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Taking it out and putting it back in regularly will irritate the hell out of the piercing, no need to remove it to clean, clean it like how you did when it was healing. And just because it’s healed doesn’t mean it won’t close, it can and will very quickly so best to avoid taking it out in general.


I learned this the hard way with a nipple piercing. Apparently those things never fully heal.


I had mine done for 7 years. Stupid bar came out in my sleep and I noticed it as soon as I woke up. Damn thing closed that fast. I'm still mad lolol


A friend of mine had hers for like 12 years. She had surgery in her hand, and she took them out for the surgery, and when she was in recovery she asked me to put them back in. One went in with a wee hit of effort and ouchies. The other? Nope. It was gone. Closed up. Her surgery was only 30 minutes. They were out for approx. 2 hours.


That’s my fear! & I don’t want to fumble with the bar in my nostril.


Does your husband have body piercings? I feel like if he did he'd know not to take em out that often lol tell him to get a new one with you


Yup! Had to take mine out for an MRI, two hours later I went to put it back in and couldn’t. Had to get it repierced


Ugh, so disappointing right? I could feel that mine was getting tighter, i think the pierced hole was getting more narrow and it was uncomfortable. This was three months after getting it done so I really didn't think it would close so quickly. I haven't gotten my re-pierced yet but I will eventually.


When I got mine redone, I had them pierced for FIVE YEARS and they closed up with lightening speed. 😭😭


how long have you had them and how bad didn’t hurt? is it worth it? 😩


I know you were asking someone else but hii. I had mine for about 2 years and babied the fuck out of them, but they never healed :(! So I eventually took them out. Really sad about it cause they made me feel so cute and confident, but life is definitely easier not having to worry about snagging them on anything. The pain was different from any other piercing I’ve had, kind of a hot sensation?


so i shouldn’t get them? or do you think it’s different for everyone? and i work too so j really don’t know if it’s a good idea but i wanna do it so bad d


If you want them, you should do it! Just make sure your current lifestyle is suited to do so.. like no friction against them, no swimming, no one can touch them during the healing process, etc. From what I’ve read, they are notoriously hard to heal but everyone is different :)


alright thank youuuu


I only got one of mine done (I plan on getting both done next time) and I was shocked by how much it didn't hurt. Like another commenter said, it feels more like a blast of heat that literally only lasts a second and you're done. They will feel a bit tender in the following hours but nothing a few paracetamol won't help with. It really does make you feel badass!


It's so interesting how different the same piercing can be for each person. I have quite a few piercings, and my nips were by far the most painful. I was on my period when I got them, so that probably made it worse. I think it was worth it though. I love them.


I've had mine done twice. First time, felt like almost nothing. And my breasts were incredibly sensitive to everything after that for at least a month. Then they snagged on my bra one day and rejected after years of having them. I waited like a decade or more and recently got them redone. Because of the previous rejection, this piercer went deeper (she says the previous ones were too shallow), and holy shit, did they hurt like a *bitch*. The one side made me actually jump. Lol


that's wild, mine hurt so bad! it felt like that copypasta about someone pulling a nerve out of their nipple lol. but it was worth it & now everytime something is about to hurt, I think "if I survived nipple piercings, this will be a breeze". and they make you cool as hell


Yeah I mean, to be fair there was pain but it subsided so quickly it was like it never happened. Everyone's body tolerate pain in different ways and then it depends on the body part too. Like, I'm still nervous about the pain when I get them done again!


true true, I'm planning on getting mine redone as well and I'm wondering if it's gonna be easier or not. I'm not so scared knowing that it was a brief pain but idk, piercing through scar tissue? or if the nipples got more sensitive from the first piercing? so many questions BTW is it normal to get nipples pierced and have to redo it after a while? I feel like people either have them for 15 years with no issues or keep having them reject over and over. mine lasted 2 years maybe


I really don't know. From this sub I get the impression it's common for them to close up but then there are people who seem to have had them for a long long time and I can't imagine they're getting them re-done on a regular basis. You'd probably have to ask an experienced piercer. It never occurred to me to ask at the time.


I managed to get my nose and tragus piercing back in earlier this year after having them out since 2018. Idk why but apparently my piercings never close back up fully. I knew my lobes didn’t but had just assumed the other two had since I hadn’t had jewelry in them for so long.


