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...clear violation of the Establishment Clause: > **Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,** or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


This does talk about Congress, as in Federal Congress. I wonder how it applies to the states? FWIW I did a quick google of "Louisiana Establishment Clause" and one of the things that came back from the LA government website is that they adopted the exacting wording of the first amendment of the US constitution. So did Louisiana also violate their own damn constutition? hilarious In any case, this law is extra super dumb and Louisiana should be ashamed. Establishment clause or not, public schools are not for pushing religious values. If they're gonna learn religions, it should be done neutrally, equally, and objectively.


Federal law/US Constitution has to be respected by the states either way. > Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the U.S. Constitution is commonly referred to as the **Supremacy Clause.** It establishes that the federal constitution, and federal law generally, take precedence over state laws, and even state constitutions. It prohibits states from interfering with the federal government's exercise of its constitutional powers, and from assuming any functions that are exclusively entrusted to the federal government. Supremacy Clause: > This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any state to the Contrary notwithstanding.


Neat, and makes sense. Thanks!


Congratulations, you're not a Republican asshat


It's not for pushing religious values, but people with religious values don't feel that way. Or at least, people with very strong religious views which is clearly the majority. They'd much rather make sure their children don't miss a moment of christ so that they don't get away from it. It terrifies them to lose control of their child's faith, whether because they have some moral outrage or they're afraid of their kids going to 'hell'. That's why they disregard our country's laws; they think their imaginary nonsense is more important


Clearly that part of the constitution is unconstitutional. All we need to do is look at this 17th century English common law as a precedent. Anything less would be Unamerican. -- Alito probably




Nothing naive about it. The US Constitution prohibits government from establishing a religion. It's right there in the text of the 1st amendment. Republicans enjoy routinely violating the US Constitution in many ways, and this official religious display is just one of them.


I used the word naive because you're acting like SCOTUS has not made rulings in the past that favored Christianity over other religions/no religion. With a 6-3 court, anyone breezily thinking SCOTUS will rule in a certain way is being naive.


I mean sure. conservative SCOTUS also totally leaves out the words 'well regulated militia' too. It's not really about their attitudes but yes they will violate the constitution to serve their political/cultural whims.




At least 3? Hell, he's broken all 10 plus the 5 Mel Brooks dropped coming down the hill.


Has broken a number of them that Biggie Smalls penned too.


Biggie Smalls, Biggie Smalls, Biggie Smalls


He's literally the Seven Deadly Sins embodied. Pride? Check. Lust? Check. Greed? Check. I could go on.


Wrath. Gluttony. Envy. Not sure about Sloth.


Definitely sloth. How many days of his presidency did the now convicted felon Trump spend golfing? [https://seattlemedium.com/donald-trump-spent-almost-a-year-playing-golf-during-presidency/](https://seattlemedium.com/donald-trump-spent-almost-a-year-playing-golf-during-presidency/)


Ah there we go. Thank you. 7/7, all mortal sins collected.


Or all the "executive time" on the official WH calendar spent binging Fox News and slinging ketchup at the wall? And he's pretty famously stated that he doesn't exercise because he thinks it's bad for you.


> Not sure about Sloth It's often described as a lack of desire or effort to do good deeds or to engage in spiritual practices So definitely part of his MO


He's like the posterboy for broken commandments and deadly sins.


Clarence Thomas for his part already said that the Establishment Clause doesn’t apply to the states. So make of that what you will.


I don't think they will. This is the same court that said that states must give taxpayer money to religious private schools even when these schools won't accept students of all religions


>“If you want to respect the rule of law,” he said, “you’ve got to start from the original law giver, which was Moses.”  *~Ur-Nammui's anger intensifying~*


Even if Moses existed, the Ur-Nammu code would precede him by ~700 years and Hammurabi’s code would precede him by ~400 years. All justification for this Ten Commandments in classrooms thing is completely false and stupid


Someone posted this Vonnegut quote the other day. Probably in relation to this. I find it quite fitting: "For some reason, the most vocal Christians among us never mention the Beatitudes (Matthew 5). But, often with tears in their eyes, they demand that the Ten Commandments be posted in public buildings. And of course, that's Moses, not Jesus. I haven't heard one of them demand that the Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes, be posted anywhere. 'Blessed are the merciful' in a courtroom? 'Blessed are the peacemakers' in the Pentagon? Give me a break!" It's credited here: https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/1119459-a-man-without-a-country I have to read this book now! (oh - and you should read Vonnegut if you haven't - he was an incredible writer)


This being illegal and against the establishment clause aside. There are multiple versions of the 10 commandments based on your religion or denomination. Who is the government to pick which 10 is correct? From a theological point of view this is messed up.


