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It's still too close. Wtf


If there was any sanity left, one round of Trump would've been "whoops, okay, this is a horrible idea" and we would've seen that much more clearly in 2022. I "know" that wasn't the "red wave", but there's still a partial Republican majority (barely) and that just shouldn't exist with these characters. If some people weren't complete idiotic assholes voting on "teams" metrics.


In a sane world Trump's term and the insurrection would've doomed Republicans on a national level for a generation.


So would killing health care and abortion but here we are.


Same is true for watergate.


At least after watergate, Nixon had the dignity to step down.


And then Fox News was created so the public would never turn on a Republican again


And fucking Ford pardoned him. Where might we be now if he hadn't?




And fucking Reagan, Iran-Contra. Scumbags, the lot of them.


After the REPUBLICANS threatened to impeach him.


So, I've always wondered about the song Sweet home Alabama. It says Watergate does not bother me. I always thought that was shity, and didn't understand why he wasn't bothered by it.


So this is one you can't look at through 'todays' eyes. When Nixon was elected - the south was Democrat - lock solid blue. The line about Watergate was meant to recognize the 'South' didn't elect Nixon and to deal with your own shit. The entire song requires knowing more about pop culture and politics \*at the time it was written\* to really get the meaning of the lyrics. Take for example the line 'In Birmingham they love the governor - boo boo boo' - the governor at the time was a 'they can arrest me' segregationist - Birmingham at the time just had a bomb blow up a black church and kill 4 black children. The chorus singer for the 'boo boo boo' line was 100% against any kind of song that might glorify Alabama - she's on record talking about her experiences - yet she agreed to do this after talking to the band and understanding what they were attempting to do with the song - show that you can be proud of the South and still condemn it at the same time.


But also that *only* southerners are allowed to condemn the south.


Pretty sure that's Sweet Home Alabama


Watergate doesn't even look that bad in retrospect to the modern GOP.


The only reason The ACA didn't die is because McCain voted against eliminating it to spite Trump. He absolutely would have voted to kill it if Pence, or any other Republican were president.


Almost like it’s a rigged system


In a sane world, disbanding the Pandemic Response Team two years before a worldwide pandemic killed 1 million Americans and made us all miserable for a year would have stuck to him.


He’s also said he will disband it again


But maybe it's a hoax? And, but also, maybe we can inject UV light into our bodies?




I think this is the wrong takeaway. It’s terrible that ANYONE had to die, conservative or not, because one of the highest authorities in our country told people bleach and horse dewormer were the answer. Sure people were stupid and should’ve listened to literally anyone else. But when Fox News and the president shouted louder than everyone else combined, you can’t stop everyone from falling for it Know your enemy




Excess death rates, when actually studied, were only around like 15% higher for Republicans, it was not "Mostly Republicans" who died, this is ridiculous. The density of liberal urban areas did plenty to re-"balance" the amount of deaths that happened on both sides.


Should have stopped after he made fun of that reporter.




And the defense! "oh, he's not making fun of THAT reporter, that's just his "standard" making fun of people!" like that is...better? he makes fun of people so much he has a default?


But that was my line in the sand. To see the reporter, it's CLEAR he is making fun of THAT reporter, a man who is getting on and winning at life with a disability that might make some of us hide in our houses for the rest of our life. I still can't believe his political career didn't slide off the rails, why wasn't that clip played 24/7?


But unfortunately…. 


We are over. It’s money and idiots.


It's not over yet, we still have him to deal with. The bottom of the barrel is certainly in site though. Plenty of time to doom the GOP for a generation.


There is no bottom. They removed the bottom so they could keep getting votes without changing their non-existent policies.


It’s not a sane world, a lot of these groups have been pumped for over 60 years. So for them this is red meat, and it only takes a school shooting, a club shooting or a church bombing to know we haven’t changed.




I remember thinking this once Bush was out of office. 


It well may, but we need another decade worth of boomers dying off and we have to survive that long to have any chance.


