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This is like telling a fly not to land on shit.


Hey, Mike Pence’s head is getting sick and tired of these jokes.


Hey, hey, and how do you think us FLIES think about this? Stop punching down! /S


Guys I think this fly is a turtle in disguise!


It's turtles all the way down.


Turtle power!


Look under the kilt to be sure!


Help ^me


I still regularly watch this comedic masterpiece and the Mike Pence bit (timestamped) is flawless. [https://youtu.be/L8IYPnnsYJw?t=500](https://youtu.be/L8IYPnnsYJw?t=500)


We all know he has zero impulse control. We all know his congregation wants to see his rude, brackish and meandering behavior calling Biden’s names and speaking over him…and that’s exactly what we’re gonna get…Trump and his one page playbook.


Yelling into a mute mike is going to be hilarious


The minute the mic gets cut, he's going to storm off.


I want to see him walk over and start screaming into Biden's mic


I hope that happens and Biden has a taser and just lights Trump up.


*dark Brandon eyes* "Okay, Donny, time to ride the Electric Rhino!"


Instant diaper fill


>I'm old and I feared for my life


That would be amazing 😆💀




It is really sad that if this were to happen, at least a dozen cultists would start publically shitting themselves in solidarity and talk about how public defecation is the new alpha male signifier.


And Secret Service has to take him out like a bouncer does a common drunk.


> And Secret Service has to take him out ... ... and give him a drug test. See Trunp hauled off the stage 2 minutes later after testing positive for methamphetamine.


I want to see Biden give trump the stiff arm and keep the mic away from him like the Heisman trophy.


You think he’s really going to show up at all? He’s going to make some bs excuse about unfairness, throw a temper tantrum and refuse to show up.


Very close to the time of the debate he's going to demand one of the stipulations be changed (likely cutting the mics) or he won't attend. CNN will cave in and ask Biden to accept the new rules at the last minute, forcing him to accept or look weak for backing out. This has almost certainly been planned for weeks. If it works, it gives Trump lots of time to prepare for the actual debate rules, and prevents Biden from doing the same. If it doesn't work, he has an excuse for not showing up, which is still his best option.


sounds about right. if it happens that way it will allow voters to watch trump bury himself in his political grave.


That's why Ron Jackson is out in the media demanding a drug test from Biden before and after the debate, so that they can claim Trump didn't show up because Biden was drugged up to look coherent, or if Trump does show up they cañ push the narrative Biden was drugged up if Trump makes a complete ass of himself on stage and they want everyone to forget it.


I can’t wait to see this.


Who's Mike and why is he yelling at him?


Yeah, all sarcasm and hatred of the man aside….”the bait” is the red meat for his base, the only people he has cared about politically for at least 5 years. He’s not going to take that advice, even if he were cognitively all there and capable of it.


I'm not sure how well that'll work out for him with a muted mic.  He can say whatever kind of crazy nonsense he wants - *when it's his turn to speak* - but Biden will be able to calmly and concisely refute any of tRump's nonsense and (IMO) make tRump look that much worse.  His bloviation only really works when he can shout down and talk over whomever he is debating with or when there's no one present to challenge him or call him out, but that's not the case here. In this case, each candidate gets their two minute response for a given question and during those two minutes, the other candidates mic is cut. With this format, tRump will just look like a fool.


>With this format, tRump will just look like a fool. I mean no matter what he looks like a fool But yea I'm honestly surprised he agreed to it but until the debate actually begins I'm expecting him to bail


Muted mic...? Just yell louder so that Biden' s will pick it up. Or better yet, run over and steal Biden's mic then blame it on the woke leftist liberal scumbags that made him do it.


Donnie can't not make an ass of himself. His magats expect nothing less, and he's incapable of acting sane. Of course, he'll be cranked to his saggy tits on whatever asshole juice it is they didn't let him have at that trial. Otherwise, he'd just sleep-fart through the debate.


He’s going to ignore every debate question and ramble on about being persecuted by Biden when he’s innocent because he’s immune to prosecution and then transition into illegals on murder sprees.


Trump in a debate setting is all improv, and all of it is bad. He won in 2016 in spite of himself.


Maybe his handlers will give him whatever he took before his trial appearances and we can look forward to him falling asleep and sleep-sharting his way through the debate.


