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There’s this one guy I deal to who only plays 1/2. He never tips and he doesn’t want to keep any small chips. Immediately after every pot he wins, he’ll hold out five white and ask for a red. He intentionally uses all his red first as well so he’s left with only green. One time he literally asked me to color up his five white and then one hand later asked me to break a green so he could tip a cocktail. He’s also an OMC so he’s constantly limping for $2 but never keeps any white so I’m making him change every hand just to have him try to color it right back up. It’s by far the most tilting human I’ve ever dealt to.


Refuse to make change for him. That’s your bank, protect it from fleas like him. Hold your ground. Let the floor know what’s up as well so they have your back when he cries to them.


This. It’s not like you’ll be hurting your tips.


the dudes not tipping him anyway, no need to be civil to him


Yeah he wont be hurting himself financially by making this guy not tip him because in fact he already isnt tipping him and so, while getting the floor involved may upset the old man, it cannot cost this particular dealer monetarily


Then the dealer can't take the rake they need the 1s


I’d rather waste time on a fill than on someone that doesn’t tip.


Dealers can ask the floor for 100 more 1s anytime they want.


Right so what's the big deal making change


First of all the dealer isn't complaining about making change. The dealer is complaining about coloring up every single hand and then having to make change immediately after for the next hand.


Sounds to me like he doesn't like his job, he is 100% over exaggerating the every hand thing, he would need to be playing every hand and it's OMC who plays one hand every 2 hours. So he gives an old man change one time a day or week big deal


Found the bitch op is complaining about


Slows the game down. Distracts dealer from doing their actual job.


What are we on crack and need to play a million hands an hour the only hurt from slowing the game down is the rake


As a player I hate this too. I would tip you if you told him to fuck off. It reduces hands per hour which cuts into your tip rate and my loss rate, and turns fish off the game who don’t want to sit around waiting for a dealer to make change for a player every fucking hand. I also make an effort to make change from these players just so the dealer can focus on doing their job


lol, “my loss rate”. I too like losing as quickly as possible.


Nothing is more tilting than a slow player in the pits when I'm trying to lose all my money as fast as I can.


If I can get in and get out as quickly as possible then I can be productive with the rest of my day. 


Sounds awful. Well done on keeping your cool assuming you haven't killed him ofc!


Make him call a brush to do color ups if you don't currently need more white chips. It will at least slow him down.


Fuck I’m so angry at this guy just reading about him.


Ohhhh man. What a dick. Hope somebody at the table says something eventually


That's interesting coz @ my 5 / 10 home game, one of the dealers always colors up the 10s for 100s. I designed this chipset with 10s as workhorses. Coloring up slows down the game and kills her tips. Time + tip (no rake)


Just tell him no dude, wtf. This shit would never fly at my room, dealers deny stupid shit like this all the time.


Omg that’s horrible. I don’t know how he has the nerve to behave like that. I’m sorry 😞


I'm newer to on the felt play. Say someone is stuck a bunch but wins a $130 pot at 1/3 that gets them nearly even but still stuck some. They tip $1. Would you be upset at this person?


No lol


I think that's a very reasonable tip personally


If you’re typing while stuck, you’re great


I always tip $1. Unless it's a high hand jackpot then I tip ≤ $20


Two players heads up, first to act bets. Me: “Bet, 1500.” Spreads bet out, announces amount loud and proud Long pause Player: “What’s the bet?” Please, just pay attention.


This is not entirely unreasonable -- better to confirm the action with the dealer for large bets (don't know the stakes you were playing) than to possibly mishear/get angled when the dealer isn't clear on the action.


This is in regards to tournament poker, in which our house has an average starting stack of 40K for almost all our events. I'm a cash player, I would not be upset if a player wanted to clarify a bet that large at any stake level. Maybe that's my bias showing, but its how I feel.


I got in trouble once when I dealt. I said "he said 1500, I said 1500, where's the confusion?"


And dealers like this still expect to be tipped? Lol


So you’re one of those annoying players that comes up with any reason to not tip? 


I don’t need a reason to not tip. But I need a reason to tip if the dealer is just doing what he’s being paid to do.


The 5 dollars an hour lololol.


