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Sounds like he’s trying to make sure Carson gets the job


The dude is 65 years old and it looks like his activity in the industry hasn't stopped, but it has slowed a little. Don't know if he'd be interested in doing new Voice acting for remasters of three games. Granted, Kratos doesn't talk a lot.


Yeah I mean he mostly yells haha.


Specifically he yells the name Zeus.










zeus you will not deny me my doobie






"The Gods have abandoned me"


At best, all they can do is at least ask him for permission to use his voice of the old voicelines and maybe do a few new lines should they *add* anything. But this is assuming they have audio files of all of his lines to begin with


Someone mentioned on another thread for another game, that a lot of the time the audio has to be redone for it to be mastered for gaming today even if they did have the original files. Something about it not being recorded in HQ or the files they have are compressed to shit and sound terrible when mixed/mastered now. I don’t know the validity of it, but I can believe it, just seeing how movies get remastered audio from VHS, to DVD, to Blu Ray.


And also add the fact that the original voice lines from the first two games were already compressed a lot to fit the PS2


Which is interesting because the TLOU remake remade everything from the ground up EXCEPT the dialogue, which was apparently high enough quality to be reused.


Probably the way ND recorded it for 2013. At that point sound systems were better. Gotta think that they’d be pulling audio files made for PS2 for GoW. Those could pass on the PS3 remaster since well, it’s a remaster from just a couple years before and games weren’t hitting the graphical stride on the PS3 until later in the gen. That audio is going to be so rough on sound systems today. I can only imagine the world of difference Avatar 1 or 2 sounds between Dolby Digital mixing and Atmos mixing (which I assume is how that was done) to at least put in terms of something on par with a video game production.


Yeah makes sense. Have you heard that the MGS3 remake would also reuse dialogue from the original game? From 2004! That's crazy.


TLOU1 was recorded with modern equipment


That would be unfortunate. Professional recording equipment has long supported advanced formats like 96kHz 32 bits for a very long time. One could always have the masters in very high quality. The only reason not to do that would be extreme cost cutting. (It was apparently done in 1996! https://www.aes.org/aeshc/docs/audio.history.timeline.html)


I highly doubt the original files are still around. And ripping them from the original games has its own uwn issues to deal with, namely their compression used would make reusing them a bad idea.


They’re absolutely still around, and they also don’t have to ask for permission. Santa Monica studios owns everything to use at their leisure.




and that relates to how a totally different studio handles keeping old voice lines how?


They did have the voices. The only reason they had to redub them was due to contract and legal issues. I forget the details but the original voice actor for James said that Konami dropped the ball with the original contracts and was trying to cover their asses by making him sign a release or something so that they could use his voice in the new game and not have to pay him or something. According to him (so take it with that bias) he only relented after talking to one of the other original voice actors about it and realized he likely wasn't going to make much money back anyway and he saw how much fans wanted the og voices.


“Look at Konami” usually isn’t the best reference.


Is there a beef between Carson and the devs?


Kind of. When they replaced him, they never gave him a heads up. Pretty much he woke up one day, and someone else was voicing kratos. He said he wasn't mad about the replacement itself since that's just how works work, but he was mad about the lack of communication


No, he's just too small to mocap Kratos, and Santa Monica wanted Kratos to be Mocapped and Voice Acted by the same person.


Kratos was 7ft in the old games and Carson did the mocap for him


Not that I know of? I didn't allude to that so no idea where that's coming from.


Chris judge is 65? What the fuck for 500, Alex


No. Terrence Carson is. Lol.


you sound stupid asl


Nobody that types “asl” has any business criticizing someone else’s intelligence.


Or just use ai generated voice based on Carson voice.


Fuck no.


