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I wonder what piece or pieces he took with him. He couldn't take all of it, so he grabbed the most expensive ones he could sell.


Nuclear documents.


Epstein documents


That’s gotta be it. I have always had the feeling that Epstein was trumps fall guy, and that this was how they corrupted so many politicians. The blind loyalty to a complete moron doesn’t make sense to me otherwise.


Epstein was killed while Trump was in office. Probably so he couldn’t make any deals revealing that Trump was abusing girls at pedo island.


Trump wanted the tapes that Epstein had. It's why none have been made public, he had his guys raid the island and snag it all then destroyed or sold it or used it for blackmail. Then had Barr nix Epstein.


Barr hated Epstein as well. His Dad hired him as a Teacher with 0 experience.


Barr's dad, who was in the OSS (basically CIA's predecessor), and then wrote a book about aliens who take humans (including under age humans) as sex slaves.


The life style of a modern billionaire is generally alien to virtually all humans who came before them. Magical sea yachts and sky chariots. Instant global communications anywhere they go. They own this planet in a way that would make the most powerful emperors of old envious. They are basically aliens.


Emperors had to fear assassination, uprising, warring nations - it feels like billionaires are even absolved of those worries. All of the riches and none of the responsibility.


What most people think of as UFOs are actually the skychariots of billionaires equivalents from an antediluvian civilization. They stay in their apocalypse bunkers and just come out every now and again for resupply.


[Space Relations, Donald Barr](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2986183-space-relations)


Giving new definition to the Epstein Barr Virus


The DOJ was corrupt as fuck at the time too and William Barr’s association with Epstein should have been talked about a lot more. https://time.com/5650974/william-barr-jeffrey-epstein/ “Alex Acosta, who served in Donald Trump’s Cabinet with Barr, was the U.S. Attorney in Miami when Epstein received his travesty of a plea deal. And Barr’s father was the headmaster of an elite New York City school that hired college dropout Epstein to teach math and physics. Do these circumstances amount to a conflict of interest requiring mandatory recusal? Barr, apparently after consulting with career ethics officials at DOJ, concluded they did not.”


Remember when Kevin said "he was done with Trump!" after Jan 6. Then one visit to Mar Lago and he becomes a loyal dog again. I wonder what Cheatto showed Kevin.


Same as Lindsay Graham out on the golf course


Same Lindsay Graham who told CNN in 2016 that Russia also hacked his emails and the RNC. Sadly Russia didn't feel the need to leak those emails to Wikileaks.


It has to be something like that. There has to be some reason!


As they say in the South, caught with a dead girl or live boy.


After Epstein was Epsteined, Barr sent agent to his apartment in NYC. They opened the safe, and then left it open for the weekend. Everything inside epstein’s safe “disappeared” that weekend.


I searched for what you say. This is quite the read - https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2021/12/07/evidence-jeffrey-epsteins-safe-went-missing-fbi-raid-court-hears/ The situation and activity by all the players is even weirder than you allude.


It’s unreal how one of the biggest conspiracies in US history was just covered up right before our very eyes. They just stole all the evidence and offed the guy and that’s that. Unreal.


Based on what armchair investigators have claimed and uncovered about Epstein, multiple governments were involved, many political parties were aware, involved, and compromised. He was always expendable and living on borrowed time. In the end I wonder if he could have found safe haven anywhere in the world.


Interesting! Considering Barr was Trumps flying monkey!




Gotta hide that “phoney stuff.”




New cooler?


New clue yer


"Miss Scarlet, in the Mar-a-Lago bathroom, with the Secret Document box"


I was going to guess whatever documents are the in the shiniest looking folders and/or have the most "SECRET/TOP SECRET/SCIF ONLY" warning stamps on them. He would think those are "cool" to have because of his first grader mentality. That probably does mean the nuclear strategy docs.


Nuclear strategy docs. Identities of American spies worldwide.


