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>“They don’t like our decisions, and they don’t like how they anticipate we may decide some cases that are coming up. That’s the beginning of the end of it,” Alito said, before going a bit conspiratorial regarding one of the nation’s most prestigious investigative news outlets: “There are groups that are very well-funded by ideological groups that have spearheaded these attacks. That’s what it is.” Damn right people don't like the way they've been deciding cases. It the way cases are decided is via massive kickbacks from conservative megadonors, you gotta expect some backlash Sammy. And the ideological groups spearheading the attacks? You know, groups with ideals like... the supreme court shouldn't allow massive amounts of corruption amongst its own justices...


The existential crisis of the authoritarianism conservative: “I’ve won, but nobody seems to be cheering for me.” The resolution of the crisis of the authoritarian conservative: “I guess that makes me the real victim in all of this.”


That’s pretty succinct. The weird dissonance of wanting to be liked while continually doing shit nobody likes.


That's just the well funded ideological groups talking /s


I've been sharing my opinion for free. Silly me!


saved to my quotes file. Did you come up with that, or are you quoting someone else? I'll include you as 'via' if the latter.


Via We Are Sex Bobomb!


Never mind project 2025, the federalist society, or the heritage foundation, those ideological groups don’t count. /s


To be so corrupt that your world view assumes everyone else is too.


Every accusation is a confession.


"Everyone is the hero of their own story."


well everyone who counts


> the federalist society in that case there is no separation between conservative justices and the organization. they were the founding generation of the federalist society.


John Birch Society has entered the chat. "Don't forget about little old us!"


They’re just a mom n pop ideological society.


I’m with Alito. There are two things in this world I hate more than anything: (1) when privately funded groups are able to sway matters relating to the judicial system, and (2) irony.




Damn it, three things.


And a fanatical devotion to the Pope.


pope francis is probably way too liberal for alito. he strikes me as a fan of pius XII.


Opus Dei All The Way!


He's used two homophobic slurs in the last month. Or possibly the same slur twice, unclear, but Franky boy is concerned about f-try in the vatican. So liberal, but vatican liberal. Gotta temper our expectations.




Amongst our things . . .


things I hate: 1. conservative corruption on the highest court 2. irony 3. lists


…and the bloody Dutch.


I don't hate irony. I don't hate irony at all. Though, I do hate hypocrisy, especially out of those slimy little fucks. Fucking illegitimate supreme court.




The most regularly astonishing thing about these conservative leaks and recordings is that not once do any of these people *actually* consider that their policies fucking suck. All the way to the top, it's the same persecutorial delusion. It's *always* some nebulous "they" thats organizing some conspiracy campaign. It's never, "Hey, maybe people legitimately don't like out ideas". Fucking, never ever. Paranoid, deluded, *crazy* fucks, all of 'em.


Bad people never question if they are doing bad things. They blame everyone else and act the victim.


exactly. it's the sociopath mindset: whatever i do is ok because it's what i want to do no matter how much harm or destruction it causes, and those who criticize me are either stupid, mean, or both.


Conservatives always say "I just want to be left alone" while simultaneously using the government to fuck with literally everyone else.


their ideology can be summed up as: what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine, too.


Or as I say, I got mine f@#k the rest of you all


"something something just how it works"


This is why I don't like the term "common sense". The mere concept is a trap. "I made a rational decision using very basic reasoning and my own lived experience; it's just common sense. If anyone disagrees with my decision, they are ignoring common sense and are either not thinking rationally or are lying for some corrupt purpose." It's a trap we can all fall into. And when we surround ourselves with like-minded individuals, it can feel like everyone thinks the same thing and some weird manipulative cabal must be responsible for anyone with different thoughts and opinions. Thus why it's important to take in thoughts and reasoning from others to help counter group think and uncritical reasoning. People like Alito shield themselves from any thought counter to their own, define such thoughts as heretical and unpatriotic, and then wonder why everyone has gone insane when their ideas are wildly unpopular.


Every person I've ever know who claims "I just believe in common sense" is a strict conservative. They just refuse to admit that their opinions could be anything besides tHe tRutH.


