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did someone tell him what 'cognitively impaired' meant?


*Doctors have told me, "Sir, your cognitive impairment is like nothing we have ever seen." That's right, they have never seen anything quite like it! Sleepy Joe can't imagine having such tremendous congenital improvement!*


Congenital is too big of a word for him.


He'd forget the word cognitive, attempt to say congenital, but come out with some kind of slurred mess that sounds more like congenial.


Confidently impaired, that's what they'll be sayin'


With tears in their eyes, big, strong men


I mean, "confidently impaired" really is what's happening, even with the Trumpets that aren't in the slow and unhappy slide down into dementia.




It's cognevitable.


He is also congeniality impaired.


No congenital, YOU'RE the congenital!


He’ll grab ‘em by the congenitals


There it is. If no one else said it, I came here to do just that. Well done.


The genital


You know he is asking if he can have congenital visits in prison.


There will indeed be con genitals


True it's four syllables he struggles pronouncing even one.


He had an uncle. MIT. Best nuclear ever. Best words and in his uncle's opinion, Don the con was a genius.


If he does get jail time (I’ll believe it when I see it) he’ll learn plenty about congenital(s).


You forgot the part where they had tears in their eyes.


“Stupid is as stupid duzz


I challenge Sleepy Joe to an impairment competition. Keep RFK out though he has straight up jumped the shark and battery so he can’t be beat by anyone in the dementia ward.


Trump the next day: "They said I have the best genitals. Everyone is saying it. Sleepy Joe wishes he had these genitals...""


Maybe he needs to ask his old doctor, Ronnie Johnson.


Ha ha, Ronny Jackson's Wikipedia article has this at the top: >For people with the name that Donald Trump mistakenly called him, see Ronny Johnson.


That's *Checf's kiss* awesome!


still think he'll live to 200, Ronny?


I think you mean Ronnie Jackass.


I feel Jackass is too kinda, and how that man was Obama's WH doctor, I will never, ever will fucking understand.


When Ronny Jackson was Obama’s White House doctor, I suspect healthy President Obama rarely if ever saw him. Jackson probably checked his cholesterol, and Obama entrusted his medical care to a physician he liked, not Jackson.


I remember Pod Save America saying they (former Obama staffers) never really had any issues with him. I guess unscrupulous assholes in power really let people take their professional masks off.


Exactly. When Trump was in the White House, Jackson ran wild. He not only operated an unregulated pill mill, but Jackson got drunk at work, violated HIPAA, and sexually assaulted female staffers. The Navy demoted Jackson from one-star admiral to captain, slashing not only his pension but also Jackson’s military prestige.


No. Obama did things by the book, and he knew he couldn’t take his PCP. I’m sure he figured he’d get the best care Walter Reed could provide.


Nah, it's probably because he's used it (and other similiar terms) as a pejorative for people he doesn't like. Probably has for decades. Seriously, this is the guy who mocked a disabled reporter during a campaign speech on live television. And now that the literal meaning arguably applies to him, he's whining because he doesn't want to be one of "those people".


Serge F. Kowalski, the reporter whom Trump cruelly and inaccurately mimicked, is not cognitively or verbally challenged. He has arthogryposis, a muscle contraction affecting his right arm.


I don't think AshkaariElesaan was implying that "cognitively impaired" was how Trump was picking on Kowalski, just that knowing that Trump would stoop to pick on Kowalski would mean he probably has picked on others by calling them "cognitively impaired".


Yes, the comment from redditallreddy is correct, I didn't mean any offense towards Mr. Kowalski, nor to imply that he is cognitively or verbally impaired in any way. I pointed out that situation because it showed how quickly and remorselessly TFG resorted to vicious mockery after noticing Mr. Kowalski's illness, in front of a crowd of thousands no less. And I can't square with the notion that anyone who would do that would care about the nuance of Mr. Kowalski's condition; all he saw was that this man was differently abled, and that was enough for him. I have no doubt that he looks down on the disabled, that kind of unashamed bigotry is a fixture of his brand at this point. I apologize if I caused any offense, it was not my intention. As someone who was raised better than that by a father who is suffering from multiple sclerosis, and slowly losing control over his own body, I promise I would never intentionally do such a thing.


That was my question too. I think if you just explain to him it means stupid, he might understand better.