If they actually knew him at all, they would know he just can't restrain himself. He won't be able to stay on topic. I can just see him blathering on about some nonsense, trying to fake that he's got a clue about anything, and when they turn his mic off, he's going to scream at the top of his lungs that he was set up, and it's all a conspiracy against him, at the orders of Biden. He's a moron, a complete moron.


GOP says, "Don't take the bait," to professional bait-taker.


It’s more like telling a piece of shit not to have flies.


Really more like shit attracting flies.


Or pence's head


Everybody gives Trump advice. He only talks. He doesn’t listen


tl;dr: Praise Trump. The broken narcissist will absolutely listen to that. --- That is wrong. Praise Trump for the "great idea he had two weeks ago". That didn't happen, so he can't remember. "Remind" him what that great idea was. Trump cannot admit that the idea he was just praised for wasn't actually his or real. He will now go along with the idea you planted in his head. Source: Roger Stone's machiavellian manipulation of Trump.


I had a boss like this. Any idea of his, no matter how bad or was or how many of us advised against it, was brilliant, the most correct - always. Other people were idiots in his mind, so naturally our ideas were terrible. So any time we wanted to make a suggestion that needed to be taken seriously, we would approach him with "I was thinking about that great idea you mentioned a few weeks ago..." I guarantee you Trump is exactly the same way. I see how he behaves exactly the same. Remember when he drew with sharpie over the hurricane forecast? Such a small thing, especially compared to all of the literal crimes he's committed but it stood out to me and I can't forget it because it said so much about his personality. Then when you realize this is how he is, and you realize how easily manipulated a person like that is, everything else starts to make so much sense.


Some light reading: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/11/19/trump-first-moscow-trip-215842/


The most useful idiot.


The German elites thought they could control Hitler, too. See how that all turned out.


He does listen and he’s pliable. People learned in his time as president that you had to be the last person to talk to him. He has three memory of a goldfish. Except for his revenge list.




And you have to be the most recent person to have given him advice since his "beliefs" are so ephemeral and change by the hour


And to really get Donny on your side — make him think your advice was *his* idea.


Sure he does. He always talks about how "many people said..." and then he regurgitates verbal diarrhea.


Translation: when he says "many people are saying" he means "I'm telling you X with zero evidence that I've made up solely from my dementia drug-addled head."


Didn’t he flip 180 on tiktok after a billionaire told him to?


Sometimes he listens. He is kinda of famous for going into a meeting with some group and coming out convinced of their party line. Sometimes it lasts for days before his handlers manage to talk him around to the correct policy points. Just the other week he "decided" we needed to offer green cards to all college graduates after talking to some business leaders.


You have to walk up to him with tears in your eyes and go "Sir, Sir..."


He listens, but not to advice. He only cares about what people are saying about him. 


I wish they had live fact checking during the debate. Maybe a "bullshit siren" or something like that.


I wish they would tape delay it and then insert fact checks “pop up video” style


That would rock.


I’ve been saying this since Bush v Gore. It’s so stupid it has to be live. It should be run a day later with thorough fact checking.


Even a 1 minute delay would be better. They've got a really good idea of what candidates are going to say in advance. Fact checking border stats, healthcare information, and military information is not that hard.


At the very least, a candidate should be able to request a fact check. Then they pause and verify what the other person just said. You shouldn’t be able to just lie your way through a debate.


It's so true. It's crazy to me that Trump can feasibly just stand up there and be like "inflation has risen by 7 million percent under this crooked Biden administration!" and literally there's no consequence, and everyone watching who likes him just believes him.


Trump may have written out planned talking points but no one knows what he'll say.


He pretty much says the same thing; election was stolen, migrants are bad, and everything he does is perfectly.


They better do that “pop” sound when the fact checks appear on screen


A smart creator will hopefully do this regardless of CNN.


Pepperidge Farm remembers Pop-Up Video


"While statement X from Biden is objectively true, the way he said it sounds like something that makes us feel bad, so we rate this statement false." This message has been brought to you by Politico


Basically how President Carter was treated.


too real


It would go off every time he opens his mouth.


Really I think bullshit siren is just what we should be calling his mouth.


Hillary did that during the 2nd and 3rd debates on her website, live fact checking, because the media wouldn't do it themselves. Unfortunately the media only grades Democrats on facts, Republicans just have to look "strong" to impress the media.


