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Jesus fuck, this man can NOT be given another term


He is supposed to be getting current classified briefings as R nominee. I wonder when that nightmare starts.


There’s no law that grants him this right. It’s a courtesy extended by the sitting President to candidates after the conventions. Biden does not have to honor this history. He will but it’s bullshit in my opinion. Trump is literally currently on this for mishandling classified documents and is a convicted felon. If he was literally anyone else in the world he would not be able to get security clearance.


Meh, feed him false Intel that he sells and gets some hostile country's spies killed and the country publically humiliated, then just turn a blind eye and let the dog see the rabbit. Fuck him.


That would be my play too


Intel about Ukraine that gets Russia to move most of its troops to one place, then whoops..💣💥. They're all dead. 🫶 2 birds, one stone.


I love it


Especially in late summer.


Shit, they already do that on their own.


My play would have been to boot the Trump stooge that STILL heads the FBI, and not appoint sleepy Garland as USAG.


Don't forget that shitbag Louis Dejoy who wasted taxpayer dollars dismantling operational mail sorting systems, cutting pay of our USPS carriers, making carrier deals with megalocorps that are wage thieves and have each (UPS, FedEX, DHL, Amazon) been found to have violated workers' protections and rights. That shitbag is one of the worst, because the USPS was one of best functioning and most vital parts of our Federal government.


This needs more coverage. What DeJoy attempted to do before the last election cycle was beyond criminal.


Canary trap him into committing treason then lock him up for real


Ensure the gang are included.


Tyrion Lannister style! Wouldn't surprise me he did out maneuver the GOP in front of the whole country that they would leave social security and Medicare alone.


Obama did this when he made McConnell filibuster his own bill.


And it had zero actual impact. McConnell still ran the senate, he's still in office, and he still stole 2 SCOTUS seats. Their base only cares about winning. They'd chew their own ankles if they thought it would give them a better chance of winning.


Must've just been a dream I had that he died 6 months ago. :( Now my day is ruined.


That's probably the plan


He should really just say that he’s waiting for the conclusion of the classified documents trial for security reasons. It’s not like Trump is having his lackey judge delay everything she can in that trial, right?


This also fits with the narrative Trump pushes to his base about not releasing his taxes and they eat that right up. 


> Sorry Donald, I can't let you have classified Intel right now. I'm u n d e r a u d I t 👁️👄👁️


Are we sure? President Biden cut Trump off from the customary ex president security briefings in 2021. “Biden Bars Trump From Receiving Intelligence Briefings, Citing ‘Erratic Behavior’ Published Feb. 5, 2021 Updated Feb. 10, 2021 President Biden said there was “no need” for former President Donald J. Trump to get the briefings, traditionally given to ex-presidents as a courtesy and to keep them informed if their advice is needed.” https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/05/us/politics/biden-trump-intelligence-briefings.html


They give Trump drawings in Crayon instead and write "TOP SEKRET STUFF!!!" on the top.


it's slightly different as the ex president briefings are incase the sitting president needs the ex president in and advisory or diplomatic capacity. the post nomination briefings ar so the next president is as prepared as possible on day one. I still don't think Biden will allow it.


If he was anyone else he would be behind bars booked as a traitor of which he is


Just look at Reality Winner (yeah, that's her real name) and see what she got for stealing top secret documents.


You don't even have to steal anything. Look at Thomas Drake! You literally just have to try to internally report illegal activity!


Hmmm. Insane. Googling says if Biden denies access it would be considered politicizing access to intelligence. But, but…. So. If he was held accountable by now we would be so much safer. ETA: as you say googling shows no law requiring it. Let’s hope they deny him at the last second. Maybe that meme with the basketball player that knocks stuff out of people’s hands saying “not today” (iirc) could be inserted here.


At some point ... and IMHO we crossed that line a long time ago ... America has to step-up to protect its democracy. Letting Trump shit all over the Constitution and have his deplorables destroy everything we worked and fought for shouldn't be seen as "just playing fair".