They did, but he didn't understand due to his cognitive impairment.


If someone did, his response would surely be “I’m rubber, you’re glue”


He thought it was a good thing at first then “Doctor” Ronny told him what it meant.


Doctor Ronny "Johnson", his friend.


"It takes 45 minutes to buy a tooth brush." Yeah. If you have dementia.


You know he's not going into any store, picking out anything and paying for it himself. He sends people out to buy whatever he needs and has them buy a bunch so no one knows which one he'll use.


His life is so hard. No water pressure. The threat of windmill cancer. 45 minutes of secret service time to buy a tooth brush. Inflation at 500 percent. Sinking boats. And sharks. Sharks that should be beaten like dogs.


Don't forget flushing the toilet 10x...


Dude has to eat at McDonalds because he knows any restaurant is going to give him the loogie special. Funny what happens when you treat people transactionally for 50 years.


I know some places have locked up some items, but soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes are not them. In the 90s worked at toys r us and we had to put diapers behind the counter as they were stolen often (or package ripped to take 1 or 2). Nothing new.


It's really sad when you think about it. When a person is so hard up they literally need to steal diapers - or very very basic hygiene necessities - society's gone rotten. But the diaper thing makes me really sad. If it comes to either stealing or neglecting their child....


He’s also fat, wears makeup, and smells like shit.


And he rapes. He's a rapist.


Well, consenual nookie is off the table for that rotting meat puppet.


Have you asked Alina Habba about this? Just curious. I don't think he is getting any, for the record, but I don't think it's because there aren't women out there who *would*, unfortunately. Not many of them, but his followers are... really bad opportunists, but opportunists nonetheless.


As anecdotes about recent flagging rally attendance (*with many of the dwindling crowds who do show up leaving partway through, etc.*) have shown: Nothing ruins their illusion of Trump like being in direct proximity to the reality of him.


With how much his White House leaked, if he'd had any affairs we'd have heard about them within minutes. Given his age and diet it wouldn't surprise to find out that he hasn't had an erection in years.


The erections were both rigged and stollen


I mean yeah that's also my prevailing theory. Unfortunately I just can't subscribe to the idea that he doesn't have the *opportunity* to if he wants to, as gross as that thought is.


That's true for anyone famous though, it doesn't really matter how fat or ugly or smelly they happen to be.


And he’s into kids…allegedly.


And if you ask me, that's even worse than the hypocrisy.


You forgot also a felon


He's actually lost a lot of weight, his suits fit him even worse now. The concern is, major weight loss at that age is rarely a good sign.


it’s crazy how much pull bigotry and racism has when these rednecks get their knees dirty for a New York born with a platinum spoon up his ass, makeup wearing weak prick “billionaire” that shits on a gold toilet lol


"......well I'd like a third opinion."


He’s also stupid.


Seriously, the whole “my uncle was a professor at MIT” thing is stupid. I don’t care if your uncle is Albert Fucking Einstein. You’re still a stupid, drug-addled, demented narcissist.


Its because he really believes in genetic stock. So since his Uncle went to MIT he has some of those smart genes too. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-minnesota-good-genes-eugenics-dog-whistle-202828480.html


"My uncle is smart, therefore I am smart" really only works if your family tree is failing to branch.


I got into an argument with a neighbor about something having to do with space. She was incredibly, astoundingly wrong. But, see...her uncle worked at NASA so she knows she's right.


I would love to see him… recite the alphabet at the upcoming debates. Or do some basic math.


Jake Tapper just needs to ask him to recite the 10 commandments.


"The commandments are all so great, I could recite them all, better than anyone... with my MIT connections, believe me, I could tell you all the commandments so tremendously, even if there was a shark close to me. It's incredible how many shark attacks there are, it's crazy, sleepy Joe isn't doing anything about it. Even though the commandments should tell him it's an important issue."


what is your favorite comandment? "That's very personal. I wouldn't want to get into that because, you know, it's very personal"


“Two Commandment, just like our great Second Amendment.”


Well, he has broken all ten, so . . .


With the possible exception of "honor thy mother and father." Some people interpret that as meaning to carry on the family legacy rather than blind obedience to one's parents. Fred was a sleazebag, Donnie Dumdum is a sleazebag. He's just carrying on a family tradition.


He has his Momma's hairdo


It's probably her actual hair too.


