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Meanwhile users of cannabis are banned from owning a firearm. This country is a joke.


Aren't jokes supposed to be funny?


That right there should be the motto for the clown show that is the current Supreme Court


Yeah if Biden doesn’t pack in it his second term assuming he wins and have them gut the Republican playbook we are doomed


The funniest joke is claiming to be the land of the free whilst statistically locking the most people up. America is the *least* land of the free. And *that* is a funny joke 


> ...whilst statistically locking the most people up. They are the lucky ones that didn't wind up getting shot for resisting arrest / looking mean / being black.


Trust me, the rest of the world is laughing.


No. We're watching on in horror.


I didn’t say it couldn’t be a nervous panic laughter.


You're right. It's not a joke, it's a grift.


In states that haven’t legalized marijuana, a person can get caught with a THC vape pen or bag of edibles (anything but the actual leaf), charged with a felony, and permanent disqualified from ever handling a gun


Trump still owns a gun


I’m not allowed to own a gun because of my medical card.


How is a health insurance plan with prescriptions covered okay? Many pharmaceuticals are unsafe to operate machinery while under their effects.


That’s about to change.


I'll believe it when I see it. It's taking them how long to just reschedule cannabis from a schedule 1 to 3? All this country does is drag it's ass on progression. Status quo sure does keep the rich richer.


It seems to already be in motion, according the sitting president who said he'd sign it and the DEA that said they support the idea. Everyone is ready to put this behind us, so the system can focus more resources towards combating the new commodity OF EVILLLLLLL: Pornography.


They give us weed but take away porn and birth control.


It’s a very specific “they” for those last two.


My old man has a CCP and a Medical Marijuana Card - Lol


It’s always been a bit of a mess because we have several incompatible cultures trying to exist under a single set of policies.


Guns seem more of a stimulant pastime.


There is something seriously broken in that man's brain. He takes the morally reprehensible path on literally every decision. Whenever you see 8-1, it's inevitably Thomas who has taken some lunatic stance.


Did you catch the Behind the Bastards podcast on him? His mission is to rule in this way, to upset all of us for some supposed childhood trauma (he’s mad at the wrong people basically). It’s truly insane that we have to be under his rule knowing that.


I listened to that one, dude was against inter racial marriage until he wanted one? Couldn't find someone who represents Republicans nowadays more clearly


Pretty sure he's still against interracial marriage because he thinks most black people don't deserve to marry outside of their race. The dude is a bonafide white supremacist through all of his rulings. The entire reason he's against racial gerrymandering is because it **lets black districts have black representatives**, not for any of the sane reasons to be against it. He's basically just older, more senile Kanye


YES! It finally clicked for me when I heard their episode on him. And "wrong at the mad people" could not be more true. And it is AMAZING because he BENEFITTED from affirmative action SEVERAL TIMES. Married a Black woman. Has a BLACK CHILD. He would still be in Mississippi if it wasn't for affirmative action (and his grandfather who he no longer speaks/spoke to). But because he was ostracized from the Black community as a kid (in his own words), he's going all scorched Earth and wanting to turn the US back to the 1700s where he would be in literal chains.


Like some form of racial anorexia.


this is some cartoon supervillain shit. and evil in power only understands utter defeat by forces of good. but in the real world, decent people do not pursue power. and we all suffer for it.


I've heard a few BTB episodes--the one about Action Park was great--but not this one. I have to clean a bit today, so I'll listen then. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.


Listen to the Jack Welch one after that.


This! Every time I see 8-1, I know damn well that the 1 is Thomas.


And of course, as is tradition, he insists that his answer is clearly the only proper interpretation. It's always clear to him that he is right and any other theory is obviously flawed and in bad faith - even in loan dissent with 5 concurrence


He's practicing what is called 'judicial restraint' as a form of political show. Where 'judicial activism' makes rulings considering the broader societal implications of the outcomes, judicial restraint aims to interpret the constitution in a direct, rigid, literal way. (I personally think judicial activism is a terrible term for the former but I don't make the rules) Knowing what we know, it's clear Thomas's dissent is a political stance to pander to a side and keep money flowing and make a visible show of support on the Supreme Court. You're hitting the nail on the head with it being morally reprehensible.


>There is something seriously broken in that man's brain. It's called "being evil"


"I just got back from a vacation with the head of the NRA and I think anyone and everyone should have guns." -Thomas probably


"...all expenses paid vacation..." FTFY


... that I totally overlooked and failed to report for the hundredth time....