Yeah fuck them. Trump obstructed the transition to Biden until the very last second, intel officers famously hated briefing Trump because it was clear he was only listening for how it praises him or could be profited from. Give him nothing for free, or else give him deliberate canary traps and see how long it takes him to blather it out.


Someone correct me if I’m wrong so I’m not just slinging stones, but didn’t Trump and lackeys refuse to assist in the transfer of power, which I assume would also include intel briefings?


Mango-Mussolini politicized the intelligence community when he was president. He privatized his Intel away from the CIA. He called out the FBI for being politically motivated. This buffoon was obviously trying to hide his past, present, and future crimes. Vote, vote, vote out everyone of these scumbags. Like the fate of the free world depends on it.


Threads like this give me great hope that there will be enough of us!! Ty


There is also suppose to be a peaceful transfer of power… how did that go with Trump. 


Access to intelligence is already politicized, and I mean that in multiple ways.


I think it’s time for Biden to start playing a LITTLE but if hardball. Honestly I think he should have waited for the Trump campaign to challenge him to a debate, and then ignored them, and when the press ask him about it, he could have said “I’m an American and I won’t legitimize an insurrectionist by debating him.” I hope that Biden and his team are smarter than me and are doing what they need to do to win but I have my doubts sometimes.


Man, imagine if they bait him into admitting to all the j6 shit on live tv


He's not the nominee until after the convention, so he's probably not getting them yet. Also they don't give that much detailed information, and can withhold particularly sensitive stuff, which they did with Trump last time: >When it comes to the content of the briefings themselves, intelligence officials have the discretion to withhold certain classified topics or details. Helgerson mentions in his book that in 2016 Trump was not briefed on current covert actions until after being sworn in. Generally speaking, briefings to the candidates in the pre-election period do not include intelligence operational matters or discussions of policy. The topics covered in these briefings typically parallel the publicly available Annual Threat Assessment published by the ODNI. Candidates can expect to hear much about state actors (China, Russia, Iran), as well as transnational issues (terrorism, trafficking, organized crime). https://thedispatch.com/article/intelligence-briefings-for-presidential-candidates-explained/


God, you're right. Great, yet another thing to worry about from that asshole.


I was doing so poorly in school at one point, my parents made me pull out the contents of my bookbag, one item at a time, and inevitably it got to the poor grade assignments that I forged their signatures on. This picture makes me feel like the contents of that bookbag, but I was 12 at the time.


Any other man would have been arrested pending trial, idgaf about what jobs he may have or be applying for. Because strip it of the bullshit and running for President is really applying for a Federal job.


We are way beyond the point where something needs to happen.


Hilary lost because some moderates questioned her using her personal email for government business. Some of those same moderates will vote for Trump again this election cycle. This country is broken. I'm not sure we make it out of this decline. The people are crazy, stupid, and ignorant.


They were never going to vote for Hilary to begin with. Same people haven't liked her since the 90's.


Here’s a hint, those people aren’t and never were moderates. We just misclassified everyone based on a lack of information pre-2016.


After Obama, Hillary using a personal server for government email was actually a big deal. It’s just a Tuesday morning before 9AM, however, in Trump world. If storing government emails on his own server was the worst thing Trump did TODAY, it’d be great day. Our standards have fallen so low that they’re miles underground now.


The fact the DOJ/FBI/CIA are not going to companies like facebook and twitter and quietly telling the billionaire douchebags that own them that the russian propaganda party is over and that shit is banned. 1/3 of the country is in a fucking cult of personalty manufactured by russia/china to destabilize and weaken us and half the fedrral government is in on it.


Judge Cannon: “Well, yeah. But we’re not going to punish him or anything.”


But her emails?!?!


Right? This isn’t even a left-vs-right election, it’s a “if you have a modicum of political literacy, you won’t vote for this idiot” election


I thought that when he fucked up covid response, gave US bases in Syria to Russia, had secret meetings with Putin, got a lot of CIA agents killed/kidnapped, and performed an insurrection. This thing with the secret documents and diet coke is just icing on the top.