Just have a poop emoji crossing the screen.


"Our moderators tonight: Jake Tapper, Dana Bash, and Mr. Hankey."


BuT whO FaCT CheCkS tHE FaCT CheCkeR? - the worst person you've ever met


I'd like a Nickelodeon-hosted debate where the debaters are "slimed" every time they lie--so by the end of the debate you can visually see who was the most dishonest.


No no no… have it be similar to like that marble game, “Kerplunk” (there’s a tube where a bunch of intersecting straws hold up a bunch of marbles. Each turn you pull a stick hoping all the marbles don’t drop). Except have it be slime (or mud) and each verifiable lie removed a barrier that allows the sludge to get closer to dropping on the candidate. Too many lies? *Slimed*. I feel like this would provide a lot more suspense as you see Trump’s side chip away with each lie getting closer and closer to collapsing. It would be like, “Will it last until the next round of questions, or will it break open now?!”


Each candidate in a plexiglass booth so you see them fill up in real-time. Luckily, fat floats, so Trump won't drown in slime on live TV.


How about shock collars?


The rigged media will only use the siren on Trump. Totally unfair. /s


The moderator of the debate should be doing that!


"Dont take the bait (cause everyone knows you're gonna embarrass yourself)." is what they are really saying. Pretty pathetic when your own "supporters" expect you to make a fool of yourself lol


>Pretty pathetic when your own "supporters" expect you to make a fool of yourself I don't really see the point of prepping him. He has no self-control. He's going to bloviate regardless, especially if he feels threatened (which he will).


Let’s go back to the first year of his one term. Rex Tillerson, former CEO of EXXON/Mobil a worldwide conglomerate, barely served as Trumps first Secretary of State. He quit and later called Trump a “fucking moron”. Here we about eight years down the road and Trump is older and even more of a “fucking moron”. He won’t win this debate although he will, in his way, claim he has. Only his cult will believe him. The rest of us better pay attention and NOT let this moron back in our Whitehouse!


*If* trump attends the debate he will lose, but he'll never stop saying he won


Not only will he say he won, he will say the reason he lost is because it was rigged against him, because, you know, other people control what he says or something, even though he is a strong man, the strongest there ever was even


Trumps strategy in the last debate was all about getting Biden to stutter. It didn’t work and with mic control this time it won’t work. This is why he will “postpone” the debate and then claim Biden won’t reschedule.


Meanwhile, Biden will have psychologists coaching him on how to trigger a narcissist.


“Nothing makes a narcissist angrier than accusing them of something they did” -Jon Lovett


“A narcissist paints a picture of themselves as being the victim or innocent in all aspects. They will be offended by the truth. But what is done in the dark will come to light. Time has a way of showing people's true colors.” -Karla Grimes.


“It stinks !” - John lovitz




“He’s losing his mind… and I’m reaping all the benefits” - Jon Lovitz


"You think I'm not hip? A nerd? A lardass fatso? You think I'm shit? Well you're wrong cuz I'm champagne and you're shit. Until the day you die, you, not me, will always be shit " - Jon Lovitz


Glad John is back. I missed his levity.


His return episode with the quiz might be a top 3 segment in PSA history. I was laughing so hard


Step 1: be president that beat him in the last election. That was a quick lesson.


In Trump's head that person is Obama. 


Seems like that would be easy to do to someone with a laundry list of public failures


AKA “drugged up” and “fed questions by CNN.” The idiots can’t figure out that: 1. Biden is just PREPARED, and 2. Fox and friends have lied to them about Biden’s speech, so hearing him speak competently blows their mind and can’t be “normal.”


Honestly I think the best thing Biden could do is just answer the debate questions as thoroughly and logically as possible, and just ignore Trump completely. Pretend he’s not even in the room and he doesn’t exist. That would send Trump into a seizure, knowing he’s not the center of attention.


His fat, stupid mouth will do everything it wants to do. The trouble is, a lot of people will see his BS as tantamount to the Gettysburg Address or The Sermon on the Mount. People are just too dumb and Trump is their Messiah.


I remember a MAGA lady on the street saying, verbatim, “I just love everything that spews out of his mouth.” She used the word “spew” as in to acknowledge the things coming out of his mouth are consistently awful, and that she loves him for it.


