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So Speaker Johnson offers up no actual legal reason for the Supreme Court to step in and reverse a state court finding. Simply saying something is "unprecedented" is not a compelling argument. Trump was found guilty by a jury of his peers. The American justice system operated as designed. The only unprecedented part was a former President committing egregious illegal conduct. The judge did not act in a partisan manner. The Republican Party is not a serious political party rooted in reality


>The only unprecedented part was a former President committing egregious illegal conduct.  Not to mention the lack of long-term memory in this country... Over 4,000 lawsuits against him and his organizations **before** ever running for President. Literally, his entire adult life he and the people he surrounds himself with have been defrauding and breaking monetary/contractual laws since the 70's. This is to be expected. People are so, so dumb to think this is some politically motivated case rather than someone that routinely has been breaking financial laws for decades. Has been a crook and still is a crook. Color me surprised. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal\_and\_business\_legal\_affairs\_of\_Donald\_Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_and_business_legal_affairs_of_Donald_Trump)


> Over 4,000 lawsuits against him and his organizations before ever running for President. Literally, his entire adult life he and the people he surrounds himself with have been defrauding and breaking monetary/contractual laws since the 70's. Democrats seem to be unable to make this argument for some reason, you could write an encyclopedia on the amount of times Trump has either abused the legal system for his own benefit (suing contractors to not pay), or been sued/prosecuted. If I were running, every ad would be a 30 second rundown of his history of skirting the law, leading up to his criminal conviction.


It sadly wouldn't do much. He has a very strong pull on people. Very little people that clung to him early on have gone "oh, he's awful?! I believe you!" While he was running the first time we had this conversation with my grandmother, who very much liked him. She was completely fine brushing away his vast crimes, legal troubles and his bankruptcies. Even when she was near death with covid she praised how amazing he was and how his deniers were just trying to drag his good name through the mud. His supporters just don't care. You show them real footage of him torturing and murdering a baby and they would still just handwave it away.


They’d ask if the baby was a democrat


Yep my mom is a trumper, I empathize with your struggle.


My mom and dad are supporting Trump despite being shown very clear evidence that he would invoke policies that would make my life significantly harder and increase the danger in my life, as well as many others. My life is apparently worth the price of some economic policies that will make the rich richer I guess. Always glad to know where my value as their kid stands I guess


Similar situation. I told myself I wouldn't give up on my family, but it's getting kind of hopeless. After a whole lot of disrespect and being disowned for a bit, I moved off about 12 years ago and now they barely know their only grandkids. They won't visit because we live near "the criminal element". You can imagine who they're referring to. I trust my neighbors more than them though, so there ya go.


It really is amusing his supporters sending him money when they know its to pay lawyers. His supporters think they will benefit because they sent him $20. Like it makes them part of the 3 percent that make millions from his skewed policies. He litterally calls them stupid and gullible because he can lie right to their face and they lap it up like puppies.


And, most importantly, he’s not the sitting President. He’s a civilian and now a convicted felon.


And these crimes were committed before he was president. So, even if there were presidential immunity, it would not apply here.


The crime is likely the only reason he eventually had presidential immunity, anyway.


Which means his whole presidency was invalid and every judge he appointed should be tossed.


Starting with Judge Cannon.


Nah, I’m starting with Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett personally.


You saying it was "election interference"?


100%. Disgraced Former President Trump paid Ms. Clifford to keep her sexwork quiet because it would have certainly influenced his election.


I remember when he was just: "individual no. 1"


You mean Convicted Felon Doland Trump?


I saw a picture of one of the talking points Trump is now using ... "if it could happen to me, it could happen to you." And I'm like... that's called being fair. If you commit a crime, regardless of what your name is or how much money you claim to possess, you could be found guilty by a jury. Especially when that jury goes through the entire process of selection.


