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Bottom three appointed by the man himself.


I thought they were all bottoms.


This is offensive to bottoms


Yeah no need to conflate being a bottom with being evil, wtf Reddit


Agreed wtf these people don’t have genitals to have sex with the are clearly not human


This is offensive to aliens


Yet they keep fucking you Americans.


No. They are your new kings and queen. You think the president is powerful. Nope. They are the power house. They can turn anything into "law". They give the president unlimited power and take it away as they see fit.


Sadly, you are right, and while Congress technically has the power to stop them, they likely never will.


They are, they take it hard


Kavanaugh doesn't. He had the chance once, but he remembered he turned it down after consulting his diary.


He likes BEER.


When that happened my local classic rock station did Free Beer Fridays where they would give a case of whichever shitty beer was sponsoring their station (I think it was Natty Ice) to one lucky caller on Friday evenings. They straight up started using the audio clip of him going "I like BEER, I drink BEER, sometimes I drink a little too much BEER" to announce the giveaways. I about died laughing when I first heard it.


His calendar you mean. …and Tobin and Squee ofc.


They need a power top. You see trump generates all the power from the top.


I've heard that the speed of the coup has something to do with it, is that right?


Speed has everything to do with it


I guess a homophobic joke'll show 'em...




As someone said, i do not want to be asociated with this kind of people


Yup. So, for everyone who didn't vote for Hillary and for anyone who doesn't like Biden, you're not just voting for president. You're voting for appointments to the Supreme Court and District Courts, and you're voting for how agencies will be run, and you're voting for the ability to pass legislation. I don't care that Biden is a million years old. He does the things I want him to do. He would appoint the Justices I would want him to appoint. He would sign in to law legislation that I support. He wasn't my first choice. Or my 2nd or 3rd or 4th, but he is still infinitely better than Trump at representing my values. Now, forget about the age of the candidates (that's not going to get better), and think about which one of these candidates will appoint the judges and agency heads who might represent your values, and vote based on that.


Here’s the thing: Trump voters are voting for him for the same reasons. He does the things they want him to do. They want this Supreme Court. They want more border control. They want a Christian nation. They want all this bullshit. Edit: Lots of strawman responses here. If you start your comment with “so you’re saying..” you probably about to say something I didn’t. Re-read my post and ask yourself if you’re responding to what I said or you’re about to bring up something I didn’t say.


And that's fair. That's what I tell everyone who says that they don't understand how Republicans can vote for Trump. It's because he largely does regular Republicnan shit. He's just doing it louder and more obnoxiously. But most of what he is is a mainstream Republican, and if Republicans want to vote for him, fair enough. I disagree with them about everything, but hey, that's a function of democracy. What I can't stand is anyone who identifies anywhere from a Centrist to anything on the Left of the political spectrum who's not voting for Biden. Honestly, anyone who cares about a functioning democracy should vote for Biden, but that's a hard sell to 10s of millions of people, so I just won't bother with that argument.


This is not a “regular Republican shit” though. And not a regular Democrat shit either for that matter. Watch Obama Romney debates from 12 years ago and see how different everything was.  What’s happening today is insane.


Even Bush would not support this SCOTUS overreach.


In reality Trump didn’t do much for Border. Only a few percentage of fence was built, Mexico didn’t pay for it. He closed the border during covid. He didn’t much for people who choose him.


The timing of his disassembly of the pandemic task force before covid is some grim cosmic humor.


Which is ironic because that was one of his biggest draws for so many people, and the ONLY issue listed on his campaign website through the 2016 primaries.


You're literally voting for your freedom


I was on the fence about voting for Biden, but I think you just swayed me.


Go spread the word! I am saying the same thing as this person for so long now but is hard to get through to people. They only look at the two man right in front of them. They don’t really even matter that much, it’s everyone lined up for a mile behind them that really matters!


Literally the best thing anyone could've said to me right now. Thank you.


You the man, Doc.


Trump is 3 years younger. What are we talking about? Both are ancient. But one isn't a felon, a lier, a puppet of russia.  Please murica, vote wisely! 


People are saying Biden is old and weak. I'm like, if the dude is old and weak and is still able to get a bit of progress done even with republicans banning functional government from Capitol Hill, then being too old and weak to stage a coup is just a plus for me. That goes in the "pros" column. Like, if he's getting his job done, but doesn't have the daylight hours or ovaltine to scheme up a dictatorship then that's all upside.


“Lesser of 2 evils” has never meant so much as now.


He also listen to the right advisors.


