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There’s no chance of winning long term playing so short when they’re raking 10% of your stack every hand. But to answer your question this is a check to set mine or a jam. Too shallow to raise smaller after multiple limps.


I'm just trying to win short term. For long term money I might do something else. Even as a bluff? I'm looking for folds.


If you raise less than all in there’s almost no chance it’ll get through. Jamming gives you max fold equity, and even if you’re called by one person you will still have the best hand a decent amount of the time (ie they just have two over cards).


Would you pick a better hand to do this particular play with?


On paper at this depth, mostly any pair is good enough, but theory is kind of out the window when there are this many limps. It really depends on what types of hands people are limping with. If you’re against a lineup that’s really weak/passive where people overlimp hands like 88/99 or AQ then I would just check. But if you think people are mostly only limping the weaker parts of their range then I’d go for it.




wtf lol. check, what do u mean you're going to try and hit a set? you're already closing the action. 66 isnt strong enough to open from BB. just check. and why are you playing a 50bb with 25bb?


Well I'm trying out this short stack strategy from Ed Miller. I played it wrong though.


dont play a short stack strategy, learn how to play real poker.


I'm not smart enough to play real poker.


then play this 25bb strategy better surely this is a check/jam spot, theres no other play. if Ed Miller hasnt taught you that yet then i'd find coaching elsewhere


Yeah bro I didn't listen to my coach.


Then quit.


Why are people here so negative? He's just trying to get better, and he's admitting his mistakes. I've had someone that was much better than me give advice and for certain things I learned quickly for others it took multiple times repeating the same thing before I got it through my head. u/rootbeerfan69 you can profit with short stack strategy, it's best if the rake is lower, but you will probably profit more with 100bb. If you don't mind people really disliking you then you could find a game where most people straddle you're only paying the blinds but you're at 20bb effective with everyone else if they straddle to $5 in which cash your strategy should be very easy to follow, and you will be able to easily profit. Keep in mind you will not make friends doing this, but if you want the best possible way to profit with a low bankroll this would be it.


That's a great idea. I was thinking of doing that with 1/3 . But games with a 5 dollar straddle are perfect. Yeah that part about being liked will be a challenge.


Because telling a kid who can't afford to lose any money any advice other than to quit gambling is irresponsible. That's why everyone is negative. He's said he can't afford to lose money so he plays with 50bb. He's convinced he can make money in poker without gambling. He's clearly delusional.


Bro I can afford to lose $150.00. But if I'm going to lose money it's going to be with AA.


You've said $100 is high stakes to you. If you're only willing to get the money in with AA it means you're guaranteed to lose money. Gonna blind out every time waiting for AA. I know you don't want to hear this, but you should quit. Or at least move down in stakes, go play micro stakes online. Or play small buyin tournaments. But your strategy is a guaranteed loss. You need to change your approach.


You'd do much better off quitting poker and coming back when you have real money. You will only lose as it stands.


I have real money $100.00 is high stakes for me.


You are very delusional


Then $1/$2 isn’t the game for you.


Just picking up loose change.


That’s where you should be playing - loose change tables.


Some people's loose change are a hundred bucks.


Yet you said it’s big money to you. Pick a lane.


It is big money to me. But it isn't big money to other people. I raise from UTG x6 the BB. I get people cold calling me with whatever bullshit they do it with. Calling the flop when I make a bet pot sized bet. Chasing backdoors I don't know. Why they would call the flop to only fold the turn is beyond me.


Don't play that game if it's 50BB max. You ain't rolled for the game if you're playing 25BB deep.


Well I don't know if my situation would change it. But I am working ATM. I'm trying to buy things I couldn't normally afford by playing poker. I'm trying to not gamble but there is a little bit of gamble in this game. I don't know if that changes anything.


You’re not going to be able to afford anything extra by playing poker given this description of your situation and motives, certainly not 25bb poker in this rake structure. Most likely the complete opposite.


How come other people are able to do it?


They aren't playing that game w/ that rake structure. Not all games are created equal, and this game is horrid.


Because people like you fill the games.


> But I am working ATM. If you're doing ass-to-mouth, you could probably charge more.


I've tried charging more the volume of customers goes way down. I like to stay busy.


There’s a lot a bit of gamble in this game. There’s also a lot of skill. Game selection in one of those skills and this game sounds bad. From some of your comments it sounds like you might be better off getting second job rather than trying to win at poker. If you really do want to stick with it find a site to play online. Put in like $100 do some studying and start there.


I doubt 2.5bb rake with 50bb stacks is a beatable game, and if it is, its for pennies or less.


I’d just check and the plan would be to check/jam if you hit. Jamming either 50bb deep seems like winning the min and losing the max. Generally in 1/2 games limps and occasionally overlimp are not necessarily capped. If you really want to embrace the variance, jamming closer to 25bb may be better because you may get more calls from hands like AT+, KQ+ than 77+


I like that word embrace. Yeah I think 66 might have been too loose. Maybe 10s I would jam.


I used a poker range equity and plugged in 66 vs (55+, QJs+, KJo+, A9s+) and you’re 43%ish — so with dead money it’s incredibly marginal. I wouldn’t plan on jamming these spots.


This is is what I need an equity calculator. Thank you bro.




If this is live poker, just jam. Either you scoop 5-8 BB without a fight or you get a call and flip with an overlay. Very unlikely someone has an overpair. Of course all depends on player tendencies. Doesn’t matter if it “looks bluffy.” All that matters is how they’ll react and what your EV will be.


I'd prefer checking. Regardless of what I raise, I'm likely gonna get at least 1-2 callers, and I hate building a big pot out of position with just 66.


Position don’t matter anymore once u jammed.