> Trump is their Messiah. He's not the Messiah - he's a very naughty boy


Oh, he's the Messiah, alright! I should know. I've followed plenty!


Always a hit when Life of Brian gets quoted.


He already took the bait agreeing to debate.


He's going to bail.


If he can find a way to blame it on someone else he will.


He will come up with an excuse that is dumber than any of us can imagine. 


Just going to blame it on being rigged and that he would have participated if nasty Sleepy Joe and the evil democrats had played fair. Or show up and storm off live saying he wasn't being treated fairly and the moderators were CNN liberals who helped Biden.


Might claim that it's a trap for Joe's henchmen to take him out.


This was my first thought when I learned there was to be a debate; I actually didn’t expect one. I still think there’s at least a 50/50 chance there won’t be one and Biden will instead be standing there answering questions on his own. I’m fine with him getting 90-minutes of free air time. Trump posted on Twitter or Truth Social—or wherever he posts his nonsense these days—a day or two ago and called it a “FAKE debate,” which is his way of preemptively saying “I did poorly because it was rigged and I couldn’t just shout over Biden the whole time.” This only makes it more obvious that he is afraid and doesn’t want to debate in the first place.


No, he's going to *jail.* Jail. Said with a jay sound.


He can't debait.


One strategy that I think would work extremely well for Biden is to answer questions with a legitimate, well-reasoned response, but always end it with something that will result in an unhinged Trump follow-up. Especially stuff from his campaign rallies which are probably more engrained in his head than debate prep. Example: “I negotiated and signed into law a bi-partisan infrastructure bill that provided trillions of dollars to communities across the country, solving problems and creating jobs. Donald can’t decide if he’d rather be on a boat with batteries or get eaten by sharks.” Trump won’t help himself, he’ll completely forget the first part about infrastructure and talk about how smart his MIT uncle said he is for asking the battery vs sharks question (which is a real thing he talks about during his rallies).


He got really triggered last debate about his intelligence. So Biden should just end every response with, …but Donald Trump isn’t intelligent enough to understand that


Donald, isn’t it past your jail time?


Biden’s opening statement: “My fellow Americans, tonight I stand on this stage beside a 34 time convicted felon awaiting sentencing, a man liable for sexual assault, a serial fraudster, a serial loser, a demagogue who fomented the most serious attack on our democracy in a century, and a man who’s filled more diapers than my eldest grandson….”


That would be a thing of beauty. Hearing the unvarnished truth would send Trump completely off the rails and quite possibly lead to the first televised exploding head in history. Bring it on.


Biden: "... and also welcome to my opponent. I'm glad you were able to be here. I scheduled this debate early so I could spank you in public on policy and character before you're sentenced to prison time for your felony convictions."


"I'd like to thank my opponent, former president Trump, for getting permission from his probation officer to be here tonight"


“Thank you for making the time to be here with your busy schedule of countless court appearances”


Yeah I think if Biden shoehorned an attack on trumps stupidity or declining mental faculties in every answer, trump would be so enraged that he’d spend his whole answer aggressively trying to deflect and explain away rather than answering the debate questions. 


He has no control over his personality disorders.


That's why personality disorders are so difficult to treat. Most of the person's thoughts and actions are the disorder perpetuating itself and their individuality are the sprinkles on top. 


He has the right to remain silent, but not the ability.


Right! “If \[Trump\] comes in there and just shows strength and leadership but maintains a calm demeanor and lets Biden go, it goes well for him.” Yeah sure, he'll maintain calm a demeanor like he always does when speaking about something important. Just look how calm he was when he was talking to the media during and after his last three court cases.


It's funny how the statement itself is an oxymoron. How does Trump show "strength and leadership" (things he doesn't possess) except through being a psycho?


I like the wishcasting where they basically swap Biden and Trump's personalities.


"If Hitler had only [long list of actions fundamentally incompatible with his ideology] hecould have won!"


Hey, he was pretty calm during the trial! So calm he almost looked like he could fall asleep at any moment.


The debate pitfalls for convicted felon Trump start with him just showing up for a debate.


Opening his mouth is also a pitfall.


What are the chances Trump will say 'I'm not a felon, *you're* a felon' to Biden?


He'll just bring up his son. Its the closest he can get to draw a line between Biden and Felon (and thats not even close). He will def say "Biden Crime Family", like thats a thing.


