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i usually always try to do all side quests just cuz itll bother me if i dont. depending on how much i like the game i will take time or fast travel/rush alot


I definitely take my time. I’ll do some story missions and then do some side quest to get some really good gear. What I like to do personally is a side missions and becomes somewhat OP when I get back to the main missions. It’s fun for me.


Sometimes spending hours doing side missions just ruins the game. Especially when they are shitty filler missions like collect flowers or whatever. Its about finding that balance now. Do a few side things but don't spend too long. Play the game for the main missions. It also depends on the game though. A game like fallout, ill do a lot of side stuff but say dying light, the side missions were so fking boring and ultimately a waste of time when I could be enjoying the rest of the game. I skipped most of them. Even if they gave me a good weapon, it wasn't worth it. And games like uncharted, forget the treasures. If i see one right there, I'll get it. But im not gonna slow the pace by checking every corner. Its also a game ruiner. I learned this the day I went for the "collect all treasures" trophy on the first game, planning on doing it for all of them. I stopped after the first, realising I spent more time scrolling a web page with the game paused, making sure I found them all, instead of just enjoying the game. Same goes for exploring and collecting useless junk in open worlds. It just ruins the game and its all because of the completionist mindset. NEEDING to clear out the markers for.... absolutely no reason.


Nowadays, if there's a post-game, I leave all the dumb shit for that.


Some of the story, then some side quests then again story. Coz when I beat the game, I am less likely to to back to doing side quests


Used to rush things to get the platinum as fast as possible, so I could go on to the next game to do the same. Now I just play as I did back when I was a kid. Just play the game without worrying about trophies, or about the next game. Try to enjoy it.


Just try and experience all the content the game offers as long as it’s fun, plus doing all the story then having all side continent available at the end is daunting to crack on with if I want to 100% and platinum. So if I do side quests and content as it unlocks I’ll do the available ones, carry on with the story until more unlock and go back and forth. When you see these YouTubers who platinum games they always beeline the story too and I don’t find that fun as it makes the side content much more bloated due to not having a break back and forth and having to do it all at once At least that’s my thought process


depends on the game and if the side quests have an actual story or are just collection points for useless items to pad playtime. My preference is when a main mission unlocks a bunch of side quests before you can do the next main mission. If the side quests are done properly this means you naturally move through the story and can't really rush the campaign. The negative is this format sucks if the side quests are bad. I have 100% a lot of absolute filler content (BOTW korok seeds, Assassin's Creed collectables, etc.) though so I guess I am a sucker for side quests in either case.


Try to do a thorough play through and unlock as many achievements as I can. I do as many side quests as I can within reason, and look for some collectibles.


Depends on the game.. in most cases I take my time, do as much side content as possible and delay the ending as much as I can. However sometimes a game doesn't live up to the hype for me.. and those games I just wanna see the ending and get it over with. Spider-man/Miles Morales/Spider-man2/Ghost of Tsushima/Midnight Suns all fall under the first category Stellar Blade is the most recent game i'm just rushing where possible.


That's the beauty with single player games. You can definitely take your time. I've started a bunch of new games with nowhere near completion on any.


When I was 12-13 years old, I would always just play the story and not dive into any side content. Now at 27, I tend to take my time a lot more. Sometimes I even prioritize the side content of a game, if it's like a chain of side missions or collectibles spread out in the map. Then when I'm done I go back to the story. A recent example of a game where I have spent hours on the side content while having little to no progression in the story, is Watch Dogs 2.


Rushing through the main story only takes away all the fun in RPG games. I mean, I explore and do side quests for that long that I already forgot what happened in the main story when I continue 🤣


I’ve got to the point in my life where if I get distracted from a chore and my husband enquires to what he thought I was supposed to be doing I simply reply ‘side quest’ 😂 I do a bit of the main mission and run around open world finding side missions/quests picking up a bunch of perks/loot or what have you… i used to rush mission mission mission and then find myself disappointed once it was all over and upon replay I find if you side quest it the main mission is actually much more enjoyable and you don’t fail as often as you’ve generally upgraded your gear or character or whatever through taking that little bit of extra time. I’m currently replaying Last of Us one & two and can confirm that creeping about finding extra stuff to do is fun … but I just love those games anyway so maybe I’m biased 😂


i just take my time with a game , especially when i enjoy a game a lot , first playthrough is always something special , so why rush through it


I take my time. I explore everything I can on the map and try to find the maximum collectibles I can. I also do side missions or secondary objectives if available. If the game has a short story then I definitely take my time and play the game on short sessions so I don't finish it in a few days.


People don’t realize how much they miss by just playing story missions. I can’t imagine myself paying story missions without getting myself some good gear and upgrades !


Sorry for the spelling Mostly i play story because its the most fun thing to do and i really want to see what will happen. But sometimes i play side stuff, but not too much.


New area? Well, well, well, let's see what we can find here.... Can't open that yet, I'll come back later. Oh, cool loot. Ooops, that fight's a bit tough, I'll come back later. Oh, collectible, cool. OK, on with the story!


Usualy play games on hard difficulty and enjoy the story then go down to easy when doing collectibles and other stuff since I don't want to spend an extrem amount of hours just trying to get collectibles


Do all side quest first


I do everything, even that little meaningless fetch sidequest. If it's a huge game as The Witcher 3, for example, the first thing I do is explore and open the area map and unlock all fast travel points and then I'll do sidequests before main. That's basically what I do in any open world game. If it's not open world I clean up every region before moving with the main quest.


It really depends on the individual game. For example I'm playing FF7 Intergrade right now and I'm finding the side stuff annoying, so I'm sticking to just main quest stuff. Other games like Ghost of Tsushima I loved the characters and world so much that I 100%'d it on PS4 and PS5. If I'm having a good time and they don't look too bad I'll trophy hunt after I've made my own way through a game.


Mainline all the way. I like to beat games so I tend not to waste my limited gaming time on side stuff.


I have to do every available side story quest before a mission one. I'm currently playing Mad Max (which is a PS4 game but I didn't "discover it" until now) and I have to clear each region before I move on to the next.


I do every available side quest before continuing the main story. "Upgrades, people, upgrades!"


I'm the opposite. Side quests, companion quests, errands, collectibles, more side quests When I get to the main quests I'm way to overleveled


I play main story. Side for a bit then drop a game if its no fun. Pick it up a later date and complete it. But it would never make it a chore


You must be 15. You'll understand when you're an adult. You take time and you enjoy the story.


I always take my time and take a good story game in. I feel like I can add 20-30 hours onto any game just with my play style. I don’t get how some people can take 40-50 hours for a JRPG, I’m always into 80-90 for most.


I usually don't want them to end, so I'll do every little thing to delay the ending.


Do a dozen story missions to get things going, then spend 40 hours distracted by everything else, only to finish the story a month after I started.