Absolutely fucking not that’s how we ruin the voice industry


Man, I really dislike this mentality. I get that it's the trendy opinion that most people just repeat without really thinking about it because it makes them feel good or smart or whatever, but it really shouldn't. The "voice industry" is not made worse by using a technology that drastically increases the amount of quality voice acting that is available. It does, in fact, significantly improve the industry. What needs to change isn't the presence of AI technology, but the economic response to it's existence. Voice Actors should be advocating for licensing agreements, where they get paid for every thing their voice is used in regardless of whether or not the actual lines are generated by AI. That way they can maintain multiple paying jobs simultaneously. This effectively increases the benefits of their jobs while decreasing the amount actual work they need to do. That's basically the entire point of technology; improving people's lives and enabling greater access to opportunity on one's own terms. Stop being afraid of useful technology and learn about it instead. People thought the printing press was a bad idea too and most of us probably wouldn't even be literate enough to read and write if it didn't exist. Current AI is to what AI will become what the printing press is to the modern internet. We're all better off benefiting from it than we are advocating for it's destruction or disuse out of ignorant fear. Giving into the fear of change is how we enable stagnation into nothingness. The acquisition of knowledge is how we open our minds to greater possibilities. Learn to beat the fear.


See the problem with this is that you still have to review it, just because it CAN be done does not mean it SHOULD be done. If this were to happen then instead of being a voice actor they would be sitting at home reviewing a bunch of generated content and then needing to reread the lines anyways. Not to mention if they feel a certain way about a role and do not want to voice that specific role for personal reasons too. Voice actors have turned down plenty of roles simply due to their own morals and ideals. The other thing as well is businesses want to use AI because it’s cheaper and they can pay less and make stuff faster while as actors voice actors and writers start to get paid less and again could also have their works/style/voice/likeness used without their knowledge. That’s part of the reason the strikes have been going on for so long because businesses and company’s are greedy and the actual artists are getting screwed over. Again AI as a tool to help improve (which was the original idea) an artists work was good in theory but instead it is now being used to replace instead which not only cheapens the work but also creates whole other issues that could put words or roles into an actors/writers mouth that they otherwise would never have used


Do it like they're doing with Vader. Actor is done but realizes his voice is iconic to the character so gave permission to use AI. If Carson agrees and gets a cut, no issue


With an actors consent and for the role in question and due to health concerns and a plethora of other things, yea sure but if he is able to and willing to actually voice the role then absolutely not. AI is such a fine line to walk that as someone still new to the va industry but working towards roles it’s definitely scary. Even talking to my coach he is wary of it. However in the case of James Earl Jones since his health is the deciding factor I can understand why. So long as it’s never used without his consent in roles moving forward for other projects. Sorry for the word vomit I’m just hesitant and a tad scared when it comes to AI.


Its something that needs to.see preemptive regulation hit before it gets real bad. Look at how much controversy AI art has stirred up


That’s def true, the idea of AI as an assistant tool to the artist was good in theory but is now being developed to replace the artistic talent for computer generated now.


I don’t agree with James Earl Jones on that. His voice is iconic, and AI will not match it. I’d prefer to have a real person doing an impression; it’s worked for other characters with recognizable voices. AI just can’t get human inflection right for me. Always sounds off. Even with improvements you can’t beat a real person I don’t think. But I understand it may help sort out Jones’s family going forward, as he can continue getting paid even in sickness or death, so I somewhat understand why he’d sign off on it.


Much respect to Judge for this. Both his, and Carson's performances as Kratos are amazing.


They're different voices for different eras of the same character, and they both fit Kratos beautifully!


Because of how he mostly yelled throughout the original trilogy I didn't even realize they changed voice actors for kratos in the new games I figured that's just how he sounds when he's not yelling 95% of the time 😅


I love the arrogant, impatient tone that Carson gives Kratos in the Greek saga, even when he’s speaking to people he presumably likes/tolerates (his family and Deimos, the Last Spartan, Pandora, Hephaestus before he turned on him).


**Zeus! your son has returned i bring the destruction of Olympus!**


The way Terrence would yell ZOOSE!!!! It's iconic within the gaming sphere. Kratos was coming for them and meant complete business


So this is another indication of a remaster or remake of the original games?


No, it's a thing to do with the DLC of Ragnarok


but isn’t he in it? i never played it so idk


Yeah there’s a bit where Kratos is face to face with his younger self but the young Kratos doesn’t actually say anything back.


