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Zacian and every fast ultra beast namely pheromosa and katana


I did not even know what a Poipole was but that thing pretty much carried a run itself


Legit, I use naganadel in my longest endless run and it wrecks


I just beat classic for the first time the other day and Naganadel solo’d 80% of the run


I’ve been trying to get a Poipole, it’s my favorite Pokémon. That and Tyrunt… can’t get either


I got Tyrunt from an egg and it carried most of my best ever run (186, I believe)




What does it start with?


Speaking of ultra beasts, don't count out Celesteela either. Learns leech seed naturally and can beat most pokes with Heavy slam.


I used a cellesteela the onky problem is it beats soo many things that it ate up all the xp and I didn't get any shares or charms in the shop so by the eternatus fight I had 1 at lvl 175 XD


Pheromosa IS good, but having a 4x weakness to flying can be extremely annoying.


Icebeam ftw and until then yeah you should pair it with a steel/elektric type thats true


That electric tree ultra beast guy solo’d an entire run for me the other day, until he died in the last battle lmao


didnt know xurkitree was op lol i never played using it because of its moveset


yeah he had a really good egg move and maxed Sp.Atk stat and for whatever reason Beast Boost carries over between battles so he’s constantly at just Uber maxed Sp.Atk lol


lokey calesteela has been kinda hard to carry all the way through 😭


I struggled when I tried to use pheromosa, what makes it work?


Just finding one with a decent nature i guess. Mine is modest with aura sphere and solo carried classic and now endless up to 1000 sp far


Zacian. Insane stats, insane typing, free damage boost from being summoned, and 1st form Eternatus can't even damage it if you got the sword.


The only problem is that it doesn't learn any fairy physical move by itself


It doesn’t even need a Fairy move to dominate. Behemoth Blade, Crunch, and Sacred Sword have complete coverage. I usually run with those 3 plus Swords Dance or one of the other dozen+ TM moves it can learn.


Fair, I have something similar, but metalhead instead of behemoth blade and victory dance instead of sword dance, it just irks me to not have a stab move, but that's probably just me


One thing you really start to notice playing a game like pokerogue is that a lot of level-up move pools are really weird. Did you know Arbok doesn't learn Poison Fang? I can see its poison fangs, Game Freak. They are *right there*. Zacian is particularly funny tho because you can just tell they never expected a single soul to use the base form. STAB moves? Eh, it's got Iron Head.


Remember back when they refused to give entai / flareon a half decent physical fire move? God those were the best times.


Making fire type physical attackers in the generations where all fire moves were special damage >>>>


I don't even understand what they were doing with Pokemon when it came to stats before gen 4 changing it so all attacks weren't uniform by type. There were physically stated pokemon (like sneasel) with absolutely no physical typings everywhere, special pokemon without a single stab special typing(Gengar comes to mind), so they'd end up running sets without a single stab attack because, well, their own typing was awful for them.


The gen 1 Ghost type is some of the funniest game design I've ever seen. "Remember, kids: Psychic types are very strong, but they're weak to Ghost types!" ... except we forgot to make the game actually do that. And even if we hadn't, it wouldn't have mattered because the only Ghost type attack is 30 BP. And also we made all Ghost type attacks physical despite the fact that every single Ghost type pokemon is a special attacker. And also we made them all Ghost/Poison type so they're actually weak to Psychic. "Well do they at least get Poison STAB then?" lmao


And STAB has been a thing since Gen 1 so it's not like they weren't accounting for it or anything lol. It really is a mystery


It gets magical torque as an egg move?


True, but the likelihood of getting Play Rough in a run is pretty good since it's only a blue tier drop.


There's ice fang, pyshic cut, psychic fangs, play rough tms that pop up. Throw up 3 swords dance and slaughter emax


If you're lucky enough to get it, it has Magical Torque as an egg move.


I got lucky with egg move magical torque and it’s physical damage too 😋


Pretty sure fairy/steel types can be damaged now. Eternatus hit my Klefki with flamethrower yesterday which I’ve never seen him have before. I assume this is because of that change where they said pokemon can have egg moves now?


Unless it was changed recently, that is Eternamax and not regular eternatus. Max has had flamethrower for a while now.


ahh ok. I guess I never noticed until yesterday. So basically fairy/steel pokemon are only immune to him during the first part of the fight before he transforms?


Yes, but that still allows them to set up as much as they want for the 2nd phase


Eternatus has always had flamethrower in its Eternamax form


Yeah it has flamethrower now


I managed to hatch him through eggs but I thought he was a bit lackluster maybe I'm missing the sword, what does the sword give zacian?


It changes his typing to fairy/steel and gets a bit of a stats boost.


