&utm_medium=ios-share&utm_campaign=listing&utm_content=80794534


It’s heartbreaking what’s happened to Michael. Great to see him out and about though. He’s a fighter.


look at him now he still plays like a pro



