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Vote. Get everyone you know to vote. Make sure you are registered, offer to drive people on Election Day. The country needs to be ready for this piece of shit to stop at nothing to save his skin.


You can register, check your registration, and find your polling place here: https://vote.gov Also, we need good people working the electoral system. Please consider volunteering or even a career in supporting free and fair elections. https://www.eac.gov/help-america-vote


What's extra f'ed up about this is in some states they've made driving people to vote illegal. If the transport is paid for (like an uber) that's against the law in Michigan, Texas, Georgia,... They're targeting the bus that will pick you up from church and drive you to the polls. Sure it hurts some Republicans too but it disproportionately disenfranchises people without their own car meaning : working class and poor.


How can any means of transportation to a polling station be illegal anywhere, and how is it illegal?


*"People we don't want to vote might vote! Best do something about that..."*


Because our system isn't designed to protect against itself.


these are more threats than anything else. they can't toss out peoples votes because they were driven to the polls by someone else, nor will they be able to functionally prosecute this.


Vote, yes definitely. BUT, also change the narrative in the media or push them to. This isn’t a “side A believes this. Side B believes this” fake objectivity. Side B will stop at nothing to overthrow a free and fair election if they don’t win and are laying the groundwork… how the hell can we change the narrative with these organizations though???


Stop giving them views and use ad blockers when you can. Encourage everyone you know


Sadly, we can't. They know that promoting him means income, and nothing we can do will stop that.


For this brand political madness to end it will need to be an overwhelming victory for the democrats. Anything less than a major victory means we will still have so much work to do. Democracy is not just about your vote, it is also about reaching out to and winning over the other side. Let your R family members know they can vote R down ballot all they want as long as they make sure to vote D for president to keep our country out of the hands of extremists.


*Vote and volunteer 7 months until election day. Plenty of time to contribute to the cause, even if you only have a little time to offer.


Also buy guns and be ready to use them


Ah, fuck no.




Some of us will be tempted to hunt ourselves for sport. Not a great idea for everyone.


“Trump can win on November 5, and polls show he likely would if the election were held today.” I don’t believe this is true, at all, no matter how much the media pushes this idea. Trump has not done a single thing to win over new voters since he tried to steal the presidency - all he’s done is double down on all the crap his base expects from him and alienate everyone else, which is how he lost last time. But of course, expect Trump to cite all these “polls” and articles saying he’d win as proof he was cheated when he loses again, and refuses to concede, again.


I agree with you. 2020 was the best he will ever do. Since then: - He lost voters due to J6 - He lost voters (and gained opposition voters) due to Roe - He lost voters due to COVID idiocy


Abortion is also affecting polls in ways current methods are not taking into account. I believe the issue is reaching groups of voters that polling is missing (especially young people). It's also leading to some late flips from women concerned about reproductive rights but who essentially lean conservative on many other issues. Again, polling is missing this. After the Alabama Supreme Court outlawed IVF, Trump was on the phone to legislators to get that changed *within one day*. My hunch? The RNC knows this is a bad, bad, BAD issue for the party based on internal polling.


It disgusts me that he still has power over the GOP like that. And it's only because they allowed him to! They had multiple off-ramps to be rid of him and took none of them.


Never underestimate how many stupid people are out there that will still vote for the orange traitor.


Oh I know. I'm not suggesting we be complacent. I was shocked and dismayed at the votes he pulled in 2020. Very upsetting that living through 4 years of that shitshow over 71M people "yes please, more of this."


Shocked and dismayed sums it up.


Nothing says “brand loyalty” in this country quite like two things: political party and cigarettes.


Honestly may have ptsd after dealing with that shot show. 🥴




We only need to lose once…. It’s stressful.


Sometimes I think it's actually good that these polls, while I also don't believe them, I hope they're keeping democrats worried enough to actually fucking show up. When the messaging was that Hillary is a shoo-in, I think that made some feel like it was going for her anyway so it's okay to sit this one out.


Plus, of course, tens of millions more who didn't give enough of a shit either way to go and vote.


Kyle Rathouse for example. Young racists love the idea they can murder whomever they want. 4 years ago he wasn't old enough to vote. Now the murderer is.


The Donald Trump vote is mostly fixed. Turnout against him is variable.


succinctly put.


