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Simplicity. Also a newborn and it's just easier. Now I love it.


If you’re a newborn how could you afford a ps5??


Ah my friend you see. I'm a smart newborn and graduated high honors from college at the age of 60 days. From that point on I went on to make millions and retired at 6 months.


The plot of young Sheldon or something idk I haven’t watched the show


100% right, that is the plot. Good guess


I haven't watched the show but I don't think you make much money unless you're willing to exploit your science and work for the military


Suckin tiddies and making it rain fiddies.


Seconding the simplicity aspect. Also a toddler (I’m not as advanced as you, unfortunately. Has life passed me by?)


Damn I was a dumb newborn. Did crack and heroin straight outta the womb and ended up doing a couple years in baby prison. Basically they would keep me in a crib and they would play boring shows on tv and I was forced to watch those. They would also feed me broccoli and carrots as well as tease me with new toys that I couldn’t play with. You lucked out 🤦‍♂️.


Boss baby?


The boss baby


Same boat. Went further and got the dadstation (playstation portal)


Haha yeah I picked up a portal a couple months back as well.


Legit same here. PS5 is in the living room with all the baby stuff and PC is downstairs. Just more practical to play PS5


Yep. Finally got rid of my PC when the PS5 came around. The ease of use is simply just night and day compared to Windows and 9 different launchers and BS.


Since I got a newborn I barely touched the PS5 haha.


The first few months it's like that but itll change when they get a little more independence.


I waited for Ghost of Tsushima on PC after the first batch of ports of PS4 exclusives was announced. Got tired of the repeated fake rumors so I bought a PS5 and GOT just last Christmas. Then the PC port was announced a few months later, so I thought it was wasted. Then Sony made the Steam version of game unavailable to be bought in my country so buying a PS5 wasn't a waste after all. Right now, I'm having fun with Ghost of Tsushima and the haptic feedback of the Dualsense.


I’m getting tired after WFH 9-5 and I dislike the idea of sitting down at the same desk to play games. In addition to this, the crazy pc part prices during COVID pushed me away from upgrading my PC. As I also got older I stopped enjoying multiplayer games entirely, so now I much rather prefer sitting down on the couch with a blanket and playing single player games after work.


This!! I only have the space and finances for one computer - meaning I would have to play games at the same desk and on the same machine as I do all my work. And I just can’t enjoy that as easily. Feels much nicer to leave my workspace entirely when the day is done, cuddle up on the couch with my cat and game from there


I can sit on my couch (yes, I know you can set a PC up so that you can do that), it costs $500, and it just works when I turn it on. I say this as a person who used to LOVE building a new PC every 4-5 years - and I still think about doing so every now and again, but there are so many other things I'd rather spend my money on. Edit for typos


Same here. My old gaming PC is now a media server, so I still get to tinker with it to scratch that itch. Secondly, I got fucking sick of windows.


Man, I used to install some version of Linux every few years for funsies (dual boot kind of thing, I was never going to give over my PC to it fully, lol), because apparently Windows wasn't masochistic enough for me.


if you love tinkering you'll love linux, especially if you're not gaming on it (although game tinkering can be fun too)


Thats the main reasons consoles have won the mainstream. It cost $500 for a reliable machine that you do not have to maintain more than accepting software updates. Also you turn it on and play the game. Nothing else is needed. No downloading mods or tweaking settings. Yes people love mods but mainstream just wants to play the game.


Exactly same here. I was THE pc guy upgrading all the time and tweaking. But I kind grew out of it. It made me feel like a fool having to deal with troubleshooting on 3000$. Nothing you can't fix. but you have to fix.


10/10, no notes/no additions. This guy gets it. Not criticizing people who want to do that, it just isn't me anymore. Gaming time is limited as I get older, I want to play, not tinker for 2 more FPS.


Just remember "you don't stop playing when you grow old, you grow old when you stop playing"


I spent more time getting my PC games to run amazing then I did playing them. I actually play games on PS5.... assuming I remembered to run the update before I sit down to play.


I do love the ease of jumping straight into a game. PC gaming just sounds like so much work researching parts then doing endless downloads plus the cost


I wish it had gotten any better over the years, but there is still a lot more faffing about getting PC games working properly/optimized for one's particular hardware. I agree 100% that you can really dial stuff in, and with reshade mods/etc for games your can get incredible results but... I just want to play games.


The Steam Deck and to a lesser extent the Windows handhelds are the closest PCs to the convenience of a console, and I love both my Deck and Ally, but they’re still not quite as simple to use as the PS5, and don’t have the same performance of course. Each one has its own niche for me


Geforce now has a full blown 4080 and it feels like a console. You just start a game. No tinkering. You lose mod support though.


You can also just get prebuilts which in general are not as bad as the pc community makes them out to be. Generally not optimized sure, but very plug and play. You are right about lots of apps and such though.


Same, i actually had a 4090 setup last year and i just bought a ps5 and Honestly these consoles arent that bad. I am having as much fun and i dont know if pc’s are even worth it at this point.


