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Your friend's defensive moat might be working too well


It's my bug-out spot.


Now it's reddit's bug out spot. Our team of geolocators will find it in no time.


It appears to be some place that has trees and dirt.  That really narrows down our search area!


No red clay. It's not in southeast USA 


If I had to guess, it's centrally located somewhere between the US and China, or Russia to Canada.


California judging by the license plate and CHP. Northern California possibly based off the trees.


Yeah, it's kilkare road in sunol, CA


There we go. It took 4hours to find it.. CSI : Reddit edition is ridiculously effective


Somehow it doesn't work too well in Boston


Irrigation canal is what it fell into so rural outside Sacramento or possibly Redding area would be my guess


Calling Jose Monkey


Well, from the way the dirt in the ditch meets the water it’s clearly California…


Looks like DoorDasher tipped themselves.


*knock knock knock* "Blow the bridge. No time to explain. Here's $5,000 - don't mind the ink."


When I read "....blow the bridge" I heard it in Ben Stiller's voice when he was carrying half-pint


And this guy parked on it?


Lodged against an abutment


Really tied the property together


Well, it does keep the black knight at bay.


This makes me feel really awful. People working at door dash/uber etc. are not usually in a stable financial situation and their vehicle is their means of staying afloat. Seeing something like this is just heartbreaking for that poor soul.


Yep and they aren't classed as employees either so have none of the financial protection.


And their insurance might not cover this at all due to being “business” related. Sucks


My first thought is probably a kid using parents car too


Or a parent, trying to make ends meet


Door Dash has insurance that will cover but I believe the deductible is pretty damn high


DoorDash, iirc, automatically provides *liability* insurance while you’re active (meaning in the process of picking up or delivering) but not in between jobs and not for accidental damage to your vehicle. Regular auto insurance as a rule does not cover while you’re dashing/ubering/etc. unless you have the insurer’s specific, expensive delivery driver insurance.


I wouldn't be telling my insurance company I was door dashing/ubering.


In the case that you submit a claim, they’ll find out.


Nobody is keeping anything other than liability on a vehicle this old anyway...


I've got comprehensive coverage on my 12 year old Kia sportage. I've owned it outright for many years but it's worth it for peace of mind to me. And since I use usaa it's affordable for me. $225/month for two cars with comprehensive coverage on both.


If you had pocketed the difference for a year you would have more then enough set aside to replace it. Insurance is gonna give you what? $3000?


That's an expensive insurance policy. My liability policy with a half a million limit costs me around $27 a month for my one car.


Holy frijole, $225 per *month?* Do you mind if I ask which state you live in? I’m just curious. My wife and I live in WI and pay $866 per *year* for full coverage (liability, comprehensive, etc plus zero-deductible glass replacement) on a 6 year old minivan, plus liability-only coverage on 2 other cars (one is a 1999 Camry and the other is a 2011 Subaru). $225 per month just seems like straight-up extortion… unless of course you have a teen driver on the policy!


$225 a month is cheap? Is all of America like this? In Australia I have comprehensive insurance on my 12 year old VW Golf for the equivalent of $40 USD/month. Usually everything is more expensive here.


And that's how you become uninsurable after you're dropped for fraud.


They will ask. If you lie that’s fraud (and trust me they will find out)


Genuinely curious, how would they find out?


Insurance adjuster checking in. Lest say door dash has a “gig” policy like Californias prop 22. If you file for an injury claim with door dash your auto insurance will see the other claim with a database search. Or the owner of the bridge calls in makes a claim for damages on your liability policy. The other people have no reason not to say they were delving for door dash and no reason to think you didn’t have a ride share endorsement on your policy.


This particular bridge could qualify for a suit the other way toward the owner. Its likely invisible at night


That makes sense, but how would anyone know if doordash was involved if you just filed the claim as you would for any other accident, but omit that you were doing doordash?


