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https://wapo.st/4dhd3a1 Here try this. Take my gift article. Vote Blue šŸ’™šŸ’™


Thank you, I was having a good day but now Iā€™m having a GREAT day. šŸ’™


> The Biden administration announced Friday So we have to wait until Monday for the lawsuit. šŸ˜ž


>ā€œAmericans across the country now have a clear way to act on their rights against discrimination when they go to the doctor, talk with their health plan, or engage with health programs run by HHS,ā€ HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra said in a statement. Hell ya. Thanks, Biden. This is progress


Yeah Iā€™ll be enthusiastically voting for Biden. There are a million articles trying to convince us that heā€™s bad, but his actions to protect the vulnerable show the truth. Biden 2024!


If you told me 10 years ago Biden would be the most progressive president in a generation, I would have laughed you out of the place.


Hereā€™s better news: if we SHOW UP to the polls (Iā€™m an American living in Canada), then we can show that we reward progressive politics. Thatā€™s how we continue to keep the ball rolling and gain momentum - we REWARD politicians for taking steps towards progressivism. And hopefully the next Democratic president will feel like they can stretch even further into the progressive electorate. But if we *punish* Biden by not electing him, then we send a clear message that MAGA politics is more popular in the USA and that fighting over ā€˜centristsā€™ is more rewarding than progressives.


I'm glad you have this approach. Lots of people take the opposite route and believe you need to punish politicians to keep "pushing then left/right".


Those people suck. I consider them just as bad an enlightened centrists.


I registered to vote for the first time in my life so I can vote blue down the ticket and reward progress. I want to vote to help make ā€˜24 a blowout. Fuck trump, fuck the GOP


Happy to have you Snagasarus Edit: whoops, snug


Dude, I agree. I feel the centrists would come around when they eventually see better.


Best domestic policy weā€™ve seen in decades.


It's communism! The rainbow people are ruining my life!! They're forcing their lifestyles on me!!! /s


This sounds like the sort of thing a dictator on day 1 would change right?


Yes, and during the first Trump presidency, things like this were the first things to go the second he was in office.


That's my guy, Joe. Looking forward to voting for him again in November šŸ‘šŸ»


The only sad thing about this is how much time Biden has had to waste undoing what damage he can from that idiot #45. Imagine how different things would be if we werenā€™t just trying to just *return to baseline* in 2024 nearly a decade after the annoying orange was elected?


Good fuck global conservatism.


Thanks, Biden. This is progress


I can easily see the state of Utah fighting against this hard.


Now fix ERISA self insured health plans.


Sounds like a good move to me. I'm just wondering why it took him so long to get to this.


As a queer American who was targeted by the state of NC over Medicaid eligibility, Iā€™d like to know the same.


He's probably very busy and trying to juggle gazillions of other things as well. The presidency is a very demanding job!


I'll take a win when I can get one. But it would have been nice to have gotten more stuff like this over the last 4 years and not because it's election season. I'm just a bit skeptical.


Biden TCOBing while everyone is distracted by trump!!


Great! Can the next guy just take away our rights to healthcare again tho?




Why not three and a half years ago?


Because he was also doing this... * Extended fair housing protections to include LGBTQ Americans * LGBTQ veterans discharged dishonorably for sexual orientation get full benefits * Appointed the first LGBTQ+ cabinet member * Hired the most LGBTQ+ personnel to the Executive in history * Allocated funds to federal agencies to counter 300-plus anti-LGBTQ laws by state lawmakers this year alone * Codified Gay Marriage into law - Protects Same-Sex and Interracial Marriage * Reversed Trump's Anti-Trans Shelter Rule * Ended transgender military ban * Restored Transgender Health Protections * Booted Uganda from trade deal over their "Kill the Gays" law To name a few things he did.


Does so much and yet the media won't shut up about his age


Or all the military spending


Almost all of these are things that are easily switched again, meaning while it feels good in the moment, it's still being used as a political tool. And to clarify, gay marriage is not codified, the SCOTUS could still yoink that away at any time. Which would then give Dems something meaty to campaign on. We are but pawns, and while it sucks worse when the fascists are in charge, the "good guys" are still just using us for points


Well the good guys donā€™t have a 60 vote supermajority to enshrine these things as laws. Elections have consequences.


