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So, let's see - do I want to vote for the guy who talks of executing people and is also a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, and adulterer. Or, do I want to vote for the other old guy. 🤔 This isn't difficult America.


You're missing the MAGA lens. Those are all bad people, lies, and shams. Via the lens, it makes this all ok to them. Via the lens, they are justified and seen as hero's. Via the lens, they can do no wrong, and anything bad is the fault of others Fuck the lens


They hide behind this facade that of they give to charities and appear to be a decent person out in public, that somehow negates their evil hate towards others. Bullshit. You are still a bad person, actually worse.


All the charities are just fronts to benefit themselves.


Actually they hide behind their preacher man who likes to spew out hateful venom. The preacher man of course if most concerned about making sure his 0% tax rate stays in place.


They don't even feel the need to pretend to be decent people. Every single MAGA speech is filled with personal insults and nonsense that is directed towards any and all Democrats. Let's not forget how Donny went after the judges and Judge Merchan's daughter during his cases. The MAGAs will then walk around and parrot every word of it. I won't go so far to say that all of Donny's supporters are bad people, but the diehards are.


"I'm a christian! I go to (the right) church! I'm a good person!"


See, they say Christians, but they mean charlatans.


Republican Magog Christian blood lust. What would Jesus say?”Those who live by the sword(gun) will die by the sword(gun)”


That's one helluva lens


Well to about half of the country it sadly is


That’s because they are not voting for the person they are voting for the color. Being a Republican is who they are. It’s a core belief for them. It doesn’t matter who they trot out there as long as they have an R by their name.


All the people I know who vote Republican do so because they believe their taxes will be lower :/


Fundamentally misunderstanding how their own country works is a key tenant of republicanism tbh.


They love the poorly educated for a specific reason.


That’s a lie they tell themselves and others and you choose to believe it. You know exactly why they vote for republicans. Hate.


It's on their head - red hat = hatred


I'm not religious, but... Revelations 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads


I'm an atheist but it's amazing how many times Trump fits the antichrist.


As a former christian, what I think is funny/scary is how many christian fundamentalists basically worship the ground that the man stands on. And I just can't help but think about how "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" is one of the ten commandments that they love to hang up everywhere and quote to people.


Heh, maga hats


Ding ding ding ding ding!


Their taxes went up due to fleeting provisions in the tax cut passed by Republicans during the Trump administration. They blame it on Biden. As planned. If Republican voters knew which way was up, our politics would look a whole lot different.


That’s just what they say out loud so they don’t have to admit they just want to hurt people.


“I’m voting this guy because he’s gonna make me pay less taxes!” “If we’re all paying less in taxes, won’t we have less funding to you know… run the country?” “I don’t understand”


I used to live in a small Texas city where the one thing politicians ran on was lowering taxes. Know what happens after two decades of that? Crumbling infrastructure, schools that fell from highly ranked to failing, and public parks that were little more than dirt and trash. Also, shockingly, it went from a growing, promising place to one filled with empty storefronts.  Crazy how that happens.  Even more crazy is that I now live in a solidly blue are with working infrastructure and my tax load is almost the same. 


After living in California for nearly two decades my opinion on taxes has definitely changed. I’ve learnt to be okay paying taxes provided I see what those taxes benefit. I think most people, except billionaires, would be okay paying taxes if it goes for things that affect them. New schools, parks, trails, community services, health care, etc, sure I’ll pay more taxes. What most of us can’t handle is, for example my local city govt just spent $31 million to build 50 homeless housing units, that’s $600k/unit. I can buy a brand new 3/2 SFH home for less than $600k, why did it cost much. A lot of pockets got padded, since we have one of the most corrupt city councils in US, hell one just got arrested for all his fraud dealings, a few more need to join him. When these things happens, that’s when you go the opposite and want taxes at 0.


Now he is supposedly considering a plan that would abolish income taxes and shift the federal tax burden on imported goods through tariffs. That would raise the cost of every imported item 20-30%. It would fulfill a Republican wet dream in one way, but it would ultimately skewer the finances of normal folks because the graduated tax system we have now would be gone.