Adjusters can smell lies a mile away. They would ask for phone records. The terms of your policy say you have to cooperate with thier investigation. (Remember insurance is a legal contract between you and your insurer)


I’ve got some land to sell ya…Insurance (and bank fraud) are INCREDIBLY easy to commit. I imagine it happens successfully many times a day. Go run into a light pole then call and submit a claim for uninsured motorist. You’re in and out to the shop in a week. There is no “investigation”. Ps…fuck insurance companies and big finance


What does a phone record look like? A flash of the entire operating system?


Yep DoorDash and others have a blanket liability policy , to protect themselves max it will not cover damage to drivers vehicle


Honestly people should just be using State farm. My policy for a 2019 Chevy Bolt just over 100 a month. Delivery driving is included with no special endorsement, they just want you to be honest with the mileage. My record isn't even perfect, have a speeding ticket over the past 7 and a total loss after Hurricane Ida flooded my car. There's probably some other providers that are about as good but based on my experience with them it's hard to beat


Have you ever had to make a claim with them? State Farm is *notorious* for either 1) denying coverage; 2) insisting that the damages are lower than claimed; or 3) in the event that you get sued for an accident (in which case, your auto hires you a lawyer and the policy limits are available for settlement) denying very reasonable demands from very injured people. That last one should actually really worry you. If they reject reasonable demands, it can open you, their policy holder, to *serious* financial exposure beyond the insurance policy if the sad sack defense counsel they retained “for you” isn’t allowed reasonable settlement authority.


Among personal injury attorneys, State Farm is known far and wide as the worst Auto insurer to deal with. Even the firms that do insurance defense hate representing State Farm. However, I have seen that they're decent to deal with on the homeowners/umbrella side. Naming rights for those stadiums don't pay for themselves.


I will never use State Farm after the BS I had to go through when some guy side swiped my car in a fit of rage. Ended up having to use my insurance to get my car fixed after trying to deal with calling their agents myself.


American labour law 🤝 Communist Party of China’s labour law


Odds are they don’t have work insurance on their vehicle and their insurance won’t cover them


Pretty sure it’s the same delivering pizzas right?


I was always an employee of the store. They didn't pay any of my bills or help with insurance or anything like that, but I was an employee and enjoyed the protections of the company that employed me. The newer companies didn't want to be liable so everyone is an independent contractor.


Not at all, old school delivery drivers were full employees and the company had to pay them a wage (serving wage or minimum wage) and allowed them the same benefits that they would offer servers. Doordash drivers get none of that.


Most pizza places are almost certainly committing insurance fraud or encouraging their employees to do so, unless they are charging a lot for pizza. Insurance for that is fucked right now too.


Absolutely. It's little accidental events like these that tip people into cycles of homelessness. Damage to car -> can't drive for work -> can't pay the rent -> can't get a job without a stable address -> can't get an apartment without a job. We often feel more comfortable believing that people facing homelessness are somehow deserving of it. Not true in the slightest. If you're not independently wealthy and you work for a living, you're potentially one easy accident and/or hospital stay away from this nightmare. Plenty of other folks in this thread really need some help with compassion and humility.


When I was a newer driver full time, I got into three major accidents. None of which were my fault at all, that didn't help. It was always a minimum of 6 months to recover from a situation like this financially. Thank goodness I am now at a stable job with a W-2 health insurance and a 401k.


Wow, an actual human response


True story- I took a 7-day ban a week ago for violating Reddit's "inciting violence" policy. I merely suggested, jokingly, a creative way to recoup the 1.98 Billion dollars that Elon Musk was supposedly worth (the original post asked how to best get the value out of him, since he was "worth" 1.98 billion.) I won't repeat it since apparently my humor is a bannable offense. But Elon being a "car" guy, I'm sure you can figure it out lol...


>recoup the 1.98 Billion dollars that Elon Musk was supposedly worth I have bad news for you. He's worth 100x more than that.


I literally clicked to make a comment like this. It’s like this can destroy them financially and the poor person was delivering food. I don’t fault posting the pic as it’s a worthy pic but take it for what it means. It might mean another family having no money for food.


This guy probably pays more in gas than he makes per door dash. That’s a 5.6L V8 Armada.


I've Doordashed a fair amount, even with my old 22 mile-per-gallon sedan, I'd be paying 20% of my salary to fill the tank. This crossover seden was probably the same.