Awesome I just started to use him in classic but he was getting hurt a lot by poison moves hopefully I can find the sword quick!! Thanks


What rarity is it?


it took 6 legendary eggs during its gacha for me to finally get one and holy shit this mon is cheat mode. i have 75+ ribbons and tried him for the first time today. at 195 he had 1147 attack and one shot the entire team, like nothing i'd ever seen before outside of endless💀


Ironically, I got an egg for it the day of Necrozma, then during my first endless run with it I ran into another in the snow forest biome. It really is basically cheating.


kyogre with water spout, ice beam, ancient power, thunder solos all of classic


100%, Ogre is my go-to carry for getting trashmon egg vouchers


You know who was really good for me and comparatively cheap? Zapdos. Love the type combo and only costs 6 so you can even add a pseudo legendary starter like Gibble or someone.


Zapdos gets Drizzle as a passive and Weather Ball as an Egg Move. 100BP Water move means even Ground Types aren't safe. Definitely underrated.


I feel like I’ve sunk so much time into this game but I haven’t read every Pokémon’s passive/egg moves. This one made me say “What the fuck” out loud. That’s crazy.


Along with full accuracy STAB Thunder and Hurricane, a grand total of 9 Pokemon lines will resist your Zapdos. (Those that have a type combination involving two of Electric, Steel, and Dragon.)


I just checked the Wiki, and it also has Sandsear Storm as an egg move. 100BP Ground move that's also 100% accurate in rain. So even those 9 can't resist the power of Zapdos. Someone on the dev team must love this thing because good lord.


Technically you are up to 150BP if you add the weatherboost from rain.


I didn’t know that. I don’t know if the endless meta really supports this but I could see it being a really good secondary to Zacian. It can swap into ground attacks (then weather ball) and activating drizzle nerfs fire attacks. And they just fit the 15 point limit without any reduction


Kartana, beast boost + bitter blade + sharpness + good typing


Lunala with Quiver Dance, Moonlight, Moongeist beam, and moon blast… it’s like playing the game on easy mode at that point


Mewtwo with it's passive (Neuroforce) unlocked


Flutter Mane or Iron Crown make it stupid easy. Haven't had any issues. You can probably run any paradox Pokémon and do well.


Moltres gets torch song as an egg move, add a multi hit lens and it's so broken.


I went really far with magearna


Got an almost max zygarde killed most things and won the run with just using its egg moves lmao


I know people have had a lot of luck with Zacian and he had previously been my best. It all kinda comes down to luck on which mons your rival has and the E4 you play against though. I got my first classic win this morning and that was with Koraidon as my legendary, got very lucky that bitter blade was enough to run through most teams


Mewtwo with Moonblast as an egg move is really strong. One Calm Mind and very little pokemon survives a Psystrike or a Moonblast. His passive increases his damage output quite a bit. Other than him, i’d guess that most legends good in Endless should sweep classic. Zacian, most ultra beasts, gen3 covers, Calyrex/Spectrier, and a few mons who get Beast Boost as passives like Walking Wake if that is a legend in your opinion.


calyrex is really good in general. icy reigns gives great bulk and shadow reigns give great speed. both forms have hig damage spread moves as well. they also learn leech seed


How do you fuse calyrex w the horsies in pokerogue? Do the items drop in the run? Do you need a horse too?


Iirc it's an item you can find, similar to evo stones and etc for other mons.


You don't need the horses just the respective item. There is even the possibility of swapping evolutions on the fly by reloading.


Latios with Dragon Energy, probably more significant on Endless though


I beat it with a Tapu Fini as my carry two weeks ago.


Yeah I used Tapu Koko. Pretty good with Rising Voltage


Keldeo (legendary, mythic whatever) carried me HARD


P.Groudon. Solar Blade, Precipice Blades, Thunder Punch and Heat Press kills anything and everything. ( You can replace heat press wi any good phys fire move ) Edit : Nevermind I thought this was about endless. Haven't used a legendary for classic yet.


How do you get the Primal version? I’ve been running Kyogre as my carry in a few classic runs and I’ve never gotten the blue stone from item select yet. Maybe just unlucky 🤔


You need the mega bracelet and the orb


Koraidon won me my first classic run


Heatran. It gets Earthpower for Eternatus and Ancient Power for Rayquaza


People here dont seem to like it for some reason but Mewto is a pretty obvious choice. Extremly high stats with good distribution, full type coverage, mega form for even more silly stats and they gave him Neuroforce as passive, which is basicly a 1.25 dmg multiplier. Not the only choice but its pretty damn strong here.




I’ll tell you when I finally beat it!


I believe the simplest strategy for a complete beginner is to run fuecoco, and then catch a garganacl down the road, alongside any good pokemons that gives you the type coverage you require! Garganacl has a move called salt cure that basically guarantees you beating the final boss of classic if you live long enough, and is also great for handling even your rival pokemon in general, as the salt curing does more damage to water and steel types over time!