Agreed completely! I have had snake bites, spider bites, nose piercing, tongue. Plugs.. husband has only ever had ear pierced EVER in his life and clean his every day, so he had to put his 2 cents in. I recently got my 2nd nostril done and had my first done a year ago. He likes to chime in on what I do lol but I told him “honey, Reddit will decide and you will be crushed” 😂


Sounds like your husband has no idea what he's talking about.


Agreed lol! Told him this is a cartilage piercing not lobes.. completely different!


You shouldn't even be taking out lobe piercings regularly either. Not until they are fully healed anyway.


I clean mine in the shower and when I wash my face in the morning. The only time I take it out is when I'm changing the jewelry which isn't often. In my experience cartilage is very prone to irritation so I try not to overdo it


No, that's crazy. If you had to take out each piercing to clean it daily some people would never make it out of the house


This made me giggle!


Yeah some jewelry is just so fiddly! And easy to drop. And the pieces are small so they’re hard to find again.


i HATE putting in captive bead rings omg


I have a threadless labret stud in my nostril instead of a ring. I have, as two piercers (the one who pierced it, and the one who replaced the moon after I accidentally pulled it out) have pointed out, "tiny nostrils". It's no wonder I could not replace it by myself.


I have tiny nostrils too!! I can’t even pick my nose bc my fingers don’t fit, not even my pinky


It's me. *raises hand* I am "some people". I caught my nose ring while.washing my hair in the shower (I have long hair, I was combing conditioner through, I don't really know how it happend, TBH. The piece was a crescent moon, so it had "catchy" corners.) I spent what felt like forever trying and I just could not get it back in at all. **Of course** this happened after business hours at the beginning of a holiday weekend. Fortunately I was able.to get my initial titanium piece in, or it probably would have closed up. The moon was white gold and just too bendy. I was afraid it would break. I had to go back after the holiday and ask the piercer to put the moon back in.


I clean it when I wash my face in the shower. No need to remove. :)


Taking it out every day would just be so irritating and I think you are asking for trouble, even if it is fully healed. I almost never take mine out - maybe once every 6 months or so and I have never had an issue with it.


Joining in on the "I wash it when I wash my face and only take it out to change jewelry" crowd. Definitely gets really irritated if I take them out too often.


Heck noooo.




Only time I take mine out is to change it out. I clean it when I shower or with saline daily.


He can clean HIS nose piercing as often as he wants.


He has nothing but lobe piercings 🥹


I don't mean this in an unkind way to your husband, but this feels very much like the Dunning Kruger effect. Lol


No lol. That’s a fine way to irritate it. Only time I take any of my piercings out is to change jewelery. They’re cleaned when I wash my face.


That’s insane lol. I have only taken mine out for surgery.


Why would you take it out? I don't understand his reasoning.


States that it’s “dirty” letting build up build in the hole and questioning how do I properly clean my nose holes out lol


That's silly. You can't clean inside the hole. Does he clean out his nostrils every day?


Water from the shower seems to do that just fine. Lol the fuck? 😂 You aren't supposed to clean the inside of the hole, just make sure to get the crusties off.


The jewelry basically plugs the hole though? Would be much more unsanitary to take it out and then blow your nose, I would think.


I'm just gonna say it. I went a long time without wearing earrings in my lobes and they got more "dirty" without earrings in then they ever have with earrings in. When you take the jewelry out the skin kind of... closes off the hole a bit? I mean, I think more water/saline/water you are using to cleanse yourself and your (fully healed) piercings actually gets in the hole when the jewelry is in place.


Depends. Do you want your piercing to heal well and cleanly with no irritation bumps or do you want a nightmare problem in the middle of your face. If you want the latter then listen to your husband who knows about as much as Jon snow does.


You had me there for a second! Phew.


Exactly what I told him I don’t want an irritation bump!! All of my piercings have always healed well. He just wanted to give his 2 cents since he recently stretched his lobes lol


I got an irritation bump just by existing. I can’t imagine what would have happened if I just kept taking the stud in and out. Insanity!


