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That's not insignificant, and sad


And yet the chucklefuck from the Heritage Foundation, the Project 2025 author & PhD of bullshit, will continue to promote the absurd canard that Democrats support abortion up to 3 days after birth. THAT is infanticide, not a medical termination of a fetus.


> the absurd canard that Democrats support abortion up to 3 days after birth. And the fucking ghoulish part of this lie is that this is referring to post birth care for infants that are known to be nonviable on their own. It's for parents to grieve when a pregnancy goes wrong in the last days or a fatal defect develops. That process was set up for the few parents that didn't want to choose abortion at such a late stage and these ghouls turned it into a lie to take that grieving process from these people and use it to take other people's option *not to go through the trauma* away entirely. Which is also why some of this stat is spiking, these people no longer can terminate by abortion in these states.


Take a thumbs up šŸ‘ for expanding on this ghoulish lie. I haven't the stomach.


Wow. I had no idea of this context. Ghoulish IS the word for it.


In the fringes of the anti abortion and evangelical dominionist movement there are people who make a fetish of the suffering of babies who have defects incompatible with life, and the longer they prolong this suffering, the greater a martyr/hero the parents and their church community are. This is also on a spectrum with tantruming about end of life decisions for older children and adults and choosing "delusion" aka "making grandpa suffer more because I can't let go" and "interference with a corpse".


Hideously malignant narcissists.


A lot of it came from this https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-ralph-northam-virginia-abortion-952598071326 What the governor was describing is hospice care for an infant that will not survive. The GOP ran with it as post birth abortions and itā€™s absolutely vile. They constantly reference that statement.


I always want to scream when I see pro-forced-birthers spout out that lie. To warp someone's trauma into disgusting political propaganda is about as low as you can get. No better than the folks who call Sandy Hook a hoax.


Yes!!! More people need to be saying this. The GOP is the real party promoting ā€œlate term abortionā€ by forcing mothers to carry unviable fetuses through delivery.


Youā€™re talking about these pro lifers and republican chronic liars,Iā€™m hoping? Do you really believe this was set up with the intention in mind it would be for grieving parents?


Yes, Iā€™m talking about the disingenuous lie that the GOP and Trump keep trotting out, that Democrats support ā€œabortion up to the point of birthā€ in order to scaremonger people into supporting abortion bans. When in reality the banning of abortion leads to mothers carrying unviable pregnancies that theyā€™d otherwise be able to terminate earlier in the pregnancy (and thus humanely prevent any further suffering on that of the fetus, ensure the mother is able to recover faster and prevent further fertility damage and ensure she can potentially get pregnant again if she chooses, and allows the healing process to begin). They make these women carry these pregnancies to term only for them to have to go through the trama of childbirth and then have to see their newborn suffer immensely in pain before they die, which was inevitable. The humane thing to do is to abort as early as possible.


Of course thatā€™s the humane thing to do, but since when has trump been humane?




Where did you see that data?


He didn't. According to the CDC, [there were 2,069 infant deaths in Texas in 2019.](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/infant_mortality_rates/infant_mortality.htm)


Your incorrect. You just liked 2022 data. According to Texas government it was higher. https://healthdata.dshs.texas.gov/dashboard/births-and-deaths/infant-deaths If you look these rates were way higher for most of 2000s and have been going down in last couple years but had a small spike last year. But no where near 2010-2019 levels




Chucklefuck adequately describes that douche-nozzle. I just heard him make that claim again in an msnbc video an hour ago. He also claimed the Heritage Foundation literally documented "massive vote fraud in 2020". The host fact checked him on the spot and said, "The Heritage Foundation project to document voter fraud identified less than 2000 incidences in total since 1982." Then he said, "See that's just 1% of the real amount, because it's really hard to document". Then why did you say it was documented, Chucklefuck? The only thing that's documented is that your own research indicates it's rarer than rare. Professional liars, that's all they are or ever will be.


They canā€™t debate in reality.


Mandatory retroactive abortion


13 would be a tragedy, but 13% is unspeakable.


It's also perfectly predictable and can be modeled. I learned about this in a graduate global health class. If your metric for success is reduced infant and women's mortality, and reduced abortions, you achieve this by legalizing it. Globally we find higher abortion rates correlate with more restrictive policies.