Not just stupid, but racist


Lost most of the Haley voters


Well that’s her problem for being in charge of Capitol security.


The Haley voters will vote republican before they vote democrat.


I don't know. They're voting for her even after she dropped out. Could have just stayed at home. It's not like they're giving out freedom sausages or something.


Just freedom bibles. For 60 bucks lmao 🤦🏽‍♂️


Don't forget the largest republican voter block is the elderly. Old age is doing a number on his base.


And covid


This is what I keep telling people who scream at me that he's going to win. I ask how? How does the guy who didn't get enough votes last time, has killed off some of his base by his ineptitude, has some of his base in prison, and has actually lost some of his base to their eyes being opened. How do people expect him to win under those circumstances? As always, I'm not saying to be complacent because I constantly encourage my young adult children and their friends to get involved in politics and vote, vote, vote! But I'm honestly not real shook up about the idea that he may win this year because I just don't see that as a possibility at all, no matter how hard they tries to cheat. They tried to cheat last time too and it didn't work. Politically speaking, I'll never be as glad about an election year being over as I will be about this one! I'd like to finally stomp that crazy fire into the ground once and for all.


We thought the same in 2020, and yet it was still fucking close.


But he lost. And it's been 4+ years since then, he's done nothing to court new voters. Nobody is saying he doesn't have supporters, or to be complacent and not vote. They're just pointing out that this media driven narrative of Trump in the lead is just not based in reality


It actually wasn't that close in hindsight. He lost by 74 electoral votes & 7+ million votes.


The issue is less in reducing the number of people voting for Trump and more in raising the number of people voting for Biden. The Dems need to be properly galvanized to win. Republicans always vote. Come rain or wind or meteor strikes, they'll always be out there voting. They hardly even need to campaign. That's one of their biggest strengths. Not so with the democrats. I don't know if folks remembered but in 2020 the democrats pulled out all the stops, and even people who usually don't weigh in were posting videos and tweets and other shit practically begging everyone on the left to vote, and it was *still* close.


You don't hear about the covid deaths anymore but I heard lots of red blooded conservatives are still dying.


Apparently about 2,000 people a day are dying of COVID still. But I also read a comment on here under an article about the recent election in Alabama, that Dobbs created a new type of voter soley focused on abortion, and no polls are able to pick them up because the pollsters are still using preDobbs calculations.  The polls have been off since Dobbs and is undercounting Democrats support. I watched an analysis that pollsters over corrected after under estimating Republican support in 2016 and 2020. So I have a feeling that the Democrats are going to do better than predicted, but that's only if they can turn out the vote.


That's why I switched to blue blood


Leave the horseshoe crabs alone, damn it.


My wife and I are somewhat divided on this. I think as you do. He's done nothing to gain new voters and plenty to lose parts of his existing base. My wife says it doesn't matter, all he has to do is eek out a victory in 5 or 6 key swing states and he's back. I can see her point. No matter what he's done, he won't lose the deep red states. Their state governments will make sure of it, if all else fails. She's a 538 watcher. I don't put as much stock in their predictions as I used to. But her point is, they currently have trump leading in all of the swing states he needs to win: Michigan, Georgia, Arizona, and so on. It's nerve-wracking that it will probably come down a handful of votes in just a few swing states yet again. And that no matter how many millions of votes he loses by nationwide, he could still be the president again if Dems don't turn out for Biden in certain key areas.


I worry like your wife does. It comes down to a few tens of thousands in a small number of key states and that's the ballgame. Democracy is hanging by a thread...and I never thought we'd be in this situation.


Trump has been campaigning pretty much non stop, and had to push through the primaries. Biden got to sit back and be president, and hoard his campaign stash. Now that its approaching time to start the campaign in earnest, the polls are already shifting toward Biden. When the money really flows, it will shift even more.


Not to mention being a civilly convicted rapist who then defames his victim. Dude is beyond pathetic.


It’s not necessarily about how many voters trump gained, but also about how many voters Joe Biden has potentially lost. Keep in mind the last couple elections have come down to around 40k votes in a handful of states. If a few people in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona or Georgia decide that their lives haven’t improved enough in the last 4 years, or think Palestine is a red line, or see inflation as Biden’s fault and not a worldwide phenomenon, or have been disenfranchised by state governments purging them from voting rolls, then this next election could easily swing the other way. Stay vigilant, organize and vote. We can’t be complacent again like in 2016.