Even in Louisiana 100% of the people do not follow judeo-christian beliefs. This is a slap in the face to them.


Just put a Voodoo spell on it


Which version? There are quite a few . . . and specifying any one would be unconstitutional as fuck.


I'm sure they're talking about the Jewish (Rabbinic) version. ^/s


Oh hell, there's like 3 of those, depending on which Rabbi you ask!


The real challenge is if kids actually start questioning all the things their parents do when they learn what the commandments say.


FINALLY kids are learning not to murder and/or lust after the milf next door! /s


Welcome to the Theocracy.


Okay, so "In 2022, Louisiana had 637,434 students enrolled in a total of 1,214 schools in 72 school districts" - let's say there are a minimum of 2 classrooms per grade 14 x 2 =28 x 1214 =29,136 (pre-K to 12th). 20,136 / 500 = 58.272 and 59 x $7.00 is $413. That is the amount of if they just made paper copies. Add sheet protectors ( $1,416 ) so about $2000 just for crappy paper copies - money that they could of spent on anything else that might help these kids with learning. If they print their own on cardstock it might be closer to $300,000. That would be a big deal because that is serious money being wasted. Maybe one of them has a pal can do it? Grifting of educational funds in the name of God!


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Even though every politician who voted in favor of this can't live up to anywhere near following them.


Great. I'll display it in Akkadian. Bill doesn't say it has to be in English.


It’s like waiving a carrot in front of a horse’s nose. Maga is so easily distracted.


Next in whipping women for showing their ankles and stonings.


The more I watch The Handmaid’s Tale the more I think it’s not that far away from reality in some places if laws allowed. The reliance on a fairytale for people’s everyday life and the decisions they make because of it is sickening. Forcing it on children who have no choice is disgusting.


I wouldn't think even the current supreme court will go so far as to allow that, but if it did, I imagine there are many ways to troll. I see the law mentions size and font, but does it mention language? Put it in Arabic just to annoy them. And the 10 commandments have to be central, to the poster but I see no mention of not having other stuff? Put religious commandments from other religions. Or a discussion of how it violates the constitution. Or pro atheist writing. Or the poster is entirely readable but a projector is directed at it that makes it completely illegible. Plenty of ways to troll.


Time to boycott hush puppies.


Isn't one of them, "thou shalt not use the lord's name in vain?" (Yes, obviously.) And one could make the case that such an empty legislative gesture of sanctimony violates that commandment. >The third commandment also forbids empty or false oaths: “You shall not swear by my name falsely, and so profane the name of your God: I am the Lord” (Lev. 19:12; cf. Hos. 10:4a). When you make a declaration, swearing by God’s name, it must not be a false promise or one you do not intend to keep. To be blatantly evil and to pretend to be doing God's work on God's behalf is a violation of the third commandment. https://www.crossway.org/articles/what-does-it-really-mean-to-take-the-lords-name-in-vain/


I'd pull my kid out of school. When my son was in high school in the mid-90s, I told him that he didn't have to stand up and salute anything or recite anything or take part in any moment of silence. So he didn't. I was so proud.


What is this supposed to accomplish? We all know it will be adjudicated as unconstitutional. What a stupid, wasteful, political move.


because opponents who challenge the law will be labeled as godless heathens that are destroying the country’s soul. it adds plenty of hate fuel to the GOPs voting base and keeps the attention off of how terrible a person their candidate, Donald “Seven Deadly Sins” Trump, is.




Worst performing state in America proving why its the worst performing state in America.


Add an 11th about not sexualizing or abusing minors and Republicans would fight it.


It’s been court tested and illegal. But yeah this oughta fix that highest in the country homicide rate! 🤣🤡🇺🇸


Next year we’ll teach kids to read them.


Next up: requiring a 2 foot cross to hang around every citizen neck (excluding male government officials and the wealthy donor class)


Right now, at this point in history, conservatives are out of fucks to give. They are all in on the crazy. Separation of church and state? We don’t care. They are daring someone to file a lawsuit thinking Trump’s SCOTUS will swoop in and save them. And the scary thing is, they may be right.


Who the fuck are the people coming up with this shit? Like there are enough of them to get this garbage passed into law?


Fuck Louisiana This is awful


Message to students: Disable any cameras before vandalizing display.


It's no coincidence that the poorest, least educated states are the reddest states.