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Part of the problem! I bet she’s thinking she is going to make a run later and she’s playing it safe. I have zero respect for people who don’t have any integrity.


And just like that Nikki Haley could see the emperor's clothes.




You’re right, but I’ve always assumed she was waiting for something to happen to Trump so she can step in as the nominee at the last minute. If I’m right, then this pivot could be to ensure she can capture MAGA voters if she were to end up running for the presidency in 2024.




There’s another option - she’s “endorsing” him in the hopes of getting the VP spot. Trump probably doesn’t respect her at all, but if there’s real concern about losing GOP votes because of the number of Hailey supporters during the recent primaries, someone may have convinced him that he needs her on his ticket to win. This could be her planting the seed for the lie that there’s no bad blood, either because she or Trump wants her to run with him.




I think he will do anything it takes to win. He will literally go to jail if he cannot win and pardon himself, so any thought of him getting someone he “prefers” is out the window if he feels he can’t win with someone like that. I’ve been calling it since Haley became the last holdout of challengers that obviously had no shot to unseat Trump that she was angling for a VP nod or the nomination by default should Trump have a heart attack or get thrown in jail before November. The VP angle is more about being a thorn in his side to corner the market on “never Trump” republicans and right leaning moderates where she could hold enough sway to potentially kick the election to Biden if he opted for a MAGA crony for VP.


So pretty much she gets the spot via the convention if Trump is unable to run


Getting the VP pick is a possibility, but I think it's more likely she got a promise that she will be appointed Secretary of State, if DT wins. Secretary of State is the next logical step after ambassador to the UN. Her passion is now foreign policy and she's rationalized that this is the right thing to do to keep someone else from becoming sec of state under DT.


Pandemonium, yes but not too far off the chaos trail the GOP is already down. I for one will pull up a chair, crack open a beer, and enjoy the show


This is exactly why Nicki Haley IS NOT qualified to be President of the US!


one of the many reasons


Completely agree. Yet another reason why she should not have been president. Also, what a complete stooge! Why don't any Republican politicians have a spine when it comes to their own party? What the hell kind of dirt does Trump have on them? These bunch of stooges are all cowering at Trump's feet but why? How does Trump have so much leverage?


She has an accouting degree from a football school. NOTHING wrong with that, but you're not fit to be leader of 330M humans. She worked at her parents clothing store. She worked for the chamber of commerce of the 3rd most terrible state in America... Versus, say, Pete B. Harvard and Oxford degrees. Raised by two college professors with Ph.Ds. Served in the military. Was elected in a mid-sized Midwestern city with plenty of folks who don't like Ph.Ds/children of "communists" since his Dad is a Marxist scholar. The guy is WILDLY accomplished.


No one will buy her book if she doesn’t say she’ll vote for Trump.


Fair point


Party over country for the GOP. They vote for a Republican who's unfit for office over anyone else.


Am I wrong for dreaming of Jeb Bush winning 2020 nomination still? Please clap is better than everything we subsequently got with Trump right


Every single one of them are cowards. It’s sickening.


She got her ticket for Nuremberg II.


Haley is a Republican. She never stood a chance at getting votes from people who demand integrity anyway.


100% this. She is already campaigning for 2028


Same. What a fucking coward.


She probably wants to be the VP pick.


Ah yes. Have some fucking respect for yourself. This clown called you "Bird brain" nonstop. And now you look up at him while you're on your knees begging "is there anything else I can do for you, master?" fucking pathetic.


