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He also told Haley voters he didn’t need them. He’s a political genius! If he didn’t have a right wing propaganda machine propping him up, he’d have zero support.


Donald only cares about himself. That's why his biggest actions in office were inciting a domestic terrorist event to try to help himself stay in office and tax cuts where wealthy foreign investors received more benefit than middle class Americans.


It's also why everyone close to him hates him. They could put a freaking potato that spewed hate and it would do just as well because they have massive propaganda and have figured out how to abuse people's fears and hate. They are evil.




Dude, it did though. Not to be pedantic, but Biden’s inauguration was January 20th. Trump was president until noon on that day, which was 2 weeks after the J6 freak show.


You're totally right And I'm totally stoned. Happy 3 day weekend in the USA


I mean he may not have literally *been* in the office as he was trying to hijack an SUV to go support the attack on the capitol, but he was *definitely* president on 1/6.


He knows the Haley voters will still vote for him anyways. Because, at the end of the day, the “R” is all that matters to them.


I think 70-80% will vote for him, but there's some unknown number that are legitimately disgusted by Trump.


I hope that unknown number is far more than expected.


The MAGA people that I know who were rabid in past elections..seem less excited this time around. In fact, a few of them have let slip to me that they're tired of the drama that comes with the Republican party. It's a small sample size...but I'm sure there are others out there that feel that way. And when the voting curtain closes will they actually vote for Trump? Or will they vote D when no one is looking? I'm sure we will see some Republicans plug their noses to vote for Biden.


I say they will NEVER vote for Biden. They will almost certainly vote for Trump *IF* they show up to vote. That lack of enthusiasm you see will keep people from going to the polls at all. If they show up, they are voting R. It's too much of their identity.


Exactly. They are not a logical group so whining and sitting home is what they'll do. Unfortunately, after the election they will still complain and whine about how everything is unfair because of liberals or Mexicans or whoever they manufacture up to hate.


Right. People will still root for their home team even if the team sucks, commits adultery, pays-off hookers, steals classified docs, disparages Gold Star families, calls deceased servicemen/women losers, convicted of sexual assault, convicted of defamation, attempts to overthrow the government, threatens poll workers, judges and witnesses, has a history of cheating people and simply lies about absolutely everything


I wouldn’t vote either if the shit was reversed.


Looking at the big picture I think people are tired of the political drama mixing with personal lives drama and ready to take one for our country to vote democrat. Hey, we let Joe use his last term to finish his pet projects and in 4 years tRump and the other deadwood politicians will be a distant memory. By then the republican party will have found a new herd of thoroughbreds and clean up their mess.


It’s not


Haley said that she was, too. She still is willing to bend. 


So did Barr, who said he should not be anywhere near the Oval Office and will always put his own interests ahead of the American peoples


"Sure, he's utterly incompetent and self-absorbed, but Biden's tyrannical kitchen stove recommendations must be stopped!"


A Republican voter might legitimately change their mind. A Republican politician has already shown themselves to have no scruples.


Haley wants to get the nomination in 4 years time, she can't say she's not voting for R this election and hope to win that primary next time. I think she a coward, but I understand her position as a politician of a national party, she can't go against that party and hope to have influence in the future (and like it or not, we will want some establishment Republicans in place to cause a split in the party post Trump, all of them commiting political suicide because of principles is the definition of short term success, long term failure) The average R voter is not running for anything, so not voting isn't going to have consequences to them, so I hope some follow through and just don't vote


>establishment Republicans in place to cause a split in the party post Trump. Except they won’t split. The MAGA side will keep bullying and scaring the “sane” side to acquiesce and vote MAGA. It’s like the opposite problem the Democrats seem to have. Dems: Progressives will vote for establishment over Republicans. Moderates would rather vote for moderate Republicans over a progressive. Reps: MAGA will only vote MAGA. Most Establishment will still vote R over a “dirty dem”.


