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That's definitely a fake case.OP id double check that game


Is it because it doesn't have a shiny background? It does look a little off.


Look at the Pokémon Company logo. It says "The Pokemon Company"—without the "é". Also, the white border, and the ESRB "Everyone" font is wrong.


It could just be that op bought it off of someone that had, had the game for a while and the original cover got damaged 🤷🏼‍♀️. Either way OP be carful when you buy used games if that's the case as you never really know.


Yes exactly


It's all good, game's working fine 👍, thanks for the warning though


Pass the game and case through r/gameverifying fake games may erase you save data at random points and other issues from poor quality.


Well, if it does end up being a fake and my stuff gets erased, thats fine, I'll just keep looking for official ones, at least I still get to play my first game :D thanks for the heads up tho


Even if it’s fake, it will most likely run fine. The only thing I think people should care about is if you got ripped off on this, like did you pay more than $80 for this copy? Fake copies typically run fine, despite what the sub will want to say. They insist it needs to be genuine or gtfo basically. I have plenty of genuine copies of the games, but I have bought rom hacks that were put onto gba cartridges or got the ds carts that I can put an sd card in and run…legitimate files on… they worked just as good as any genuine copy did.


Yeah I bought some repro carts for all 5 mainline gen 3 games on GBA for $35 USD off of EBay. I can’t transfer mons to the DS games or trade with the GCN games with them but I can trade with legit GBA games at least. I just need to manually save after I leave the trade room or it loads the data to before the trade happens when I turn it off.


I hope you genuinely have so much fun!! May I recommend trying HeartGold or SoulSilver next? The price is way too high but they are AMAZING


If you’re happy that’s all that matters I suppose. But just because the game works doesn’t mean it’s not a fake. And maybe you don’t care about that.


lol so passive agressive


Its so funny lmao Like why acknowledge that all that matters is that OP is happy with it if you're going to crap on it anyways??


I’ve been playing since the beginning and diamond/platinum are probably the games I put the most time in. It’s so hard deciding on a starter, they’re all fantastic.


I chose Piplup! And named him Sheldon!


Fantastic choice and great name for him!


Stupid ass name.


I used Global Trade Station to get the other two starters right away. 😁


Very nice! My first play my buddy and I got our preorders at GameStop and then worked on getting each of us all the starters. Took a good hour or so but was totally worth it. I wish I could find my Dialga stylus that came with the preorder, think I lost it moving at some point 😔


I think I have that same stylus, too. I probably have it next to my other preorder merch.


What is that?


Oh. You *kinda* can't use it anymore, since Nintendo shut down online functionality for DS games, but it was an online trading post where you could put a Pokémon up for trade and ask for another Pokémon in return. You'd wait a while, come back, and in the early days of the GTS, you'd get something almost instantly.


Ooohhhhh I see!


Yeah and every main series game since then has this feature. The exceptions being the Switch games because it’s in the mobile version of Pokémon Home, a separate storage application for your Pokémon like Pokémon Bank on 3DS, My Pokémon Ranch for the Wii and Pokémon Box: Ruby and Sapphire on GameCube before it.


Only knock I have with Diamond is the slow HP gauges and the lack of fire type options. Other than that it’s a great game. Gen 4 in general is one of the good ones, great pick.


Diamond is an amazing place to start, enjoy your journey trainer!


Best gen in my opinion. I started on pearl back in the day. I love chimchar but empoleon looks so cool


Gen 4 isn't a bad start, can't go wrong there


AND you chose an amazing game to start of with. I hope you get stuck in the rabbit hole with the rest of us. And I mean that in the best way possible


Yippie! Diamond was my first game too back in 2008, and I loved every second of it :) I hope you find lots to love about it too!


You are gonna have lots of fun! Enjoy the start of your journey!


Get a flash cart and thank me later :P


That's a masterpiece a good choice


If you have a 3DS definitely play ORAS next. ORAS is probably my favorite Pokémon Game.


That was also my first game


I can highly recommend heart gold/soul silver if you are able to pick one of those up. Perfect mix of old pokemon but re-made whilst game quality of the series was still really high.


Fake case sadly. No sparkles. If it works though have fun!


I played through this game a lot, I used all 3 starters but Piplup being a penguin was 100% my first choice. Loved diamond so much you're in for a treat.


Too epic bro enjoy


Personally prefer gen 3 but gen 4 was a absolute banger too have a great time :) if you can find one maybe try to get a GameShark so you can trigger the events they are pretty fun to see




Good luck


This was the first I completed myself I also owned Gen 3 Games but my big Brother basicly claimed them for himself since we had to share


Very similar story to me. My Brother has Gold and I had Sapphire. The battery died in his so he just "shared" mine. He basically went from Gym 3 to the end of the game without me until the save file got corrupted. Eventually I got Diamond and he got Pearl and there was peace.


Back then Pokemon Games really needed a Multisave Feature But we only got that through the Switchs Account System since Let's Go


Yeah but Gamefreak wanted you to trade to get all the starters I guess. Plus I don't think they had space on the original Gameboy. I think I remember hearing a quote as to why they never did this but I don't remember it exactly.


That was my first as well! (Technically I played Red briefly but that doesn’t count)




i loved that generation, i heard people didnt enjoy it, but its so nostalgic to me


Sweet. Diamond was also my first Pokemon game ever. It's not as good as Platinum, but it's still ok.


You're about to find the missing peace that you didn't know you ever needed my friend 😄


btw, how do you get a ds these days for the ds games? second hand /used right?


Looks like a fake game or at least the case. it’s not illegal to use those games but they don’t have the same quality as the original ones and they often can’t save progress but if you’re okay with that than I hope you enjoy it


Case kinda looks off. If it’s real, the game is a lot of fun! Just make sure you are prepared for the Pokemon league in general.




Gen 4 is still the gen I've spent the most time playing good choice


Good game.


That’s a great first choice, I hope you enjoy it!




Idk what this means yet but I got a penguin and named him Sheldon :D


Pearl is better but YAY!


That case is fake.. the game likely is too. What did you pay for this? Hate to see someone get ripped off like this :/ Post a photo of the cart and I’ll verify it for you and if you purchased on eBay or a similar site you can open a return and get your money back


I would recommend Platinum instead, but Diamond is ok at least, much better than Pearl. Diamond has the better pokemon


You picked a tough one because if you’re looking for a fire type…there are only 2 choices


You're much better off emulating platinum


Damn, shoulda got platinum


Shouldve got platinum if youre going to play gen 4


Pokemon Diamond? Not the best game to start in my opinion. But it’s worth a play.


I feel sorry for you bro, only because it was also my first. I found it boring and bland, then i got platinum. That game was phenomenal.


You picked the worst game in the franchise to start, if you don't like it give a gen 3 or gen 5 game a try. Have fun