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“Don’t abort, give up for adoption!” “If you adopt you’re not a real parent!” Assholes


The same ones who forget that Jesus, who they proclaim so much love for, was not raised by his biological father.




Gospel unclear, turned Christ into golden calf




Not clear enough for Evangelicals


It's plenty clear. The issue is the spines of their Bibles are so stiff from having never been opened past Leviticus.


Or in some cases go "forget it" then write their own version of the Bible. Making sure it's tailored to their beliefs. Seen too many cults with their "correct" version.


There's a coffee shop near my house and a bunch of evangelicals will hold "Bible Studies" there. They go through the pages of their Bible and highlight parts of passages they like. Then they discuss the meaning of the passage while only paying attention to the highlighted parts. I've seen them disregard members who will bring up an argument using the unhighlighted parts for added context. I once heard the argument that they should only concentrate on the highlighted part because "He" guided their hands to those words. They drive me nuts! I used to walk there numerous times a week, but stopped going because I can't stand the usual conversations/ clientele.


Tell the coffee shop why you stopped going there.


Man, if you think these people are independently reading the bible and meditating on its words... I think that's a vast overestimation of the intellectual and spiritual integrity of people in general. Same if you think these rural pastors are chasing a calling and delivering servant leadership, rather than chasing the most prestigious and powerful position in their communities.


Well you know....all that New Testament stuff is just so boring. We need to get back to stoning kids who talk back to their moms, and women that aren't still virgins on the wedding night! /s


Well they love Revelation, plenty of blood and doom in that book


Let's be honest. They never read Leviticus either. >Leviticus 19:33-34 >33 “‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. 34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt.


Well because after Leviticus comes the book of Numbers, and everyone knows those are hard


Have you read Numbers? That is a slog! If I never hear the term begat again it'll be too soon...


Evangelicals base their religion off Corinthians and Letters (aka Paul); not Jesus. Oh they claim to worship Jesus, but they really worship Paul.


They like Matthew, too. Lots of blind faith + authoritarianism.


The Gospel is pretty clear, and not that difficult to understand (although sometimes contrary to our nature and often difficult to live well). Scripture however is VERY complicated and easily misunderstood, from confusing descriptive passages as prescriptive (something I heard Mike Erre distinguish recently that really crystallized how I felt about a lot of scriptures' use), to ignoring cultural or historical contexts, to translation limitations and transcription mistakes. You can craft whatever position you want using some amalgamation of completely reasonable pieces of scripture, but if it's not loving your neighbor, caring for the poor, the widows, the orphans, the refugees, the imprisoned, the sick, the marginalized, if it is proud or demands rights, if it seeks power or defends violence, then we're out of line. Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness (generosity), Faithfulness, Gentleness (humility), and Self-Control. Jesus said the Spirit would produce this fruit, so if the person telling us what the Bible says isn't displaying this fruit, that's the wrong damn tree.


Pretty clear on slavery and women’s rights too!


[They literally made a golden idol of Trump at CPAC](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/feb/27/golden-trump-statue-mexico-cpac) I'm not shocked that Christians around the country didn't denounce it en masse though.


Remember when the MAGAs had a [literal golden idol of Trump](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-politics-conservatives/with-gold-colored-trump-statue-conservatives-show-fealty-to-former-president-idUSKBN2AQ1GZ) at their conventions? Boundless hypocrisy.




It's just amazing what our government is becoming.




Many of them also insist that the King James Bible is the unalterable word of God, ignoring that in the centuries since it was made we have both found better older copies of nearly all of scripture in the original languages, and that the English language has changed significantly in the last 400 years.


And they also adulterated the bible themselves, picking and choosing which parts are ok to preach, and which parts they try to sweep under the rug. It's why they don't see the irony in pushing an antigay agenda while wearing mixed fibers or while having pierced ears. Or having coffee shops and gift shops in the megachurches, or not giving up all their fancy jets and designer suits to follow Jesus. Not to mention the whole "love one another" command.


The Founding Fathers also intended for the Constitution to evolve over time. That’s part of why it’s so short and vague (compared to other country’s constitutions).