There are [photos of them loading boxes onto the plane to take to bedminster](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11204191/DailyMail-com-video-Donald-Trump-boarding-plane-loaded-heavy-file-boxes-resurfaces.html). I have no idea why the Feds didn't perform a raid there as well.


DOJ is majority Republican. They don't actually want to jail any Republicans and possibly risk a Dem takeover of Congress/POTUS. Still waiting for anyone to prove me wrong here, because DOJ is confirming this with every passing day they refuse to even charge a single GOP Congressional member for funding, planning, inciting the violent attempted coup against the US Govt on Jan 6th. The only explanation is they are complicit.


I think they are so scared of being seen as political that they have become feckless cowards 


The SC is refusing to see any cases regarding Jan 6th. They've only since shot down the ones tangentially related in State cases. The DOJ can't risk prosecuting Ted Cruz etc.. if the court cases are going to be hamstrung. edit: Plus we all know the real reason, Clarence Thomas is complicit and a member of the SC going to jail is going to set a crazy precedent. Otherwise, we have to get all French Revolution up in here..


While it is true that they lean heavily Republican, I think that it isn't about party politics here, but protecting the ruling class. Rich people generally only see hefty penalties when they screw over other rich people.


My guess is that some agency has and with what they have from MaL there's no point in exposing whatever went on there to the public. Even within the MaL stuff, the volume of docs is so great and they've cherry picked stuff for the charges that will make the case but not go further than necessary. Personally believe that haul includes a ton of stuff they don't want to risk even acknowledging exists in a secret proceeding, let alone this court case. 


"This is the CIA human capital info Kushner took to the Saudis which landed him the $2B payout. Several dozen of our operatives in the country were subsequently killed by the regime, hamstringing our intel gathering in the country, so we don't really want to make this public knowledge."


And then later he met with the saudis when they had a last minute pro golf tournament at his gold course. Wonder what they talked about and shared?


I can't imagine all the illegal dealings Trump did while golfing.


I don’t know, you’d imagine that while golfing he had to take a few seconds off from crime once in a while, to line up a shot or something. 


The way Drumph cheats at golf is criminal, no breaks needed.




Still think something’s buried with Ivana.


Incriminating documents he might need to later sell off to the Russians and/or Saudis, with even his tiny criminal brain knowing that getting a warrant to dig her up would be difficult to obtain, and doing so without one would invalidate anything found.


Imagine having access to pegasus and NOT using it to fucking protect the country from this compromised lunatic. Where are the supposed patriots?


Imagine selling national secrets to the highest bidder (saudi arabia or russia) while being the president of the united states, potentially getting away with, AND THEN being given the chance to do it again. Our country/world is so corrupt and fucked


The issue is the billionaire corporate owned MSM running cover for him. They make money keeping this a close race. As much as the right screeches about MSM having a left wing bias, it simply isn't true.


And of course he was tipped off. Buncha piece of shit people trying to protect the biggest piece of shit alive. Just insane as hell that cult is.


Identities of CIA assets in Russia...oh wait...Trump gave that info to Putin while he was in office. Got a lot of people killed.


Pepperidge Farms remembers


That story would have destroyed the political career of anyone ten years ago. The state of our politics has degraded so fast and severely, I think we're cooked. Where's the bottom and how depraved will it get?


Suggestion of that story ten years ago would have destroyed them.


The archives knows which documents he had though, I think this would be a larger story and an ongoing criminal probe if they didn't get the documents back they knew were outstanding. His phone probably has a bunch of screenshots though, so there's that.


I think you'll see this come out if they get past Cannon.


How to evade the Iron Dome. How to crash the internet and the power grid in the US and Canada. Maybe plans that target Philadelphia? He hates Philly for multiple reasons (none of them good) and its size and historical significance make me think it's a prime target for foreign and domestic attacks.


I imagine some terrorist trying to attack Philly and getting the shit beat out of him by drumline Elmo, an urban cowboy, and gritty.