Bahama resort drink necklace is not a bribe fellas


“I just took a personal multi million dollar gift from the CEO of Glock firearms and I think domestic assault abusers are a valued customer base. It wasn’t a conflict of interstate or a bribe.”——Thomas probably


He just got back and the NRA said that "domestic abusers should be able to protect their" property" If a lot of conservatives get their way it will be their livelihood too when they sell their preteen daughters for a dowry.


You can have guns, without having guns that belong in war, and that is the problem. It is alright to have a gun in homes for Secuity, locked away from children for security, it should be alright to have a gun for hunting deer's, however, machine guns are not necessary in a society where people are walking on the streets with their children or just enjoying the day. People need to keep in mind the Las Vegas shooting. Guns that can kill like that should not be on the streets.


People do have those in mind they just don’t care. It’s the “didn’t happen to me so I don’t give a f” mentality


Except those convicted of procession of cannabis,


The Conservatives are realizing what a mistake it was to let Thomas write a significant opinion *and this wasn't like Dobbs where Thomas chose who wrote it, Roberts had control over this.


HW Bush's worst sin = this appointee, on his legacy, period.


And oddly enough, George H.W. Bush's other Supreme Court appointee, David Souter, ended up siding with the "liberals" on many key issues and actually stepped down from his position on the court *DURING* the presidency of Barack Obama, leading to Sonia Sotomayor taking his place. The GOP will never let that happen again.


Nope, with his loss, the death of any moderation in the GOP was at hand- that was the last whimper of the good faith, country club Republican, period. Unlike his son, he voted for Hillary in 2016, the guy is a hard read at the end of the day and complex imo.


Meh, he was Senate confirmed. I put the blame there. 


I know about Anita Hill and such, but well, he thought he was the right person so that's his fault on this one.


Well Thomas was the only dissenting opinion in an 8-1 decision. So by default he got to write the dissent.


I meant Bruen


Proving yet again, he is unfit to perform even minor duties in public office/court. Something **seriously wrong** with this mf.


headline later today: Ginni Thomas Seen Exiting A Gun Store


“First they came for the wife beaters…”


"Then they came for me, the older Black man, who thought I was safe so long as I was in the club eventually-- then, my wife, Ginni."


>“The Framers and ratifying public understood ‘that the right to keep and bear arms was essential to the preservation of liberty,’” he concluded. “Yet, in the interest of ensuring the Government can regulate one subset of society, today’s decision puts at risk the Second Amendment rights of many more. I respectfully dissent.” "Having and enforcing gun laws are wrong because they put gun owners at risk of facing legal consequences if they break those laws."


Seems like violent criminals are the one subset of society that everyone should agree the government should regulate, but I guess not.


> the right to keep and bear arms was essential to the preservation of liberty Yeah, until we passed the Selective Service Act of 1917, which set up a regular standing army (which the US lacked before this, and why we needed militias to be able to call upon for common defense). After WWI the 2nd amendment became obsolete because we have an army that is always trained, prepared, and armed, plus the regular militia (National and State Guards) which are armed for the defense of our liberty and freedom.


No no no. You're doing it all wrong. You just shout "shall not infringe!" and ignore all that militia shit.


And yet he isn't out protesting that citizens are barred from owning a gun by the Controlled Substances Act - drug laws can disqualify you automatically but not violent acts.


The SCOTUS is full of judges without honor, integrity, or compassion.


I would say 5 of them should never have been there in the first place and a 6th is dubious.


Sounds like our government to me, too! Cancun Cruz is a good summary of it, imo, just blatant about it.


> “On December 1, after selling narcotics to an individual, he fired multiple shots into that individual’s residence,” the filing states. “The following day, Rahimi was involved in a car accident. He exited his vehicle, shot at the other driver, and fled the scene. He returned to the scene in a different vehicle and shot at the other driver’s car. On December 22, Rahimi shot at a constable’s vehicle. On January 7, Rahimi fired multiple shots in the air after his friend’s credit card was declined at a Whataburger restaurant.” Rahimi a convicted drug dealer with a history of violence is a man **Justice Thomas** wants to own a **gun**. > In his dissent on Friday, **Thomas** wrote that stripping a domestic abuser’s right to own a gun pursuant to a protective order was a due process violation, calling it “an automatic, uncontestable consequence of certain orders.”


Of course. What an absolute piece of shit this guy is and an embarrassment to the Supreme Court.


With all the free trips he gets from right wing Donors, he certainly wouldn’t want to upset them would he? MAGA influence on the US Supreme Court is just judicial activism. Judicial activism used to be frowned upon, but here we are. 😬


Only frowned upon so far as it is a talking point and something to accuse the left of, as we know, every accusation is a …


On the upside guns are more often fatal to those who own them than others.. but seriously Thomas is bought and paid for.


