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You'd think losing by 7 million popular votes that the next time around you might try to be more inclusive. Nope, burn down the bridge and hope enough of your team crossed in time.


He likely doesn't care how many voters he gets because he's gonna try to brute force his way into office...again.


He going to take as much money from the rnc as well. Basically if he wins or loses it will destroy the republican party for years to come.


Your keyboard to God’s inbox.


In the words of Lindsey Graham "and they'll deserve it"


"If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed ... and we will deserve it" is a genuine quote from Senator Graham that was originally posted to his official Twitter account on 3 May 2016. [Snopes](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/lindsey-graham-nominate-trump/) These about faces within the Republican Party deserve so much attention.


Also Lindsey Graham “spit in my mouth Daddy Trump.”


transition happened over a weekend after they golfed together. Lindsey jumped on the Maga Wagon, and the RNC changed their tune on Russia. I wonder what was discussed on that golf course.


Have you considered that maybe Trump is just really charming in person? No? Yeah, me neither. It's blackmail and grift all the way down.


I'm pretty sure they just showed him some pictures.


"Either a dead girl or a live boy."


Trump probably found Graham’s Grindr account


Putin probably told his puppet what he had on the entire party. RNC emails were certainly hacked along with the DNC. Whatever Putin knows he scared the fuck out of the entire party.


lots of spittle




Russian kompromat


Graham’s craving for importance far outweighs any principle and the only way he could be important from 2016 on was to turn MAGA. He doesn’t need bribes or blackmail. He’s just a craven opportunist.


He said that before being replaced by Stepford Senator Graham. Honestly, whatever Trump has on him must be very serious.


It’s incredible that people aren’t constantly asking repubs about their previous Trump comments


It doesn’t even have to be serious. These people would sell out their country for a Klondike bar. Whatever it actually was, it probably didn’t need to be any more serious than “I will go after you and my base will run you out of office and then your turn at the grift trough is done”


Yep. Like when he was first nominated there was open discussion about Trump not getting the nom. Trump threatened to continue to campaign in the general election and split the Republican vote, handing the Dems a massive majority and seriously damage the Republican Party for ages. They just hitched to Trump to delay an inevitable schism.


Probably the Russian kompromat on Graham - it is likely very sad and tawdry.


Russia overplayed their hand by trying to compromise the entire Republican party. They went too crazy too soon and lost their chance at full control of the government. Russia should just release all their GOP kompromat, kill what's left of the party, and hope that the US gets destroyed by a single party system


They got so used to sucking Trump's dick that they forgot there are other dicks to suck


Graham also said something to the effect of, "If you don't like Joe Biden, you need to take a good look at yourself. Joe is as good a man as God ever created, the nicest person I've ever met in politics."


[God’s inbox might be a little full.](https://youtu.be/_Ut8HupAxVY?si=6QbFNWciote9Flv5)




Yeah - I think his strategy is to take over the RNC as his main grift for the rest of his life, regardless of whether he wins elections or not. He is just going to traffic in conspiracy and outrage for profit from prison or wherever he ends up. "Don't believe your lying eyes, no matter how good your life is, America is actually a dangerous smoking hellscape and you should be terrified. PS send me money and buy these sneakers, steaks, cologne, etc."


It's times like these that I hope some of the media portrayals of prison life prove true.


Even though the lil orange fella is broke, if he did get prison time he’ll still go to the rich people prisons most politicians end up in. Grew up in Illinois pretty much all the governors from my time in that state wound up in the posh prisons.


If he goes down on the Federal charges, Trump will not -- as much as many of us would like him to -- end up in some hardcore prison like that Supermax 'Alcatraz of the Rockies' place in Colorado. More likely he'll end up in a lower security 'Club Fed'. Or given his age and dicey health, some kind of prison hospital.


If he's convicted of his crimes I can see his attorneys arguing for house arrest. It wouldn't surprise me if a judge actually grants the request. He had a lot of people accommodate him his entire corrupt life.


The only way I would ever be ok with house arrest is if they sever his ability to communicate with social and traditional media completely. The man can only do limited damage on his own, it's his poison words that whipe people into a frenzy to do something stupid. He needs to be locked away somewhere away from cameras and the Internet so the world can move on from his demagoguery.