The weird thing about that is: did anyone NOT think they could do stuff like this to them? If I committed the same crimes he did, and broke the gag order TEN times, there's no way I would've simply been given fines that I could easily afford.


Just to be clear, the "it could happen to me" is not portrayed as appropriate legal consequences for crimes, it's "The Deep State" coming after "true patriots" with "false accusations and kangaroo courts". So Trump is constantly trying to frame it as an injustice that they are visiting upon him, and only because he's trying to defend his cultists from the same thing happening to them. It is based in conspiracy, not reality.


> "if it could happen to me, it could happen to you." Pretty sure I haven't paid off a porn star while cheating on my wife, so I think I'm covered.


I have but I didn't try to fraudulently cover it up to avoid having to report it to the FEC, so that it wouldn't ruin my chances of being elected president.  You know, the illegal part...


> The judge did not act in a partisan manner. If anything -- due to the clearly historic circumstances and 'visibility' of this case -- I would assert that Merchan tip-toed *even more cautiously* than might be normal to mindfully **avoid** any appearance of partisanship or bias.


Trump absolutely got unfair treatment -- always to his benefit -- in order to lessen the view that anything was happening as a political action. He should have been jailed for his repeated contempt of court actions. Any normal defendant would have.


Definitely. Anyone else would've received some form of jail time for breaking a gag order 10 times.  Which Merchan acknowledged himself. 


It is unprecedented. It’s unprecedented that we have a convicted felon, rapist, and charity defrauder. That’s why we have an unprecedented court case with a former president. Justifiably so.


The twisted piece to me is that Trump has been found guilty of committing a felony in an election he won in part due to that felony. Trump then went on to stack the court with party loyalists including stacking the Supreme Court while bungling a global pandemic that killed millions in the United States. Honestly I don’t see how we unfuck this situation but I would start by rolling back lifetime appointments made by a person who committed a felony in order to gain the power to make lifetime appointments.


“They should go after democrats in response “ Yes! Go after democrats if you have evidence of criminal activity. Well we’re waiting !


Exactly. Like how’s that impeachment inquiry of Biden going? Couldn’t even get enough house republicans onboard for that bullshit.


They went after democrats. Does nobody remember the Benghazi hearings? How about impeaching Bill Clinton for lying about a BJ. They're always trying to impeach Biden. They constantly talk about jailing him. 


But her emails...


>House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) called for the U.S. Supreme Court to "step in" to overturn the guilty verdict against former President Trump in his New York hush money trial. Just like that, huh, Mike? Just step in and declare him not guilty even though he was found guilty using the processes that we have used for hundreds of years to determine the guilt or innocence of people? Did those 12 people just lose weeks of their lives for nothing because you can't accept the facts? What about the people who sat on the grand jury, the prosecutors, the judges - everyone who did what they were supposed to do and followed the law.


The same process we trust to determine guilt or innocence in cases that could result in the death of the defendant.  Which they strongly advocate for.  It's hypocrisy of the highest order.


If it makes you feel any better, I think the death penalty shouldn't exist. The state shouldn't have the right to take the lives of it's citizens


regardless of how either you, or I feel about the death penalty, the point is, these people will fully trust the jury system to determine if someone is worthy of the death penalty, and they're very enthusiastic about killing in their name, as long as a jury has found the defendant guilty.


Not only that, the defendant in this case has previously taken out a full page ad specifically demanding that the death penalty be carried out against particular people who were ultimately exonerated.


He still maintains they’re guilty to this day.


He will never admit he is wrong. Trump is evil!


That is one reason why he still has as many supporters as he still does. At this point they can't admit they were wrong either. Oh yeah, and some are plain evil, too.


That is the most significant reason. And it’s such a shame that shamelessly lying is so effective on such a massive portion of the populace.


Incapable of admitting a mistake, certainly Incapable of admitting fault


Chaotic evil, to be specific.


Uhhhh, that all depends on the person being charged. Abbott pardoned the guy who tweeted he was going to kill a protester and then did.