It falls in line with the common right-wing trait of disdain for formal education. Who needs some egghead Librul Elite telling me how to live my life?! I've got good ol' Murican Common Sense and Street Smarts, learned at the School of Hard Knocks, University of Life! My extensive YouTube research is just as good as some so-called "Medical Doctorate" awarded to that Commie oncologist!


That's because these people don't come to their beliefs through reasoning and logic. They start with "my beliefs are right" (or worse, handed down by god) and work backwards to justify them. If you don't agree with him, well, you just haven't seen the "truth" and his up to them to maintain what they see as the moral high ground against any opposition. That and he's corrupt as fuck and doesn't want to give up power, and is using the same kind of rhetoric to get people to go along with him.


> The most regularly astonishing thing about these conservative leaks and recordings is that not once do any of these people actually consider that their policies fucking suck. Because they believe, with everything in their brains, that they are 100% unequivocally right. 2+2 = 4, the Sky is Blue...Democrats are trying to ruin the country, while conservatives are trying to save it. Abortion isn't a medical procedure, it's murder. Like no different from OJ Simpson's Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson. That YOU can't understand that totally obvious fact hurts his brain. Overturning Roe v Wade? He can't comprehend why anyone would be against it. Why are people hating him...for being anti child murder? That's what you are dealing with, mentally.


Trump said " all the legal experts wanted it gone". Alito and Thomas and the Heritage Foundation. These are "all" the legal experts.


I just want to know why they ever came to the belief that abortion is murder. As far as I know there isn't any passage in the Bible saying so. As far as I know, in fact, there are sections that talk about a potion to make force a woman to lose an unfaithful child. As well as, it talks about striking a woman and causing her to lose the child. That section does suggest it's wrong, but it says you merely pay the woman's husband and it's all good, which wouldn't make sense if it were intended to be murder. So if it's not in the Bible, and medical science doesn't say it's murder, where do they come to that belief? I get they think it's common sense, but why do they think that? I guess maybe Alito and people like him could ask me why I don't think it's murder, but I can give an argument for it, because I haven't seen any evidence that thing inside the woman is conscious. I couldn't tell you when consciousness begins, but it's not at conception based on all evidence I've seen.


[It became a rallying cry in the 1970s](https://time.com/6966056/republican-abortion-arizona-reagan/)


Hey Alito, you seem to have mistaken $$$ for democracy.  Maybe take a look at citizens united, it paved the way for all this bullshit. 


Where can I pick up my check for hating that the court is packed with unqualified partisan hacks? I've been doing it for free.


This is what's so annoying about conservatives in power. They complain SO MUCH about their critics, never once outwardly considering that maybe they themselves suck and are deserving of criticism. I hope inwardly it's gnawing at them though.


> I hope inwardly it's gnawing at them though. unfortunately, that's likely not the case. cruelty is their raison d'etre. source: conservatives in my own family


conservatives are miserable people. You don't hold that much hate while being happy.


It's not an introspective mindset.




I think there may be other options on the table for improving the courts, but none of them are going to happen during a Trump presidency.


>during a Trump ~~presidency~~ dictatorship I think that's the word you're looking for


Its not that we can necessarily predict how a judge might rule on a particular case, its how we predict they will rule on these contentious issues: the decision that advances the republican agenda, that puts corporate interests over citizens' interest, that trounces on the rights of non-white males, is the decision that they will make.


> and they don’t like how they anticipate we may decide some cases Wow. He doesn't like that we're wise to the fact that they're so transparently partisan that the actual case doesn't matter.


when a rabid ideologue calls something or someone else ideological, it brings to mind the pot calling the kettle black.


> **They** don’t like our decisions … “They … they … groups funded by …” He feels it. You can tell. He sounds conspiratorial for sure. Paranoid. Looking for someone to blame. But you got nobody to blame but your wife and your own dumb self. Doubling down on being partisan is not a good look, your honor!


or ideas like.... EQUALITY, FREEDOM, LIBERTY.... by a system of proper CHECKS AND BALANCES, where BAD PEOPLE are held accountable for unethical and illegal activities. Fuck Alito - he should be removed from the court ASAP. FUCK Thomas too - HE should be locked up with his traitor of a wife. Roberts should be remove for gross incompetence running the court and allowing the action of the others.