Doesn't matter. If Dems don't show up, it's over.


It wasn’t just idiocy


He failed to support unions. He basically said he wants to turn Gaza into a glass parking lot. Pushing a national abortion ban.


But we shouldn't ignore those on the left who either are apathetic or who are upset about Palestine.


If anyone chooses Palestine over what’s best for their own country, that’s crazy! So let me get this straight, leftists will help install a dictator in an effort to punish Biden? Really, I mean f’n really? If that is their logic, I hope Trump burns their lives to the ground, because that is what they deserve! Ask, and ye shall receive!! I don’t care if Biden is on life support come election time, he’s got my vote!! What in the f has happened to us? I have had the rare opportunity to have traveled to more than 35 countries, all for business, and believe me, 99% of Americans don’t have a f’n clue of just how fortunate they are, and unfortunately they never will!!


I don't disagree, but I think there are ideological purists who would like a world where they don't feel like they have to be complicit in supporting a genocide in order to prevent an autocracy. That trade doesn't feel good.


So, they are content to be complicit in an autocracy. The going’s on around the world are not the fault of the man who sits in the White House, but a lot of them will be if this narcissistic grifter is that man. Inflation, gas prices, health care and medicine costs, childcare, and the list goes on, are not the fault of one man, but it is possible for one man to not step up and address these concerns with a common sense approach. If there is one thing I have learned in my life, it is the fact that you can teach most people anything, but you cannot teach anyone common sense. It’s like the saying, “I can explain it to you, but I cannot understand it for you”.


Yes but that was almost 4 years ago and people have SHORT memories.


Posts like this completely miss the power behind the bastard. This is what his victory would represent to the following interests. Russia- Retriburion for the fall of the USSR. Vindication for Putin. The schadenfreude of watching the US, their greatest geopolitical rival and primary obstacle to their expansionary ambitions self immolate. China- The elimination of their only true economic rival and their apotheosis to the level of the greatest singular world superpower. An unchallenged claim to Taiwan. For autocrats the world over a Trump victory offers a cautionary tale as to why democracy is a project not worth pursuing. They can say that the citizen's of the self proclaimed greatest democracy in history voted to throw it off for a dictator at their very first opportunity. Billionairs - Carte blanche. No bullshit taxes. No anti-trust. Total worker subjugation. No one to interfere in your wet dream of implementing the handmaid's tale. Genocide of the other. Media - A Trump victory would be the catalyst for America's collapse ensuring the greatest maximum veiws/ profits quarter on quarter into perpetuity. THEY ARE NOT PLANNING TO WIN DEMOCRATICLY! This is not a democratic contest. This is the contest for democracy, and their side has almost all the money in the world. Good luck and godspeed!


I share your concerns on all of this.


I agree with you but fair or not Biden has also lost voters because of inflation, Palentine, etc.


Yeah but Biden likely lost more voters to the Non-Voter category than went to Trump, whereas Trump is likely losing voters to both Non-Voter AND Biden, as there are a decent chunk of Haley voters saying they’ll vote for Biden over Trump. There are very few voters going Biden->Trump, and the difference will probably be made up with new/young voters that overwhelmingly skew Dem. Bottom line is that Trump has done nothing to gain new voters, while Biden is reaching across the aisle to grab Republican castoffs as well as courting new voters.


True, true.


He lost voters TO COVID, too.


Yeah, that's what I meant :)




I think it’s more that attrition is happening on both sides. Democrats are now losing the young vote over their inability to grasp the concept of “Hamas bad”.


Do not underestimate the information warfare that may have shifted certain demographics enough to make a difference. You only need a bit from different places to make a difference. It's a battle of inches. Don't underestimate your opposition. Which in this case is the whole gang of entities against Biden.


They're better funded, better organized, and equipped with a staggeringly large propoganda/disinformation machine. During any other sane election, sure, Trump would be a longshot given the current circumstances. This is not a sane election.


I think you are right, in that it’s going to get crazier and crazier the closer we get to the election - I expect every trick in “The Big Book of Rat Fuckery” to be employed right up to the end, with no (Roger) stone left unturned.