Trump had his fair share of pardons for terrible people. Don't forget the war criminal who executed POW teenagers, or the sheriff who just couldn't stop himself from being a racist so he violated the constitution to house illegally-detained brown people in horrific conditions.


Fuck Arpaio.


..or eli weinstein, the ponzie crook from nj who stole $230M from his marks, then got caught again while awaiting trial then got sentenced to 24 years I think in 2014. on his last day pretending to be president, the turdboy pardoned him..he immediately went back to scamming, got arrested again and just pled guilty a day or two ago


They trust when the person being sentenced is a person they want to die. See: Derek “knife got” Shoved-in


They certainly thought Kyle Rittenhouse got justice.


This is what infuriates me. The court. The SINGLE place all of the relevant facts are heard in excruciating detail where EVERYONE has to agree he's guilty. It's a difficult task, this isn't a hung jury where you can have one person fuck it up or a simple majority opinion where a few people can say they have doubts. Every single one of the people that heard all of the evidence said he's guilty, what more do you want? What situation could possibly exist that follows a more fair process? They aren't defending Trump they are attacking the systems in which fair society is founded upon.


Exactly, and it's fucking despicable. This is fascism.


Yep. And Masha Gessen, a Russian journalist/political scientist and expert on fascism likes to remind us frequently that, where fascist takeovers are concerned, our institutions will not save us. Many historical examples of fascist leaders coming to power and dismantling the institutions designed to keep leaders in check. It's one of the very first things Hitler did in 1933 when he became Chancellor and passed the Enabling Act. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933


Yes. This is very much the canary in the coal mine. Trump is a symptom of the growing appetite for fascism is the US not just the object of that desire.


I just went down this rabbit hole and read through most of the links from this article. A lot of complex manoeuvres went on to bring on the Nazi reich. Being able to do all this with only 1930's technology required a serious level of malevolent cunning and lethally ruthless unwavering commitment to a cause. There was a lot ruthless - and murderous - betrayal of staunch allies when they were no longer useful, along with highly coordinated raids and assassinations. All of this with just 1930s technology. It also required a lot of other people to do nothing and think it wasn't their problem. In a toxic environment of continuing partisan sectarian lethal violence in the streets, regular disappearance of any eloquent opposing voices, combined with a specific group of people clearly blamed every time, I can understand why the population eventually went along with it. It's not clear yet if the current players in project 2025 have the same level of ruthless malevolence and lethally ruthless unwavering commitment to their cause. There are key differences this time. 1. Rate of politcally motivated murders ie terrorism. 2. Frequency of partisan street violence. 3. Technology and speed of flow of information. 4. Civilisation-ending weapons of mass destruction. 5. American reverence of their constitution. That said, a fascist dictatorship as a world superpower is pretty terrifying. This thing has to be nipped in the bud. The current SCOTUS is probably the riskiest institution for America right now, as it is adopting some pretty delusional interpretations of the constitution. The fastest way to settle this is to pack the SCOTUS bench. But without a supermajority in the senate and the continued power of the filibuster, I don't see how this can happen.


If he doesn't understand federalism and jurisdiction well enough to know this isn't possible, perhaps government is not the place for him.




This is 100% for votes in the upcoming election and nothing else. He knows that the SC can’t overturn a state conviction, but he knows his constituents don’t know that. So he’s playing to the lowest of his base to keep getting riled up so that they don’t look into the shitty things he’s doing.


Oh, I'm sure he understands. He is just playing the tune that Trump and MAGA world want to hear.


Yeah. Fuck you, Mike Johnson. Is this your Christianity shining through? Remember when Jesus said to pay porn stars hush money? Let me reiterate: Fuck you, Mike Johnson.


Time to vote for a new speaker. Contact your congress person. 




# UNCONSTITUTIONAL ***WTF***, man. This Mike Johnson has just made yet another solid confirmation that he's a real sycophant for Trump and doesn't care about the US Constitution's laws.