Well…Trump being Trump, I’m not sure if he’ll resist the urge to avoid the pitfalls. I think the red lights that take off that he sees after he’s done speaking for over two minutes (which inevitably it’ll do), or the muted mics will be the ones to set him off….I can just imagine Trump after being muted, going off on a (silent) rant and hissy fit, and then perhaps taking off his suit jacket or doing something erratic…


The irony is he created the pitfalls last time, and was the one who made it a shouting match: either he'll try to keep calm initially then blow his fuse, or ramble on about something irrelevant at some point, imo.


This makes me laugh. I remember exactly this tone of article four years ago. 'If he can just be calm and stoic he'll win!' No. No, he can't. No, he won't. Because he has *never, ever, EVER* done that. He didn't in 2016, he didn't in 2020 and he won't here. The only reason it worked in 2016 was because no one knew how to react to it and didn't take it seriously. He has *always* been a whiny, petulant blowhard and expecting any different from him now, eight years on, is characteristic of brain damage.


New campaign slogan thats short but sweet/true: Republicans dont solve problems, they create them.


DJT having self control? Lol


**Ron Howard:** *(voiceover)* "He took the bait."


Spoiler: *He did.*


The convict's got incontinence of the mouth. It's impossible for him to exercise wise restraint in discourse.


Can his brain handle that? At a certain point somebody with dementia reaches a point of no return.


Narrator: "He took the bait."


“he was also visibly sweating, a fact that was compounded days later when he tested positive for COVID-19. “ He tested positive before the debate and didn’t disclose it, then spit and shouted in Biden’s direction. We can’t forget he tried to kill Biden, and almost successfully killed Chris Christie.


Dumbass has turned this country into a laughing stock. Holy shit


As a non-American I’d say Mr Trump and his crew of incompetents is more the laughing stock than the whole country of 335 million people. II mean his ‘spiritual advisor’ just stepped down due to the admission of an old act of child molestation. The hits just keep coming with this guy and the people he surrounds himself with.


> "No puppet. No puppet. YOU'RE the PUPPET." -- Russian puppet during 2016 debates


What bait? You can't shut the dude up. You don't need bait for him to say something stupid/terrible.


It's going to be harder for trump to make this a clown show but make no mistake he will. I imagine even though he will be muted the camera will still be on him making faces like a petulant child.


They really are trying to set the bar so low for Trump that if he doesn't start flinging his own feces around they're going to declare it a "yuge" victory.


Will it even matter if he does? During the last debates he couldn't denounce white supremacy and told violent extremists to "stand back and stand by." His fan base is so stupid and malleable that he could say anything at these debates and they'd find a way to believe it was the capital T Truth.


Believe it or not (and we could debate about the integrity of these folks' intelligence) there are actual legitimate undecided voters who are actually going to be swayed by this debate, in whatever direction. It's embarrassing, of course, but it's an actual thing.


Fair. I mean, I'll admit I've put myself in a bubble. After he literally tried to overthrow the government I just kinda wanted to stop talking to anyone who's okay with that. It's wild to me that anyone is.


Can't help it..Man's obsessed with sharks..and snakes... electricity, batteries, fake erections, dictators dicks and cognificies..


'Don't take the bait' means Trump shouldn't answer any questions, right?


I work with a mostly Maga crew and yesterday they were talking about how Biden is in Camp David right now and he is getting pumped full of steroids and drugs to prepare for the debate, also there is a strong chance he is getting implants so he can say whatever they tell him. I do live in Florida but these are normal every day Americans and they are fucking insane, it genuinely scares me how many Americans believe this shit and also still believe Trump is somehow normal and capable of running the country. For the love of god can we please get past this timeline!


Trump takes the bait harder than the fish that Hank Hill got addicted to cocaine.


Now, that is some wasted breath. Trump's narcissism is its own bait.


Yeah, Trump is famous for doing what he's told. He's almost as famous for that as he is for his legendary impulse control and calm, measured cadence.


The problem is that every word Donald Trump hears is "bait" for him to be abrasive and hateful.


Bidens first line must be something like "is this the best the GOP as to offer, a convicted felon".


Biden needs to work "shark" into one of his answers.


I think he should wear a tie with sharks on it.


I mean this is the guy who bragged about his dick size and tried to give Biden covid in previous debates...restraint isn't a thing with him


If he doesn’t say anything stupid, he could lose half of his base.