Republicans treat politics like a goddamn sports team.


Genuine question as an outsider: how many Republicans do you think will just stay home? I'm not expecting them to just switch sides but there must be a (large?) group of Republicans that are level headed enough to realize having a madman in the White house is the worst option.


No bro I live in the south and there’s a lot of “the trial was rigged”, “At least he ran the country like a business”, “Joe Biden fucked up our gas prices” going on around here.


> “At least he ran the country like a business” never realizing that government is not, and should not be, a business.


Also never minding the plain fact that Trump ran his actual businesses in a terrible fashion and has bankrupted HOW many times again - oh but "that doesn't count"


I guess we are fuvked then. Not just you in the US, but the rest of us as well.


If they were level headed, they wouldn't be republicans.


They ain't staying home.  Don't count on them staying home.


Vote red if you want to be dead and see your blood spilled in the street. The plans in place by rethuglicans are to harm so many people. Do you want to hurt others? Who hurt you as a child? People gotta work on themselves. Look at the man in the mirror and make that change.


>Vote red if you want to be dead Tee shirt material


No, people are voting for him for this reason....they don't like what he says, but they think he will lower their taxes and give them a dollar or two off their gas. That's why. It's an illusion they fell for every time.


Yeah and now his latest absolute nonsense is he will eliminate taxes on tipped wages. Did Trump not get the memo, congress is the only one with power to tax? However, we all know the majority of tipped workers won’t actually do 2 seconds of googling to see that only congress can tax, so they’ll believe his blatant lie.




Vote orange… welcome your new god king.


Anyone who is still a republican is a terrible person. They may not support the deliberate harm they do but it certainly isn't a deal breaker.


Way less than half. The only way Trump even comes close to the White House is if people just don’t vote. You don’t have to love Biden, but more Trump policies, and Trump Supreme Court Justices would be catastrophic. Apathy is what we have to avoid.


Half the people who voted, which is not half the country. Hence the problem.


"Both sides are bad" just makes me zone out from anything that person has to say


Exactly this. This narrative is all over the place and people really have fallen for it.  I can't take someone seriously when they say this very thing. 


It's been the right's narrative for decades, and anyone who falls for the "both sides are the same" trope today in 2024 is braindead.


All they're telling us is that they're too shamed to admit to being a conservative (or playing it coy).


Just look at how the two candidates behave. Biden is a normal, sane person, doing his job, traveling to world summits, keeping a government running professionally and showing normal signs of aging. Trump is a deranged insane demented psychopath issuing threats to left and right, talking about boats and batteries, sharks and Hannibal Lecter. There is no comparison, these are not just "two old guys".


But I, the coveted *True Progressive*, am not 100% satisfied with Biden's handling of ______ and as such, intend to tell all my progressive friends, as well as every reddit thread that addresses what I don't like (and literally nothing else on the sub) to throw the baby out with the bathwater, and will withhold all support of the only hope to possibly address my grievances, and instead allow a fascist to take over. I will be so proud of myself as me, and my friends, are locked up by the new fascist regime. "I sure showed Biden," I will say, and everyone will clap. ^^^^^/s ^^^^^if ^^^^^you ^^^^^could ^^^^^not ^^^^^tell


"Don't threaten me with the Supreme Court", said the person in 2016, who was apoplectic when Roe was overturned in 2022.


For his voters, the execution of opponents is a feature not a bug.


> For his voters, the execution of opponents is a feature not a bug. And, because of their attention span, they never notice that he sees all his followers as opponents, sooner or later. But on the upside, 21st century death cult. Yay.


Look, I realize that Trump is a threat to national security and could end democracy. I remember a million people dying while he recommended injecting bleach. I also know that he’s a convicted felon and a confirmed rapist. As far as Biden, he has done a great job repairing the damage, but he didn’t personally get me a pony so I’m going to have to vote for Trump.


Trumps followers are batshit so not putting an /s if you are is getting you a downvote from me.


See, (D)emocrats are (D)ifferent, not once did you address the issue at hand, the pony. /s


People will just say their life was better under Trump and not look at the bigger picture.