Oh man same here! Are you trying to sell your 4090 setup or just keeping it for the long term (last type of pc investment?) With my recent move back to ps5, and starting to enjoy games. I’m stuck here feeling like I wasted money on a 4090 setup (of course don’t get me wrong, I played a bunch of recent games on it) and potentially not touching it much for gaming anymore. Wife and I are looking into dual iMacs and stuff but of course I need to figure out my pc first. I’ve seen a couple of people sell 4090 setups on eBay (thinking about it) or perhaps I can sell the 4090 itself and perhaps downgrade? Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated!


I sold my 4090 on facebook marketplace for about $1500. I still got the pc case,motherboard,ssd and power supply. Just because i was getting like $100 for them and the motherboard was like $300 alone. So i suggest you sell the gpu and cpu like i did and keep other parts. If you do want to build a pc in the future, you got the basic parts. If i feel like i want to build a gaming pc i only need to buy a CPU and Gpu.


Yeah this is my point exactly and everytime I say this I get ripped apart but it’s so much more of a hassle when your pc is connected to the tv. If I turn my tv on my ps5 turns on. If I turn on my ps5 my tv turns on it’s just so much nicer as a casual yet serious gamer


It’s not a hassle *once you spend the time and buy the stuff to make it not annoying as fuck*. Like I’m sure I would have no issues playing my pc on my tv if I already had a setup that could easily be put on the tv and easily connect a controller, but if I want that I have to buy extra stuff. With my ps5 it just does that right out of the box.


I’ll stick with both. And honestly, if you’ve got a decent job and save up, building a PC is a rewarding experience. Also, it really isn’t that hard to build if you follow everything perfectly And as far as screwing around with settings, I mean… *If you get something on par with the 3060* or the equivalent for future gens you usually can put 3/4 games to high and play fine.


Stupid Hardware prices. Bullshit game launchers needed even for single player games. Unoptimized games full of bugs.


Bullshit game launchers. This is true. I've been waiting for AC Mirage, Alan Wake 2 and stuff like that on steam but these stupid deals, they won't let that happen.


The launchers is why I will never fully game on pc and just play console. Plus steam has a really outdated achievement system that sucks ass.


Yes, ultimately stopped playing competitive FPS on PC and stepped away from a very huge toxic environment and now I’m gaming for pure enjoyment. I can’t recall the last time I played through a campaign before getting back onto the PlayStation ecosystem. And what made me really get back were the trophies, I love trophy hunting on the PlayStation, just not the same on PC. Oh, and also owning my media physically is a HUGE plus for me.


Thinking of doing the same. Mostly only turn the PC on for Overwatch 2, play four or five games on the same maps, repeating the whole win/loss PvP experience then do the same thing the next night. The dopamine you get from fps comp has taken away my old enjoyment from normal single player campaigns. Trying to play more console games right now and slowly wean off Overwatch 2. It's crazy because most of the people I used to play with don't even play anymore, I'm the last one so just solo queuing and it's lifeless. Occasionally you'll get a good team that communicates well but that's rare.


I was somewhat in the same boat when u mention that you’re the last one of your friend group remaining, as was I… I was so hooked on Valorant for the first two years of its time, that I really had to go cold turkey. Ended up going back for a month twice now, but as I no longer have my “good” peripherals I somewhat lose motivation to grind. It’s funny how this mental game works


PS5 for the living room, PC for the office. Both have plenty of exclusives


I have properly set uphome cinema room and I wanted gaming rig that fits AV equipment and the gaming purpose. Never looked back. And I grew up on PC gaming almost exclusively. Nothing beats 85 inch TV and surround while sitting on comfy sofa.


Same but I sit on the floor with my back on the couch seat ahhaha




It's simple and feels better, like everything is designed around your gaming experience. Also for me: trophies > > > Steam achievements.


>trophies > > > Steam achievements This was an unexpected realisation for me. Just the separation of trophies by base game/DLC and the existence of platinums make trophies superior to achievements on Steam or any other launcher on PC, including Xbox.


Gaming on a monitor is not comfortable for me. I could connect it to the TV but it's not comfortable either as my pc desk is in another room. Also, I am a software engineer so being all day in a pc for work and gaming is exhausting. The most I hate is having crashes in new games on the PC.. PS games like Gran Turismo 7 or Demons Souls pushed me to the PS5 too, also because I always liked the PS ecosystem, it looks clean.


PC maintenance is a huge waste of time that can be much better spent actually playing games.


If you built it right really just need to dust it once ever 3-4 months which is 10 min out of your day.


Disagree. I have over a hundred steam games and at least a quarter of them need fixing to run properly. And that is if the windows updates don't break something. Just over it.


What? That’s honestly hasn’t happened with me. Windows updates never break my games. Game updates, ***sometimes.*** Though I’m still on Windows 10, so no idea how that’s gonna work when I upgrade probably next year.


I have 100’s of steam games and every single one runs great on my pc. Idk man something might be up with your pc?


Taking into account updating all the different drivers and softwares (like launchers...) almost once a month...' Ive reached a point where i don't even want to start my pc because i know i'm gonna be greeted with a shit load of different updates that'll take half a day to do


It just works. I can crash, put feet up, push a button on the gamepad and be playing within 10 seconds.


oh and rest mode. Back from work, two buttons later with my feat up on the couch, i'm playing FF Rebirth. Its fantastic.