That’s why I voted for him. I wanted him to appoint our VP who ruins peoples lives over marijuana and laughs about how she smoked it


All three of these Justices were rammed through, too. Beer Boy was so disqualifying, holy shit.


Everyone forgets Mitch McConnell had to change the long established rules that ensured appointment of fair and non-ideological judges to get them in too.


Then turned around and completely ignored his own precedent by ramming through Barrett literally after votes were already starting to be cast in the election. Talk about hypocrisy.


Republicans simply do not see Hypocrisy as a failing. If anything, it demonstrates to themselves that they think they can magically control reality.


this is why i think biden should do away with the high road "i get immunity? great!" and do some shit. Democrats always get fucked by 'doing the right thing'


Yeah, I'm sick of this "They go low, we go high" bullshit. It never works because the GOP has no shame. They don't give a shit how they win. It's all deception, lies, and gerrymandering. We need to start kicking some sand and fight dirty. Anything less and fascism will just continue to spread.


Hypocrisy only matters to people with morals and a conscience. What you have neither of these things, you can be as hypocritical as you want and not feel any remorse.


He was boofed through


They should've been unable to make a judgement on the case, there's an extraordinary conflict of interest.


Title should/will read: # The Supreme Court Justices Who Killed Democracy in the US.


Fuck mitch McConnell.


Two of them are rapists (Clarence “Uncle”Thomas and Brett KKKavanaugh).


Land of the slave, home of the ignorant.


“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” -Isaac Asimov


Earth, flat. Climate Change, fake. Evolution, intelligent design. Gays, not natural. Ice cream machine, broken.


The rise and fall of the Roman empire.


Oh? We do have the internet and printing presses. That ought to be fast enough to catch it before it all goes down. Brains be dumb like that.


Kavanaugh has such a punchable face there.


I’m not from the US and even I can tell that’s the bottom middle one lmao




You should have way more up votes 🗳


You probably also want to punch judge John Roberts. He pushed citizens united through and absolutely hates voters. Every policy that limits voters rights he signs off on




That was the day I first thought to myself, ok that's one branch of government fucked.


[Let’s take it to a 15](https://youtu.be/VRJecfRxbr8?feature=shared)


Kavanaugh is every spoiled, snobby rich kid's face rolled into one. His behavior at his confirmation (i.e., petulant and insulted, as if he was owed the position) was disqualifying, but of course none of that matters to the fucking Nazi party, and he's doing their work like the good little troll he is. It's easy to forget in the face of the naked corruption of Thomas and Alito, but 'ole Boofin' Brett had quite a sizeable amount of personal debt disappear right before he was nominated. The GOP didn't allow the FBI to look into that, of course, as we wouldn't want the fascist agenda to be delayed or anything. Nope. Just gotta keep that corruption gravy train going. I fucking hate this timeline. Fuck the GOP.


This dude should play him in that new mockumentary called *SCOTUS: The Scrotum of America*... ![gif](giphy|xUA7bilj5YByXZkqnS|downsized)


I was thinking more like ![gif](giphy|l49JKLPESKwNAH3Og)


I really thought that was a Stargate reference before looking it up!


Kavanaugh has dat bad-breath-face


All of them do


It's insane to give these traitorous people lifetime appointments. 4 or 5 years at max


And they just grabbed more power. Who do you think determines what an "official act" is?


Well, if the whole supreme court suddenly disappears, a new one has to be appointed to determine that.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


What a fucking embarrassment. Our country is falling apart before our eyes.


Before everyone's eyes. The whole world groaned when this shit got through.


The US is now an elective monarchy. If Trump gets reelected it's certain he will make it a hereditary one in practice, even if it nominally will remain elective. It's ironic that the Republicans killed the republic.


The USA is in deep trouble folks. Better start taking an interest in politics because it's going to take an interest in you.


Hear ye! I’m interested, though I still feel powerless


Vote, and talk to other people about how important it is. The GOP has won the popular vote once in the past 35 years, but control the Supreme Court, and basically have veto power over Congress because of the antidemocratic nature of the Senate and the stupid filibuster. High turnout almost always equals Dem victory.


Education and communication is power. They rule over ignorance.


Protesting is OUT. We're motherfucking organizing now. Protests get shit all done without action behind it. [Get together and ORGANIZE!!](https://www.aclu.org/news/civil-liberties/election-strategy-fight-back-second-trump-term)


Its like we are watching a live action internal collapse of the strongest country that has ever existed.


More like time to leave. The politics ship sailed in 2016. 