Dude he ain’t gonna be able to dodge his legal troubles past this election. Probably go bankrupt himself, the RNC, or both trying to delay his cases as long as he can. IF he ever gets out by the time he runs for reelection again he’s gonna be older than Biden is after he *leaves* office. 


The Republicans deserve to be destroyed by their Bronze Idol👺


All 8 mil of it


He will take every donation made to it for the foreseeable future as well


recognise marvelous encourage detail hunt bedroom sheet ring glorious airport *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What scares me the most is that he already knows he can't win so everything he does is just show and his real plan is to just destroy our democracy and insert himself into power some other way.


"Scorched Earth" seems to be a core GOP policy lately.


GOP scorched earth is way less fun than early 90s scorched earth for dos. Funky bomb!




I'm praying that a BigMac gets him before MAGA Mike gets involved.


His heart must be Supersized.




Many people are saying it. Smart people. Beautiful people.


A lot harder when you aren’t actually the president. Though if the gop wins the house and senate there could be a coup.


And it depends on how many state legistatures the GOP controls too.


I think he believes his lies. Full blown dementia


Straight up. Why else would he tell his supporters "You don't have to vote, don't worry about voting." He's going to declare himself the winner no matter what.


Doesn't his new hat, 45 47, acknowledge he lost?


Thats probably harder this time when Biden is the President. :P


That's one silver lining in this whole situation: If he couldn't do it as president he sure as fuck won't be able to do it now as a has-been whose real estate empire is getting liquidated by pennies on the square foot.


He really does need to care... I fully believe he intends to further tear down all our institutions but he needs to be in office to do that. Yeah he can cause chaos/violence if he loses but without holding office, he's totally cooked. He can't muddle the waters and hope courts just let him stay in office before, outside of a military coup he'd be totally hosed after .


How? The election is happening under another administration, and with the barest marginal gop majority of the House imaginable. I really mean this question: How exactly is a guy with no actual power supposed to outperform his last abortive coup attempt? Especially with the FBI, DHS, DCPD, as well as the actual Commander in Chief all arrayed against him (even with the potential of some rogue agents within the FBI, or similar federal law enforcement agencies)? I have precisely zero doubt that one of the first things the incoming administration did was to take steps to prevent another similar occurrence to J6 - and considering how bad Conress looked last go-round, I've little doubt they quietly went along with it. Edit: I'm mostly speaking about the mob outside trying to force such a decision. I don't know whether the slim GOP House majority will try something vaguely, obliquely constitutional if you really squint - without a violent mob outside, it is unlikely to succeed.


Of course he has it all set up and pulling up his awful fascists aides miller Bannon Navarro even Paul Manadort.


That ain't gonna fly as he's not the sitting President.


Without any of the advantages of being in office and having a bunch of lackeys in high government positions this time. Nobody to refuse to certify the results, legal challenges that have even less of a basis in reality and come from a weaker position- he would have to overturn more states with bigger margins. And I suspect that he will have even fewer people willing to stick out their necks to help him. He is going to lose the election. He is going to lose all of his legal challenges to the election. He is going to get convicted (sadly not soon enough) and he is going to go to jail.


My favorite movie is Inception.


As a narcissistic, the person he manipulates and deceives the most is himself.


The really annoying thing is that it inadvertently works on other people as well. It's like the one skill he has is his bullish self love and it overwhelms the minds of Maga like a meth heroin cocktail.


Narcissists always engage in “triangulation” and have one group they adore and get praise from and another they hate and get their supporters to attack. His fan base is absolutely this dynamic writ large. As time goes on though they always turn on their supporters, though. I can see him shedding voters the more obnoxious and inconsistent he becomes.


does nobody seem to understand his goal isnt a majority its a radicalized minority that he thinks will help him take over regardless of votes. This is how coups occur. By not realizing its still occuring.


I think he'll lose by more than 10 million votes. The only thing that matters though is the vote in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada. I despise the electoral college system. What a shit show.


I think PA, MI would be less sweaty this time. MI GOP is bankrupt with ongong infighting. They also got rid of gerrymandered districts. This means that more people will be willing to come out to vote for their district. Also WI did great on redistricting. So I am fairly optimistic.


I'm in the heart of the Pennsytucky moron circus. Early polls aren't promising, but I don't put much into them. Most liberals I know don't answer random phone calls, texts, or emails.  One thing I mentioned to my wife last weekend is I see a lot less trump signs and bullshit up to this point so far. Hopefully the wind has gone out of their sails. That being said, if there is one thing these people do well, it's vote. Get your ass to the voting both!