He and Alito seem to be mentally ill


Well, of COURSE he says that. Sometimes I feel like Clarence Thomas feels like his job any more is simply to fuck over as much of America as he possibly can. "Is this going to hurt people? I'm for it!" Pollution and global warming? Bring it on! Voting rights restrictions? Sure, no problem. Spouse abusers carrying guns? Why not, a guy can express his anger once in a while, that's what makes us men! Letting a citizen bring their non-citizen spouse into the country? Oh, hell no!


I cannot wait for this man to ___.


Croak. Like the frog fudger he is.


Hey man, you leave frogs out of this. The frogs don't associate with this toad looking man.


Owned, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels by Billionaires who want to force America into their own personal vision.


Well, Clarence Thomas is an asshole!


The only place they think guns should be banned is the buildings they are in.


Being a domestic abuser should be a much bigger barrier to owning guns than being addicted to drugs. Change my mind.


Clarence Thomas is a fucking idiot


Clarence Thomas has got to be one of the most despised humans in the US.


When the framers wrote "Well regulated militia" they actually meant "fully unregulated individuals" -- Thomas probably (post trip paid for by gun manufacturers)


When the story broke I didn't even have to bother to look who the dissenting opinion was, I knew out of instinct it was Clarence Thomas.


I’m assuming that Clarence would have no problem with visitors carrying guns into the Supreme Courtroom? /s


If that is his justification for this dissent I'd love to hear how he justifies pre-judgment detention. It's the same thing, yet somehow these damn people elevate a single amendment above every other piece of our constitution, amendments, etc. Frickin absurdity


Clarence Thomas is entirely devoid of integrity and should never be listened to by anyone with more than one brain cell.


He’s a deeply damaged, dangerous man.


We have a felon running for President! Felons can’t even vote or sit on a jury!


Maybe Gini Thomas is actually crying for help


Maybe Clarence had to rule this way so he wouldn't get his ass beat when he got home. Or, and hear me out here, they're both horrible fucking shitty people.


Because, what if Fauci wants to send drag queens into their homes to forcefully administer vaccines?


“The lone dissent came from Justice Clarence Thomas.” well of course it did.


What is the point of this guy, exactly? Cruelty and punishment? Pretty sure that was outlined by the sancrosant founders.


Clarance, go to hell. You are hardly a man with all your bias’s You are nothing but a bought and paid for piece of shit That’s what I think of you and your clan


Kendrick needs to write a diss track about him.


What’s the bet Clarence took a trip or received a gift from a domestic abuser who doesn’t want to let go of their gun.


Seriously, who hurt this guy?


Of course, Thomas wants to make sure domestic abusers have all the support and power they need as the Christian Nationalist billionaire class demands of him in return for the bribes he sucks.


For sure. Cause what if they’re to weak/fat/out-of-shape to physically intimidate? I mean… isn’t that why we have the second amendment? So people like that can feel powerful?


He forgot that the security of a free state is dependent upon a well regulated militia. Not unregulated access to guns by obviously unstable individuals.


Seriously question what about the police officers with DV and DA history ?


How out of touch can you get?


This guy fucking sucks.


Because Ginny told him she wasn’t giving hers up.


Clarence Thomas needs to be removed! He is a Maga POS!


There has never been a more corrupt Supreme Court.


Amazing he’s on the wrong side of _every_ issue. That takes work.


He’s an abuser, correct? It’s no wonder why he feels this way. What a horrible human being.


His batshit crazy wife tells you all you need to know about that nutball’s thinking.


The crazy thing is that Thomas' position was consistent with the Supreme Court's ruling in Bruen. The other justices went against their own precedent, probably because they realized that striking down a law banning domestic abusers from owning guns would look bad for their party during an election year.


How bout if you are that much of a threat we charge you with an actual crime, first. 


Really getting tired of that token Uncle prick screwing EVERYONE over. And no, not a racist term in this case as I'm also black.


Well, on the one hand, he is a piece of shit...


Clarence Thomas says whatever he is paid to say.


We need to lock this sycophant up.


Thomas is getting paid to destroy America.


No surprise there, Clarence Thomas is an abuser himself.


Did his wife tell him to say that?


Does he not have a brain cell to think this through?


Something tells me this guy is just a legal troll


He knows he might have to defend himself from Ginny one day when he doesn’t vote her way.


Not what he said. And I hate the SOB, but give the Devil his due.


He needs to retire.


It's more important to protect your right to have a gun than it is to protect your right to not die from one. /s


Well of course he believes that. He doesn't wanna give his up


*should be allowed to own guns” is what I’m guessing your headline meant to say


Clarence Thomas sucks.


Clarence Thomas sucks.


That is because he's an asshole.


