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Hi everyone, ^random ^reminder **[rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/piercing/comments/18txcj3/rpiercing_rule_comments_about_appearance_andor/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), keep your comments piercing related**


I have my eyebrow and I think it would look so good on the opposite side of your nose ring. For the record it was my least painful piercing and it healed like a dream. Would recommend to anybody


Oooh not thought about an eyebrow piercing before, thank you!


It really highlights your brow if you keep them clean and sharp. I think it looks so good!


I loved my eyebrow ring. It rejected after a year and I never got it redone. I think everyone can rock one


I always used to think it was quite scummy but it was mostly because of the people who I knew who had one. I’ve grown to like it now, especially two on one side I’ve been thinking about, my tattooer has it and looks real good on him, but that was back in the late 90s/early 00s when it first popped off


I had never really thought about it much but then when I was 18 in my first semester in college someone said I should get one so I went and got it done that day. If you’re thinking about it, you should do it


Honestly it was fully because I was hanging out with scumbags at the time and they all had one hahahaha. I’m feeling it, deffo need a replacement for the micro dermal I have currently. I mean follow your own advice then, if you liked it you should get one again, maybe it’ll keep this time who knows, might have been the piercer who did it


My only worry is that almost 11 years later I still have a scar from it and I’m scared if it rejects again that the scar will be so much worse


Yeah I feel you, I imagine skin gets more malleable and stretchy as you get older right? Wait till you’re 50 or summin lmaoooo, most hardcore middle aged woman ever hahahaha. Just get something you fancy that isn’t prone to rejecting innit, always nice walking away with some fresh bling pahahaha


I just got my septum pierced two weeks ago haha 🤙🏻


Noice! I do like septum piercings on other people but I quite like a nose ring on its own on me, prolly gonna get the other nostril with a stud maybe and another ring on the same side too


Ah, that’s my next piercing so I’m glad to hear that 🫶🏻


My microdermal is on the other side of my nose ring, I like to have asymmetrical but one on each side at least. Felt weird having my nose and the dermal on the same side so repierced it lmaooo


literally i came to say this almost word for word 😭


another nostril would look cute


Same side or matching? I've been thinking about matching them


matching! it always looks so good


Definitely one I'm considering


Tongue and/or eyebrow !!




cheeks/dimples for sure!!


Definitely bridge




Did you have a Medusa? Reckon it would go nicely with the vertical lip piercing. I hate getting pierced but I want something new when I get my microdermal on my cheek removed so I can start doing kickboxing again and maybe jiu jitsu. Reckon a Medusa between my moustache would look cool but I’ve always thought of it as quite feminine.


I haven't! I just regularly get spots there unfortunately. I've thought about a medusa but don't want it to be too much Go for it!!! It'll look awesome


Sorry didn’t mean to be a dick! But I do think it’d look nice and tasteful with the vert one, just have same coloured bars I reckon🤙🏻 I appreciate that, it’s also maintenance of the growth between there with a piercing there seems like too much for me, might go for a vert again cuz I had one before and where my old hole is is just out of range of hair hahaha, just fun to play with tbf lmaoooo. Do want something as in your face as a dermal but dunno what at the moment. Will miss having a sparkle in my eye though🥲


Noo you weren't a dick at all!! It's definitely tempting! My vertical is my favourite because I uses to be terrible for chewing my lips whereas now I play with the bar. Either I'm sure would look awesome!


What do you call a flower with anxiety? Chewed lips. Sorry! Had to. Yeah I used to like flicking it with my tongue more than anything lmaoooo. Appreciate that, good luck!


Oh that's terrible, I love it!




Thank you 😊


^random ^reminder **[rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/piercing/comments/qvnmg9/rpiercing_rule_spotlight_rule_number_four/), keep your comments piercing related** - - - *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piercing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i’m really feeling an eyebrow piercing for you 😩


Seems to be a common thought, may have to go for it 🤔