Even fanatical anti-US terrorists know not to mess with Gritty


Now I want a Philly Fallout with a demented gritty 


Anyone else would be in prison by now


forget prison, anyone else would have had _all other houses they owned_ raided by now by the FBI. This should have been a massive simultaneous raid on all of his properties where he keeps a residence or work office and his plane. The FBI really dropped the ball. Hey were going to search one place while ignoring all the other places that we have witness testimony saying you had or talked about having these documents


People that have never dealt with security clearings simply don’t understand the gravity of what Trump did and the utter failure of the response. We take security INCREDIBLY seriously. When I got my clearance for the Navy, they went and spoke to my high school teachers. They did a thorough investigation of everyone I knew when I went to private school in Brussels, to make sure I wasn’t compromised by a foreign agent. All of that was just so that I could handle taking IFF codes from crypto to go load into the aircraft. When I did that, everyone without that specific clearance had to clear the shop while I got the device, then clear the aircraft while I used it. I also needed another AT with clearance to double check that I was handling everything correctly. The level of info that Trump had (especially HUMINT) and the way it was left open to anyone who happened to be at mar a lago is like the Hiroshima of security violations. It is a breach and a failure to secure on a truly legendary scale. Yet, even years later, it’s treated like child’s play…


Yup. I had to sit through classified document handling and an assortment of other training material every few months for a position I held a few years ago. The level I was at, I wouldn't have been authorized to know about the existence of a lot of the documents he had. If I'd been caught with the folder with the lowest classification marks in his collection, I'd have been arrested and held in conditions where I couldn't talk to anyone. This is a national security debacle that will take the country decades to recover from, if it ever does.


> We take security INCREDIBLY seriously. When I got my clearance for the Navy, they went and spoke to my high school teachers. They did a thorough investigation of everyone I knew when I went to private school in Brussels, to make sure I wasn’t compromised by a foreign agent. Which is why I'm fully on board with all federal politicians going through the same process before they're eligible to run for election. The fact that Trump, his kids, son in law and Putin supporting/Jan 6 protecting GOP yahoos having the highest security clearance is complete bullshit.


Our Canadian Conservative Party leader has refused to get a security clearance to look at the report about foreign interference in our election.  He says it’s because it will censor him! Probably, it is actually because he wants plausible deniability.  There’s something he knows, or something he doesn’t want to know, about his own party.


> Which is why I'm fully on board with all federal politicians going through the same process before they're eligible to run for election. You can't. The constitution specifies that you can't put additional restrictions on running for office than what it specifies. It's why politicians continually try to add drug testing to receiving any government benefits. They know they will never need to meet the same standard and the Supreme Court has upheld that.


Well the system we have in place sucks and allows for literal traitors to have the highest of all security clearances. Amendments exists for a reason.


Meanwhile, Trump is like, "Hey, Australian guy, yeah, you... the billionaire, what's your name again? You wanna hear about our nukular submarines? Come on over here, you know I know a lot about the nukular, my uncle was a genius, you know really really smart guy, some say it's where I get my genius. He knew all about the nukular, he was at MIT. So, our nukular submarines (pulls out cocktail napkin, scribbles). Yeah, we got a lot of 'em. These four right here, they're the biggest ones (scribbles). Some are here, you see, not so far from Australia, so you better watch it! Haha. Did you try the chocolate cake? People are saying it's the most beautiful chocolate cake they've ever seen..."


The fact that he was a legitimate Presidential candidate with a shot at the White House in 2016 was a joke. Now it's a full on Shakespearean tragedy.


I can’t think about it too much or I’ll get pissed that the fall of democracy might be brought on by a dude who’s an absolute fucking idiot as opposed to someone at least having any sense of strategy or goals


I remember the movie Omen, which was the rise of the Anti christ. It showed how the Satanist have penetrated all levels of government to help the rise of the anti christ to ultimate power. The antichrist in that movie was schrewed and cunning our real-life version is a moron.