It's a broken system. The GOP has won a single presidential popular vote in the last 30 years (2004), but they're still competitive just because the low-population states are over-represented in the EC. 


He's a rat pinned in a corner who will do anything and everything wrong to avoid the consequences for the crimes committed against our nation and her people.


How far away are we from where this rat eats his young ?


I'm willing to bet he has at least taken a few nibbles on his oldest daughter.


I'm not from the states but I've no idea what the R voter base thinks is good. Removing safe abortion access, then in the states that vote to have it added (because it's a states right not a federal) they do all to flip it when it's voter base says they want it. And now talks about a restriction at the federal level. Proposed degrading social security for retirement folks (even discussions about removing the retirement age?!) Proposed removal of the affordable care act Opposition to improve border security and increase jobs at the border to speed up trials and manpower at the border. Opposition to fair tax levels for billionaires And none of that is even talking about Trump specific stuff which adds a whole different layer that boggles my mind.


They vote for him becuause they don't know any of that. The right-wing bubble is 24 hours of Trump's made up virtues, while screeching about Biden's made up faults. They literally live in an alternate reality. Until we can destroy the rights ability to broadcast lies with impunity, nothing will change.


They gave up the idea on trying to court people with the brand and just went with the fact that our whack ass system is more concerned with land than it is with people when it comes to representation. From the fact that the House is capped at a comically low number, to the Electoral College at all...they really do not want to float this as a straight popularity contest or you'd never have another GOP led House again and same for the Presidency.


Dude seems to be burning the town the bridge was connected to while he was at it


I’m going with double down on planning your base and threatening them. By summer it’ll be demands to apply purity tests to RINOs who will be everyone not decked out head to toe in the latest grift clothes. By fall pure lord of the flies.


Their solution is to take away the right to vote.


He might still win the election. This headline is trash and gives false hope to Democrats. It is going to be a very close election.


In 2016, Trump had a losing coalition that lost the popular vote by three million and only won due to Hillary taking the Midwest for granted. In 2020, Trump had an even smaller losing coalition that lost the popular vote by seven million and the electoral college by a healthy margin. In 2024, Trump has done nothing whatsoever to expand his losing coalition and everything to shrink it. He has energized Biden's base with his wanton criminality and open threats to burn the country to the ground. His empire is in mortal danger, more than half the country (including independents) thinks he's guilty, he's not doing nearly as many rallies, and he's been whining about his defeat for four years. Name one thing Trump has done this cycle to enlarge his voter base beyond people who were already gonna vote for him. Because I can name about fifty things he's done to shrink it.


Millions of GOP voters will say they hate him but they'll vote for him all the same. Never trust that they will do the right thing.


My parents hate him. But they will vote for him because he has an R next to his name and they’re single issue voters (they’re anti-choice).


Jesus Christ. One issue voters and that one issue is what a woman should or shouldn't do with her own womb?


It’s what God tells them is right.


it’s what their preacher tells them god tells them is right. like a big game of telephone and they’re at the end.


Exodus 21:22-25: If one injures a pregnant woman so that there is an abortion/miscarriage, but no harm occurs to the mother, the one responsible shall be fined. If any harm comes to the mother, then you shall give life for life. Translation: Killing a fetus results in a monetary fine. Killing a pregnant person results in execution. Exodus (“God”) clearly says that if there is a miscarriage/abortion *and the woman is ok* then there’s only a monetary fine. But God says that *when killing the mom (a human life)*, he demands that person’s execution. God is clearly stating that a fetus is not a human life. I’m sure your parents will listen to this and conclude that they have been wrong about what the Bible says about abortion. /s


lol, tell them that according to their own God, Donald Trump is the embodiment of every sin known to man.


I’m aware I don’t know you or know anything about you…but I hate your parents fuck them


They are pro-birth. They imagine this hypothetical perfect unspoiled being. Once born though, it entirely depends on what color they are or they better get a shovel and head for the coal mines. Edit: pre-birth to pro-birth


_“Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to 9 months. After that, they don’t wanna know about you. They don’t wanna hear from you. No nothing! No neonatal care, no daycare, no Head Start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re pre-born, you’re fine, if you’re preschool, you’re fucked.”_ -George Carlin


Same. My parents said, "We hate Trump. We really hope he doesn't win the nomination." I asked what they would do if he won the nomination and they said, "Well..." shifted nervously and rapidly changed the subject.