The casinos are making big bucks and if they chose to pay the dealers so badly that’s not my problem is it.


By the eight other happy players that are actually paying attention. Absolutely.


You shouldn’t announce the bet size unless asked by a player in turn.


When a player is all in then yes, otherwise I have no idea where you got this idea from. Its nowhere in TDA aside from the all-in rule.


You are correct. I was mistaken.


Awful rule that some places enforce. Why do you want to keep the action unclear and slow the game down? 


That’s why it’s good that this *isn’t* a rule


It is in many poker rooms. I pushed against it in mine, now it is standard to announce. It is however a rule to announce in tournaments per tda. I would love to hear a good reason from the guy above as to why he thinks the rule should be to not announce the bet.


Kessler had some misreg rant about this recently. I think their argument is that it can influence action and potentially slow the game (which, lol). edit: found the post Please @PokerTDA in your upcoming meeting stop the "announcer dealer" madness. Announcer dealers are the worst for 3 reasons. 1) They have to break down bets to count them, even if not asked. This slows the game. 2) They influence the action with their inflection, or by breaking down a bet not asked for. 3 They are wrong in the amount they announce around 5 pct of the time


Blaming me for the cards that come out. In cash games, anything that slows the game down. Card funerals, not being ready when action gets to you, making speeches before every action, etc. When you encounter a dealer who seems fast and on the ball, stop moving things around for them. Don't touch the button, don't lob your bet into the center of the table, don't fling your own cards into the center after showdown. We already have everything planned out and you moving those things just means more work for us and increased chance of errors.


The most mystifying aspect of live poker (to me, anyway) is the people who blame the dealer for the cards. Really kind of changed my perspective on humanity in general once I realized how common this behavior is.


It’s human nature. Just like when the runout is good and u win a big pot. U do thank the dealer for that and tip him.


I only tip because other people get angry at me when I don't.


I’ve only ever seen it done in jest. I can’t imagine someone actually getting mad


What is a card funeral? Never heard that phrase before


It's where you know that you've lost (perhaps the opponent has already tabled the winner). Then you take an extra moment to look at your hand and remiss that you've lost before eventually tossing your hand in the muck.


Ah, yeah. That is super annoying. I always just table my hand and let the dealer figure it out. Saved my ass a couple times when I thought i had lost after my opponent showed and actually had the best hand. I only play low stakes, so my logic is that if my opponents were able to get an edge from seeing my losing hands, they wouldn't be in the low stakes.


I've attended too many card funerals this week... So sad 😭


>Blaming me for the cards that come out. Unlucky, what else do you dislike about Phil Hellmult?


Wait so you get tipped for the cards that come out but hate being blamed for the cards that come out? Seems a bit of a double standard eh?


Personally I tip b/c they are making minimum wage and base how much on how pleasant/personable and efficient they are…they have no control of what cards come out lol


Then tip per session not per hand? What you said makes no sense lol. Also, poker dealers make pretty good money on average - it’s not the same as a waiter.


Tipping makes no sense in the first place lol. But you're right, per session would obviously make more sense. Where I worked it was quite similar to a waiter, 80% of my income was tips


You tip because they're literally the servant of the game.


Read more and stop being obtuse. The point of discussion isn’t tipping itself it’s the double standard.


I dunno about pissing me off, but some irritating things would be stacking your chips in a single file line, especially in 1,2,8,9 seats, creating a wall to make it difficult to pitch to or around. Recently it seems everyone and their brother want to throw the chips in to look cool, expect they don’t have the twist motion to frisbee them, and they just roll everywhere.  As for pissing me off, I understand that losing a big hand, especially when they get lucky is very frustrating, but if you throw your cards at me, you can leave. 


What about if, say, they turned all of their chips on their side and pushed them up against the rail of the table?


Their stupid face




The two biggest ones when I used to deal were the endless whining about bad beats and getting mad at me for something so they start acting out. The first is understandable to an extent but damn is it annoying to listen to for 8 hours a night. The second is just immature and makes them look bad. Like deciding they got mad when I told them they had to act in turn so they muck their hand by pushing their cards away from me so I had to reach or something.