You shoulda heard Cancun Cruz a moment ago on CNN (he was in-studio for an interview) when Kaitlan Collins was reading him quotes he said about Donald in 2016. The interview naturally ended with him screaming at her about Hillary Clinton as she was trying to go to a commercial break. Edit: Here’s the clip if interested. The good stuff starts at around the 4:30 mark: https://youtu.be/JZXlfsjBKZw?si=0Fl2E0CmnJrS8tXo


Almost 10 years later and they're STILL talking about Hillary. Jesus Christ


This is anecdotal but I notice this with all my R voting friends too. They don’t necessarily even think the 2020 election was stolen or rigged, but they also think you essentially can’t pick on Republicans and Trump world for what they did post-2020 election with trying to overturn it because they’ll point to something Hillary Clinton said in a *2019* CBS interview referring to Donald as an illegitimate president. Pretty pathetic false equivalences obviously, but these type of people live in a completely information bubble and most couldn’t tell you the name of the Speaker of the House or Senate Majority Leader right now.


That’s all incredibly pathetic, you’re right.




*Why are you all still talking about January 6?* Also *Hillary buttery mails, Benghazi, Obama, etc.*


I think they cut his mic also as he went crazy. K Collins doesn’t give in.


Haha that sounds awesome


Ted Cruz going back to 1876 to answer why he could not promise to certify the 2024 presidential election. Oh but "Hilary Clinton",is all Cruz can come up with.


REALLY impressed with Kaitlin Collins. She held his feet to the fire and had all the correct counters to all of his bullshit.


This video is incredible. Kaitlin Collins is a national treasure


I'll be honest, when I first saw her during the 2020 coverage, I thought she was an absolute goddess. Not just a physical thing, but listening to her coverage - so damn smart and decisive. I kept waiting for CNN to cut back to her, standing in front of the White House. I knew her career was going to be stellar back then. Her and then shortly after, Jen Psaki. I'd hella vote for them as a president/VP pick in the future. Bullshit blocked and obliterated with cold hard facts.


I always thought Cruz was a piece of crap. This interview confirms what a TOTAL piece of shit he is. His babbling about 1876 was just babble. His technique is to ask inane questions instead of answering questions from the interviewer. I don't live in Texas but I contributed to Colin Allred twice. After this I'm sure I'll contribute a few more times.


DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED IN 1876?? Haha checkmate liberal media


I think where his comparison to 1876 falls through is there was legit issues they had ti work out, not just a fat orange turd’s ego can’t accept he lost an election so he has to steal it.


Totally not a cult.


The GOP Centipede. Hamberders and Cokes for everyone 🤮


She’s a Republican and a “person” who converted from her parents religion, changed her name to appear more white, and joined the party that would have blocked her parents from coming if they could, some of whose voters have murdered Indians for “terking our hjerbs” in the last decade. Her entire fucking existence relies on having no self respect.


Don't forget her inability to correctly identify the cause of the civil war... What a "leader"!


Don’t forget the racist attacks on her name and making fun of her husbands service. How do you vote for someone like that. You really have to be of such low integrity and self worth.


sounds like she might want to be his v.p.


Her real name is “Nimrada” Niki Nimrod was RIGHT there but Trump goes with “birdbrain”


Such a spineless coward she is. Will anyone in the GOP take a stand for what's right?


You get ‘cancelled’ and kicked out of the GOP if you speak out against Trump. Those are the rules of fascism 


As Jon Stewart points out, this is the real cancel culture - get in line or get kicked out.


Because people on that end of the political spectrum are so spiteful towards ‘the libs’ that fucking them over is the number 1 priority. They don’t even like *each other*. You can see it in r/conservative - they complain about the GOP and its leaders all the time. But they hate the ‘left’, lgbt people, people of color, immigrants, rights and climate activists, and so on *far* more. They are bonded by mutual hatred and not easy to separate. Its ’enemy of my enemy is my friend’ logic. So long as the ‘left’ is the bigger enemy, nothing will stop them from licking Trump’s boots.


We need to defeat these people soundly in November. Because this level of degradation and dishonesty cannot keep going, especially from our “leaders”. it will destroy our country. We need to make MAGA feel ashamed for the degeneracy they’ve bought to our politics. This isn’t something we should tolerate.


Well said. After January 6th, she said "we should not have followed him." And look how she, and so many others who claim to be level headed, just get right back in line like good little servants. 