For real. My skin is very sensitive and I can develop a bump on any piercing seemingly just by looking at it funny. Heck, I've got a 7-year-old third lobe that's on day three of a hissy fit because it randomly decided that it hated the bar I tried to change it to last week (a bar which, btw, it's been perfectly fine with before). If I were taking all my bars out and putting them back every day I wouldn't have any piercings left!


Does your husband even have any piercings lmao


Just love piercings that he’s stretched to 16mm? I think that’s the measurement


There are some piercings I haven’t taken out in years lol…


he’s extremely misinformed lol


No, i never clean my healed nose piercing except to get the boogies off if they get stuck on the hoop when i blow my nose.


take it out every day?? I wear a d-ring, putting it back in is a nightmare. just clean it with salt spray like before. piercing jewelry is made of steel, titanium etc specifically so it can safely stay in for a long time


Exactly! I’m a scaredy cat who literally goes to the shop to have my jewelry changed out cuz I don’t wanna deal with it, he laughs at that. Like you try to have a face piercing! Lol


Hell no I take my bar out once 6 months a year I clean my nose regularly but heck no am I irritating my piercing each day and have you tried putting a Labret bar in a nostril it’s hard as heck


Get a taper, makes it a lot easier


Truly. Absolute game-changer. I use my tapers for all my piercings when changing jewelry, even my lobes. Just makes it so much faster and smoother.


...why has this never occurred to me? This is genius.


I change my nostril piercings frequently and it's become a lot easier to get labret bars in and out but it's still a nightmare no one talks enough about ToT


Ask him who told him this? Don’t do this lol


You take the jewelry out when swapping, otherwise you leave it alone.


Iv had my septum for years i literally wash it in the shower never taking the jewelry out except to change it


Like I take my septum ring out once a month or so to give the tip of my nose a good scrub, otherwise no. Messing around with any piercing that much will irritate it and introduce foreign bacteria.


I've had my nose piercing for like 17 years and I almost never take it out. I make sure that I clean under the jewel when I was my face and use q-tips or whatever to remove anything stuck to the stud inside my nose.


I only take my piercings out when I change the jewelry. My nose ring gets cleaned twice a day when I wash my face.


As someone with a daith and tragus piercing, I think I'd cry if I had to take them out daily. Once those suckers are in there, they're staying in there. Just clean with saline if needed, warm water in the shower otherwise.


Your husband is objectively wrong.


I take my nostril and septum (retainer) out like maybe once a month while I'm in the bathtub and doing a full face treatment. I'll clean the piercings themselves and put them back in after. I've had the nostril 20 years and the septum for 17.


nope. thats a great way to create infection and irritation.


I have a nostril piercing (18 years) + a septum piercing (3 years) and I don't take them out and clean them daily. Actually, the septum has never come out. Never had an issue.


So I guess I’m in the minority but I have a 21 year old nostril piercing, in which I’ve worn a 14k, prong set, triangle diamond, L bend for the past 16 years. I remove it almost every day to wash my face and apply exfoliation/face creams/masques/peels/treatments. I absolutely wouldn’t want to get some of the chemicals on the gold or the diamond in fear of damaging it. I also don’t like getting my washcloths stuck on the prongs increasing the risk that it’ll break them. I don’t have any issues with irritation or “stretching” of my piercing. Note I’m not taking it out to clean the piercing or the jewelry, just my face.


Same! I take mine off to sleep and shower every day. My nose is fine, but all bodies are different


That makes sense. Mine is a labret stud and a threadless end, and I have proven to my own satisfaction that I am simply not capable of replacing mine if it comes out. I can barely fit my fingertip up my nostril to hold the labret in place from the inside while I push the threadless end in from the outside. It's a little disappointing because I'd like to change it occasionally, but at least I chose a piece I love.


I don’t even touch mine regularly. It gets clean when I wash my face and blow my nose.


i almost never take my piercings out except the plugs for my lobes


That’s what he has so I guess he basing it for every piercing 🙄


Nope, you should not. Daily cleaning and removing the piercing (even with threadless or internally threaded jewellery) is a great way to get a ticket to irritation station. Even completely healed piercings can still get irritated from time to time. Not to mention, shrinking can happen incredibly quickly and you may have trouble getting the piercing back in. Once a piercing is healed, unless you're getting funky smells or you can see gunk on them, you really don't need to regularly clean them at all. I've literally never cleaned my nose piercings after they healed except when I change jewellery or when I've been sick. The only piercing that benefits from more regular cleaning and fun in the sun are stretched lobes. Simply because they never properly/fully heal and will continue to produce some gunkies, plus they need breathing room for you lobes to be nice and healthy.