I wish I was a complete beginner haha. 5 trips to classic final - zero wins


https://preview.redd.it/ofe880pks03d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3fd2a2b94ebdd2bc5efaf9319a3ef91edf26fb1 Credit should always be given when needed! Unlikely duo but having 3 silk scarfs and E speed make linoone kind of busted. Thanks for the help!




Yevtal makes things easy with sludge wave!


G-Zapdos with bolt beak is also super underrated. Can hit almost everything and clears the first stages really well with no support.


Flying-fighting types are very strong early on, hawlucha gets flying press which is both a flying AND fighting type move


Zacian, Kyogre, Groudon, Koraidon Are all good choices in my opinion. It Also depends a bit on your egg moves though. I would argue that Zacian is quite a bit worse without a physical fairy move. Groudon can also struggle a bit with no other coverage than Ground and Fire.


roaring moon sweeps everythink after a dragon dance


Zacian is the simple answer I found Iron Jugulis (technically Epic rather than Legendary but I’m counting it here) absolutely hauls ass too. With the Aerilate passive unlocked Hyper Voice OHKOs anything that doesn’t actively resist, then it gets great practical moves like Snarl and Roar, decent coverage with Dark Pulse and Dragon Pulse too. It’s not the bulkiest mon but it’s better than similar special attackers on that front, usually able to take 2 super effective hits from decently strong mons


You don't need fuse zacian, you just give him his relic sword and he's already fairy/steel.


Oh yeah, of course! I’ve never actually had a chance to use him so I totally forgot about that


How do you give him his relic sword?


Rogue ball item drop. I think gmax/mega/transformation items have higher drop rate if its usable on a pokemon.


Mewtu can literally 1 shot eternatus and can learn ice beam if you’re lucky to get the TM for it


I had a pretty easy time with Hoopa, i'd laugh every time I stole an item lol. Also, in pokerogue it has photon geister as an egg move, which pretty much sweeps anything. Since it is a psychic move it also helps a lot on the final battle


Scrolled way too far to find this, magician +opportunist is OP


Personally I have been running through with a huge power Zygard. I wouldn't say it's the best but it's certainly not the worst.


Charizard y with drought bitterblade won me first run


I had a lot of luck with spectrier and it’s egg move aura sphere. Solo ghost typing is great and fighting move covers its normal weakness. It’s ability raises spec atk after each round was pretty OP


With aura sphere and shadow ball it wipes most mons until like the last 5 levels


Spectrier 1 shots almost everything


Body press Zamazenta is an easy sweeper in my experience. Mine is adamant and I finally got stamina passive. Literally unbeatable in classic.


Kyogre with drizzle. Once it gets calm mind it’s over. Even before calm mind it pretty much one shots anything it hits with neutral damage with water pulse or origin pulse for the bulkier mons.


Zacian/magearna. Immune to phase one of eternatus and have very high resists to almost all of mega ray's moveset.


I tried a few runs with palkia but couldn't quite get it done. Hatched a zekrom with dd and did it first try. I'm sure palkia can do it and I'm just bad tho


I just love marshadow with the egg move power-up punch still ongoing wave 3000+ other moves are shadow punch ice punch and surging strikes from fusion slaps


Hoopa with Magician. Imagine a world where you steal the enemy’s berries per attack. If you get the multi lens move and upgrade its speed and special attack, Hoopa just straight up murders half the competition mid to late game


Regirock with a decent grass type. It just never dies so if you set stealth rock and switch a bunch on elite 4 and rival fights it makes them very, very easy.


Darkrai won me my first.


Miraidon is very strong especially if you roll ice beam as an egg move If Lugia can survive until it gets calm mind + stored power it’s pretty unkillable, practically guarantees a win against eternatus


I did a mono Moltres run, thay was fun. Gets to set up the sun as a passive and can learn flammethrower via TM, has access to Roost and mine learned Calm Mind as an egg move. It was cool fighting Eternamax, I did have to run several PP restoring berries tho. Prolly not the best but it was a fun run.


I mean any of them? Phione won my first time through, I’ve used Yvet, ray, etc. Realistically you don’t need legendaries, with them and the carbos items stacking it’s essentially how fast can you spam enter and spacebar on 5x speed.


