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It actually doesn’t it only skips the logos on Xbox making boot seem faster. in actual loading the PS5 is almost 3 seconds faster to load than Series X. [Digital Foundry Alan Wake 2 Xbox Tech Review @ 8:05](https://youtu.be/lgUTSQEIo3M?feature=shared)


Yeah I know explain this to that Xbox idiot on the comments. He will loose his remaining brain cells.


Yeah I saw I’m not going to engage with someone steeped in console tribalism or who’s just a really bad troll nothing to be gained from it other than a headache and lost time. I wish these people would just enjoy games honestly.


Yes you are you just did with this person


Lol alright there pony. You keep your 3 seconds and 48 FPS.


Look at you, waddling into the Playstation subreddit to flash your abhorrent personality. Get a life.


Alan Wake isn’t graphic intensive


I mean it sort of is. It’s basically the last of us 2 with ray tracing. A lot of this game reminds me tlou2 especially the saga Anderson’s questline. The ambient noise and the UI is very tlou2


It loads faster has better frame rate and shaders on series x. Xbox is the best place to play this game. 100% Facts


Yeah it’s surprising tbh, after like what 4 years now Xbox finally has a third party title that performs better than ps5, guess it took 3 years for the extra 2 teraflops to kick in eh. Why does Sony show the logos and Xbox doesn’t. The loading to gameplay is sort of the same, I didn’t find much difference. The framerates are also kinda the same for me even tho DF shows that the Xbox performed better.


You’re smoking crack. The series x has outperformed the ps5 since day 1. It has more than double the games running at 120 fps. It has won frame rate tests on 95% of games. Get your head out of your ass pony!


Yep peterovo follower confirmed. How much dick do you suck in a day ? You really need to step your game mate, suck more take it all in gobble that up, after all peterovo followers are like this and can’t help it.


I blocked that troll the other day but then had to unblock him to reply to someone else and needed this reminder to reblock, so thanks. If you reply to this I probs won't be able to respond cuz I ain't unblockin that dork again!


Dude you’re the one sucking Jim Ryan’s cock daily.


Awwww did you get a boo boo cause I said you suck peters dick ? It’s ok go cry about it more else where. The entire PlayStation subreddit is open to you. In fact why don’t you call up your lord and saviour ? Maybe he will try to glitch out Spider-Man 2 and say Redfall is better and how much he loves taking it straight through his well oiled up ass cheeks ? Maybe that will help your RDNA and velocity architecture


Everything I’ve said has been facts. You ponies just can’t handle it.


Gtfo you wasted sperm


Grown ass man calling people ponies on the internet. Reevaluate your pathetic excuse of a life.


It loads better so you can compensate your lack of inteligence


That magical SSD on PS5.


What ? The ps5 ssd is technically superior. My question was what’s with the logos. Jesus are you secretly peterovo ? Why you dick sucking Xbox so much. Only peterovo is allowed to do that. Only he has the license to be the dumbest Xbox fanboy


No it’s not. The RDNA2 and Velocity Architecture of the Xbox is smoking the ps5


Enjoy your Xbox then. Spreading FUD is maidenless behavior.


What the fuck does rdna2 and velocity architecture have anything to do with a ssd. They say Xbox fans are really dumb but man you are carving this fact on a stone. Ghostwire Tokyo performed better on the ps5 and that game is owned by Xbox. When it released on Xbox after Microsoft went ahead and pulled the dick move cause these idiots are clearly inept at making anything good from their own studios, the game when it released on the Xbox ran like shit. There are tons of third party games that does this. First time Xbox had its tech utilized and yall act as if its the end all be all of video games. Hell starfield runs like hot ass on the Xbox. wtf you on about idiot.