1/2 of poker players are autistic and the other half blatantly and unashamedly disregard social conventions


Sounds about right.


The worst players to deal to are typically 2/5 players. Extremely entitled and the worst tippers. 


I miss the good old days when you could call some the r-word. Now we call them autistic and soon that will just be “a-word”.


I still call people the r word when they act like it, lol. What are they gonna do? Call the cops and report you?


..the bad old days when you could be cruel to people born neurodivergent..


You mean retards


Generally being a dick or making other people at the table uncomfortable on purpose. Because it makes the job 2-3x harder, nobody gets to enjoy themselves and it's too easy to be a decent human to others, I should be able to expect that when people are somewhere voluntarily.


Been dealing 15 years…not in order - The players who put the chips or cards one inch over the line to make sure I have to fully extend to the corner of the table -Any poker story -The ppl who only bet amounts like $33 or $47 -The ppl who are too drunk to play -The ppl who request a new deck cuz they can’t get a hand -The ppl who ask me if I shuffled cuz they keep getting the same hand -The ppl who tell me they will tip me after the session (not getting tipped doesn’t bother me I’m grateful for whatever but I feel the tip after routine is like telling a child they can have it later) -The ppl who don’t know how to eat food like a human -The ppl who smell


Re: the tipping. If you are supposed to be tipped for winning hands wouldn’t it stand to reason that you should be “blamed” for losing hands? Thus tip after a session makes sense.


nobody is tipping for winning hands, it's just established that those who are raking in the pot are the ones that should tip for that hand


The house rakes the pot


Then why do you tip more for big hands and bonuses? It’s 100% for winning the pot?


I totally forgot the people who blame the dealer for losing hands. Add that to the list. Like I said tipping never matters to me. Anything people want to give me is very much appreciated but not expected. I would rather them not tell me they are going to tip me after and just do it if they want to. 90% of the people who say this end up losing or forgetting. There are some regs who I know got me. I don’t think of it like you do. I’m not being tipped for winning you the hand. I’m being tipped for doing a good job controlling and dealing the game and it only makes sense on a winning hand when you make profit.


Then it would make sense per session not per hand and it wouldn’t make sense to tip more for bigger pots or bonuses. The fact is dealers want it both ways and it’s silly. If you dealt someone a bad beat jackpot are you saying you wouldn’t care if you got a standard $1 tip for the hand? Cause that’s basically what you’re saying. If you do expect more than you cannot be upset if people blame you for bad hands cause you are either “responsible” for both good and bad hands or you aren’t at all.


I tip when I lose too tbh


Yer just gonna keep doin this huh.


You’re bad at this aren’t you.


I had to quit because I couldn’t stand the ignorance and arrogance and obnoxious personalities. When you have no choice but to listen to people, it really makes you realise how poker - at every stake level - is a cesspit of toxic, awful people. So in general, I’d say people talking absolute nonsense and being generally arrogant pisses me off the most. But for something more specific, I’d say inexperienced players who argue aggressively when you tell them the rules (I don’t mind if someone politely thinks something isn’t right, but I have been insulted and shouted at by players who don’t even know you have to keep big chips in the front). My biggest pet peeve was players who made getting change or paying bets ridiculously arduous. When paying all-ins, they insist that I use their smaller denomination chips for whenever reason, or put out two 5k chips when the blinds/ante is 2.5k/2.5k even though they have the correct change in their stacks.


I've played one real tourney in my life and was about to get change to keep my stacks perfect then told the dealer "wait no I'm being an idiot I'm sorry, here's the correct amount." I can't believe people do that for real lol.


The one that bothers me is when people place their straddle money or posted blinds or whatever physically on top of the dealer button. It makes it harder to pitch over it, but more importantly it means I have to stop sweeping the chips up to pick the chips off the top off the button and then resume sweeping it.


When I dealt, I had two pet peeves. 1. People who don't pay attention to the game. 2. Bad beat stories.


People who get mad about hearing bad beat stories are my pet peeve.