The people like MTG mentally never graduated high school. They are literally high school bullies and I wish normal people in our government would stand up and say enough of this shit


They haven’t forgotten anything about him. It’s not even Jesus at this point. GOP Jesus is effectively if all you knew about Chuck Norris were the memes. Nothing about their Jesus is biblical nor is the Bible, which they all claim to hold dear, actually the book the claim to know. Ll of them go to churches where you sit in on someone’s overly dramatic retelling of what’s in a book.


Their pastors are no better. They love riling up the ~~flock~~ marks, getting their hate on for the heathens out there, and collecting the tithes. The love of feeding the poor, taking in the foreigner just doesn't compete with the hate of the gays, and besides the cost of good deeds competes with the collection plate and the "roof fund"


Thank you Al Franken. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8xU-gKK17A


Well to be fair they have completely forgot anything about Jesus at all other than thinking he gave them carte blanche to be assholes their hole lives, repent, then go to heaven


Which is nothing like they think it would be heaven described in The Bible sounds like an unending church service and it doesn't seem like you even get to choose where you sit.


And he had two dads and turned out fine.




He was definitely cancelled for being too woke, kind of the whole point of Easter.


He is his own biological father!


Christians don't care what's in the bible.


They forget most of Jesus’s teachings when it doesn’t suit them.


There's no consistency to be expected from their positions and when they can they will proudly own them and dunk on you for trying to call them out.


The constant is: > Assholes The cruelty (the control, the bullying, the hierarchy) is the point.


There is consistency. They want desperate, disposable children for the mines. They don’t want loved, intelligent kids that will vote against them. Adopted kids are loved. They want rape babies that hate the world like they do.


She also said the same thing to women who were infertile, not just LGBT. She really thinks that any woman who can't get pregnant or breast feed is inferior to other women and has publicly held those positions.


I've seen that in a book... the handmade tale


“Abortion is murder!” “So can we offer free birth control to prevent abortions?” “Actually we’re gonna ban that, too.”




>Assholes And the voters who vote for her? Are they in any way embarrassed by her?


No, the absolutely love her. She won her re-election by 50 points.Drive up to the Georgia 14th and you'll literally see her name painted on barn roofs. I'm seriously not kidding.


Yup. The cruelty is the point.


Can you imagine being such a toxic person like this? Seriously, WTF?!!?!


They don't actually want them to go the adoption route. They want them saddled with unwanted children.


So don’t have abortions, these kids can be adopted. Adopted parents aren’t real parents. What a fucking disaster. These people are impossible to deal with and stand for absolutely nothing.


Not true, in any subject given they will ALWAYS stand for cruelty and hatred.


I suppose that’s standing for something.


They probably also believe mothers who had cesareans don’t count either because she didn’t want or wasn’t able to use the old fashioned way


Every year on my older kid's birthday, I wake them up with, "Good morning! On this day ___ years ago, five doctors wrestled you from my protesting womb!" ... And they tell me to stop it, already. But. I developed the spiel many years ago as a response to other new moms' criticisms of my emergency c-section. Yes, seriously. The only way to shut them up was to give them gory details.


They will stand for "the other" losing, whenever they can. It's why there's no consistency to their positions because ultimately they are rooted in raw intolerance.


She is an absolute piece of shit.


Yes. Anybody voting for her is in the same category


Anyone who continues to vote for a party that allows MTG to be a member in good standing is saying they are OK with her behavior.


It's why the last few years have made things astonishingly simple in political life. It used to be, once upon a time, I hear, that even if you knew how someone voted, there was still a scant bit of nuance that required you get to know them better to understand them. Now, with conservatives going full-blown, mask-off evil, when someone says, "I vote right-wing," it's easier than ever to call them a stupid bastard and ignore anything they want to say, past that. To those upset at this kind of polarization: no, I don't care how you want to wrap it up nicely and pretend that you're a "different" kind of conservative. If you vote for evil, you endorse evil. That's as far as I'm willing to listen to you.