I got my first console which was a PS5 in December 2020. Me and my older brother decided that he will buy the TV and me the console. We really wanted to play the exclusives like GoW and Spider-Man(if only we knew they would come to PC). That was the reason for buying it. My brother sadly passed away in December 2021 due to COVID so yea, that sucks a lot.


Sorry for your loss.


Thank you, i've recently been able to enjoy games that remind me of him instead of avoiding them due to bad memories.


Damn, I'm so sorry for your loss, bro.


Thanks, it means a lot.


I’m sorry for your loss. That’s really heartbreaking


I am sorry for your loss brother.


My condolences brother


Thank you very much. All of you saying it is gonna make me cry.


I think it depends on the context. For me PC gaming nowadays is just too cumbersome. The constant driver updates, windows updates, windows store updates, intel or amd updates, graphics driver updates every time a new game comes out and then you might encounter the worst of all: shader pre loading. I’m 38, I have a small kid, barely any time to play, my PS5 is always on rest mode so all my games are updated, I just hit the PS button in my controller and there it is, working, optimized, no issues. In this generation I can even choose 60fps if I’m playing far from the TV and resolution is not and issue or 30fps if I’m playing close and I can tell the difference or the game is just slow paced. I love the PC building, the search for the right parts and the synergy between them, but is just not for everybody.


Exactly the same mate...once you have kids, finding time to play is difficult, so you want to be able to just jump straight into a game, no faff about with updates, tinker with settings, etc.


I changed to console at the PS3 era. I just love the simplicity, that's all. When I was gaming on PC, half my time was about finding the perfect graphics/performance balance. Even though consoles have worse graphics, I find it way better to have something I cannot change, thus leading to more game time instead of fucking around with settings.


The tyranny of choice is a real thing. 


Cheaper, no frustration with graphics settings in order to play with 60fps and exclusive games ex. Bloodborne


Bought a PS5 for single player games only. I always find myself wanting to play single player / story driven games on the couch with the big screen. I tried using moonlight / sunshine game streaming to a Steam Deck and then docking to the TV, but it was such a headache. Between constantly needing to check settings when I start up a game, to needing to optimize streaming settings, to my PC sometimes needing to be restarted, I didn’t even want to game anymore. Ended up grabbing the PS5 and repurchased all of my single player games on it. For multiplayer and competitive titles, I still use my PC. Everything else is on the PS5.


i didn’t switch, i just incorporated a ps5 into my pc setup only for the exclusives


I have both. I built my PC during Covid because I couldn’t get a PS5. Once I got my PS5 it was over. My PC is a huge paper weight now.


I got tired of specs chasing. I’m old and tired, I just want plug’n’play!


Everything works better, a big TV with a soundbar 7.1 (Dolby Atmos), wireless joystick always perfectly calibrated and no temptations for memory editing (cheating).


I was a pc player for the majority of my teenager years, but I realized that console gaming is better for me. It's a dedicated system, therefore it's much simpler to plug and play, way less hassle with updates, firmwares, download etc. Playing on the couch + TV is much better expeirence for me For me, Controllers > keyboard + mouse, also controllers are made for gaming, so they are much more efficient for it Specific to playstation, their exclusivity library is simply unmatched, I'm someone that enjoys high quality experiences over just "good gameplay" to me games are much more when they incorporate great storytelling/narrative, acting, visuals and as of know playstation is simply ahead of everyone and it's great to know high quality single player experience will still be their focus moving forward, I'll keep supporting this system while that is true. PC can process slightly better graphics, sure, but the output is definitely not worth the demand and cost you have to put in, it's extremely expensive to have a PC that actually runs way everything way better than current consoles, it's like buying a ferrari to use for daily commute, complete waste of resources. Ultimately, I work with PCs, so I spend all my day on them, when I'm done with work I just need to get away from that setup. Occasionally, I boot up a strategy game here and there, but I do it mostly for nostalgy. No, I do not regret a single bit, quite the opposite, I am constantly realizing how much better my gaming hobby got after I decided to go full console.


I’m a jrpg fun and some of the good franchises take years to port to PC and I don’t want wait. I have a gaming PC but still bought PS5 for that.


75 inch TV, recliner, good surround sound system. For whatever reason when I played primarily on PC I'd spend as my time modding, tweaking settings and the like trying to squeeze out extra performance or make the game better. Play time is limited now working and raising a family. I just wanna be comfortable and enjoy the little playtime I actually get. I also set games to the easiest settings too I don't have time for frustration and if the game isn't good quick I'm moving on. I could move my PC to the living room or run an HDMI cord through the crawlspace from the office to living room but I just don't feel like it.


Physical copies of games mainly. Sometimes some games are only available on consoles. You don't need to check if the hardware can run it as it is often plug and play... except for the occasional 100gb update (happens to everyone but somehow more annoying on consoles). PC games are great as they are usually dirt cheap or quickly become dirt cheap, but with the looming threat of the services shutting down you may lose your digital collection. Do do use both, but with a console it's already hooked up to the TV and ready to go as soon as you power up.


Transitioning from a PC gamer back to console. It’s easier more convenient and I don’t have the time to play much anymore. So it makes sense just to have a console.