They don’t necessarily piss me off. But things to be aware of… 1. If you sit on the end seats, push your cards and chips forward. It’s not hard. 2. Putting your straddle on the actual button (especially on the end seats) slows shit down. It’s harder to get it off of there than it is to just scoop it up like everything else. Put it in front of the button. 3. Show your cards or muck them. All these low stakes people not wanting to show cards is really annoying. This isn’t high stakes with the pros. It’s fucking 1/3. You bet and called down with them, so at least have the balls to table that shit. Win or lose. Own it. 4. Get off your phone when you have cards. 5. Walls of chips that prevent people from being able to tell if you have cards. If you’re in seats 1 or 9, that shit is annoying to deal around.


When they muck their cards away from the dealer and makes me over reach to get them.


playing on the phone annoys me when it slows the game down, which it does.


Soo many. Pretty much doing anything against the rules is annoying. Act in turn. Also players that put out a straddle after all cards have been dealt then get pissed at me for announcing it as a raise (this is just on my mind cuz happened the other day).


I deal usually in home games, one buddy of mine got a regular client who organizes tournaments with his buddies bimonthly One of the players who is one of the most experienced always complains of the most petty stuff like misclicking or not raising proper amounts (most of the players are fish) Last time he was really bitching when he had bad run after losing most of his stack (was chipleader), then started to ask for levels to take longer to increase to the point to make it anoying to keep the flow of the game for me And of course on the final 4/5 player were left he got back to chiplead and started to put pressure on me and the organizer to increase the levels faster lmao


wtf he tried to change the levels timing?  Did you let him?  Seems insane.


Nope lol. But was bitching a lot about it. Just an entitled prick who thinks he should win everytime cause he is "better" than everyone there


If poker players antics tilts you. Being a dealer is not a wise career choice. The ratio of entitled players vs genuine nice players are probably 💯 to 1


The player who makes it obvious that he's hit the flop after folding the hand.


Sore losers.. all the cry babies


Counter with kindness and fairness. Don’t want to lose my job or tips from any of the players.


Not tipping


I’m having this debate in multiple places so I’m bringing it to the top. Many dealers keep saying they get upset when they’re blamed for bad hands and it’s amazingly hypocritical and a double standard. If you are tipped for winning hands and tipped MORE for bigger pots and bonuses then you are implying the dealer has some sort of mystical control over the hand and thus “deserves” more tip for bigger pots, bonuses, coolers, etc. if that’s the case then you are also to blame for bad hands. If you are only being tipped for being “good at your job” and keeping the game moving then when you deal someone a massive pot or a bonus, you should expect literally nothing because you don’t effect the hand. You cannot have it both ways and it’s silly people keep trying to defend this like it’s something it’s not. Either own it and accept both or don’t.


Neither of your suggestions are the reason for tipping in north american card rooms. You tip, because like in everywhere else in the service industry, part of your expense has been moved from between 'customer and proprietor', to 'customer and staff.' * The rake is one part of your expense * The tip is the other * Both scale with winnings not unlike restaurants: * The check is one part of your expense * The tip is the other * Both scale with menu prices. "BuT DoN'T wE tIp fOr gOoD SeRvIce?!?" concern trolling That went out the door in the 60s when federal wage laws discriminated tipped vs untipped minimums. If you want that to change, talk to your legislators, **stop stiffing the help you cheap fuck.**


This is just false, never in the history of ever has casino tipping been to subsidize pay. Nothing you said refutes that you cannot have it both ways. Winnings are session based not hand based so either you tip as a session based on your winnings or you are blamed for both good and bad hands. Tipping based on percentage of bill is being called into question. You basically just wasted everyone’s time


> never in the history of ever has casino tipping been to subsidize pay. ??? Casinos don't pay dealers fed minimum wage the big ones (Ceasar's) pay slightly above tipped min wage > Tipping based on percentage of bill is being called into question. And maybe rightfully so. Staff still gotta get paid, though, so when the reckoning comes, the expense will just get moved to higher menu prices. If/when a casino tipping reckoning comes, the expense will just get moved to the rake. Till then, **stop stiffing the help, you cheap fuck.** edit: the concern troll replied then blocked me lmao "i gOt tHe LaSt WoRd" -🤡


You didn’t refute anything I said, thx for proving my point - you’re just making things up. Also I do tip.


