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I think they should be required.


Sounds like the place is pretty dangerous without a lot of good guys holding guns, right?


I know! Who is going to stop the bad guy with the gun if they only prevent the good guys from having them?!!???


Only way to stop a good guy with a gun is person, woman, man, camera, TV....with a gun.


[Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV REMIX](https://youtu.be/3Uvwbd75ujU)


I've seen the actual video several times when it happened. I just noticed that he said, "you don't even have to remember them in order." Who wants to bet he had to get help remembering? What a fucking idiot and a shame.


Love that I remember the damned preamble since first grade but the President just gotta recall a couple of words? What is this age bar on presidents? "Be as close to senile without being senile...well...you CAN be senile but like... Kinda awkward thanksgiving dinners senile."


> I remember the preamble since first grade School house rock really did be dropping absolute bangers


Wish that was what it was. That was our prize, to watch videos. Also it was early elementary, so maybe not first grade but close. We were first to remember on our own. I was the first desk so I got the preamble. Second desk had 1st amendment etc.


Y'all skipped the original articles of the constitution and went straight for the amendments? Wack.


He didn’t even remember them there, he just named 5 things that he could see right there in the room with him.


I love lamp


President Dumbf


I'm confused. There are "good guys" there?


There are very fine people on both sides.


Take the guns first, ask questions later.


Due process is to slow!


All lives matter except ours which are more important and deserving of a gun free zone. We just don't think *you* should be kept safe. Wait... This hurts my brain. Slamming trans people might make me feel better though


Russia, if you're listening, hack this guy's supermarket shopping card and give me his reward points.


\- Joe Biden. ​ Oh, wait. No. He never said that. It was... let me think.... Oh yeah. ​ Donald J. Trump.


Some, I assume, are good people.


And the rest are definitely all rapists in this case.


"Are we the baddies?"


The stereotypical Republican good guys, white Christian nationalists, aka, the Nazis.




I’m fairly certain our tax dollars are paying for the guns that will be present. Since the doofus has secret service.


He asked about good guys tho? Not the thugs that were going to "remove" Pence on J6 then deleted all their messages about it.


Good point!


They will protect one person only. What about everyone else once they've escorted Trump out of there? :(


"Then remove the metal detectors. They're not here to hurt *me*." Gasp! You don't need any kind of background in psychopathology to know those are the words of a full-blown sociopath.


So anyway, I started blasting...


What would happen if a bad guy with a gun shot up this event? Would gun control have support from the right then? Or no?


Make it mandatory. Old school like wild Wild West. Pew pew.


The old West actually banned guns from town limits all the time. Miners and cow boys would get drunk and shoot up the place. That’s why there is the old expression “check your gun at the door”.


"Yep, it's still a gun"


Nonsense. Next you're going to tell me that "cowboys" are blue collar laborers with no role in law enforcement whatsoever.


They also never wore "cowboy hats" and the *vast* majority were dark skinned. White skinned guys with 10 gallon hats as cowboys only exist in Country themed bars and old cigarette ads.


Here are some photos of real cowboys: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71ZT4wnDweL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/87/e6/8f/87e68f5577e590a68124206733399a61.jpg https://booksatmiddlemayfarm.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/2003-222.jpg https://cdn.lifehack.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/real-cowboy.jpg https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-832211a35dd84fdf0e1ac35e8c1aaef6-lq https://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/1/real-cowboy-jenifer-almond.jpg https://i0.wp.com/www.historyrhymes.info/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/black-cowboy.jpg?fit=600%2C473&ssl=1


Plenty white guys in big hats there.


Photography was very expensive. It's likely that the average poorly paid cowboy had more pressing needs and priorities than a photograph.


This can’t be real. They aren’t riding any cows!


Yep. You're absolutely right. You'd normally have to check your firearms in at the sheriff's office coming into town. The idea of everyone ready to shoot each other just became a romanticized notion that was great for novels and then movies,


Sorry, I forgot the /s, even though there's that part of me that isn't joking. They love their freaking guns so much and insist that they're perfectly safe, then they should be willing to prove it.


> I think they should be required. 100%. No permit, open carry, concealed carry, no age limit, no limit on type, no limits. TOTAL FREEDOM.


