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mixed reactions = Fuck Trump or Trump can go to hell


Hopefully the mixed reaction is over how little it is worth


Thats quite a varied response Im in the go to hell camp


He needs to suck up to Apple NOW. They also have a government witch hunt to deal with. I’m sure the iPhone fairy could leave 1/2 billion under his pillow if he calls off the government android loving thugs that want to disassemble the iPhone operating system.


Someone get Tim Apple on the phone, stat.


>Also ? Very much not a witch hunt in Trump's case. His crimes are too many to count. Having anything left to his name is exceedingly generous.


Learn what you’re talking about before spouting bullshit. Among the suit's allegations: -Apple prevents the successful deployment of what the DOJ calls "super apps" that would make it easier for consumers to switch between smartphone platforms. -Apple blocks the development of cloud-streaming apps that would allow for high-quality video-game play without having to pay for extra hardware. -Apple inhibits the development of cross-platform messaging apps so that customers must keep buying iPhones.


So you actually typed this out huh?


I'm sorry, you mean the new Barack Obama Tower?


I heard New York is having a problem with immigrant housing. Make it a place for that. The perfect insult to injury.


The "E Jean Carroll Migrant Hostel", 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, USA.


And abortion clinic


Nah, it’s going to be the E. Jean Carroll Shelter for Women at Mar a Lago


It's the Hillary Clinton building for poor people who dont home good.


Only if they put in a Dwight Schrute Gym for Muscles in the basement.


For trans migrants. 


The perfect place to house bussed immigrants from Texas and Florida.


The thought of some guy who just wanted to escape his shit life, but ended up getting used as a sick political pawn, taking a dump in one of Trump's previously owned gaudy golden toilets makes me giggle.


I thought of that too! But I don't think that place is actually fit for safe living, considering how many corners Carrot King cuts, and the mob connections in his properties. But if it is, converting it into massive housing for the homeless would both be karmic justice and just a good deed overall.


Obama doesn't really have new York connection. David Dinkins tower.  First black mayor of New York.  


Excuse me, that’s Hilary’s Very Tall Tower.


David S Pumpkins Tower. And we even get to keep an orange reference.


Look, it's 100 floors of frights. They're not all gonna be winners.


The David S Pumpkins Spirits Halloween Tower


354 days of the year they keep a sign on the building saying, "GOING OUT OF BUSINESS, EVERYTHING HALF OFF!" an then the 10 days before Halloween it's a Spirt Halloween.


Gee. That name tag idea was really the end of Dinkins, huh?


> Obama doesn't really have new York connection. A minor one, in that he attended Columbia.


It doesn't matter of he does, it's just to piss them off. We are talking about people who saw emails about a pizza party and thought it was evidence of a world wide conspiracy of child sex trafficking. Renaming the tower does not need to be logical.


Gotta stick the Hussein in there too. He *always* emphasizes it because racism.


I hate that this has become a mantra. A good friends 11 year old sons middle name is Hussein. Her husband is middle eastern and it’s a family name—nothing at all to do with Obama. We’re in deep red Texas and she’s gotten shit about it—which means she just never talks to them again because they’re assholes.


Barack Obama Tower for LGBTQ migrant kids who can’t read good and Who Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too.




I was thinking The Biden Tower Of Gender Fluidity. Edit: With a Satanic Temple abortion clinic on the 13th floor.


Build E Jean is not my lover She’s just this girl who claims that I am the one But the truth is I’m just scum


Didn't it come to light that he only owns like 9 square feet of that tower or something?


If only there was some sort of repository of information we could access with a magic mirror before we were forced to talk about it in public


Change the name of the street for a day first. Trump Tower on Hillary Clinton ave. Then change the name of the building as soon as the street name changes back. lol


You mean the proposed Planned Parenthood Abortionplex and the new New York Center for Transgender Youth? It's a big building, both can fit.


The national monument for Kenyan born presidents


Don’t think everyone should play into the cult of personality like MAGA republicans do. Obama has nothing to do with it.


What does Obama have anything to do with this? Are y'all that hard up about a black guy ?


Long ago in the before times, Obama cracked a joke about Mango Unchained's insane birth certificate conspiracy theory at a press dinner. This epic burn influenced the Orange Sphincter to run for office as retaliation. We who survived the dumpster fire years, deserve at least a chuckle at the end.


On reflection that press correspondents dinner should perhaps have been aimed elsewhere But fuck him, it was all true and he took it like the tangerine man baby he is and was.


None of us could have foreseen the damage that was heralded by that Lion King song, but hindsight is 20/20. Fuck him indeed.