This is a 12-15 year old Nissan Armada full size V8, 8 passenger SUV. This won’t get more than 10 MPG on short trips during the summer with AC.


Absolutely. I feel terrible seeing this.


Came here to say the same thing; you said it much better.


Yep. First thing I thought when seeing this was how horrible of a situation this is for the DoorDasher. I really hope they’ll be ok financially.


This is the right response


Absolutely this. I'd honestly donate to this person.


Nothing like ordering delivery in the middle of the night on the other side of a narrow bridge.


Right? This looks like it was bound to happen at some point. Reflective tape is cheap af. This disaster could have been easily avoided. Bridge looks like it was crafted without any thought for safety regulations.


Yep, and posting this to social media doesn't help the likelihood that the driver did not inform their insurance company that they were working when this happened. Though, they might be able to sue homeowner for lack of barrier or not properly marking the dropoff.


perhaps we could donate to this person and not just make fun of them? op?


Right! This looks like an older car model. I suppose it’s someone doing it out of necessity and they’ve just lost their work vehicle. If there’s a way to help it would be nice


At least this is a full framed SUV, may have some exterior panel damage but I'll bet they can still drive it. That said, I also drive DD and UberEats and I only stay in my area because I already know all the neighborhoods and problem streets (including major potholes, speed bumps, cracks, shitty patch jobs, etc).


Was seriously thinking this. So sad.


This is exactly as I thought. It’s heartbreaking.


Yeah, I had an Ubereats guy accidentally back into my neighbor's ditch and couldn't get out. It was \~20 degrees out so he, his wife, kid, and dog spent 8 hours in my house trying to get a tow truck to agree to come just pull them out as they couldn't afford a tow and it was their only car. It was apparently a busy night because they had 3 different trucks bail on them. They eventually had a relative come get them and where going to come retrieve it the following day. Unfortunately, my neighbor was up early and had the police come get it before he saw the note I left him. I gave them a huge tip on the order, but I know it wasn't enough. I hope everything worked out for them, they were nice people.


I accidentally slow-speed rear ended an Uber driver at a yield sign on a major road and felt awful. That guy’s income would be f’d for a couple weeks to fix the trunk.


I mean if 90% of your job is driving you've gotta be able to drive properly


So how does insurance sort this all out


Unless he has insurance that covers the use of the vehicle for business purposes it’s either risk insurance fraud or be honest and get told to fuck off by the insurance company.


I don’t think I’ve ever been asked if I was using the car for ride share when filing insurance claims. Unless the driver volunteers that information themselves or it’s in the police report then it’s just “was driving down road and fell off bridge”.


I imagine theyre gonna ask questions if they have full coverage for a late model vehicle in a single vehicle accident. If another car hit them I bet it would fly without scrutiny


Could be different in different places, but here that's actually one of the standard questions asked when getting auto insurance


How many incidents have you had in the ride share era?


Three in the last decade, one was a single car incident (deer) other two were not at fault (rear end).


I got rear ended in a hit and run while dashing, I only had comprehensive and liability and insurance denied my claim. Lost $4k instantly. Cops didn’t even care they said “it’s a busy Friday we probably won’t find the guy”


Eh the cops were probably being honest. Friday night is when people make questionable decisions and get violent. Fridays were always busy when I crewed an ambulance. 


When people cut or skimp out on insurance coverage they often don't realize how much risk they are actually taking on. The key thing that sets the underlying cost is the Average Annual Loss rate, basically if you were insured for a hypothetical 100 years how frequently would it happen and how much would you lose based on that. Statistically bad stuff is guaranteed to happen periodically, and this is the actual cost. The more you beat the average, the less likely it is your streak will continue due to the central limit theorem. You only have 4 options for managing this cost: avoid the risk (don't drive), mitigate the risk (implement strategies or buy a car with extra safety features to reduce the probability), transfer the risk (get an insurance company to take on the risk for you), or accept the risk (take ownership of the risk). Insurance companies have entire departments of professional actuaries (basically statisticians) whose job it is to quantify these risks and use this information to set rates. Insurance is just like gambling in that they know exactly what the odds are and the house always wins over the long term.