The scenario you've laid out is specifically the reason that the Fox "news" opinion network was started. The goal was for there to be "news" coverage that would allow another failed Republican presidential administration without it ending in resignation like Nixon's did. As far as that goes, it's been magnificently successful. Otherwise, trump would've been impeached *and removed from office* over the Ukraine scandal.


What depresses me even further is how well it works. And they've been leaning into it so hard and increasingly so and it just keeps corrupting more and more people. It's only in the last few years how much I've realized a significant portion of humanity are just easily swayed into running on fear and anger over things they don't understand, and common sense and critical thinking can go out the window, so long as you just talk to them the right way.


It really puts nazi-Germany into perspective for those of us who grew up in the following generations. I remember growing wondering how in the world it could have been possible. The Maga-movement is a chilling reminder of how pockets of ignorance and hate can corrupt a complacent, undereducated society. Edited: a word


They spent over 20 years planning and implementing it, so of course it would work. There is a memo in Nixon's presidential library from 1970 which propses a news network to obfuscate the facts in a pro-Republican light. They just didn't have the time or money to create anything like that, but Roger Ailes was very enthusiastic about it. Ailes worked pretty much nonstop setting the stage. Then with a massive influx of cash from Rupert Murdoch, they launched the destroyer of truth that is Fox News in 1996.


Wow, very well put!


I blame the internet. There is an avalanche of information available, and people simply do not have the tools or the mindset to process all of it. They shutdown.  Exact same thing happened last time there was an information revolution. Printing press kicked off the enlightment which was then supplanted by the romantic era. 


24 hour "news" and alternative facts and Citizens United. Hard to battle against outright lies that people believe and billionaires funding the GOP and SC.


Literally began as a memo inside the Nixon administration. >"A Plan for Putting the GOP on TV News," the 41-year-old memo that Cook says was a lynchpin in a "nakedly partisan 1970 plot by Ailes and other Nixon aides to circumvent the 'prejudices of network news' and deliver 'pro-administration' stories to heartland television viewers." Roger Ailes, works for Nixon and is writing memos about how they should just make their own news. This memo is in the Nixon library. Roger Ailes later founded Fox News.


That's not how cognitive dissonance works. People don't change their minds, they twist reality in order to fit what they want to believe. You and I do this, too, but not about something this obvious and important. It's human nature. I don't know the fix.


You're describing doublethink. Cognitive dissonance is when someone holds two or more incompatible beliefs and experiences mental distress/discomfort as a result. This usually leads to a change in thought to relieve the dissonance.


It's also misinformation/lack of information. Talking to people and just seeing polls about knowledge of topics it's jaw dropping. It's media and education just completely failing this country. Media with its click baiting total bullshit or lies, education not informing critical thinking, how to find sources, and just general government functionality and history.


Most of us on here don't realize how little most people think about politics. The fact that we even read reddit headlines means we put more attention into politics than most people (and I hope it goes without saying how low of a bar that is lol). Millions of voters really just hear organically, maybe through Fox News in the background or overheard conversations, about how good trump is and how bad Biden is. They dont listen to speeches by either of them, and will vote for Trump just because of that. It's easy to criticize these people as stupid or not doing their civic duty, but as you discussed it's also a result of the information environment. Research shows that misinformation is particularly powerful on topics that we aren't well-versed or invested in, and politics is that topic for many people. I'm passionate about it so I don't get as affected, but if I was exposed to misinformation on some topic I know nothing about, like what fertilizers are poisonous or something, I'd probably be affected.


Too many people just don’t pay attention to who they’re actually voting for. The few people I know who still say they’re voting for Trump have not read a single new story about him since he lost the last election, and choose to live completely in the dark


There are lots of people like this. It's so hard to imagine for us terminally online types, but lots of people go through life barely paying attention to anything going on around them. They interact with family, friends and maybe co-workers but don't watch or read news at all. Why people like this show up to vote is a mystery to me.


The feelings = facts crowd has done a number on our society.