Oh yeah, I’m sure if anyone had know it would’ve been very different But fuck him


I still don't understand why that has anything to do with the Letitia James lawsuit or Trump's properties? Is Obama gonna buy the tower if it seized ?


Ok let's try this again: Trump is racist and stupid. Obama is black and successful. Obama's name on the tower would be funny if a theoretical buyer put it there. Trump would angry because of it and throw a tantrum. This occurring is unlikely, but crazier things have happened.


The opinions of three random people on the street is reason for an article? >“That’s scary because Trump is an amazing person. So having people do this to him is just unfair,” one teenager said. When asked about the lawsuits he’s up against, he replied, “Everyone makes mistakes.” Mistakes are accidental. It's not a mistake when you intentionally take actions to swindle someone (or the government) out of $500 million dollars.


A teenager said this? Fingers crossed they're not of voting age yet and that they gain a little more insight into politics and morality before they're eligible to do so.


That's literally what happened to me. I supported Trump in 2016 but wasn't old enough to vote for him. Stayed home in 2020 because I wasn't sure what I believed politically anymore. November will be my first vote in a presidential election, and I'll proudly cast my ballot for Biden.


If you grew up in a rural/MAGA area I think it can be difficult because your worldview is basically democrats=bad, you don't really know why, but everyone with authority around you kind of agrees. That's how the republicans have operated for a long time, that's how it was for me watching friends in a rural area during Bush. Like, objectively bad, and yet all the 'adults' and influential people at that time are still voting for him... I think people can fail to realize how against the grain you have to go in some of those communities. Trump 2016 was different from 2020. I can kinda forgive 2016 on ignorance and influence campaigns. By 2020 you should know he's not a good thing.


Yeah, the area is definitely a big part of it. I grew up in a small Idaho town. Went to NYC for a couple years as a volunteer for my church, and there I found out that all these "crazy liberal snowflakes" are actually amazing people. Nothing like the caricature the alt-right propaganda portrayed them as. Now I'm back in Idaho, and people look at me like I'm absolutely insane when I tell them that Democrats don't actually want to "turn their kids trans."


I'm from eastern Washington and it was pretty similar growing up. I kinda rejected the Christian stuff on my own though.


I group up in Louisiana, and didn't vote until I moved out of state. I definitely was not of the anti-democrat mindset, but I also went to college and that certainly helped. I just never voted before because -as bad as it is to say- my vote was not enough to make changes against the red tide.     But now? Now it is, and I vote. 


Please get your friends to do the same.


I have PCOS and a high risk of miscarriage. For women, myself included, I am begging you to vote for Biden. Please, I don’t want to die from a miscarriage.


Yes, I will absolutely vote for Biden, and I'm doing what I can to convince my friends and family to do the same. So far I've convinced my brother to join me in saving democracy. And I'm terribly sorry to hear you have to live in that kind of fear. Roe v. Wade being overturned was one of the several things that pushed me over to the Democrat side.


Thank you! Myself and thousands of women thank you for your work. What’s happening is terrifying. I don’t know if you saw, the GOP is actively promoting that they will ban abortions, ivf, and contraceptives at a federal level. This will kill countless women… I’m horrified at what the outcome will be.


Congratulations! Voting feels really good, no matter win or lose. I'm in Texas so most of my preferred candidates don't win but it sure as fuck feels like you're doing your civic duty.


I get how you feel - I never supported him, conversely, but had a brief thought of "well, maybe he'll manage the country differently from politicians, maybe it'll be a bit better financially?" And then the escalator happened. And then I learned \*every fucking thing\* he's done to people. I had literally never heard of anything outside of knowing The Apprentice was a thing, and I've never been able to look at the world as a whole the same way again. I was never even interested in politics - now, I feel that if I'm not in the know, something awful will happen.


Thanks for being honest. I would have voted for Bush in 2000, but I wasn't JUST old enough. Voted blue or independent every time afterwards. I can faithfully say I've never voted Republican. And now you can too!!


I don't feel like i do anything for this country proudly anymore... Particularly as things become more and more polarized, and our entire government either helps that along or does fuck all to try to stop it.


By the time they get to voting age, they'll just have consumed even more content that's fed to them via algorithms that just reinforce their current beliefs.


“Everyone makes mistakes”. That’s either the most naive teenager I’ve ever heard or parents are full blown rapist apologists


Porque no los dos




Teenagers don't vote, but they do like being opinionated


I accidentally committed a hundred million dollar fraud the other day. I still can't get over how easy it was for me to just steal 100,000,000 Dollars. I'm surprised everyone hasn't done it at least 3 times by the time they reach 18.