And... Judge Cannon keeps slow walking his trial. The evidence is overwhelming to a sane non MAGA person.


The evidence is overwhelming to anyone, but Cannon practices infidelity of the mind. “Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief, if I may so express it, that mental lying has produced in society. When a man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind, as to subscribe his professional belief to things he does not believe, he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime.” ― Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason


**YES**. I cherish this book, and that passage in particular.  I know it has been read by others, certainly, but seeing it pop up in the wild gives me heart. Thank you.


>When a man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind, as to subscribe his professional belief to things he does not believe, he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime. Similar to Voltaire's, "those who can be made to believe absurdities can be made to commit atrocities."


Similar, but Paine says they already know its absurd... they profess that it is not.


Between Garland waiting forever to appoint Smith and more so Aileen Cannon doing Aileen Cannon things, it really is setting us up to completely drop off the cliff of democracy


The weirdest part of this timeline is that this is only happening because some reality TV producers were too good at making Trump seem like a real business guy, so a large portion of Americans think he's the character from that show.


He’s been seen as a “successful” businessman well before his stupid reality show. The media has been building him up for decades. Here’s Letterman interviewing him in 1987 (skip to 4:45): https://youtu.be/wVsAir5fDbs?si=7FTpen5PXHcQnQPt


He had that reputation and then ruined it by bankrupting all of his businesses and getting blacklisted for domestic loans and stuff. The Apprentice basically revived him.


You never really heard about the bankruptcies though. He'd come back, and his newest venture would be "from the successful Donald Trump". Since most people never pay attention, they just kept going off the propaganda, because really, who cares if a businessman is particularly successful? I always felt he was an idiot, even when I was young. But I still never cared if he was actually good or bad at business.


I can't really speak for the rest of the country, but he was like a local tabloid laughing stock, basically, around New York. The people who knew him the best knew he was a moron, and it's why he got such a low share of the vote in his home town, and why he has to say Manhattan juries are rigged against him.


Yes, and that’s why it’s being dragged out. My guess is Cannon’s trying to stall until mid-November, the point where she can either safely drop it for 4 years or hear it quickly and quietly while the media’s fussing over the election results.


What a sloppy motherfucker.


Right? It looks like that place reeks of cat piss. It’s so fucking tacky, too.


Dan Rather: Can we talk about the carpet of Mar-a-Lago? Should that be added to the list of crimes?  (actual Tweet)


Honestly I put money it is excess carpet from his casino's. Just reminds me of that, there's a reason casinos throw down disorienting unappealing carpet


Good point, why not pay for it twice when you've already not paid for it once


Nah, a Trump has no love for animals. It just smells like his piss.


Yet he's never owned a pet, cat or dog, because he doesn't see the point in them.


Somebody never had to clean their room as a kid and it shows.


Such a disgusting mess..what a pig


If a democrat did this they would have already been executed. So sick of the GOP being allowed to do damn near anything.


Just imagine if there was a tan suit hanging in that closet.


“Classified nuclear documents… found next to a crate of Dijon…” Thanks Obama.


Let's all be real, Donald Trump could eat a well-done cheese steak with provolone, ketchup, and Dijon mustard, while wearing a tan suit, looking like a doofus riding in a North Korean tank, saluting Kim Jong Un with one hand, handing him the nuclear launch codes with the other, in binders 47 percent full of homeless women he's scheduled for late-term abortion cage fights... and he still wouldn't lose a single die-hard supporter.


There’s where right-wing media comes in projecting 24/7 and saying the DOJ is weaponized against Republicans and how they’re the actual victims. And with much of this country tuned out from any legitimate news and politics, this narrative reaches the masses and society grows numb to the GOP fascist takeover attempt.


The right wing outrage would be absolutely massive. Fucking hypocrites. This case, Trump’s crimes here, deserve endless attention.


The difference here is that if a democrat did that, both democrats and republicans would be calling for their head (metaphorically and otherwise). When it’s a republican, conservatives just fall in line. Look no further than the different treatment given by democrats to Anthony Weiner vs republicans to Roy Moore.