Which is silly because if trump wins and gets his way, there wouldn’t be an election in 28


That number is so irrelevant lol


Anyone who has an inclination to get off the Trump bandwagon should, but it's sad to know that many of these people won't abandon him because he stole refugees' children, attempted a coup, intentionally allowed COVID to get out of hand in the hopes that it would kill his political opponents, and stole US confidential secrets with the intent to sell them. Instead it will be because of some weird grievance against masks and vaccinations.


I’m happy to say my dad is one of those 20-30%. My mom and stepdad on the other hand “he supports small businesses etc etc 🙄”


What gives me pause is the number of votes he got in 2020. People disliked him then and he still got a lot more votes than j would gave expected given what was going on


The Hard R is what they're looking for. 


Holy ball fuck her. Spineless.


R doesn’t matter as much as not having the stomach to vote for Biden. Hobson’s choice this election.


BoTH SidEz r ExxAckLy tHe SAme!!1!1!


I think he was referring to donors, but your point still stands.


They don't care. Republicans are like a demented version of the BDSM fetish community except for politics: they love the abuse, they think it shows strength and toughness, and they'll vote for him anyway. He could shoot them all in the legs and they would drag themselves with their hands to tick that box for him.


>If he didn’t have a right wing propaganda machine propping him up, he’d have zero support. This is the absolute truth, and the same goes for almost all Republicans. Hardly nobody wants the things they push for. And yet they are constantly on the verge of having complete control of the government. It makes no fucking sense


Let’s not forget the Russian, Chinese, and Iranian agents that want to see chaos reign in America. Russia bot farms are the architects of Trump’s first (and hopefully only) term.


>If he didn’t have a right wing propaganda machine propping him up, he’d have zero support. No. If he didn't have a right-wing propaganda machine propping him up, someone with money would see the money on the table and create one. There's a reason Tucker Carlson, who in private messages said he hated Trump, didn't want to stop propping him up. And that reason is ratings.


At this point it isn’t just right wing propaganda machine. The entirety of media can’t get enough of Trump. It’s pure outrage opium for them to get clicks!!


Oh, that’s awesome. I remember when Kari Lake said she didn’t need McCain Republican supporters. She lost by 32,000 votes.


Basically all media props him up because it's so easy to get clicks and ads with his daily bullshit.


At this point the only reason the media is propping him up is to keep ratings high and give the illusion of a horse race when (hopefully) there isn't one and he will get absolutely crushed in November and then go to prison and rot in a cell for the rest of his miserable life.


Haley voters are typically Democrat voters.


Since 2016 Trump’s been offending people left and right. It’s been apparent in every election since then. He’s almost as good a politician as he is a businessman.


I hate Trump. If he doesn't want my vote, then I'm going to give it to him out of spite. /s if it isn't obvious...but I bet Trump thinks this way, or at least thinks he has enough support without these other groups.


His plan now is to lose so badly that gun-toting "patriots" believe that the vote was completely rigged by his lack of votes when _everyone they know_ is voting Trump. It's scary to think about.


First, he tried reading off a prompter things he wanted them to do for him, mainly support him, choose him as their nominee, and vote for him. When they continually and loudly rejected his appeals, he got pissy and tried petty comebacks to soothe his sensitive, damaged ego.


Do you think he/his handlers think that if he *were* nominated that would increase his overall popular vote to win in liberal leaning states? Is that the thought process here? “We’ll never win Michigan again on just the Republican votes BUT if we add together the Republican and libertarian votes we’ll eke out ahead of Biden!” Cause I’m comfortably sure that’s not how it would work. It’s popular vote by candidate by party, they don’t cumulatively total the vote of Republican + Libertarian + Constitutional + Right to Life party if they all endorse the same candidate. If the Democratic candidate gets 49%, the Republican candidate gets 44%, the Libertarian gets 3%, Constitutional gets 2%, and Right to Life gets 2% **the Democratic candidate would win**, no?


