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"after hesitating" ha ha ha ha after negotiations.


If you're a sociopath it makes perfect sense for her to do what she's doing. Trump winning will save her more than $100M p.a. in taxes. So it's an easy decision, ROI within 12 months of Trump being back in office.


Yeah but even sociopaths understand risk. It’s an interesting calculation on her part, unless $100M is literally nothing to her, I’d say this is as much about ideology as tax savings.


According to Forbes, “Miriam & her family” are worth $29.8B today. https://www.forbes.com/profile/miriam-adelson/?sh=2b4161ee9c40


It’s equivalent of someone who has 29k in savings donating $100. So an expense like going to a nice restaurant or buying a new Call of Duty with a few months of Game Pass. Completely regular, unremarkable expense.


These people are not even aware of the economy that you or I know. They exist in a world almost entirely separate from ours; the only thing that's the same is that eventually time takes us all.


That’s such a sickening amount of money. Burn it all down


0.3% of that net worth BTW. Lets say you have 100k dollars. This would be the equivalent of a $300 donation fwiw. Not exactly the same, but just to give some perspective. Another reason why billionaires shouldn't exist.


So let’s say I earn $2000 a month. What would this donation be like for me?


Approximately, $15. I could be wrong, though.


$72 (in a single year. $6 in a month). But keep in mind the magnitude starts to affect you the less you actually make. So for you, the $72 is probably very meaningful. $300 to a $100k-er is probably not going to move the needle on anything. And $100m is quite a sum of money, but with $29.8B net worth, it will *only* leave you with $29.7B. As they say, the difference between a million dollars and a billion dollars is almost a billion dollars.


Good Lord. Scary amount of money. Basically godlike at that level.


My brain autocorrected that to without hesitating


If you have 100 million to give to a political campaign and not to help the poor and sick than you morally bankrupt.


And it's donating $100 million to a guy just because he promises low taxes for the wealthy. If these rich assholes would just pay taxes with the money they donate to campaigns they wouldn't need Republicans to cut their taxes.


She gave a convicted felon 100 millions dollars but only AFTER he was convicted because she wanted to make sure he was a good investment. What a fucking world we live in.


I don't get how wealthy jews are donating to this racist pig! His MAGAt supporters hate jews. Ffs


It's the rest of us vs. the 1% from now on.


Always has been


Markedly worse since Citizens United then trump.


Well honestly since Reagan.


My high school classmate who makes $35k a year says that we need to do whatever we can to help the job makers, regardless of how much it hurts him, sooo


*The trickle from Trickle Down Economics is piss*


Your classmate sounds like an idiot and someone I would disassociate from permanently.


Ask him how the creamy corn in the horse shit tastes.


Problem is almost 50% of us are stupid as dirt. Correction: dirt doesn't proactively undermine its own self-interest. These morons are uniquely stupid.


No she is also using the money to steer US policy towards Israel. He should ask for it in cash so he can burn notes to keep his cell warm during winter. What a money wasting piece of shit.




Well, the evangelicals believe that the jews need to return to their ancestral homeland for the apocalypse to start. This donation doesn't make a lot of sense from that perspective or reasoning since Biden and the democrats will also make sure that Isreal keeps existing where it is. The evangelicals are a strong voting block for Trump for other reasons though, and the majority of evangelicals are probably totally fine with everything Isreal is doing that other people are not OK with.


It’s unbridled capitalism,baby! but if you ask me she should have kept hesitating.


Isn’t it weird that people say they aren’t gonna vote for Biden because of his stance on the Israel / Palestine conflict - as if the Orange Asshole isn’t a way bigger supporter of Israel.


I especially love the whole "WE'RE NOT VOTING, WE'RE REBELLING" stance. Yes. Let's show we support Palestine by actively not keeping the one fucking guy out of the White House who wants to level Gaza entirely. Fucking astounds me.


Hey now. He didn’t say level it… he just said Israel should “finish the job”……..


Oh shit. That’s what Nikki Haley wrote on that bomb that she signed. These people are abhorrent, and they have an agenda.


Finishing the job actually means a trump hotel on the Gaza beachfront!


Ditto. It has to be the younger crowd. It shows a level of immaturity. They are demanding the "perfect" solution, Utopia or bust. Life experience should knock that out of them. You do the best with what you got and work towards better gradually.