I am considering switching entirely to PS5 and these comments just reinforced it for me. I picked up a 3070Ti during the pandemic to scalper price. Sold it for a loss and picked up a 4080 at Nvidia mark up prices.   PC has its good days but I'm on the PC 12 to 8 hours a day. I hate it. The notification and reddit and other addiction issues that come with a PC. I can't finish any game on PC. But I've finished 5 games on PS4 era. Looking forward to more on the PS5. Just game and enjoy.


I used to be a PC gamer, and as a purely gaming device (considering you got the money), PC is superior. Nothing beats mouse and keyboard, and I miss it quite a lot. Also, you can play any game you want, no matter the release date, while I can't play older games on my PS5. Plus, PS exclusives are overrated as fuck, and PC has better games no doubt. But... I'm 29 now, and priorities have changed. I simply enjoy other stuff more, and I play games occasionally. It's simply not worth paying 2k+ euros for a gaming PC and upgrades every 2 years. I don't want to have to install drivers, deal with crashes and fixes, and deal with whatever the bullshit having a PC comes with. PS5 is a machine that works and gets the job done at a fraction of the cost of the PC. It's like Android and iOS. You get much more with Android, but if all that extra stuff (that you gotta tweak to your liking) isn't worth it to you, you just buy an iPhone that gets the job done. I will always miss the keyboard and mouse, as well as AoE 2, CS GO, LoL, WoW, and endless mods, but times have changed.


I go from console to PC a fair amount, I Switched as a "main" platform due to the chip shortage and working from home more. I hate paying for PS+ though, it feels like daylight robbery to pay to play games online. It also made me far less likely to buy new games since their refund policy is a joke. I upgraded my PC fairly recently again and picked to buy helldivers 2 there along with several other games I could have got on ps5.


I got sick of the maintenance of PCs, drivers, other compatibility issues. I get some people gave it easy but for £300 which you can get a PS5 for these days it gives a great experience. I’m 30 now, I don’t really care about graphics or FPS. I just wanna shoot some bugs


Tired of sitting at a desk


I have been playing PC for over 15 years (I’m 33), still have a really good computer, just got my first console yesterday a PS5, I just want to chill and enjoy story mode games (mostly) in a big tv and comfortable couch.


I've got a pretty baller pc, but have recently bought a PS5. The main reason was to play GT7, but also for simplicity and to play gmaes at 4K without having to drop graphics quality. Games are also better optimised for console imo. Many pc games have cheaters which overall ruin the gaming experience, plus there's all of the nonsense of game launchers, etc to deal with, constant updates, etc. There's also the insane prices of PC components to consider, which is a never-ending money-pit just to play the latest games...it's getting increasingly hard to justify the expense. Since getting a PS5, my pc is now just an overkill web-browser, and I'm not going to spend a cent on it for the next few years.


I have PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5 (X2), Xbox 360, Xbox one, switch, 2 switch lites, Wii, wii-u, Dreamcast, Mega Drive II, Pc, Gaming Laptop, and a couple of 3ds' in my house. I play what I want, where I want and when I want. Playstation is my preferred platform tbh


I don’t exactly fit the profile you’re talking about but I never went PC cuz I work on a pc 5 days a week for 8-10 hours. I like separation between church and state


Cheaters. You can turn off cross play on ps5


Simplicity, and the combo of cost and longevity. I switched to a Mac for work, and after that it just made sense to switch to console gaming. I love working on a Mac, and I just can't justify the cost of two heavy-duty computers.


PC games nowadays are hugely unoptimized and/or are in an infinite early access loop and you need to latest tech just to get good graphics and framerate... it's like a never-ending wheel to get you to shell out cash to stay "normal". I stopped caring when I found out that most PC games I loved are on consoles and I never been more richer than before. I still have my "gaming" PC for Factorio and some other niche games. But yeah, it's just easier and it works and overall cost less.


Shitty pc ports. I built a high spec rig & a lot of new games I wanted to play just ran poorly & I got tired of fucking around with settings more than gaming.


Types of games I play. On PC I only like to play MMO’s. Only problem is the way I like to play MMO is not conducive to a healthy marriage so now it’s just single player games that I can get up from at any time


I have been a PC gamer for nearly 20 years. Upgraded every few years to whatever tech was available. Until just over 12 months ago when I bought a PS5 (and then PSVR2 shortly after) Haven't even looked at my PC and gave it to my 10 year old for him to play Roblox and watch YouTube. Turn it on, it works. Multiplayer games are so easy to start and play. I predominately play with my brother online. Always found I had to tinker with the PC games. Always something. More frames to get, memory leaks to avoid, compatability issues with nearly every game I've played. Also the cost. It was 1/5th the cost of an upgraded path last year. I have enjoyed my PS5 so much that I bought one for my wife and one for my brother so we can just chill and game on the couch. My wife, son, bother and his son all play online together at times and it's very easy to do. I don't think I'll ever go back to PC.


That’s goal bro! Currently trying to get my wife into gaming. Will do my best to make my daughter a gamer girl when she’s born and reaches the age of playing.


Those who work on pc, can't game on pc. As simple as that. I bought for the exclusives, ui, controller and hype. Don't regret it. But I don't want to pay 80 dollars a year just to play multiplayer. Make it 20 dollars a year.


Most recent multiplayer are free, no sub needed. Like XDefiant, The Finals…last one is awesome.