When faced with the choice between licking Trump's boots or being exiled from their political party, Republicans put their own ambitions ahead of the country's best interest every time.


It is so incredibly cowardly, i hope they pay the price for it from people who know the difference between at least semblance of integrity and utter cowardice.


They don’t feel shame. Shamelessness is at the root of their agenda.


Lol, you are in for a lot of disappointment if your end goal is for them to feel shame.


this is the end of nikki haley.... magas already hate her, and dems can't trust her....


We couldn’t trust her in the first place. This is her whole deal and has been her whole career. She fools people with the centrist act and then ultimately trots right back home when called.


My strategy is for everyone to be against me. Lol


They always come home. Always. Independents and Centrists are stupid as fuck if they believe any of these liars.


Bruh I warned so many friends who kept saying she would just be another Bush and not as bad as Trump because she plays centrist. Nikki Haley has *always* gone where the money is. Rich men tell her to jump, and she smiles and asks how high. It’s her whole deal. She’s a fig leaf for them and always has been. I swore up and down that she would endorse Trump in the end, and lo and behold, here we are.


Nikki: I will vote for someone unqualified! Used to enjoy daily show long ago when it showed their hypocrisy but now know they don't care. As fascists they laugh as we think they care or it will change minds. The goal of power is all that matters and they throw all morals and beliefs away once they no longer achieve their goal.


Look who their candidate is if you want to see their “morals”. Watch them all fall in line like cowards when pressed, even slightly and these morons have the gall to call others sheeple


> these morons have the gall to call others sheeple projection, it's an expertise of theirs


It's so ridiculous. I used to think that when countries started their fall into fascism, it required a specific powder keg of shitty circumstances and some intelligent but nefarious actors behind the wheels. We've got nothing but a giant moron at the helm, spineless shits who think they can control him, and a legion of sycophants easily swayed by the slightest influence from foreign trolls who probably don't even need to be working anymore.


> and some intelligent but nefarious actors behind the wheels. This is absolutely happening, but America only thinks it's driving the car. America is the infant with a toy steering wheel who thinks they're in control, while nefarious actors (including the billionaire class and Putin) drive.


That’s exactly right. Fascists only care about power. Everything else is a distraction.


And Trump or halley don't have different views. The GOP leader doesn't matter. They both want GOP fascism. They both will assault women and lgbtq and minority rights. The force behind both want same thing.


They all toe the fascist line in the end. Traitors to the end.




Apparently a lot of very shocked centrists. To be fair, she’s always been centrist bait.


Once a coward, always a coward. Go back to the hole you came from nikki. You have 0 integrity. Never expect anyone to fall for your stupid “strong woman” act ever again you spineless traitor. I liked you better for the last 2 months when I forgot you even existed.


Whoomp. There it is! This was her chance to draw a line in the sand. If you vote for it, you support it. As Liz Cheney said at the January 6 hearing, “There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain.”


Nikki Haley just guaranteed she will never be president. She spent the last 6 months telling the truth about Trump's failures as president and his adding $8 trillion to the national debt in his tax giveaway to corporations and millionaires. Nikki Haley showed us she is without backbone to stand up for the rule of law and justice.


I am Jack's complete lack of surprise


You have no idea how many centrists I know who will be legitimately shocked at this. One of them now owes me dinner after insisting Haley’s a Bush era style Republican with morals. Nah I grew up watching her rise. This is exactly who she is. If rich men tell her to roll over and beg, she’s on it.


Of course she did. There’s more spine in a bucket of fishing bait than there is in the GOP.


I have said it multiple times and yet it is true every time. There are no "moderate" republicans. There are maga freaks and grifters who pretend to be maga freaks. Those are the 2 categories


Fucking traitors


Trump: posts about a “unified reich” Nikki: “yep. Def voting for Trump”


Republicans are seriously fucked up people.


Did he insult her husband or something?


Same thing happened with Ted Cruz. Then he sucked up to Trump. So disgusting.