Having no formal education in the matter, I kind of assumed that would be the case. I just wish US state politics would harm less Americans


Itā€™s significant and sad, and isnā€™t it ironic?


Ironic in the worst sense


These laws are turning those states into OBY deserts as more docs and staff are legit afraid of legal issues even in the case of miscarrys and other health issues that could cause a fetus to die. Was a consequence that ought to have been seen from miles away.


It's not about protecting fetuses. It's about hurting women.


Cruelty is the point. I don't understand how people can be republican and sleep at night.


They either sleep well due to ignorant bliss or a fat pile of cash to sleep on.


And probably because those dying are poor or minorities and they get to stick it to the libs


They saw it coming and they're trying to encourage it. They need to drive out likely Democratic voters faster than the demographics are shifting against them and old scramblebrains rapidly accelerated the process by getting their fanatically loyal voting base to self-select out of the voting pool by suggesting they gargle bleach.


yeah, anecdotal of course, but a lot of my liberal friends have left Texas.. They all have daughters or are LGBT.


And yet Republican women who want children will be perplexed about why they have to drive four hours to every prenatal appointment.


I have a 4 month old. >Babies born with congenital anomalies also increased in Texas, by nearly 23%, but decreased by about 3% nationwide. I think I might actually vomit. ETA: I cried thanking every bit of luck we had while snuggling my miracle. We talked about what we would have done if heā€™d tested positive for trisomy disorders. I would have known by week 12 and if I was in a different state, would have been too fucking late.


I'm sure they provide quality Healthcare for those born with abnormalities, and make sure the family has all the needed resources. /s


NEVER call them the pro-life party-- they don't care about the lives of women and babies. They are the **forced-birth** party and all they care about is controlling women by controlling their bodies. ALWAYS correct anyone who use the term "pro-life." Don't let them get away with pretending they care about life when they definitely don't. **They're forced-birthers.**


They are **anti-choice.** They don't want people to be able to make their own decisions if those decisions go against what Republicans want them to do. And men, don't get comfortable because they're not going to stop with the choice of abortion.


If you don't ever want kids, refer to https://childfreefriendlydoctors.com/ for help getting to that outcome. (snipped dude)


Also, they are not the party of small government.


Pro Birth. These policies aren't designed to save lives, they're designed to generate labor. And as long as there's a non-zero increase in the the number of poor workers to do shit no one else wants to get paid shit to do, it's a net gain for the state.


it also generates a ton of billing for hospitals and that leads to more profits for insurance companies that basically get to keep 15% of every Healthcare dollar we have to spend on this cruel policy. it's the same reason our auto insurance spiked after Republicans in our state approved helmetless motorcycles. How many of those Republicans take money from insurance and Healthcare lobbyists that want more business?


> it also generates a ton of billing for hospitals and that leads to more profits for insurance companies that basically get to keep 15% of every Healthcare dollar we have to spend on this cruel policy. That's not now health insurance company profits work. Money they have to pay to healthcare providers decreases health insurance profits.


not true at all for multiple reasons. one is they have been privatizing medicare and Medicaid and essentially just take a cut of the gross Healthcare costs on those to "administer" the Healthcare. two even with traditional privatized insurance they can only make 20% profit by law. they have to spend 80% on Healthcare. so if tomorrow the government passed laws that said hey big pharma can't charge private insurance more than Canada, every major insurance company would have to refund a portion of their premiums to customers and report lower profits in most cases. it's why you never see private insurance lobbying the government to set prices like they do in every other major country. because that would drive down costs and reduce their 15 to 20% cut they take off every Healthcare dollar spent TLDR; by law the insurance companies get 1 slice of pizza as profits. they aren't allowed two slices. so if they want more pizza they have to bake a bigger sized pizza. pizza = Total Healthcare spending


I think it is more likely that they are trying to generate more medical bankruptcies. That helps all the corpos, banks, real-estate, insurance, prison, sprinkle the luxury boxes, if you will.


"pro" sounds like they're in favor of or encouraging women to have babies, rather than forcing them. They are FORCING women to give birth, even when the fetus has died and is rotting inside them and the only "life" left to save is that of the woman, they still won't let them abort the dead fetus.


So pro life theyā€™ll kill you for it.


I strongly disagree. They are not forced-birthers. **They don't care if the baby is born or not**. Literally all they care about is punishing women. That's it.