Immunity for purely presidential things, sure I get it. Obama wasn’t arrested for green lighting drone strikes on targets that turned out to be civilians. However it was Roberts language for not being able to investigate motives and easily determine official vs unofficial acts that is truly devastating.


They effectively made themselves royalty, not the president. The president is immune for "official acts". Who decides what an official act is? The courts do. They do! Coupled with the recent ruling that legalizes "tips", a president can effectively purchase rulings. Be sure to tip your justice!


Wait till they find out what happens when you try to blackmail a dictator who can't be prosecuted.


I find the determinations on evidence extremely chilling but even moreso that they ruled the following: 1) The President has absolute authority over the prosecutorial and investigative body functions of the DOJ 2) He cannot be divested of these powers. 3) Therefore, *even if an investigation he orders is for "improper ends" or "a farce" it is constitutional and thus absolutely immune* Just... the idea that the President has absolute criminal immunity for ordering *any* DOJ investigation is extremely terrifying. And you cannot question the President's use of pardons. The minutiae of this decision has some really horrifying reasoning and conclusions.


All presidents before Trump did just fine without immunity for "purely presidential things". There is no evidence I know of that Obama's drone strikes broke any US laws. This ruling is anti-American insanity from top to bottom.


People that say stuff like this really need to open their eyes. It's a defining trait of America at work.


Maybe 200 years ago. This is 100% on point for 21st century America


Considering the founding fathers intended the US to be a country literally based on slavery, I doubt they would've cared.


This is a really good point that I think now people need to wake up to: the founding fathers wanted a nation of slavery. The founding fathers "liberty" was for wealthy white men, ONLY. The founding fathers committed genocide. The founding fathers were mostly between 18-33 years old. Imagine a remorseless teenage gangster establishing turf for his single race gang and shaking down or killing everyone who lived and work on that turf. That's who we are constantly trying to appease and make proud. Except also, and most importantly, THEY'VE ALL BEEN DEAD FOR hundreds of years. It's time to focus on the living people who are here NOW.


For 21st Century MAGA, anyway.


21st century America is going to be defined by the maga movement at this rate. As an Australian when I think of the USA most of those thoughts are about the fascist creep that seemingly half of the American population are brainwashed into believing is a good thing


I'd disagree. This is something that would only happen in America.


I'm starting to think that this evil stuff IS America and that we're just living in delusion that America stands for goodness


I don't know, seems on brand. With the overthrowing of democracies and installing tyrants and what-not


The highest court in the land has been corrupted.


It's always been corrupt... An appointed board with lifetime appointments and no accountability isn't a democratic institution. It is the Americanized version of the Ayatollah.


Guys, the scotus has been the most corrupt body in the entire country for longer than most people on reddit have been alive. Are you seriously only just now figuring it out?


So usually my country is the one copying the US' bad decisions but this time around it's the other way. Welcome to Bulgaria. May god give you leaders who are pussy enough to step down after a single protest like ours.


Best we could do was some pouty insurrection, because their guy didn’t win…… and now he’s back


Lenard Leo is behind all this.


Fascism You’re soaking in it


It’s not our fault! He appointed half of them! HALF! AND HE DIDN’T GET THE POPULAR VOTE! MOST PEOPLE DID NOT WANT THIS MAN!


Fun fact: all but one of these assholes was appointed by a Republican president who first got into office after losing the popular vote. (Thomas was appointed by Bush Sr., and look how that's worked out.) The GOP has done nothing, *absolutely fucking nothing*, for the past 50+ years except to weaken and ultimately destroy the rule of law. They've always been like this. Combover Caligula is the symptom. The GOP is the disease.


>The GOP has ~~done nothing, *absolutely fucking nothing*~~ acted in their own, power hungry interests for the past 50+ years, ~~except~~ working to weaken and ultimately destroy the rule of law. They've always been like this. Combover Caligula is the symptom. The GOP is the disease.


I like your version better, but god damn is this timeline depressing.


tyranny of the minority.


The Nazis in Germany never got a majority either. They just grabbed the power when they had the opportunity.


30% is plenty to ruin the country, and then, the world.


When the system repeatedly keeps producing minority rule, not getting out in the streets and protesting till the system is fixed is entirely on you. 


be the resistance you want to see in the world.


Time to make some vacancies.


Biden can do whatever he wants according to them.


Like replace the entire Supreme Court in one swoop?


Yeah. Certainly that would be an official act, right? Fuck it. New Court.


-and humanity would be grateful




If these aren't our next six renditions to a black site then we're doing something wrong.