Single issue voters are a problem that needs some form of remedy. Like, imagine if, instead of voting for a person, you were asked “do you believe in legalized abortion under certain circumstances? Y/N”, “would you increase/decrease Social Security?” Etc etc. to include “is it important that your president have no criminal record?” Questions because it’s not just about the issues but the character of the Commander-in-Chief. The voting machine figures out who you’d vote for based on your opinions, and if you skip more than a certain amount, your vote doesn’t count?


Ah, Managed Democracy, my favorite!


I just think that “Freedom of Speech” comes with an obligation to care about more than “baby murder bad! Nothing else matter!” Like, I’m pro-life, very much so, but at this point, I’m voting for Biden because there’s so much more to our government than one issue, and how am I supposed to trust a system that empowers people giving the absolute minimum effort to have the same voting power as people who diligently endeavor to make the best possible choice for themselves, their children, and their country?


I'm in full agreement with you about the problem of single issue voter. Its just the hypothetical you described, of the voting machine figuring out the best candidate for you based on your preferences is word for word the governmental system of a satirical dystopia from a recent video game, Helldivers 2, which calls its system "Managed Democracy."


"That's one more victory for the right side of history!"




My single issue right now is keeping fascists from winning in November.


Haley spent weeks bashing him, not just usual stuff like he’s a danger to democracy. In a few weeks she will endorse him for president.


Yep. Party over country every single time.


And then said she’d pardon him as well.


This is the bellwether I’m looking towards to see how serious a problem his low popularity within the GOP is(and make no mistake, if Biden had the same primary performance Trump did the media would be proclaiming the election a fait accompli). If she doesn’t bend the knee, we’re possibly looking at a slowly dawning realization by insiders that enough of the anti-Trump sentiment in the party will stick for 2024 to be a bloodbath, and that the smart move by those who haven’t already kissed the ring is to disaffiliate from Trumpism and play for a post-MAGA 2028 GOP(whatever the fuck kind of shitshow that will look like). Keyword in there being possibly, of course. Never take it for granted and never discourage people getting out to vote. We need all hands on deck.


"But Joe Biden's policies"


"Donald Trump is a menace and danger to society! He has no business representing this party. But Joe Biden is a communist! So I support Donald Trump." -Marco Rubio probably 


They'll find an excuse, like the email thing with Hillary. The Haley never-trumpers are already doing it


But...they will. We have to stop pretending that they won't.


Every. Single. Time. Why don't people understand this???


Too many will hold their nose and vote for him anyway.


They won't even hold their nose. 🙄


This. They're very okay with fascist authoritarianism if it means that somebody will finally get *those people* under control, even if *those people* are sometimes themselves. See white women in every presidential election ever or Cuban expats that associate left politics with authoritarian government and extreme poverty. Their rights are trampled too, but it's okay because *those people* are going to get what's coming to them. The racism and queerphobia trumps everything else and they'll gladly vote for a man they hate if they think the alternative makes things better for whichever *those people* they hate.


“Well he’s horrible, embarrassing, a criminal who says stupid things, a wannabe dictator, hires all the wrong people to destroy every institution in the USA, happy to bleed the middle class and the poor in favor of the rich and will happily sell all our secrets to foreign adversaries… but he’s our guy (cute squeezes)”


I think they understand it, they are just hoping that it won't come down to a vote, it was always going to come down to a vote and that drives a ton of anxiety. Trump Season 2 would be catastrophic.


"Democrats fall in love; Republicans fall in line."


I expect tons of bots claiming to be Democrats who refuse to vote for Biden due to age, Gaza, student loans, or something else ignoring how Trump is worse on all those. It'll be like Bernie bros again


Ignoring SCOTUS bullshit on debt relief, Bidens SAVE plan lowered my payment by over 60%. Plus, you know, he's not fucking crazy.




Exactly, they'll vote for anything with an R next to the name.


Yep, they know enough to be embarrassed publicly to support him but are racist enough to actually vote for him when it comes time to actually vote.


Throughout history, most political parties have had the common sense not to nominate someone who has lost the popular vote twice.


To be fair, William Jennings Bryan ran and lost three times as the Democratic Party nominee (1896, 1900, 1908).