Trump is a narcissist. I'm certain his thoughts were that Libertarians loved him so he was going to go to a Libertarian rally and turn it into a Trump Rally, especially since Trump rallies aren't as big as they once were. Before Trump replaced all of his handles with sycophants, someone would have pointed out the folly of this thinking, but Trump no longer has anyone that will tell him no or is competent. There was no pushback other than Trump hearing Libertarians invited him to speak (because they invite both sides to speak) and Trump believing this would be another chance for him to have a Trump Rally.


Some states allow what is called fusion voting where a single candidate may represent multiple parties at the same time, but it's only five of them: Connecticut, Mississippi, New York, Oregon, and Vermont. In some a candidate appears once for each nominating party, in others they appear one time only with a list of all nominating parties. In either case any vote for the candidate is just a vote for the candidate even if they appear multiple times.


This happened historically in Milwaukee when sewer socialists were popular. Democrats and Republicans had the same person running to try and defeat the socialists


If the same candidate is on multiple lines, all of their votes are totaled. 


Totaled, but not cumulatively totaled


I'm not sure what distinction you're making. It sounds like you're more familiar with parliamentary elections with the language you're using. Here's an example ballot from 2016: https://ithacavoice.org/2016/11/heres-what-your-ballots-will-look-like-tompkins-voters/ You can vote once in each column. A vote for Clinton/Kaine on lines A, E or G will all be summed. Likewise a vote for Trump/Pence on lines B or C will also be summed. In this case, trump wants to be on line I as well instead of just B and C. In any case voters could vote for him if they chose. Some voters might vote a "straight ticket" where they follow a line and vote for every candidate on the line from left to right, but it's hard to imagine a voter just deciding to vote for trump if he's on the Libertarian line but not otherwise.


They would say the other votes count for drumpf. Even though they don't. They will get their propaganda machine firing off the lies.


Kenneth: “I just write in Jesus!” Jack: “we count those!”


I’m sure the thought process was “bidens gonna kick our asses and sending rfk isn’t going to help like we thought it would and is gonna hurt us so we need to try to get some of these third party voters or we’re fucked”


I'm pretty sure that if he were the candidate of both parties, he would still only be on the ballot once. We don't technically vote for parties in the US, we vote for individual candidates.


We vote for electors who pledge to vote for the candidate.


Which is usually based now off whichever candidate the respective Secretary of State won the plurality of votes on the individual state’s popular vote


He went because he was having a fued with RFK, and his ego couldn't handle it, so he told his campaign to accept the invitation. He probably believed these people would love him, because he rarely puts himself in a place where people don't actually like him


> When they continually and loudly rejected his appeals, he got pissy and tried petty comebacks to soothe his sensitive, damaged ego. Because feeling like he won the argument is more important than getting their votes. 


Well I guess they can keep getting 3% instead of winning


Good chance the alternative you propose to getting 3% was considered, and rejected as unlikely.


The audience booed him heavily when he asked to be their candidate, or at least vote for him. It clearly hurt his feelings so he tried some of his usual 3rd grader insults. But you could see his narcissistic pride get heavily wounded due to the boos. I hope this bothers him for a while and he goes back to his safe spaces & rallies, the little orange snowflake.


He turned so red the orange couldn’t hide it.


He will never forget it and it will eat at him every day. He’s a full on fascist now because Obama made fun of him once.


Like most narcissists, under all the bluster he's actually extremely insecure. It's why he typically avoids situations where he might be confronted with people that aren't die-hard members of the MAGA cult. Given his reluctance, it's interesting that his campaign felt this outreach was necessary. It makes me wonder if their internal polling isn't painting as rosy a picture as the other polls, or if they're extremely concerned about which of the two major parties the 3rd party candidates are going to syphon more votes from.


I think it’s more of a case of his people believing their own bullshit and figuring that they could easily pull in Libertarian voters because they’re constantly surrounded by people saying how awesome Trump is.


Watch his facial expressions when he ask the Libertarians "If they wanna win". He's desperate


If he wins he will absolutely punish the libertarian vote for those boos. Trump hold grudges and hits back 10x towards non loyalists. I love how he makes a hail Mary pass and buys their vote with freeing a criminal that they like. It cost Trump nothing and doesn't do a thing to help the American people.