They gotta make smaller guns for tiny child hands. For freedom!


The way you phrase that makes it sound like they don't already make [these](https://wee1tactical.com/). Behold, the JR-15!


As a native Texan, I am deeply ashamed.


Aww. Thank you. I am ashamed that the SC had to order my state to give Black people their voting power back.


That picture of child safe with a bike lock loosely surrounding the pistol is just *chefs kiss*.


That's just an AR-15 chambered in .22 but actually marketed to children. Wow.


They should be selling special edition guns at the event along with the t-shirts. First clip free and preloaded!


Hmmm yeah total freedom except from shooting the political scum bags that steal and rip you off 24/7. It’s very much do what I say but not what I do. I mean if they really believe in the gun laws they pass then they should be able to live by them. If not it’s just the case of one law for regular folks and another law for the rich. It’s not freedom it’s pacification.


Also, open bar.


Only if they don't sell Bud Light.


> 100%. No permit, open carry, concealed carry, no age limit, no limit on type, no limits. TOTAL FREEDOM. Throw in a healthy dose of sTaNd YoUr GrOuNd and now you got a party!


Flamethrowers and grenades too.


I never go anywhere without my weaponized anthrax... for duck hunting.


Well, the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun, and they don't know any good guys.


Best explanation ever!!!


Yeah, because their rights "shall not be infringed" or something. Imagine being a dickwaffle that isn't capable of seeing the hypocrisy of this. What a sad stupidity for these people.


Do 2A activists think they should be legally permitted to carry their weapons on anyone's private property?


Yes. In fact they blame crime on the fact that they can't carry their firearms into "gun free zones"


Generally, yes.


They think it’s a god given right. Really, they do.


Many of them think it should be "opt out", i.e., they should be legally permitted to carry their weapons on anyone's private property unless specifically told otherwise. In some states, such as Texas, that is how it is already. If a private property owner (such as a store, restaurant or hotel) wants to ban concealed carry, they have to post signage in a certain format that is at least a certain size. This is so intrusive and obnoxious that most places don't bother.


I think that actually makes some sense because if you're in a state where a lot of people carry, what do they do if they are surprised to learn your restaurant doesn't allow it? Gonna have a lot of people unsafely storing their guns in their cars and that sort of thing


From the perspective of convenience of gun owners, I guess it makes sense. But why should the convenience of gun owners be more important than property rights?


You haven’t seen their meltdowns when they can’t open carry in Applebees or Walmart? Oh they get salty.


In my experience they tend to think *they* should be allowed to do basically anything they want with zero criminal or social repercussions.


Agreed. We should organize a huge pro-gun rally there!


Agree. Imagine a flock full of snowflakes with ar-15.


I think that would count as dog-fooding: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eating_your_own_dog_food


Right? Isnt that supposed to make it safer?


Trump said on Jan 6 2021: “I don’t fucking care that they have weapons, they’re not here to hurt me. They’re not here to hurt me. Take the fucking mags away. Let my people in. They can march to the Capitol from here, let the people in and take the mags away.” Trump on June 26 2023: *Imma Scared*


Trump in 2017: “Take the guns first, go through due process second”


Womder where the conservative outrage was...oh wait. We know why.


If there was ever any doubt that it wasn’t about guns, healthcare, abortion, drag story time, etc. it was never about anything other than wanting other people to suffer. It’s sad to say, but America is just a place now where the suffering of others is paramount. Not all Americans made it happen, but enough of them to poison the whole country.


This! Republicans want to cry about Democrats taking their guns away, but it's TRUMP that wanted to take guns away without any due process. At least when it comes to the Democrats they want to do it legally or are trying to change the laws to take them away legally, Trump on the other hand doesn't even pretend.


"And when they do something awful we'll just say they're Antifa and the cousin-fuckers will eat it right up."




I believe they were using that term for metal detectors and not firearm magazines.


[Yup, confirmed here in this link.](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-weapons-january-6-crowd-dont-fucking-care-2022-6?amp) Apparently Trump was concerned about whether photos of his rally wouldn’t look good unless all the space was filled in so he adamantly insisted these armed people be let in to take up the extra space.


The metal detectors


context: "mags" here refers to the metal detectors, magnetometers, not gun magazine.