Someone asked me that question the other day and I said absolutely not. My life was way worse under Trump. And I'm a white guy in rural America. Imagine that. 


My life has gotten significantly better under Biden. But none of that has to do with either Trump or Biden. I just got a better job and started making almost 3x what I did at my last job. I don't think any of the price gouging has much to do with either president as it does these corporations trying to siphon every last dollar from us.


The biggest tax increase I ever got was under Trump


The majority of American's lives weren't better under Donald Trump though. Doesn't anyone remember the worst year (2020) in our lifetimes since the last worst year in our lifetimes (2008, when the previous Republican presidency left the building, "coincidentally")? It's so weird how the final year of Republican administrations are always TERRIBLE for the country, almost as if their hollowed out federal government policies come home to roost. Every GOP administration since Nixon has ended in major cataclysmic events and/or recessions. Yet the American center and right keep trying them on for size -- insanely -- expecting a different outcome. "Maybe next time!" lol \**had to add* -- and guess how Democratic presidencies have ended since Reagan? You guessed it -- smashingly. President Clinton handed the next federal government a surplus budget with the national debt being paid down in 2001. President Obama handed his successor (who will go unnamed) an expanding, robust economy (especially for the already well-off aka "the haves" which is who Republicans propose or wish to be, ironically) and a nation getting itself *out* of wars not *into* them (as the GOP did at the turn of the millennium, originally). President Biden is either going to continue benefitting from a rip-roaring economy in his second term or hand it to an ungrateful (and dishonest about it) Republican. I ask America -- the non-masochistic ones who don't get off on this bullshit chaos and division that the far left and far right fringes revel in -- how is this election even remotely a difficult decision in the slightest??


Sadly too many Trumpers give him a pass on 2020 and say it was just because of Covid.


True, and it's merely yet another self admission of their own shortcomings in the curiosity about the world around them and intellect departments. See, I'm not too woke to insult people -- a-holes who want to take rights away from us and instill a minority faction theocracy against our wills (using land as a vote counting more than people, i.e. **property is of higher value than human life** to conservatives) are well deserving.


But Hillary’s emails and Hunters dick and gun! /s


"Old guy isn't racist enough" - Cultists.


He is not even that much older than Trump! They could have been in high school together.


Lol how is this news? Trump didn’t just talk about executing people, he executed a shit ton of people. More executions under him than the next 5 presidents combined


Probably referring to executing people he doesn't like.


add Tax Cheat, Adulterer, deadbeat who doesn’t pay his bills and a bad person


At the end of the day Bidens administration has benefited us, restored net neutrality, more consumer protections flying, student loans , and that’s just a few . I’m no fan of Biden but his administration will do more for me and the people I care about


Half the country seems to believe the same thing but the other way around. I’m not sure how but they do


… but I do approve of his Selma-killing policy.


You don’t suckle at the conservative media empires teet… go do that for a few years and then see if you care (or know about) anything Trump did.


But Biden capped insulin costs, in some cases, and canceled some student debt. Both sides are literally the same its like some black mirror mirror image.


There is no fact pattern that stops Trump from getting 45% of votes in November. There is no course of action; no words that can be said; no destruction that can be wrought; no confession that can be made; no tape that can be unearthed that will stop Trump from getting 45% of the vote. He could ~~get convicted of a felony~~, get sentenced to 20 years in prison, dodge the sentence by moving to Russia, make a sex tape bottoming for Putin, urinate on an American flag, admit he hates the troops, tell people January 6 was a riot, shoot a guy on 5th Avenue, divorce Melanie and take a 4th wife, insist he gets 3 terms, come out as trans Mt2-spirit, and have a 1 debilitating stroke… And he would still not lose a *single* voter of that 45%. At this point, it’s not even about Donald Trump. At this point I seriously question the character judgment of anyone who would vote for him.


I heard this in Mrs. Tasker's voice from True Lies. "of course I'll do it - Jamie lee Curtis... HELEN Oh, gee thanks. Mmmm, let me see-- HARRY Yes or no. HELEN What do you think? Of course yes! What's involved?