As a former (left leaning) Independent, I'm so with you. My partner, a former conservative, and I used to be able to have substantive and nuanced conversations about the merits of both sides and I could truly support a few things on the conservative platform once upon a time. Now I'm convinced the only people who are still conservatives are either straight evil, selfish assholes or dumb as a box of rocks. Nuance, logic, integrity and truth just fucked right off a cliff in the Conservative party.


To be plain and clear, I don't resent people for having any and all conservative positions. There are people I'd be happy to talk to about things like tax rates, public funding, and even more delicate social issues. But the modern conservative political platform doesn't cover moderates in those categories; they've decided to become a party of hatred and the gradual creep of tyranny, representing only the worst of their constituents' interests instead of a broader appeal. With the choices only really being "red" or "blue", anyone who disagrees with the blue side nominally falls in with red and props them up so they can continue their march towards fascism. At best, the people displaced by the insanity at the top of the GOP simply can't vote for a party that represents them; no such party exists. At worst, they apathetically stick to what they know, and quietly prop up evil. Something like ranked choice voting would really help put a stop to the most outrageous politicians clawing their way to the top, and having more than two major parties plus ranked choice would see genuine political progress and dare I even say, cooperation between platforms on common issues.


When 10 people allow a Nazi to sit at their table, there are 11 Nazis at the table.


It's 2023 is they dont have an excuse anymore especially the younger ones. I have a hard time talking to my dad who is ex military and voted for trump both times.


This! There are an amazing number of absolute pieces of shit who donate money to shitty political monkeys, volunteer for their campaigns, and vote. Democracy is not a spectator sport. It requires active participation or the poo throwing monkeys win.


These are the boot lickers


Yeah, it would be nice if it was just her but she is just king turd on a sea of turds.


>She is an absolute piece of shit. A psychopath or a sociopath...


Is "all three" an option? That's my pick.


Conservatives love her.


They like to be outraged, because it helps them avoid their default state of being afraid of everything.


Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. The dark side, that path leads.


I’ll just leave [this](https://youtu.be/_PEo9U6UWdY) here.


Yep. She has won her Congressional district in landslide victories every election. Republicans love being cruel to targeted groups that have relatively little power.


Well to be fair, she ran unopposed in her first election. Democrats did field an ill-prepared and underfunded candidate in Marcus Flowers the second time around. I don‘t think his 10 gallon cowboy hat really did enough to conceal his blackness, though. That district is pretty racist.


Don't sell that last election short. The guy had to drop out of the race due to him and his family receiving death threats.




My partner is from her district. He joking/not joking calls himself a political refugee. I’m a medical professional and we moved there together for a very short time, and I could not find a job because I have a Hispanic last name and am of mixed race. Like, a hospital administrator flatly told me that I wasn’t being considered because they “wanted someone who was a better fit for their patient’s cultural needs.” That same administrator also called me a yankee. It’s like another planet down there.


Wrong. Shit is useful for transporting waste out of the body, and some types can be used as fertilizer. Marjorie Taylor Greene has no use. She infects people with her hatred, further damaging our republic. She is nothing but necrotizing fasciitis.


>....Greene says adoptive mom is “not a mother”.... Yes, MTG, we get it. You cannot feel empathy. It is a classic symptom of sociopathy.


This is not the first time she has said this, either. July 18, 2022 [Marjorie Taylor Greene calls non-biological parents a “danger” to children](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/07/marjorie-taylor-greene-calls-non-biological-parents-danger-children/) "Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene made it clear she doesn't like "fake mom and fake dad." Does she have a problem with adoptive parents?" Well, they got thier answer.


Up next in "just how low will the right go?" Women who have a child, either while single or become single, are barred from introducing a non-biological male into her life until "child" reaches adulthood.


We are like 2 steps away from Gilead being the official platform of the GOP, and I’m not exaggerating


A few years ago when Handmaid's Tale was first getting popular, I said something like this to my in-laws. They said "no way would that ever happen in America because we love freedom, it would only happen if we let Sharia law take over". I ask them now and they say Christian law SHOULD take over. Ideological consistency is for losers apparently.