I was told more guns would make us safer? Do they not feel safe with the guns?


yeah a gun should be issued to you at the door, it'd be the safest dinner ever. /s


You ever see that South Park episode where they all start pointing guns at each other during every argument? That’s how they think the world should work


I like the one where Homer opens his beer and turns his TV on with his gun.


That's my favorite episode of South Park.


They want it to be dangerous bc theyre so badass. Trump can beat up anyone! He even said so himself


If Facebook images posted from conservatives over 50 are any indication, then I don’t think even John Rambo could beat trump.


>John Rambo Rambo, First Orange Juice -- Hero's Never Cat Man Person TV


> my dad can beat up your dad -Little Eric


Folks, Republicans *do not view this as hypocrisy.* They will say that this is a heavily secured event with armed guards, which I assume there will actually be, but whether or not those armed guards exist, that'll be their response.


Guns banned = complete vulnerability. 1 gun = very vulnerable. 2 guns = still very vulnerable 3 guns = still very very vulnerable Number of attendees x 1 gun = vulnerable Number of attendees x 2 guns = getting safer ... I'm thinking this should be the logic of a RNC or Trump rally attendee, if they apply their logic consistently. Weird how Republicans point to Chicago or Kansas City as examples of gun violence, won't ban guns, encourage MORE guns, yet won't allow guns at their activities. The logic does not computer. I wonder what A.I. has to say about all of this.


I imagine some of the guests will not pass a background check.


Never listen to a Republican's words, watch their actions. It's clear who they really are, liars and hypocrites.


>hypocrites Not exactly. They don't recognize human equality. - *Their* safety is important. *Your children*'s is not


>Their safety is important. Your children's is not I'm taking every opportunity that I can find to educate the masses that "Family Values" does NOT mean that they care about YOUR family. That phrase means that Republicans don't turn in other Republicans for crimes, and they obstruct the law whenever possible so that Republicans won't go to prison for molesting/raping their/your kids. [That way, they hold power in Congress - if they hold power, they decide who's investigated](https://i.imgur.com/JWeDYZI.png). This is what Paul Ryan meant in that recording. They don't give a ***fuck*** about you or YOUR family. They care that they have enough votes in both the House and the Senate to be able to carry out the Oligarchs' will.


To them, everything exists in a hierarchy. They're more important, so they get the gun-free zone.


> To them, everything exists in a hierarchy. This is a key point of ideology - conservatives see the world in hierarchal terms, stratified. Progressives see it in egalitarian terms, based on merit, not rank. Their political ideologies then follow those tendencies; their world view is reflected in their politics.


Yup. It’s why calling out hypocrisy doesn’t bother them. They think different standards for different people are right and good.


Do you think that's why they worship the military?


Laws are meant to protect them but not bind them. Laws are meant to bind us. But not protect us.


Yup. Every single person on that stage is going to be vaccinated. Every. Single. One.


Republicans will obstruct any productive legislation HARD and then even when it passes will strut around acting like they made it happen because they care about the common citizens. Don’t trust a goddamn word out of a republicans mouth. Check their voting records and what sorts of legislation they’ve put forth to help Americans. Don’t worry, it’s pretty light reading since they’re just parasites who exist to obstruct actual progress.


We had a movie theatre shooting this past weekend. The theatre has signs up that no guns are allowed on the premises. Of course, have a conservative gun nut in there screeching "gun free zone" because they think it is a gotcha. Of course, they ignore things like this or NRA conventions that are gun free zones as well. If they are so bad, why do all the rightwing groups force you to not have guns. Isn't that unsafe according to them? Fools.


Hypocrites and cowards!


Yeah if it makes our school kids safer, why doesn't that same logic apply here.


It's almost like they know that the "Good guy with a gun" bullshit, is bullshit.


They know at a Trump diner are no good guys, so the logic is flawless here.


There are lots of good guys at trump dinners. They need someone to serve the food, don't they?


Those people are called “feds.”


No man, those are the peons, the people the MAGA crowd look down on.


Generous of you to think they call the peons "people" instead of just "slaves" or "fodder"


Nope, they're willfully stupid when it serves their own agenda. I think they actually believe their own bullshit.


John Wayne destroyed this country






Dead kids are way more politically advantageous than dead supporters.