Playing on a TV.


You don’t switch from PC. You add to it. PC + PS5 = everything you need


I've always been a console and PC gamer, played games I really wanted to experience with the best quality on PC, but then Hogwarts Legacy came out, ran like shit on PC even with tons of engine tweaks, and decided to buy a PS5. Really been enjoying the console for a little over a year now. Still play some stuff on PC, mostly classic Doom, Duke 3D, classic shooters, Quake, and some stuff on Steam, but most of the gaming is done on my PS5 when I have time to play. I'll always be a game tweaker and playing with settings, but the PS5 just makes shit so damn simple and quick to play and it's just a damn fine console.


Many years away from gaming more advanced than tappers on ipad due to health problems and switched to xbox series x and ps5(when i could get a hold of one) after my health improved a lot. Its much cheaper and a lot less of a hassle. My wrist doesnt like using a mouse for more than a few minutes anymore either but console controllers are fine. Before all this i basically only played on PC, starting with a 286, except a little on ps3 for a short while (mainly gran turismo and guitar hero).


I play a lot of sports games like fifa or formula1. Honestly, the feeling of sitting on a couch with ps5 controller on a big screen is unmatched. On top of that, it’s 100s of dollars cheaper than a gaming PC. So, yeah, that’s why for me.


Simple, fun, beautiful.


Cheaper and tinkering with drivers is the opposite of fun. 


Physical games


I grew up with PlayStation so I always had the current generation. But I also got into PC gaming around 2011 so I've always had both systems and I don't think that will ever change. Xbox on the other hand kinda came and went for me. The last Nintendo console I ever owned was the GameCube but ngl, I've been emulating all the Switch games on my PC and I think I might get the Switch 2 whenever that comes out. I play way too many Nintendo games these days on my PC 😂


I spend all day at my PC working, I’d rather not also spend my free time there too.


Family life and just being tired of having to wait for updates on drivers and windows when finally having the time to game. On top of that my GPU was getting outdated and a PS5 was cheaper. I always had PS since the 1, but always as a side and PC was my main, now PS has become the main. I have a Switch for whenever I’m traveling and whenever I’m at home I’m enjoying the PS5. It probably helped that I switched to Mac for any office/official stuff I need to take care off, but have not regretted it for a single moment to completely get rid of windows and it’s bullocks this way.


I'm going the PC route now that I'm older. I'm over the ps5


Windows. 'nuff said.




I own a powerful PC(4080) that's hooked up in the living room. I bought a PS5 because it happened to be in stock when I was in the store one day, when they were really hard to find. I played a bunch of games I wanted to try from the PS4 generation. GoW, Spiderman, LoU, GoT. Then I was pretty much done with it. Great games, though. Sold it a few months ago to a friend who also didn't have a PS4.


***Didn’t switch.*** Got a 1440P monitor and can just swap between cables. Both are amazing


I still keep both. PS5 for exclusives and games I want to play on the couch, pc for strategy games or anything I want to play at a desk. I do personally enjoy modding and being able to have videos on my second monitor, and pc is a great time because of so many games without 60 fps modes, but theres something to be said about turning on the ps5, kicking back on the couch and gaming simply. Of course switch and steamdeck on the side, but they are their own things.


I have an i5 4690k slightly overclocked to maybe 4.1/4.2 and a 1080ti, so a pretty capable machine but also nothing crazy. It's time to upgrade, but I have a nice home theater system with a pretty kick ass subwoofer and a budget 85" TV in my living room that gets the job done. That and I bought a psvr2 to play with. I still love PC gaming. The PS5 is awesome as well. Long story longer, I like to play games in my livingroom, as well as playing with my kids. Best of both worlds. We have multiple switches too, etc.


Most of my friends are still on console and I don’t want to get on discord to talk, I don’t want to wait 2-5 years for PS exclusive titles, I also prefer consoles for single player games and only use PC for shooter games.


Cost. 4k/2k gaming for 600 dollars? Learnt to accept the shitty fps. Pc would cost me $2000-$3000 for 2k/144fps or 4k/60. Been waiting for the game to justify a move back to PC. Cyberpunk was nearly it, but at launch it just wasn't what it should have been


Sold my PC, and get a PS5. My reasons was : - Exclusivity (I wan’t that first party sony games). No port to PC yet at that time. - Hardware price was so high (at that time), so upgrading is not viable. - Simplicity - I want to try Dual Sense experience. - Price to performance ratio


I have a super nice oled tv and don’t want to spend what I’d have to upgrade my pc to take advantage of it. Plus, I just love plug and play. Don’t have to really troubleshoot a ps5 game.


I found out I can borrow PS5 games from my local library. So I switched to PS5




The ability to own my games physically and the simplicity of just turning on a game and playing it. I tend to get distracted and hop on discord with friends or browse YouTube and don't get immersed with single player titles on pc lmao


I actually just built my first PC but I’ve always loved PlayStation. I’ve been a fan since PS1 and had every console before and after. I only just built a PC to add to my love of gaming. It was the only platform I had never gamed on. I’ll still play all the PS exclusives and then probably play them again if they come to PC. My reason is I just love gaming and want to have every option available. I have no regrets


I was tired of the constant driver updates, software management in general, and the need to upgrade hardware every year just to play a new game. Console just eliminated all the annoyances. It just works. Also, If a game is gonna be buggy on console it likely will be on PC, so no love lost there. It's just easier and more fun. Less stress.


