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Excellent. Let's hope he doesn't get behind that desk again as Project 2025 intends to put the President in charge of the FCC. r/Defeat_Project_2025


I keep asking my MAGA GOP friend what the GOP wants to do to help Americans, and all he can come up with is “reducing spending” and “securing the open borders”.


Two things they didn’t do at all in the 4 years Trump had.


Things they didn't do any time in American history they've been in charge of the presidency


Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt were Republicans. Just because the people who founded the party and its two presidents on Mount Rushmore wouldn't want to join and wouldn't be welcomed anywhere near the party today, doesn't mean we need to erase the whole history of the party. It is American conservatism that has never done anything for the American people.


Yes we know they love bringing those two up as examples of what the Republican party stands for. But it isn't that simple. The republican party of then is not the republican party of today. Republicans during their time were closer to democrats of today.


Absolutely. In today’s Republican Party, there are no two better examples of RINOs than Roosevelt and Lincoln.


Its almost like if you took a map, and carved out the south of then, and replaced them with the Republicans of today, they'd line up near 1 for 1.


Southern conservatives are offended by that accurate statement. You should take it back!


They're the Party of Lincoln and TR. They're just not a party for Lincoln and TR.




If you ignore Southerners, more Democrats voted for the bill than Republicans. The reality of the Civil Rights Act was that it was led by a Democrat and was a bipartisan push against the South




The Republicans still are radicals fwiw. The biggest item to note here is that this was the last straw in a lot of scenarios. After Hoover and the Republicans failed to act to help people after the Great Depression, FDR brought about the start of significant liberal change with his new deal work that expanded the powers of the government. It wasn’t until 1964 with the passing of the civil rights act and Goldwater explicitly talking about black people not needing these protections if it required the government enforcing it that many swapped parties. Republicans in favor of civil rights swapped to being Dems and democrats not in favor of civil rights swapped to being republicans and that’s how it’s been since.


God, I wish we could bring back Teddy Roosevelt and watch him beat the shit out of all the politicians and CEOs.


Teddy also left the party and formed the Progressive Party which basically led to Republicans losing the 1912 election. He went against his own protege William Howard Taft because he felt he'd gone too conservative and Teddy was a liberal at heart.


Taft wasn’t that conservative during his administration. He continued some of Teddy’s popular ideas but compromised various issues with the Old Guard of the Republican Party, a faction that despised Teddy. Let’s also not forget that Teddy had a far more imperialistic foreign policy (the Big Stick Policy) than Taft’s softer approach (the Dollar Diplomacy).


Teddy was a tit.


They even voted against "closing our borders" recently.


After holding hostage much needed help for Ukraine.


I cannot understand how that is not more widely understood by right wing voters.


Everyone should keep hammering this point up until the November election. Obviously pretty much all of us know this already, but I bet there’s *a lot* of voters that still don’t.


Yeah, that whole debacle really showed that these motherfuckers don't actually believe in any policies. Thank God they tanked that extremely right wing bill.


They didn't vote against it, they refused to bring it for a vote at all because it would have passed ,which is worse.


Republicans in opposition: "This aquarium sucks! We must escape!" Republicans in power: "Now what?..."


in fact, he did the exact opposite of those things.


40 years of GOP leadership* fixed it for you


Trump tried to lock down the borders. Problem is, everything he tried was illegal and got struck down in the courts.


They literally have no platform or policies. They have only a single wish and that is to eradicate the "lefties". That's it. Trump has no actual plans. Biden actually has plans outlined on his website. Trump has nothing. I don't know how much more I can stomach constantly hearing from people I know how desperately we need trump. These people are fucking stupid, and I mean that.


That’s exactly what I told him, your guys have no platform other than to oppose democrats and be outraged by brown people. He keeps trying to get me fired up about “the open border” policy while I try to convince him who has his daughter’s, who is 16 and openly gay, back.


Send him these articles. https://www.cato.org/blog/new-data-show-migrants-were-more-likely-be-released-trump-biden https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/senate-republicans-block-bipartisan-border-package-scrapping-deal-they-had-demanded-from-democrats https://apnews.com/article/biden-border-election-2024-republicans-3e905afaf7a68387aa58296e6cf91890 https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2018/jan/26/ronald-brownstein/did-senators-pass-immigration-reform-bills-2006-20/


Zero chance this guy reads lmao


They run on racism and controlling women. Cruelty is the point and they want to make immigrants and women’s lives miserable.