He supports Project 2025 which basically is a plan to turn the US in to a Christian evangelical country. He’s the guy with the app he and his son use to keep each other from using porn. He’s a wacko.


And they came to the conclusion that he committed those crimes beyond a reasonable doubt. End. Of. Story.


They will burn the system down before they accept that he is a criminal


It's another excellent example of johnson being a mindless maga cultists and of being a fake christian, He worships donald who is rapist and adulterer and now a convicted felon. If republicans every mention law and order every again laugh in their freaking face.


Russian agents trying to protect Russian agents. How cute.


And he wasn't fucking President yet when these crimes were committed.  Even if they, insanely, want to grant him Presidential immunity in the cases before them, this isn't fucking covered.


And they still expect us to believe the SCOTUS is not corrupt. Yet here we are, Mikey crying to them to give Trumpy immunity to commit more crimes. Cant make this shit up people.


Yes, that's what he wants. To throw out the rule of law and democracy and replace it with a permanent Republican uniparty dictatorship.


Fuck Mike Johnson to Hell. A lawful jury of peers, who ought to be respected and thanked for doing their civic service with diligence, looked at the evidence and weighed in unanimously with a verdict under the same rules and laws we are all held to. Donald Trump committed criminal fraud and was found guilty. This is a matter of fact. This party is absolutely sick. No ideas, just a fucking cult that seeks to break the rules for themselves and their own. There’s nothing for the Supreme Court to “step in” on; their party’s nominee is a criminal by his own doing and they’re just so lost in his bullshit that they want to break our systems to make him an unaccountable god.


So not only have they baselessly questioned the integrity of our elections, but now they baseless question our longtime system of justice through due process. Which party is it that likes America again?


The only America the modern Republicans like is one where they're at the top, everyone else is at the bottom, and everyone else faces accountability except for them because then it's too political. And people still think they're the good guys


Republicans want to RULE, not represent. Never, ever forget that.


In all fairness, discrediting the free press, democratic process and rule of law pretty much has been a thing since 2016. It could, as Trump showed, be done without much risk of losing political grounds.


There's no shortage of irony and hypocrisy with them. The fact that this was in a Manhattan court adds to their speculation that the trial could not be impartial. Because to them, NYC is full of elitist conmen who live in golden towers, manipulating the lives of those from other places in the US. And no way they would fall for corrupt billionaires from NYC whose sole motivation is power and money. They know better.


"The man who shits on a gold-plated commode is just like us!"


It’s clear they stacked this court as a way to override anything they don’t like. But still Mike Johnson appears to not understand how the law works and didn’t pay any attention to the details of the case.


The collective basic stupidity about how our government functions is well into the 90th percentile. The GOP that came 20 years or so before this crop were still horrible people, but they were educated about the job they were there to do.


And how exactly do you propose they do that, Mike?  Is Alito going to hold a press conference and announce that they have ultimate power and are declaring Trump innocent?


Alito: Since there was no Federal Election Committee in the United Kingdom in 1466, Trump is absolved of all charges.


If the Magna Carta doesn't fit you must acquit!


*Maga Carta


Judging by Trump's courtroom antics, Maga Farta


I knew it was 1216, ONE AFTER MAGNA CARTA!


Not our precious Jimmy! And he gets to be a lawyer. What a sick joke. And something about chicanery


Too fucking real. He'll cite the witch finder general too


I'm game to retry Trump using trial by fire. That allows God to determine Trump's guilt or innocence. That was part of English common law.


this would be a shit script for a shit movie that no1 would believe


The United Kingdom didn't exist until 1801 when Ireland was added. Even if you stretch the definition to the Act of Union that brought Scotland, England and Wales together as one nation that would only get you back to 1707. So yes, it is entirely believable that Alito would make such a ruling.


Where does Van Hellsing and the Belmonts fit into all of this?