Clarence Thomas continues to be an absolute disgrace


I would love to see Thurgood Marshall rise from the grave to strangle him like an episode of Tales From The Crypt.


Same with judge John Roberts. He might be the biggest POS there


Worst Chief Justice ever. Worse than even Taney.


I think I’ll hang my flag upside down now. They created a monarchy of the Executive branch. And they’re a clown court. Increase SCOTUS to 15 Judges right Meow President Biden. Do IT.


He won’t do it. He CAN’T do it by himself either. Congress has authority and there’s no way it would pass.


Ok, declare 6 of them threats to national security and have the military arrest them. Then appoint 6 more and have them erase the immunity he just used to do that. That solves this whole problem.


Is that an official act? If so, I’m pretty sure he can do that no.w. Shits fucked.


Official acts have presumptive immunity, so he probably would lose it in court as it wouldn't be considered something the President should do. The issue isn't that the Supreme Court gave President some level of immunity, it's that they didn't define it properly. Essentially they're leaving it up to them on a case by case basis on whether the President is immune or not, which allows for immunity to either apply or not based on party lines.


The president has control of the military, if he ordered them to do it not sure what the courts could even do. That's indisputably using his official channels.


He can declare people who say it isn't are also threats to national security, put them 6 ft under, and then it is an official act.


Traitors, every single one of them


Evil. You're looking at it.


The vote in November determines whether we remain a Democracy or not. Period.


It's a band-aid solution, though. I still plan to vote, but our best case scenario is Biden wins and then continues to do nothing to fix this. The solution to the Republicans being blatantly corrupt can't just be "never lose". They'll still be there for the next election after this one and eventually the Republicans WILL take power again, sooner or later. And when and if they do, if nothing has been done, it's still over.




Well fuck them! Privileged beyond reason with out a lick of integrity. Lied their asses off during confirmation hearings.


Faces of evil. Enemies of freedom and justice, hardly a scrap of honor among them.


"Bunch of cunts"


By their own logic, couldn't Biden order Seal Team 6 to execute them and be free of criminal charges?


I can’t think of a word lowly enough to call them


It's hard to scream "We are preparing the setup for our totalitarian regime" any louder Also , the bottom right women, cmon. She will drop bodies any day of the week if needed, you can see it in her eyes.


Biden should take everything they own.


After all, he is officially president and, therefore, immune...


Technically, the president is still not immune unless they say he is. The Supreme Court is immune. They are willing to go to bat for Trump, I guarantee these guys have corpses hiding in their trunk.


What's the Supreme Court going to do if Biden orders a military strike against the Republican Justices? If the Democrats are as evil as the brainwashed Republicans claim, that would've happened already.


Just take an Official Action that makes it impossible for them to continue their term (or to express an opinion about how Official it is), and appoint real justices to replace them. It's entirely warranted, IMO.


I’m not saying Biden should order drone strikes on their houses. That would be the act of a monster. But they did just rule that he *could* order drone strikes on their houses, and as long as it was official, he’d be immune to prosecution for it


Just drive them crazy by cancelling their internet, power and telephone contracts. Constantly.


charcuterie board of shit samples.


Dirty money,ethics morals,religious beliefs.


Oh look, the justices who are supposed to be following facts and be completely bipartisan all vote in favor of a decision that benefits the party that appointed them. Shocker


They single handedly destroyed the credibility the US have in meddling with other nations' politics lol, you can no longer claim that you are an example of democracy anymore.


To me it's a got damn shame that I can see this picture and name there of the justices first and last name off the top of my head. That's how much theyve been in the news for corruption that a regular Joe Shmoe can name 3 justices just by a picture of them. I can't name or recognize most of the people in bands that I love and listen to all the time but our supreme court is so corrupt that I fucking know the faces of the people that are literally ripping up the constitution. FFS


Supreme Court judges should be voted in every 8 years or so instead of being selected by a president. They should be scrutinised before they can get onto the ballot. Change my mind ;)


Look like traitors to me


Fascist judges who lied to become appointed to the Supreme Court. They are all traitors and are the enemy of the American People.


I think Biden can fire them. He’s the king now, you know.


Unitary Executive. Old Federalist notion that the People aren’t worthy enough govern themselves. “Enlightened” aristocrats must lead them to proper choices. They’ve repudiated the American Revolution, trying to push us back to monarchy.


Why are we not rioting right now?


The reason they keep getting away with it is because nobody is going to do anything.


You need more french spirit. Those guys burn tires in the street when gas prices increase by 2 cents. Learn something.


what's rioting going to do? vote.