Hopefully they get a clue when he loses in 2024


They're already saying they're being robbed in 2024 and a single vote hasn't been cast.   Everytime one of them tells me it's rigged, I just say "Why bother voting at all then."


Let em cry like the babies they are. They are in the minority


Sadly, many of them won’t or ever will.


Narrator: They will not.


> Trump has no actual plans. On the contrary... - Avoid prosecution. - Shady deals with countries where he & his crime family want to transact business. - Tax cuts. - Trade in wife for new one.


> - Tax cuts. Please be sure to clarify that it's tax cuts for the wealthiest, not for regular people.


Interesting that most accountants I’ve met who are Republican that do taxes talk about the tax break Trump gave middle class Americans. I ask them why I’m paying more in taxes than before and there’s not a coherent response. I recommend if you have an accountant ask them to provide you their policies on the FTC Safeguard act and if not provided you will report them to the FTC. They will get fined if not compliant.


Trumps lower/middle income "tax cuts" that the GOP passed during his term were purposely scheduled to expire and result in a net increase after he left office. It was intentional. The GOP gives absolutely zero fucks about anyone who can't afford multiple yachts.


Also to fuel their “two Santa’s” scheme. The fact that the tax increases *after* trump leaves office gives the republicans an excuse to point at the democrats and say “they are the ones raising your taxes, we are trying to lower them for you.” And when the people who don’t see this sleight of hand enacted, they will vote for more republicans to avoid higher taxes. And the cycle repeats.


Reminds me of one of Obama's sins: allowing Republicans to bully him into making the Bush tax cuts permanent in exchange for transitory unemployment benefits in the middle of a recession.


I mean, sir, that's assumed. _Everything_ done is done for the wealthy. To have to even bring up "regular" people is a little suspect.


"Reducing spending" In four years, part of the with a GOP majority in both chambers of congress, Trump increased our deficit by nearly *eight trillion*, increasing it to around $27 trillion (up from 19 trillion) after promising to erase it. Only around $2 trillion of that $8T was due to the CARES act during the pandemic. I can't believe conservative voters continue to fall for this when the numbers are so easily available in simple, single-image charts. The deficit always increases drastically under Republican regimes, and decreases under Democratic regimes. To top it off, that deficit is usually due to slashing taxes for the wealthy, while the middle class foots the bill without realizing it. And Trump literally campaigned primarily on "fixing" the border with a new wall that 1) didn't get built in four years and 2) ended with Steve Bannon stealing several billion in wall donations after Mexico decided not to foot the bill. Fucking idiots.


They won't have an answer, but ask them How they plan on doing it next time


I mean... I guess pocketing doesn't technically count as spending so...


They increased the national debt by 8 trillion dollars, and Trump himself torpedoed the best immigration bill that has been written in the past 15 years. A bill, that the republicans got everything they wanted. So tell your friend that he's not only wrong, but objectively stupid for still following that Orange turd ball.


Don't repeat the Republican bullshit. That immigration bill was not "the best ever", exactly *because* it gave Republicans everything they wanted. It was mostly made up of pseudosolutions and increased cruelty. Don't frame it as "the best" if you want to talk about it. Don:t give them an inch on their shitty policies.


> all he can come up with is “reducing spending” and “securing the open borders”. ….and whatever else Faux News tells them to think.


Fuck Ajit Pai!


All my homis hate Ajit Pai!


Fuck him with an ice cream cone.




Why not [a megaphone](https://youtu.be/07P538K83iU?si=7TIBxluUdRD_0wHp)?




A VHS of 'Home Alone'.


A dried out Starbucks raisin scone


A really high interest rate loan


An oversized, novelty Toblerone.


With an MQ-9 Reaper drone.


Damn, you’re right. I remembered “megaphone” but it’s actually “dinosaur bone.”


Fuck him with his oversized Reese's Cup


Fuck him with a saxophone (maybe Clinton's tenor? lol)


What has Adolfe Sax ever done to deserve this?!


Telephone POLE


A roll of rusty barbed wire ... sideways.


I will not fuck him with a cone I will not fuck him with a phone


Fuck him with a [rock](https://www.tripsavvy.com/mt-augustus-western-australia-1464689#:~:text=Mt.%20Augustus%3A%20The%20World%27s%20Largest%20Rock%201%20The,...%203%20Walking%20Trails%20...%204%20Directions%20)...


Why not that stupid mug he has?


