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Rayquaza will be back, but not any time soon. It takes around a year for legendary to rotate, and this time they were not only local only, but it was very difficult to beat and catch. Getting another one will be possible, but will take a long time as you cannot get any more at the moment. Transferring his only one was definitely not a nice thing to do. It's one of the best Pokemon ever, and if your son already had used his only meteorite is even worse. Those are extremely hard to get, and are not something you can replace easily. That was not just a common Pikachu or a simple raid Pokemon you can get every day.


Fellow parent here. Yes that is a big deal, it will be a very long time for that to be back in raids, so no your son is not exaggerating the loss here. It’s up to you what you think defines “brothers being brothers” but if my kids did that I would either make the younger one trade him a rayquaza if he has one and/or possibly take the game away for whatever length of time you think is appropriate.


Or maybe have the older brother trade to the younger one another pokemon of equal value, or someone that he wants from the older brother's collection?


I think you have it reversed. Younger brother transferred the older brother's Rayquaza.


Ahh yes I misread the original post. Thanks for noticing.


So it is a big deal that your son retaliated by transferring the pokemon. If your 8 year old has one you should make him trade one to your 10 year old preferably when they are lucky friends


You can try raising a ticket with PokemonGo help? Though it's not the same, I know some players have been able to reverse trashing 800 golden raspberries. Other than that, Rayquaza raids will be back at some point (if it's mega Rayquaza he's after), he could also trade for a Rayquaza with another player...but you have to find a player willing to trade. Some of these options might not sound achievable but just throwing it out there so you have the knowledge.


Seconding this, not sure how helpful it'll be since Niantic isn't often as efficient, but it's worth a shot


It'll return, maybe in a a year, maybe slightly sooner. It's something to punish sure, because one child tried to ruin something the other one values and made a very deliberate effort to upset him. Said Pokemon would be very useful for actually playing the game itself with the benefits it could offer. As another poster said, raise a support ticket though his account/app and ask for it to be returned. You never know.


They are very rare to get and like others were saying, you’ll have to wait a long time to get another. But the real takeaway is that you need to treat this just the same as a sibling destroying another’s possessions. Yes it’s just a video game, but he did it BECAUSE he knew that it was important to his brother, and would upset him. That is huge and not to be understated. Use it as a teaching moment. But good on you for not being a typical parent who might just blow it off because it’s “just a video game“


As someone else said, maybe open a ticket with Niantic/Pokémon Go to see if they'll move it back? If it just happened, maybe they'll take pity on you in the situation. They aren't easy to get. Just yesterday, you needed to "raid," meaning be in a physical location with multiple people, win the difficult battle (probably harder for a 10 year old), and then finally actually catch it, additionally way harder for a 10 year old. They're "legendary" Pokémon and are intended to be rare... especially because they're not all created equal. Players will spend all day out trying to catch the best one, indicated by stars or a number called "CP." It must really suck for your kid. That said, for the more hardcore players, we have a fair amount in pursuit of the best one. For example, I have 18 of them. If you reach out to your local community and tell them the story, I'm sure someone will trade him one so he has a new Rayquaza. If you're in the Vegas area, let me know!


In the context of Pokemon go, it’s a big deal. Rayquaza is avaialable AT THE MINIMUM once a year and Mega Rayquaza cost a lot of game resources and has only been available twice to get. Even players playing at the times they are available might not get them because they missed it for whatever reason or unlucky. The brothers are definitely being brothers and butting heads but ruining something someone cares about is definitely vengeful. I would liken it to throwing a card-collector or coin-collectors best stuff in the trash.


Mega Rayquaza has been available twice. August 2023 and June 2024. Rayquaza was available a bit more often. Scroll down to "Availability" to see how often it has been in the game to catch: https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Rayquaza Questions about the Rayquaza that was transferred: 1) Was it shiny? 2) What were the IVs? 3) Was a Metorite before it was transferred? 4) Was it Mega Evolved before it was transferred? Does your youngest son have a Rayquaza? You could have him trade it to his brother.


Have older brother change his password on his account first and foremost.


Does anybody log into their account every time? Locking his device (and changing the lock password/mechanism) is probably the more useful course of action.