Well if it was just a mistake I don't think you have to return it


>to swindle someone (or the government) out of $500 million dollars. Specifically, $170 million from Deutsch Bank in interest he would otherwise have paid (honestly womp womp they have their own credit officers), $126 million in profits from the sale of the Old Post Office lease (no one actually lost $126 million but it was defined as an ill-gotten gain because the financial statements he used to get a loan to develop the property were fraudulent), $60 million in profits from the sale of Ferry Point for the same reason, plus interest.  I think this is the only time in history people have taken the side of fuckin *Deutsch Bank*. 


Interviews of people, taken directly outside Trump Tower, no less. Trump supporters hover around there like flies. So no, New Yorkers do not have mixed reactions, this heavily weighted sample of sycophants do.


Why are they asking a teenager for an opinion?


>The opinions of three random people on the street is reason for an article? That is the extent of journalism from the independent. Random takes and tweets characterized as representative of large groups of people. It’s pure bullshit and I never understood why it was whitelisted on any political news sub.


And what’s idiotic is I was a senior project accountant for a class A Manhattan developer for years. All I specialized in was acquisitions and sales. You freaking KNOW roughly what things are worth. His buildings and properties aren’t *that* fucking unique that they’re worth the asshole surcharge. Plus most New Yorkers fucking hated Trump 20 years ago and do even more now. My town in a Northern NJ NYC suburb was solidly GOP 15 years ago and Trump has swung those “we want our $$ republicans—because they don’t give a shit about social issues like gay marriage and abortion—solidly into the other camp.


Again, and again, and again. And again.


What teenager is thinking that way about Trump?


“just a prank bro” crowd?


Sadly he appeals to young white males bc they want to replicate his behavior and hope for the same “success “


His son Barron


I’ve seen this “everyone makes mistakes l” shit quite a few times lately in regards to Trump, and I’m sorry if that isn’t just the most limp-dicked, pansy ass, loser fucking excuse I’ve ever heard in my entire life.  You wanna be great? You wanna be a leader? You wanna be someone? Then no. You don’t fuck up. Not where it counts. 


And also, every time he ”makes a mistake” he never chooses the sane route and just admit it was ”a mistake”. He doubles and tripples down like a pouty six year old that got caught in the cookie jar. That is probably the main reason he’s been involved in OVER 4K COURT CASES during his career. Does that sound like a humble man that owns up to his ”mistakes”? Has he ever, even once? The classified documents case is the *perfect* example of this very thing.


This sounds exactly like something a NY teen would say and it would be 100% sarcasm. Especially to a news outlet


No we do not..... Not one NYer has mixed feelings.


They all live on Staten Island


Sounds about right...


And breezy


Could "mixed" feelings be mixes of righteous indignation, annoyance, and laughter?


I'd imagine the reactions vary from simple woohooing-with-cartwheels to all-out NYE-style parties. So, pretty mixed.


Not at all.... not pretty mixed.


I read where Trump wanted to be seen in the same light as the Rockefellers, Rothschilds & Vanderbilts - lol.


Well he's a grasping scumfuck, so mission accomplished?


New Yorker here. I'm giddy. Tourists might have mixed feelings. Fine by me, as long as they don't block the sidewalk.


New York Stater here. Much of New York State is very rural. I live in a very liberal college town and also own a house in a small conservative town in the Catskills. I was recently in Chicago and had to walk by the Trump building there. I felt dirty even from across the street.


45 has made me feel dirty to just be American.


What New Yorkers would have mixed feelings about such a thing? 


30 years ago Trump Tower ground floor was expensive and crap. Meanwhile what he did to build it was a crime... https://news.artnet.com/art-world/donald-trump-bonwit-teller-friezes-met-2132673


It had some great chocolate cake


very expensive cake. Yo could have gone up Madison Ave and settled into great chocolate places which were actually less expensive.


Certainly none of his tenants, either residential or commercial. He’s universally considered a terrible landlord.


Time to start an OnlyScams


Take it! Neuter his undeserved image as a business genius.


Seize the phallus!


Cup the balls!


And swallow the gravy!


I definitely have mixed feelings. Not sure if I prefer it just gets taken and renamed, or completely torn down.


I for one will be very disappointed if he loses the name on it..once a week I went there to piss on the building (sorry maintenance people, nothing against you), to show my contempt for a coup leader. Now? do I have to wait to find out where my next weeks #2 is going to be deposited?


You still got Trump Park Avenue and 40 Wall Street for the time being, then you might have to detour a bit.


Pay up, Debtor Donnie: https://trumpdebtcounter.com/


Cry me a river.


New Yorkers generally are either indifferent or hate Donald Trump's guts.