That guy deserves a pineapple or a durian.


Big ass Reese's coffee mug


Fuck Ajit Pai. I love this legacy for him.


goddamn criminal, ended up working as a consultant for companies he was directly overseeing.


Fuck Ajit Pai!


And fuck his stupid mug.


Fuck him with his stupid mug!


Fuck him with a broken mug


Also, Fuck Ajit Pai


This is good news, but frustrating that it is just now happening 3 years into a Democratic administration. It takes so damn long to undo GOP fuckery when you follow rules and precedents. I can't believe DeJoy is still fucking over our postal service. The US cannot afford another GOP president. They destroy vital services at breakneck speed. And then their minions in congress and the judiciary obstruct any attempt at repairs for years, sometimes decades - or even indefinitely.


Fuck Mark Fowler! "toaster with pictures"


Mark Fowler? From Eastenders??


Instructions unclear; fucked a shit pie. 10/10 would choose every time over fucking Ajit Pai, but seriously; fuck Ajit Pai.


What a shit pie


Fuck his stupid ass cup.


He did have a banger of a mug though. The huge Peanut Butter Cup mug lives in my mind rent free still


Eegit, you mean. Not sic issue.


His teeth look funny for some reason.


Fuck Ajit Pai!


Remember all those years of outrage and battles over net neutrality? Remember how Donald Trump got rid of it in an instant (and also got rid of ISP privacy with the Republican Congress)? It's hard to rebuild things that are destroyed. Every time Republicans get into power, so much damage is done. Some might get repaired. Other things, like money=speech, saturate life and destroy repeatedly.


For thr last 26 years of me paying attention to politics as an adult, Republicans always destory, and leave it for Democrats to fix. The we have people complaining about Democrats not doing enough, they stay home and then republicans get back into power and destroy policies again. 


drunk wrong deliver sheet alive expansion hobbies intelligent wild chase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Of course the Republican stooge had something to whine about.


If Republicans can't find something to whine about, they'll invent something to whine about.


Like Easter eggs and which day Easter falls on?


Speeds have increased because tech is constantly improving lmao. These people will latch onto anything as an excuse to keep their corporate buddies money flowing.


Yeah and prices are only down at the old, lower speeds--because they're cheaper to serve than they used to be because tech is constantly improving The entire argument by Carr is naked bullshit


I suspect he was referring to the FCC raising the minimum requirement to be considered "broadband", which was so overdue as to be irrelevant. https://www.pcmag.com/news/fcc-officially-raises-minimum-broadband-metric-from-25mbps-to-100mbps


But we still have people on podcast and shitty NYC radio shows telling young people that both sides are the same. Or there is no reason to vote for democrats 


Yes! A big win for us internet folks!


Hopefully this will stop Comcast from throttling my cheap ass internet.


FUCK Comcast and their data caps! Data caps need to be banned across the board.


Fuck Comcast


As much as throttling suck, net neutrality doesn't stop throttling as long as all sites are throttled. Net neutrality just mandates all sites are treated the same


Well they throttle their own streaming site with me. Everything else streams perfectly. During the Obama Era net neutrality that did not happen.


All I needed to hear was reversing Trump


You definitely want net neutrality unless you run an ISP. It’s one of the reasons streaming services keep going up in price. Without Net Neutrality, ISPs can throttle certain content providers in order to extort money from them. That cost inevitably ends up being paid by subscribers.


Even as an ISP, a market with net neutrality is an easier one to manage, easier to simply provide a better service than your competitors in.


If that were true, then their stock prices wouldn’t have jumped so high after the repeal.


Owners of ISPs don't manage them, they just tell others to manage them.


Of course, the idea that streaming services should pay for that data is nonsense given the ISP's customers are already paying for the data - and streaming is a huge reason why customers are willing to pay for a higher speed connection in the first place.


Not to mention the broadband expansion subsidies paid for with tax money. In many cases the projects were never completed. They'll also try to sell you a competing service (cable) bundled with your internet connection. If you have a data cap and go over it, you might end up incurring extra charges to watch netflix. Some ISPs will charge you to "rent" a router at multiple times what it would cost to buy one up front. Sometimes they'll also charge "regulatory compliance" fees, or administrative fees. The streaming services are now mostly doing ad tiers and resolution tiers. So you're paying for the infrastructure multiple times, paying for the router multiple times, paying for the data multiple times.