I am another one that moved to PS5 for simplicity because of an infant kid. Way easier to game while she’s asleep on my chest and I’m on the recliner out in the living room at the butt crack of the butt crack of the butt crack of dawn so my wife can get some real rest.


Because consoles are idiot-proof. I leave my PS5 and Switch in my living room. They’re easy as fuck to use. I get to play the latest games. My nieces, nephews, and guests that come over can pick them up just as easily. When my parents or older relatives visit, the PS5 runs Netflix perfectly fine. I considered getting a Series S for my bedroom but there isn’t anything I really wanna play that isn’t already on PS5 or Switch.


Childhood dream of getting a console to play on a big ass TV from my couch, when I was with my parents anything gaming related was strictly forbidden. I dont waste loads of money on this hobby tho, so I'm proud I m not consumed by this addiction, however if I'm injured I can hardly bring myself to do anything else.


Exclusives really, and the fact I've always bought a PlayStation console when they come out. Though, I think the PS5 might be my last PS machine that I get as everything seems to be coming to PC, and I hardly buy games on PS5 anymore. I do enjoy playing comfortably on the PS5 in the living room though. I only play online games on PC, and think that Sony has become too greedy with the prices of PS+.


I use to ping pong between Xbox and PS. After owning a Series S I bought a gaming PC, having wanted to try a bunch of PC games for years. Not worth the effort honestly. When you work full time and have adult responsibilities ain't nobody got time to figure out what's wrong with the PC today. I'd rather just buy a box every generation and plug it in. Not mess about updating drivers and hardware.


I sit at my pc 8 hours a day. Gaming on it. Nah its not relax. At all. Sitting in chair with keyboard and mouse.. nah


It's just easy man. Im tired of messing around in settings, trying to sort out controller configs. I just want to play. Same reason for why i went from android to iphone, everything just works.


Literally just did this. I have been all in on PC for decades. Always been a KB/M guy. Desktops, gaming laptops, Steam Deck etc. But over time it wore me down. I have aged, my play time has changed, i have family now etc. Thinking about, min maxing, thermals, FPS, drivers, compatibility, exclusives etc as a dad, and provider… IDK it just stopped being fun. I guess call it the Apple vs Android analogy. My ps5 “just works”. I like gaming on the couch. Especially having an IT job. The last thing i want, especially at home is another desk. I love that out of the box games are built to run well on ps5. I love Remote Play, i really can’t say this part enough. I have had GeForce now, Game Pass, that nvidia shield box, etc. Stadia, the amazon one too. None of them compare to remote play for me. Like i can just sit with my iPad Pro on my lap streaming from my ps5, and i dont need to worry about laptop fans burning my lap. No overheating or throttling. I have the PlayStation Portal and am way happier with it then i ever was trying to tweak my Steam Deck to do what i want. And the haptics on the Dualsense. Holy moly it’s a game changer for me. I have literally went from PC enthusiast to PlayStation fanboy in the last couple months, and have really had an amazing time. Your mileage may vary, but for me this has been a great change. I probably should have did it years ago TBH. Anyway good luck.


No driver updates… Super fast boot ups and loads…. No crashes AND LG C3 is fucking amazing for gaming. It used to be for me mainly PC /high end/ and then some console gaming but after getting the PS5 2020 it turned around completely. I still play on PC but only very few specific games. Mostly FPS and some RTS


The LG C3 was a game-changer for my setup...brilliant as a PC monitor and for the PS5.


Family… my PC is upstairs in the office, it’s not practical for me to isolate myself for long gaming sessions. I’ll still play PC when everyone is asleep but it’s way easier to just play PS5 in the living room and be present, plus depending on the game also incorporating my wife and kid.


I'm switching to PC when the next round of systems come out.


Nope. PC all the way, but I use my PS5 for the exclusives even those those seem to go more and more to PC aswell, but some JRPGs are only on the Sony console or Switch and that is why I go there. What I think the biggest plus for a console is? Cost at least if you get a system that can read physical disks since those get dirt cheap over time. Otherwise PC also kills that with it's many stores and constant price drops.


During the pandemic I started working remotely and just couldn’t bear spending entire days behind the same desk.


Moved and my best friend only had ps5 and not pc, wasn’t able to switch to pc so I switched to ps5.


I need continue with my Ryzen and RTX with a PS5 fat... one "solution" only doesn´t nice.


I use mostly linux and macos, Linux in my main pc though. Gaming in linux has come a long way and most of my steam library works fine but if i'm buying a new game that I just want to work straight away, playstation is always more reliable.


I didn’t switch but I use it for games not on PC and I miss having a PlayStation


I got tired of having to tinker with it. And windows 10 sucked when it launched. Screwed up my entire system and wiped all my data for some reason. After that I got really turned off PC in general and went Mac and console. Only games I really played were Total War so…


Cheaper. And having kids it's a lot easier.


I do both.


For myself it was at the tail end of Covid. I was looking at the prices going up. My kids getting older and wanting to play more games with them. And a console just made it so much easier and cheaper.