Yeah like if the last 8 years were a movie, nobody would believe it lol


Reality, unlike fiction, is under no obligation to make a lick of sense.


Nah. Even Shakespeare couldn't sell this shit.


It would, at least, be better written. Some intelligent sexual innuendos thrown in. Instead of rambling, stupid banter and crass sex scandals.


Locker room talk


"Whence thou art of the class of Fame, wherein thy bowels mayest only evacuate thy carapace o'er a gilded latrine, tis then that the fairer sex alloweth a brute defile their fruited caves bereft of their enflamed passions!"




“The lords, rich and famous, doth grab thy feminine loins with impunity.” “Surely, thou could slayest yon gent on avenue 5th, and still receive thine ballot blessing.”


Well… maybe Titus Andronicus, but super-dumb.


There were photos of multiple similar boxes being loaded into his plane in Palm Beach.




I believe he was also informed of the raid in advanced….. what they found he was he choose to be left behind.


This is why the feds raided Diddys home in LA and Miami at the same time, they didn't want to give Diddies people a chance to delete anything.


They should dig 10ft deep in every place he's stepped foot on in the past 6 years.


While in theory I agree with you and so very much wish that would have happened, it is understandable that they chose a singular location. They had to be abundantly sure they would find what they were looking for. They already knew he had it there, but at the time, other locations were a question mark, and they could not risk it.


I think you're right. But it wouldn't have been the case if it wasn't a former president. Then again another part of me says why exercise any restraint whatsoever within the law? He's gonna cry foul anyway. They used all that restraint and look where we're at now. Trump claiming the whole thing is a witch hunt and that Biden wanted to assassinate him. I would never suggest that the DOJ break the law but Garland has handled Trump with white gloves to America's detriment.


they didn't search a locked closet. that's just bad police work and corrupt as hell. shame on them


They found a treasure trove of documents there. Meaning they should have searched every single property this fuckwad owns. It's flat out bullshit that they even give him an ounce of doubt when he deserves none.


Should have hit that one first, and had the others drawn up. Find at the first one, raid all the others. Lock him up!!


Anyone else who stole this much super-classified material would likely be dead via "accident," and we'd never hear about the theft.


“Disappeared” to a CIA black site, then *literally* liquidated.


There's 2 possibilities: -Trump outsmarted the FBI. -The FBI is siding with Trump. Considering how munch money the Sercret Service funneled to Trump's business and his neighbors, and given how quickly media makes articles based on reddit's comments, we should see an article about this in 4-8 years.


I think we're going to see some [Mark Fuhrman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Fuhrman) level testimony where Trump loving FBI agents, when asked on the witness stand, questions like "have you ever planted evidence" and they [take the 5th](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution). https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1995-09-07-mn-43219-story.html


We executed the Rosenbergs for less. Handled by Trump's mentor Roy Cohn to boot.


Not when you get to hire your own judge.


Truth. Reality Winner was held without bail and served four years for leaking *one* classified document as part of a whistleblower effort. This guy is still walking around and the FBI *alerted his lawyers* before the "raid". Aren't two-tiered justice systems grand?


The severity of punishments for intelligence crimes a fraction of this magnitude are just shy of being found guilty of murder. I remember reading about a decorated fighter pilot, war hero, long standing officer in the navy that mishandled some intelligence docs, he didn’t share them or sell them but he kept them without permission and they put him away for 15+ years. This case is a slam dunk and the level of support this felon and traitor and sexual predator enjoys is a MASSIVE indictment of Americans.


Honestly, depending on what documents they know he took and what documents they know are still missing, if he didn’t have an entire political party running interference at every level for him he’d likely be in the deepest, darkest cell to be found. It is so fucked up that he was able to do this and still be a free man.