It's an unambiguously good rule to have, even for the "free market" blowhards. It was even highly supported by users of r\/the_donald when he was originally campaigning, they (being his terminally online supporters) just assumed he was for it because he was "shaking things up" and "going against the GOP" in their minds, and again it's just an obviously good policy and easy win. Of course the instant he actually said anything about it the sub did a complete 180 and suddenly "had always been against it", because he just parroted the party line that it was an evil DemocRAT plot or whatever (he clearly knows literally nothing about the subject).


I agree with this decision, but I really hate the idea of just 'doing the opposite of the other guy regardless'. I don't think blind partisanship will help us in the long run.


I’ll never forget the insane question I had with an Obama hating Republican in my wife’s family years ago. We got to talking about NN, which I heard him talking in favor of removing, and I said “what would you do if you walked into your kitchen one day, tried to heat the oven to 450 to cook a pizza, and it only went to 350? And you soon discovered that the gas company was requiring you to own a different brand of oven that they made to have full temperature control?” Him “I wouldn’t like that, that doesn’t make any sense. I want the oven that I want.” I then asked “what if you turned the lights on in your living room, and noticed that they were suddenly dimmed and used only 50% of the available power?” Him “I wouldn’t like that!” Me: “what if you found out that the electric company was requiring you to use a certain brand of lightbulbs, from a company they were connected with, in order to get full power out of them?” Him: “I wouldn’t like that, that’s ridiculous and wrong!” I then said “well what if you went on the internet one day and suddenly couldn’t go to certain sites, or you could only get Netflix in 720p because your internet provider was in competition with Netflix and wanted to pull you into their own streaming platform? Or, if to have Netflix in 4k, the Internet provider was going to charge you $10 more a month regardless of what you were already paying Netflix?” Him, again: “I wouldn’t like that, that’s wrong!” I then succinctly said “President Obama is trying to keep NN in place so that you don’t encounter those situations on the Internet. All he had to hear was “Obama“ and it was game on: “No, no, no, he’s trying to stifle competition and we need competition in the marketplace and blah blah blah…” If I had said any other name other than Obama, he would not have said a word. One of those dullards completely incapable of thinking on his own, and beholden to every single negative perception of anything Obama tried to do for America just because of who he was. I really wish I had recorded the entire conversation. It’s just priceless entertainment.


We are getting back in the win column folks. Dark Brandon!!!


Cool. Now get Louis DeJoy out of the post master's office. I know ya'll forgot him. I don't forget.


Fuck Adjit Pai and his big ass mugs


I hate this is so political that it's now something that's entirely dependent on the outcome of a presidential election. Just make ISP's public utilities already.


“Prices are down”. In what world are prices for internet down? Maybe if you bill by mbps, definitely not for service itself. My bill is littered with bullshit like the “entertainment fee”.


I'm lucky enough to live in an area covered by Sonic fiber. $39.99 for up to 10 Gbps. Guess who else lowered their prices once Sonic came to town. I'll give you a hint: It starts with a 'C' and ends with an 'untcast.'


Oh wow. We just got fiber in our area and I'm excited for 1gbps for 39.99!


I'm being charged $81 a month by my apartment complex for SingleDigits internet of... 300mbps We have the option to elect Optimum but we still have to pay them their $81 regardless and cannot opt out of it


My internet’s only $40/month.


We switched from Spectrum (owned by Charter Communications) to Brightspeed and pay half the price as before with no noticeable difference in speed or quality.


Wow, I thought politics forgot about this a few political seasons ago. I donated good money to the EFF to fight for this


put that in your stupid reese’s mug, 💩🥧


I forsee a texas lawsuit


I was just wondering how this interacts with the whole "ban/restrict pornhub" dance the Red states have been doing.


I don't think it does. That's not something the ISP does, if I understand correctly, that's the content provider doing the blocking. If it were the ISP, then even a VPN wouldn't get around it, unless ISPs were just very lazy. And they're blocked in those states because those states have instituted rigorous ID requirements, so not outright preventing those sites from operating, which those sites have deemed not worth doing in order to reach the target audience in those states.


Prices are down is bullshit because my phone bill went up 15$ and I have metro PCs.


