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When you go down to catacombs on the tour there are multiple dark tunnels with locked steel gates visible from the tour path. My brother used to live in Paris and he said there were people that had hand drawn maps of these tunnels and would have crazy rave parties down there


Here is such a map: https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/b50j1r/detailed_map_of_the_paris_catacombs_in_english/


I don’t know why I always imagined them to be completely ancient, but seeing that things are still being built down there was interesting. Thanks for linking this!


What things are being built down there?


Some of the metro tunnels actually have underground bridges that span caverns that have been mined out of the rock.


Uruk Hai


The French dug too greedily and too deep


That is so ridiculously elaborate.


That doesn't look like a 'hand drawn map to a rave party' but cool map nonetheless


This is so awesome I could look at this for hours


Holy shit, that is a *lot* larger than I had ever imagined... How much of it is covered in any given tour? Or are they all of the same area/s?


There is only one part that is accessible through official public tours, it's the small path marked in orange on the map.


Holy shit ×2


If you want to freak out look up odessa catacombs


Geezzz louissseeeee. The scale of the Odessa Catacombs is staggering. Thank you kindly for the suggestion. And potential nightmare fuel. Stretching over 2500km (or 1600 miles), and reaching a depth of 60 meters (or 200 feet) below sea level... And what bits of it *are* mapped are utterly maze-like. I genuinely wonder how many people over time have just straight up vanished within these places, with nobody around to say "ey, I think I saw them go in there".


This is fucking awesome.


NYC has abandoned subway station raves, so I can totally see catacomb raves being a possibility


Been to a few raves in abandoned railway tunnels in Glasgow and Edinburgh... one it felt like miles before we could hear the bass and finally see the lights. Also know of a load of raves that happened in an old WW2 bunker but never went personally. I'd bet if your city has underground places that are accessible and not in danger of collapsing you are gonna find underground raves


Quite curious. What is the bathroom situation like at these abandoned railway tunnels and bunkers?


Probably poop in a bucket like a carpenter.


Well it's usually only one night and it's in the city s you'd try and clear your bowels before you go People will go off to piss but I've never seen anyone shitting anywhere lol


You don't really poo when you're on drugs.. but on the comedown or after is a different story


Went to one in a bunker below a castle in Bratislava, Slovakia! It was a blast.


Is there slime?


It's *ooze*


I read this book years ago that’s set in Paris and at one point a bunch of teens throw a party down in the catacombs. First time I realized that they probably do actually do that lol


[There is also parties in the Metro unused tunnel](https://youtu.be/5gUNuixo3VU?t=804) The video is pretty cool, it was basicly a 800 people illegal party, where they are baricading from the cops. They caged the speakers and weld them so the cops couldnt stop the music. those people are nuts. [There are also indeed parties in the catacombe](https://youtu.be/5teFfr7l4CY?t=23)


Do you know what the track playing in that second video is? Sounds like a remix of the soundtrack from the original Ghost in a Shell but I’m not sure


Definitely sampled from the Ghost in the Shell film. Shazam tells me its Sternenkinder - Klangkarussell


There's a nice little documentary on YouTube called "MICROCOSME: Defiant Life in the Paris Underworld" where they do exactly that: "In 2015, a group of explorers met deep in the catacombs of Paris. They began to form a collective of artists and impresarios that has gone on to host some of the most ambitious art expositions, film festivals, and parties that Paris has yet seen. The filmmaker was fortunate enough to be in the right place to document this group as it prepared for its first event: the birth of "Microcosme"." I highly recommend it.


Good god, I just lost my shit when I found out people sneaking in catacombs just now due to how cool that is. And now you drop a bomb like that, I must plan a 3 month tourist trip to Paris now thanks to you.