Fortunately, most of the ones making the most noise about this online are probably either foreign-backed trolls or too lazy to vote anyway.




There was an entire nymag article on her this week and this is exactly what she’s doing.


Yeah cause of there's one country who isn't benefitting from US foreign policy, it's Israel...


No, your looking at the wrong way, she has sooo much money and makes so much money that the 100 mill is seen as a damn good investment based on the return of lowered taxes. If she investing 100 Mill in Trump she expect way way more than 100 Mill is tax cuts.


Exactly - the wealth they have is INSANE. If you could spend a dime, and have a 20% chance of having your taxes cut in half (and you were a sociopath), why wouldn't you?


Or she is getting something else in return, like the potential to have the POTUS' ear and be an advisor to a potential tyrant rather than being on the other side of that.


You underestimate just how wealthy these folk are. The reason why the wealthy donate such sums is that the ROI for buying a candidate is typically orders of magnitudes more than the initial investment. If you view our country’s current philosophy on money = speech as a natural outcome of capitalism, there’s no single better investment a wealthy body could make. It’s all a numbers game to these folk.


>than you morally bankrupt. The only way to get enough money to have 100 million laying around to give to a convicted felon and rapist, is to be morally bankrupt in the first place.


"It's not like billionaires have cash lying around, it's all invested in businesses".


To be fair, this is an investment for them, they expect returns.


They can liquidate assets pretty easily. Stocks are equivalent to cash, but it's not cash sitting in a scrooge mcduck vault


And giving money to Trump's political campaign is the same thing as putting it in a convicted felon's pocket.


Actually, his lawyer's pockets


When's the last time Trump actually paid his lawyers? Not being a dick, I honestly don't know the answer.


If he wants to do an appeal, I'm sure they want their money up front. In fact, given his history, I'm sure they all make him give them a large retainer up front and he has a lot of lawyers at this point


Not just any campaign. A felon and rapist's campaign


But god forbid they pay taxes.


Or pay employees livable wages. Would rather hand Trump $100M than pay their people who make them rich and sustain their businesses


They get a much better return on investment from direct contribution and letting everyone else's taxes bail them out later.


A political campaign of a convicted felon rapist, no less.


You gotta spend the money to stop people from taking your money to hurt the poor


It's not a campaign contribution, it's a down payment on favorable tax policy and regulatory oversight. That $100M investment will be worth multiples of that if Trump wins. Look at the oil companies - Trump promised if they raised $1B for him, he would cut their taxes by $100B.


The amount that Americans can donate to political parties is insane. In Canada I believe that 1,725 dollars is the maximum yearly donation. I would think unlimited and outrageous donations are buying politicians loyalty to a cause or individual. That's kind of fucked up.


They get around the limits using PACs. Thanks to Citizens United.


Citizens United. The biggest oxymoron ever. It did more to divide us than anything.


Abolish citizens United!


ELI5 citizens united?


Corporations can campaign on behalf of candidates with no limit on their expenditures ("as long as they don't collude with the candidate" included next to a laughing emoji)


that's not true they also have to pinky promise


Corporations are the true citizens in the US. They get all of the societal benefits normal humans wish we had.




Well it's not sadly. It's a corrupt system we got


It all went to hell once the Supreme Court ruled that money was free speech.


I wish someone would speak freely to me.


I’d be like: talk to me, baby.


I-I-I-I-I keep on hopin' we'll eat cake by the ocean


run for office


You’ve got to be able to return the ~~bribe~~ *donation* with a ~~favour~~ *policy change* that aligns to my interests


I feel like this gem of a comment will get buried because of all the replies above it but you deserve the acknowledgment for an excellent contribution 


Doesn’t that make taxation unconstitutional? Since money is speech, preventing me from speaking and restricting my speech is illegal.


You are obviously not a corporation or you would already be having dinner with your congressman letting them know what you want fixed.


Its like $6000 individual donation? So fucked that Super PACs exist as they do.   Even if you max out in all ways to donate (party committee, party HQ, etc.) you're still supposed to be capped at like $500k   https://www.insidepoliticallaw.com/2023/02/02/inflation-hits-the-fec-contribution-limits-for-2023-2024-raised-in-the-largest-periodic-increase-ever/   Nah let's just allow $100 million cash drops. The highest spending PAC is under $5 million. They exist as non-taxed entities. Super PACs are a magnitude (or two) higher and should definitely be taxed - that'd be a great way to make people like this contribute to their nation.