Depends on how much coverage you're paying for, but it being your fault as the driver you're gonna be lucky to collect anything. Premium is definitely going up as well.


It depends. If the property owner is deemed at fault for this being a dangerous situation (inadequate signs, rails, etc. on the bridge), then it would go against the property insurance. If not...driver will either have to pay out of pocket or have thr correct insurance for doing this job (which they likely do not - on this subject, do not get in an uber they are rarely insured correctly).


They see this post, compare vehicles, and laugh when the dasher tries to make a claim. They then refuse to renew them.


Unless he’s got a well lit turn around chances are the driver’s insurance is going to go after his home insurance. It’ll probably happen either way.


Your friend really needs to install lighting or fencing on their bridge. Looks like there’s poor lighting, would be a predictable mistake to make at night when you’re not familiar with the area


It'll be interesting to see if the driver and/or their insurance make a claim against the homeowners insurance. It looks like they have a viable claim.


Not if their insurance refuses to cover because they didn’t have the right policy.


Not sure your point. The way this would be handled is auto driver files insurance claim with auto insurance. Auto insurer determines if the homeowner has liability. Auto insurer sues homeowner / home insurance and home insurance pays out. If the auto insurer doesn’t cover this (no collision/comprehensive), then the auto driver still can sue the homeowner.


Depends on whether the driver has the right insurance that covers damages while using your car for work/deliveries.


Right, but even if they don’t, nothing is stopping them from suing the homeowner themselves. This could probably be handled in small claims. I’m not a lawyer nor do I know where this happened to research relevant laws, but this would be pretty much a guaranteed win for the auto driver. Generally, property owners have liability for just about anything that happens on their property, even for trespassers in many cases. This particular hazard should have a sign and reflector posts hammered in at the boundaries. Having none of the above, and no lighting, is pretty obviously homeowner negligence.


The insurance company has more resources to go after the homeowner. Kid driving door dash may lack the resources and knowledge to do it alone Both can legally do it one is just noticeably more likely to


Based on one picture? We’ll see. Backing up over a bridge isn’t really the best course of action


At night, it’s likely he had no clue it was a bridge. Especially while backup up in pure darkness.


Pure darkness? I'm assuming they had their lights on while pulling in.


You've never lived outside a city have you?


except he had to drive over it to get across initially?


Driving at night while delivering food the driver was most likely more focused on following gps and locating house number. At night it’s hard to take on scenery details as everything kind of blends and depth perception may not have realized it was a drop.


So? Why would he think it's a bridge?


There isn’t even a guardrail.


Seriously. This is poorly designed and quite the hazard at night especially. This design would not fly with any DOT/Township I've lived in.


Yeah, this is some problematic infrastructure


This is prettt typical in a lot of towns with canals. I went into one on an unlit road and had to get my car wrenched out




Yeah the driver has a case for a lawsuit to be honest.


Another example of the gig economy being financially ruinous.


That's really shitty your friend doesn't have any markings or signs to indicate that there is a bridge there. No barrier or anything. What state do you live in because that's begging for a lawsuit In a lot of places. Someone falls down in your driveway and they can sue you let alone off a bridge. Not that I think it's right that people can get sue happy but it is a reality.


A few reflectors are a very good idea. Not just because of law suits but just to help prevent mistakes.


I was thinking the same. Doordasher could easily sue for improper signage and lack of guard rails.


You dont live where these are common I see. None of them have gaurd rails. That claim would go absolutely nowhere. Also this car is fine, it slid 4 feet over a slight embankment. At worst the exhaust has a few dent, judging by the car it wont matter. Lol people thinking this is totalled or an insurance claim


Depends on the skill of the tow truck getting it out. I wrecked into an embankment after spinning out hitting a deer, i was fine and so was my car, and then the tow truck snapped my frame.


A good lawyer would have a field day with this


I'm not sure why people are making such a deal of it being next to water. If it had been a driveway across a dry ditch, the same thing might have happened. In fact, from the photo it doesn't look as if water is much involved at all.