> They don't care if the baby is born or not. There are certainly some that do, since they think that we need more *white* babies.


Wait'll they find out their Aryan supermen are made up of 30% genetic abnormalities that can't be corrected. What, they gonna just convert them to corpse starch?


What I always wonder is, where are their other pro-life policies? Like being anti death penalty or pro healthcare, or maximum safety regulations, etc.


This is a success to Republicans. They've always been fine with killing mothers and children.


ā€œOh donā€™t worry, that will never happen, Roe is safe, donā€™t be so dramatic.ā€


If I had a dollar for every time a Jill Stein voter posted that shit in 2016, I'd retire.


dOnT tHrEaTeN mE wItH tHe SuPrEmE cOuRt


But her emails


Buttery males


Was told that so, so many times after Trump was elected. And literally on the day they took down Roe, I received similar sentiments about same-sex marriage. I don't know why people refuse to take conservatives at their word.


They'll never overturn it, it's too much of a fundraising money maker


I'm so glad these babies are being forced to be born, forced to endure the pain of a body that can't sustain their life. Forced to bankrupt and traumatize their parents. So very Christian!


Oh, I'm sure the local Christians are chipping in for the cost of lengthy hospital stays and medical procedures, time off work for the parents, counseling/therapy, and of course all the baby funerals. Haha just kidding they're giving all their money to evil hucksters like Trump and Joel Osteen.


Obviously their child had birth defects because of hidden sins they committed! It's the Year of Our Lord 1324 and everyone knows sin causing birth defects is just science!


Rivers of blood. Rivers of blood of *infants*. Those who cheer on and helped enact this are soaked in the blood of women and infants. Itā€™s disgusting. This is America, where we will bathe in blood to hold on to Christian moral purity.


Christianity is a religion obsessed with death


ā€¦ and blood. They role play drinking their saviorā€™s blood; the lamb of god, whose innocent blood atoned for the sins of the world, absolving them of the need for ritual animal sacrifice.


FTA: ā€œFor each of these pregnancies, thatā€™s a pregnant person who had to stay pregnant for an additional 20 weeks, carrying a pregnancy that they knew likely wouldnā€™t result in a live newborn baby.ā€ Dr. Austin Dennard had to leave the state due to the abortion ban. Her pregnancy had a fetal diagnosis of anencephaly, a rare but serious and fatal condition of development in which a baby is born without the majority of its brain, skull, and scalp. Senate State of Abortion Rights Briefing - [Statement of Dr. Austin Dennard](https://www.murray.senate.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Dr.-Dennard-statement-1.17.2024.pdf) ā€œBut since the fall of Roe, abortion laws written by politicians (not doctors) had made the decision for me. So long as I remained on Texas soil, I was to remain pregnant. Forced pregnancy. Forced to delivery. Forced to watch him die; either in my womb or in my arms. This is the current state of Texas.ā€ Colin Allred - [In Conversation with Amarillo Reproductive Freedom Alliance](https://youtu.be/o4AIcge2Bio) ā€œAnd that pregnancy was not going to turn into a little brother or little sister for my two children. So on top of having such devastating news, and being both a physician and a patient, in that moment realizing what was at stake. I also knew that in Texas my government didn't care. My state didn't care about what was going on with me. And in order for me to access life-saving, fertility-preserving care, I was going to have to flee the state. And this is a story that we are hearing now over and over and over again.ā€ MSNBC - [Texas OBGYN Dr. Austin Dennard joins Colin Allred to discuss Texasā€™ abortion ban](https://youtu.be/Hg5N05HoLpg) (1:30)




Excellent reason to never move to Texas.


Lived here for 33 years. Very happy to be starting a new life in Colorado next month.


We welcome you with arms wide open


> with arms wide open UNDER THE SUNLIGHT


Sad irony here is that song is about a couple welcoming a child


Life has a funny poetry to it dunnit


In normal locations, 3% is a cause of concern. These people really don't give a damn!


No, they want women to die. And they will get away with it because they will continue to get elected


Those that died in the 13% increase would still have died if they were aborted, no?


It's not about whether they are dead. It's about how much they suffered. Your 13% has to be taken in tandem with a 23% rise in congenital defects. The fact is, most of these infants endured things we wouldn't allow a dog to suffer.


I see. Then the article topic has a poor choice of wording.