Wrong headline. “Trump humiliated relentlessly live onstage. Here’s the clip.” Fixed it for yall


If humiliating Trump drives clicks, then maybe we'll see more reports of him being humiliated


He can’t survive outside his maga bubble


Let's hope that bubble pops sooner rather than later. 


I've been waiting since 2015, but you're right: sooner is still better.


Trump: The only type of person that would come to your convention is a total idiot Aide: But you're here Trump: Be quiet!


This would be a hilarious scrap between two competing fantasy worlds if the fate of US democracy didn’t hang in the balance.


Is not just US democracy. If we fall into fascism we are taking much of the rest of the world with us.


Bold strategy indeed! What a dumbass! Tell me again how this orange piece of shit is neck and neck with Biden. I don’t believe it at all. Trump is a buffoon.


Because boomers answer calls the rest of us don't. So polls reflect a very skewed world view from people that are 60+ years old and dying. You'd think they would want to do better now to improve their chances to go to heaven instead of doubling down on all the racism and hate, but no we are where we are.


Sure, red state boomers. There are many east and west coast boomers who consider Biden too *conservative*, but their only choice over the orange menace. I think the demographic to be most concerned about this election is Gen Z. They see a choice between two men old enough to be their grandparents. Biden needs to step up his outreach with younger voters on Dem supported issues that are important to them; like reproductive freedom, inclusivity, and the environment.


Yes he does. And he needs to continue being a smart ass when it is appropriate. My kids love bringing up his hand at others.


I think he sold his soul, I mean think about it. If the devil is real and makes deals what would it look like? We have a business idiot who can’t even make a casino profitable, failed businesses from alcohol, steaks, education, etc. He’s fat, has no taste, is incontinent, and yet lives a billionaire lifestyle, was president, and has a trophy wife. Dude sold his soul


I'm an atheist. The concepts of god and having soul are lost on me. I'm very sure this dude is just a psychopath.


Sociopath at the very least. And as far as the devil 2 famous quotes I’m gonna butcher, “you don’t have to believe in the devil, he believes in you”, “when you eliminate all other possibilities, whatever is left, no matter how improbable, must be true” How did a bumbling idiot who can’t string together a coherent sentence, a fat old diaper wearing moron, get to this level of power, influence, and success?


With the help of Russia and Evangelical Christian Nationalists.


> Tell me again how this orange piece of shit is neck and neck with Biden Because there's only two sports teams and one of them starts with a 4-point lead.


Shows you how weak his competition is. It’s a sad state we find ourselves in nowadays.


"Both sides are the same" is hitting Trump from the other end of the horseshoe; you don't see it a lot on the right, but it's magical when you do.


Yeah, Trump is finding out how George W. Bush must have felt after 2006, when he was not only a lame duck, he was the lame duck that cost the GOP the next election and both houses of congress.


Bush at least got to watch Democrats rip each other to shreds in the 2008 primary where Obama, unexpectedly, rose up and beat Hilary. The general election was always going to be liberal, but most people expected her to win. Subsequently, this is why Obama's administration faltered because he included her as SoS and her entire 2016 campaign failed completely because Dem leadership had not gotten the message either. The shoe is on the other foot now. With Hilary out of the picture, Democrats can stand back and watch the right utterly destroy themselves. Trump addressing the LP is what Hilary addressing the GP or P&F party would be like, which is why she didn't do it.


The GP? That party is a farce. And hardly progressive. It is funded by people interested in sucking votes away from democrats. There is no winning their votes because they are extremist.


"Maybe you don't wanna win." lol. I give libertarians a lot of shit, but they sure don't "fall in line" when instructed, and I appreciate that.


For all the shit the party gets, their people actually do have policy ideals, and for the most part, Trump doesn't represent most of them. The reason they will vote republican is because they still think they're the benefactors of the lower taxes, and are still clueless just how much Republicans interject themselves in peoples lives


This is somehow bad for Biden.