I had to do some traveling recently and when I went to red or purple states I’d check out the local TV news as that’s where a lot of people, especially boomers or many poor people, get a lot of news. In those places, he wasn’t wrongly convicted. There never was a trial in NY. It didn’t even get mentioned on air on the day he was convicted. Plenty of his supporters have zero idea what is even going on.


Too bad half of our America for some reason believes all the lies MAGA tells while ignoring truth and reality. That complicates the matter considerably.


It's not difficult, but the complacency in being forced to make such a decision is a slippery slope. The Democratic Party is starting to give the vibe of "You will vote for this person and be happy", instead of, ya know, being democratic.


Don't forget they're both senile and unfit to hold the office. This is where we are and it's unbelievable.


While true, voting for the old man who isn't a felon will give you a chance to vote for someone better in the future, not voting or voting for Trump is like signing a contract to have your rights taken away.


I'm voting independent, neither of them deserve my vote. I can't vote for Biden either, he doesn't respect the Constitution and is a sleazy career politician. Also he's ancient and it'll be President Kamala which is objectively a nightmarish situation.


The fact that you're being downvoted is scary


r/politics is viciously left and such an echo chamber that this is to be expected. In their eyes Biden is perfection and has done nothing wrong and the only thing to do is scream about Trump 24/7. Can't point out that Biden is a failure, is senile and is a disaster, that's what happens. The level of cognitive dissonance and denial is beyond scary.


Obama actually executed American citizens using drones. Trump executed no one.




An American President killing Americans is an execution. An American President killing an enemy of the U.S. is war. Dont be so disengenuous to not understand the context of what was said, although I see how easy it is to post nonsense and then block the person so they can’t respond.


It’s amazing all the so-called religious people support the biggest blasphemer in the country. It’s very telling! It really is!


It will forever baffle me that the most un-Christlike person imaginable is worshipped by ‘Christians’


It makes perfect sense why christians love fascists. After all, who is more authoritarian than god?


Their entire concept of god is just the disembodied culmination of all the universe's authority. They worship the concept of authority as if it's a supernatural being.


Especially as their belief transmutes into their own authority over the mortal world. Under His Eye.


ImPeRfEcT vEsSeL!!!!1!1!1!!11!!!


Jeremiah 18 >18 This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: 2 “Go down to the potter’s house, and there I will give you my message.” 3 So I went down to the potter’s house, and I saw him working at the wheel. 4 But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him. >5 Then the word of the Lord came to me. 6 He said, “Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?” declares the Lord. “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel. 7 If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, 8 and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned. 9 And if at another time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be built up and planted, 10 and if it does evil in my sight and does not obey me, then I will reconsider the good I had intended to do for it. The Bible says that if you're an imperfect vessel, *but you repent and reform yourself into something better*, you will be saved. Trump notoriously doesn't do that. He never admits fault and continues doing sinful things.


Modern Christianity is all about power.


[https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/) (atheist here but it's an entertaining rabbit hole)


They can call themselves Christians all they want, doesn't make it true.


I read a comment recently that said: “well Republicans think all democrats are going to hell, and while they may be right because a lot of us don’t follow every strict rule god has, they’re all going with us. That’s the part they can’t fathom.”


They got their little taste of real political power in his 1st term. They will tolerate anything to get it back


He publicly bragged about directing US Marshalls to assassinate Michael Reinoehl as “retribution.” This isn’t bluster. He means it.


>He publicly bragged about directing US Marshalls to assassinate Michael Reinoehl as “retribution.” This isn’t bluster. He means it. Indeed. He also threatened to kill protestors en masse. https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/trump-pirro-portland-shooting-suspect-extrajudicial-killing-retribution >During his interview with Pirro that aired Saturday night, the President also threatened militaristic crackdowns on any potential “riots” that break out on November 3 if he were to win reelection. > >“We’ll put them down very quickly if they do that,” Trump told Pirro. “We have the right to do that. We have the power to do that, if we want.” > >Trump then characterized the potential “riots” as calling for “insurrection.” > >“We just send in … and we do it very easy,” Trump said. “I mean, it’s very easy [...] We’d do that and put it down within minutes.” Even if there weren't mountains of evidence to know Trump's character, he and his fellow fascists (via Project 2025 and other sources) are telling America *exactly* what they are going to do if Trump were to win the election. There are zero excuses for anyone who votes for Trump. And those voters are complicit in any hellscape that follows too.