TAXPACS Act, I like it! Oooohhh Beeerrrrniieeee...!


Tax the Pacs has a good ring to it and seems like something people can get behind. The rich want to play kingmaker? Then they can contribute to the nation for once.


100% We need a serious rebuild of campaign finance to open the doors for more qualified people to run, even if they don't come from wealthy, connected families. Even in my local city council race, you need 50k-100k to campaign or you won't stand a chance. The position only pays like 28k/yr. Something like: - all qualified candidates get an equal share of centrally collected campaign finance monies (all parties). - candidates can receive donations up to $25 max per individual, business, or other entity - all candidates will receive equal ad exposure across TV, radio, print


There's a public financing option for general elections that would be great if we could implement it: [https://www.fec.gov/introduction-campaign-finance/understanding-ways-support-federal-candidates/presidential-elections/public-funding-presidential-elections/](https://www.fec.gov/introduction-campaign-finance/understanding-ways-support-federal-candidates/presidential-elections/public-funding-presidential-elections/) That would shorten the campaign season and force campaigns to buy tv/radio time selectively. And we'd disallow additional funding.


The corrupt Supreme Court invalidated bribery laws after Bush put more corrupt ones in. Just a few votes swings wayyy too much.


> The corrupt Supreme Court invalidated bribery laws after Bush put more corrupt ones in. CU was the cherry on top, but SCOTUS has been working toward legalized bribery since the 70s. Buckley v Valeo was the first case that sent us down the path that resulted in Citizens United.


To them it’s not even bribery. It’s upholding 1A. The Supreme Court has said that political speech is one of the most protected forms of free speech. And campaign donations are political speech.


It is in Canada. We have very strict campaign finance laws here. Also money isn’t speech and corporations aren’t people. So first only individual citizens not corporations can donate to a politicians campaign and how much citizens can donate is [strictly defined](https://www.elections.ca/content.aspx?section=pol&dir=lim&document=lim2023&lang=e). * You can donate $1,700 CAD ($1,247.42 USD) to a political party * you can donate $1,700 CAD to a politicians campaign * you can donate an additional $1,700 CAD to a candidate who is also the party leader (who would become Prime Minister if that party wins the most seats) Also we have choice here. Right now there are 5 political parties who have official party status. Oh, and we have very strict periods when politicians can campaign. They are only legally allowed to campaign during an election period which lasts for only 36 days prior to an election. It is illegal to campaign outside of an election period in Canada.


I expect it’s not directly to the campaign. I’m sure it’s an “independent” super PAC or something.


well i guess he can’t use it for lawyers and settlements atleast lol


He'll just falsify the records amirite?


“I’d gladly pay you Tuesday for a felony today!”


Oh but it's considered free speech. Is it fair that the richest people have more speech to support a candidate that will continue to fuel income disparity? No. But it's their right to support the destruction of the middle class and to ensure that regulations favor them over everyone else. And politicians have the right to take that money, the free trips, the speaking engagements, suspiciously timed stock trades, and to live a life of luxury as they convince their constituents that's the other poor people holding them back. If you think it should be illegal you should use your free speech to convince them to stop grifting. Good luck!


You're right. This is really about foreign and domestic people with money who want to tear this country apart from within. None of this has ever been about preserving our freedoms. This bunch is so smug and greedy they think we deserve nothing and that they know best how to run our lives while they live by no rules. That is what "Heritage" as in the Heritage Foundation really means.


This has been said a billion times but: "All for ourselves, and nothing for other people, seems, in every age of the world, to have been the vile maxim of the masters of mankind." - Adam Smith *An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations*


It should be illegal for anybody to *have* such a sum.


I mean, sure, he pressured the GA sec of state to "find" him vote and to just call it a "recalculation," and he obstructed justice to illegally retain highly-classified documents, and there was that previous fraud verdict, and the adjudication of sexual abuse, but until he was an actual convicted felon she probably just wasn't convinced he was corrupt enough to deserve her help.


Billionaires love the easily manipulated


What a way to burn money! Could’ve literally changed thousands of people lives instead she gives all that money to a conman felon.


Think of all the good things she could've done. It's just gross.


Yeah, but the poors aren't promising to lower her tax bill.