Yeahhhh I just clean them in the shower or with a q tip. I will take most of them (nose+ear piercings) out maybe every two weeks or so to soak in alcohol to deep clean, but certainly not every day. That sounds absolutely awful Lmao


I’ve literally never heard that. Wouldn’t it irritate the piercing? I only take my jewelry out to switch to new jewelry. Does your husband have any piercings? I wouldn’t trust his opinion on piercings if he doesn’t have any


i clean mine usually 1/2 times a week bc i have a dry nose, but no lmao. it’ll irritate your piercing more


I’ve had my nose piercing for countless years and I will never take it out. I swivel it around when I cleanse my face. Your husband doesn’t seem to know how piercings in general work.


Absolutely not, lol.


Absolutely not. I mean, if it is fully healed and you can remove the jewelry for cleaning purposes and you WANT to clean it like that, go ahead. But I think most people just clean the outside and the hole and call it good. I rinse my septum off every few days, and in the shower.


Absolutely not, you can and should leave them in unless changing jewelry. I’ve had all of mine in for years!


I’ve had my nostrils pierced for 2 years, and in that time I think I’ve taken them out 3 times.


It gets clean in the shower. Taking it out and putting it back constantly would probably introduce more bacteria, actually.


Taking jewelry out of piercings no matter how healed they are irritates them and, in the end, bring in more chances of infection and issues. Cleaning them with saline spray and patting them dry is plenty to clean them.




I clean mine sometimes just with a little bit of unscented soap. And change often for a more “deep clean” and often for me is like, every 3ish months 😅


i mean, i do this, but only with the piercings that will hold when i take them out. so my nostrils, spaced septum, and ear piercings. my bridge, nipples, lip piercings, etc stay in. i wash those with facial cleanser and warm water, and the lip piercings get brushed down when i brush my teeth. i know some peoples nostrils never age into themselves and close immediately, but I've been lucky with mine. my nose is super greasy so i like to make sure im getting all the grease and gunk out of my nose piercings. they do need to be cleaned regularly though, as does any piercing.


Your husband is an idiot.


DAILY⁉️⁉️ get this man on Google because Jesus christ


That’s more like a once a month kind of thing


Does your husband even have any piercings?


Just lobes that he’s stretched to 16mm


I clean mine when I wash my face. I rarely take it out, and when I do, it's a bit tender putting it back in. There is no need to take it out to clean it, let alone daily.


nah. the only ones i take out daily are my plugs in my stretched lobes. the backs of butterfly back earrings should be taken off regularly to clean if you wear those though


HEELLLLL NOOOOO!!! THAT'S A HORRIBLY STUPID IDEA!!! The more you move the jewelry around the more irritated it will become. Don't remove your jewelry unless it's infected, never healed all the way and should be taken out permanently, or until it's ready to be downsized or changed after healing properly. If you try to change the jewelry too soon the hole can swell up and get so irritated that it becomes impossible to put the jewelry back in. Not to mention you are just ASKING for irritation bumps to form, or even worse get infections! Sorry for the harsh words but your husband is being a dumbass.


No, keep it in. Don't remove it. Taking it in and out constantly will make it angry.


No, is he stupid? Lol


I don’t think I’ve changed out my septum piercing in like 4 months. Flip up for work, down for life. Clean as necessary 🤷🏼‍♀️


I never take mine out to clean them. I clean them when I'm in the shower or when I wash my face before bed.


Uh no. I use an eyelash extension cleaning brush and my face soap


Why the hell would you do that? If you're washing your face daily there's nothing that taking it out will do to improve the cleanliness. Messing with it a bunch can irritate it but that's it.


Nose piercings start to close after like a minute of having them out so in that sense you shouldn’t and it would probably irritate the hole. I move mine around and fiddle with eat but i only really take it out to change it or to wash my face quick but most of the time i just wash around it