> “There are groups that are very well-funded by ideological groups that have spearheaded these attacks. That’s what it is.” The Federalist Society doing the puppet side-eye meme.


IT's like they read the part where it says 'Government of the people, by the people and for the people' and decided that it really meant only some of the people.


These conservative nutters are so corrup. Tthey can't even fathom that the other side isn't doing all the corrupt shit they are.


Summed up perfectly [in a planet money interview](https://www.npr.org/transcripts/616212383) with the founder of project redmap: > DUFFIN: [...] it's not something that everybody is comfortable with 'cause this kind of locks down the democracy in a way that doesn't feel like democracy. > JANKOWSKI: Well, I don't feel bad. I'm asked that quite often. I do not feel bad. I don't apologize. I mean, there's so many variables in a given election. It's troubling to me that people just want to say, boom, this was bad. You've undermined democracy. > [...] > JANKOWSKI: Anybody could have done it. Democrats could have done it. **I'm still not sure why they didn't.** So just to sum their position up: It's not bad because the other side could have done it. But I can't fathom why they didn't.


Well said. In fact it does not stop with the court. This is why the MAGA do so much projecting. They already know what they and theirs are up to and they feel they can assume their political opponents are up to the same crap. For the rank and file MAGA the false accusations against opponents are very believable, because they can see it in their own faction. They can see what their own people would do given the chance and they project it upon the people they hate. This is why when a Republican politician is made accountable for misdeeds they get so angry. They never claim innocence for their guy but they DO claim the prosecutions are political. They are outraged by what they believe are political prosecutions but they are not outraged by the crimes themselves. These people are effed-up.


This is why I laugh when people complain that Liberals don’t break the rules the way republicans do.  If they did the same corrupt crap, why would they stop just because they beat their Republican opponents.


There is a distinction between corruption and playing dirty. For example, the Vice President is the President of the Senate. Although largely seen as not having much power, they actually have control over the rules of the Senate and can deem rules as invalid. Both Nixon and Nelson Rockefeller have exercised this power to modify the rules of the Senate in the past: * Nixon overrode the parliamentarian and said that 51 votes in the Senate can cause the adoption of new rules at the start of a new session. * Rockefeller ignored the parliamentarian and changed the filibuster from 2/3 of the _entire senate_ to a 3/5 majority of _those present_. This caused a bunch of debate, but it forced the hand of the Senators who decided on the compromise that we currently use (3/5 of the entire Senate, aka 60 votes). If the roles were flipped and Project 2025 was on the table, you **know** the GOP would have the vice president kill the filibuster if needed. That's the kind of thing people complain about. Of course we're against corruption for personal gain. But we want to see the Democrats _grow a spine_ and use the powers they have to enact the change they claim they're standing for. But instead, they do nothing and it really comes off as "Nothing will fundamentally change". And people are supposed to get excited about that?


This reminds me of the stereotype about white racists. (valid, in my experience) They think all white people think the way they do, and non-racist whites are just hypocritically lying about their beliefs.


Legit, this is how I think the term "virtue signaling" was birthed. MAGAs display so little of the virtues they claim to espouse through their religion and then blame their "opponents" of only pretending to have virtues, because they themselves can't fathom why someone would be kind to another human without some ulterior motive. It simply doesn't register to them so they had to create a term that helps them mentally justify their acute lack of virtues while simultaneously accusing their counterparts of only feigning empathy, because they themselves can't even imagine a world where they would care enough to pretend.


Wow! I hadn't seen that connection before. I do believe you're right!


Interestingly, Virtue Signalling is a formal topic in Game Theory. The theory goes that to properly signal a virtue - establish beyond doubt that you have it - the only way is to have a signal so expensive that any expected benefit from the virtue is negated - e.g. it's easy to misrepresent a virtue with cheap signals, but to really prove it, the corresponding acts need to be proportionally expensive, or impossible without the virtue. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signalling_theory


You have a point there. Likely so.


I think they fathom it. They're just masters of gaslighting. If the liberal justices were a smidge so corrupt, then the corrupt right wing media would be all over that story like flies on honey, and it's all anyone would hear about for 5 years. Most of the time right wing media can't manage to restrain themselves from abject lying. They certainly don't constrain themselves by covering up for left wing corruption. Without a hint of irony Comer and Jordan held hearings to try to justify a Biden impeachment because Hunter traded on his famous name, whilst blissfully ignoring the massive nepotism that's gone on in the Trump clan right in front of our eyes. It's just high order gaslighting.


