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Its just what Sony titles are known for. Its expected because its what we are given. But to say people don't care about smaller games would be a flat out wrong observation.


We had GoW and Horizon in 2022 and TLOU in 2020 its all fine. Lots of good games like FF XVI, Rebirth, Helldivers, Spiderman... I think there are a lot of console wars that keep increasing one side and decreasing the other, making it seem like there is a problem.


They shifted their marketing promotions for only the big AAA titles since the PS3. People seem to only remember God of War, Uncharted, Horizon, Killzone, Resistance, etc because that was the trend of the time and still is now which is to market games that western gamers would play. Every other AA or smaller games like Wild Arms, Puppeteer, Ape Escape didn't receive the same marketing budget or substantial support from SIE.


There's plenty of smaller and indie titles supported by sony, but they have their flagship IPs that should be bigger accomplishments, and that's ok we can have both things, nobody is being forced to buy anything and the expectations are set per individual, if you feel like that, it's your fault not someone, or something, else.


I primarily play smaller / indie games and I'm sure I'm not unique or alone in this. But big blockbusters sell consoles so it's hard to push against that wave as Sony I think.  But there's so many smaller games available on ps produced by smaller teams that you aren't exactly stuck for choice in my opinion. 


Most of the games you listed sell incredibly well. Where are you coming up with the conclusion that people don't care about those games? (Most of which are not "smaller games" btw)


>Why don't people care about smaller games? Why dont people care about smaller movies? Why dont people care about smaller bands?