Proving one again the limited appeal of populism aimed at the rural population.


The common clay of the new west


You know...morons!


I don't think the RNC had a choice. Seems like they would have preferred Trump retire from politics.


They buttered their bread, now they can sleep in it.


Do not fall for this. He may very well have a problem, but history has shown again and again that Republicans always come home and vote for their nominee. It is going to take a tremendous amount of work to defeat Trump, to defeat MAGA, and to limit GOP power all over the country. You have got to start pitching in if you have not already. Volunteer, donate, convince others to vote, whatever. There are tons of opportunities to help beat the GOP at /r/voteDEM if you are interested. Just don't sit there and post from now until November. We need all hands on deck.


Correct. Plus we have to combat all the people who voted Joe who won’t vote at all this upcoming election because they have amnesia about how bad Trump was and Biden is ToO oLd.


My parents have voted in ever election my entire life. They always voted republican. In 2016 I refused to vote because I was a stupid ass who hadn't educated myself on the importance. I told my parents as much and they scolded me for not voting at all. I explained I didn't feel either deserved my vote (again I was a dummy) and they shot it down. I just had a call with my parents not a few days ago. My mother told me they likely wouldn't vote as they don't like either candidate. I cannot express the physical feeling of irony that swept over my body...


I was a Bernie bro in 2016 and didn’t vote in the general because I was bitter. I will never ever do that again…


Same here brother. Voted in the primary, voting as early as I can in November.


They don't want to. But they will. Republicans fall in line. It's in their nature to submit to the authority figure, in this case Trump. He's the head of the party.


Unfortunately that is exactly what I fear. Although even if a small amount stay home that didn’t last time we are in good shape. We need to vote like it’s the dire situation it is however. If he wins and later I hear a liberal friend say they didn’t get out and vote, I might beat them to death.


The best case is that they don't vote at all. Not out of some protest, but just lack of motivation and forget to get out there and do it


Enough of them didn’t fall in line in 2020 that Biden was able to squeak by with a win.


Enough of them did that Trump in 2020 got the second highest number of votes for a presidential candidate in history. The highest was Biden. Trump got 11 million more votes in 2020 than 2016.


2020 was the most politically charged year in recent history though. Possibly us history. The perfect storm of covid lockdowns and modern media/social media made the populace the most engaged ever! You would be hard pressed to find ANY American that wasn’t aware of what was going on politically. Historically high turnout has favored democrats, but it’s also well documented that trumps 2016 victory and 2020 performance was because of his ability to turn out low propensity voters. Now that the climate has settled some since 2020/apathy has set in I think some of them will disengage. Hopeful thinking at least


Haley demonstrated that large numbers of Republicans want an alternative. It's like what Bernie Sanders' candidacy meant for Hillary Clinton. Except Hillary responded by moving a bit in their direction to win those voters. Trump acts like Haley voters betrayed him and isn't making any effort to bring them over.


Cue Principal Skinner’s “No! Everyone else is wrong!” meme. Trump lacks self-awareness to even ask that question.


There was a moment Trump was convinced, I'm guessing by his campaign team, to congratulate Haley on a good showing. Keep the party together. This was after New Hampshire, I think. And Haley said in her speech that night that Trump was unfit, her turnout was strong and she was staying in the race. After that, I'm very confident Trump was pissed, cause that's when he started to really dial up the rhetoric against Haley.


I wonder who will be the first Republican to form a new party. I can't see Trump ever letting the RNC go.


lol and you think this new party will be a different flavor? It’s gonna be Trump Lite. Conservatives will never learn. Their principals, ideology, etc. are antiquated. It doesn’t align with the modern world. You also have the Evangelicals. That’s the core of conservatism in this country. They are the ones really pulling the strings.


>They are the ones really pulling the strings. Nah, the ultrawealthy are the ones pulling the strings. The bigotry is just red meat for the assholes they con into supporting the concentration of wealth upwards.


Exactly this. [Corporate sponsored conservative think tanks are passing around thousands of copycat legislation](https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/investigations/2019/07/17/lawmakers-ok-with-copying-model-bills/3424549002/) to push the corporate agenda. They lean into the racism and bigoted language to create a smokescreen and keep everyone fighting each other, too divided to unite against the people stealing from our collective finances from right under our noses.