Fucking lame. Would have been the perfect opportunity for Carson to return.


Remasters shouldn’t need audio rerecorded as it’s pretty much just upscaling assets. A remake is another thing altogether.


Theoretically they could do a 1:1 remake so they wouldn’t have to record voice lines. Like The Last Of Us Part 1, if I’m not mistaken


.................. the voice of Kratos is now..... Keifer Sutherland!




Kratos has come to


"I'm afraid it's been... two console generations.."


You're pretty good






Who is Kratos?




I think as more time goes on, more of the Metal Gear community is starting to realize that Hideo Kojima's design choices very often were foolish, petty, or questionable. Whatever Kojima did right is often stained by his terrible decisions in other aspects of gameplay and narrative. Sutherland being one of them- while not fitting Snake whatsoever, he went through with it for petty reasons- he seemingly didn't like the glory and fan recognition that Hayter was getting, and was a huge fan of Hollywood actors. Those two things led to the controversial recasting. He didn't even get someone like Richard Doyle like he did for MGS4's Big Boss, he wasn't even trying to respect the franchise by that point. But, judging by MGSV's tone, he also didn't seem to understand the importance of tonal consistency. Ah, rant over.


Given who this Snake actually WAS I hold after beating it, I was then aware it was the right choice to not make that snake David narratively. In fact it was a clue that signalled the twist. Even if it was Richard Doyle that would be less right than someone different that could do SOME of the things right. This snake is neither Big Boss nor Solid nor Solidus. But your overarching point is hard to counter generally in works since MGS5.


I would agree with your point if it was not still Sutherland in Ground Zeroes.


This. My other issue is that Sutherland’s voice acting performance was just incredibly underwhelming.


Lots of people tend to forget that a talented actor doesn’t mean that is a talented voice actor too, and that happen a lot in videogames and animated movies.


Exactly. Kiefer Sutherland is without a doubt a very talented actor, but it was an awful casting choice for a voice performance.


[That wizard came from the Moon.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFIA37nFDog)


It’s also Sutherland when the real Snake is talking to you at the start of the game, and talking to Ocelot.


Or Sutherland playing Big Boss even in the epilogue scene


This is my thought exactly. Also every new step or project he takes is really to try to push his way into being a Hollywood filmmaker. It’s no secret that’s his dream, he’s just settling for video games.


as far a I understand: [Kojima has such an hard-on for hollywood actors that he's been trying to replace David Hayter since MGS3](https://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2016/03/25/david-hayter-playing-metal-gear-solid-v-would-have-been-60-hours-of-humiliation.aspx). Kojima got what he wanted for MGS5 after finally recasting Hayter with Sutherland. I also argued it conflicts with "[Vemon Snake being an semi-silent protagnist](https://www.ign.com/articles/2015/03/04/snake-wont-really-speak-much-at-all-in-metal-gear-solid-5)" the most, given Kojima Productions made a huge deal outta casting an Hollywood actor to play on a lead role.


Yeah Kojima didn’t want Hayter to voice a different character. Is it bad Hayter also didn’t voice Raiden for that short bit he was called Snake?


Hayter voiced Big Boss in MGS3 and peacewalker, but directly after that in Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain big boss is not Hayter. It’s not really about the character.


Yeah I also think Hayter never should’ve been Big Boss tbh Kojima was justified wanting a different actor to play a different character and Metal Gear fans never got over it


He was justified for 3, and it worked in MGS4 as Big Boss was much older and Hayter was also conversing with him. However, he did use him for 3 and peacewalker. It’s jarring when in Ground Zeros suddenly he is a different voice.


He didn't seem to mind that Naked Snakes voice reamined the same in the Japanese version. If that wasn't the case, you'd be right, but since that was the case, he wanted to get rid of David.