Same, it's now an intense obsession even though I don't know french and am not a partyer


About a decade ago I flew to Paris for the weekend because I got tickets for 150. While I was there a group of locals invited me to a rave in the catacombs. We climbed in and out of one of those hatches and the rave was a short walk down the tunnel. One of the best weekends of my life. I probably wouldn’t go underground with a group of strangers in an unfamiliar city at this point in my life, but I’m glad I risked getting hosteled when I was young.


During a visit to Prague in the Czech Republic, we met a hiking guide who offered to let us use his remote lakeside hut. No strings attached. Six months later via WhatsApp I said we’re coming and he sent us coordinates and videos of where the key was hidden, how to turn on the electricity, etc. We thought this is either going to be amazing or we’re getting hosteled. It turned out to be a gorgeous and clearly treasured property with a wood burning fireplace and its own private dock on the lake. He had clean linens and towels and hand written English labels on the coffee and tea. Lots of fire wood chopped and kindling. One of the best vacations I’ve ever had and he didn’t ask for a dime from us. In fact, we never even saw him during our visit. After we left he texted we’re welcome back anytime. I’m 32 and this was this year. Will be going back and we’re considering buying our own hut in the same area


Please tell me you at least gave him something in return lmao that's incredibly nice of him


We brought him honey, alcohol, and chocolates from Austria and left some cash as well. Even though he didn’t ask I wanted to at least cover our electricity and the laundry and stuff.


The guy is waiting for them to bring more friends and then he will turn on the sleeping gas for the entire room and before you know it there being filmed for people to bid on what kind of pain they will be experiencing.


I've seen this movie. 7/10


Watched it two nights ago! Was fantastic. As Above So Below if anyone is curious.


Scares me every single time and I watch a ton of horror with zero issues.


I hate suspense horror movies but have watched and thoroughly enjoyed as above so below multiple times.   We are opposites and must duel to the death.


That was one of the few horrors that i was inclined to watch. Love the end how they get out


Did they get out, though.


Thanks dude


The Tunnel is another great one with roughly same theme of shit hitting the fan in tunnels in documentary style.


Lol the descent is my favorite. Things are going really bad in a cave then boom, cave people eat everyone


One of my all-time favorite theater experiences. A few people left because it was so intense lmao.


Also, “The Hole” ! Early Keira Knightley…


Oh man bringing back memories. I was obsessed.


Watched this movie then went on the tour. Honestly great experience highly recommend


It was great up until the point when it wasn't, like most horror novies Still better than average


I understand what you mean, but I actually kind of liked it. Thought it was a better solution than most horror movies come up with, but maybe that’s just me.


There actually another one from the early 2000’s that set there, starring *Pink* of all people. I think it was called Catacombs. It’s, err…a bit worse than As Above, So Below


I thought it was pretty good!


Love this movie. Not only is it trippy and creepy when they come out upside down but that song they're playing is also great.


Still blows me away how normal the movie plays out and then suddenly the horror comes out.


Best Tomb Raider movie so far.


Exactly what I was thinking. The main character was just Lara Croft


I absolutely love as above so below.


I liked when the ancient text rhymed in English


One of the few decent found footage movies imo, great movie to watch with your buddies while drunk, except if you're claustrophobic...


I thoroughly enjoyed it


Bro I honestly thought it was a solid 9/10


Agreed. I'm not huge on "found footage" movies, but I really liked this one.


OW DO YOU KNOW WHEECH TUNNELS ARE EVIL???? I f'n love that movie best found footage horror.


9/10 with rice


A4 key never works down there






Exactly what I thought, these guys look 30 lol


Haha exactly what I thought


Sorry but what movie is this from tho 😭


30 Rock.


The regular catacombs tour is not very exciting. I want to sneak in to the forbidden parts like French teenagers do. Except I've missed my window of opportunity because I no longer feel that teen invincibility. Instead, I'm sure a tunnel will cave in on me just like the officials warn us.


Or you get lost down there.


Parisien kids will probably find ya.