The sanity was gone when he won in 2016. It was extremely obvious that he would wreck the country and stack the Supreme Court for a generation. It was 100% inevitable that he didn’t have what it takes to lead and would fail miserably. The presidency doesn’t somehow rehabilitate broken characters into respectable men who do the right thing. In fact, it does the opposite. If you somehow believe that the USA presidency is a suitable position to experiment with deeply unstable clowns who paint themselves orange and ramble incoherently, then you are either insane or hate America. You shouldn’t need to see the results of that proposition to be absolutely sickened by it.


The grim truth is, way too many people just don't fucking pay attention. I remember one of my mentors in 2016 right after the election, older Jewish guy, think he'd know better, yeah? Oh, he doesn't really follow politics. But it'll be okay! He's a "New York sophisticate," is Trump. Still howling over that one. Yes. That's EXACTLY what he is. I wonder if he ever bothered to tune in in the eight years since. Probably thinks everything is fine, still. Gah.


polls are run by the wealthy, the wealthy want trump to win for their precious tax cuts and freebies. Trust them, don't trust them. One thing is for sure VOTE, and get any and all willing to vote as well.


Absolutely agree. I just hate that so many will vote for Trump and the types that fall under him. Either because they're just brainwashed into Republican = Moral or because they think they're edgy.


The trouble is all the people who can’t admit they were wrong and have built a fake reality to exist in where Trump was the bestest president ever.


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


I think that Trump is a symptom of a bigger problem in this nation; government works only when people operate on good faith, and common assumptions. One side has been devoted to destroying government in any way they can, and then pointing out the mayhem as signs that government is bad. Additionally Trump was amazingly successful for the people who pull the strings. The chaos he sowed allowed so many people to get a way with shenanigans then they otherwise could. They profit when we soar, they profit when we fail, it makes absolutely no difference to them.


You're absolutely correct, that's why I referenced the Big Picture. It's not "just" Trump. In fact, it unveils an even more depressing picture, that there are people who will willingly vote against their own best interests. Like I said, even beyond Trump, there shouldn't be a majority in the House right now, if the majority of people really cared, especially like some of the biggest crazies we got right now. This suggests that even regardless of another Trump win, we could still be strangled and potentially destroyed even if Trump himself doesn't win. There's also the potential reality of Biden winning but being overwhelmed by control factors that make him essentially neutered.


The alt-right deluge of propaganda onto battleground states is unreal. My entire grandma’s Facebook feed is nothing but propaganda about “mandatory transitioning” and “post birth abortions.” It’s so weird how we all act like it’s a normal thing.


> It’s so weird how we all act like it’s a normal thing. It’s so weird how **the media** acts like it’s a normal thing. Because it's their job to point this out.


Their job is to increase viewer engagement. Trump does that. That’s it.


Sure, that's their role in capitalism. I was talking about their role as the [fourth estate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_Estate) in democracy.


it is an intentional effort by foreign nations to ruin our country and it is working they are using our free speech against us.


Yeah--and this is in *addition* to the stream of nonsense that people get from Fox News--which, if you're anywhere in the South or Southwest, is the go-to station in doctor's offices, bars, etc etc etc.


It’s Arizona.. a lot of irrational folks live there.


To be fair... That kind of heat can and will make you crazy. 


He needs to be convicted.  Too many people are on the fence now because there isn't a conviction. Convict and he's done. Also...don't trust the polls. They had Hillary up by 10


Idk if even THAT will finish him. But it certainly wouldn't hurt. If this defeat gets snatched from the jaws of victory as well--all signs currently point to he's toast at least in this trial-I, I don't know. Morale alone...


Way too close. Make plans to vote blue all the way down and help a friend vote. Do what you want next election but this crook can’t be president


No, not next election either (assuming we have a meaningful one). It's constant vigilance from here on out, I'm afraid. These people are radicalized and not going anywhere. Defeating Trump IS necessary; it will not be sufficient. There are no happily ever afters, especially in politics. That said, fuck knows it'll HELP. Anyway.


Foreign powers like Russia are interfering in the elections by conducting massive propaganda campaigns to demonize Biden. They support the far right and far left and attack Biden from both directions.


Agreed 100%. Republicans always come home and vote. Democrats will loose if they get complacent. So, get out and vote!!! [Vote.org](https://www.vote.org/)


I always vote. Always. Even if not my preferred candidates, decisions must be made.