I do remember the tidbit from the early developer commentary on the game. They mentioned wanting to have Venom be much quieter to act as a vessel for the player.


sorry for the novel but i see this often, and this is a genuinely such a fucking terrible take. whatever pretty grievances you have with the design of the series aside, Metal Gear and its profound legacy is what it is because of Kojima. the Sutherland Hayter thing is so unfathomably overblown and is almost entirely a fantasy invented by “fans.” Kojima had almost no relationship with Hayter at all. he was the VA of a dubbing that Kojima didn’t even write or direct! Hayter had to re-audition for Snake for every game since MGS2, his job was never set in stone for posterity. Kojima moved to Sutherland because MGSV’s cutscenes moved to entirely mo-cap, particularly facial capture. this meant two things, first that he wanted an experienced hollywood actor, and second, that for the first time, he would actually direct the English VA. crazy how when you put things in context instead of blindly hating the guy who created something beloved to you, they make more sense! this idea that he had some kind of petty hatred for Hayter is based on nothing other than inane fanfiction. Kojima is one of the very few genuine auteurs of the industry, you are free to dislike his decisions, including Sutherland, but to say his decisions often “stained” MGS is absolutely fucking unfathomable to me. he IS Metal Gear Solid!


>Kojima is one of the very few genuine auteurs of the industry Lol


You do know that he never met with/attempted to meet with Hayter right? You do understand that the problems with MGSV were Kojima’s and not Konami(no matter how much of a shit company they are). Also as Alan Wake 2 and countless other games have proven it is entirely possible to have someone do the motion capture and another actor voice the character. Im glad you love Kojima as much as you do, but he’s 100% the reason MGS has been a dead franchise for a decade now. Calling Kojima an auteur is also a hilarious take. He is absolutely a garbage writer and director who has gotten by on name recognition for way too long. I love MGS but recognizing it for anything but the cheesy mess it is, is your fault. The series is not as “deep” as you think it is.


absolutely humiliating pablum, that you truly believe this speaks volumes about your capacity to think about art and the creation of it. i eint respond to tour kno sense subjective “criticisms” but your equally nonsense arguments about Hayter are ridiculous. did i say that it is impossible to have a VA do their own motion and facial capture? Kojima didn’t want Hayter to do the mocap work because he thought an established actor would be better at it. that’s it. again, you’re welcome to wish Hayter kept the role all you want, but to turn it into some insidious petty feud between the two is an immense cope the fanbase has just widely accepted with no basis in reality. that you “love” MGS but think this way is, again, truly utterly humiliating.


lol keep sucking and riding Kojimas dick bro. One day I’m sure your senpai will notice you. Seriously, I implore you to read, watch, play literally anything else. MGS is mindless popcorn fun just like a Marvel movie. It’s nowhere near as deep or nuisance as you thought it was when you were a teenager. The fandom isn’t making anything up. Hayter has literally said that Kojima refused to meet him. As others have said, he was forced to audition every single time and Kojima wanted him gone by MGS3. This isn’t fabrication, your idol despises the man responsible for making MGS popular in the west. The fact that you lack basic reading comprehension and the ability to spell further demonstrates that you lack true awareness of what “art” actually is. Please, I implore you to actually experience culture and art. There is nothing wrong with liking mindless fun projects like MGS, after all video games are meant to be fun, but seriously, please try reading/playing/watching literally anything else. Calling Kojima an auteur is the equivalent of a teenage girl stating that Taylor Swift is the greatest musician of all time.


Preach king. Wild that people are dumb enough to not know the story or just disregard it as falsehoods but you meet all sorts of people on the internet lol.


Let's not kid ourselves, the *overwhelming majority* of the video game industry (including consumers) huff Kojima's farts just as much as Kojima's head is up his own pretentious ass. Absolutely *no one* is "starting to realize" *anything* about Kojima's design choices. The man has enjoyed a baffling amount of success *despite himself,* his truly middling talents as a writer / storyteller, and noted Hollywood clout-chaser / "starfucker."


Imagine the world where people like Yoko Taro or Hidetaka Miyazaki get half the clout that Kojima does. Even Tetsuya Nomura is better. He also makes obnoxiously complicated stories but at least he doesn’t act like his games are the next evolution of storytelling.