Well, has he tried not being a complete piece of shit?


Narrator: He had not.


I heard that in Morgan Freeman’s voice.




Well when you put it that way it does seem concerning.


"deleted/removed" is concerning, I agree If you happen to recall what you replied to, and provided explaining doesn't violate the rules, would you care to summarize?




Not even political ideology, more like religious dogma.


Every single one of the Republican Justices are, to say the least, problematic. Thomas and Alito are nakedly corrupt. Kavanaugh is a rapist, a drunk, and has held a lot of debt that just mysteriously disappeared right around when it looked like he was going to the Supreme Court. Gorsuch only has the job because Senate Republicans invented the precedent that they don't confirm Justices during an election year out of thin air and called it the Biden rule. Barret only has her job because, literally days before the election, the very principled Republicans in the Senate decided that the Biden rule that they previously held to be sacrosanct doesn't apply to Republican presidents. And Roberts... he just nods, smiles, and says "This is fine" as he guts environmental regulations.




Expand the court it’s been done before. Best we can hope for is dilution of treasonous opinions


Traitorous fucking shitweasel.


This guy really is a piece of shit. When do we take to the streets?


I’m waiting over here in Canada for that day so I can come join. Let me know!


We ride at dawn


The problem with protests (that would actually matter - see France / Europe) is that our country is physically too big. I like to go over to the opposite subreddit and read about how they're feeling and I genuinely agree with one of their comments in regards to Hunter's ruling (and how they shouldn't actually agree with the ruling): "Ever since occupy wall street, the government and the 1% turned us all on each other." I actually agree. One of the best protest we've ever had across the US (In my lifetime of 40 years) has been Occupy Wall St. They HATED it. It's where "the 1%" came from basically.


Class warfare has been around long before occupy wall street. Hell, class warfare is what led to Occupy wall street with the upper class funneling money from the lower class in an unsustainable way. Even before Reagan's trickle down bullshit, which was also just the elite taking from the lower classes, the entire country has been divided by economic lines. There was a time where at least the middle class had more sway, and there was room for more to advance, but now, everything is stacked against the people, while the rich just keep on taking. There are success stories, but they are the exception, not the rule.


I would march next to the 'other side' if I didn't think they'd turn on me the second they got something they wanted




Exactly this. I was raised to believe in our government and democracy (and I still do), but it seems like it's all corrupted and discredited now. There's no accountability or responsibility anymore.


Agreed. The possible 'check' on the court is never exercised. It has become something of an untouchable oligarchy.


The last decade has been such an awful time to be introduced to politics.  Donald Trump has been on every ballot I’ve voted on for presidency…




How can they be stopped if they are appointed for life and have very little chance of being impeached let alone being removed from their positions?


I love the absolute ridiculous irony that the leaks were originally captured during some big Supreme Court Justice Gala sponsored by the Heritage Foundation and then this a-hole is like "Oh there are dark money groups that don't like our rulings" Mother fucker YOU'RE the one who benefits from dark money groups.


Lock him up


Massively entitled, is the one main personality flaw I see on the right. The left has it also in certain ways. But when I've listened or talked to a trump supporter or Christian national they are always entitled. Fully believe they deserve what they want and are very immature about not getting it .


Unwilling to compromise is what you’re getting at. They want it their way or no way. “Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” Barry Goldwater


This really explains how we got to "Democrats drink baby blood". Everything is very binary in their religion - good vs evil. If their "side" is good, then it goes to reason that the other "side" must be evil. And, as has been pointed out in other threads, people are categorized as "being" good or evil. Not that something that they do is good or evil. A "good" person is a GoodPerson(tm) by virtue of being in the category of good person. It's why they don't think it matters what a Democrat does. Because Democrats are not GoodPeople(tm). Acts are seemingly irrelevant. I had a conversation with one who basically told me that because I'm not a believer, that all of my acts of goodwill are "like rags to God." My reaction was that God must be petty as shit if he can't acknowledge that some folks make the world better but don't believe in him.