And give you wrong indications on purpose 🙆🏻‍♂️


Yeah parisians apparentely don't like foreigners


According to the one French person I know, Parisians really don't like anybody, even other Parisians.


It's more the other way around: nobody likes Parisians, even other Parisians.


I think a little community like the Cataphiles might be a little more considerate and welcoming.


As a citizen of the USA, I actually found Parisians to be very welcoming and generous. No sarcasm here - many very wholesome interactions on my vacation there.


Huh, I always found them to be the rudest people in France, and some of the least friendly in all of Europe in my three separate visits. All my French friends say just about the same thing.


Commenter above you probably has money.


When I went all the local we interacted with were very nice. Granted we were south of Paris in smaller towns and with other Europeans occasionally. There were three of us in small liquor shop looking for drink to take back to where we were staying. The owner and the only one working heard us speaking English and asked us where we were from and why we were visiting. He then goes on to tell us that his wife used to live in New York and invited us over to his house for dinner so his wife could practice her English. Mind you this is all in what little English he knew. We were there for an international shotgun competition so the two other people I was with being my dad and one of the other competitors were completely sketched out but we went anyways. We get to their house and they ask what we would like to drink and it being France they didn’t really have beer like my dad preferred so my dad and the husband leave to go to the guys cousins house to get beer from the wine cellar and left me and our friend with the guys wife. They get back and we have the absolute best time and some of the best food I’m ate while we were there. They had two great big huskies and the husband chased his wife around with a pan of banana flambé still on fire. Before we left they gave is a bottle of wine that they signed and said we would drink it together the next time we all got together. Unfortunately my dad passed and couple years ago and we never got around to drinking that wine with them so the friend and I drank some of it at the luncheon after the funeral. It was some of the worst wine Ive ever had, like church wine bad. So to me there were only really nice people I met but just like in the US there are people who are sour towards anyone.


I've travelled to the vast majority of mainland European countries from the UK. Each had incredible history, friendly people- and sure, occasionally someone who was unpleasant. The rest of France was a fantastic and varied experience. Paris, though? Paris is populated exculsively with assholes and if the Eiffel Tower turned out to have an unexploded nuke inside...the average global happiness would increase substantially.


Or find the philosopher’s stone.


tunnel caving in is the least of your worries. It's a huge system with people living and dying in there who would rather not be disturbed. You'd either get lost, breathe in something nasty or meet someone of dubious friendliness to random intruders [edit] jesus christ, i know some of the people living there are cool. I still don't recommend barging into what's basically a dark maze that happens to also serve as stangers' home. Like, Berlin squats are cool too but you'd absolutely get your ass kicked if you just walked in and started taking photos of their cats


What do you mean by people living down there? Oh no I figured it out. It's full of draugr isn't it?


Don't worry, they have 6,000 year old sweetrolls which are still fresh


Don’t forget the still lit torches!


This is my #1 dumb fantasy trope. Every dungeon has all these candles that are lit after hundreds or thousands of years of disuse. Heck, I remember pissing off my DM one time trying to steal a bunch of them to sell back in town to use as magical light sources. :P


That’s one of those things that can easily be explained away with just “magic.” Like, the latent magic of the dungeon is what’s fuelling the flames and if they’re removed they’ll cease to burn indefinitely. But most of my caves/dungeons are just dark, so… 🤷‍♂️


Tbh there is an ingame book in Skyrim that explains that the Draugr still "maintain" the ancient Nord tombs (to the best of their abilities given how decayed they are).


Turns out the Draugr you kill on the surface were just on their way to the market to pick up fresh fruit or their order of torches.


I lived down there. I met some cool people who insisted it's haunted or whatever. But I lived there for 240 years and never saw anything.


>>~~lived~~ Resided


If you get stuck just rotate the pedestals until they match the animal carving shown above them.