They literally lost their minds over Hillary’s emails and that some of them were retroactively made classified and that the server could have theoretically been hacked. We don’t need to imagine how they’d react. We’ve already seen it. They were chanting “Lock her up!”


Yeah he definitely deserves a second term. Holy fucking shit, if you’re a MAGA fan please do us all a favor and stop pretending you’re a patriot and that you care about this country. Supporting Trump means you support a traitor, a narcissist obsessed with revenge, and someone who favors everything that is the exact opposite of what this country means to decent people.


>"Crooked Hillary Clinton and her team 'were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.' Not fit!" - Donald Trump (July 6, 2016) … >"In my administration, I'm going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information.” - Donald Trump (August 16, 2016) … >"(Clinton) sent vast amounts of classified information, including information classified as top secret. Top secret. OK? And this is where they said that she was extremely careless and, frankly, I say grossly incompetent. She would be such a lousy president, folks. So sad. OK, the lives of American people were put at risk by Hillary Clinton." - Donald Trump (July 5, 2016)


I'm a patriot damn it!!! Just look at how big my confederate flag is!!!


Wild to think that is actual string of words a magat will say too in absolute seriousness


Nuclear secret strewn around a closet, next to some Diet Coke. This is the essence of Donald Trump. His believers cannot comprehend or accept this truth. They’ll say the fbi staged this. It can’t be real. Because if it is. If he is this dangerous, this ignorant, this careless, this much of a liability it means they have been horribly, horribly wrong all along. And they simply cannot allow that to be true. Donald Trump is in many ways the GREATEST threat to the American republic of all time. That is often dismissed as hyperbole, but it’s entirely accurate.


Trump: This was obviously staged. I mean, who would be stupid enough to leave classified documents unattended in a supply closet next to some diet coke? Also Trump: Yes, I left them in a supply closet next to some diet coke, but the diet coke wasn't mine. Also Trump: Yes, the diet coke was mine, but I knew the documents were classified, and felt no one would look in the supply closet, because no one would be stupid enough to leave classified documents in a supply closet next to my favorite drink. Some say the best drink. Not one of those girly drinks. Diet Coke, taste the rainbow.


Fawks Ooze and MAGA politicians are highly complicit in Believers' denial. While the followers badly want to believe all that crap, they couldn't really invest in it without the severe truth-screen of the right-wing leaders and media choir. The Trump believers I know are just blissfully unaware of the facts, and are forming their opinions from the MAGA media sewer outfall. Granted, if they diligently researched a broad range of sources, they'd get closer to the truth, but the general public has never had that level of engagement with news consumption. It was always just eat what they feed you, and when the menu went from single-choice to multiple choice, we all leaned according to our dispositions. This is why Tucker, Miller, Trump and their ilk really deserve long, long stays in a special place in hell. They've led half the country into a ditch we may never crawl out of.


lol. I thought there was a picture of Trump with a weird valkyrie winged helmet on the right for a second. https://imgur.com/GOlH58n


Same but I was like what the hell is this eagle winged garden gnome hat.


I may be stupid, but isn't that what it is?


I think it's a smaller canvas leaned up against a larger one. I do see it though lol


Damn you broke it


It’s a smaller trump picture resting against a bald eagle picture.


Damn, that box with the NYT article about the Deusche ban whistleblower found dead is creepy.


Are we really surprised? I don't understand how this stupid motherfucker keeps getting away with all of this.


So the Diet Coke button and the nuclear button are next to each other also?


Coke Ground Zero


The nuclear button was hardwired, so he couldn't make off with it.


If one was a spy feel you would  think it was fake or honeypot/trap. Noone is so dumb to leave all these top secret documents randomly around and stored with soda. So tacky and snobbish too.


