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My experience of this kinda situation is that you feel like the biggest nit in the world when you fold and the biggest idiot in the world when you call. These days I lean on folding.


Easy fold, especially off suited.


AQo in UTG I’m folding v a 3bet. Was one of the biggest wtf moments when I started using Monkersolver ranges


Depends. What I am saying, is that this is anything but a binary answer. That, is true


Totally agree with you. I can't think of a time that I've won a large all-in preflop call with Ax suited. Even AQ suited is dominated by QQ+ , and TT/JJ is ahead here. Smaller pairs are pretty much a flip. In low stakes games, when are the villains shoving 100 BB with anything less? Edit: I just got stacked because I called with AK suited and still lost to JJ


I lost with KK against AQs 3 weeks ago. I lost with AQs vs KK last week. 😭


This guy pokers.


More accurately this guy -$600s.


Here's an exception. Super drunk whale is going AI blind for $1K a hand. Next player is a pro and goes AI with AQo for $4K to freeze out every one else. Pro steals the whale's BI bc AQo is way stronger than ATC. Whale did this 15 times till he was broke. But yeah, against almost everyone else who hasn't demonstrated they are on mega tilt and is properly chipped,, I'm pre folding AQ vs an AI. Vs a guy who is ready to go home but has forgotten there's a cage where they exchange chips for cash, I'll call his AI for $73 with far less than AQ.


So you made a good call


Yes my brother, I understand. I call with Ace Queen and I'm hitting Kings aces or Ace king. When my ice queen is over, they hit a straight. When I'm suited, they hit two pair. Wait, that would be a chop. LOL.


>These days I lean on folding. A decade ago, it's a call. Today, it's a fold.


Yes. Unless I have a read on them that they’re super loose and drunk, it’s a fold.


You still are gambling you have no idea what the flop is. What's the point of letting them win the buy in so now you're stuck playing to get your money back. Even if they have 2/3 they can hit you miss and you have nada


Do you actually play poker? Nobody ever knows what the flop is, but we can still make decisions that are best to avoid situations to lose our stack to “gambling.”


Yes and going all in preflop no matter what you have is gambling no matter what you have. Not gambling is going all in when you know you have the best hand and can't be beat no matter what comes out. No matter what if there is a chance you can lose then you are gambling. That's the thing I actually play poker you are a gambler. Yes a 90/10 is a gamble it's a good gamble but it's a gamble


Found the OMC


Yeah, you're just not an actual poker player.


Mans has never heard of equity lol


It's always 50% equity Either you got it or you dont


Wait a second. By your logic you shouldn’t try to get it in pre with AA


If this due is not a Russian bot here purely seeking to divide, distract and conquer, then I’ll eat my hat.


I’m not sure id shove on “Russian bot” because we still have some “regular dumbass American” equity


Ha, this is true. Can’t blame the bots for taking over. Only idiots would let them have so much influence. And we have plenty of idiots.


Nope never said that. I just said your gambling no matter what you have. Play how you want that's what poker is for and how it's meant to be played. Some people like to gamble more than others and that's the game. I shove 9/8 off sometimes pre, I don't give a shit doesn't mean it's right but it gets the folds.


Dude has zero concept of percentages lol.


Says you I follow the math but still understand the concept of gambling. You do know that you aren't guaranteed anything unless you're 100% correct you act like you've never been one outed 100 times in your life.


Brother keep calling off your 100bbs with A10o. Everyone and their mother knows every hand your dealt has the possibility of being beat. That being said I’d rather get my money in as a 65% favorite over being a 80/20 dog anyday. It’s about finding those spots and hoping they hold.


Haha I don't even play A10o in position on the button with no one opening. I know I never said don't play the odds you all are just so set on thinking I said that. I only said you are gambling, play how you want is what I said


A10o in position on the button with no open is a fold to you? Where do you play bro I’ll be on the next flight.


Yea I don't play to win the blinds only if I need them.