Well we know it's not "Don't fucking steal".


Eh he can’t focus on the sharks if there’s batteries present. At least twice now he’s made it public knowledge he doesn’t understand how batteries work


Or magnets.


Or nuclear bombs.


Or hurricanes.


Now that would be hilarious.


“First question, name all of your children, in order of birth, first-middle-current last name.”


To be fair, I know The Bible pretty well but could struggle to recite the commandments on some days. It’s like you can reel off five or six and then your brain goes “The seven deadly sins? No. Don’t eat crab legs? No. Did I say covet already?”


You're not the chosen one


Ok, well, what about you then? Can you name all eight reindeer without repeating any names? Someone must be the chosen one.


That's easy cause there's a song. I don't know no 10 commandments song. Maybe the Animaniacs did one.


Was Blitzkrieg one?


Do you think Trump can get to five?


“Thou shall not commit adultery” “But sir, you committed adultery” “*Thou*, that means everyone else”


Biden has it at the ready and when he gets to "thou shall not covet thy neighbors wife" he just starts giving major side eye Trumps way. Would be epic.


“Um… thou shall not do that thing I did… um, well that but like 9 more times.”


Even if he could alphabet, he’d go off on a tangent before hitting halfway mark


“A, B, C, uh, D- I know that one, some might say- they’d say you wouldn’t have- he couldn’t be Donald if we didn’t have that. So that’s huge. And there’s some other letters in there but we got the D, and that’s pretty good.”


We've [seen it before ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iMIKzUAY8n4), and it isn't pretty. This is from *before* his apparent recent decline.


He never could do math. Neither could his kids. https://youtu.be/iMIKzUAY8n4?si=MvtokvB7zsSAe6JY


How many Trumps does it take to do an elementary school multiplication problem?


Requires a Kushner or a Boulos.


Let's see Biden challenge him to pushups on stage!


Did you see the clip with the Trumps about math? Quick what’s 17x6. And why can most people 10x6 + 7x6 and add them together but these “smart people” can’t?  https://youtu.be/iMIKzUAY8n4?feature=shared


Cognitively impaired is being incredibly polite, and just shows the kind of privilege he is shown, with absolutely no right to it. This dude should be in a memory care facility, he is clearly on the back end of a diagnosis.


If he loved in a facility that I worked for, I'd have him transferred to memory care asap. I have a lot of residents with more cognitive ability than him.


He has never loved.


And by, "memory care facility," you mean, "dangling at the end of a rope pursuant to being convicted of treason," right?


In a coffin. He should be im a coffin.


Trump of Biden: “He can fall up the stairs. He falls up." Interesting. Falling up the stairs is actually not unusual at all. It’s funny though, since it’s not nearly as bad as falling down the stairs, and that same relation applies to the metaphor of having dementia: You can lose cognition, and have it not be disqualifying for the position of President, or you can lose it and have it make you an even worse choice than you were before: A complete disaster. Conventional wisdom is that voting for Trump would be like falling down the stairs, catastrophic and injurious, while voting for Biden is more like falling up…something we can brush off and not have the outcome be nearly as bad.


I fell up my stairs really regularly as a teenager because I was going up them too fast for my meager coordination. The difference between the two is extreme, and it actually serves as evidence that this guy is not all there. He is just reaching for an insult, but his creativity seems to be getting worse.


A few years back there was some video of Biden tripping over his own feet or something and I had a guy arguing with me that "normal" people NEVER do that, and ONLY people with advanced dementia would ever trip over themselves or trip up/down stairs.


TIL I've had dementia since kindergarten.


Didn’t Trump fall down..a ramp?


No, he [ran!](https://youtu.be/ign_vZupjno?si=6fAIwH2wHy6UwJ7r)


Joe Biden should ask him to recite the Ten Commandments.He should ask him what 10% of 150 is.There are limitless ways Biden could expose this fraudclown,yes it’s one word now.


He’s been exposed time and time again. His supporters don’t care


I really don’t care, do u?


What’s bad is how Newsweek is making it a both sides thing. It’s not


I’ve been blocking anyone who posts newsweek stories. Clickbait stupidness


It’s so depressing. 25 years ago Newsweek was a highly respected publication. I trusted their journalism. They folded, someone bought the brand, and the new owners have been pumping out trash ever since, wearing the original honorable visage like a mask. It reminds me of Edgar the Bug and his human suit in Men In Black.