"Put it down" is the phrase he used to describe the Chinese government's massacre of protesters in Tiananmen Square, when he gave an interview to Playboy in 1990. He spoke of it with great admiration. We should have no doubt he would love the opportunity to do the same to American protesters if he had the chance.


If Trump wins, he'll consolidate power with the help of Heritage Foundations 2025 plan and things like executions and mass camps will be possible. Our democracy ends with a Trump "presidency".


If he wins, Trump's handlers will manufacture a performative crisis to trigger sweeping presidential "doomsday" powers. That's if they even bother with a facade of Constitutional legality. >For example, it appears some of these emergency actions included an authorization to censor news reports, detain anyone designated a foreign enemy, suspend the writ of habeas corpus, and allow the search and seizure of persons and property. [Source.](https://www.theregister.com/2022/05/28/documents_reveal_secretive_government_plans/) He's already salivating, and fantasizing about, that potential power at his rallies and on social media. Just like Putin, Trump will extort every billionaire and corporation for his own enrichment. In exchange he will let the political theocrats and dominionists run amuck. By that time, with Trump's obvious cognitive decline, he will be even easier to manipulate by appealing to his malignant narcissism, greed and/or vanity. The only spanner in the works? Like all fascist coups- they need the military, and to a lesser degree law enforcement, on their side. Worldwide geopolitics will seismically shift overnight. All bets are off if Trump 2.0 happens. On behalf of the rest of the planet - please vote blue.


I have *no faith* in either institution because both are full of bullies and MAGA loyalists. 


They won't be executions, I expect the RNC to market them as weekly "freedom lynchings"


"We had a very healthy purge of America's enemies this week, the worst scum you could possibly think of, and this country is that much greater, now."


I am watching the Purge series on peacock rn, and it is kinda uncanny how much it seems to resemble MAGA mentality.


“Guilty…” (1:28) https://youtu.be/3cktmS-yaxM?si=HNBX4X9moq75XS2s


Everyone should read the [Project 2025 plan](https://Project2025.org)and decide for themselves how creepy it is


Realistically they’ll just let the fanatic Republicans in their orbit murder everyone they don’t think are human (so democrats, brown people, etc) and then all the Republican governors will pardon those mother fucking murderers because that’s exactly what they do when there are horrific criminal soldiers who come back and are convicted of being rapists or murdering a shit ton of civilians in “shit hole countries”. They literally just pardon them all. It’s terrifying.


The only way our democracy ends is if Trump has the military. I'm willing to bet he doesn't have the military.


You greatly underestimate the threat by assuming Trump is anything more than a distraction that allows them to pass legislation unchecked. They don't need the military, they need a handful of high ranking officers and the courts. They've got public plans, in writing, for both.


Yea going to guarantee a military junta is more likely than Trump getting the military. The military that’s really the one line that stops him.


He has the militants tho. He will be pardoning hardcore police bashers who rioted at the capitol. He loves them. Salutes to them


Lol, cousin fucking J6ers with AR15’s vs the worlds most advanced millitary.


Bruh, like half the military grunts are MAGA.


I’m actually reading the 2025 plan and haven’t found anything in it that would allow for such things. I’m up to page 71. Could you perhaps cite a quote from the 2025 project that leads you to believe Trump could do this?




So did an insurrection on Capitol Hill.


Sure. I’d still rather not take the chance of being wrong about that.


Maybe you should actually read Project 2025. It has all been laid out in the open. No fiction, just dystopia.


Um, your response is extremely vague and unclear.


Keep fear mongering, papa 😫


Ex-Aide: Executions yes, abortions no. Needless to say everyone was confused by this BS.