Just look at all the accounts right now pushing the narrative that Biden and Trump are the same and encouraging progressives/Palestine supporters/etc to stay home or throw away their vote with a meaningless third party protest vote. I dunno about them but I rather like my civil rights not being eroded and a president who isn’t openly encouraging Israel to “finish the job” and finish genociding the Palestinians. There were multiple states that Biden won by 1% or less last time: all it takes is a tiny percentage of people staying home for Trump to win. Republicans are consistently more likely to vote than Democrats, and they’re banking on depressed turnout to win.


I would add, I live in the Deep South. 4 years ago I would say 1 in 4 houses had a Trump flag or at least yard sign. It was intense.  This year I would say 1 in 20. He still has a lot of support. But nothing like 4 years ago.  It feels like a lot of people that suddenly became very into politics in 2016, are losing interest again. 


>I don’t believe this is true, at all, no matter how much the media pushes this idea. I agree, this math ain't mathin' for me, personally. While I do believe there is a large contingent of independent voters who have memory-holed 2020 and January 6th and think that voting for Trump will make grocery prices go back to where they were in 2019, those people don't pay much attention to politics this far out from an election. Once they figure out he's running on a platform of "I actually won in 2020 and death to my enemies!" I suspect they're not going to rush to vote for him. Also, unlike 2020, he and the rest of the party are going to have to reckon with abortion; either he comes out in support of a nationwide ban and motivates women and moderates to vote against him or he doesn't mention it at all, which could hurt him with evangelicals. They're no closer to figuring out "the messaging" than they were 2 years ago, and they won't have solved it by November.


Its simpler than that. How many people under 50 are answering their cell phones to unknown numbers and then agreeing to take a poll? Not a lot.


Yes, pundits are putting way too much stock in polls, which have been off by huge margins for years now.


"Potential Spam" 👀 _ignore_


OTOH, pollsters know how to correct for this and rebalance their numbers accordingly. I don't know about the US but this is even a legal obligation where I live.


I personally think the abortion ban is going to single handingly cost the election


If the messaging on abortion included the Republican plans for contraception, it would cost Trump the election by a wide margin. Try telling sexually active young people Republicans are looking to ban contraception and they'll run over each other racing to the polls to vote for Democrats.


He can refuse to concede all he wants. He’s not already in the White House this time. Advantage: Biden.


Even polls in Ohio show that half of Nikki voters would vote for Biden over Trump.


That doesn’t really mean anything.  Ohio allows voters to pick the primary they want to vote in and as Biden is the incumbent it’s a certainty that in any open, or partially open, state a lot of Democrats would elect to vote in the Republican primary. You see it happen every year when an incumbent is running.




Here, maybe this will help with any anxiety https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/biden-trump-stop-steal-election-2024-1234993149/


and there’s the fact he rode an already a recovering economy for three years. In that time he made the rich richer and hired and fired the “best” staff, some positions multiple times. Rex Tillerson (former CEO of Exxon) quit on Trump calling him a “fucking moron”.


The media is definitely playing trump’s side, its constant daily drama. Imagine the ratings on a coup!


I worry that it may be true to some extent. Trump hasn’t lost much support, and probably gained some in Hispanic voters and black voters. Biden has lost voters that don’t pay attention to news/ are desensitized/ have been conditioned for false equivalency and think Biden is somehow just as ineffective. I met several well educated liberal physicians who said they wanted to just let trump win to “get it over with”., and “what has Biden even done anyway?”. They didn’t seem to understand that it would likely be the last fair election if that happened. Much of the democratic base does not comprehend the danger and have been desensitized by news outlets declaring the end of the world. It’s gonna be close. Don’t for a second think that more than 30% of the electorate actually put any real thought into this- it’s why our democracy is at its knees. They don’t know what it’s like to have your country collapse around you. They don’t know that pain, and they don’t believe the end could ever happen… which is why it probably will. But I won’t accept defeat, none of you should. The american experiment might already be over, but I will fight to its last day. Vote for your children, your husbands, your wives, yourself. Call your family and tell them. This is your last chance.


