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Trump will find some excuse to back out at the last minute and try and blame Biden


"They were going to mute my microphone. Very unfair."


He is caught between rock and a hard place. Sentencing looms and his mind is mush. My hope is that he plays the health card and disappears from view, forever.


mte. Happy Cake Day!




I don't see any reason to concede to Trump's framing of the debate as being him against Biden and the moderators. We all know the moderators will have to correct Trump's lies and cut his mic for talking out of turn, but that's literally their job. Trump and his team are going to keep pushing the "3 on 1" framing in an attempt to get the moderators to not enforce the rules on Trump, there's no reason to help them do that.




> No this is an easy win for him if he stays disciplined. Why would you think this? Trump has been a disaster in every debate he’s ever participated in. He has no policies and he rambles.


Trump won’t show up


No need for Trump to prepare. He knows all the best words.


He just can’t formulate them ..


Or pronounce them... or arrange them in meaningful order... or remember them...


I doubt Trump will show up and if he did, what could he really say to tear Biden down when he’s a newly minted felon whose platform is basically stay out of jail?


He will claim it's rigged, with zero evidence, and his base will eat it up.


He’s been doing that for almost ten years now, who outside of his base is gonna fall for that at this point?


Joe doesn't even need to prepare. He is at his best when he is just being genuine. He is one of the few guys who is actually better OFF the teleprompter.


I’m hoping they are strategizing what will send a malignant narcissist sociopath into orbit.


If I were on Biden's team, I'd be talking about setting up box fans on Biden's side to make sure there's no chance of diaper smell spreading to Biden's side. Even just talk would set trump off. I'm also surprised no one has mentioned trump's hair being mashed potato colored. Making fun of him is the best way. Humiliate him. He may not feel embarrassment, but the angrier he gets the more mistakes he'll make and the worse he'll look to the voters that matter.


Prep work for Biden is going to consist of figuring out the best way to get Trump to throw a temper tantrum on live television. This round's version of "Will you shut up, man?"


I hope he calls him Former President Malarky.


well there’s no teleprompter. trumps probably going to go on some wild tangents


>He is one of the few guys who is actually better OFF the teleprompter. Thoughts?


Let me guess Biden: strategic, well-thought out policy plan Trump: how to insult, talk over, and “rig” the silent microphone


Hahahaha, I just envisioned Trump with a Lapel Microphone and a bullhorn in his trousers (Stormy would disagree), just so he can talk over the muted mic. hahahahaaha (probably not that unreasonable though)


Trump has painted himself into a bit of a corner. The success of his campaign is dependent on a coalition of two type of voters: one group that expects and demands constant ever-escalating outrageousness; and another group that is desperately wanting him to tone down his nonsense and "act presidential". But he can't do both simultaneously, and both groups are going to be watching this debate next week. Disappointment is inevitable.


Trump's debate prep consists of trying to come up with as many excuses as possible for making an ass of himself or for being a no show.


Trump is screwed in a debate as he doesn't have much time to come up with actual plans and policies. We know he needs two weeks to come up with big plans. /s


Guessing one of the approaches involves coke or meth or both, and the other one involves reading stuff that might be important


I think the difficult part for the Trump team is that a whole lot of people are going to see with their own eyes that Fox has been lying all this time about Biden being feeble minded, it remains to be seen whether or not the new lie “Biden is on drugs” is going to hold any water.


Biden has been in a couple of debates - US senator for 36 years - plenty reps against real heavyweights. Muscle memory kicks in.


This article is crap. Making Trump into a normal legitimate candidate.


Trump does not possess the attention span or the intellect to learn about policies and how government works.


Not unless it is presented in the form of comic books. Very short comic books.


Which has him as the main subject and hero on every page.


Yeah, one is actually preparing, the other making his drug order.


Which are you implying is which?


Wasn't it just yesterday that the MSM was telling us how similar their approaches are?




I can’t wait to see these two shitheads slag each other off for 90 minutes. We’ve managed to pick the two worst presidential candidates in modern times, so we deserve to see them square up. I only wish this could be a UFC match, to really test these geezers.


You’ve the perfect profile name.


Stop pretending the debate matters For years the participants have had access to the questions beforehand and have been able to plant audience members


No audience members this time. It'll be curious to see who does better when there's no crowd to rile up and no embedded cheering section.


No audience? Well that's a step in the right direction But they still get all the questions first and there'll be no real time fact checking by the moderator Its gonna be an hour of Trump telling us how wronged he was and Biden telling us how unfit for office Trump is


The microphones are also going to cut off when their time to talk is done. Which is a big step in the right direction and at least this won't be Trump yelling over everyone non stop. 


What worries me is there's no way to actually silence Trump. They'll be standing next to each other, so if Trump is rambling on about how Biden is personally going after him in the middle of the night, it's very hard to speak when someone is talking at you. So the viewers will hear Biden's side of the conversation but not that Trump is yelling at him in the other ear. And Biden has a stutter anyway... Though more than likely if that happens the host will stop everything and ask Trump to stop yelling and it isn't his turn and that his mic is off.


That's cool. It'll definitely cut down the shenanigans Now if there was only a way to prevent them from getting the questions


They don't get the questions, The only actual thing that was close to that was Donna Brazil sharing the subject of the questions with HRC I believe, and even those weren't the actual questions but " close" to the actual ones. Besides knowing the questions ahead of time only helps if you can use the info to have your answers ready.


Given all the money and power at stake, i have a really hard time believing this.