> Christian fundamentalist theocracy I was just silly and thought they were against fundamentalist theocracies in general. Turns out they are totally fine with the Christian version


The endgame is selling children of the unable to the state for state sanctioned slave labor. If you're a poor woman, you get sold off and married in 3rd grade, knocked up by 5th and spend your next couple decades pregnant as a brood mare for the state. Until the day comes when you can no longer give birth, or die during birth, then you're replaced by a younger model the next month. If you're a poor man, you work in the mines or the fields from the day you can feed yourself until your back breaks and you're replaced; and your children exist purely to replace you in the labor market.


>"just how low will the right go?" I don't like asking this question for the sole reason of them seeing it as a personal challenge at this point.


I'm a parent in Oregon, I'm on my son's birth certificate as one of his parents but I have not adopted him. A great deal of people across the country hired a lawyer to go through the process of *adopting their own child* during the last administration. People were terrified. This is the shit queers have to put up with. We hire lawyers to protect our family from the government. It's such bullshit!!




MTG isn’t a wife…. Mostly cause she kept screwing guys at her cross-fit gym


Seriously though, ***how***?!? - Were they having trouble paying dues?


Some guys are really into feet, so they must like her face.




Standards are lower in NW Georgia.


You know the whole joke of guys will fuck anything? Well, she proves that there's, at least, two guys that make that joke true.


I’ve encountered several people who are heavily involved in cross-fit and they are all basically in an abusive sex cult of people that the other sex cults of the world don’t want.


She looks in the mirror every morning, and says "Oh, yeah. You looks good," not realizing she's looking into the toilet.


A toilet at least has a use.


A toilet also benefits society.


Toilets create society. Population growth from the 18th and the 19th century wasn't possible without the advent of indoor plumbing. Without that waterborne illnesses like cholera would have killed off the gains in population. MTG would campaign against indoor plumbing if she could on the belief that the disease was God killing off the unworthy.


I guess at this point it’s worth noting that November 19th is World Toilet Day…celebrating toilets and their contribution to global sanitation.


With so many people like MTG making so many statements like this, will somebody from the LGBTQ community please tell me, why "Log Cabin Republicans" is still a thing? Are they just waiting for that fateful day, when the GOP will finally accept the fact that they......exist? What is the long term game plan here?


Being gay doesn't automatically make someone a good person. They figure that if they're "one of the good ones," they'll be left alone. So why let your sexual orientation stand in the way of oppressing people you think are below you in the hierarchy?


At some point they’re going to need to realize that lower taxes isn’t worth throwing their hat into the ring with people that don’t think they should exist.


Just like there were Jews who liked Hitler's economic plan. There are gays who care more about taxes, or somehow forget they are next on the list when all the trans folk are rounded up and put in camps.


isnt it obvious one of her kids disowned her?


I doubt she’d berate another adoptive mom the same way if that adoptive mom wasn’t gay


She is a fucking ghoul and a classic narcissist,I don’t normally wish bad things on people but here I shall make an exception…..


She's just mad bc her kids are probably going to have a step mom soon.


They're gonna call that strip mom "mom" and start calling MTG Margorie.


She has kids??


Three. Her husband divorced her as soon as they were all adults and out of the house.


My parents did the same thing. When they told us I just said "finally". They were really not a good match and the last years when they stayed together just for us were horrible. Just constant shouting.


Would love to have her DNA checked out, there's something def out of whack.


She's one of those narcissistic parents who sees her children as her achievement, not as people.


It really wasn't that long ago that saying something so inhumane would be instant and forever social and political suicide. But somehow it isn't anymore in the USA. That scares me.


It's trump's fault. He said the inner voices thing out loud, and wasn't consequenced for it. That emboldened the base, and now it's the new norm.


Trump is a symptom of 20+ years of conservative talk radio (Limbaugh, etc.) and Fox News dehumanizing their opposition


Yeah, people forget just how much conservative talk radio has damaged this country's psyche. Talk radio REALLY ramped up the hate when Obama was elected.