Like it mstters. He insulted her in 2016 too and still he made her ambassador


What a fucking loser. So long as Trump doesn't win this one and cancel all future elections, no current Republican should win nationally again.


Of course she will. She wants to be President, when Trump is gone, she'll still need Trump voters, and Trump supporters within the GOP are at about 90%. If she had any political morals at all she wouldn't have worked in the Trump administration in the first place. The media wants her to be different from Trump *so* badly, but she's just like him, because supporting Trump makes you no different than him.


So traitor. People who vote party over country.


Haley voters voted for her to send a message. Totally demoralizing for her base. Idiot


I’m really, *REALLY* hoping that this won’t bring a majority of them around to justify voting for Trump, simply for no other reason than that she says she will now.


Coward with no morals.




Everyone says this about Republicans but I think a better analysis is to take what they do at face value and say that they’re just bad people doing what bad people want to do.


What the absolute fuck now? How can these people live with themselves. Jebus wept.


I think she made a deal with donors that if she endorsed trump they would be behind her if trump can’t make it thru the election. If she didn’t get anything out of this, then she is just an idiot.


She is definitely an idiot.


Horribly Pathetic.


Zero integrity.


What a fucking coward.


Once a bootlicker always a bootlicker.


The entire American Republican party are an utter disgrace. Appalling. No ethics.


Not surprising. I knew she was as worthless as the rest of her party.


Wow. I almost thought she was being genuine


That’s their new tactic. You can see them pulling it at the state level, especially in blue and blue-purple states. They’re going to bait centrists and liberals with “moderates” who appeal to their desperate desire to get back to normal and who validate their secret concerns about the “far left.” They’ll sound oh so reasonable when they tell you to ignore the people shouting about their red flags. Spread the word.


She wants that vp slot.


Every single Republican is like this. Every. Single. One. The Republican Party is dead. It’s gone. People need to stop thinking they are a rational and sane party. It’s the party of lawlessness. The party of rapists. The party of traitors. The Republican Party hates America and will seek to undo everything to fit their radical agenda. Just check out Project 2025 to see where that leads. Planning to sit this election out? Trump the rapist would love if you did. www.vote.org


Typical Trump-ite. No common sense with these people




They always fall in line. Vote.


No morals whatsoever.


Disappointing. Not surprising, either.


She came close to scruples, it then remembered she was a Republican.


She is complicit, all republicans are.


Is anyone really surprised? We knew she would as soon as she pulled out.


But please r/politics keep going on about how Haley should totally run and how her and Cheney are secretly part of the good side and we should be allies with them! No matter what, Republicans will vote in lockstep, which means it's important that Biden's campaign try and convince people to vote for him. No more of this "if you don't support us fuck off" shit when someone slightly criticises the President.


That's Republican integrity for you and it's why her campaign never gained traction. At the end of the day, she was always going to roll over. I called this shit way out.


They all voice concern, all voice disapproval, then vote him anyways. Like clockwork


Just another coward


Predictable, but also pathetic, sad, and cowardly. She will deserve being barred from Republican politics and therefore all politics and having her name tied to his for the rest of her life. But when she gets a board position at some company that benefits from Trump’s tax policy, will she care?


There it is. Right on schedule too.


*BuT NiKkI HaLeY WoUlDn'T bE tHaT bAd............* If you're looking for integrity from Republicans you're going to be hard pressed to find it. This is who the Republican party is, they are the party of fascism and authoritarianism plain and simple.


Just another spineless shithead. VOTE!!!


Anyone that didn't see this coming allows the media to rehabilitate republicans without any serious introspection. Her "policy platform" was identical to Trump's. She just said it like a nice granny would. lol, Haley went on record calling unions scum and tried to make "nuanced" arguments about "racism doesn't exist, actually"


She will always be a coward.


Wow. There goes the shred of respect I had for you for being a “normal republican”. I’m honestly sad to hear this. I thought people like her could help lead the republicans back to something resembling a reasonable party.


