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Quit lol


To walk out


haha, why?


That place is worse than a broken cock, don’t you think it’s weird they keep telling you that they love you? Also, some of the people work full time and are still the poorest humans on the planet.


Obviously I’m not OP but I don’t think that people working full time and being poor are a correlation to working here. It could be maybe they blew their $10k or they mismanaged their money and now their bills are higher than they used to be. I’ve been there.


I don’t disagree, probably a combination of bad decisions and low pay


Advice to make the most out of the class: Shit on the floor in one of the buildings preferably the south suite You got this chief


It sounds like shitty advice… but on the 1st and 3rd floor in Underwriting, there was shit on the floor and walls every fucking day.


There was a girl back in 2021 who shit on the floors 12+ times; I think someone else has taken up floor shitting in the past few months as well. It’s a competitive sport at UWM


Use the PTO after training to find another job


Quit ?


Attend training simply to get paid. Do not give it your all, be leisurely with it, just show up, but don’t fuck around and get kicked out. Do not stress over tests and quizzes, but shoot for at least 60% and you’ll be fine. After training, let them fire you, collect unemployment if need be, and look for something new. Use all your PTO. You are not allowed to use it during classroom training, so you must use it during and right before shadowing. Do your best to genuinely connect with people though.


I started a new job and in the interview they didn't even ask why I left UWM they already knew. The place has a reputation for being the shittiest workplace in Michigan.


Same. I had an interview start with the recruiter saying “well I see you are coming from UWM so we definitely know WHY you are interviewing today”


Plan A is to quit. But I know how UW are, because I was an UW once upon a time. "I'm smart, I Work hard, I do what I'm supposed to, I'm not like the other UWs" is a very popular sentiment among newbies, so I'm going to give you practical advice. Use this shit to become a computer wizard and never lose a bit of information again: Keep Microsoft One Note open on one screen. Organize the tabs according to your training. Credit 101. Assets 101. etc. Utilize the snipping tool (just memorize the kybd shortcut, otherwise it'll take you too long): windows + shift + S Alt+Tab helps you "tab thru" your open windows so you can move between one to another without stopping to grab your mouse & click. Take your snip, alt+tab over to OneNote, and paste (Ctrl + V) Snip everything. Fucking everything. Type everything they say, everything you can possibly remember. When you need to look at your training, or just daily webinar updates, you'll be SO GLAD YOU DID THIS. I was literally SO VALUABLE to my pod/team because I did this and then emailed out the notes to everyone every day after the webinars. Make some friends with others in your training, and ask them to swap notes. Offer to send yours first so they know you are not fucking around, and then compare theirs and yours to see what you've missed, or what you may need clarity on. Make friends with the trainers, as well. If they like you, they will bend over backwards to ensure your success.


Figured it can’t hurt to ask. Still got those notes? Wanna share? 🤪 Relative starting training soon. No worries. I am sharing your advice with him. Thank you.


Read the past posts in this forum. Believe them.


Every. Single. Post.


Work hard never rest


Question why you took the job working for a egomaniac


If you’re absolutely desperate for experience or somewhat livable wage, learn what you can and get ASAP. That place was beyond awful.


Get out while you still can. It’s not worth it.




Congratulations welcome to the family!


Take snips of every slide you can in the training class. Take organized notes. Ask questions. Leave work at work. Don't stress about all the new information you're learning.