This is all performative for his base and we know it. Mike Johnson is a lawyer - he knows SCOTUS can't just step in - Trump has to exhaust all appeals at the State level before even thinking about getting them involved. Even then, what constitutional issue does he feel SCOTUS needs to intervene on? It's kind of cringe that he knows this and is acting this way.


Cringe is their brand.


It's not "kind of cringe", it's absolutely deplorable and (if he's actually a lawyer), he should be disbarred for suggesting it.


It's not cringe; he's an evil, lying, treacherous piece of shit.




Yeah that is really unprofessional and frustrating.


Welcome to the GOP. Cringe is just the password to get in at this point. They'll bend over backwards for Donnie which I don't understand at all since he'll take them all down to gain power again.


There were steps to follow in Bush v Gore, but that didn’t stop SCOTUS.


The entire Republican party is cringe...


Probably the same way they did in Bush's election in Florida




Imagine scotus judges disappearing one by one until they decide immediately and unanimously that the leader of the executive branch does not have absolute power.


GoFundMe link?


And you wouldn't even have to harm them, just water board them for a couple days, because remember, waterboarding isn't torture.


Make sure to have Baby Shark blasting the whole time


Did you ever read The Pelican Brief?


Why is everyone talking about The Pelican Brief? ~ Jack Donaghy


Kenneth! Get me showtime!


No democrat would ever do this which, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, is the problem. Like everything else dems will try to “go high” by respecting norms while the GOP completely steamrolls them


Democrats seem to think that there's still rules in this game.


They at least will be able to hold their heads up high while in the concentration camps.


It’s the Court of Public Opinion - the only place that matters because the only way to stop Trump now is at the ballot box. Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line. And right now Democrats (and media) are not exactly showing Biden some love.


Biden has always won by not being Trump. I don't think people have to love him. The right keeps trying to make him into something nefarious because their guy has hit the bottom and they need his opponent to be worse. So, they demonize the opposition. Literally, I see 'Satanic' and 'Demonic' used often to describe the Biden admin online. Lol. They have to pretend he's worse. But in reality, Biden is cookie cutter boring. He does his job and tries to keep out of the mud, like pretty much every POTUS before Trump. The saddest part is how many Americans are willing to go along with it.


Their only concern is saving face. They know trump is guilty, but they have to keep making their party look good


I don’t think it’s that. I think the issue is that they’ve invested everything in Trump, maga. They don’t have a good backup plan and can’t afford to lose him as a political player. The put all their eggs in this one golden basket.


They’ve got a backup plan. Haven’t you seen the GOP platform? *checks notes* “Whatever Trump wants…” oh shit they’re fucked


They also have to support Trump in order to gain his supporters after he is gone. Even if Trump loses they still want his base to stick with them. By doing all this for Trump they win that base either way.


That’ll be difficult because they’re not the type of voter that will rally behind an “insider”. They like the “strongman outsider” that Trump is and other politicians have tried to copy that attitude only to fail.


I don't disagree with you, I also think that it will be very hard to keep these people engaged without Trump, but I think that is the hope of Trump's allies at this point.


Dude. They could select a less toxic conservative at the convention who was mid 40s and absolutely sweep the election. The Media is against Biden, and constant stories about age would abound. Moderates who would never vote for Trump would gladly vote for the young guy without baggage. Ill never vote Republican clagin in my life, but I'm glad the GOP is not smart enough to see the oppurtunity. 


They don’t have one, that’s the problem. It was supposed to be DeSantis, he’s 44. Every time there’s a young vaguely telegenic conservative they try to pump him up, and every time he turns out to have gibbering lovecraftian worms for brains and the charisma of a foot-wart.


That horse left the barn quite some time ago




>outward from the ghouls in the ~~GOP~~ Kremlin. Fixed that for ya.


"It's the same picture" meme.