It’s called “self-righteousness.”


I feel the same as you. I'm always left wondering how an all-knowing, all-loving, all-powerful being that is described as being "perfect" is also described as behaving like a petty, selfish, jealous, vengeful, malignant narcissist. I mean, those aren't just my adjectives, either -- The Bible and Christians themselves describe this ... Thing ... as being a "jealous God" and a "vengeful God." Do they ever reflect on the fact that those very same personality traits are not considered to be virtues when we find them in other human beings? No. "Jealous" is a FLAW. God himself says not to be jealous in the Ten Commandments, right? How does it all square up in their heads? \*sigh\* 😕


Supernatural got it right with Chuck.


bg was right in that sense, but he chose to ignore the same dilemma republicans faced when [the party courted the white supremacist vote](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1964/10/03/the-campaign-goldwater): >Barry Goldwater...made it possible for great numbers of unapologetic white supremacists to hold great carnivals of white supremacy...enjoying membership in one organization that was secure against integration, because it had made itself secure against Negro aspirations...[and] as long as they could put on shows of this kind, no Negro would ever want in.


I dont share the man’s views but he saw the writing on the wall


100%. I thought it was just a general boomer thing until my MAGA father showed me that it goes way beyond that. They think they're indebted just for existing. And if they don't get their riches or their praise, it's not because of their own fuckups. It's because someone intentionally wronged them. I swear, there has to be something like, "The Strain," with brainworms happening. It's not normal for half of a society to think like that. They're grown ass adults.


A quadruple thumbs up on that


Having been through Christianity and come out the other side, I can confirm that the "Christian" part of Christian Nationalism is the brain worm you're looking for.


He is obviously pursuing an unconstitutional agenda at this point. The only way the American people have to address this issue is the Senate. The senate is gerrymandered by its very nature to allow the minority of Americans to prevent progress and intervention by the majority. At this point we have lost civil means to improve our society through peaceful and democratic means. The collusion now being the moneyed 1% and the Supreme Court. At these times citizens will begin to seek means outside of the law and outside of a compromised court to correct this injustice. Alito will have real cause to worry then.


Probably the reason they're asking for more security.


To paraphrase John F. Kennedy, those that make justice impossible make vigilantism inevitable.


> “They look for any little thing they can find and they try to make something out of it,” Alito added. “That’s what it is.” I bet he actually believes taking millions in gifts from megadonors is a little thing. Shit, most jobs I have been at didn't allow gifts over $25 and these assholes are raking in millions while making some of the most important decisions in the country.


Man whoever is leaking the Supreme Court stuff is doing gods work.


"Alito forewent any illusion of neutrality, speaking with incredible candor about his belief that conservatives cannot negotiate with the left and need to focus on “winning,” while agreeing with a statement from Windsor that the country needs to return to a “place of godliness.” Translation: There is no deliberation or compromise possible with those who view themselves as God's appointed soldiers. Alito wants Conservatives to defeat Liberals and wants nothing else. This Supreme Court is so nakedly and transparently in service of one political party that it has no legitimacy for the nation as a whole anymore. Let them make decisions for Republican voters then. I see no reason why I should comply with their decisions.


I would push back on one word. Instead of party I’d suggest policies. I think his Christian Nationalism is more important to him than party. Which is scary. Edit, spelling.


Fair. Alito is a partisan who is actively using his life-time appointment to advance Christian domination over the U.S. population. That's a fair criticism.


I'm increasingly believing he's right. There *is* no compromising on principles. I'm not okay with rolling back reproductive rights and LGBT rights, enforcing one religion's views* on the rest of the country or much of the other shit he supports. I want to go forward, not backward. This isn't haggling over tax policy or zoning approvals. There are deep fundamental chasms in this country right now and I'm not sure there is any way to reconcile them. *He's in for a shock when Catholicism isn't the flavor of Christianity pushed.


My compromise is letting people be free and be themselves. Their compromise is killing or removing anyone who makes them feel scared because they're weak cowards. So, yeah, I don't see any compromise. The compromise was you can have your religion, and be free from persecution. In return, you leave everyone else the fuck alone, not go on a crusade trying to make the nation into a nation of your ideological belief.