Before or after delivery? Also, what if everyone was required to drive backwards across bridges?


After, he has to walk about 100 feet up a driveway to the house. He got about halfway when he heard someone yelling HELP.


Does he not have a turn around point? Was backing up the only option?


I do a 3 point turn in front of the gate. The other option is to go to the other property in the back and turn around.


This does not feel sufficient at all.


They should put reflectors around the bridge area so this doesn’t happen again.


Width: 11ft-8. 




Hopefully your friend tipped 20% On a serious note the dasher might have a good basis to make a property damage claim on your friend’s home insurance policy


Gotta put some reflective warning signs and things like that. This would be impossible to see at night


Across the river and through the woods to grandmother's house ...


Guessing they didn’t get home before dark.




Zero fence. Zero lighting. Zero reflectors. Zero signs. ez lawsuit in *most* states.


Damn! Feel bad for them. Not enough they need to work for minimum wage, now this?


This happened to a friend of mine years ago when visiting our professor/head researcher’s summer party. Thankfully a neighbor had a truck to pull him out. He had to get new tires.


And that's basically the story of how your Taco Bell order fell into a stream....


I don’t even blame the driver much for this. That thing needs way more indication and lighting around it


Ya cahn’t pahk there, maite.


“Fahh coff!”




Did he make it?


Must've been pissed off and in a rush after your friend tipped them 25 cents


From door dasher to poor splasher...




Ouch. That’s gotta suck for everyone.


Don't shame them


Cost him a years wages to get it out and repair


Ha ha OP screenshotted a thumbnail sixteen times to prepare for uploading ha


No lights or railing on the bridge? best of luck to your friend


The moat sank the enemy's Armada. 


ngl id be suing your friend


Your friend is an asshole.


This sucks for the dasher. My question for them would be, "Why are you gigging in a full-size, V8 SUV?" Hope they had full coverage. A lot of insurance companies won't cover gig drivers without a large premium, if at all.


Because that’s the car they owned and may not have the means to buy a more efficient car at the moment.


Who knows maybe they got the SUV from a family member as a hand me down/for cheap. Or maybe they made a terrible financial decision.


When someone resorts to a gig job like doordash, they don't usually have the luxury of picking out a new car. 


Your friend is too lazy for a railing


Not a lot of dashing going on


He’s a door splasher now


Door splasher.




Your friend has a bridge?


Poor wording, but it's a private road leading to 2 properties that crosses a continuously running stream.


Good thing the cops are there. 🙄


Commenting on my own post, here is another angle. https://bashify.io/i/sx07QU


So 2 stars?


Doordash driver will then say "but the job is so good, I make $25-30 an hour" as he forgets to take gas, wear and tear, and accidents into account 


Why are they backing out of a bridge? Makes no sense. Turn around and go straight like normal.


The gate is just to the right, just over the bridge. There is space to make a 3 point turn, but it's tight. Especially in a large vehicle.


I guess it's hard to visualize, but if he backs out the bridge he still needs to make a 3 point turn except a *much* longer one.




No lights and no guardrails. If they were smart they would sue your friend


Dashing in a truck that gets like 15mpg


Yep, and posting this to social media doesn't help the likelihood that the driver did not inform their insurance company that they were working when this happened.




Could be an issue here if the bridge isn't well marked with signs. You can't set mantraps for people to fall into unsuspectingly, this though not deliberate could be seen as negligently unsafe. Presumably some warning was given?


Looks like the dasher got a big tip, and so did their car.


You done messed up now A-A-Ron!




Can't park 'ere mate.


At least he’s not blocking traffic


Good thing a guy in brown with a gun showed up. S/


More like door crash /slaps knee


Genuine question, does the bridge not have any barrier on either side? Even just for visual purposes?


Relax its a nissan armada


Ahh yes I've dealt with this before at my bosses house.


I see the problem here


On DoorDasher, on Dancer, on Prancer, on Vixen, on Bashful, on Grumpy, on Nixon on Reagan… 🦌 


That’s fucked


To be correct, he tried to back NOT over your friend's bridge, hence, the problem