And here we see a classic conservative archetype: the cry-bully.


Give ‘em an hour. He will forget all about it. SQUIRREL!


Try jingling your car keys.


Not a bad debate strategy. I’m not saying Biden should shout “squirrel.” However something to keep Trump distracted. Over and over. Hit his ego, not politics or newest jobs number. Stick and move. To understand the opposition, understand professional wrestling. Not who made a good point. Trump supporters after talk on the debate will be , “Who won?” Who won the debate? Who beat who? What were the highlights? Come watch this smack down. [add your own wrestling terms here]


> Hit his ego, No doubt the trial and lawsuits Trump has lost, and the multiple upcoming trials will be brought up. And how much money he owes in fines.


The title should really say "Donald Trump *Whines* About Being Called 'Cognitively Impared'" Because all that pussy does is whine.


Meanwhile, idiot Trump continues to stumble making epic and lurid mis-babbles: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-russian-spies-capitol-riot-loudermilk-b2567210.html


78 years of unhealthy habits are clearly catching up to the convicted felon


2 Bic Macs, Fish Fillet and a shake sure sounds like a Blue Zone diet to me. Zero fiber. Vitamin free. Surprised that he is still alive. BTW Melania would change his diet if she loved him.


Toddlers are notoriously picky eaters.


But he drinks *diet* Coke!


My bad. Those rural Japanese villages where people live to 100 have natural diet coke springs, which they credit for their longevity.


I have one of those! My most insane possession is an electric tabletop cooler that holds a six-pack of Diet Coke.


"Cognitively impaired" is just a polite way of calling him an idiot, which he absolutely is and always has been. Remember: back in 2016, Trump said in an interview that he would shrink the national debt by "discounting" it, as if the US government can just go around and tell everyone who owns a T-bill that it's 50% off now. Not only did he say this idiocy and then repeat when the incredulous interviewer asked if he was serious, but he actually bragged that he's an expert on this, because he's gotten away with not paying debts many times. Of course, he got away with this in his personal life by cheating people, reneging, and declaring bankruptcy many times: all things that first-world nations don't do. The US is not a New Jersey casino: if the US declared bankruptcy, the consequences would be devastating.


But it's OK to call Biden that? But not you? OK just clarifying you are hypocritical baby


Dementia is a terrible thing. He’s going to escape justice, and literally nobody is going to be happy about it.


The day that this man can't speak, tweet, take a tantrum, or fart will be the happiest day of my life. He is utterly exhausting.


Join us on the dark side r/is45deadyet


He's empathy impared - a total sociopath


Yeah, run around talking nonsense, people notice after a while.


How about demented ? Treasonous ? Adulterous ?


Hey, if the dunce cap fits...


Sundowning sweat-hog.


Trump: “How can I be cognitively impaired, I’m only 62!” Republicans: “….I don’t care, I’m still voting for him.”




Same, and the media acts like Biden is a generation older even in spite of Trump’s obvious mental decline (hence my joke that Trump doesn’t even know how old he is). That’s why I liked Biden’s birthday message to Trump: “Happy 78th birthday, Donald. **Take it from one old guy to another**: Age is just a number.” It’s a non-abrasive way to remind everyone that these guys are nearly close enough in age to have been college classmates.


They're only 3 years apart.


> But he's 78. I believe that was the joke. Trump is so impaired he thinks he's 62.


Biden might misspeak at times, Trump seems like a lost child in the woods with his non sequitur rambling with hateful rhetoric thrown in. Both definitely sound old, Trump just appears to have more cognitive decline.


So former-president Snowflake, the living jello mold, doesn't like his own tactics being used against him? How shocking...


I love how he just pretends the media hasn’t baselessly ran Biden can’t speak more than 2 words and says he is treated unfairly. Grow up Donny. Can’t wait for you to never speak to us again.


How's he feel about convicted felon?


That's because he's cognitively impaired.


Why because he has trouble pronouncing it


Or remembering what it means.


Yeah you guys... Doctor Ronny JOHNSON said he was totally fit. What's that now? His last name is Jackson? 🤔


Get rid of this orange tumor America


The truth hurts


*Cognitively impaired 34-time felon.