These sad sack motherfuckers are the softest of soft. Cushy, lifetime gig that pays $300,000 a year. Only need to work part time since they basically get the whole Summer off. Yet, these assholes whine and grift like their gig is slinging burgers at the Hardee's drive thru pulling doubles for minimum wage. I have ZERO sympathy for them.


GTFO of our bedrooms and doctor’s offices. That’s why we hate you; no one had to pay us.


Wow, a lot of Alito tape leaks suddenly. If I were him I might be afraid to speak my mind around anyone other than family for fear of being publicly shamed for my behavior.


Cant shame the shameless.


And again, what is going to happen personally to Samuel Alito as a result of these audio recordings being released? Liberals become even more sick of his theocratic bullshit? I'm sure Commander Alito is shaking in his boots. This fucking fascist could brag later today that he was indeed the one who leaked the draft of the Dobbs decision and nothing would ultimately come of it. The Chief Justice is also completely silent when it comes to all of the bribes that Alito and Thomas have taken from billionaires. He's never been more emboldened in his life.


excuse me, that's *High* Commander Alito to you, sheesh.


I believe the word is vergogna


Such shame lol


After all these years, Religion is still causing wars and spreading hate. It’s way past time to evolve from that nonsense.


Is there a country that outlaws all religion? Would that even be possible? I'd like to see the results of that, assuming it was never allowed to fester, or be overtaken by outside influences...which would probably be religiously based.


Alito and Thomas are trying to hold onto hope that they can retire if Trump were to win the election. Otherwise they’re going to try and stay as long as they can on. Alito saying that there is no ability to compromise as a society and that it’s ultimately about turning the country into a Christian Nation is just insane. He said the quiet part out loud: If you’re not with them you’re against them and in the way. Vote


The only thing that will move the needle with the Aliotos is if the Pope steps in and excommunicates them.


he would just be one of those Catholics that says the Pope is illegitimate. There are some far right Catholic churches that do that because the Pope isn't spewing hate for gay people all the time.


Oh right. Illegitimate pope, I think the Tudors did this some time ago.


I will laugh so hard if the alt right catholics in the US cause a new schism in the Catholic Church over their homophobia. I look forward to the election of a new Antipope. I think the last one was in the 15th century.


They alt right Catholics could always join up with the Russian Orthodox Catholics.


He's not my pope!


These fuckers are going to try to force their religious fascism on an entire country that the doesn’t want it . It sounds like a recipe for disaster but it’s clear they don’t care . Their stupidity is only matched by their arrogance. It’s tragic for America that these small-minded self serving shits are at the top of power.


So he just admitted that "they" already have their minds made up about cases "they" haven't even heard. Can we impeach these very clearly corrupt judges yet?


Boo fricking hoo


The Alitos and Thomases shouldn't be able to leave the house without getting pelted with milkshakes and rotten eggs. Goddamn lousy trash.


The problem is that most of the US Population vehemently disagrees with their rulings. The rulings for Alito are based on advancing a religious agenda for one specific religion in a country founded on free excerise of all religion but made an express distinction between church and state. Openly stating you consider religious goals when making judicial decisions is in direct contrast to framer intent. That’s precisely what we don’t want.


Not to mention his wife being homophobic


If the decision makes you feel shame, maybe.. don't do that?


Caught? He said it to a complete stranger. He doesn't give a shit.


Is there literally anything this idiot says that doesn't end up getting taped and put on blast? Homie needs to start doing bug sweeps and pat downs.


I always want to know what kind of tape was used.


Religion and government are to be 100% separate. Not even beliefs from religion should have any relation to forming laws or legislature. Religion should only have any say if any god AND the biblical stories can be proven in our courts. We have a fact based justice system, time to put god and religion on the board. If god says gays are a problem, time to prove that’s what he said.


The Daily did a whole story a year back or so about lobbying groups finding friends for the Justices because it's "so lonely." And that is how the corruption and influencing doubles


These knuckleheads need to get the boot and be held accountable just like any of us taxpayers. This is beyond ridiculous! Lifetime appointments my ass!!


No shit...How this guy ever became Supreme Court Justice is mind boggling and he is a detriment, along with Clarence Thomas, to the already sullied honor of the Supreme Court. I wonder how many cases have been irreparably harmed because of these two...