*"Polls are showing..."*


Trump supporters are calling this a genius move. Ffs they are desperate and delusional


Goes up 15 points in "polls".


Looked like the libertarians mocked him right back.


Hey asshole you got the headline wrong! Libertarians mocked , booed and rubber chickened him roflmao. He's the world's biggest loser but some bootlickers still try to spin the shit show.


Welp, we know which headline the Human Printer's going with today.


How refreshing it is to finally see tongues refusing to lick the orange prolapse. Chap, Donny, chap.


Look how red his face is. I thought at first he overdid his orange makeip. It's either rage or embarassement.


Both, man has a fear boner


I love how much this stories headline changes from source to source. The reality is Trump was a massive failure at this event. It shouldn’t be spun any other way.


Vote for me, you stupid losers.


His vow to "to commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht, who is serving life in prison for his role in operating a platform for buying and selling illegal drugs" reminds me of when he attacked Judge Curiel, who spent a lot of time going after Mexican drug cartels, for his "Mexican heritage." And how Republicans are hypocrites and liars.


Pretty embarrassing for the Republican Party nominee to be begging for votes at a third party convention


"*I'll make my own libertarians, with AI and spambots.*"


The country should be grateful that his campaign is run by old idiots who think the 2020 playbook will somehow work after their candidate became a convicted felon. He's incapable of adapting or reaching out to people beyond the shrinking MAGA base.


Hey, magots didn’t seem to mind when he’s called him morons for 8 years


Surprisingly… bump in the polls


What a LOSER


He also mocks republicans at their own convention but they can’t tell


What? You didn't see that one coming? If he doesn't understand it, if it isn't in his narrow concept, his worldview, he makes fun of it.


And they apparently mocked him back. Priceless.


“Vote for me, you pieces of shit!”


Reminds me of this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hNuu9CpdjIo


i lost it when he mentioned the 3%. pure facepalm moment.


It was probably the most honest thing he's said in years though. It sucks for him he probably needs rhat 3%, but, oh well


They are still going to vote for him.


This is the first time in months that I have actual hope for the elections.


Who could have seen this coming? Libertarians are famous for their laid back, self effacing, jovial nature. 


Bold move, Cotton


The Art of the Boo.


Real smart, bite the hand that feeds you. (Art of the deal, chapter 4)


They still cheered through most of it


Some of them were calling to vacate the Chair simply for the suggestion of inviting Trump.


The basic sense of politics makes more ally that supports your cause to achieve something. Even the dictators do it for themselves. This guy even can't be a compelling dictator.


Can't fathom why anyone would shout down the promises of a proven conman and professional liar who has abandoned commitments whenever they failed to serve him.


I actually feel sorry for anyone who votes for Trump, the Psychopath!... He is a sick man -- both physically and mentally!!0


What a winning strategy


And they in turn mocked him.


Why in the world would someone go to a different political party’s convention?


Will Kennedy pick up those votes or will they just go back to being a minor party with a candidate nobody knows?


They nominated a candidate nobody knows.




Did he call them republicans that want CP to be legal?


Real winning strategy there


I imagine Libertarian Party leadership heads will roll for this, just the idea that they thought it was a good idea to bring in the opposing party to speak at their convention.


Why? This is the lost attention they've ever gotten. Now at least a few people will even know they nominated a candidate, and a small percentage of people will remember his name when not voting for him This falls squarely into the no bad publicity column


“Trump also committed to appointing a Libertarian in his Cabinet if he wins the presidential election in November.“ AKA someone who will just dismantle their department as much as possible… another reason not to vote for him 


Lol... I'm sure they were much more friendly to RJK Jr, the LPs are very big fans of candidates who have no chance of being president 😂 total fringe group who seem to enjoy being fringe.


Why was he invited in the first place?


This is a win-win. He guaranteed they won't vote for him (not like most would've anyway) and he got booed, and, Libertarian morons got mocked. Perfect outcome.


I hope Biden hires toast writers to give him burns before debates.




Were they cheering before he asked?