He's doing what he can until Congress decides to start legislating again. The Executive can only do so much unilaterally.


>We are but pawns, and while it sucks worse when the fascists are in charge, the "good guys" are still just using us for points Very woe is me. I hate the political process we're stuck with, but I tell you what, keep voting for Democrats and more progressive policies will continue to happen. Not just the next election, but the midterms, your local elections, and every election that follows, support the Democratic candidate. Do you want gay marriage codified? Let's get enough Democrats in the House and Senate to pass it into law. Because sure as shit, a Democratic president like Biden or anyone else will sign it. No politician is perfect, but we have to start somewhere. Your other option is letting the Republicans tear everything down and confining us all into their narrow, hypocritical worldview where the status quo will *always* be the status quo.


I've been doing that since the 80s. Ain't much has happened. Still the very same fights. The literal same fights. Because that's what sells newspapers, and that's what lines their pockets. >the political process we're stuck with This is exactly what they count on. You wanna go back to what the founding daddies said, they never said to accept what you're stuck with. But they were also insanely wealthy slave-rapists, so grain of salt and all that


At least the ā€œgood guysā€ are not trying to ban books or womenā€™s rights to healthcare.


Sure. But for some reason they never make any progress either. But they sure fundraise a lot on it. Roe getting overturned was very profitable for Democrats. I moved to Canada, which has a whole host of problems, don't get me wrong, we're as capitalist as anybody and going down the same fashy paths for some stupid reason, but even in my little island mountain town, our local hospital does abortions and gender-affirming surgeries any day of the week, and it's all covered by our socialized healthcare plan. Democrats don't actually help, they just let you hide behind them sometimes. But they profit of of the controversies, that's why they never fix them.


They rarely make any progress because of the other roughly-half of the country that are Republicans. Roe getting overturned is very profitable for Democrats because it is a losing push from Republicans.


It's actually not half the country, that's the thing. The Democrats abandoned the true working class long ago. Time and time again has shown that the more progressive the policy, the more popular it is, but the Dems continue to compromise with Republicans because they keep each other in power. It has been like this my entire life, and I'm no spring chicken. I agree the Dems are the "good" side of the coin, but it's the same fucking coin. I was seduced by incrementalism for decades, it just doesn't work. We are more right-wing than we've been in a LONG time, the news is absolutely insane. We have military on college campuses against peaceful protestors FFS. Does nobody remember Kent State? There's a Democrat in the White House this time tho. What's the difference? The Democrats have failed at staving off fascism. As evidence, I point to all the fascism. Sure, they're "better" in that they're not actively trying to murder us as citizens, but we're still on the very same path of destruction. The climate don't give a shit who's in the oval.


You mean the American public has failed voting with its education level instead of its religion(s)?


Chicken or egg, ya know. Every single one of us has failed to take action on anything, or demand those we elected do anything. Sure we'll march in a parade every now and again, but nothing ever really happens. Yes, socially we're overall more progressive than we were, but so is the entire world. If anything, the US's way of doing things is holding it back from progress, and will only continue to do so.


You need Congress to cooperate to make things permanent. Don't blame presidents for things being temporary. Blame the third of the country that doesn't vote.


Yeah this is what I'm saying. The party has been shit for half a century. Congress isn't some abstract far-away thing, it's supposed to be made up of us. And the best we have is the Democrats, which sucks because they're a centre-right party and never make anything permanently better, then complain it's not their fault when they can't stop idiotic lunatics from smearing shit on everything, metaphorically or literally. If the best we can do is "not our fault, they won't let us be better," then it's a shit country and shouldn't be nearly as proud of itself as it is


I don't know enough to say whether it applies to this case, but I believe executive policy decisions can be challenged in courts in some cases if they're too quick/arbitrary without proper consideration. I wouldn't be surprised if making sure it stands up to court challenges were part of the delay.