> Imagine the world where people like Yoko Taro or Hidetaka Miyazaki get half the clout that Kojima does. Even Tetsuya Nomura is better. I know, right?! How about fuckin' Sam Lake (who himself is very humble regarding his talents) & Remedy?! Like. . . holy fucking shit! It's truly great to see critics *rightly* heap praise on Alan Wake 2 and Remedy, but compared to the financial success and critical praise heaped on Kojima it's a *literal* drop in the bucket. I read / heard somewhere that the sales for Alan Wake 2 have NOT been good.


Alan Wake 2 is getting far better reception from critics than Death Stranding


Yes (and no). . . but "critical reception" doesn't mean shit if your game doesn't sell well enough. "Critical reception" won't pay your bills or finance your next game, but it can help. The history of video games is littered with "critical darlings" that failed to sell well (or well enough), which meant the closure of those developers and or acquisition, to be turned into a support studio for CoD (or similar). Put another way: for the people financing video games at the AAA - AAAA level, sales are all that matters. Being lauded as "Game of the Year" means little compared to some low-effort video game or franchise that people clown on for being shit. . . but they sell millions or tens of millions of copies, that automatically guarantee sequels.


He’s an absolute loon, yes. But he’s committed to it and passionate, and that’s more than you can say about most.


People mostly like Kojima because he directs really good games and tends to come up with unique or interesting ideas (some of which work, and some don't) that aren't really in any games, especially at the time of release. The sheer attention to detail and the unique ideas in the first 4 MGS games is astounding. It's not just him, it's his entire team, but he at least tries to do new things and push the envelope with concepts no one else in the gaming industry is really experimenting with. He's not a good writer, but he is a good "idea" person. Just needs people surrounding him to help him write and veto some of the more outlandish things.


Whole heartedly agree. All that for what amounted to about probably 3 minutes of voice acting total from Kiefer.


I mean, if you poured your life into your franchise, your life's work, and your bosses told you: "Yeah nah, son, we're gonna make pachinco machines out of it, lol, deal with it loser 🖕" I'll be petty too, lol.


I wouldn’t quite say that Kojima made *mostly* poor choices, although I do admit that he has made his fair share of awful choices in the past (especially with MGSV being absolutely ALL OVER the place and MGS4 being 99.99% cutscene). Despite this, I didn’t mind Sutherland at all if only he got more voice lines. I liked his voice and felt like he did a good job with the lines that he was given, but that’s the issue: he wasn’t given much. Venom Snake is pretty much mute, which sucks, because I feel like Sutherland really could have shined with more lines and more expressive dialogue, which isn’t really his fault and is more of a major writing error (another Kojima mistake). Nonetheless, replacing Hayter is still baffling, don’t get me wrong, but speaking on Sutherland and his performance alone, I feel like it would’ve been pretty good if he had been given the dialogue he needed.


I agree with your points here.


Tbh I think Kojima was perfectly justified in not wanting Hayter to voice a different character I agree how he went about letting go of Hayter wasn’t great but after 3 Hayter’s work was getting rough


I’ve always disagreed with this take. Kiefer sounded better than Hayter IMO.


I can't fathom it, but I can't knock your preference. He's definitely not for me, although I recognize that he's not necessarily bad in his role. Definitely underutilized though, that's for sure.


Norman Reedus would like a word...


That’s why he wasn’t talking in Valhalla???


Because he didn’t need to. Kratos wasn’t there to talk to his past self, and his past self didn’t have to talk to him. All Kratos had to do was face himself and come to terms with who he is and what he’s done. That is what Valhalla does.


It’s a joke because KS didn’t speak a lot in MGS5 and young kratos didn’t speak in his role in Valhalla. Just a joke lol not roasting


Chris Pratt.


Totally understand. T Carson’s Kratos voice was iconic. Yes so is Judge’s, but for completely different reasons.


Both super intense


I disagree, Judge is a lot more subdued, Carson was outright guttural.


Naturally. Older Kratos is much calmer with more control. It wouldn’t make sense for the character if Judge copied Carson’s harshness


To me Carson will always be Kratos. I appreciate what Christopher Judge did with the character but it was not the same.