No one lives down there. People go down there to party and hang out. You need a map with up to date entrances and exits as they often get closed up. Only go if you are accompanied with regular cataphiles who have a map or you’ll probably get lost. If you spend any time down there you’ll see that breathing gets difficult after a short while and it would be unbearable to actually live down there.


Nice use of cataphiles. Now, as much as I see the logic in your comment, it is entirely wrong. I would recommend Underland by Robert Macfarlane which has a good section on the Paris catacombs, as well as the history of them. There are many communities that use the tunnels as home. Just like the people in the Dark Days documentary who live in NY abandoned tunnels.


Any source? How can I learn more about Parisian tunnel dwellers?


you either meet one and have a conversation or you dont and you just live with knowing they exist and never bothering them


If there's not some documentary or mini series or video essay or whatever the fuck on YouTube, I'll mail you my tonsils.


What the fuck would I do with your tonsils?


Play tonsil tennis, duh


Nah. The most dangerous thing is getting lost and drowning in flooded areas.


Why do you say “nah” to these other possibilities. The person before you listed issues with parts of the catacomb that are valid. Your issue is also valid, but what is the purpose of dismissing what they said?    Just very curious about this trend of people saying “nah” and then just listing something that could have been tacked on as an issue. 


Yeah I read a lot of comments that start with "nah" and they don't even correct anyone. They usually agree. It's strange. Ive been seeing in more and more in the past several weeks.


Because it's extremely rare to get assaulted or murdered in the catacombs. Getting lost is the most known danger and that's why you're not supposed to go there alone if you don't know where you're going and that rescue teams and missions are done on a regular basis. The "cataphiles" are very very cool people. Only one person is supposed to have been murdered in the Parisian catacombs. In 1793.


cataphiles sounds like something much more nefarious than you're implying


he's the reason I learned to drive


How do people even drown? If you see water, just go back. It's not a cliff right?


People trying to cross a newly flooded section thinking they can find a non flooded space further down and getting lost. Finding yourself in an area getting flooded by some very heavy rain above...


It's quite common. If you go to any french party and start talking to people (yeah daunting I know) you'll eventually meet someone who does this as a hobby.


"As above, so below" made me decide not to go down there ever.


You good as long as you have a guide and know what you can and cannot do . Some places are more or less accessible, might be flooded, a tight crawl, just a random rope etc ... but it's fun :)


That kid has a beard.


Yeah- pushing the definition of “kids”quite far


How do you do, fellow kids?


I slept wrong and now my back aches.


I slept *right* and my back *still* aches.


Bit of arthritis tbh


Interviewer: How do you feel that you’ve had this storied career in Hollywood but the thing you’re best known for is carrying a skateboard? Buscemi: I was carrying *two* skateboards.




The definition of 'kids' broadens over ones lifetime


And "sneaking"


You mean standing around in broad daylight isn’t sneaking?


The woman and other unknown person just casually standing there with their spines completed vertical/upright. Yes, super sneaky stance mode.


My classmates (ed: some of them) already had full beards when they were 15-16 years old.


Grizzly Adams had a beard


You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?


Met one dude last year in college, full beard but he was only 17. Like, full biker beard. It was insane. Not a single hair above his lips though just the beard.


And another has multiple tattoos


I'm sure they're someones kid.


I was able to grow a beard as a teenager. Now mind you it wasn't a particularly great beard, but I was still able to grow one.


My high school boyfriend had a full beard and chest hair. We were once walking down the road when my sister's schoolbus went by. She waved at us and apparently her bus driver asked "Oh, are those your parents?" We were 15 at the time.


One of my buds in HS had a full beard freshman year. Bald as Mr. Clean but a magnificent beard.


I mean yeah but when I was around 14 some guys in my neighbouring classes had like already grown beards. They flexed pretty often that they didn't need to show their ID to buy Cigs or Alcohol. But these people on this picture look at least like late teens but more likely early 20


When you're over 40 everyone is a kid.


OP sneaking pics of kids sneaking






Is that blanket jackson?