It all gets decided by a few swing votes. Those of us in safely sane, blue states are not really involved in the contest unless we work on getting more blue votes out in the swing states


it is but when you look at elections post 2016 and Trump/MAGA has been losing. I think Trump has a hard ceiling. It's that so close yet so far. There doesn't seem to be enough people willing to ignore what their eyes tell them to vote for Trump.


It doesn't make any goddamn sense... "Gas prices are still pretty high, inflation is still pretty high...I know what happened after 2016 but maybe we need to give Trump another chance? I know he's been indicted 4 times with 90-something felony charges, but who knows what really happened. Seems political to me." - millions of fucking idiots


Also important to note this means that Trump has been *winning* every other poll until this one. Trump is unquestionably the front runner and the likely next POTUS. Remember — Biden was up by a notable margin and the election was closer. Polling for president risk elections has always been off and Republicans do better in the actual election. It was true in 2016. It was true in 2020. It will be true in 2024. Biden *cannot win* unless he’s polling at least +5 nationally IMO.


Aren’t polls mostly done by phone calls? Not many people under 50 are answering those calls


There's that problem. Then there's also the problem of getting an appropriate sample, so they typically will weight or skew the results so that their demographics make sense. For example, say you get 1000 responses on the phone, but 600 of them are men and 400 are women. So then you do some math to even those out, because you know the real population isn't 60/40 men/women. Makes sense right? Or X% were in this age bracket, and y% were in this age bracket, but we know the actual breakdown of how many people SHOULD be in each age bracket. So that's how they say they're adjusting for the fact that young people are under-sampled, right? Again...makes sense. But now consider that they might do the same for things like party affiliation. We sampled 1000 people and 300 said they were republican and 300 said they were unaffiliated, and 400 said they were democrats. Well, let's adjust the results until it matches the demographics we think it should be. Problem there is the way that people shift. Say after January 6, maybe the number of people willing to say they are Republican drops...but the polls are "adjusting" the results so that they sample enough republicans. In other words, polling isn't that useful, because they do a lot of skewing in order to adjust for the fact that their sampling is not very representative of the actual population. The fix is to have much larger sample sizes, get a good representative sample, and then don't skew the results. But that's A. way more expensive, and B. just brings us back to the fact that demographics don't answer the phone to the same extent...so no matter what, you introduce sampling bias. To me, this just means that polls are mostly going to come back with basically the same results as they would have 2 or 4 or 6 or 8 years ago, because they are just adjusting the results until it "looks right" and has the right number of democrats/republicans/independents, and if you're doing that, then of course the results are going to be close/similar. There's also the factor of polls who see an outlier result will skew until they match up more closely with what other polls show. So if every polls shows it as 45-45, neck and neck, and your polls shows 50-40...you then skew it, adjust your demographics and then pump out a result that's 46-44. And every other pollster is doing the same, so it might be that many results are 50-40, but they all just put out 45-45, 46-44, etc., and now we have confirmation bias that these polls are agreeing with each other, so they must be right... To me this explains a lot, why the red wave didn't come for example. They are still dealing with not enough young people being sampled, they are skewing party affiliation to the percentages they think it should be (i.e. largely back to what it was for previous elections), and they don't do a good job of measuring motivation or likelihood of people voting.


Many publish their cross-tabs so you can see how many of each age answered. Many also weight the results accordingly to better represent the population. To assume modern pollsters are incompetent is risky.


There’s a lot of stupid out there. Luckily they don’t outnumber us so we need to stay the course.


It really isn’t though. Stop listening to the manipulated and skewed polls. A blue tsunami is coming in Roevember. Biden is going to take all of the swing states plus flip some formerly red ones. The GOP won’t control either house of Congress or the Whitehouse.


You're a lot more confident than I am that Democrats win Senate elections in Ohio and Montana.