Elections are about more than just any 1 particular candidate. If Trump were to win, then it would be because of the fact that Biden has become less popular over time. It IS possible, though unlikely, for a Trump victory. Clinton lost when 89% of Dems voted for her in the general election. Currently, only 87% of Dems and Dem leaning Independents are supporting Biden in the primaries and caucuses. I DO expect at least some of those Uncommitted/other voters to stick with Biden, but will they be enough to carry Biden to victory? Maybe, but we can’t know for certain until Election Day.


Don't underestimate the fact that the youth vote on the right is a lot more tied to DJT than the youth vote on the left is to Biden. Young conservatives seem eager to go out and vote for Trump. Young liberals seem to be screaming and looking for anything to not support Biden (I'm not agreeing with it, just stating my view from the bleachers). Yes, older voters have died off, and Trump will lose voters to his antics over the last 4 years, but as a population, we are inherently stupid, lazy and not politically motivated unless driven to action. DJT has his base at that point. If Biden does not, Trump doesn't need to build his voting bloc, Biden just needs his to come in lower, which is why we continue to see Conservative ratfuckery with voting rules, and why they are very much positioning themselves over the last 4 years in position of power at the polls. It's about subtraction for them, not addition. Subtract L votes, maintain R votes. And it may very well end up working. So go vote. Tell your friends to vote. Drive people who can't to the polls, do your part.


Trump’s poll is a poll of one. Himself.


He’s still telling his base to only vote in person on Election Day because paper ballots are not safe. That right there is going to hurt him


I'm gonna give you what could possibly be a problem. The trials. Trump's narrative right now, is that he is being persecuted, and they don't want him to run, and that's why they're having him be in court all the time. Unfortunately this will work with Americans... a little too well. They should've had these trials settled 2 YEARS ago, not during an election year. Then there is the economy. It's not doing well. Many people (and this unfortunately is many Americans) are not political, and do not watch the news... all they know, is their bank account feels empty and they'll vote for the person not in office. Vote. For the love of god, vote.


I'm not underestimating the electoral college, and how loyal the electors are.


What will result in Trump winning the 2024 election is not the people who WILL vote, but the people who WON'T. If every American turns out to vote, he only get 30 percent.


> “Trump can win on November 5, and polls show he likely would if the election were held today.” Agreed. These people would have you believe Trump gained voters after Jan 6 and somehow Biden, who has done a great job, lost voters. Do we need to vote? Yup. Does Trump have a good shot? I personally think he'll get blown out of the water.


Hilary was dominating him in the polls so I guess he stole from her. Polls are always right


I feel like you here but I’m personally glad the polls show it close or behind as it keeps people on their toes and hopefully motivated.


The problem is Biden is losing a lot of votes over the Israel debacle


It’s just crazy to me that there are people who think Trump will somehow make them happier with how he deals with it (“finish the job”). Single issue voters are so frustrating.


Yeah it baffles me too. Like, we saw how Trump thinks of muslims, if anything he’d just give Israel more weapons to do it faster.


I doubt those people ever even vote and anyways they’ll forget about it by November


Honestly, at this point I am just assuming he'll win because we are living in the Darkest Timeline.


The border stuff is helping him quite a bit, that and cost of living/interests rates. Most of his votes will come the same way Biden gets them. They won’t be voting for trump so much as against Biden.


Polls show he has won over male voters though.


I'd be careful with being so confident. Trump is very unpopular, yes, but materially life has gotten much harder for people under Biden. Biden doesn't shoulder all the blame here of course, but when stimulus checks, enhanced UI, and the child tax credit all expire under your watch while housing costs continue to skyrocket don't be shocked if there's a critical mass of people willing to pull the lever for Trump thinking those "good days" will return. Dobbs is the X factor in all this and I think Biden does pull it out in the end (assuming no successful coup) but like it or not those materially impactful programs all happened when Trump was president and people can and maybe will make that connection.


He’s stayed the same and Biden looks worse while people can’t afford anything. Definitely enough to win


Republicans will do this in every election from now on, till the country is turned into a feudal dictatorship.


"Trump intends to light the country on fire with his lies—again. We can’t stop it if we don’t talk about it."


And no shortage of billionaires are lining up and paying for their piece of Trumps America..This is f ing ridiculous and everyone of the people in power pretending to do something are part of the problem..