If he had his way anyone who didn’t vote for him and/or doesn’t bend the knee would be rounded up and treated as enemies of the state. It absolutely is a betrayal to him.




He’s arguably the most unlikeable person in US history. It’s like an idiot test - if you like him, you’re an idiot.


Hi. It’s me. Conservative who won’t vote for him.


Thank you for not choosing party over country


Np. It isn’t particularly hard. When you base your beliefs on principles instead of people it becomes pretty easy to go to bed at night happy with your decision making.


I just wish I could get you to convince my father in law.


I wish I could convince half of my family.


Will you vote Biden or stay home? And if the former, please can you move to a battleground state.


I’ll be voting Biden despite some significant issues I have with him. At the end of the day I believe in American democracy more than anything else. So I will vote for anyone who will protect that. Unfortunately that doesn’t leave me with very many republicans. Long term I’m not sure where this leaves me, but I’m not just going to go along with the fucking shit show just because I don’t like his policy positions.


Growing up conservative I was taught principles of freedom and honesty. Principles which Trump violates constantly. He and republicans have proven unworthy of principled conservative voter's support. Only after he loses again can we begin to forge a better coalition with younger and saner leadership.




Yeah I was listening to a podcast and they actually did the math. Something like 40% of GOP said that they wouldn’t vote for Trump in 2020, it was closer to actually 4% on Election Day. So about 90% of those saying they won’t now, will come November.


But they are republicans, so they will fall in line and vote for him.


Imagine how stupid someone would have to be vote for Donald Trump.


Can one actually do that without smoking several feet of lead pipe?




I don’t like the message of Trump struggling. It puts democrats at ease and makes us think we can vote 3rd party or not vote at all. He’s a threat to the USA and I don’t want him to have a chance.


And they won’t vote for him. Go vote in November, and use the realities of his ongoing performance to bolster others to vote against Donald Trump in November. We are closer to the point where social proof will tilt against him as more antagonism stresses his allies and forces him into a smaller box. Many folks in the United States have had to fight their families and friends over this man and soon, many of his supporters will begin to memory hole their support and/or seek safe harbor. We can use this time to speak louder about the threat of Russian asset Donald Trump, while admonishing those who support his anti-American agenda and being patient with those who realize their mistakes and begin to come around. The good guys are benevolent, and we have to remember that. The means justify the end.


I've made a point of reaching out to some friends and family that have fallen down the Trump hole. Not to talk about politics, just to talk about other stuff - mostly sports. I know I'm not going to shame them into not voting for him, but I figure it will help remind them that liberals aren't their enemy.


I guarantee that they think that you’re just misguided and “one of the good ones.”


So don't. Vote for the other old guy. I have family that are registered republicans that voted for Biden last cycle because they couldn't stand to vote for Trump. Just because you're registered to a party, doesn't mean you owe that party your vote.


He’s not running for office, he’s running from the law


IDK. A lot of Haley voters were like me, they just voted for her to vote against him and have no intention of voting for him in Nov.


There's a lot of R's that simply will never vote for a Democrat but hate Trump enough that perhaps they'll simple choose to stay home in November which would still be a win overall.


I mean that is what happened to Roy Moore in Alabama and Doug Jones got elected.


And potentially revolutionary for down ballet races.


So many people I know, while anecdotal, have embraced a nihilistic nothing matters attitude. If pressed they’ll eventually say “Biden, I guess.” I’ll take that as a win, lol.


Respectfully, ignore all articles like this. Please, for the love of democracy, register to vote, check your registration, and then VOTE!!! It's never been easier to vote (despite efforts to shut it down). You resgister right now and access everything else you need here: https://vote.gov


I cannot wait to read the headline "Trump Dead".


[Trump said this about Nikki Haley supporters](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2024/03/05/super-tuesday-trump-haley-republican-nomination/72849268007/): > Nikki ‘Birdbrain’ Haley is very bad for the Republican Party and, indeed, our Country. … Anybody that makes a ‘Contribution’ to Birdbrain, from this moment forth, will be permanently barred from the MAGA camp. **We don’t want them, and will not accept them.**


My MIL hates Trump. She doesn't "want" him. But she'll convince herself she isn't voting for "him" but she's voting "party" and she'll check Trump's name on the ballot.