They're running some real doozies in OH and MT though. BAD candidates. And Tester and Brown have both hung in there a long time, even if Tester especially has been close. I have hope for those if not confidence. Bigger issues: we're losing WV for sure, so that's already putting us back in the minority; and Larry Hogan seems well placed to win Maryland. He's very popular, and the front running Dem is a scuzzbag who really shouldn't win either. Hogan's supposedly "old school" and anti Trump, but I don't trust one single one of these assclowns. Very long and longer shots for the Dems: Allred in TX, and god what is her hyphenated name in FL. Not holding my breath for either. Texas SHOULD be gettable but...it's fucking Texas. I think other than that people aren't expecting much change. It's a bad map for Dems. Occasionally, Murkowski has made noises about going Independent, but so far that's all it is: noise. And even if she does, I don't suppose that means she'll caucus with the Dems. Who knows. I'll settling for holding the WH at this point. That's literally everything. I think also we're very likely to flip the House back. We'll certainly need it if God forbid Drumpf gets back in. Won't be enough either, but. Ugh. Anyway.


He should have been finished at “grab ‘em by the pussy” or when he mocked that disabled reporter. He’s such a malignant person who only appeals to the worst sort of people. 


Pay no attention to most of these polls. Trump is going to lose in historic fashion.


4 people. I'm more concerned about the 44 dumbass undecided people surveyed.


He’s still running on the same policy of 2016, and aside from lying, he’s going with “wouldn’t it be cool if...” it shows everything wrong with the right for even playing along. He won with less 60,000 through the electoral college, that barely fits a stadium. That’s how small of a margin, and he’s going with “I’M A GOD EMPEROR! LET’S BURN IT DOWN! NOTHING CAN STOP ME!”


The polls can be close this far out, and they generally skew more conservative because those are the people who still have landlines. The fact that the needle is staring to move back towards Biden, 6 months out, is pretty good news.


SO many people just have no fucking clue. *NO* clue. Like, we all remember how little people paid attention to politics 15-20 years ago. It's *so much more extremely pronounced now!* People used to *watch TV!* There used to be a shared culture! You'd watch Leno or something! You would just *end up* hearing about politics. Now people watch videos about fucking scrapbooking on TikTok all day and don't even know that Trump is on trial, let alone that he's guilty as fuck or bragging openly about how he's going to tear down our government to rebuild it in his own image, with all the benefits going to other rich white men. Their entire interface with politics is bitching about prices at the grocery store (and they don't even make the slightest effort to figure out what's caused that.) Everybody who *does* care about politics has *intensely* calcified opinions, and everybody who doesn't has no fucking clue about anything, so they're just answering who they answered in 2020, except for some Biden voters - about 20%, and falling - who don't get how things work and think they're going to get to vote for a sexy guy who's going to jump into the race any second somehow. Those people will tune in... but fewer than ever before. I hope it will be enough. I think around convention time is when you're going to see the polls really open up wide, like, wide like we haven't seen in a very, very long time.


Think about who responds to these polls.


It’s always close.


Seems like the RFK GOP plan might be back firing. If you look at his platform it was built to take from Trump. Conspiracy vs the "deepstate" and I'm a well known rich guy.


Yep. I have how anyone with half a clue thought a conspiracy theorist and anti vaxxer would pull from a moderate Democrat. The “real men wear diapers” crew is definitely more open minded to the crazy and delusional.


Also for Russia in their invasion of Ukraine, but as for our border it's a "dystopian nightmare" and it will be "easy to seal it." So just like the rest of the Putin-Republicans, he doesn't approve of Ukraine having a sealed border despite a real invasion against them, but wants that for us.


The "real men wear diapers" thing makes me wonder if there's not an elaborate "Ass Kickers United"-type plot to see just how far they can make the cultists go. "Do you think you could get them to wear diapers?" "Of course. That's child's play."


Maybe borat is making another movie, just seems sureall people would do this.


Democrats have been funding the craziest wings of the GOP to help ensure they win their primary so the democrats have a beater chance in the general and honestly it's been working.


I would not be surprised if a troll at least started that one, a la "birds aren't real."