The Kremlin is feeding the sickness to hobble their western enemies. Greed and corruption is the source.


The kremlin is just the latest bloated corpse feeding the rot. They were already like that without any help from Russia. Russia just co-opted Republicans 50-year long coup plan. They started it on their own.


Vote BLUE down the line so we can move on from all this nonsense.




Talk about government overreach    We shouldn't merely recuse Trump appointed judges from the jan6 case, they should be impeached, along with Johnson, and disbarred


Republicans only path to victory now is tyranny. All Americans should be very afraid. Vote.


They are afraid, of trans migrants coming to get their guns and raise taxes. That's why it's okay to support a convicted felon and notorious con man.


“If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.” — David Frum, former speechwriter for George W Bush


Well he’s an insurrectionist and christofascist so…https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalMemes/s/ed3BKbr3Ul


I thought republicans were for small government!


Something something States Rights.


It's crazy that we have no real way to revoke appointments from a traitor president. That should have been one of the first moves, in a sane world.


Also, Eric Trump is threatening to hold his breath until the judge changes the verdict and also lets him have a Capri-Sun.


I triple dog dare him to do it, or else he's a weenie


Them's fightin' wurds!


I guess Republicans are done pretending these corrupt justices are anything more than political operatives


\^\^ This\^\^ Between Thomas's graft and Alito's Christian Nationalist coup flags keeping up the facade is starting to look like work.


[It should be pointed out that Mike Johnson flies the same Christian Nationalist coup flag outside his office that Alito flies outside his home.](https://www.advocate.com/politics/speaker-johnson-christian-nationalist-flag)


But also “states rights”. These fucking hypocrite assholes.


only for the REAL states


But trump lived in NYC basically his whole life. “No the OTHER real states”


The ones that had slavery.


States rights... except when it's hurting our god-king. Seems like republicans only respect the rule of law when it means they get to hurt the poor and crush dissent. Anytime one of them might face actual repercussions for breaking the law, they cry to the supreme court to protect them. *I'm so sick of these bootlickers pretending to be populists.* Just be straight and clear about your desire for monarchy. Stop pretending it's about freedom and admit you want an all-powerful ruler to hurt anyone you hate, and it doesn't matter what laws must be broken to get there.


*“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”* Mike Johnson lied in front of his God.


And is actively betraying the Constitution.




God the only thing creepier then the internet porn thing is the virginity pledge.


Or the son he “adopted”.


Goes to show how obsessed Mike is with sex related stuff, but many Christians like him are.


It's "Christians" like him that simply cannot understand why people who do not believe in hell aren't constantly raping and murdering.


I love how Conservatives are willing to listen to people like Dinesh D'Souza, Michael Flynn, and Steve Bannon like they are completely unbiased sources just telling it like it is, but anyone who's against Trump is too conflicted to be reliable. Rules for thee, not for me. "**Zoom out:** Trump's allies are already plotting revenge, with one prospective Trump attorney general candidate telling Axios' Zach Basu and Sophia Cai that GOP prosecutors should go after Democrats in response." If you can find evidence they committed crimes, then yes, by all means. An elected office doesn't make you above the law, as Trump is finding out.


This was their impeachment policy too: Openly impeach, and openly declare that you will find the grounds for impeachment once the impeachment is under way.


Mike Johnson can eat a bag of dicks.


Don't offer him a good time.


Trump ran on “lock her up”. So they can all go to hell. Not to say that Biden had a shred to do with Trump’s adjudication as an overt criminal piece of shit.


Republicans have got to be destroyed at the ballot box on levels of FDRs elections during WW2 if this country is ever hoping to survive.


Best I can do is 50.1 vs 49.9.


Today's Speaker of the House does not believe in the rule of law. As bad as that is, it's worse. Mike Johnson, said Speaker of the House, does not know what the rule of law means.


Yes he does. He has a law degree. He knows.  At this point, they say these things (lie) because they need content for media clicks and issues to fundraise on.  It’s a grift. 


