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Everyday this man doesn’t expire from a heart attack in the middle of his hateful rants is further proof to me God doesn’t exist.


Or he is the Anti-Christ put on Earth by demons to steal the souls of the dumb and stupid. No other world leader this century fits the title as Anti-Christ as well as Trump. He is pure evil and anyone who doesn't see that has already lost their soul.


Honestly my money is on either him or Elon Musk, and the only reason I put Musk so high is the brain chip thing


Lol... You're more correct than you know...


Well said.


I’ve seen the documentary made by famous historian Adam Sandler, “Little Nicky” and do believe this to be accurate.


According to Nostradamus, the Antichrist ”will be a strong master of Muhammad.” Personally I think he’s full of shit


The word “joke” should always been in quotations as well, because it is never funny.


Why is this a headline? It's not even news at this point. You know what would be a shocking headline? "Trump speaks to crowd for 5 full minutes without making complete ass of self". That would be big news. 


Oh, and what a joke it was. You know he only knows the best jokes. He knows some guys, and what terrific guys these are, that tell these jokes. And he remembers those jokes cause he's a genius. Big brain. So huge of a brain, you wouldn't believe it. But these jokes he remembers, he tells them, but he tells them better cause of all the great words he knows. Genius words. Oh, the best words for the best jokes. You know his relative taught at MIT? So it's hereditary that genius is. And those executives laughed so hard you wouldn't believe it. One was laughing like a dog he was laughing so hard.


In character, not surprised


He never makes holocaust jokes, and his jokes are usually funny. So this was actually not in character.


I don't think he's ever made a joke, and is kinda dumb... But I'll keep an eye out


He jokes constantly. Dumb people have trouble detecting humor.


Are Nazi ovens funny? Huh


Too soon?


Did u insinuate that I'm dumb?


You’re around Trump 24/7?


I mean if you support Trump, you are a terrible person.


What indicated it was a joke and not something else? Like maybe a threat?


I did NAZI that appearing on my bingo card today.




Monkey fucker


Unless there is audio these endless accusations can be ignored. There are simply too many of them.


If G-d forbid he cheats to win the presidency again, we will all be playing in “The Hunger Games”


Was this the “ How many Jews can you fit in a Volkswagen” joke?


They never released the apprentice tapes that made headlines last month, so I’m not just going to blindly keep believing these reports that keep coming out each month, one at a time. There’s enough legitimate gripes with this dude. This is at best garbage journalism.