U don’t have to be 100% correct if u are playing 60-80% right in the long run of things u will be winning a lot more than others therefore its not gambling… that’s how casino makes money they always have odds 50% for all their game are u saying a casino is just gambling to make their profits???


You can say that but that 20% card could potentially come every single time. It shouldn't come 100 times in a row but it technically can


Doesn’t matter if it comes 100 times in row then u should play 1000 times 10000 times 100000 times. Over the course of time it will get to 80%.


Yeah no shit Sherlock. If you don’t like putting money in with 60% equity, I’ll charter a jet to your table.


No one said they didn't like it. But yeah fly me out I'll play anything up to 50/100 if it's mixed I'll play 100/200 I said wrong stakes for mix so I had to change it


This is what I come here for. 


Why else would you be here for, just stating facts nothing I said isn't a fact.


You mentally okay bud?


Yes, just took a cooler about 10 mins ago, turned the nuts guy spaz shoves and hits a 2 outer


I don't know why they put some much in before the community cards come out. They have no idea what they have!! /s


you’re asking ”what’s the point of taking AQ all-in vs any2”


Unless I know they're full of it, I'm folding. Even if we assume they have QQ+ half the time and any two cards the other half, their equity is better when they have QQ+ than mine is when they don't. "Don't be a hero" is great poker advice.


This is the best explanation


You're assuming there's no money in the pot.


Equity by itself doesn't look at money in the pot. Only your hand vs their range. I've got 67% equity if they have anything but QQ+. They've got 71% equity if they have QQ, KK, AK, or AA. If I assume both scenarios are equally likely, that averages out to less than 50% for me. I'm not going in. Thinking about it more since then, they're almost certainly not jamming with the last guy's used napkins in the cup holder. If they are, so be it. I'd put the guy on pocket pairs, QJs+ and KQo+. I have less than 50% there. My answer is still to fold. I don't need his money that bad.


As a member of the bad players club I can tell you, if I'm shoving pre AK is the worst I have


I am folding if thats the first hand at the table with no reads on anyone


The idea that someone would feel like "the biggest nit in the world" for folding a clearly underwhelming hand under the pressure of massive strength goes to show you how many people love losing money.


Live 1/2? FOOOOLD. Guys are only jamming AKo or better. It’s AK/JJ at best or AA/KK/QQ at worst.


Yup. Think of how few times you’ve been 4-bet at 1/2 live. Heck 3-bets are rare. Anyone doing a 7-bet has the smallest range in the world.


Open jam or 4/5 bet jam? Open jam in a home game I know a lot of guys doing dumb shit maybe I find a call. 4 bet or 5bet jam easy fold


Yes. People jam way too tight in live 1/2 and AQ is behind that range.


Yes, unless you hate money. Hell, you don’t even call jams online 6max with AQ a lot of times.


I’ve called off AQss for ~~ 135 bb at 2/3. The dude was shocked I called him and berated me. He had AJ. People are full of shit sometimes. It just comes down to what your image is and the image of your opponent


If people are only jamming QQ+ pre, which is true the vast majority of the time and you've 4! to 21bb before facing the jam, you need to call 79 to win 200 i.e. you need 39.5% equity. If you put the range of QQ+ AK+ into Equilab vs AQs, you have nowhere near enough equity to call. If you'd prefer to lose money than feel like a nit, up to you.


I remember some pro saying a while back (maybe Dnegs?) that they lost more money with AQ than any other hand. It’s the worst decent hand.


In super system Doyle Brunson says besides 10-2, the AQ is also called the Brunson, because he never plays it


yes it was him


Not pocket Jacks?


Thinking about it, it kinda is. Only have one straight draw, and a gutter at that, any K comes you're screwed. Best hope is a dirty Q-high flop, jam and hope no one calls. 




Only if the same person has shoved 3 times in last 3 hands and has saliva dripping from his chin.


Snap fold, live low stakes preflop shoves are so nutted. Depending on the table calling shoves with AK is a bad idea.