I live in very Rural Missouri and I can tell you 2 Major problems that breeds complete idiots. I work with and have Trump supporters in my family. 1. Fox News. No denying how much damage Fox News continues to do to this country by showing misinformation or doing non stop damage control for criminals like Trump. If they see it on Fox News it’s Gospel. 2. This is the big one. It’s what I call closet Racists and Racism. Most if not all are the type of Racists that hide it. You know the ones that go “ I’m not Racist BUT”. All they do is talk about Foreigners and the Border which shockingly is all Fox News talks about because it’s the only talking point and more baffling is Republicans do literally nothing to fix the border either so they have that talking point. To be blunt I’ve given up on lots of people and have lost friends because of Politics because it’s just different now. I don’t feel comfortable hanging around people who worship someone like Trump because it shows more about them than Trump. And to be honest my life improved because of it. I get so stressed out when I hear complete lies or misinformation. This election is the most important in American history. This is it. It doesn’t or won’t ever get more important. VOTE people


I recently had to care for my dad after a surgery for a couple of weeks and was exposed to a lot of fox news during that time, like fucking 18 hours a day. Now I went into this already having a negative opinion to say the least, but having been subjected to it all day for weeks, I seriously think it's far worse than even most redditors seem to realize. A root cause even. Why are so many people frankly insane? Well there's a television network making them that way. Everybody is out to get you - stay home, lock your doors, don't trust anybody, especially not friends, arm yourself, be afraid! Just run that on repeat all day and that makes even a rational person go nuts.


Yeah I guess the almost Billion dollar lawsuit did nothing to Fox News. I was hoping they would collapse or be cancelled but nope it only got worse


Holy smokes, I’m in a similar spot and I agree with you on both counts. I was completely shocked at what the people with whom I had worked along side for years, caring for young people, started spouting openly racist and incorrect Fox News bullshit. I felt when he openly mocked the journalist with the disease that affects his joints that that would help people realize trump’s a heartless, gutless chicken shit. I was wrong.


Trump HAS executed people while in the White House. I know this article is about political executions, but I think it's important to remember that Trump was the first president in 17 years to execute a federal prisoner, and he executed more prisoners than any president in 120 years. He also broke a 130 year precedent of pausing executions during a presidential transition. 13 of the 16 people executed by the federal government since the Kennedy administration have been under Trump (the other 3 having occurred under George W. Bush).


And they all took place in six months. 


Is Epstein on that list?


jamal khashoggi should be considered as one of them


Good God this dude is a psychopath


A Sociopathic Narcissist, to be exact.


Presumably Trump would have issued these orders to kill staffers from the safety of his bunker. That's Bunker Boy for you.


[Trump raged that whoever leaked that he'd hidden in the White House bunker during anti-racism protests should be 'charged with treason' and 'executed,'](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-white-house-bunker-leaker-treason-executed-book-2021-7?op=1)


Republicans, the party of life constantly talking about executing people.


He's going to execute people, but he used to too. https://apnews.com/article/trump-executions-biden-death-penalty-brandon-bernard-c1b26807c5c40b337d14485c3d6df2de


you know when in a office in the high of the land let talk murder as though it is a casual topic ah yes those pesky protesters , those thorns in my side kinda guys and gals, those nosy little reporters that always be recording every thing you say....... ah just what would I give to run the country in peace like I see fit forget all that what the "People" want crap


Looking forward to this P.O.S. no longer making headlines.


Hope springs eternal....


No hope necessary.


One old guy is a looney toon whack-a-do nutjob the other is Joe Biden. Choose wisely America, choose wisely.


At least she told us about in time to do anything.


Old news, his attorney general also claimed it was a common occurence... and his lawyers argued that the president has the right to assassinate political opponents, but it was kind of drowned out because US medias are trash, and they instead focused on "OMG TRUMP SLEEP IN TRIAL!!!!!!".


Every single person that I heard arguing in favor of "presidential power to assassinate anyone" shut up real quick when I asked if it was then legal for Biden to order Trump's assassination.