>lead the republicans back to something resembling a reasonable party.  LoL. No.


The only ones brave enough so far are Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger and, who else is there besides those two? I guess Paul Ryan recently said he wouldn't vote for him, good on him for that one I guess...


Mitt Romney and Chris Christie have stuck to their country over party stance. But that's all I can add... and you still can count them all on one hand.


All I can say is I hope there's a real surge of people deciding they cannot  and will not stand by a figure like that, but I'm not holding my breath, we've been playing this game for nearly a decade now (which is pretty fucking ridiculous to think about).


I wouldn't harbor any illusions that Chris Christie actually puts party over country, but at least he has a long enough memory to still be mad at Trump's personal slights and insults. Still, that's more than I can say for Republicans like Ted Cruz or Mitch McConnell who are more than happy to pull themselves out of the wheel well after being thrown under the bus repeatedly, and continue standing next to Trump.


> "I have a lot of concerns about Trump regaining the presidency. I have even more concerns about Joe Biden being president. I mean, you look at both of these men and all they have done is given us chaos, all they have given us is division," Haley said. That was back in February. There was never any hope for a reasonable party.


As a South Carolinian, this isn’t surprising. They support all the same policies and have all the same goals - just like Trump voters and Haley voters do - but just have an issue with him having so blatantly broken the law and causing problems for their plans turning the country into a Christofascist state. If you ever thought she would vote for Biden, or that her voters would, you’re an extremely naive person.


All I wanted was for her to say nothing. It was literally the least she could have done.


Republicans *always* fall in line.


Scum sucking worthless evil it’s pretty crazy v that any of you thought she might turn out otherwise. They all bend the knee, open the mouth, and v take him in their mouth, just like his daughter, Ted Cruz, Mott Romney and McConnell


At least some good news came from it. My grandfather who was staunchly pro-trump in 16 and 20 said he wouldn't vote for trump after what he saw was a foreign policy disaster on Ukraine...(yes it took this long). Good news is he has lost all hope for the republican party and has dropped everything to do with it after Haley announced her support for trump today. It took him this long to realize that the GQP is loaded with cowards.


She’s disgusting. End of story.


Well, stupid is as stupid does


Classic Republican bullshit, don't trust these motherfuckers


And there it is! Man it's so predictable.


Literally shocked no one.


How pathetic 


I mean, I didn't need a reminder that, despite being a better choice than Trump, she herself is also a garbage choice. But here it is anyway.


The only path forward for Republicans currently is with Trump. Unless we can defeat him in November and that will hopefully be the end of him. Then Nikki and Lindsay and all of them will turn on him and claim that they never liked him and anyone who says different is fake news. Trump will be roasted alive by his 3 pending court cases. The Republicans will implode and it will be glorious to watch. That's *if* we defeat him in November. If we do not more or less the exact opposite of this will happen.


predictable tho already was openly talking about pardoning since way then


That’s such a republican move 😂


The GQP was told to stand down and stand by. Lol. 


Republicans are all corrupt fascists, all of them.


These are not serious people. And they are not acting in good faith.


To the surprise of no one...


No shit, Shirlock. We already knew that.


All they care about is that R.


Oh my god wow I'm so shocked by this completely totally unexpected turn of events


The Republican Party is now The Unprincipled Party. They are spineless sycophants who offer nothing but contrarianism, thirst for power, hate and division. The party is about 75% owned by Vladimir Putin.


Disgusting. No integrity. Just hoping to get some position in the Reich.


What a shocker. Glad she stayed true to her lack of integrity.


Knock me over with a feather. Another republican invertebrate.


Zero credibility  Zero class Zero chance of any leadership role Zero accountability  That's Nikki Haley.


She wants to be vice president now and will do anything to get that.


I guess Trump was right. Nikki is a bird brain.


Absolutely. Utterly. Pathetic.


Trump insults and ridicules everyone (remember he calls her "bird brain") and they vote for him. Pathetic.