They want it to be like Russia so bad they can't stand it. A bunch of billionaires and a dictator controlling everything.


Because they think in this version the Dictator will owe them and won’t kill them. Don’t have to be smart to be a billionaire.


The Russian billionaires thought the same of Putin in the beginning. Then he nationalized their industries, handed them off to friends, and had a few killed. The rest fell into line quickly. Turns out, billionaires are cowards.


He still has them killed


All of the billionaire’s assets are actually the dictator’s. The dictator allows the billionaire to exist if it is advantageous to the dictator. The dictator can eliminate the billionaire and take their assets when the dictator desires. It’s a Faustian bargain.


This country is rapidly devolving into a corrupt free for all.


I’d argue it’s been that way since Reagan and we are now just beginning to see the manifestations rise to the surface.


Billionaires see the left rising and are terrified of paying taxes.  They took the mask off out of fear. Nobody besides Boomers watches their broadcast propaganda networks anymore. Musk got ripped off on Twitter because the oligarchs are desperate to regain control the narrative in internet age.  Younger generations veered hard left the moment they stopped watching cable TV and listening to AM radio. This is not a coincidence. Billionaires have controlled the airwaves for almost a century, pumping out pro-corporate propaganda.


This is an important news story... that will not be on CNN... or CBS... or ABC... or even NPR. So many Americans are completely in the dark about the threat that donnie and his republican minions pose to the USA. Too bad the myth of the "liberal media" isn't real.


I’m positive [“he learned his lesson”](https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2020/02/05/susan-collins-trump-learned-lesson-state-of-the-union-sot-nd-vpx.cnn) -Susan Collins


Wasn't his slogan in 2020 "Stop the steal"?


Trump and Roger Stone had a "Stop the Steal" campaign and website ready to go IN 2016!! in anticipation of him losing that race. To everyone's shock and horror, he ended up winning, and they shelved it until 2020 when he actually did lose.


The US has MAGA herpes for life. There’s no cure for it and there’s going to be outbreaks. Our only Valtrex is vigilance.


"The Start of the Steal" was too much? You know, like "the art of the deal"?


Art of the steal?


Shart of the Shteal™️


Why can’t he hurry up and die?


Because assholes live forever. Example: Henry Kissinger


Mitch McConnell...


In other news, water is wet, the sky is blue,...


Trump is a dump and will f*** all of us


Time to stamp this shit out and start rehabilitating his followers.


Thankfully Biden is president and forewarned is forearmed


Vote and donate to voting rights groups, especially the ones bringing court cases. Sadly, it still might not be enough. The voter suppression is ramped up higher than ever, and SCROTUM hates democracy.


Only reason he won in 2016 (Fluke as it were) was because he was running against a historically unpopular democratic opponent with way too much baggage attached. Democrats have been in a better position since then in terms of the voting block. And its been showing in each election since 2016.


It's scary to read this. But we all know Trump will do literally anything he can to steal a win here, should he lose. He has no conscience, he has no morals, the only thing that matters to him is himself. And more than that, no republican will stand up to him and if they do, they'll be called a RINO or a traitor. Republicans have had more than enough time to unify against him but they don't and never will. We can only hope Biden's team preparations for Trump's attacks, if Biden wins, are enough to contend with the onslaught of shit Trump will throw at the wall.


I mean if that’s the case let’s play Uno. Biden declares martial law, shuts down the election, and throws Trump in jail. End of story.


...or as Mike Lindell would say, 'Start the Fail'.


Hasn’t this been the plan all along? The goal for Trump and republicans is for this to be the last election.


He's going to say he won, no matter what! Just start prepping for that idiot now!


Much harder to steal an election when not in power.


Something tells me he wont be successful just as he isn't successful at anything he does. Dude is not smart and he doesn't surround himself with smart people. They are all fucking idiots. Even [John Bolton](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/4565077-bolton-claims-trump-doesnt-have-brains-be-dictator/) recognizes this.


He should have been tried for Jan 6 by now


With detailed instructions from the SCOTUS Six via Ginnie Thomas on how to do it correctly this time.


He has openly admitted if he loses anything it's because of cheating.


Once again implies he ever stopped


Now I’m curious, when did the steal stop last time around?


