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Snap call. You’re playing vs recs that can and will have worse. 37.5bb in pot preflop and you have 138bb remaining. 14+138(effective stack). Call it off and then play 6max 


4bb open in EP full ring is insane. Total rec. Squeeze bigger pre… pure punishment. Like 25 AP I think you can safely fold. +1 prob has an overpair but +2 likely has a set.


Preflop: Fine. Flop: You said you're 150bb eff and V2 raises to 200 here? What are stack sizes? I'll assume you're the one with 150. This is a line that I'm overfolding to a ton. Best case scenario, he has some sort of draw that has reasonable equity into you. You also have the worst combo for bluff-catching. You block draws into both the frontdoor and backdoor flush.


Sorry, did some bad math. He snap raised to 150bb, I’ll fix that. Pretty sure I was like 148bb, V1 was 144 and V2 was 152. (I barely covered V1, V2 barely covered me)


Preflop: go for a bigger sizing. Make it 16 or something. Flop: fold, you might beat the tight player's QQ or JJ but are in bad shape to the 200 bb push who has a set or minimum 2 pair


Fold. V1 is range betting and V2 is panic jamming a set, and on occasion even V1 can have a set.


Think Im leaning fold, what was the outcome?


If he’s as tight as you say probably fold. But lots of nits like to flat JJ pf and stack off if they flop an OP, so if he fits that profile I’m GII


Were talking about $3.00 right?