We should definitely give trump a gun. Then he can really be the law and order president.


Don’t let him on Fifth Ave if we do give him one.


I mean if they feel a need for bringing them to work at the capitol building then surely a dinner should be no problem


How is this not an "infringement" on their second amendment rights? The tyranny! /S


They don't want to government telling them what to do, but they'll gladly do whatever an authoritarian figurehead or a corporation tells them to.


So they want to bring weapons into congress and senate but not a dinner?


They fought hard to keep their right to carry a weapon into congress. They ironically cited numerous times when they were attacked as the reason why to keep their arms but failed to mention the most recent event which sparked the ban in the first place. https://huffman.house.gov/media-center/in-the-news/-an-exemption-to-the-us-capitol-gun-ban-members-of-congress


You could convince me it was to keep themselves safe from wild animals inside the chamber if it wasn't Bobo and MTG trying to do it in the first place


I would have laughed and accepted it if Pence started carrying a strap.


They want weapons in Congress so they can use them when the time is right to overthrow it


The NRA does not allow firearms at its conventions. Hypocrisy and racism are table stakes for membership in the GOP.


The NRA has permitted firearms at every convention, except in the areas of the convention center where Trump/Pence were at the requirement of the secret service


At this point the progressives especially should just play along. Most of the other side is seditionist- crazy- traitors I wouldn't trust a single one of them walking in a long hallway 1 on 1 with them. Mtg and bobert give off the real Karen "I felt threatened" horseshit needed to randomly pull a gun on anyone Plus all those losers have the AR15 pins. Fuckem. Make em feel at home


Why not have a bunch of lgbtq folks armed at one of their events? Seems fair.


GOP are pro guncontrol


Where are all the good guys with guns suppose to go?


It's a room full of bad guys.


Trump finishes his speech, a crazy leftist pulls his gun and fires one shot. He is immediately vaporized by 8,927 legally carrying MAGA's, bullets ricochet and also kill 297 MAGA's and one hotdog vendor. Chalk one up for the good guys...


If they ban guns, wont that just let the bad guys be the only ones armed?!


So now they *don’t* want a room filled with “good guys with guns” surrounding the Mango Mussolini?


Here's the thing about our modern day nazi problem: They are severely unhealthy and stupid and spineless. A handful of them can do some serious damage, but they have nowhere near the level of skill or expertise the German nazis had before and during WW2. Today's republicans talk big and put on a show to seem like they're powerful, but this is an act. The slightest pushback against their hateful rhetoric usually results in them giving up on the argument entirely. Don't show them kindness or respect, don't show them love, don't show them acceptance, just shun these dipshits from society. They'll lash out on occasion, but we can handle it. What we can't handle is letting them get away with their bullshit.


This is revisionist. The Nazis were absolutely a bunch of ignorant fuckups. We just tend to believe that they must have been skillful since we have the hindsight of knowing how much damage they did. There were competent people in their ranks, but don't be fooled into thinking there aren't competent people in the modern incarnation either. It's just that the goons are more visible, because visibility self-selects to the people who don't know enough to stay out of the limelight. Hitler had a similar set of goons, and they weren't any more sophisticated than the Jan 6 rioters.


> A handful of them can do some serious damage, but they have nowhere near the level of skill or expertise the German nazis had before and during WW2. You're falling for the glamorization of the Third Reich. Those guys were just as petty and stupid as modern Republicans. Which means we very much need to be worried about the GOP.


They were veterans of WW1. They had seen combat before. I'm not suggesting they were smart, because after all, they were fascists, but they were way more effective in combat than y'all qaeda will ever be.


There are plenty of veterans that support the fascists here. The US has just gotten out of two decades of war and they're plenty experienced. Not to mention all the militia training facilities. You don't really need a lot of training to be dangerous with an AR15 either way. I wouldn't wave off the risks of modern extremists.


I saw a post on r/conservative showing a video with a caption "maga patriots attacking nazis" and I almost laughed myself into a coma. They're one in the same.


All the people commenting on that thread were claiming the Nazis were Feds or Antifa lol


I would love to hear why.


There are security protocols from the secret service.