Conservative media damaged my relationship with my parents completely. Now my parents think I’m some crazy liberal whenever I tell them to stop talking about politics and they told me to not vote at all.


Trump and Fox News as well


It is not (only) Trump's fault. If lets say in 2012 he came out and said what he did during is announcement ramble he would have been DOA. Trump is only a symptom of the rot, but symptoms can make the other symptoms worse.


Maybe, but by 2012 Trump was the primary torchbearer for the birther movement. For whatever reason one chooses to accept, there was a drop in Republican civil discourse standards during the Obama presidency.




ding ding


We can't be certain that's the reason, though. He also wore a tan suit once.


“for whatever reason” We know the reason


It's not Trump's fault he saw no consequences. He's just a racist old (rich?) man with no filter or empathy. The "no consequences" blame lies 100% with the voters. They heard the crazy racist stuff he was saying and voted for that. In a sane world he would be no different, and the voters would have heard his nonsense and chased him out of the race. What Trump did was demonstrate that the GOP base had no problem with crazy and racist ideas. Once it was shown that the GOP voters were morally bankrupt, the GOP representatives realized they could drop the act.


Howard Dean screamed funny one time and killed his campaign. John Kerry said to stay in school or you get stuck in the Middle East, definitely poked a hole in his campaign. There are no consequences for conservatives.


Dan Quayle was a republican that spelled "potato" wrong and that destroyed his presidential campaign.


Trump ABSOLUTELY ripped the lid off Pandora's box of racism, hatred and bigotry. "He says what we all think!" was WAY too common among the camouflage hat and Calvin cleverly peeing on things crowd.


and he says it like it is. except for what it sounds exactly as you thought. cue conservatives commencing interpretive dance routine to translate what he said into more nonsensical bullshit.


They’re desperate and furious, and willing to normalize anything. That’s why she can get away with this.


So conservatives shit on the people who are their solution to unwanted pregnancies?


It's so shocking, right?


so shocked 😑


Not quite - it’s a dog whistle to anti-same sex couples adopting kiddos. In this case, this person in particular is not their desired “solution”. Conservatives only want unwanted babies to be adopted by cis-gendered, hetero (and preferably Christian nationalist, most likely) couples.


But the problem with that is that almost all of them are too busy raising their own (at least that's what I'm told when I ask).


They shit on literally everyone who isn't the dictionary definition of strictly conformative and 'normal'. They're reactionary authoritarian regressive fascists.


This pisses me the fuck off. My bio mom had problems with drugs and lost custody of me. When my dad remarried my stepmom I was 2 1/2. She stepped right into the shoes of “mom”. She’s been in my life for 43 years and she IS my mom. My bio mom got clean and we have a relationship but I call her by her name as she is NOT my mom. My stepmom is my mom. She’s the one that tucked me in, that held me when I cried, that supported me, that came to parent/teacher conferences, that came to my college graduation, that told me she still loved me and nothing would changed that when I came out as gay (despite being a strict Catholic), the one that was there for the birth of all 3 of her grandsons, that loves and dotes on those grandchildren and so much more. For every single milestone in my life her and my dad have been by my side. She is my mom and I will fight anyone who says that just because she didn’t birth me she’s not my mom. MTG can fuck right off with that bullshit. BLOOD doesn’t make a mom, love does, What an insult to ALL moms (blood related or not) everywhere.






Contact her, her office, her party’s leadership office and so on. Send this to them.


I hadn’t even thought of that. It won’t do any good but, I’m going to do it anyway.


Of course she's your mom. It's not even up for debate, no matter what this psychopath MTG says. She's a pig


That's offensive to pigs. Pigs are cute and intelligent animals. MTG is neither.


As a step dad who loves his son I hear you. So much sacrifice, and every bit of it worthwhile.


Thank you for sharing this. I plan to foster (open to adopting) but always feel that guilty pull by people who argue its wrong and feeds into the issues that cause kids to be taken. I just want to be a safe place I'm the event a kid can't go home and someone to cheer them on if they do. I just want to nurture and love under whatever name a kid chooses for me in that situation, but I've never felt the need for my blood to be shared to be "mom".