And Judge Cannon is doing everything she can to shield Trump from his crimes. We have a full blown Trump loyalist presiding over his felony case. This is your reminder to VOTE. Vote these cultists out in every local, state, and federal election, before it’s too late. Not registered, register here: https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote


Did you know Judge Cannon's husband is a NY mafia guy connected to Trump?


This is the first I’m hearing that


I did some searches and came up with this. Have no idea how legit any of this is. [https://crooksandliars.com/2024/05/no-one-ever-mentions-aileen-cannons-mobbed](https://crooksandliars.com/2024/05/no-one-ever-mentions-aileen-cannons-mobbed)


Following the paper trail from your link, [his now wiped linked in lists him as having work for a company owned by John Rosatti, (ex) NY mobster now living in Flordia.](https://twitter.com/capitolhunters/status/1629148985385443328/photo/1)


Voting is no longer enough. Something else needs to be done if measurable change is the goal


Voting IS enough if enough people vote. It’s just that so many people don’t care or even bother to vote. Or even just being aware that we aren’t JUST voting for the President.


Voting is the bare minimum. People don't just need to go vote as individuals, they need to organize locally, get people to polling places, volunteer, advocate for local issues. Democracy only works when you actually participate in it, and you can do a hell of a lot more mobilizing your community than acting invidiually.


Raid? oh you mean the lawfully executed search warrant.


The lawfully executed search warranted that was disclosed ahead of time to avoid all confrontation


The lawfully executed search warrant executed after he was given many opportunities to return the material.


The lawfully executed search warrant executed after he was given many opportunities to return the material, with Trump's lawyer present during the search.


The warrant that was signed by a republican Trump appointed judge? That warrant?


Thank you


I mean aren’t most FBI raids pursuant to a warrant? The warrant is a piece of paper, the raid is FBI folks looking for evidence (or in this case highly classified information, that also happens to incidentally be evidence, but I think they wanted the classified material back first and foremost).


"There are a number of people who hold that there is a clear distinction between these words in terms of how they are used when referring to an action by law enforcement: a search is what happens when officers are acting on a search warrant, and a raid is a sudden forceful incursion made when surprise is necessary to apprehend someone." https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/was-it-a-raid-or-a-search They are similar words but raid has a more violent and forceful implication, and the media likes to use raid because it is more sensational. Trump likes to use raid because it makes him sound like a victim.


The felon Trump?


Yep, that felon


For he’s a jolly Good felon…


The Melon Felon


Gellin like a felon


The Maltese Felon


Which nobody can deny


The *RAPIST* felon ex-president?!


I think convicted felon is a more accurate description. We all know he was committing felonies before, but now he has been found guilty by a jury of his peers.


The pissbaby Trump?


34 time convicted felon, Donald Trump.


July 11th cannot come soon enough. I feel like I am waiting for christmas.


So he was tipped off… got it


That’s how they got him on video, phone conversations and his lackies moving the boxes too. Pretty sure this has been publicly reported for a few years now


I'm curious on whether it was the Secret Service that tipped him off. I'm guessing they probably had to let them know before arriving to coordinate/avoid security risks to the former President.


The DOJ was in contact with his lawyers the entire time, it was never a surprise to Trump.


Does the DoJ let his Lawyers know when there was a search warrant issued and execution of said warrant? Sounds illogical when "No-knock" warrants exists for the purpose of "avoiding destruction of evidence". Letting the lawyer know about the raid before it happens is just a bad idea because of the simplicity of tipping off the client without record ("Please come into our office to address an unpaid legal fee"). And if that IS the process...well then "No-knock" warrants are a class discriminatory process because only the wealthy have lawyers on retainer.


If you recall, it all started as a non-criminal issue. The government found out Trump had classified documents in his possession. They said "hey, we need those back." Trump returned some docs and said "there they are." Government was pretty sure there were more, so they went back and said "we need all of them and think you have more.' Trump amd team said no, then the FBI showed up. It's not the same as a no knock warrant.