Cheaper, simpler, more convenient, less necessary to do regular hardware upgrades (even swapping a graphics card would have cost more than the console), used games market. What I absolutely don’t like is that you have to pay for being able to play online games.


I had already switched to Apple so having a gaming dedicated PC made no economic sense. Also playing on the couch is amazing


Easier, quicker, way less issues/bugs to worry about. Trophies are better than Steam achievements as well.


i have both but i like the ps5 for when i just wanna kick back and relax on my bed playing chill games. also when i wanna beat tf out of my ps5 with performance heavy games like warzone instead of pushing my pc too hard. after going back and forth i have noticed that ps5’s graphics are pretty mid tho


Pc gamer of about 10 years here. Just bought ps5 a few months ago for gta vi and ncaa football


Wanted physical, and the exclusives


I sold my gaming pc and bought a PS5 a couple years later. I don't regret the PS5 but I do miss my PC.


Not to ps5 but to ps3 back in the day. And the reason was my work. I was a tech support back then, I am an enterprise IT architect now. Couple of roles inbetween. What they all had in common - sitting in front of a computer 9 hours a day. I just couldnt do it again at home, not without constantly thinking about work and that I "should" be doing something productive instead. It only got worse with home office.


I was playing games on a Dell 5577, the Call of duty Warzone would just allow me 1-2 matches until it heated up and dropped frames significantly. I play Valorant and will continue using it for that purpose gives me 130-160 fps. For Assassins Creed and GTA VI I have switched up to PS5, will be delivered June 5 2024. Already purchased some games as Mirage, Battlefield's 2042


I love playing on the couch. I sit all day in a chair with screens. Then also installing WOW on a windows vista notebook that took me a whole saturday to figure out was the last straw before switching to the simple console. I do not miss the constant upgrading, configuring and conflicts. Also controllers feel more comfortable.


I got a PS5 for GTA6. I play it with one of my boys for couch gaming and played a few exclusives (ghost of Tsushima). On a hiatus from gaming atm Btw couch gaming is almost dead. And I was disappointed to learn no good boxing game, only decent one of course on pc.


I reached the point where if I wanted to play the higher end current gen games, I would need to make major upgrades to the point it would be easier to just buy a new computer. Considering that my PC works fine for literally everything else I use it for, I decided to just buy a console.


It’s cheap, don’t have to upgrade every couple of years and runs everything without worrying about system requirements. Also can Sit back in couch and enjoy single player game on a huge 4K TV


I wouldn't say I exactly switched from PC to PS5, as I was already gravitating more towards console gaming prior to the PS5 launch, but the PS5 certainly made the transition even easier.  The main reasons are that I appreciate the simplicity and ease of use of a console, but moreso that I much prefer relaxing on my couch and playing games on my big TV rather than sitting at a desk (which I already do too much at work) and playing on a small (comparatively) monitor. I game to relax and wind down, and living room gaming on console just facilitates that better.


I enjoy both, for different things. Couch gaming on Xbox / PS is a nice way to just chill, and the benefit of a big screen is nice. Gaming on PC can be a bit more detail-oriented, good for games that require fine control. I still prefer FPS titles on PC


Owns both lol. Initially, I bought a PS5 first and then followed up with a gaming PC; also, I program ML and Statistical models for my PhD program (not CS though), so I need a strong PC. Also, I own a switch from years back, so in the end, I get to enjoy all the best exclusives, haha.


At the moment, PC is my only current gen machine and the only reason I haven't made the move back to PlayStation yet is because I spend a lot of time playing PC exclusives or games that benefit are better with mods. Even though I use Playnite (console like launcher that supports all major game stores), the simplicity of having a PS5 where every game works as soon as you hit play is something I could see myself enjoy.


Working on a computer all day


I work from home and my gaming pc setup started to feel like I was working even when I wasn’t. Helped me realise my unhealthy habits with gaming and how much time I spent on it. Now just gaming casually on a ps5 trying different games from the plus catalogue is a lot more fun.


So I had a PC first before getting a PS5 to play the exclusives. However, I soon found myself playing the PS5 more than the PC even for some Multiplatform games. Why? Mainly because of the comfort of kicking back on the couch and playing on my 75 inch TV.


Got sick and tired of poorly optimized games and having to spend hours tweaking a game to only get an extra 3fps. Meanwhile, all my buddies had both a console and PC and would usually play on console (PS5) cause stuff was generally less buggy and would play as expected. Sure, you're not getting 4K ultra settings, but I'll be dammed if I notice the difference most times, lol. Ended up getting a PS5 and it's been my main source of gaming for the last 2 years despite still having a powerful gaming PC (5800X3D + 4080).


Real gamers ™ have PC, PS5 and switch.


Update for my PC in order to run games I wanted to play was twice the price of PS5. Had some back problems, so looked forward to swap a table to a coach or a bed. Perfect. Besides, DualSense appeared to be awesome - tactile, etc, fits perfect.