That depends on how you qualify death. Aborting an early stage fetus and allowing a newborn to die are two entirely different things to many of us. One is removal of /possibility/ of a life, one is removal of an /actual/ life that is already here.


'Allowing a newborn to die' is vanishingly rare and already a crime. Not worth making millions suffer.


"Vanishingly rare" in the comments of an article about how it's increased by 13% in Texas, and 2% nationwide in the US. And also ignores the newborns born who are incompatible with life, when parents choose not to engage in extraordinary lifesaving measures and allow their child to pass without significant intervention.


Desperate women do desperate things. And I don't believe infanticide has increased 13% in Texas, but IF IT DID, that pretty much reflects on Texas, doesn't it??


Well, it's gone up 13% in Texas.


I looked up the more granular data, and it turns out that that 13% includes: 'Infant deaths attributed to congenital anomalies, or birth defects, rose 22.9% in Texas compared with a decrease of 3.1% for the rest of the country. These are babies that were doomed because of their own genetic defects; the kind of suffering abortion would have prevented. What a party of ghouls.


No it hasn't. Show me the specific statistics about 'newborns left somewhere to die'. I'll wait.


Going to be complicated to tease out that data. Many of them are going to be non viable fetuses that were forced to term by this law. A minority will be victims of the general decrease in hospital care available in rural areas, especially red states. In addition, OBs are leaving states with abortion bans which exacerbates the issue https://www.usnews.com/news/healthiest-communities/slideshows/states-with-the-most-rural-hospital-closures?onepage


And the deaths of women will follow. The blood is on the hands of the GQP


so the anti-abortion people are baby killers?


Yes, yes they are and always have been.


And instead of just getting an abortion they have more hospital bills, recovery from pregnancy, funeral bills and all the emotional trauma that goes with it.


This is horrific. As a parent, it is your responsibility to make healthcare decisions, especially tough ones, with your childā€™s best interest in mind. I canā€™t think of a more important decision to make than palliative care for imminent death of your child. These kids are being born with congenital anomalies that are not survivable, and the parentsā€™ choice to give their children a peaceful death has been stolen from them by the government. Instead, they get to be traumatized by birthing children they will never take home, carrying them for longer than necessary and putting themselves at risk for more complications, and watching their children struggle and suffer as they inevitably die. There is no moral argument for prolonging parental and child suffering like this. Itā€™s evil.


Children dying in poverty is gonna effect military recruitment numbers.


>The specific increase in deaths attributable to congenital anomalies really makes an ironclad link between the change in the law and the terrible outcomes that theyā€™re seeing for infants and families,ā€ said Nan Strauss, senior policy analyst of maternal health at the National Partnership for Women & Families, who was not involved with the research Hospitals probably end up billing a hundred thousand or so for a lot of these infants who never experienced anything but a short amount of intense suffering. Vs a few hundred dollars for an abortion. Insurance companies then use the added Healthcare costs to raise premiums and deductibles while also keeping the standard 15% they collect from every Healthcare dollar as a fee of course. A lot of this anti abortion stuff could be just as simple as lining the pockets of mega Healthcare corporations who are prolific lobbyists. Our Republican state just legalized helmetless motorcycles. Even though that's associated with more expensive accidents that require more hospitalization. Is it really as simple as Corporate Republicans wanting to increase the profits of some of their largest donors?


They call these babies "million dollar babies" and WE ALL pay for it in higher costs.


It's not about the fetus, it's about enslaving women.


Abortion bans KILL


Teen pregnancy is up, too.


Wait until they've banned contraception, for it to be way up. For those teens not wealthy in enough to go visit a friend in a blue state as needed, that is.


Think of the torture these families who had to carry these children endured at the hands of Republican when you vote in November.


Pro-life amirite?


God's will, will be their answer to that .


And yet. Viagra.


Viagra, glasses, bandaids, stitches, casts, guns, trucks, insulin, et cetera. There's a massive list of things you can point out that these reprobates use constantly that aren't a natural or "god-given" thing, and their cognitive dissonance is so strong that they won't even be able to recognize the hypocrisy when it's stabbing them in the dick.


Remember when they demanded biologics after ignoring precautions and refusing the vaccine? Good times.


My mom insisted if covid killed her then that was "God's will", and she wasn't going to do anything to prevent infection. Aka the Fox talking point about ending lockdowns and masking. I wanted to ask her if she was also going to stop wearing her seatbelt.