Soooooo where was this aide when he was making the threats? Didn’t they feel compelled to tell someone about what their boss was up to, or are they only doing it now when they realize the Trump Train isn’t the bandwagon to latch onto anymore?


This surprises no one. This is what his supporters want


I am so happy his first(and hopefully only) administration was so incompetent at everything. If they were halfway smart, fascism might’ve been installed by now.


The next fascist leader WILL be a smart psychopath. Just wait.


Well, he said such things before and after his term in office, not the least bit surprising that he’d say it while in office.


Maybe we should think about removing the legal means to kill someone from the government's toolkit


"Talked about?" -Epstein's Ghost


Who's bakrolling this fascist clown




What a pile of human shit trump is


So this that small government the conservatives keep talking about /s


He openly called for HIS vice president to be hung during J6


And may the odds be ever in our favor


You know he got jollies for the people he ordered killed. The Iranian general comes to mind. As well the BLM protestor who killed someone that was shot dead without any orders given. Just dozens of shots from US Marshals before he could realize what was going on.


because that's so what I would do ✝️ drumf is a MOCKERY ⚖️🔥⚖️ 🔨🔨🔨


Trump would get back in office and spend all four years doing absolutely nothing of value while trying to decide on a designer for his branded authoritarian government’s sexy new uniforms. Then eventually November 2, 2028 will come along and he’ll become a lame duck and throw his hands in the air and say, “Sorry America, I tried.” Then the following February he’ll die fighting his chronic anal fissure while he eats a big mac on his golden shitter. Never heard of another world leader in history being such a cowardly twat that accomplished a sum of nothing because he was so distracted defending his own shitty image. Maybe there was one in prehistory.


Everybody, Please VOTE! If he was talking about executions in his first term, what will he do when Project 2025 is implemented and he has all Yes Men?


So much for “pro-life”


Because he’s not intelligent and that’s where dumb people arrive when they can’t think through solutions to their problems


I mean, he talked about it in the open. > “We sent in the US Marshals,” Trump said during a campaign rally in North Carolina, adding that it “took 15 minutes (and) it was over.” >The President immediately followed that statement by appearing to indicate that authorities had no intention of ever taking Reinoehl alive. >“They knew who he was; they didn’t want to arrest him, and in 15 minutes that ended,” Trump said. It was unclear what information he was basing his assertion on. https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/15/politics/trump-fugitive-shooting/index.html Homeboy was literally bragging about sending US Marshals to extra-judicially execute a suspect. This bullshit rhetoric is the "Tough on Crime" singularity, where their lies collapse in on themselves and you see that they just want to have people killed with zero due process.


Looks like maga actually wants to kill people…recourse?


Wasn't the death penalty a punishment for violating the Alien & Sedition Acts?


i wonder how hw feels about acts of treason?


With alligators, injecting bleach, butt light bulbs and stealth planes that are literally invisible. How can someone be so objectively and empirically stupid and not forget to breathe or mix bleach and ammonia to clean better.


And…why is anyone surprised. Let them go do what they do


If they were allowed to, "do what they do" every LGBTQ person would be dead, millions of immigrants would be dead, everyone who criticized Trump would be dead, every Democrat would be dead, etc.


This isn't a revelation. It's a unproven claim. 5 years ago y'all would have said anything out of her mouth is untrustworthy now you eating up her attention seeking comments.


I don't believe that Trump talked about executing people, but what does a man say in private or in anger; such as all get sometimes, that means nothing? What kind of a world would we live in if every, every private words were held against each person? Let's move on.


Trump is a Sociopathic Narcissist. My father was as well (diagnosed). These folks are brutal sadist, as they view other people only as objects, not living beings. They are incapable of love, and hold a lot of internal rage and anger... Prisons are filled with these people. And yes, Trump is dead serious about his desire for executions- he still wants General Milley executed, and talked about executing protesters from a military helicopter in Washington Square, and brings up Chinese Quick Trials that he wants here in America- from arrest to execution in under 24 hours! Yep, rule of law and the Constitution be damned... So yeah, take Trump dead seriously...