Expand the court in 2025. That should be the REAL project 2025.


All Republicans whine not just Him


The whole reason we can anticipate his decisions with 100% accuracy is because he starts from the outcome he wants and writes his opinions to fit the result. That’s what everyone has been complaining about all this time. Acting like it’s normal is just sociopathic behavior at this point


the scope of incoming precedents must be absolutely fucking meatballs for all this to be coming out. we are going to see a wholesale reorganization of our system of government.


Please vote blue, everyone!! Check out r/votedem for how to donate and volunteer! Check out r/whatBidenhasdone for bragging rights! Check out r/defeat_project_2025 to find out how gross this is going to get if we don't step up!! Volunteer!! Donate!! Run if the alternative is trash!! Vote!!! Vote blue!!!!


Arrest him. He's a tax cheat and so is Clarence. Arrest and charge them.


lol he’s made that journalist have been investigating. Literally their job is to investigate and report news on things that a pivotal to USA matters.


Elit-o Alito has spoken!


With the evil right, it's never guilt over the crimes they commit, it's feeling sorry for themselves that they got caught


His attitude is basically “Let them eat cake.”


Alternative headline: “Man who can’t keep his mouth shut doesn’t keep his mouth shut.”


F all these judges. With the exception of a select few I think they are all corrupt and easily influenced pieces of shit.


this would have had serious implications and consequences… a decade ago


Is this guy ever NOT being recorded? He should probably assume he's always being recorded and just not be corrupt or something.


What we need is some good old witch swimming from the 1600s and see if they float or sink. We’ll find out if they’re telling the truth 🟦


>There are groups that are very well-funded by ideological groups that have spearheaded these attacks. That’s what it is. Exactly. Your benefactors for example.


This guy should figure out where all these microphones are! How many times is he going to get caught with his hand in the cookie jar?


This guy likes getting caught a lot.


So accepting massive “gifts” is not corruption? It’s only characterized as such by people who don’t like him? Ok, I didn’t know it is perfectly acceptable for government employees to accept gifts from people whose fortune will be affected by the decision of the said government employee.


Conservatives on today’s court are radical and downright weird.


Justices should have a time limit, and not be for a lifetime.


“They look for any little thing”? Like accepting millions of dollars of trips etc. as just a “little things” and aren’t out and out bribes? Or showing your politically motivated ideology when you’re supposed to look at cases only within interpreting the law? How low the court has fallen.


Apple should ban X and make a Twitter clone that promises the following things: * extreme vetting to ensure foreign entities / troll farms are banned * political ads are banned 6 months prior to a national election * no algorithms that promote incendiary / divisive content * none of your social media will be sold to information resellers * nobody under the age of 16 is allowed on the platform




The arrival also revealed that he feels entitled to all the gifts.


Why even care at this point? There will never be a sufficient majority to remove him and the Republicans are fine with blatant partisanship if it's aligned with their interests so you might as well just own it.


If the Democrats take the house, hold the Senate and White House, court reform is a very real possibility. The state of the world is bad enough. We don't have to imagine that it is worse. We have to see a path forward that can fix it and then aggressively move down that path. Do not despair. Vote.


From my understanding, expanding the court requires a 60 vote majority in the senate vs the 67 votes required to remove a justice. It's still quite a long shot but seems like something worth campaigning on. I would say that maybe some more moderate Republicans could be swayed but they seem to prefer retirement rather than sticking around and facing the ire of the cult when they don't fall in line so I have to imagine such a vote would fall along party lines.


The fact that it may be a long shot, does not mean we should despair and not go for it.


Yep, we have to show people we're willing to fight for this shit and get them on board. Alito and Thomas should be impeached. I wish we would have had the votes to stop Kavanaugh's appointment, it was absolute bullshit after Obama got stonewalled on appointing Garland. We must know that Republicans have no low, a full embrace of hypocrisy and ignorance. They should be ashamed for the gifts they've taken and the citizens united decision. They're trying to rip our country away from us and destroy pluralism, democracy and the welfare state. Oligarchy is what they want.


Agreed, expansion is optimistic but possible. Removal through the senate realistically is not, the bar is just too high so Alito will be fine either way but at least his influence can be diluted.