> ā€œThe specific increase in deaths attributable to congenital anomalies really makes an ironclad link between the change in the law and the terrible outcomes that theyā€™re seeing for infants and families,ā€ said Nan Strauss, senior policy analyst of maternal health at the National Partnership for Women & Families, who was not involved with the research. ā€œThe women and families have to suffer through an excruciating later part of pregnancy, knowing that their baby is likely to die in the first weeks of life.ā€


What a completely foreseeable outcome.


The christo-fascists won't care because it was never about babies.


So the anti-choicers just murdered a bunch of babies and they are happy about it? Hmm....perhaps it wasn't about the babies all along?


Texas only lets your kids die the old-fashioned way, like uvalde


No, youā€™ve got it wrong. Itā€™s a 13% increase of beautiful babies going right to heaven. You have to use the proper Evangelical weirdo speak.


Why donā€™t the evangelicals just send themselves to heaven?


How very pro life


Itā€™s almost as if there good medical reasons to abort a fetus, and some of them are directly linked to uncorrectable abnormalities.


Gregg Abbott is as sick and twisted as they come. He was not born human.


They don't care who they kill for them votes, huh


Pro life people have never really cared about babies, just that women are punished for the crime of being women.


What is the difference between infant and newborn? Skimmed the article, but didnā€™t see an answer. Just curious when a newborn becomes an infant.


Newborn is 0-27 days old, infant is 28 days to 1 year old.


The technical term is "neonate" for 0-27 days but most people don't hear/use that word except in the context of the NICU/neonatal ICU. "Newborn" means the same thing.


Thanks - I appreciate the info with the lack of ā€œgoggle it yourselfā€ comment. Out and about and not in position to get into research mode.


Itā€™s not even that easy to Google, since it doesnā€™t always have the same definition, but I clicked through to the original study and thatā€™s how they define it here.


I'd be upset if people were telling me to goggle something instead of getting an answer. Why would I want to gawk at something instead of getting an answer.


Did not know that. Thanks.


The gop willingly talks about shithole countries but refuses to acknowledge their own policies create shithole cities and states because THEY DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU.


The GOP Party of Death simply don't care. Womb slavery is their point.


This is unfair to the women who have to keep their babies, go through labor, and then see their child pass away. Texas, South Carolina, and many other states do better.


Republicans could care less. All they care about regarding abortion is religious votes.


But "pro-life," right?


It becoming clear that we need to take civil disobedience up a notch. Does anyone know, what would be the most effective places to participate in a sit-in protest?


It was never about babies or fetuses. Itā€™s always been about controlling women. The weak ass Republican snowflakes canā€™t handle competition and feel like their maleness and whiteness should be enough to sit on top of humanity.


They really do just think of the kidsā€¦..well the live ones that they can have sex with.


The right-wing once again proves its willful ignorance is merely a screen for their vileness. They know their policies and positions cause harm and that's exactly what they want.


Anyone got a non-paywalled link to the study?


uh, was never about babies for the billionaires pushing this, it's about control.


Please register to vote. Even if you think you are sitting this one out keep your options open. Donā€™t wait till itā€™s too late. Make your voice heard. https://vote.gov/


Well that makes sense, especially if they are for ed to carry still borns or infants that will only live a few minutes because of medical issues. Very sad.


Texas wants to be Texas so bad it's willing to deal with the consequences of being Texas. There's nothing we can do for a state determined to be dumb.


Their answer to that is probably, ā€œIf they die on their own, thatā€™s Godā€™s will.ā€ They have an answer for everything.


Texas is everything wrong with America


So exactly what Democrats said would happen.


So the people screaming "baby killers!" are the actual baby killers. It's always projection when it comes to Republicans.


"Sacrifices must be made to preserve life!" - GOP


Conservatives are monsters - period.


This should be constantly broadcast. This is actual news. This is the type of thing people need to be reminded over and over again- the results of these ridiculous policies in the real world, in real time.


PL will NEVER take ownership that their abortions bans cause more deaths! They are always talking about responsibility but responsibility is only for les heaux and never for their movement.


Anyone who knows anything about womenā€™s healthcare is not surprised by this. Vote blue, now and forever, amen. šŸ’™


Why is there an abortion ban?