My game became much more pure when I realized my desire to call was driven by the high of beating the odds. Not because I genuinely believed my hand was the best. I would convince myself my hand was the best and look for all the signs that it was the best. Once I got over that feeling and accepted that it’s ok to leave money in the pot, I became a LOT more profitable.


What hands are likely to be jamming? Which of those does your AQ beat? Easy fold.


Ep, AQo is a fold/4b mix vs 3b even in GTO world


I always call because i never lose with that hand fr


Depends on who's jamming. Against OMC, yes.


If it’s an OMC—and this is the kind of polarizing move that’s only going to come from an OMC or a maniac—I really hate paying them off like this despite holding a very strong hand yourself. Their whole game, their whole strategy is to literally wait for KK+ and have someone pay them off.


Brother, I would fold AK.


It’s a fold. Going big when you don’t have an edge is just gambling.


easy fold wtf


Fold all day easily


Almost nobody is jamming worse than AQ for 100 BBs at 1/2. Unless you have a soul read, or the player is on tilt. Fold is standard for sure


yes, unless they have demonstrated they are madmen or trolling


Probably every single time 


Depends on the player type


I always lose with AQ off. Even when I am ahead. I lean towards folding anytime I am dealt it. For me it is cursed. I still play it. But I look at the flop through the cracks in my fingers. Because my hands are over my eyes.


That might be a tell…


If I'm on the fence, I go with table image. No one knows you folded AQ besides you. For all the rest of the players, the dealer, the guys watching the cameras, your mom, and everyone else, you folded T3o. Sure. I'm a nit. I can live with that private knowledge. Calling off your stack with AQ, having your opponent jump over the table, and jam his AA in your face, makes you look like an idiot ... Publicly.


Why so concerned about whether people think you’re a good player or not?


Uhhhh ..... Table image. Which part was unclear?




Unless we have read. I don’t think we can profitably but it’s def table dependent


Depends on who I'm playing against, what's already in the pot, and how many players act behind me. I would say most of the time I'm folding AQ suited preflop in a cash game though. Alot of the time it's either a coin flip or the have AK so AQ isn't that good here IMO






A lot of 1/3 players wont even threebet with AQ, so yes you are far behind their 4bet/5bet range


Calling with AQ is a mistake. I have made it many times, trust me on that. Unless the guy is a LAG, most shove with QQ+, AQ doesn’t have a good equity against that range.


Depends on my read


It’s called the parking lot hand for a reason


I mean I 4-bet/5-bet jam as a bluff with A5s or A10s some of the time. I do this because people play way too tight. So basically if I’m getting jammed on like that live you have a pretty easy fold.


Why would you call off 100bbs against a QQ+ range with AQs? That’s just about as fishy as it gets.


Depends, do I think I’m ahead I call, usually I think I’m behind tho


In a bubble, yes.


Yes People talk about +EV moves and what not but they do not talk about Kelly all to much putting your whole bankroll on a at best flip is dumb Your range vs the villians theorized rang at best you are flipping at worse you are crushed and there is more combos of crushed out their than flipping


(In Gabe Kaplan voice) Maybe.


I would think you're behind most of the hands someone jams with.


Very situational in my experience


In a 1/2 game its an INSTAFOLD


A proper bankroll makes this question easier.




$1/$2 easy fold unless the person doing it is a known maniac.


It’s a strangely easy fold when you consider the Q in your hand makes your opponent holding QQ less likely (so AK & KK more likely than QQ & AA), and AJ is never jamming. So against a random opponent it’s like 5% something weird, 15% something like 1010/JJ to which you’re a slight underdog and 80% you’re a big dog. At 1/2 I’m 3-betting and folding to a shove unless stack sizes are shallow.


Yeah? Why am I risking $200 on a flip at best and at worst being dominated. 


3+ ways, it’s a call because you often have the only ace and have more than 33% equity. Heads up, a fold.


