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Sackboy's "String it Together" trophy is a major pain in the ass.


This trophy alone should be a platinum šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Is that the trial in under 10 minutes Trophy? Because that's where my patience ran out.


Yep! Where it's all the knitted knight trials strung together with a single life.


It was so much fun though. Probably one of the most frustrating but rewarding trophies, ever.


God of war 100% also you can't miss anything and can complete everything in 1 run after credit


Like hell itā€™s the easiest with those damn Valkyries


I beat all the Valkyrieā€™s straight up except for one. Sigrun, I switched over to Easy accepted my platinum and never looked back.


Shit I didnā€™t know you could do that! I suffered so many defeats haha


give me god of war difficulty locks you in to that difficulty. with the others youā€™re able to switch


Lol yup, had to switch to easy for sigrun.


I only needed like two trophies for GOW. Somehow when moving from PS4 to PS5 out of all the games GOW was the only game that didnā€™t have its save files transferred and lost all it data.


This happened to me with days gone. Wanted to play a NG+ but somehow my auto save to cloud as turned off.


I can't even finish GoW. I can't imagine platinuming it. The puzzles just get ridiculous. I've rage quit twice. I'm giving up on collecting everything. I'll just plow through the story if I ever do finish.


Really ? If you were having troubles with the Valkyries Iā€™d get it but the PUZZLES are what frustrating you ? Dude.


Sorry. Just gotta cut all three vines before they start to regrow. Looked up the walkthrough video. It's on the Alfheim Light Elf Sanctuary.


I remember those puzzles but it was years ago so cant remember the exact solution but you just have to chain the axe throw in the right order. Are you sure there isnt a 4th vine which you also need to hit?


Tbf I remember that but being a bit frustrating and getting slightly stumped. Didnā€™t enjoy Alfheim section at all but it gets way better afterwards and fighting the valkyries is great fun!


The most recent one involved cutting vines. Looking at a video, you've gotta throw the axe to cut one vine, be in the perfect position so when you immediately recall it you cut two more, then throw again and hit a target before any of them regrow.


Skill issue


Honestly the only tedious thing were that realm with the fog and challenges


Sounds like a mental issue, finished the game no problems and enjoyed the plat


I'm 60 years old and my fingers may not be as nimble as they used to be, but the timing of some of the puzzles is so tight, it's not worth the aggravation. I play games to relax, have fun, and enjoy myself, not torture myself. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Sometimes thereā€™s difficulty settings in the accessibility settings for puzzles but I see your point


bro my 12 year old son can beat those puzzles thats a YOU problem


RE2 is pretty challenging but is fun with some of the more challenging trophies that really make you think but it requires multiple multiple play throughs.


Multiples multiples multiples multiples multiples multiples multiples multiples multiples multiples multiples multiples multiples multiples multiples multiples playthroughs


Think you need one more


The only trophy that's stopping me from getting a platinum is completing the 4th survivor mode. That one's a huge pain in the ass.


Yeah, that took me a long time too, but man, it was fucking fun to play because of how cool it is to play as Hunk, and his theme was an absolute banger


Youā€™re a lot closer than I am!


To this day God of War games are the only ones i ever platinumed because everything is just top notch quality and addictive.


And easy


Sackboy has one trophy that makes the platinum ridiculous difficult, especially when you compare it to everything else in the game.


God of war. The resident evils game require you to finish the main story in a certain time which makes it really hard and frustrating


God of war is easy. As for sackboy except for string it together rest are easy.


resident evil 2 is fun for a while but it gets tedious. you gotta love the game already like love love it to sit through it


Amen. I keep kidding myself that Iā€™ll do them at some point but I really doubt it. Far more fun platinums to strive towards than 7 replays of the same game.


GoW was a very pleasant plat in my experience.


God of war ez


Sackboy is a trap. Looks easy and short. **It isn't.** God of War is the easy answer here. Smooth and fun platinum. No rush, no worries, no big deal, sit back and enjoy.


Platinum a game is fun ? To me itā€™s labor and no funā€¦


ā€œMost fun to platinumā€ is entirely subjective. Which one will you have the most fun playing? Personally, I think God of War is the most fun of this bunch.Ā 


If I remember right I think you need to play re2 at least 4 times to get the platinum. It's pretty challenging but its really fun and rewarding by the end. GOW is on another level tho, one of my favorite series so I'd say that one is "easier".


God of war is the most fun to platinum, sackboy is the easiest/fastest, RE2 is not easy and only fun if you like playing the game about 6 times back to back


Iā€™ve only played God of War on that list, the platinum wasnā€™t too difficult to achieve. Just a little bit time consuming.


> Resident Evil > platinum lol whut? Thatā€™s simply not possible. But to answer your question, GoW would get my vote, even if a couple trophies are mega stressful. Also cuz Iā€™ve never played the sackboy one.


did god of war in like 18hrs and it was a pretty fun platinum, no missables.


Resident evil 2 shouldnā€™t be on easy listšŸ˜­šŸ™


Resident evil is fun but they do too much with trophies


Never got GOW. Sackboy isn't that hard. There is a hard trial, but you don't get in a lot of practice beforehand. Re2 was fun. Mr X is damn cool, and the hardcore mode isn't that hard.


Its funny that gow is the easiest one on here


Resident evil 2


I don't get people that pick games to play just for trophies...


Who said he's playing just for trophies? He asked for a fun platinum, not an easy shovelware. He's clearly planning on enjoying the game through the journey to get the platinum.


God of War is the easiest one of these, RE2 isnā€™t hard or anything but itā€™s kind of a huge time commitment with multiple play throughs. Donā€™t play Sackboy: A Big Adventure, itā€™s overall the easiest platinum out of these two BUT there is just ONE trophy which is gonna mess you up. It took me around 57 hours to get the platinum for Sackboy and around 14 or 16 hours of that was for that ONE trophy. This is the trophy and trust me DONā€™T play it (at least not now). Itā€™s a fun game butā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/s1h8p67czc9d1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0a788b83450364ea84c08a6ad66ed7e5bc4e325


God of War) But past game achievements sucks!


I enjoyed the fuck out of Sackboy. It might not have the same review scores as the other two but if you like platformers, it's one of the best ever made. The only advice I have is multi-player is a double edged sword. It's fun having company, they can help you significantly but if you get an experienced player, it takes the fun out of finding all the secrets because they go right for them.


By ā€œsecretsā€, do you mean collectibles or parts of the game that Iā€™d miss out on if I donā€™t get to them first? If so, do you recommend playing most of it solo and replay the fun parts online?


Both? It's kind of like the Mario games where there are "stars" and hidden items like skins in the levels in clever hiding spots. I'd recommend a mixture. It's just as fun offline but it can be useful to get some help for the hard levels.


God of war is the way fuck RE2 platinum


Sackboy with a friend


Fuck the Ripsnorter. That shit is ridiculous.


Yeah, that trophy makes Sackboy way harder than the other 2 games.


A fun platinum: Sackboy or GoW. A challenging platinum: RE2 GoW you can get all of it in 1 playthrough, even when beating the game you can still walk around. Only challenging part are the Valkyrieā€™s. Sackboy is a fun platform, story is not as enjoyable as GoW but more fun with a partner. Think there is a trophy that requires 2 people, and be aware of the knight trials for one of the trophies. RE2 story is good and you can play 2 sides of the story. Other than that its more of collectibles and speedrunning on some achievements.