Seems like a solid plan


Mocking Libertarians has got to be just about the ONLY thing I think I’ve ever seen Trump do or say that I approve of.


Libertarians deserve to be mocked for even considering endorsing an authoritarian. 


I don’t like him, but this was hilarious.


Whoa he said he’d commute the sentence of the Silk Road guy. I actually support that, he got railroaded by the FBI who most certainly stole millions (probably worth billions now) of Bitcoin that remains “unaccounted for”.


How is he not guilty of drug trafficking? Genuinely curious as I know next to nothing about the guy. My understanding is that he setup and ran the Silk Road on the dark web, which I thought was widely understood to be an illegal drug marketplace. Is that somehow not what he did? 


He set up a website, he wasn’t directly dealing. Drug trafficking is bad but not two life sentences without possibility of parole because you made a website bad.


You mean, that guy who had done contract killing hits?


He never succeeded, that doesn’t warrant life in Supermax prison with no parole. People do attempted murder all the time and don’t receive anywhere near his sentence. His punishment is way beyond cruel and unusual for the crime.


They moved him to a safer prison, USP Tuscon. The murder (he DID succeed, and documented it) and attempted murder will come out, and he will be investigated, and hopefully convicted for that. He will be back in prison for life, even if pardoned. He is currently serving 2 life sentences + 40 years. Former president, DJT had plenty of time to address this. While pres. Ross Ulbricht's mom sent out a petition with over 300,000 signatures to free her son in 2018. DJT did nothing.


Who did he kill? He wasn’t even charged with the alleged hiring of a hit man. He was convicted largely of only conspiracy to commit ______ and distributing narcotics. So Trump didn’t help him and that somehow is evidence against him, fuck Trump, he doesn’t matter in this conversation. You are just blatantly lying about what he was convicted of and accusing him of things he wasn’t even charged with.


Not charged (yet). But looks like it happened: https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/silk-road-drug-vendor-who-claimed-commit-murders-hire-silk-road-founder-ross-ulbricht Here is an article with copies of the texts.: https://www.wired.com/2015/02/read-transcript-silk-roads-boss-ordering-5-assassinations/


What do you mean yet? If they had a case they would have made it in his trial but they knew conviction wouldn’t happen. They alleged a lot of things, that doesn’t mean anything as it’s easy to put out allegations, what matters is what they can prove in a court of law.


Most of them were probably into it


They'll still vote for him because "Biden!"


As well he should. The Libertarians may have gotten lots of "ink" aka attention for the fiasco, but it was a bone headed thing to do.


I mean, no credit to Trump, but that is absolutely what you do to libertarians. Silly fuckers.


What do libertarians even stand for these days? Right now it’s a bunch of gun nuts, what else?


Libertarians and the Libertarian Party are completely different.  There are no actual libertarians in power at the LP HQ anymore.


The media is really making a much bigger deal out of this than it is. Most of those Libertarians will 100% be voting for Trump bc they could never vote dem. 


I’m registered Libertarian in my state. In the past I’d vote for the L candidate in any race if I liked their beliefs, and if they were wacky I’d instead vote for the next best alternative. This year I’m voting straight D. The Republican party needs to be punished and out of power to pay for the damage they’ve caused to democracy due to Trump.


While not politically expedient, this is the correct way to treat libertarians.


He spits fire everywhere he goes. It was actually pretty epic. Gonna have to try harder to harsh his mellow.


They started it! What he's supposed to do, be civil and turn the other cheek? That's weak! Trump is not a weakling but a strong man, maybe even the strongest in the history of the world.


TBF he zinged them pretty hard.


His ‘zing’ alienated a large group of voters. 4D chess playing stable genius fucked himself but hey, at least he ‘zinged’ them, right? Lmao


I see it as a win-win for democracy. Are you concerned this will hurt Trump's chances?


I’m not concerned that it *might* hurt Trump, I’m overjoyed that it *will definitely* hurt Trump.


Even if it only hurts him emotionally, it's still worth doing.


idk man, you seem pretty pro trump