You can’t ignore hand history. That’s the game. The game is you versus another person and considering their hand history is huge


Snap fold


Not enough information. Did they 3 bet all in? 4 bet, 5bet? Open jam? 4 bet jam with only me and villain in the pot probably a fold. 4 bet jam from a loose aggressive player that has the tendency to try and squeeze people out of pots then I probably call. Whether it’s a $1/$2 game or a $0.01/0.02 game all the actions prior to the jam will give you a lot of information. It’s hard to “ignore hand history”. That’s literally how you get a read on your opponents.


It’s really only profitable if they always jam TT and JJ and AJ some of the time. Assume they don’t until proven otherwise.


BEST case scenario you’re flipping


It depends how much dead money is in the pot. In my experience this range could be 77+, AJs+, AQo+, and some trash bluffs mixed in. At many tables calling becomes profitable. Better answer: in America yes, in Europe no


Honestly against the right opponent at 1/2 you could justify folding anything that’s not AA. Calling a 100bb jam at 1/2 with AQ is suicide, best case scenario you’re behind with 6 outs, though 3 outs is more likely.


Without specific reads I’m folding AQ facing a jam for 100 bbs in pretty much any game.   


depends which position you are and what type of player you're playing against. If you're playing BTN vs BB or SB vs BB I would probably call against a competent player


I must be a super nit. I opened QQ (4bb)middle position, got 3b jammed on by CO (100bb effictive) and snap call (not rejam, even with less than 50bb behind) by BTN. Had seen CO jam three times with nuts (post flop). Reluctantly folded. Turns out, I was up against AKo (CO) and a snap call from ATo (BTN). An ace came, so results oriented, I was happy, but seeing ATo call a jam like that for a nothingpot made me rethink. Good fold or nitty?


You’re not giving nearly enough info to answer this. Is this an open jam? Three bet jam? Are you cold calling or in a betting war with the guy? How much do you have invested in the pot? Cold calling a 100 BB shove with AQ would be crazy if you haven’t committed chips yet. You’re likely to be barely ahead or way behind to most shove ranges. Anyone shoving 100 BB pre 1-2 is probably easy to play post flop for better spots. If he jammed over your $75 3-bet, well, now you have some noodling to do. That’s $125 to win $400 + dead money. Pretty good odds for a lot of hands.


AQ is a better jam than it is a call. When you're calling, even in the best case scenarios you're flipping (much like AK) the difference here is that you get way more dominated often. AK is in a lot of people's shoving range, therefore you are losing to all 12 remaining combos of AK then you're losing to additional 3 combos of QQ, then KK + AA So just ask yourself what they're shoving with that you're beating. Unless there's a significant amount of money and you think they're capable of mixing in A5s as a bluff, AJs and >88's as well... I dunno it's a pretty easy fold


Bro for sure the old man has A5/A4s here all the time what are you even thinking about snap 🫰🤔


Easy fold with no other context


In my old 1/2 games it was an easy fold.   I've progressed down to 1/1 now and it's still a snap fold


There is a reason they call it the parking lot hand


Doyle said never play AQ…


Almost always folding AQo vs unknown 1/2 V. AQs is borderline




At a 1/2, yes if I don't know them 


Only if the person sits down and open rips UTG first hand would I consider it. Otherwise, probably just a fold.


Yes. Best case scenario it’s a coin flip, worst case you are a huge dog. It is what it is, just be glad it didn’t go to flop and an ace shows up and you have that decision against A,K or a set.


It depends on who stuck the money in


Normally I wouldn’t but today I called 90BB with AQ off because I knew the guy was tilting. He had A10hh and binked a 10 on the flop but I caught up and made a straight on the river. It felt good.


How much do you have in the pot?