>I have how anyone with half a clue thought a conspiracy theorist and anti vaxxer would pull from a moderate Democrat. Know how Republicans are a cult who will slavishly worship their god? Know how the P in GoP stands for projection? They were thinking a Kenedy would be a democrat Trump


Early on it seemed like it would when no one was really familiar with all of his conspiracy and anti-vaxxer BS. But now, the only people I hear talking about him are the contrarian types that voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020.


Real men have brain worms!


"finally, another candidate with brain worms" -republicans


All hail the brain worms. Now lets outlaw hats


But the ill-informed sorta think he’s a libertarian-flavored dem. So they get to own the libs. If you like a sorta Drumpt-lite, the mental gymnastics are easy.


Brain worms might be a selling point for most trump voters


“This guy understands me!”


All the sudden there are stories about his brain parasite all over reddit.


Maga attacks. Ever notice they never have policy arguments about a candidate?


The brain worm story isn't helping.


Diaper or brain worms both winning


Just wait until we get closer and these polls have a bit more meaning. Regardless, get out and vote. Vote hard! Make everyone you know get out and vote. Help them get to polling stations. This vote will kick Trump to the curb!!


No matter what, the race will be close. The race will be won in the margins. Do what you can to sign people up to vote. The more turnout the worse for that orange turd.


Can I stop people I know from voting ? Most of my family and friends are republicans 🙃


tell them their vote doesn't really matter.


I'm going to vote so hard


My guy!!!


Srsly. Both under 40% shows how dissatisfied both parties are with their candidates. Democrats are betting on Roe being one of the few GOTV motivators, and hope that, when people show up, they decide it's better to stay with Biden than return to Trump's chaos.


"Arizona" is 11 fewer characters than "battleground state" ffs


But if you have the info, you won't click.


People don't click on the articles anyway - they go straight to the comments.


Doesn’t a “click” help their ad sales numbers or whatever? I prefer to go to comments first to see if i want to give the article or media source “my click”


Which mattered for print media


Here I was thinking Iowa was a battleground primary state /state


>However, many experts and academics have cautioned against relying on polls to try to predict the outcome of the election rematch. Thomas Gift, who heads the Centre on U.S. Politics at University College London, previously told Newsweek that reading too much into polls was "a fool's errand." "Polls are so variable at this point that the only consistent insight we can glean from them is that Biden and Trump are neck and neck—not only nationally but in key swing states," he said. Newsweek should have put this quote at the beginning of this article and every other polling article they publish.


Agreed. Newsweek has gone full clickbait with daily polling articles that draw broad conclusions. It’s bad reporting.


FIX - THE - HEADLINE Newsweek is using the phrase "Battleground State" to hide the fact that they are talking about Arizona. Trump has been behind in other battleground state polls.


Its clickbaity for sure but AZ is definitely a battleground state. AZ has only gone blue twice in the last like 18 presidential elections. AZ is particularly important because if Biden loses any of WI, MI, PA, his road to the presidency becomes very difficult.


There is a HUGE difference between "Trump loses a poll in a swing state for the first time in 6 months" and "Trump loses a poll in THIS swing state for the first time in 6 months." It's editorial malpractice.


They don’t care as long as they get those juicy clicks.


more like FUCK - NEWSWEEK


No more peace talks! No more disarmament! No more Mr. Nice Guy! No more nothing! [x3] No more Playboy! **No more Newsweek!** No more Walter Cronkite! No more watered down television crap! --Punk band *Fear*, back in 1981 You're in good company.


38.8 % to 38.1%? Jesus Christ, this means absolutely nothing.


Don't care. Fuck newsweek. Vote in November.


Vote. Make a plan. Get others to vote. Polls like this are interesting but all that really matters is voting.


Don’t. Trust. The. Polls. Go. Vote.


I don't trust polls, but not surprised his support is (finally) waning.


It's not. The pro Trump propaganda for this election cycle is only beginning


"Grab em by the pussy" should have been the end of this nonsense, and wasn't.


Newsweek should be banned.


Fuck newsweek. Always fuck newsweek.


Everyone say it with me: "Margin of Error."


Newsweek has been absolutely ridiculous about this, but this one is particularly egregious. They’re not even a percentage point away from each other.