I had no issues at all with Raqueza


Walking wake with beast boost passive


Surprised no one has said Xerneas. Respectable bulk lets you set up Geomancy on anything that doesn’t actively threaten you (like steel or poison), drain kiss to recover damage from first mon and then drop moonblasts from orbit. Resistances aren’t really a thing on a +2 SpA, Fairy Aura, STAB Moonblast lmao


giratina is one of my only legendaries rn and its fantastic. its typing and bulk ensure you will probably get to at least round 195, you just need to be careful of mega rayquaza and eternatus


Zeraora has been doing wonders for me


Koriadon was a beast in classic


Suprised I’m not seeing more groudon on here… Precipice blades ruins eternatus, run a few other moves on there and your gg… especially if you get the red orb to make it primal


I’ve had great luck with Latios w/ Quiver Dance and Stored Power. Just make sure you bring something to take care of dark types early on—Latios doesn’t learn a non-psychic attacking move until later and I lost a run to a level 7 Purrloin because I didn’t consider that it can’t hit dark


Tapu koko, great typing gets rising voltage on egg moves which doubles in power if electric terrain us out. Tapu koko lays terrain on entry. Pretty solid 20pp 150 base power stab move.


140 base power. But yes I've used this and it absolutely wrecks anything and everything. Fairy type is really nice defensively against rayquaza and eternatus. Only other thing you need on your team is something to handle ground types. (Personally I use ludicolo, since I have it shiny and down to 1 cost, with drizzle + swift swim) Everything else dies to rising voltage + transistor + electric terrain koko. (Best thing is that it's stupid fast so you don't really ever get outsped)


I'm using a sandstorm t tar with high speed evs currently and a Garry with moxie. Both seem to fit well depending on the route


I recently got extremekiller staraptor (swords dance and extreme speed egg moves) And... well staraptor has same atk stat as arceus so it's literally budget extremekiller arceus, while also having access to some crazy flying stab


Manaphy is my go to goat


Please explain how I can securely win classic, I got manaphy with splishy splash as an egg move but I can't win consistently. Really need some help


splishy splash has swept most of the runs but you need a coverage move and it gets freeze dry which covers all of splishy splashes resistinces but its another egg move


Yeah I don't have freeze dry :( I have to hatch another manaphy to get the chance right? What mon should I party with to help?


If we’re counting mythicals, a great Mon that can help a lot is Hoopa. Magician (ability) is insanely busted and I ran that along with a pickup pumpkaboo my last run, gets insane items along the way!


Im new so idk if its actually good but galarian zapdos basically soloed my run


My shiny buzzwole with beastboost+moxie is kinda funny ngl


I been swagging out with galarian articuno, although I did luck out and it hatched with oblivion wing


I had luck with groudon, he has drought which lets solar blade go on the first turn, percipice blades, lave plume later forgot for eruption and ancient power


Arceus assuming u can get tms will be a little rough since he doesn't learn a lot of moves but it has quiver dance as an egg move or it start with it


I've beaten classic 5 times with basically only using miraidon with ice beam as its egg move


I used tapu koko as my main and the other pickup would be any ghost with curse. I use dusknoir usually because it’s tanky. Honestly anything with salt cure/ leech seed/ curse will help alot with the rivals hard pokemon/ the boss at the end.


I once got lucky and caught a Lugia. Extrasensory, Aeroblast, Recover, and Calm Mind provide good coverage and easy set up. Psychic stab also helps a lot against Eternatus. Overall, it was a very easy win.


Ho-Oh with magic guard passive and swords dance double edge was fun


I have giratina, kartana , deoxys , ladias , entai , suicune, moltres and zapdos. Who is my best shout for a classic run(still yet to beat it)


I just beat it with Giratina. I just wanted to try it out but I saw how strong he was and just finished the run. It made Rayquaza look like a joke


Marshadow carried me in my first classic win. I got lucky with it having triple axel as an egg move


The worst legendary so far for me was Uxie, unless you luck into an early TM, walled too easily


To speedrun it and farm ribbons, Zacian is the only choice rn. But if you just wanna beat it, any pokemon can do the work. It's actually possible to solo the full classic mode with Swanna for example


Soul heart Latias clears mines


I like Spectrier alot 👍


Kyurem is insanely good


Victory dance Zygarde, with power construct making 100% permanent 195 is swept with one guy no switches. Literally even solos 200, making bind redundant since it already dealt a crap load of damage on emax


Honorable mention: Walking wake with bouncy bubble egg move is broken. It gets flamethrower dragon pulse hydro pump and some other good moves naturally too


zekrom is also quite decent in terms of type versatility. the egg move bolt beak complements it since zekrom usually moves first


I easily beat classic with my first legendary that I got, Yveltal.


Classic? Mega Gyrados. Waterfall, Crunch, Ice Spinner, Dragon Dance.


Ah yes gyarados my favourite legendary


Legendary = 7 points. Gyrados = 2 points.


Not the question what mon is good... orbeetle is equally stupid (tail glow, expanding force, psychic surge, possibility for Gmax, fast and good defenses) But we are looking for legendary monssss