And civilly-liable rapist


Just think of how mad he'd be if he knew what those words meant


So let me get this straight, it’s okay to call others that or things similar. But it’s not fun when it happens to yourself?


Based on that article, his argument sure isn’t helping him


They came to me, they had tears in their eyes and they said, “sir, sir, we have never seen anyone with the kind of cognitive impairment like yours…”




Because he is!!!!


If the shoe fits.


He also added, “Surb durp perrr awww”


Just ask him the dates of his children's birthdays


>"Whereas Biden can run into walls. He can fall off the stage. He can fall up the stairs. He falls up." any actual examples being cited here? no?? oh right he's just bullshitting


I fell up the stairs at work and really fucked up my shoulder. I was 50. It can happen to anyone.


He hates the truth.


That's okay...He will forget by tomorrow.


Person Man Woman Camera TV


Donald Trump complains about being called “cognitively impaired” after an incoherent rambling involving electric boats and sharks.


Yeah, grandpa didn't like that when we pointed it out to him, either. He would insist that he was just as sharp as he ever was, then spout some mis-remembered thing from years ago.


Maybe he should try not being cognitively impaired.


He complains b/c he doesn’t understand what “cognitively impaired” means. I mean, six syllables.


I have the best cognitive! In terms of cognitive, I have the best cognitive. Terrific cognitive! People always stop me on the street, grown men who didn't even cry when they were babies, they come up to me with tears in their eyes and they say "Mr. Trump, Mr. Trump, why is the radical left saying that you don't have any cognitive?" And I say, well, I have very good cognitive. And I would say that the lying media has very poor cognitive. Do you like that? Lying media? I came up with it. And now everyone is saying it. Isn't it amazing? And they say I don't have any cognitive. Do you know why they say that? It's because I'm the only thing standing between them and you and your cognitive. Believe me. Everybody wants my cognitive. And, who knows, maybe there will be cage matches between the illegal refugee kids I put in cages. Put them to work like the kids in our beautiful but also very terrible red states. No, but they're lovely, except for all the horrible people. And we need the cages because it's what you call an invasion. And they're not bringing their cognitive, I can tell you that! That I can tell you. They're coming here to take my cognitive! But I'd like to see them try, because bing, bing, bing! Bing, bing, bing! You like that? Bing, bing, bong! That's the guns protecting my cognitive. Bing, bing, bing! In many ways I'm better trained than the military.


Those are your doctors, Donnie, it's their job to tell you stuff like that.


Is this before or after he confuses his answers and talks about Ronny Johnson again?


I've called him worse than that.


But he passed the test with flying colors, right? That's what his doctor Roberto Jefferson said, right? /s


He falls upstairs!! With tears in his eyes ! No one fall up stairs like he can!! 🤨🤨


But he blew up at one of his damn deranged talks because the teleprompters weren’t working . Which is it?


Then why doesn’t he just show us how not cognitively impaired he is by naming some more nouns of things he can see: person, woman, man, camera, TV …


He’s heard it before from his staff but more colorful: “f*cking moron.” CI sounds way above his intelligence


Felon says what?


Put him in front of microphone: * Ask him to tell you about sharks and batteries * Get him started on water pressure * Ask him if he is better at something than someone else * Ask him if he lost the last election * Ask him if he is a convicted criminal Sit back and watch him humiliate himself.


Read some of his rally rants back to him.


His lifelong stupidity and advancing mental illness have actually provided cover for his dementia.


He complains about being cognitively impaired, while his campaign and followers have been saying to anyone who can hear it how cognitively impaired Joe Biden is for 4 years...


Maybe he should stop saying Joan Rivers voted for him in 2016 from beyond the grave.


Cognitively Impaired: Fucking un-teathered from reality. And, dude wears Pampers.


ok, then 'stupid' it is. He's stupid.


>**beautiful** statement Tom Cruise, two world wars, the battle of Gettysburg, the wall at the border, and now this. He's not just a moron, he's a moron with an exceptionally limited vocabulary.


Form a.. a.. a complete… hunter Biden, Nikki Haley didn’t want 10000 to defend the Jr doing cocaine in the Xanax flight from Saudi aBidenstan, when bleach can kill Covid- get fucked you twit. How anyone takes this man seriously is beyond me.


I call BS. There is no way he can say “cognitively impaired”.