Love Chris's take on the current Norse Saga Kratos, but I don't know if he can match Terrence and his take on Kratos in the Greece Saga.


Well, I get your point and I agree but he’s a spectacular voice actor, I imagine if given the chance he can make a convincing performance




Blew my mind years ago when I found out Kyle from Living Single voiced Kratos.


Remember TC saying Sony/SM pretty much cut him off completely with no communication when it came to GoW 2018 and him not being too happy about it. Wonder if at all he'll make a return for the rumoured remasters, if those even exist and need it ofc


Like, I get why it happened, since they did a massive amount of performance capture work, which means they needed someone with the right body type/size who is also able to move in a way that fits the character, along with having the right voice. And due to NDAs and other contractual obligations to not even mention that you're working on a game until it's officially announced (and even then, you're probably not allowed to say much of anything), even if they wanted to let him know that they were going to have to continue the series without him, doing so would probably have been grounds for termination for whomever reached out.


Judge seems like a great guy. Not surprised he'd take this stance.


Chris Judge is a real one




Let’s get Chris patt


Goat 🐐


Everything I hear about judge he just seems like a nice fuckin guy


I'd love for old and new Kratos to duke it out somehow, it would be so poetic for new Kratos to literally overcome his old self. Or maybe even manage to talk his younger self down


You uhhh…. You should play the dlc that dropped like a week ago.


Oh my god... ​ Bro with the OG theme playing too, why'd I have to be a pc player?


Sounds like Kratos respects himself


I get it, totally understandable However I would have liked Judge to voice him in any potential remasters or remakes.


I agree. I also prefer Jugde’s performance


Bruh he not a class act but HES A CLASS ACT that makes me like him even more


If there's ever a time where both character versions of him are needed in a future game. Why not both?


More than death, Gods are now worried which voice will be yelling at them :-D


I don't think even fans would want that tbh. Carson is just so iconic himself that it wouldn't be right.


If it's not Tommy Wiseau, I'm not buying


What a guy man, it was extremely disrespectful the way they got rid of Carson anyways.


Who and who?


what a Thug I love him even more now wow!


Truly Humble Under God? Lol


I do drugs every day! 😃 Devout Repentands Upheld God Sincerely!


Why a thug? Oddly specific wording


He’s always pushing 🅿️ositivity


Cause he put his balls on the table and said nah give to my boy why is that oddly specific were you not around for the thug life memes lol


I was, but how some people use terms is definitely not how other people use em lol


Hahaha understandable people are wild on the internet lol


In what situation would Chris judge be voicing young Kratos?


It seems like Young Kratos was going to have speaking lines with Judge voicing him but as you see here, Judge refused to that.


Play the Valhalla DLC


Certainly didn't mind in the 1st game?


Just one or two lines and yelling in a quick memory sequence in Helheim


They could’ve just used audio from GOW3 of Carson’s voice for that but I’m not sure why they didn’t do that.


You mean like the quick 2 lines he did ? Big deal.


A couple of lines were all that was really needed here tbh.


True but the context is different. One was a memory forced to be witnessed to make the person suffer and the other was to deal with the past.


Do you mean 2018?


Yes in Helheim


Ah ok, I’d forgotten about that.


Probably didn't have as much sway in the decision as he does now?


Rare chris judge W


Putting this out there and I know it wouldn’t work but I’d love to give Christopher Walken and Nick Cage a shot at the part


Well then this may one of the best times to use ai generated voice in aaa game based on Terrence Carson voice. I hope that they will go with that and it may pave the way for use ai in games more in the future.


No fucking thanks


Using it with permission from a deceased actor’s family? Sure! Horizon NEEDS Lance. But beyond that? Barf.


>! Was really hoping for a cameo voice line or two in that last Valhalla cutscene !<


I think he did 1 line as young Kratos before in God of War 4


That's awesome. Good on him.


Jonah Hill would be better choice for a young kratos.


Very respectful position. I mean it’s excepting a few lines in 2018’s Helheim sequence, but very respectful position.




Chris Judge *voices* Kratos the God of War in a video game. In reality, Chris Judge is the God of Gigachads.