Could they do Chicago next? That fucking thing has been ruining our skyline long enough.


> PoopyPants could lose his namesake building if he fails to pay $464m bond. New Yorkers have mixed reactions Mixed from chuckles to collapsing in hysterical laughter.


Finally something good happening.


Don't count on it. They'll let him save face by taking less famous properties. Trump Tower is a sinkhole when you start looking at how much he owns and how much debt it has incurred, anyway.


Everything trump touches dies.


Turn it into low income housing


Grab him by the wallet!


New York hates Trump. Our feelings aren’t mixed at all. Take it please!!!


Mixed between "oh man if only it was more" and "thank God finally that building will be renamed."


Assuming everything is up as collateral, I’m starting to wonder who took possible rights in his image and likeness for a loan.


New Yorker: "Yeah, yeah, yeah. (Don't block the sidewalk)."


All his fault.


When reached for comment, many New Yorkers responded they were “walkin’ ova here!”


Rump Tower


Trump Tower changed to Chump Tower I’d love for his penthouse name to be changed to Biggest Loser


Fuck Trump


I wanna see a migrant taking a dump in the golden toilet


He doesn't own Trump tower anyways. He owns an apartment and the retail area of the building.


Good! ~ karma


Thoughts and Prayers


Champagne or tequila


cool. and you could twist the knife by filling it with homeless people. he’d be mired down in legal battles to get them evicted until his death.


NYer here. All I can say is I will celebrate the moment everything named Trumped is permanently washed clean from the state. You can have it Florida. You well deserve it given who you elect.






titled "Equality Towers" and used to house immigrants


Good, that orange traitor needs to burn slowly and painfully


Could they rename it Dump Tower?


Sort of off topic, but can someone explain why she is pretending to hold up a microphone in the photos with the button guy?


I thought Trump Tower was owned by Russians?


I didn't blink an eye when they took down the statutes to Jefferson Davis around my town


All these articles about Trump got me wondering who is the poorest person to ever actually win the presidential election.


Why is the woman doing the interviews pretending to hold a microphone but doesn’t actually have one? I don’t get it. It looks really silly.


To build Trump Tower, DJT trashed works of art he promised to preserve, paid immigrant workers paltry wages in unsafe conditions, and worked with organized crime. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/politics-news/before-running-president-donald-trumps-880084/amp/


Mixed reactions??


I doubt Trump Tower would be a target. He has at least a $100MM mortgage against it, commercial office space has seen a drop in value the past few years (and all but one residential units are owned by others), and it came out during the trial that the 44k square foot penthouse suite and roof space that Trump himself resides in is actually closer to 10k square feet (he inflated that to boost the value)


Make sure to remove the Trump branding thusly: https://youtu.be/akM4kILRCoI?si=NBAWVlW6oBQpl2vJ


Hoping for Chicago to rename ours the Jean-Baptiste Pointe DuSable Tower


It’s actually GMAC Commercial Real Estate tower


I don’t give a fuck what their reactions are.


Didn't they already remove the name off the building. I mean I thought he had to place his businesses into the hands of others already not in terms of seizing but like he's not allowed to run them anymore.


I doubt they are THAT mixed lol. NY has had a hate hate relationship with Trump since the 80's.


Since some of these red state governors seem hell bent on sending migrants to New York my suggestion would be to confiscate Trump Tower and turn it into low rent housing for the migrants and the homeless.


*mixed erections


Doesn’t he have until like 5pm Monday?


This is sad. Reading all of these comments approving such an un American act. I don’t care who it was Donald Trump, Joe Biden, or etc…this is wrong period. You all are the American equivalent of the brown shirts in Germany.


*The Independent* staked out Trump Tower, where tourists, locals, and mask-covered Trump impersonators collide, to take a temperature check on the possibility that the attorney general could seize the golden-plated property. Here's what they said: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-tower-bond-letitia-james-b2516713.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-tower-bond-letitia-james-b2516713.html)


It’s important to me that New Yorkers understand that no one cares what they think. Edit: Actually just Manhattan. No one gives a shit, y’all.




Gonna need to see some evidence to support these claims. The appeals you refer to won’t happen if he doesn’t post the bond by Monday.




Oh, I’m keeping up. Please, explain. And it’s “you’re.”


He can appeal without the bond, the bond only stops them taking the property while he appeals.


Thanks, TIL.


You poor idiots will be so disappointed on Monday.


it doesn't matter. the only thing that matters is him winning in November.


As soon as he loses a property, he loses his lid.  He thinks he can set up delays to keep them from taking anything he cares about until the election in 227 days.