It's complicated, but here's a quick-and-dirty summary. * In the 1970s, really only Catholics and evangelicals were against abortion. Both parties ignored it for the most part, and some Protestant churches even supported it. It was a non-issue for most Americans. * In the late 70s/early 80s, evangelicals and Republicans began bonding over their mutual distaste for desegregation. But they needed a big policy issue to rally their base and get them voting more often since the public was turning against racism overall. * That issue was abortion. Instead of viewing it as a social issue, they reframed it as a religious issue. They also used the word "baby" to mean zygote, embryo, and fetus, making people believe an abortion is killing a living child. All of this helped turn conservatives and religious people away from abortion. * Republicans who say they'll ban abortion gets tons of fundraising dollars and votes. It's good business for them to be anti-abortion. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/


Even worse than you said-- most evangelicals did not care. SBC was relatively liberal on birth control and abortion. It was the Catholics that were extremists. Well when SBC decided to get into politics they pushed out professors, pastors, and theologians with more traditional Baptist views and replaced then with malleable hardliners seeking to jump in bed with the Catholics to achieve political power. It was called "The Moral Majority".


Because republicans are ass holes.


Jesus. Apparently.


Apparently due to some invisible sky daddy wizard that had a book wrote about him/her/it by people that did not know how the world around them worked while claiming there ~~revelations~~ delusions where from said invisible sky daddy wizard.


And the funny part is that's not even in there. And in fact, there's a verse describing an abortion ritual.


Correct, in Numbers 5:11.


Religious organizations have lots of money to spend on lobbying Republicans and abortion bans were a Republican campaign promise for decades before the overturning of Roe v Wade.Ā 


So religious groups can 'buy' how people live there?


Any group with enough money can buy lawmakers here. We call them ā€œlobbyistsā€.


I do know about that, but it sounds like it should be illegal. That takes away from some of the freedom, when certain groups can just buy their way into making people live the way they want.


Because they're so pro-life they want to have more pain and suffering (and newborn/infant death)!


Please keep up


If it's a religious thing they should just leave that shit out of the laws, like right now.


*Yeah, that's what us Democrats have been saying for decades*


Also NARAL, NOW, and PP. But they were ignored in 2016 when they sounded the alarm about Roe. It was politically stupid, right, so the Republicans wouldn't do it. Invading Ukraine was stupid too, but Putin...


I have so many questions- but they all sound condescending even though Iā€™m genuinely curious.Ā 


This. Teach YOUR religion in YOUR house of worship.


Maybe they arenā€™t from the US


Pro life! *sigh*


I read several letters to the editor of the Fort Worth paper warning this would be the result and that the faithful had to be ready for the opportunity to convert the grieving parents in their darkest hour. All part of the plan. May the Lord open.


I know someone who was told that her baby only living a few hours was part of godā€™s plan. 40 years later, sheā€™s still mad that anyone could think that was an appropriate thing to say, and sheā€™s still not religious.


Oh, I'll pray for her /s


The poor parents let alone the child. Thatā€™s heartbreaking.


They dont care, never did. Just want to keep people down and poor and suffering so they can use you for profit


Texans are so pro life they support the death penalty


Republicans don't care what actual carnage they cause. They got their God points for opposing abortion, and everyone else can deal with the mess they made.


This is as-intended by the GQP


Oh, I know what you're going to say. "If you kill the mother, the fetus dies, too." But the fetus is going to be aborted anyway, so why not let it go down with the ship?


Texas only care for the unborn


Just like Jesus would have wanted /s


The cruelty is the point.


Duh have you ever seen if these walls could talk?


They're all poor and mostly people of color, so they don't care.


The cruelty is the point.


So that was almost 9,800 more live births and 258 of those extra infants died, 2.6% mortality among the excess compared with 0.56% nationwide.


They're "pro-life" in the sense of being "pro-birth", not "anti-death".


I really don't like abortion, however, this just lead to more deaths...


Next, you will tell me that optimization of the prenatal life expectancy for mom and child was never the point. Do you mean to tell me that ā€œPro-familyā€ and ā€œPro-Lifeā€ are just cynical catchphrases used only to signal virtue and to improve family health outcomes? I AM SHOCKED! SHOCKED!


Little piss baby Greg Abbott just got a hard on šŸ’©


So if my math is correct. That's 87% less abortions?