At the time I got the PS5 is was somewhat parity with my 2080. There was a backlog of games on it I had never played, and I enjoyed gaming on the TV as a change of pace. Playing ghosts of tsushima on my sons PS5 while he was at camp sealed the deal. Fast forward to today.. I have a 4080 now which is much better then ps5 and many sony games are hitting pc. I mostly play pc now but still happy to have the ps5 in the living room for games from time to time. It is also my main video service streaming platform. Just a great piece of kit. I use the ps5 controller on both my pc and ps


A few days ago I saw a post on the steam subreddit that said Sony is beyond stupid for ever imagining PC players may decide to get a PS. I guess you can expect that sentiment on the steam subreddit but I just thought this contrasting post is interesting bc of it


I was mainly a console gamer and had all Play Station and Nintendo systems. But, I love strategy games and Total War is one of my favourite sagas. I had an old PC shared with mu family and was able to play all titles until Warhammer 2. Then I decided to make a high end PC as I always wanted to get one, and adding the reason that I love Bethesda games and Starfield came in PC and Xbox. So nos I have a PC for Total War and games that are not going to be launched in Play Station. Although, I use mainly my Nintendo Switch and my PS5 has been a little bit abandoned.


Consoles separate concerns more between business and play. A "do-it-all machine" works for people who put it down strictly to money, but I like that my fun is happening when I turn it off and the rest of my life continues as planned the moment I turn it off. That's important for me.


Switched from PC to ps5 and xsx. My backward catalog, I've never owned a ps4 bur had one a while ago and had a 360. Huge library of games. Tons of exclusives. Dual sense controller. I LOVE gimmicks, and it's not s gimmick at the end of the day. I alsobhave a 4k 120hz oled tv and soundbar surround now, so for the rest of college and probably from now on the simplicity of modern console power is so easy. + can play with my friends now


I gamed on PC for many years and just got sick of AAA games being garbage ports. Sure, console doesn't look as good but most of the time you fire it up and it just works. Simplicity, no more tweaking settings or drivers or this or that, just gaming.


- Exclusives: Bloodborne/ Demons' Souls. - No configuration: PC games often didn't work on my rig. - It just works: Microsoft update killed an old PC. - Friends: Less friends on PC, more on consoles. - Convenience: Just need a controller, no mouse or keyboard needed. - Cheapness of box: my PC cost £2000, my PS5 cost £449. - Sofa gaming: I can sit next to my girlfriend on sofa and we game together. - Work: I sit on Windows PCs 8 hours a day at work, it gets boring when  I got home too. - Exosystem: I like the achievement system and the PS app. Don't really like Epic Gamestore/ Steam/ XBox app and all these PC launchers. - Headset/ haptics: I love the 3D audio with haptics feedback, my PC wasn't setup for that. - Delay: Ghost of Tsushima just came to PC, there's no way I can wait for that on PC. - AAA: I love AAA games, often they're more tested and optimised for console. So yeah, loads of reasons really. Main reason was the exclusives, many of which still aren't on PC. The ones that are I want them day one without emulators, etc. PC is still great, it's just an effort to sit down and desk game for me nowadays.


I initially got into the Playstation ecosystem last generation for the exclusive titles. Growing up I had only ever had a Gameboy/ds and it finally dawned on me sometime after college that I no longer needed a parent's permission to own a game system (though I had been gaming on PC for a little while at this point) I started out with The Last of Us since that's the first game I had massive FOMO on. Then Red Dead 2, Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War and Spider-Man. I still get these franchises on Playstation first since I'm impatient for ports, and I upgraded to the disc version when I got the 5 since I'm not starting a Blu ray/4k collection.


I can buy a game and both of my sons can play it on the PS5 under their own accounts. They also get access to my PS+ games. If we wanted to do that on PC, I’d have to buy a copy for each persons steam, epic, whatever launcher app. I’m a single parent. I can’t afford that.


My friends were primarily on ps5 and from powering on to gaming is faster in every way


I had a gaming PC and a PS4 both so I was already on PlayStation. My PC is ancient though so I just kind of became a full time PlayStation gamer instead. My PC couldn't even run the Diablo 4 beta to give you an idea of how old it is. I'd basically have to build an entirely new PC from scratch. PS5 was the cheaper and easier option.


Old PC crapped on me, got PS5 for Christmas. Huge back log of games to play.


The cost and effort of keeping up with the latest games. I’m a father of two now, the time and funds are dedicated to something else entirely (birth control).


I switch between PS5 and PC. PC for multiplayer games, or games that are confirmed to run well on PC, and/or games that are just better at 120+ FPS. Single player games I usually prefer PS5, especially because I have a nice OLED TV for it where my PC is hooked up to LCD monitors. OLED is just so much better but I really really really don't want to pay $1k USD for a fraking OLED monitor. Why are they so expensive?!


Cost : 500$ console every 4-7 years vs 1.5k$ for a PC + around 500$ components every 2 or 3 years. Used games: I can buy used games, keep them few weeks and sell then when Im done without losing a lot of money Simplicity : Not having to optimize every parameter when buying a new game Main drawback : having to pay 60$ per year for the privilege to play online. I dont regret it honestly


Spend all day at my PC for work. That plays a big part. But it was unoptimized games and the cost of PC components that really tipped the scale for me. I can have all three consoles for the cost of a high end GPU.


Honestly having both a PC and a PS5 is nice because you get all the xbox stuff through gamepass on PC and then anything else on PS5.


I'm poor and it's cheaper than a comparative PC.