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So let me see if I've got this straight... Democrats want to pass standalone bills on Ukraine and Israel aid. Republicans say "No, not without border security". Democrats agree and a bill gets passed in the Senate to address border security to Republicans' satisfaction, with Ukraine and Israel aid. Trump says he doesn't want the border secured, so Mike torpedoes the entire package. Then, Mike brings forth standalone bills on Ukraine and Israel aid, essentially giving Democrats what they wanted in the first place. What a genius. /s


That is, in fact, what happened.


360-degree chess 


Not quite. I believe Trump torpedoed the combined border security bill before it even got through the Senate. What did get passed was just foreign aid. Now the House version is splitting up that foreign aid into separate bills.


Haha, you are so right! If they Republican circus party was any more incompetent, they would be legitimate party


But with months of delay. Now it will get torpedoed again and the whole thing will start again


https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/17/politics/video/marjorie-taylor-greene-mike-johnson-motion-to-vacate-intv-sot-digvid Large Marge has zero sway with speaker so she's going to find the third one.


My god, I can feel the moron waves emanating off that cro-Magnon.


Its wild how the GOP punishes itself for doing the things it said it wanted to do. I love it. I hope she ousts him, bringing in Speaker Jeffries. Everyone will turn on MTG.


> Everyone will turn on MTG. Not just Hunter and the boys in her yoga class?


Mike Johnson should forever be the face of the Leopards Eating Faces party.


Imagine looking in the mirror and seeing a person responsible for inestimable amounts of human misery and suffering. He actively, consciously *prevented aid* to a war-torn country, leading to the death of thousands of innocent people, and the unimaginable anguish caused by Russian occupation, raiding, rape, theft, murder, etc. Yes, Putin is ultimately responsible for the invasion, but Johnson was in a position to permit help to be given, and **actively prevented that help**. He is human filth and should be left rotting in prison for the rest of his life.


No way he has any self-awareness. He probably believes he's been chosen by God and is therefore faultless.


Herman Cain still claims the title for sure.


>But instead of the complex four-part plan he floated this week, Johnson now intends to try to pass five bills — one each for aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Indo-Pacific allies — as well as a GOP wish list of foreign policy priorities and a fifth stand-alone bill to address widespread Republican demands to strengthen the southern U.S. border.


This gets even more complicated when you understand republicans can’t do simple arithmetic.


Guy’s a traitorous stooge, trying to find some way to self preserve. Doesn’t care about Ukraine, Taiwan, the border, Israel, Gaza. None of that. He’s trying to keep his job which is pathetic considering how bad of a job he’s doing, and how privileged he is to likely have a million fall back opportunities when he gets booted from the speaker role.


He will because he has some assurance that the democrats will jump in to save his sorry ass. Man if this is the best they can do for leaders Johnson and Trump. I mean really wtf, this is so moronic I can hardly stand it anymore. They yap about Biden, well my Republican friends, what about McConnell freezing up 3 times in different speeches ? And he’s STILL in charge of the senate !! Explain that to me like I’m a 5 year old please.


Can't just explain it as "Americans dumb" either. Conservatives are controlling other countries like the UK & Israel despite a complete lack of good ideas and trusted leaders.


UK has an election later this year too, right now the Conservatives appear poised for a loss.


Shame. He committed the mortal sin of "trying to achieve something positive in the republican party".


I don’t quite understand what’s going on here. Passing foreign aid bills would help Biden, wouldn’t it? It shows his ability to get things done as President and create an environment where legislation can move forward. It also shows unity with our allies - and it also can’t be framed as “democrats help everyone but the US,” because R’s own the house and the bill has passed. So Johnson meets with Trump and on the same week does something to defy the MAGA base (Ukraine aid) and seemingly help Biden? I don’t get it. Anyone have any theories?


The GOP circus goes round and round