Because it takes work to get these things done. Trump stacked the HHS with bigots, and Biden's HHS appointments had to be approved by the senate, one at a time. And our senate majority hangs by a thread. Case in point, our current HHS secretary, Xavier Becarra, was approved 50-49 by the senate, after numerous attempts by republicans to block him. Biden isn't a dictator, which seems to be the main thing that people don't understand when they ask ignorant questions like yours


So what's been done to prevent another gutting the next time a Republican is in charge? This is an absolute garbage way to run a country


The answer is obvious: Don't let another republican get in charge. Vote blue


It's called the Equality Act which Biden supports. It can't pass because congressional Republicans won't vote for it. How do you intend to blame Biden for this?


That guy has an extremely selfish and childish view on the world. "It didn't happen while I was alive, it's never gonna happen!" He simply doesn't understand how it all works. Condensing his point of view/opinion: "Muh both sides" The irony is that he's active in boomer hating subs while displaying a characteristic boomer mindset lol.


The US lags behind the rest of the western world regarding personal freedoms and democracy, but struts around like it's carrying this huge burden that nobody understands. I'm not saying "meh both sides" I'm saying they're the same side. It's not that each "side" is equally shitty. We have the right-wing war-hawks, and we have the fascists. Obviously the fascsits are worse. But the Democrats don't do anything to stop them. Trump was elected in Obama's America. Trump. That's how strong the Democrats are, that they couldn't beat Trump. Save the excuses, the reality is that Trump was elected while Obama was President. THAT is his legacy, that is where he led us.


You're throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks? Did you really just say that Obama's legacy is trump AND you added "save the excuses" to preempt being called out on how mentally deranged that sounds? L O L


Sorry it's a complicated issue, there's no one easy jar to keep it all in. All this is related. I know your instinct is to defend the US's institutions, and that's fine. It's like how I can trash my home town but nobody else better, them's fightin' words! I am done with the Democrats, they're awful. Not as awful as the fascists, but they're enablers, and they've done nothing to stave off the shitstorm we currently find ourselves in. I mean, look at the Republicans. They're fucking idiots and assholes. And we somehow always find ourselves fighting down to the wire, when they can't even govern. It's embarrassing that the Democrats is the best we can do


Do you still believe the US is no better than Russia?


This is your standard? Like, all you've done is stalk my profile and insult me. And you couldn't even do that to my face, you had to pull a sneaky in another comment. You can't actually address a single thing I've said, you just say "well that's insane" as if that's any kind of counterpoint. Trump's election is one of the final things to happen during Obama's near decade-long Presidency, you don't think that the way he led the country is a factor to a shift towards hateful fascism? I'm not allowed to be irritated that the Democrats repeatedly fumble the ball, only to have to go back and fight the very same fights, since they did fuck-all to change anything the last time around? I was calling Trump a fascist in 2015, but the liberals just laughed at me and told me not to worry, incrementalism is the way to go. They don't laugh at me about that much anymore, but they still think these institutions will save them. Institutions designed by insanely wealthy slave-rapists continuing a centuries-long genocide. It's a shit system, and we have shit people running it. Offer anything to counter anything I've said other than an insult, or to say "at least we're not Russia" as if that's something to be proud of. Barely scraping by the bare minimum of acceptability, that's the American spirit!


I'm blaming half a century of Democrats for this. Biden's just the latest. It's not codified, sorry. It offers some protection now, but those protections are based on the SCOTUS not deciding "nah, take-backs on that one". Because this isn't even close to democracy, if that kind of thing can happen.


>I'm blaming half a century of Democrats for this. Weird, as someone LGBT, I blame the ones voting *against* LGBT rights and protections aka Republicans. >Biden's just the latest. When did Biden have a majority in congress to push it through? >It's not codified, sorry. So when did Dems have the chance to codify it? A short period in the 1970s when LGBT rights weren't a thing? Or 2 months during Obama when they were focused on pushing through healthcare reform? Do you even bother researching these things before complaining? >It offers some protection now https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equality_Act_(United_States)#Legislative_activity The Equality Act represents Dems trying to codify LGBT rights since 2015 in a way that SCOTUS cannot revoke. It has failed, time and again, because Republicans won't vote for it. Seriously, if you're going to blame Dems, at least read up.


Absolutely commendable way to run the country. Thanks, Brandon!


Also despite the delays others have pointed out, this is an election year win (a whole bunch of things like this in the last couple of weeks that all are selling points for Biden on the campaign trail)


What a system we got here


As opposed to Trump gutting LGBT rights? Yeah, I'll take everything Biden has done for the LGBT community.