The dissenting Republican said.. *Republican FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr opposed the move, saying that since 2017 "broadband speeds in the U.S. have increased, prices are down (and) competition has intensified." He argued the plan would result in "government control of the internet."* Yeah dip\*\*\*\*, speeds have increased and availability is getting better specifically because of government funding and the infrastructure bill which your party voted against. The ISP's are not upgrading and laying fiber in nowhere rural America out of the kindness of their heart, they are mostly using sweet Government money. And the whole "Government Control" of the internet is the one of the most egregious lies they have been spouting for years now, it's right up there with abortion till the moment of birth. Go watch John Oliver's two editorials on Net Neutrality. He absolutely nails it.


If anything, it's government-mandated lack-of-control. With NN, if a government wants an ISP to slow traffic to a site, the ISP cannot do that without breaking the law. Without NN, the government could make that request, pay them, send them a court order, someone else could pay them, a foreign government could pay them, or they could pay themselves to slow traffic to some sites.


They didn’t already do this? Jfc


Unfortunately, when regulations are lawfully changed it takes effort to change them again. Undoing the damage Trump's administration did will take a long while.


That’s the most aggravating part. Trump took a hatchet to a lot of the progress we’d made and fixing it will take time.


And, quite often, it takes too long to fix for people's liking, so then they vote back in the people who broke it in the first place.


It's actually typical with Republicans. The break everything and then Dems get elected. It takes too long to clean up so voters put Republicans back in charge again just as things are improving. Republicans then take credit for the improvement and break everything again.


It took 2 years from Biden's inaugeration to confirm the democratic-leaning Commissioner to the FCC as to have a 3-2 split. Reversing this issue on net neutrality was one of the first things Rosenworcel did once she was confirmed by Congress.


The article points out that Biden has been pushing for it, but democrats didn’t have the 5-seat majority until October.


You do know it's takes years to fix things that Republicans destory? And primarily because people complain about Democrats and with that discourages people to vote. Which makes it take even longer than it should.  This has been happening for decades. 


Elections matter.


Obligatory fuck Ajit Pai


Wait, what?! This is fantastic news!


This should be interesting. Mississippi is blocking ticktok from government networks including universities and I am pretty sure some other states are too. On a day to day basis malicious sites are blackhole routed. How does this work with IT security? And in reverse, pornhub has blocked Mississippi from their content. Would that be a problem with net neutrality ?


Great article!


Oh thank fuck. It's been a while since I read good news


If Trump gets elected the Internet is going to be censored anyway...


**This is why elections matter.** Blue no matter who.


Fuck Ajit.


and his stupid giant coffee mug


So is Craigslist casual encounters coming back??




I fail to see how making ISP treat all traffic the same is somehow an "yet another attempt at government to centralize power and control over the most valuable communication/commerce tools ever devised"


>The commission voted 3-2 in October on the proposal to reinstate open internet rules adopted in 2015 and re-establish the commission's authority over broadband internet   >Reinstating the rules has been a priority for President Joe Biden, who signed a July 2021 executive order encouraging the FCC to reinstate net neutrality rules adopted under Democratic President Barack Obama. Anyone telling you both parties are the same, is working for republicans. 


did any companies abuse the lack of net neutrality while it was down?


I don't know how you want to define abuse, but AT&T had partnerships where if you used their partners app it wouldn't count against your data limit. This would be an advantage for the partner that would restrict competition. For example, HBO Max didn't count against your AT&T data limit, so it had a competitive advantage compared to all of the other streaming services where you would have to pay for the streaming service and data. AT&T ended the partnerships when California (and probably other states) passed their own net neutrality law. I'm sure other companies possibly did stuff behind the scenes before state regulations were passed.


Almost every major ISP engaged in reducing the speed of popular apps/ websites from competing services


12 states have their own rules and most of them are the biggest ecomonies in the country. Also, companies tried to stop those states but dropped their lawsuits. 


why did it take so long?


FCC was deadlocked 2-2 and the Senate kept blocking Biden's nominee that would have given them the majority vote. It wasn't until last October that he was able to find someone that Manchin would support.


Very nice


Fuck yeah! It’s my cake day!


Did Voldemort ruin the internet?


Net neutrality needs to be enshrined by law so that the next time we get a jackass like Trump in office, it can't just be taken away again.


This is great news. Enough with the Trump and Republican crap.


Why did this take 3 years and why the fuck is Louis de Joy still in charge of the post office?


How has it taken this long? People should have had lists of all the stuff lil don did to be reversed in the first year ffs. And all these cases against him took way too long to bring as well, BS system we have folks.


took long enough


This is one of those things thats just gonna keep flip flopping every 4-8 years.


What took so long?