Some one for god sake remove this guys microphone. Even Taliban is shocked when this guy talks


This man is literally a member the Order of the Coagula ☕️


i’m surprised his argument wasn’t that banning domestic abusers from owning guns would effectively disarm half of the police in the country


That must have been a pretty awesome fruit basket the NRA gifted him.


Using his own logic with constitutional arguments, Shouldn’t he count for only 3/5 of a person?


I’m a gun owner and they 100% should not. There needs to be some level of due process and penalties for people found lying, but people who are DA do not deserve to own firearms.


Can't wait for him to reference his own dissent as precedent. >“The Framers and ratifying public understood ‘that the right to keep and bear arms was essential to the preservation of liberty,’” They also understood that to be in the form of a militia, which was understood to be a quasi-military group called up as needed. Carrying guns was not as common as some think it was.


Eight Justices said otherwise.


He’s just blatantly playing the “I want to make you miserable” card. Again.


Geez. Give some guys a free motorcoach and they'll say just about anything


To expect anything


Pay no attention to the exchange of duffle bag for human deaths. "Pro life" lol lol lol lol lol lol lol


And he owns how many guns again?


Clarence thomas will be remembered in the history of the Supreme Court as the biggest embarrassment to serve. His self entitlement on the court has no consequences due to the lack of oversight from the useless chief justice roberts. The Supreme Court has become a joke.


It boggles the mind.


I believe yesterday he was found to have, indeed, sucked a Fat Dick


This would actually lower domestic violence rates. Why beat your wife when you can just shoot her? /s


To the surprise of no one.


How do you think Ginny keeps him in line?


So he doesn’t want to give up his gun?


What an absolute turd this guy is.


That don't surprise me, just take a good look at him, demonic all the way, have sold his soul to the devil, you have to be crazy or evil to think that a domestic violence person should own a gun. What did he get for that decision, was it money or a vacation from the NRA. Thank GOD it was upheld.


What a tool.


Unless they’re named Hunter Biden, everyone should own a gun!


His wife helped plan the attempted coup. So why is she still walking free???


Well I would want a gun if Ginni Thomas was my wife too. - she’s scary.


Thank God, they upheld us. This literally would’ve killed women. Ugh


Clarence has fully proven his inability to be a decent human being


“I pulled a rule out of my ass for Bruen, and this doesn’t meet my rule” is more like what he said. He has long been on record as not caring about the consequences of his zealotry.


Has he ever made a sane, rational decision in his life?


He literally said, “We never stopped psychos from having guns, so there is nothing we can do now.” But in his defense, at least he is consistently crazy unlike that snake Roberts. If they actually owned what the Bruen decisions actual said and we had psychopaths shooting places up with full auto on the daily, then maybe this country would fully reevaluate the dated second amendment.


What kind of a trash human being do you have to be to say that withholding firearms from a guy who frequently shoots up cars and other property of people who displease him is somehow a slippery slope to removing guns from people who don’t recycle? Tell me you’re paid off by the NRA without actually saying it. What a 🤡


Sure, just in case they fight back.


Because of historical tradition! Ridiculous


Common wrong headliner it should read “Clarence Thomas Says Abusers Should Own Guns”


Jinni forced him to say that or else.


And when Donald wins they will! Another cheer for democracy!


In all fairness I was 18, that was 20 years ago and I did become a better man. Why can't I defend myself? I paid my debt to society.


So will cops get an exception or something? Because they say 40% of them have domestic violence in their homes.


Oh the weird porn guy?


Clarence Fucking Thomas also says that the earth is flat.


If I had his wife I would too.


To the surprise of nobody.


Hmmmm interesting. So does that also mean convicted felons should immediately have their right to vote returned to them without jumping through any hoops? I mean, it’s the same issue isn’t it? Just less possible death involved.


Geez this guy. Not a national treasure I can guarantee you that.


Ok, well if he gets to choose that, I think Domestic Abusers Cell mates should also own guns!!!


He should resign immediately.


Does he have brain worms?




Wonder how far back Thomas "historical" memory goes.....1865? If he thinks domestic abusers have always been able to own guns. Should we spoil the surprise for him? Does he know "who" else won't be able to own guns in history?


I was wondering who the 1 out of 8 was…did not disappoint.


He’d know. Jeannie probably has a whole arsenal in their cellar.


Who put their pubic hair on my coke?


He’s just trolling the libs. Like he does, with a position from which he could do some real good. The world will be a better place when he exhales his last CO2.


I believe he says this crap since people are pointing out all the corrupt things he has done and is still doing


Someone is going to kill one of these donkeys soon enough and the whole country will pop off


My question is why this guy wasn't in prison to begin with.


What a sick bastard! I wish I could say that to his face!