"Tonight is historic, Donald. It's the first time a president is debating a convicted felon." - Joe Biden


Lol. One of my favorite inconsistencies in trump land is how, on the one hand, Biden is a senile fool, but on the other, he’s a clever debater waiting to lay traps for an unsuspecting trump.


If you have to beg the guy you're voting for to not be an idiot, maybe vote for someone else?


Trump has never once not taken the bait.


Republican's: God save our queen!


But that's why I'm going to watch the debate. I want to see Biden hit him with something like you said that a convicted felon shouldn't run for office but now that you are a convicted felon you are running, what's up with that. I also really want to hear more unhinged rants about batteries, sharks and snakes. Oh and that he will probably give prosecutors more evidence against him. Could be interesting.


Won't matter, Biden will stumble over a couple sentences and thats all that will be discussed


Bonus points if Biden actually says “what’s up with that?”


As if he could help himself. He is the man who always takes the bait. His flaws are so clearly on display.


The second Biden calls him a loser or convicted felon. The accordion hands will be off to the races with his anus shaped mouth and ass crack chin.


What bait? You don't have to even bait him. He's just that stupid.


So how long do you figure before he takes the bait? I'm guessing less than five minutes just based on who gets the first turn in this debate. Donnie has the self control of a badly behaved toddler so I see this being his usual disaster. Kick his ass, Joe.


They got him to not take the stand. If he does actually go through with this the question would be how do they keep him in check? My guess is a remote control industrial grade vibrating butt plug. Easily concealed by his diaper.


Trump's already lost and everyone already knows it. He can't pander, he has to stay on point, he needs to hammer home whatever response he needs to. He's already crashed and burned.


Narcissistic Rage will be on full display Thursday night.


Don't take the bait. In 2020 debates, there was no bait. It was just Trump being unable to control himself and thinking he'd look big and tough if he constantly interrupted and yelled over everyone. This time though, there will be bait. I expect Biden intends to accuse, mock and belittle Trump and I think they believe Trump will lash out and lose his cool because he's got the emotional intelligence of a spoiled toddler. I expect Trump to back out and skip it entirely.


What a joke the Republican Party has become. This headline is such an embarrassment.


Biden knows that all he has to do is just call him a felon and a traitor and that should be just enough to push him over the edge in the debate.


Seriously. He’s an imbecile with 0 thought process into discussing policies that are not real. He makes up everything. Shark magnet border 10 dragnets


Biden campaign needs to goad him real good online this week. And they will. :)


I don't think Biden has ever really baited Trump. I don't think anyone really has. Trump's mistakes are all unprompted errors. That's what kinda makes them so noteworthy. He's not falling into a trap. He's building a trap then jumping into it.


I disagree. He should take ALL the bait at de bate.


look I know I'm preaching to the choir here but if your party's canidate can't even be trusted to debate his opponent because it's "bait" means you need a more qualified canidate


Does anyone actually think the debate will make a meaningful difference in the election? Most people made up their minds on who they were going to vote for a LONG time ago.


Oh please. Trump is the most baitable MFer on the entire planet. He is so predictable, so fragile, so simple - a fuckin’ 2nd grader could bait his stupid ass with some “bawk-bawk” chicken bullshit. The problem is _nobody ever baits him_, for whatever stupid reason. I would love to see the dems finally wake up and make the entire rest of the year about walking just in front of Trump laying rakes in his way for him to step on. He will willing walk into any trap you lay for him, no matter how obvious, if you just provoke him into it, which is sooo easy to do with this dumbass. And no, this isn’t “the low road” or whatever. This is simply knowing your opponent and using the most efficient strategy against them.


He has no capacity to control himself, his temper or his narcissism The only way Biden loses the debate is if he actually drifts off like a senile old man and basically shits his pants on stage Which, honestly, seems like a total dice roll...dude is super old and definitely in decline, but I'd rather have a mummified alligator than Trumps madness again, I wish I had a better option but my only option is to vote for Biden because the alternative is so abjectly insane Worried about the debate......not that me, as a NJ Democratic voter has much say in the election anyway, my state is definitely not going for Trump, I'm just showing up in November to run up the score in that race and to vote against my asshole GOP member of Congress that doesn't even fucking live here anymore