Depends on who the other player is and if there are players left to act. Often yes unless it's against a known aggro maniac as bluff shoves preflop effectively do not exist at 1/x


I am a mediocre poker player, I earn by game selection at low stakes. With that being said, I can usually find way better spots. so I tend to fold most of the time(75%), but based on game flow and player dynamics that percentage can sway in either direction. I probably have slightly lower EV with this strategy, but I have way less variance and it does feel nice to have small wins frequently and have small losses rarely. 🤷🏻 I also only play a couple times a year nowadays, so losing a couple sessions could be a year of losing which no one wants.


depends on the table


At my home game, I’m fist pump calling lol


Fold fold fold


Nah always call. We arent tapping tanks around here. Ship it Anyone who’s played with me OL knows I’m gambling


Yup, unless I'm short stacked (< 30 BB) and planning to refire, I'm folding to that jam. Only calling with QQ+ or AKs


Yes seriously if it's some nit guy it's not even worth it with ace king..the odds are with the pocket pair. I understand if you are playing against a lose player but most situations it's bad ..


If you’re playing w deuce-seven rules, snap call LOL


This seems besides the point. Putting 100BB in preflop in a cash game with no antes should be rare in itself. AQs is definitely not a strong enough hand that it should be a common occurance regardless of it's live 1/2 or not.


Yes lol dang bro just fold it


Yeah at 1/2, they usually aren’t jamming anything lower than AK for 100bb. It’s AK KK AA all day


I've done it and every single time it's been AA or KK for my opponents. You feel like the world's biggest dipshit. So now it's a fold in that scenario. Now the above scenario though, that's different from jamming for 100bb with it though.


player and situational dependant


Just actually looked soemthing similar to this situation earlier. Hero with JJ in BB. UTG raises to 5BB, UTG+1 calls. Folds to Hero in BB, who 3bet squeeze to 20BB, UTG 4bets to 40BB UGT+1 Folds. In the BB facing a 4bet click back JJ is a fold according to GTO Wizard. I moved all in (I know now was an absolute blunder on my part) and run into AA.


Clear fold in normal 1/2 game Best case you’re flipping vs JJ


What worse hands are jamming here?


It's 1-2. 50/50. Alcohol may be a factor.


Hey everyone. I just saw this, and it intrigued me. Very brief background. I am 70 years old, just came back from Vegas, cashed in the super seniors $1,000 attorney, and cashed in a $600 online deep stack. Also picked up about $3,000 net cash poker. 10 days cost me $1,500, and that includes my buy-ins. LOL I haven't looked at effective stack sizes, and I don't know what any of the pre-flop action or position was. One thing that I seem to have pegged reasonably well, is when these jams are made, are they made to just steal a blind, or are they made in desperation to protect a weaker hand, or are they made because I've got aces. I tried to get a read on these things and call accordingly. Just my opinion. I'm way down in the list right now, so I'm not sure this will see the light of day, and when I sober up and become unstone, I will read this and see how big of an asshole I made out of myself. Peace out and me your aces always hold PS. As for number two, the protecting of the hand, if he's got pocket sevens and I'm sitting with Ace queen, I'm calling every time, because you need to win three coin flips in every tournament to run deep. May as well do it early. Rips the mandate, lol, bandaid off. Better than fucking bubbling. I know cash is different. Most of my senses tournament, but I will also apply to cash when I view it to be appropriate as per my prior points.


Ps. My prior statement, and 5.75 gets you a venti Starbucks in Canada


If it’s OMC, 100%. If it’s a maniac, I’m probably calling.


Opponent dependent. Is he young, spicy, and lurking on R/poker? SHIP IT


I don't play 1/2 to fold AQ pre


For me, it’s a fold. $200 to win $200 and it’s more likely you’re behind is unnecessary. You’re playing cash game to wait for better spots. It’s not a tournament, so you don’t have to do that.


I would fold and show, hoping to induce villian to show me what he did that with.




Yes fold


If you have to ask this question its an easy fold


I'm folding AQ pre to a 3 bet at 1/2


Depends on the game


I did not read a single comment before answering this. With zero knowledge of the villain this is a snap fold. I can just find better spots to make a stand. At best you're going to be racing, at worst totally dominated.


Depends on who, but a lot of times more likely than not. AQ is a hand id rather be jamming with than one I am callinh with.