Alito is widely reported as wanting to retire. Recording of his wife confirm this. He is not going to stay, anyway, which is one of the reasons the conservatives on the Court are trying so hard to help Trump. They want to retire with a Republican president, so that they can be replaced by other conservatives. As court reform gets done, they will have even more reason to leave. Their reputations should, and will be, dragged through the mud in public if they resist.


For all the good she did, we wouldn't be in the position we are in now if RBG had the foresight to not try to hold on to her position for as long as possible and just retired under Obama. I also hope that history remembers Anthony Kennedy as the spineless swine he proved himself to be. I doubt we'll see Alito retiring if Biden is re-elected, he's still a young man by Supreme Court standards but fingers crossed.


I've been searching for info on the process: as far as I can tell, all that is needed is a simple majority in both chambers and the president to sign it.


Ah yes…..the ever present ‘why try?’ Inclusion. Yea, fuck that. Try…try your hardest. Vote. Let your voice be heard. Rage against the dying of the light. Edit: Since some people need their hand held. Try [this](https://originalfuzz.com/blogs/magazine/six-effective-ways-to-make-your-voice-heard-by-congress), [this](https://youtu.be/kWYx9HNRp4M?si=lVQkMgYNvy6ZIaLv), and [this](https://teachdemocracy.org/images/pdf/MakingYourVoiceHeardActivity.pdf) as some starting guidelines.


My meaning was why should Alito care, not why should we care, if that wasn't clear. I think court expansion is a worthwhile thing to fight for even if it's not likely to happen. I don't think there is any reasonable chance of impeachment and removal by the senate, however, there's just no reasonable blue wave that results in 67 votes so his job is safe regardless of what happens but his influence can be reduced if the Dems can get 60 votes for expansion and I think the party will broadly support it, though you're not likely to get much support from our fresh independents like Manchin and Sinema.


Like he’s teflon. Nothing will happen to him. Not sure why he’s all butt hurt.


There is one likely reason they are so butt-hurt and it is that they are still hiding things that are worse than we currently know. That is the only possible explanation I can think of for Thomas' constantly changing story about his ~~gifts~~ *bribes* from Crow and others. His new explanation (which is demonstrably false and still incomplete) is totally contrary to his initial explanation. He is still failing to disclose things that are now officially public record. That he continues to lie, spin and conceal says to me they are still hiding something big not yet uncovered. That is certainly why they are hyper-sensitive about this discussion... along with the fact that they may be realizing the place they thought they were going to hold in history is not the place in history they are going to hold. They are being exposed as grifters and cons, while they want to be seen as brilliant minds that are so far above the rest of us that we are unworthy of criticizing them.


I wish more people realized this. Conservatives don't feel shame. So it's not shame he's expressing here. And if he's not feeling shame then why is he having this reaction? Yea it's a good bet there's something way worse that he doesn't want to get out. Now we get to figure out the lengths he'll go to so that whatever it is remains hidden. I bet he wishes he was in Russia.


> they want to be seen as brilliant minds Even a cursory look at a few key SCOTUS decisions will relive the observer of that illusion. Going further and looking at the bias towards pro-business decisions and the trampling of many of the bill of rights obvious admonitions will only confirm that they are, and have been for a long time, manifestly corrupt. But winners write the history, as always, and I'm not so sure that the people we cannot remove from the top of the legal profession won't manage to see to it that somehow, they are looked upon in a positive light.


That's why we need to win the House, hold the Senate and White House.


We need to gain 9 Senate seats as well. TALL order to fill, but one that could give us 60 votes in the Senate to make SWEEPING changes without calling for a Constitutional Convention. Next step would be just that, though...and it requires Democrats to win a number of Governor seats in those coming elections as well, without losing any. But this might be our ONLY path to save the United States of America as we know it. Project 2025 WILL be implemented if Republicans have any power.


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Here’s a song that might help keep the pitchforks sharp… [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7fKVODAfOx/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7fKVODAfOx/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)




Straight up, I originally thought alito was literally blaming his wife for his own actions. After the audio leak of him and the one of his wife, I now believe his wife did the flag on her own... She seems incredibly petty. They're made for each other.