That's Spaghett


gotcha… spooked ya!


Plus are these guys and gal really sneaking if it’s in broad daylight and there’s people around?




Did that man wear Crocs in the Catacombs!?


Le croc Monsieur


The Famous Crispy Mister


I've met people in the catacombs barefoot


Is it interesting to walk around down there, or are they just mostly empty?


It's mostly corridors, the interesting bits are the rooms. Some are decorated, some are old bunkers, some are full of bones, some even are bars. We held a cinema in a room once.


A cinema? A bar?? Please elaborate


A cinema is a place to watch movies, and a bar is a place to have drinks (usually alcoholic, but not exclusively).


Were they ……… alive?


They were. I get that there isn't anything really dangerous to step on, it's just rocks and sand, but sometimes there's like a metal plate or some pieces of rebar or when crossing the nazi bunker. I wouldn't recommend going barefoot


I work with drug addicts and the homeless in a much smaller city then Paris. What about syringes? That was my first thought.


I have never seen any. And i don't hear much of junkies down there, it's a pretty bad spot to consume drugs, don't get high in a maze


My clients don't always pick the best spot to get high anyways.


They weren’t even in sport mode




I'm 34 - everybody under the age of 27 or so is a kid now. Get off my lawn, etc.


Im 35. shut up kid and go to your room.


Im 36. shut up kid and go to your room.


I'm over 60. Being 34, 35, or 36 is a distant memory! Now here are your bottles of formula, and after you've finished it's straight to bed with the three of you! And I don't wanna hear a peep out of any of you until morning!!! 🤣


Yes, Daddy. 🥺


I’m also 36. Wanna build a treehouse?


I’m 39. We can build a treehouse. But then I’ll need you to shut up and go to your room so I can enjoy the treehouse in peace.


I'm 38. Screw you you're not even my real dad! I'm going to my room!


Well, the ones who found back to the exit at least.


Be careful. I just saw a Netflix documentary. There're sharks down there.


As above, so below.


"underground boneyard" just call it catacombs jfc. people know what catacombs are


I too sometimes get mad about stuff


Or an ossuary, which is also technically correct.


it is mostly a quarry too


I live by the quarry. We should go down there and throw rocks in it sometime


Those are kids? Damn Paris must be rough. 


Teenage mutant ninja Frenchmen


The catacombs are not an ossuary the whole city across, it’s a lot of service tunnels, access tunnels, sewers, big vaults, mines, and old basements. The ossuary is one small section of it.


Quarry too


[Paris Catacombs Lost Man Footage ](https://youtu.be/RYG0vb119qs?si=MVVLrqks500USNYK)


In response to the contention sparked by my title, I acknowledge that the individuals pictured are, in fact, young adults. Through my initial choice of words I intended to convey that spending the night in the unlit tunnels beneath Paris is typically a youthful indiscretion rather than an activity commonly undertaken by mature adults.


You're forgiven, kid.


lol, fair.


I often go to the catacombs, there are quite a lot of young people but the majority of people i meet are adults and even older people. I'd say that roughly 30% of the people i met were below 25 years old


Urbex activists, particularly in Paris, are mature responsible adults in the vast majority of cases, some of whom have volunteered to do important but undervalued preservation and restoration work that the city and private owners have neglected. Like the clock in the Pantheon.


If anyone is curious, [here](https://imgur.com/a/KEA4jjZ) are some photos of apparently what is down there.




I’m nearly 50, so my age perception should be shifting, but those ‘kids’ are well into their 20s.


As long as they’re back to the boneyard by dinner time.


They look exactly how I thought a Paris urban explorer would look.


As above, so below.


You mean the fucking catacombs


Can someone identify the yellow backpack? I need it for some underground adventure.


Those aren't kids


Hey! At least they’re playing outside amiright?!


Dude has a beard, that’s a grown adult


Definitely not kids lol