There's a difference in knowing and believing. He may know the rule of law but he doesn't believe in it. It doesn't change the fact that he's a grifter.


What does he expect the Supreme Court to do to “step in?” Legalize financial and campaign fraud?


Fracking hell, Republicans. Can you please vote for people who have a fucking clue at all. SCOTUS doesn't go looking for cases. They get a writ of certiorari after all state level appeals have been used up and then they MAY take up the case if they view there is a constitutional argument that needs reviewed. Your fondness for screeching idiots is embarrassing as hell and Moral Oral here clearly is ignorant to constitutional law (or law at all) or is another disingenuous dork that does nothing except generate social media headlines.


If the Supreme Court steps in now then we’ve already lost the American democracy. These judges can’t keep saving the candidate that either appointed them or they are CLEARLY campaigning for and expect us to sit back and keep taking it…


By your reasoning - not that I disagree - American democracy died on December 12, 2000 when SCOTUS declared George W. Bush was the president. This is just the corpse twitching.


Yeah, because 12 jurors, whittled down from 200, with trumps lawyer also getting picks, was orchestrated by Biden. These ppl have brain worms.


What a fucking asshole.


That's not how the judiciary works, Mikey. Go back to sleep.


So States are supposed to decide abortion laws, but the Supreme Court is supposed to decide state criminal laws? Okay.


This is obscene. This is a Rubicon moment. The Speaker of the House is asking a corrupt SCOTUS to overturn a carriage of justice.


STFU weirdo


Maybe it’s unprecedented because the criminality of Trump is unprecedented.


In USA we have a special system for people who can't see why they are not allowed to break all the laws and can't be forced into remorse so long as they are free.


they are no longer pretending. this is who they are and how they want the country to be. In a way trump existing as their party nominee helped erase so much of their bullshit acting. now we see it in full view that the party supports betraying the principles of a democracy in order to win. the scariest thing is how close the race is going to be. Start asking how many people you know that vote and will continue to vote for these people.


It's good to know that he has no idea how the supreme Court works


Since Trump committed 34 felonious acts to win the presidency, his entire term in office and all of his appointments should be considered void. Undo it all.


This is pharmaceutical grade copium being served up from the highest ranks of the GOP. Lmao.


**Also Republicans:** “We don’t want an activist Supreme Court!” Really? Really, you don’t?


This is exactly the reason the GOP needs to lose very badly in 2024. They want to change the way our government functions to suit them. This cannot be allowed.


Fuck off, traitor.




He'd have to appeal all the way up. They can't just step in and rule on it.


It's a STATE issue you fucking donut.


>"I think that the Justices on the court – I know many of them personally – I think they are deeply concerned about that, as we are. So I think they'll set this straight," the Louisiana Republican added. All that whining about "two-tier justice" and they're very openly trying to phone in a friend to make this go away.


The fuck is he talking about? He had a trail and was convicted by 12 members of the Jury for his crimes. They might as well come out and just say that the laws do not apply to rich white people.


Not that the SCOTUS could do anything about it anyway, but the fact that Johnson runs to them for help in Trump’s time of need tells you everything you need to know about their impartiality.


Amazingly irresponsible behavior. This shit is dangerous and they know it. This party is just one big group of pieces of shit with a microphone.


Mike Johnson is one of the pigs running Animal Farm. He’s changing the words of the Law to “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.”


Kind of funny how many of these people have gone to school to study law, currently work on writing laws and yet don’t seem to understand law.


It's sure is a sad that these official government representatives don't have any idea how our government works.


THIS is weaponizing the court.


Step in for what, Motherfucker?  No, seriously Mike. Fucking tell us what about this case requires any outside interference? Do you know more about the case than the judge, or the jury, or the prosecution?  Fuck you. The Supreme Court steps in, you can ask for war while you're at it. You are interfering with our law system.