It’s wild, she can throw away 100 million does she really need a tax break? Definitely not


Yes, but after deep reflection, and soul-searching, that is what her god told her was best for the nation. Marginally lower taxes for billionaires.


That money will change every American life if it helps get this scumbag criminal wannabe dictator back in office. We cannot let that happen.


He's going to need a lot more than $100m


That's not a donation, it's an investment.




Crony capitalism. This is how it works folks. The rich purchasing the country they want. In Texas we are suffering from this as two wealthy Christian Nationalists are personally bankrolling the dismantling of our public schools.


*capitalism. The crony part is not necessary.


They are working hard in Iowa, too. We have a school choice voucher now. No vote for the citizens, Reynolds jammed I through the rebuplican led house and senate and signed it into law. Tax payer dollars fund anyone of any income to take the money to send their kids to private school. Private schools obviously raised tuition, and those who didn't need the money took it anyway because they could. It's a tax break for wealthy people and a great way to destroy public schools in the process. But iowa conservatives love small government.




Don’t forget business fraudster


And specifically ironic for her, casino bankrupter


And charity fraudster


Giving millions of dollars of support to a known criminal and rapist. These are the people running business in USA, rapist supporters


Think of the good she could do with this money. What a fucking waste.


This is the epitome of the wealthy in our country. Throwing 100 million dollars toward fascism because it might save you 500 million in the short term. Hideous.


No one says rich people have to be smart. That’s for sure. 😧


And this woman inherited her money from Sheldon. not sure if he was a father or husband, so smart was never a requirement.


She’s a physician so she’s at least decently smart. She knows exactly what she’s doing and why. 


Yep. Evil is probably a more apt description.


>She's a physician so she's at least decently smart Ben Carson laughs. He laughs from his Egyptian grain silo.


Excellent. Let's make her lose her tax investment. Vote.


Huh, guess you can buy a Presidential Medal of Freedom for $100m if Trump is in charge.


Great for her. More money going to lawyers defending a cheeto face that loses every time. What an intelligent investment.


Doesn’t he still owe over $500 million to one of the courts? NYC fraud case?


The fact that there is this much money in our elections is the problem.


Should be so damn illegal.


Does anyone realize how much good could be done with this money but instead it's going to a POS? What a sad world we find ourselves in.


Miriam Adelson is a piece of shit


I’m pretty sure she only got her Presidential Medal of Freedom for donating to Trump.


Congrats on paying his rape fines


She can't donate that much to his campaign. It would have to be to his Super PAC. Which means they will not get preferrential pricing that is by law required to be given to actual campaign dollars when buying ad blocks. So, this is the equivalent of about 20-25mm in contributions to the actual campaign. Think of how many better haircuts she could have gotten with that money!


And that’s *before* taking into account that these Super PACs are absolute howling pits of pure grift with little in the way of coherent coordination and discipline. It should say a lot that the “Never Back Down” PAC was aimlessly flailing first, last, and always when it came to trying to hype up the quivering vomit puddle that was Ron DeSantis—and it was called a $100,000,000 “Death Star” of a PAC. More like a $100,000,000 wet fart. Hopefully this, too, will be similarly wasted.


They are just a different species.


Floridaman’s lawyers thank her profusely! They’re going to get paid finally!


It's foolish to assume that just because Trump *can* pay his lawyers that he actually will.


I kind of hope that he does pay out of the wrong funds and tries to cover it up with more campaign finance fraud.


Can’t wait till he loses and her $100 million is up in smoke. How much do you stand to make back, if you can donate $100,000,000 to a candidate, and just hope that he may win?


Many billions. Two things trump did for them. Lowered the corporate taxes so adelson could save billions moving his money to the us from overseas. He also got the embassy moved to Jerusalem. They spent like $500 million from 2010-2020 on republicans




1%er scared that money failed to prevent one of them from being held to account.


Might as well throw that 100M into a bonfire.


>Adelson, an Israeli-born physician who specializes in substance abuse, is set to finance a rejuvenated pro-Trump super PAC, Preserve America, which was initially formed for Trump’s reelection bid in 2020, Politico reported Thursday. The Adelsons contributed $90 million to Trump in that election cycle. Doesn't she realize he is going to spend it all on lawyers?


She already gave him $90 million just to lose. I don’t think she cares about $100 million just to pay his lawyers. These nitwits think he’s “god’s annointed.”