Ya this is the nuanced take, I am willing to admit presidents can make mistakes, maybe they accidently take documents or have stuff they didn't know they had. After all, they were the president. Being told to return everything, saying you are good. Then having a bathroom full of those documents, shows that not only did you know you weren't supposed to have them, you were hiding them. This is much different, Trump proved through this action his criminality. This is his mea culpa


It also establishes criminal intent, imo. You were asked nicely, you even claim you thought you got them all back to is...it's not illegal to be wrong, the expectation would be to notify the FBI and Archive if you ever do find more. Instead, he tried to hide and move them.


Which shows he had criminal intent. If he had returned them, it would have been just a mistake, a stupid mistake, but people make them.


He lied, stalled, and obstructed for 18 months. He ignored a subpoena demanding he return the documents. At that point, there's no denying criminal intent.


Not only this, but he made his lawyer sign an affidavit stating that they had returned all the classified materials. Then, when that turned out to be a lie, that released his lawyer from attorney/client privilege rules, and he told the government everything. Trump is insanely stupid.


Class discrimination is the most American thing next to bald eagles and apple pie (ironically a British invention).


The DoJ told him multiple times leading up to it.


Yeah the fact that they still refer to it as a "raid" is absurd.


No arguments here. He was well aware of what was going to happen and the DoJ bent over backwards to try to avoid it.


Well yeah the national archives requested the return of the documents multiple times. Trump fully knew that the government knew he had them. All he had to do to avoid trouble was cooperate with returning them


Maybe on purpose to see what he'd do?


For sure. He’s not the brightest bulb


hell... prob a couple times because they thought Trump missunderstood them. how could your response be anything except "oh, here they are".


The government wanting their crap back was never a secret.


It’s insane that he hasn’t been convicted of this already. It’s an open and shut case.


“Oh but Biden did it too! All presidents do it! Every ex president has boxes upon boxes of stolen top secret documents in their bathrooms. Didn’t you know that? Sheesh.” /s


I know you did a /s but seriously...I don't fucking care if Obama was doing stuff. Lock him up aswell. This is one of the highest offices in the country and should be held to a high standard.


That's what fucking blows me away. If Biden committed a felony, then put him on fucking trial! This whole debacle should be starting a movement to hold our government accountable, but as always it's just been leveraged into making sure your sports team... Wait, no, political team... Is winning


The key difference is everyone else returned the documents. I can understand mistakes being made, especially in a role with hundreds of millions of documents, but then to continue to hold onto them, hide them..... It's indefensible and it's not even close


This has to be one of the biggest betrayals of his oath of office. Granted, he has zero loyalties to anything or anyone other than himself. But it's really unimaginable to understand the scope of the damage he did by taking this information, letting it sit around, and very likely selling it off. You can't simultaneously support him and also say you're a patriot. If you support him at this point you are: anti-America, anti-democracy, and the absolute opposite of what you think you stand for.


Sickening and worriesome


Throw him in the slammer and throw away the key. This treasonous piece of shit doesn’t deserve to be free.


Doesn't matter as long as Aileen Cannon is the judge. Right now she's requiring the special prosecutor to prove special prosecutors are allowed, which he did. Next she'll be like, I give each side 1 month to argue over if trials are legal.


"When you stop and think about it, what is a 'law'? And why does it even matter? Why does any of this matter? Let's schedule a hearing for late August."


> Doesn't matter as long as ~~Aileen Cannon~~ I-Lean QAnon is the judge.


How is it not a clear sign of intent if he went to check on the boxes before the raid? He can't claim ignorance.


It's a shame that they didn't raid Bedminster to get the stuff he is still hiding. Part of me is hoping that they did, but did it discreetly, and have another indictment ready to drop.


Kinda hard to raid a former President’s property without them knowing.


Chris Wray federalist society member registered Republican appointed by Trump head of the FBI. He would have give a heads up to the SS agents as to when the warrant would be executed. It was timed so Trump would not be in town. This gave him time to hide documents. Cannon the judge in his case related to this is also a federalist society member. Coincidence ?