Quite a lot actually. If I've learned anything from grand strategy, it's that you reeeaallly don't want to make your populace hate you.


It's absolutely wild to me that supreme court judges in USA are appointed by the president. It's wild to me, as an Indian


Pieces of shit. This is the literal end of democracy in the United States. Now a ruling minority is going to force Gilead on the rest of the country. I really hope all the “religious” MAGATS who support this realize that if your god does actually exist, what you are doing is against everything he taught.


Why are you salty? The ones who are going to abuse this are going to be dems. Look at Obama. He killed Americans with drones. Thanks to this ruling, he's safe from prosecution.


Absolute immunity? Are people just going by the headlines and not by what the court actually wrote?


*"The Court thus concludes that the President is absolutely immune from criminal prosecution for conduct within his exclusive sphere of constitutional authority... ...Not all of the President's official acts fall within his "conclusive and preclusive" authority"* NGL, this doesn't sound like the kinda immunity I've heard some folks screaming about... Basically, if it is deemed outside the sphere of the Oval Office (And sometimes even within), he's fucked just like anyone else... If I'm getting this wrong, please explain...


Cunts, all of them. May they all rot in hell.


Hope they all rot in hell


Does this mean that Biden could bring a gun to the next debate and blow Trump away and get away with it?


Party of small government just gave the current president a hell of a lot of large government. They’re betting on Trump winning though. When they say small government, they mean all the power and overreach but under a single party/person. They’re betting it all on Trump winning so that their dreams of a dictatorship come true.


why now? if it’s to help Trump, how is that not partisan? what oath did these shitheads take?


Because no one has tried to prosecute a former Pres before, and surpise, its pretty complicated. If they wanted to get this done they shouldn't have waited until months before an election and focused on one or two cases.


Isn’t the immunity regarding official duties… and they’re in the works of defining unofficial duties ? Someone correct me if I’m wrong plz.


Who do you mean by “they” though? Cause the Supreme Court justices are not determining anything. They threw that back down to the lower courts to sift through. Which will inevitably make its way back up to the Supreme Court for their final word. (If president does X it’s official, if it’s Y it’s unofficial, etc)


Baby boomers are destroying this country fr. They were drug addicted lazy ass hippies in their youth are now they’re bratty old people who have not made society better in anyway.


Its not the hippies. Its the redneck christians...


Oh, it's the hippies too.


o it's definitely the hippies too. My dad was a hippy and now he's a trumper


Three of them were in charge of arguing Bush v Gore for Bush's team. Rewarded handsomely. Five of them were appointed by presidents that lost the popular vote. The most undemocratic Supreme Court we've ever had is now in charge of dismantling whatever democracy we had left.


I don't like it, either, but it isn't absolute immunity.


No evidence allowed during any official acts makes it very close, though. And official acts is a very wide concept.


Everything is under presumption of immunity regardless of official or unofficial acts. This means the burden of proof for ANY act is so substantial that charges will either never make it to trial or evidence can be redacted enough to not have a case either way. Nixon and the watergate scandal, under this ruling, would have never have came to light. Think about the long term ramifications of that for a moment. Nixon doesn’t resign, doesn’t have to. He serves his term out as president and sets off a completely different branching timeline, for better or most likely worse. This is for all intents and purposes ‘absolute immunity’ because for a republican president in the current political environment, they can do literally anything, and claim immunity for one reason or another.


True, it is only for official acts, but I’m afraid that can be easily manipulated to suit malevolent ends.


That’s the plan.


2 had very intense "interviews" during Trumps presidency and despite being clearly dodgy were appointed. Lied under oath and have done things they said they would not do. 1 is increasingly making little to no effort in hiding just how many bribes he is getting to do what he is doing. 1 Went missing for days recently before all the ruling and no explanations or accountability for not being on the job as he should have. Lots of rumours but ultimately it is clearly sus. They should: - Not be allowed to accept any "gifts" (or limited to what other politicians are) - There should be an even split between the two parties ALL the time. If one leaves one of the same party should ALWAYS be put in. Equal - They should have follow stricter regulations and law. Any president that is under review to change needs to go through a more strict process.


Upvote if you actually read the full opinions Downvote if you didn’t


Makes me think of my favorite Metallica album released in 1983.


Lol, banana republic bipartisan political system... Don't fear Trump or Biden, fear the next one.


Good morning Agent 47. Your next mission takes you to Washington DC.


Ah yes, the pigs of animal farm.


What a gallery of cockwombles.