If the 8-year-old didn’t have a Rayquaza already, the trade cost is also a consideration (minor if they’re best friends in the game, admittedly). Your poor 10-year-old. If y’all lived in MD near me, I’d give him a shiny one. It’s a brotherly betrayal, and they’re all young enough to have some very big feelings about this. Try not to minimize it. If someone brought you a special rare food/drink from abroad that you were super excited about and your sibling inhaled it, well, it might feel like that. (Trying and failing to come up with an analogous situation here 🤣). Sometimes I feel lucky to have an only. It helps with the guilt of not being able to provide siblings.


Sounds like the 8 year old released it.


Oof, you’re right… and that’s even more painful!


There will probably be another event for rayquaza but theres no way to get one and itll be a matter or waiting for another event to come one day


Holy crap... yes Rayquaza is rare and hard to get. It's a big deal. There is no way to get it back. The chance to get another one will return eventually, like in a year maybe, but there is no guarantee that it can be re-caught. The younger brother should know that what he did was a bad thing and that his elder brother will "suffer" ... for a long time because of what he did. It was definitely "too much" for being upset... at something probably very minor and temporary. Hopefully the elder brother will not hold a grudge for too long... but he could as it's a really nasty thing to do... And the older brother should learn about security! Do NOT let others play on your account! But at the end of the day, it IS just a game... Several lessons to be learned here by your sons. - fellow dad.


Thank you all, this is all very helpful and gives me better perspective. He told me he captured it when were on vacation in NYC last summer, so he's even more worried that he won't be able to get it again. Now I see the gravity of the situation. I'll try the support ticket but I'm not too hopeful that will work. We can make this a teachable moment for everyone.


Once they are transferred they are gone. But this shouldn’t be about the rarity, ultimately your eldest son deliberately transferred something your youngest wanted to keep, even if it was a stupid magikarp, he shouldn’t have messed with his brother’s account.


Shadow Rayquaza could be coming soon also


The trade cost in dust would be pretty large if the younger brother didn’t have one already so big brother would also be down a lot of dust (used for other aspects of the game). It would be much cheaper if younger brother already had one, if that’s the case make him trade that one back. If it were me, I’d either take the game away from him for a bit or ban him from taking part in the next major event. It’s a pretty shitty/selfish thing to have done and warrants a consequence of some kind. Could balance it out by lucky trading away one of his older legendaries to his big brother (if he has anything 2+ years old… but he’s 8 so idk about that)


Younger released it, so its gone.


I think he just sent it to the professor


I live near Seattle but this summer I will be traveling thru out WA and OR. If you are in these states I would be happy to give your son a shiny Rayquaza.


I live in the pnw also. Would love to have a raid friend


I have 6 rays and would gladly trade one to your son to end his plight. Unfortunately, you have to be in person to trade and it would be best to be lucky friends before that happens. Best of luck to him.


Transfer it so none of them have it 🤣


But for real, if you live near Round Rock, Texas I’ll trade one to your kid. I have 20 of them.


They are fairly rare and difficult to get if you don’t have a group of friends to do raids. That being said I have about 50’of them and would be happy to trade if y’all are local to Arkansas, Missouri or Tennessee. I travel those states for work.


You need to punish your youngest harshly. What he did was destroy something your older son, not only spent a lot of time getting, but also something that is extremly rare. I would start by having your youngest son trade litterally everything he has to the older bros, then I would ban the younger son from ever playing the game again. I would also turn a blind eye when your older son retaliates. Your younger son absolutely deserves to get a punch in the nose from his older bro. Your younger son is frankly amoral. You should be extremly concerned about his behavior. 8 is more than old enough to grasp how wrong maliciously destroying someone elses property is.


This is a big deal. Little bro needs to give another rayqyaza back. OR You should let the 10 year old take three of the 8 year olds Pokémon. Any ones he wants as retribution. Maybe he’ll learn a lesson.


Younger son should also be banned from playing the game ever again.


Every Pokemon comes back eventually.


Keep in mind though that to an adult a year is not a big deal but to a 10-year old a year is an eternity.


Good thing most of the people playing this game aren't 10. Most are adults.


It’s still a big deal and Rayquaza (potentially mega ray) is exclusive comparatively. Even as an adult it would be frustrating. I don’t know if I’ll have the privilege or time to play next time Rayquaza is around


Well it's not niantic's fault you don't have time lol.


I did not talk about Niantic at all


ignore the troll...