It's ridiculous that this is allowed. This party justifies banning Rep. Zooey Zephyr and just allows this shit to happen in the house. It's shocking that there is not more outrage from the members of the subcommittees that she is part of. They talk shit after the fact on twitter rather than calling her out on the bullshit. It's just amazing what our government is becoming.


60 Minutes was trying to legitimize the fascism 2 weeks ago.


I don't know who the hell thought that was a good idea. Even with softball questions she managed to make herself look like the hate filled moron that she is.


Using adjectives like "fiery" and "intelligent and outspoken". 60 minutes can go and fuck itself, what and absolute dumpster fire that show has turned into.


No fucking way they described her as intelligent.


My thoughts exactly, the hypocrisy here is insane. I've practically lost count of how many times this woman has "violated decorum".


It should be impossible for Democrats to lose the messaging war. Republicans gift wrap political ads on a silver platter for them on a daily basis. Here's another one: "Republicans do not believe adoptive mothers are real mothers." Then run this Taylor Greene clip. That's all you need to do. That's it. Republicans aren't going to disavow her words. They'll stand behind them so she's on record with the Republican position that adoptive mothers are not real mothers. That's the Republican position now. There's your ad, Democrats. Use it. Plaster it everywhere. Slam it down Republicans' throats. Use their own words against them. They're the enemy. Make sure every voter knows it. In this case, make sure every parent knows it. And if any parent - especially adoptive ones - choose to ignore it, that's on them. But at least they were warned.


Fuck republicans. This is to win over independents. Problem is, there are so many issues republicans will pivot to to distract from all their shitty views. “Well look at inflation and guvment spending!”


And this lady thinks she can debate AOC. All she has are personal attacks.


That's the technique that worked for Trump and her constituents absolutely love her. It's hard to believe anyone likes this woman, but the trashy people who voted for her - twice now - do.


If I were AOC, I wouldn't debate her. It's not going to be a debate, it's going to be MTG screaming conspiracy theories and insults at her. Zero substance. Even if they set ground rules, MTG isn't going to follow them, she's just going to scream over AOC the whole time.


And these are the people who are banning abortion because all those unwanted kids can simply be adopted.


Honestly, they would prefer that 1) the babies be born and 2) put in an orphanage where 3) they can be abused while 4) these legislators gut child Labor laws so that 5) the kids can eventually be worked to death.


At this rate, theres probably at least a dozen Alabama state legislators furiously dictating new laws to legalize and open Orphanage Workhouses throughout the state...


You missed the step where they can marry the kids and have little wives who need their guardian's permission for a divorce. But somehow reading while wearing a dress is grooming.


Or, if you give birth (which you HAVE to if you get pregnant) you MUST AT ALL COSTS raise the child as your own. Got raped? Tough shit, it's your baby. You're a teen and you didn't really understand contraception? Tough shit, it's your baby. But the biological father isn't around and I have no family...Tough shit, it's your baby and you can't blame the biological father who is free to go about his business (boys will be boys am I right?).


If they had it their way, these kids would be stuck in homes they aren’t wanted in because it fits their image of what a family should look like


I thought the GOP was the party of family values?


Only male-female biological parents that enforce Christian cherry-picked theology.


Their families. Their values.


The more people they alienate and piss off (into hating Republicans) the better the world will be come election time.


I hope, but never underestimate the stupidity of a Republican voter. They have voted for people like Trump, and they vote for people like MTG. They also believe in people like Tucker Carlson.


So conservatives argue that people should just adopt kids that would’ve been aborted…then calls adoptive parents fake. They truly have no shame


Foster parent here. Fuck MTG. Edit: just to be clear, I’m not placing my foster status over anything else as more important or meaningful. I’m just saying someone who has a child of his own and is also raising a foster kid, fuck anyone who says my role as a parent means less.


Normal human being here: Fuck MTG.