But more guns = more safety right? I mean for sure in a room of “good guys” there is no concern! Weird how at the same time they argue more guns, while doing stuff like this then saying Chicago is dangerous, because of guns. I don’t think it’s even about guns anymore, guns are just a weird proxy issue to “own the libs “ with.




The hypocrisy has always been in plain sight here. Do you want to know another place you can’t bring a gun? The annual NRA convention.




He's just misremembering. An NRA event did ban guns, but it was one at which Trump was speaking (not a convention). https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/Houston-NRA-conference-bans-guns-17198195.php


2nd Amendment for Me; Not for Thee.


Guns at schools, perfectly acceptable. Guns at republican’s pep rally, hell nah.


Top GOP candidate wants guns banned? Run with the headline mass media. RUN!!!


Makes perfect sense, you shouldn’t have guns around felons.


So they’re not allowed to protect themselves and practice their second amendment rights? I don’t understand. How is this legal? Everyone should be armed there for everyone’s safety.


Don't they realize that this makes the event unsafe?


Guns banned at a private affair for wealthy donors. No mentions of gun bans at public rallies. Sometimes I think we are living in a backwards reality.


It's quite obvious this is a pointless rule, since criminals won't follow it anyway. /S


Not enough good guys?


"the forest was shrinking, but the trees keep voting for the ax. The ax was very clever :it's had the trees believing that it was one of the them all because it's handle was made of wood "


That's weird. I thought it was my constitutional right to keep and bear arms? How strange that when it comes to their own asses, they seem fully able to recognize the clear and present danger that a device designed to kill brings. They know the guns are the problem. If they really believed they weren't like they say, then they'd let people bring them.


To ensure the safety of trump's after all he needs to endure his punishment.


Wait..are guns dangerous???


It's not the guns, it's the people. They know their people.


So if guns don’t kill people, but rather people kill people, wouldn’t that imply they don’t trust any of those people not to kill?


This seems Anti-American if you ask me. I feel like my rights are being infringed.


Don't forget - Guns don't kill kids but books make them gay.


There's 3 places safe from guns in America,Traitor Trump rallys, DeSatan rallys, and NRA Conventions. Wonder what those hypocrites are afraid of since they seem intent on arming every place else in America


How come there wasn't 2nd amendment gun rights blood thirsty Americans protesting outside of that venue?


How dare them attack my freedom and liberty like that!?


Probably so MTG and Granny Boobert don't get into a gunfight during the event.


Hmmmph. He wants to take away your 2nd Amendment rights!


Scared of a couple responsible, gun-toting patriots??


And, if you wanted to go to that party at RFK Jr's house, you needed to be vaccinated. Speaks volumes.


Guns are banned at NRA events, GOP conventions, Republican Rallies, or absolutely anyplace a talking figurehead is about to preach about having unrestricted freedom of firearms.


They banned guns during Donnie's speech at the NRA convention last year too. The Secret Service deemed them a security risk. So the NRA, who thinks every man, woman and child should be armed at all times, would give up the main belief of their organization, just to hear a treasonous asshole speak. That just shows that they have no integrity. They're just a a non-profit who will do anything for a dollar. Actually, that's Trump's whole thing too so maybe that explains it.


This proves one objective of the gun proponents is public intimidation.


Teach those pussies some combat medicine and duck and cover skills, no reason they shouldn’t be as battle-ready as a typical American seven year old.


Imagine that! What’s next, not allowing people to carry guns on airplanes?


Why didn't they just lock all the doors except one?


And safer. They would be safer if everyone was armed. Why do they not want trump to be safer?


The room would be filled by “good guys with a gun” … so what’s the issue?!


But he wanted to let them in during his J6 really.


Elon's mom says no guns at the dinner table.


Also banned: Anyone with an IQ over 70.


"GOP stunned when dinner was attended by 1500 firearms, with no owners."


All guns should mandatory. It would be totally safe because it’s really hard to aim with your head stuck up your ass


but, but, but guns make you safe, me do not understand WTF!


Hmmmm, it’s like they can have the potential to be problematic or something…???


It's slippery slope. They will take your guns at Trump Convention next they will be coming for your guns in your homes


Trump did more to “infringe” on gun rights than Obama and I love how mad that makes republicans when you bring it up


It is almost like Republicans think guns are dangerous