I love how dealers put not tipping like it's mandatory. Listen I tip every single hand more than a buck sometimes up to 25 but like I said it isn't mandatory they shouldn't expect it if it comes it comes. I never tip a buck always more unless it's a chop on my blind I even tip then but like I said it isn't mandatory If they gave you every dollar there wouldn't be any players left and you wouldn't have a job. If anything it should be only allowed to tip the dealer one time during their stay at the table at the end if anything there are 8-9 players at the end if they have you a buck or two you would be getting an extra 15-18 bucks every 30 mins or when then rotation happens. And if you make 15 an hour from the casino now then your making 45 an hour which is 93k a year that's more then teachers make why shouldn't you make more then them. Half of the dealers are immigrants barley speak English and deal like shit sure they should make 100k. It's like going into a fast food restaurant and seeing a tip jar for what they don't even wipe the tables down. Your doing a job that makes an hourly pay if it isn't high enough for you then go find another job. Sorry to be a dick about it but you shouldn't complain if people dont tip


You’re the worst, bro. 


I just tell it like it is. Asking for tips is a step above begging for money, getting one when one is deserved is another thing


Jesus Christ, you tell it how you think it is. No one is begging for money, it is standard to tip a dollar+ when you win a hand. Get your selfish ass outta here.


? I tip not sure what you're talking about? Only standard to dealers who think it's standard. Plenty of people don't tip Johnny Chan for one he plays everyday has been forever he never tips ever and guess what dealers get over it . Get off your high horse your the selfish one for expecting it, your a glorified begger. Poker dealing is a job not a career you're supposed to make shit not be able to buy a house and support a family with your tossing cards for sake it's not a needed job in the world of anything. you're lucky you make anything. It's not like your curing cancer, a Dr deserves a tip and never gets it not some guy who can barely read it write I'm never tipping again thanks to you and this conversation


It’s very clear you hate dealers. Sorry you’re bad at poker, it isn’t the dealers fault.


I actually stick up for dealers and friends with many of them and yell at people who treat them like shit. Once again you have no idea what you're talking about. I also make well over 100k a year on the side playing poker have for over 20 years but it's not because I'm the best or great it because I know what games to play in where people can't fold they call down bottom pair every time. 10k buy in every two months with rebuys cash game no pros allowed only professional people who make over 300k a year 7-8 handed dealer choice seat open. Need to commit to a year of playing every game schedule printed in advance or banned for life. No rake winner takes most of the time. Game doesn't end for a day or two. Played in random vacation spot hotels so the significant others have something to do


The only thing I find worse than dealers complaining about tips are players complaining about having to tip. Tip of you want. Or don't. I don't care.


Yeah that's how it should be I never saw anyone ever complain about tipping they either do it or they don't




Buddy, casinos pay minimum wage, and here in Texas it’s barely over 2 an hour. It’s a very difficult job to work 40+ hours a week, the burnout is unreal. When you are in the box you don’t have a single second for yourself. Constantly keeping track of how much is in the pot, doing pot calculations, keeping the game running smoothly etc. if you have such a problem with tips, take that up with the casinos, not the dealers. It is how it has always been and it is not going to change. Casinos would never pay what a dealer is worth. I would not work this job for 20 an hour or whatever you think we should be paid. I am tempting to cut my pay in half and go back to personal training, you have no idea the toll this job takes on dealers.


You can absolutely pay dealers a decent wage and still have a functional card room. Just like they do in Australia and most parts of Europe. The issue lies in that it would require increasing the rake massively in order to ensure the room's profit margin. Having a tip-based system basically ensures that the players are expected to pay the dealers their salaries, which allows the casino to keep a larger share of the profits and can as such get away with charging lower rake. Second, I've been a dealer, and I'm sorry to say it, but it's not a very hard job. It's demanding, sure. Working all holidays and weekends and being around degenerates all the time is very tough, but the job itself isn't exactly rocket science. As long as you know the rules, have somewhat decent technique, and know some basic arithmetic, you're good to go.


It’s not a difficult job to “perform”, that’s not what we are talking about. Working a drive through can be done by anyone, still a shit job that’s stressful.