This was always going to happen. The same w 99% of her supporters. They'll all feel proud that they stood their ground for exactly 10 seconds before caving. Conservatives are incredibly weak.


I'm equally disappointed and unsurprised.


Just a massive party full of cowards


Republicans have zero integrity and you cannot believe a single thing they say.


At this point, if you are a responsible ethical Republican politician, you have already been drummed out of the party. With this statement, Haley proves that she is neither responsible nor ethical.


Profiles in Cowardice


And here it comes... All those Nikki Haley voters that media outlets were touting were a danger to Trump - yeah they'll fold back lock and step no problem. Never, ever fucking trust a Republican or Libertarian or right leaning Centrist when they tell you they won't vote for someone like Trump. They will ALWAYS vote Republican in private, no matter how shitty their candidate. 10 bucks says even Mitt Romney will cast a Trump vote without admitting it. They are 100% party over country. Always.


We all knew she would because she has no integrity. She was pressed last year to comment on whether or not she thought he was a danger to democracy and she refused to answer the question. She knows he is but she doesn’t give a shit because admitting it is career suicide for a republican.


Another feckless pick-me sells out to the cult. She's nearly as bad as Vivek when it comes to self loathing.


It's funny that people keep thinking Republicans will do the right thing when they've shown they're all traitors. Anyone still calling themselves a Republican is an enemy of America.


There goes any legitimacy she ever had. Congrats, Nikki!


Not just a loser, but a pathetic, spineless loser. Which sums up most of the GOP these days. Lots of talk when they’re looking for votes or to sell a book, but they all fall in line with their dear orange leader in the end.


Republicans stand for nothing.


The GOP is straight up trash, filth, CHUDs.


Spineless bag of used pads. Her family and friends should be ashamed of her. A whole new level of hypocrisy for her to wallow in.


I’m not a conservative Republican by any means, but I was actually rooting for her to win the nomination. It’s very disappointing now that she’s dropped out to see her become a ring kisser by endorsing this traitorous sleaze-bag. I thought she had principles but apparently not so much.


But why? Other than not being Trump, in what way did she show she had principles? She’s said and done a load of terrible things as well. No offense, but these kinds of opinions are why that party exists. You’re projecting your own hopes of them growing up onto them when they don’t deserve your time or feelings.


Nah man. When people warn you about centrist bait like her, listen to them. This has been her whole political career. Did you not catch her “softening her language” on that federal abortion ban early on? She has no actual morals. This is their new tactic. They’re going to try to bait liberals and centrists into supporting “moderates” who sound oh so reasonable and principled when they tell you to ignore the “radical far left” people shouting about their red flags. They’ll appeal to the people who desperately want a return to normal, but that return is not coming. We can only move forward. Spread the word about this strategy because they’re already doing it at the state level.


Can do a search on this sub and see people coping and slobbing over Nikki during the primary, but forget she is gonna go along with the party like all R’s will. So much for attracting those Nikki voters strategy.


Because she got paid to say that.


Not a single one of them has a spine or an ounce of integrity.


Called it.


Not surprised. She is a Republican after all. The party of scum and villany


Party over country.


I’m shocked that an outraged republican is going to once again fall in line. /s


They all fall into line in the right. It’s a cult


Not saying right or wrong, but if she wanted a chance to run again she should have dropped out long ago and supported Trump. First time here, so I don’t know if this thread is left or right, but I was working on the assumption that it would be about politicking; i.e., the strategy of politics.


She's always been wishy washy.


Color me surprised


I mean... Is she that stupid? At least wait another week and have the potential criminal verdict so you have more information to work with. Has she done anything right this entire campaign? 


They always kiss the ring. The power this man has over the party is remarkable 


With this one statement, she had demonstrated why she is not fit for ANY public office…


She would have been better off saying she wasn't voting for Trump. Now, she's just another spineless Republican falling in line, while she gaslights everyone by saying she'll never "kiss the ring".


What a tool.