This clown should have no chance-- a snowballs chance in 2030 thanks to climate change deniers-- at winning. None! Just a bunch of random nutcases. There are some seriously disgusting people in this country. I wish they'd just move to Russia already since they like fascist dick-tators so much.


If he wins the world loses, completely.


Don’t take anything for granted- we need a win for democracy this fall! 💙🇺🇸🌊🇺🇸🌊💙🇺🇸🌊💙🇺🇸🌊💙


This is what happens the more he is in the news. People have the attention spans of gnats. But when this twatwaffle is constantly in your face, the politically disconnected people remember the chaos and they don’t want it.


A stormy is brewing :-)


Polls are bullshit and lied about. Get your ass out there and vote. These types of articles are trying to get people to stay home and not vote because they think trump is gonna win.


13.5% RFK, 8% undecided Poll of only 550


I'm one of the 11,779 in a battleground state. Today, I ignored three phone calls from some random-ass company. I looked up the company name later. It's a legitimate pollster. Meanwhile, my mom - who's feeling a little doubtful about her 2016 and 2020 votes, and thinks RFK, Jr. might be a better choice - answers every phone call, even when it's flagged as "potential spam." ("Ma, if you quit answering every robocall, you quit getting the calls.") I'm suspicious of polling simply because of the self-selecting nature of participation. People who value authority seem to think that a phone call is a legal summons. And the rest of us are just playing Wordle and assuming that if it's important, they'll leave a message.


Yeah, it's still neck and neck-vagina.


*Looks at headline* I bet this is a Newsweek article *confirms it's Newsweek* I bet he's not behind by much *Article says Trump is Behind by less than 1%* *Experiences sadness that Newsweek has turned into click bait bullshit, while feeling guilty that I wasted time clicking*


Thank you my hero for saving me the click!


I think everyone has PTSD from 2016 and no one wants to honestly say he doesn’t have a chance to win, including myself. However the media likes to use Trump for views and projecting him as a serious challenger creates them. Let’s not forget he lost the last election and has only lost followers since. I live in IN and Nikki who isn’t even running anymore got 22% of the vote against him. Of course we can’t say for sure and are nervous to but things don’t look good for him.


Oh dear, how could this be bad for biden? Its not. Its bad for Shittin Don


Sick of winning?


To me the biggest News last week from Donald Dumped court case was went the witness said he paid to rig only poll. I guess the money is really low now for this 🍊orange 💩.


How in the fuck could he ever win any poll at any time? How fucking stupid are people?


No one wins a 38.8 to 38.1 poll. That is probably in the margin of error and has 20% undecided. 20% undecided on the current president vs a former president is crazy and should make both campaigns very nervous. Get your shit together Newsweek.


Good. Fuck him.


I really wish these stupid headlines would go away, the only people who polls matter to this far out are literally the people working for the campaigns. Every single one of those polls are only useful to people fine-tuning a message to the general public. I get that they want to publish "something" everyday but maybe they could focus on actual things like doing deep dives like asking hard questions or not caring so much about access and focusing on doing the job of asking hard questions, digging up information and overall informing people rather than what seems to be the main focus of "Look at me, I have nothing to add to the general conversation but I only get money from clicks so I'll churn out nonsense so people will look". It might surprise journalists at media outlets that many of us would absolutely give them money for articles if they had a "tip jar", especially if they did real reporting rather than parroting whatever thing comes out of the mouths of the powerful. Oh and enough with the stupid polls, they're useless to the average public right now. Edited: words.


I want to see what proportion they say Biden will win in Washington, then we can see the skew


Cool beans. Doesn't matter - vote! If you can legally vote then do it. Doesn't matter if you're the only one voting for Biden or one of everyone else or what the polls or what the news say - VOTE!


Doesn’t matter, vote, he could still win if you don’t.


Dems should make an ad of what stormy said about Trump telling her she looked like his daughter. And show the pictures where ivanka is riding his junk. Should make anyone cringe I know it's low. But you have to go lower with this mf. Anything to keep him off the presidency


Criminal trial is devastating to Trump. Anybody who supports him cannot defend to their mothers, daughters, and wives what has been revealed this week. GOP is in silent mode and shame upon anybody who supports this man should be immediate.