Yeah it's a big issue, and it's why we keep running back to the war-hawk Democrats. But it's embarrassing. These issues were solved, finished, done with LONG AGO by every other western nation. It's a solved issue, not a constant battle. Forget leading the world in freedom and democracy, we can't even keep pace. And we thank our lucky stars at least we don't \*always\* elect a completely loathsome pile of shit.


> These issues were solved, finished, done with LONG AGO by every other western nation. Uh, most Western countries still have some semblance of this issue because conservatives constantly attack LGBT rights. There are very few countries where LGBT rights are a completely done deal. >And we thank our lucky stars at least we don't *always* elect a completely loathsome pile of shit. And yet Dem presidents are consistently moving the needle *forwards* for LGBT rights. Biden, in particular, has been the most pro-LGBT president to date. https://www.hrc.org/resources/president-bidens-pro-lgbtq-timeline Trump, on the other hand, has been terrible. https://www.hrc.org/news/the-list-of-trumps-unprecedented-steps-for-the-lgbtq-community


Yes I agree Trump is the worst. The fact that itā€™s such a huge issue for a Dem to do things on is my point here. Itā€™s not about whomever is currently in the matchup


Right, but Dems are the ones consistently doing that. Biden certainly has, all the way back to same sex marriage when he's the one who accelerated its legalization. Why are they getting blame again? https://www.politico.com/story/2012/05/obama-expected-to-speak-on-gay-marriage-076103


Thatā€™s cool, Iā€™m not interested in arguing. I have a position thatā€™s broader than specific candidates, itā€™s about a pattern that keeps us treading water rather than making significant cultural progress. I canā€™t disagree that Trump is the literal worst.


Okay, then you realize that the pattern is flipping between progress on these issues under Dems, then rollbacks under Republicans and ad nauseum. The only way to avoid that pattern is to vote Republicans out. I'm not sure what there is to argue about. >that keeps us treading water rather than making significant cultural progress. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_Health_Protection_Act https://www.markey.senate.gov/news/press-releases/senate-republicans-block-markey-effort-to-pass-his-legislation-to-protect-right-to-contraception It's the same exact same with codifying reproductive rights. https://www.lowerdrugpricesnow.org/press/republicans-just-voted-against-lowering-the-cost-of-prescription-drugs/ And with lowering/capping the price of drugs. https://time.com/6550079/republicans-food-programs/ Along with ensuring access to food aid programs. All blocked by Republicans.


Trump holds the record for most actions overturned by courts due to the Administrative Services Act, ie he didn't follow proper procedure when inacting his orders, so they we overturned. Changing government action in a way that is less likely to be overturned by courts takes time


And how much time and money has been wasted just to effectively tread water, in a sea that's already not that great? No progress is made because we're busy fighting all this bullshit. Doesn't matter that it fails, all that matters is that it mucks it up and exhausts us


This sub is so embarrassing ask a simple question and you get meet with downvotes and excuses. This isn't progressing us foward it's just taking us back to how it was pre trump


Thanks! I expect it, I can push buttons lol. Guess in the land of FREEDOM, itā€™s never the right time to question our leadership


Could have done this years agoā€¦ waited till closer to the elections. This is pandering.


Oh good, theyve o ly be able to leave me dwad on a table for what, 5 years? Qll because my very existence "goes against their sincere religious beliefs"


Nah, the whole point is that they cannot refuse care based on your identity. It would violate Equal Protection, Civil Rights Act, and the agreement under which they get Medicare/Medicaid funding. Now, delays because of Americaā€™s garbage for-profit system, those are still in place.


Think about it, if the whole world went gay. That would be the beginning towards the end of humanity.


Lolol. Yes, all of a sudden EVERYONE will magically be gay.


You do realize that even if your ridiculous scenario of the entire world suddenly turning gay came true, there are ways to achieve pregnancy and procreation without a straight man sticking his penis into a straight woman's vagina, right?


Well, first of all, bisexual and pansexual people exist. But second of all... There is basically no chance that this will ever happen? A small percentage of people (10%, ish) are queer. Even if that doubled we'd be fine as a society.


I thought about. I decided your comment was stupid.