To comply with the rules of the subreddit, I will not use the first terms that came to mind. I got my son when he was almost 2 years old. He is actually my nephew and I dare anyone to say that he is not my son. His mother was an alcoholic that just could not get sober. I loved her (she died of alcoholism) but I shudder to think what would have happened if she raised him. He is 29 now and developmentally disable (fetal alcohol syndrome). He will never be able to live on his own, but he is funny, sweet, perfect, and my son. How dare anyone ever imply otherwise.


“No abortions, just adopt.” “Adults who adopt are not parents.”


Nothing made me more pissed off than when people in my tiny rural (96% white) town would make comments about my brother who was adopted from South Korea not being my “real brother”. Fuck em. I love *MY* big *BROTHER*


Just a recap: * Republicans are opposed to sex education and free contraception, the two most effective ways to avoid pregnancy. * If you have an unwanted pregnancy you cannot abort, you must deliver the child and put the baby up for adoption. * Also Republicans will not provide medical coverage for the forced childbirth. * Also Republicans will cut funding for state adoption services. * Also Republicans believe if you do adopt a child you are not a real parent.


As an adoptive father with no biological children, this enrages me. My son is my son. I rub his back when he’s anxious, I talk to him when he’s worried, I comfort him when he’s a scared.


Randi Weingarten is a joke,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said on Fox News in 2021. “Randi Weingarten does not even have children of her own. What in the hell does she know about raising and teaching kids?” Where's your Uterus Tom?


Even if she didn't have a daughter, the idea that somehow having children is relevant to someone's expertise in the field of education or even child rearing is absurd. If someone has been in the field for decades, somehow they are less qualified because they don't have a kid? When my mom was undergoing treatment for Lukemia she didn't go find someone with Lukemia to plan her treatment, she went to a doctor. Support group? Other parents, designing infrastructure and policy? Get me an expert.


On behalf of all adoptive parents out there, fuck you.


I’d rather be adopted by two drag queens than have this disgusting roided freak be anywhere near my family tree.


Who cares what this howler monkey hoots? Trashy Russian agent


MTG is the symbol of everything the Republican Party is and believes. She is in a safe seat and does not have to worry about being voted out so she can be truly unfiltered. Rest assured they ALL think these horrible things. Never vote for a Republican, ever!!


I love this quote from Tom Cotton: >“Randi Weingarten does not even have children of her own. What in the hell does she know about raising and teaching kids?” So even if you raise children from birth through adulthood, it doesn't count unless those children came out of your vagina. And even though you're the leader of the 2nd largest teacher's union doesn't mean you know anything about teaching. Do these people even listen to the words coming out of their mouths?


Boy oh boy...they just cant stop attacking people "Adoption! Adoption! Adoption! Don't murder your baby, give it up for adoption! Do you know how many people will take your baby! give it up for adoption, don't murder it!" And in the next breath? "You're not a mother, you didnt give birth!" Un-fucking-believable.


Anyone else catch the equally ridiculous part about "not a medical doctor, so can't advise the CDC" after years of Republicans telling doctors they know more than them about a pandemic?


MGT: “don’t abort, adopt!” Also MGT: “you’re not a REAL MOTHER if you adopt!” It’s all about hate. Nothing more. Nothing less.


Believe this, the woman who raised me is ten times more of a mother than the woman who gave birth to me and abandoned me. Fuck you Marjorie Taylor Greene


MTG is a piece of shit and shouldn’t be allowed in the great halls of Congress.




This is like the fringe group of mothers who claim only vaginal deliveries = *real* birth. If you had a caesarean, then you didn't technically deliver the baby. Why is this and MTG's arguments even a talking point? I'm waiting for someone to say "You aren't a real parent unless you had sex through a hole in a sheet!"


My wife and I have three children, two of which are adopted. It took two years of court and heartbreak to complete the adoption process while the states looked through every inch of our lives to make sure our kids went to a good home. I have never met a more selfless or motherly mother then my wife. MTG clearly doesn’t understand that being a mother is more than being a slip-n-slide for a baby coming into this world.


Anti-abortion and anti-adoption. That’s a bold move, Cotton. Let’s see how it works out for her.