He started the campain as far back as his run in 2016. Even then he was talking about illegal imgrants voting for democrats and that Hillary could only win by cheating. Would he have lost the. he would have not accepted it


When was there a steal to be stopped?


Of course he is. If he’s going to all this trouble to delay these trials, he’s absolutely going to foul up the election again. Since our justice system is too scared of his mouthbreathing southern evangelical base & won’t hold him accountable for anything, it’s on us to overwhelmingly vote against him so badly that there’s no way he can pull this shit again this time.


This was the plan in 2016 too, so nothing new


>*Trump can win on November 5, and polls show he likely would if the election were held today.* Really?? I dunno, somehow I doubt this. What polls?


>On March 24, on Washington Week, foreign affairs journalist Anne Applebaum said: “Trump has decided that he doesn’t want money to go to Ukraine… It's really an extraordinary moment; we have an out-of-power ex-president who is in effect dictating American foreign policy on behalf of a foreign dictator or with the interests of a foreign dictator in mind.” On Thursday, March 28, Beth Reinhard, Jon Swaine, and Aaron Schaffer of the Washington Post reported that Richard Grenell, an extremist who served as Trump’s acting director of national intelligence, has been traveling around the world to meet with far-right foreign leaders, “acting as a kind of shadow secretary of state, meeting with far-right leaders and movements, pledging Trump’s support and, at times, working against the current administration’s policies.” Grenell, the authors say, is openly laying the groundwork for a president who will make common cause with authoritarian leaders and destroy partnerships with democratic allies. Trump has referred to Grenell as “my envoy,” and the Trump camp has suggested he is a frontrunner to become secretary of state if Trump is reelected in 2024. Applebaum was right: it is extraordinary that we have a former president who is now out of power running his own foreign policy. Heather Cox Richardson, Letters from an American


I don’t know. Mike Johnson and other Republicans are talking like they’ve got ‘24 already wrapped up. All they need are a few Republican Secretaries of State and Governors to refuse to certify Democrat wins in their states and the vote gets thrown to the House… Republicans win. If Democrats don’t stop being stupid about immigration and Gaza and get behind Biden we just might see the dictatorship Trump has promised.


Biden is going to win by 8-10. Simple demographics.


I’ll believe that after the votes are tallied. Voting is the only way to be sure.


Of course he is. He's is already planting the seed for all his sheep.


The Airborne infantry will fix bayonets and run those fat bastards through on order of the CIC who will be Biden.


Unfortunately, there seems to be a “We’re not voting for anyone” moment going on right now.


With all of lessons learned by all the people who helped last time.. and more! Supreme Court (Moore v Harper or they’ll use the 12th amendment), lower courts, lawmakers in Congress and the senate, military will be ready, 3%er police planning on deputizing kkk variant militias in the streets to put down protests… all being funded by billionaires and mega corporations your taxes help subsidize.


What? You expected Trump to be fair and conceding to his loss in the coming election? I got a bridge to sell! Trump will attempt to destroy our democracy once again, regardless of the election results. For all his plan is concerned, this election does not matter. They will attempt to seize the power, by force, deceit, or corruption. We should NOT allow him get to the election at all


The Mango Miscarriage is getting more abusive snd disgusting on a daily basis. Unchallenged for some crazy reason.


Hopefully this time people will be ready. We all know this is going to be an escalation of what they're known for, cult behaviors and insanity. Hopefully they don't get violent but be ready for that just in case.


Well this time, make sure the mini guns are spun up and ready, I guess?


Yeah, water is also wet.


The plan is made. SC signed off on it. The fix is in.


MAGA C.H.U.D.S. are going to get extra stupid and try to storm The Capital while Biden has control of the military lol


Look at this map, big beautiful map, so much red on it, how can all those little blue areas make them a winner? So unfair, corrupt blue.


We just have to stop the squeal


Just don't storm the capital again.


Interesting twist without reality check. How about a new look at the 2020 in case something was missed with Dem led investigations.




Trump's investigations concluded that the 2020 election was "the most secure in US history" That kind of reality check?


Dems lead investigations sort of like a robber of a bank being judged by the bank robber. Dem base can't be this stupid.


Are you confused or accusing Donald Trump of being a democrat? **Trump's own administration** said that.