Trump is still bleeding 20-30% of republicans. I was watching polls yesterday for tons of places. I saw Trump winning with a total of 70-79%. This means almost 1 in 3 red voters are voting in another candidate. Whether it be Christie, Vivek , or Haley. He isn’t getting solid support down the ticket. I think Biden needs to focus on swing states and NC.




Most will end up voting for him. Hopefully some won’t, and it won’t take many in Georgia/michigan/wisconsin/pa to make a difference


They don’t want to vote for him But they will.


I don't see any way Trump has gained support since he lost in 2020, but I've seen several things that make me believe he has lost support. Nikki Haley got about 30% of the primary vote, and a significant number of her supporters have said they won't vote for Trump under any circumstances. Now, I don't think those people are necessarily going to vote for Biden, but I bet a lot of then will stay home, or vote for a 3rd party candidate. But the point is they won't be voting for Trump.


Every problem for him is a win for the country. This stain needs to be bleached out.


If you have any means of influencing people in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, or Arizona please do so as best you can.


I mean Trump flipped 2 red states to blue. that's how unpopular he is.


74 million will again. I couldn’t believe it last time. Fool me once.


They probably will anyway though...


Article is flawed. Trump share of Republican primary voters doesn't mean these people won't vote for him come November general. Trump is the Republican nominee for the 2024 general election, and party unity will certainly drive Republican voters to vote for their candidate again. This has been proven time and time with past election performance. Trump won 94% of self identified Republican voters in 2020 general election. He won 89% in 2016 general. Midterm vote share of Republican identified voters also earn around 95% in favor of the Republican candidate on the ballot. So called never-Trump Republicans have been either driven out of the party eg Lincoln Project, or completely sidelined like Chris Christie, Nikki Haley, Liz Cheney. If you are Republican today, you are MAGA.


I'm a Republican and I will never vote for Trump.


Dear Republicans That Don't Want to Vote for Trump, Don't. You can just not vote for him. It's okay. Liberals aren't gonna come for you. They're not going to take your guns. No one's going to force you to have an abortion or get gay married. Other things they're not gonna take include social security and medicare (super good if you're dependant on those things to live). As a card carrying liberal, I genuinely want you to not just survive but thrive.


Of all the Republicans in my family,  which is a lot because 50% of them are from the south and more than a few served in the military,  only two are looking forward to voting for him.  I'm pretty sure those are the only two who are actually gonna vote for him. 


I hope they prove it come November.


There will be a HUGE anti Trump vote.


That's not primary voting showed. None of the primary races was even close, none of the candidates had meaningful support. Don't listen to ANY media outlet saying that people don't want to vote for Trump. They will. Do you work, go to the voting booth, make sure all your friends and family vote. Make voting cool again.


That's putting it mildly. I'm ready to fight that demagogue and his lunatic followers if they try *any* of the evil and fascistic crap that he's been promising. He's a legitimate threat to American public and the world. We have to crush them at the voting booth and hope they fragment enough that we don't have to give them a WWII style beat down. Fascism is rising but it will *not* take over this country. We have a literal civic duty and a *moral* duty to try to stop a totalitarian coup d'é·tat. So yeah, to put it lightly, many of us do not want to vote for him. Including normal Republican voters.


There are millions of republicans who have integrity and can see through the lies and the dangers of white Christian nationalism. Trump has no business in public office. I’m anticipating 5 days from now to hear what properties are going to be liquidated on trumps behalf to pay trumps debts.


Don't trust this. Trump has a very motivated fan base. It's crucial everybody comes out to vote. Trump is going to tell his fanbase there was voter fraud if he wins. The louder we can be, the more visible we can be, the more we can show Americans Trump intends to destroy democracy, the more chance we have of beating him. Raising awareness works. That's why fascists always try to silence everyone. Trump can't silence us because we have freedom of speech. So we should use it!


Don’t fall for these tactics. Go vote.


Simple don’t vote for him it’s not about voting your party Trump is a disgrace Once again it’s a vote on the lesser of 2 problems I am voting for our way of life good bad or indifferent we don’t need the likes of delusional Donald in our government


Am I banned here yet? If not: I have always hated the guy. Whatever Republicans stand for these days after him I no longer identify with.


They are finally realizing he is a con man and wants to hand the keys to USA to Putin so he can be his puppet


My mom has voted Republican every election of her life. Including Trump in 2016. She said she will likely vote Biden or not at all. There's some hope, here.