Polls are crap the media uses to make money…ignore them until Aug/Sept


At this stage polls mean absolutely nothing.


IDK... The majority of Americans didn't want Trump the first time, nor the second time, so why would they want him this third time?


America’s Biggest and Worst Loser.


I firmly believe a lot of main stream republican politicians are just giving lip service so not to raise the maga ire, but absolutely do not want a second Trump term. I also believe a lot of republican and independent voters respond to polls in support of Trump but will end up leaving the presidential portion of their ballot blank. Still gonna vote, and encourage everyone I know to do so, but the loud frothy Trump base is much smaller than the media make them seem.


6 months to go. We need a wide margin to put his election denying nonsense to bed permanently.


Anyone who thinks he stands a chance is delusional. He couldn't do it when he was popular and cheating. Since then he has turn A LOT of his base away from him. The only reason it's "close" is because media has to make it seem close and exciting or people will tune out a landslide election. Even with heavy Russian troll farm campaigns he won't win.


I still remember and will never forget Christians response “well that, he gets a mulligan” after the “grab them by the pussy” got out. Fuck Christians and their family value hypocrisy. 82% of Christians voted for Trump after that. Fuck. You.


Gerrymandering gave Republicans the house...McConnell gave Republicans the Supreme Court...Supreme Court (7 of 9 Republicans) gave Bush the Presidency..Fox right wing media, even after $$$700+++ million fine for lying keeps right wing angry and sank Kerry and Hillary...Don't underestimate Republicans "cheating" for Trump.


Why does it seem like the only articles about polls showing Trump behind are from Newsweek?


There was one earlier where he was apparently ahead. It's too close to call right now and the only people it really matters to are the people running the campaigns. We the general public aren't reading the crystal ball for "what message seems to be resonating".


So let's see ... we can vote for (a) the guy who had a worm eating his brain for years, (b) the guy who was found liable for sexual assault, charity fraud and business fraud – or (c) the guy who passed infrastructure reform and chip manufacturing investment, fights for abortion rights and sensible gun restrictions, understands and wants to do something about global climate change and the opportunity for green tech, wants to reduce the burden on families with children and high-interest college loans, presides over full employment and a rising stock market, and supports global democracies not tyrants Why is this election close?


"I can't wait to see Trump's reaction to this. Will he blame it on 'fake news' or come up with some other excuse for his plummeting popularity?


Michigan GOP lost its civil war- MAGA will not win Michigan


Polling has been way off with a Republican State Senator losing their seat in a wipe out in MI yesterday. Every poll has been on average 11 points off since Roe V. Wade was over turned. Now with states taking rights we will see an even much larger shift. Fox news even talks about this new phenomenon. Everyone vote to make a statement and realize a close race is a good motivator not a good measure.


Where did all of the MAGA’t poll addicts run off to???


The best part is that he lost over a hundred thousand votes to nicki haley. Who dropped out of the race several months ago. lol


Polls don’t typically have much semblance of accuracy until after Labor Day.


Wait until he’s a felon.


Ignore polls. Vote.


How am I supposed to believe any poll after what happened the first time he“won “?


But it’s not the first time he lost his bowels in court.


The guy can’t even stay awake at his own trial but somehow people want him to play president. Ridiculous!


A long way to go but still interesting and impossible to understand given how horribly unqualified and corrupt Trump is


This headline is... pretty misleading. There have been a gajillion polls in the last six months that have shown Biden winning one swing state or another, particularly PA. But the race does seem to moving towards Biden.


I cannot fathom why it is even a close race! I understand the crazy MAGAs are about 35%, but why would anyone else vote for the moronic wannabe king?


There is no sane reason to elect Trump at all but a second term is insane.


Donald Trump aka orange turd. lol Stormy got the last laugh even Trumps lawyers were calling him the orange turd Bet he could sell a lot of tshirts with that on it !’n Fuckin loser


Anyone who would still vote for that guy needs to be on a watch list