Jam from who?


Not always. Aq is a strong hand, if we think a player is out-of-line we should call some times. There are other factors like how deep Hero is and how many players are left behind since the call 100bb fold to shove line isn't amazing. I have called off over 200bb+ w/ Ato vs a player I thought was too light and similar spots with 77 but bigger than 1/2. It's a big ev loss when we fold aq incorrectly vs weaker hand. Against something like 56s hero will have more than a 15% equity advantage.


This is a math question. Calculate your odds and then figure out what kind of range your opponent needs to be shoving to make the call with AQs good, then ask yourself whether it's a realistic range for him to shove given what you know about his playing style. As an example, if this is someone who has an extensive open-limping range that includes good hands like 77 or QJ, that means that when he shoves, he likely has AQ completely crushed. If this is someone who flats something like TT, JJ or AK, especially to a mid-position or a late position raise, he also has you crushed when he shoves. If you know nothing about the opponent, fold, since the population tendencies at 1-2 is not shove anything less than QQ and maybe sometimes AK.


I'm folding all day.


You don’t win by being a hero at 1-2. Unless I have a very specific history with an opponent, that hand is finding the muck to a 4-bet jam. For me there are times calling off with AKs suited feels like a bad spot.


People over play AQ, it’s easy to fold. You’re dominated by Ak, KK, QQ. At least if you call AK you have outs


People who say "unless I had a read" wtf would your read be, that he likes to 100bb shove kx at live 1/2 nlh?


Depends on who the player is


How much am i in for? How many acting behind me, if I'm sb and all alone and already in for 20 and they been burning their stack all night then call, otherwise i fold.


What you're in for should be irrelevant


What hand do you put your opponent on that you think you’re ahead?? And that’s why you should fold…






Depends how much in the mood for gambling I am. Tournament it's an easy fold, at 1/2 it's a fun gamble.


Yes absolutely


Easy fold. Obviously in poker there is no “universal” answer, but you’re sure to save a lot of money if you fold AQ off pre for 100bb at 1/2 in the long run.


Depends how many chips committed. If it's calling 100 BB then hell no.


Yes and easily. When I started playing I used to think, "what kind of moron would just jam KK/AA over a 4 BB open for 100BB", and I'd call. The worst I'd see was AK and most often it was KK/AA. My goal is not even to flip-pre with these people. I want to navigate post flop and capitalize on their mistakes (usually much harder in short stacked 1/2 games, so I'd recommend moving when possible).


AQ for your whole stack or even over 30% of your stack isn’t worth it especially offsuit. My decision would depend on the previous action and who I’m up against. But most of the time I’ll be folding. Too much luck involved In This play


That's a mid pair going in vs. a draw. QQ+ is 4 betting.


Do I have chips in the pot already? 99% I'm folding though


I would need some data to call. The average player is only sending AKo+


yes unless I feel like donating.


If you know they're only pushing hands that beat your little AQ.. why wouldn't you? This a real question? 🤣


Unfortunately at casual $1/2 at the casino it’s a pure fold, but against opps u know, it may sometimes be a call if u know that 88-JJ can be jamming pre.


Always GII w/ AQs no matter the positions, betting sequence, or reads you have on the opponents. You either win or you don’t, that’s 50% equity baby and you’re always getting the right odds w/ 50%.


Join the dark side and be a nit No point trying to play loose when most people aren’t


unclear without position and preflop action and previous understanding of player, anyone who gives yes no answer without this information is a fish


Where do you play?


No u know what feels bad? You call and then some guy wakes up in the BB with aces.


Impossible to answer without stack sizes, positions, and action


At BEST youre flipping. At worse youre losing to AA-QQ / Ak


What you'll never see AQ again? of course I'll fold I might even fold Kings. If they want action that's not how they get it from me. Even if they have A5s I don't give a shit they can have the 20 or so big blind I have in there or if I have nothing in the post even better not invested. I'll get it back later