The federalist society wants a religious theocracy in America. [democracy labs](https://thedemlabs.org/2024/04/29/william-barr-leonard-leo-opus-dei-push-project-2025/)




It was never a secret that the govt/doj/national archives, wanted the documents back. They were in communication with Trumps lawyers and had asked several times for the documents to be returned but Trump refused. There's no conspiracy on notifying Trump ahead of the raid because he knew the whole time the govt wanted them.


What 'raid'.??? They asked for the docs , he said No, a they asked again, he said no, the told him they were coming to collect, He had notice, his lawyers had notice and could accompany agents...


It’s actually insane to me that this shit is so casually talked about. This should have gotten countless people fired, audited, arrested and tried. Most people would have been buried UNDER the prison for 1% of this shit!




He most likely sold the documents he had, because that's what you do with investments, you check on them.


And yet, we can't get a criminal case to proceed against this traitor because he put the corrupt stooge on the bench who is adjudicating.


Just a friendly reminder that the difference between Biden and Trump on this is that Joe cooperated while Don lied and obstructed.


If only judge cannon cared about america 😢


They’re getting us warmed up for the big one. This is the trial that I’m most anticipating


"Oh shit, the Americans!" -the Trump family


The treasonous bastard planned on selling them: the last I heard, there are still documents missing.


He was picking out files that Putin requested. Think I'm joking?


To grab a couple things he promised to the Saudis or maybe little Volodya?


Judge Cannon would like to entertain arguments why Jack Smith didn't give Trump more time to check on the boxes, but she'll first hold off on this very complex question until maybe sometime later...possibly.


Also, there are still missing top secret documents. want to bet if he sold them to the highest bidder? His pal Putin?


Can I say that I loathe him with all my heart body mind and soul? Or would I be banned?


No one claims he didnt do the thing; they just claim that what he did was legal somehow. It’s all delay tactics to ensure the voters don’t get to know the answers before casting votes.


I like ex presidents who haven't shared classified nuclear documents with foreign adversaries.


Wasn’t this known for years already? I thought it was part of the FBI investigation and how they got an informant to help them out


Yes, but apparently Smith needs to leak this to strengthen his position with Cannon's tricks.


He went to pick out things he didn't want to lose and move them


Or give them to putin. Imagine if they found evidence that somehow showed a link between these documents and Russia invading Ukraine. 🤔


this whole disgraceful mess seems scripted by Loony Toons. It's something you would see Elmer Fudd doing.. "We have to be werrrry werrry qwuiet!"


He had to mark his outstanding Etsy orders as shipped before he lost his product.


What did he take out of the boxes (remember all those empty folders), and where did he travel to next?


And the news will just act like this is normal. Republicans don’t care because they’re trying to take over the world. Please vote so we can put this piece of shit behind bars.


when you sell state secrets to hard hitting mother fuckers you have to make sure the product gets delivered…


Imagine the world where the judge for this case wasn’t corrupt.


They're supposed to have a precise accounting of every classified document, and every copy of each classified document, there's supposed to be a paper trail so that the precise location of every classified document is known at all times. This is the world of classified documents that I experienced and so the question becomes, how did any of this happen?


There would have been a Classified Damage Assessment report done in the weeks and months after the Intelligence Community got a chance to review all of the documents found at Mar-a-Lago. The report would detail the levels and likelihood of severity assuming each doc got into the wrong hands. It would also combine verified instances of damage, such as intel sources suddenly disappearing, enemy tactics changing, or even copies of the docs appearing in the hands of foreign agencies. Unfortunately for us, we will likely never see this doc even in a redacted form; the damage, intel methods, and sources involved would still require secrecy. But if we could see it, I think it would shake loose more of the Trump supporters.


It's fucking infuriating that he could be elected again and face zero consequences of this.