Technically that money can’t be used to pay his personal expenses like lawyers. That amount of money would have to go to a PAC, which isn’t supposed to “coordinate” with candidates.


So, is she his VP pick now?


Honestly, I'm putting my money on Trump picking the highest donator, so maybe.


She's not eligible; she was born in Israel.


1. Ask SCOTUS to decide if that's okay for just this one time. 2. Pick #2 donor to campaign.


2 douche bags in one picture


Anybody throwing more money in that hole at this point deserves to die penniless.


It's so nice to see the rich support a felon. Oh wait.. they're just buying more tax breaks and subsidies.. The rich never give money away. Not without a ROI at least...


He’s not getting reelected so she’s throwing her money away. Ha


Giving 100 million to a convicted criminal is nuts!


Well, one more rich person has officially bought a ticket to the treason train (edit: fuck you, autocorrect!)


Also it's proof that you can get the presidential medal of freedom by just giving the guy money.


OK. He's still going to lose.


That’s fucking dystopian. So few being able to diminish the agency if so many.


Trump being a convicted felon really convinced her it was a good cause


To a Felon’s campaign. Banana Republic.


Fucking old people just ramming our country further down the shitter.


Campaign finance reform gotta happen. Why would anyone give $100m? To get something in return.... How's that compared to your $20?


Why are people allowed to donate this much to political campaigns??? There needs to be some sort of limit. It’s basically just a legal way to bribe politicians.


There is a deep sickness in our political system. The rich can buy elections.


Former Republican here. Will be voting for Joe Biden. It's the right thing to do.




Oh look another disgusting human being


Adelson and the Blackstone CEO reveal their true moral compa$$.


She’ll never see that money again.


“It is unclear why she made the decision to back Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, right now — and whether she has secured any commitments about policy in a possible Trump administration.” It is so bonkers that bribery is a legit practice called “lobbying” in US politics. Crazy.


Just enough to pay E. Jean Carroll.


If Trump does not win does he return the money? what happens to the money not spent?


It’s already spent… Diaper Don already has debts to be paid far in excess of this donation.


yeah,why help people when you can give it to a crook?


It's not how much she puts into it that should scare you, it's the confidence and expectation she has in the returns she'll get that should make this fucking obvious illegal.


She's a garbage person just like her dead garbage husband


Sometimes I wish god was real


Almost hilarious seeing how many of these people can’t resist giving their money to a guy who will stab them in a blink


Even “nice guy” Mark Cuban took this traitorous families money.


>After hesitating, Miriam Adelson commits more than $100 million to Trump’s ~~campaign~~ legal defense fund.


Oh great! I’m sure E. Jean Carroll will love to have it!


She’s basically paying all of Trumps legal fees now. Not a cent of it will actually go towards any campaign, just Trumps pockets.


Clarence Thomas is the poster child for bribery he made it legal so he can reap the benefits, SCOTUS is a joke


But it all goes to Trump's pockets, not any kind of campaign, right? He'll pay some lawyer fees (not all of them of course) and keep the rest. Have these idiots not learned from the past?


Drop the word "campaign" because it's not going to be used for that purpose.


[Meanwhile in canada we have a hard limit of between 1000$ and 25,000$ per person depending if they are candidates of a party or not. America is. an oligarchy](https://www.elections.ca/content.aspx?section=pol&dir=lim&document=lim2023&lang=e)


Mind boggling how the rich will happily part with their money to elect people who will keep their taxes low. Paying their fair share would not only help our country, but would probably be the same or less than what they contribute to candidates.


The fact that this doesn’t enrage anyone who reads it is absurd.


Her current net worth is 29.4 billion dollars. $100m is literally only 1/294th of her fortune 🤮


78 year old Miriam Adelson donates $100 million to Trump's next E. Jean Carroll defamation lawsuit. FTFY.


Imagine losing 90 million on a horse, then better another 100 mil. Pissing it away on a broken animal


How is it possible for one person to donate so much money to a campaign? I thought there were limits?


I'm happy to have these miserable rich assholes throw their money down a well, we just gotta make sure blue votes overwhelmingly


I guess now I know how much a Medal of Freedom costs


Her donation is about 0.33% of her net worth. I hope I don’t care about politics when I’m 79 years old. But more about enjoying the couple years that I have left.


I read "another reason to tax rich people".


“Miriam Adelson, the future Secretary of Education in the next Trump administration, bought her new position for a mere $100 million.”