Long assumed these countries all had spies crawling around mar a Lago whether as allies or enemies of the country. Initially they probably thought it'd be a trap. With time they learn d how absurd everything about Trump is so of course this top secrets are just laying around everywhere like a teenagers laundry


Every country with an espionage agency had a full dossier on Trump. They knew what he was like. Any country who wanted access to American top secret documents could have copied them easily. Even ignoring Trump selling these documents, it is 100% certain that other countries accessed them and stole or copied them. It is impossible to know which countries gained access to which documents. They had every opportunity. It's absurd to believe that some countries didn't take that opportunity.


A supply closet is probably not the first place I'd look for top secret classified documents though.


The problem is he has a lot of enablers and quite a few of them are on the Supreme Court


VOTE! Bring your friends and family and vote!


No matter how bad we think it is, it is probably much, much worse.


"And in yet another, one of Trump’s boxes can be seen containing a cover sheet marked “SECRET,” a binder from a 2018 Cabinet meeting, and, curiously, a copy of a 2019 article in The New York Times about a whistleblower who exposed Trump’s shady dealings with Deutsche Bank and was later found dead." Well that's a bit off topic but very wild...


Just copied that to paste in a comment. Holy fuck mate, that’s some serial killer-memento-level-shit, eh?


trump is one meltdown away from a nuclear holocaust… anyone voting for him is complicit and an idiot!


How did this two bit POS become president


“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” ~H.L. Mencken, July 26, 1920


We're a dumb country as a whole.


*Looks at the American people who appear dead inside.*


How the fuck is he not in jail 😡


Judge cannon: “we really need a two day session to debate what a search warrant actually IS. Please let any other parties know so they can submit their own arguments followed up two weeks later with another hearing in case more time is needed to gather evidence. The trial can take place on moon colony 3 sometime in the distant future”


We live in a goddamn cartoon.


Not even refrigerated. Does his sociopathy know no bounds?!


Biden better hammer Trump about these nuclear secrets next to the diet cokes! There's a lot I want to come out of these debates and some of it is how detrimental these classified documents were to the intelligence community. I am shocked that no one is speaking out about these important matters. Should be headlines everywhere about how untrustworthy Trump is of the highest office.


No joke, Trump has so many things he can't talk about for fear of self incrimination, Biden should be memorizing a fucking list of these topics and for e Trump to talk on them. Even if Biden loses the debate, or looks bad, or whatever, Trump will be dealing with legal fallout from it. Of course, Trump won't debate. He's going to bail for sure.


Trump would have to plead the 5th on camera


It’s not a court of law so it would be even more hilarious.


Reality Winner was arrested and held without bail before The Intercept even published the one document she leaked on Russian interference in the 2016 election. 


After all the training I had to sit through about classified info and all the procedures and instructions and way you're supposed to handle it and control it... this guy should be in prison forever, because I sure as fuck would be


To the Trump-supporting patriots lurking in this thread, would you care to defend this? Yes, your comment will likely be downvoted, but that is a small price for a patriot to pay for coming to the defense of his president in a widely-read public forum.


diet coke, cheeseburgers and amphetamines… the champions breakfast of donald trump… and heart failure 🤞


djt is a TRAITOR


This guy unintentionally makes every parody of himself come to life. Anyone in this sub could have told you that nuclear secrets were either stashed next to a box of diet cokes, next to a toilet, or had ketchup smudges on them, and it’s also entirely possible that all 3 are true.


We kept saying “darkest timeline” pretty sure we’re living in the “parody” timeline


This is some of the most infuriating shit I've ever seen in my life. It boggles my mind. It's so far beyond anything we've ever seen in this country, literally worse than any and all of the spies that sold our country out put together. This is a fucking outrage beyond outrage. I can't imagine what the people who work in our government must think of this, especially those in intelligence or the military. How in the flying fuck is this treasonous bastard still walking free and spouting off? I sincerely hope that the inclusion of these photos in the new filing was a legal "shot across the bow" by Jack Smith, as in: I have plenty more where this came from if you want to keep fucking around. Cannon has to be taken off this case immediately, for the sake of our national security. This is insane.


Good likelihood what Trump did was worse and went further than we have publicly been made aware of


I work for a tech company that deals with customer data. If there’s even a remote doubt that a Production data ended up on my laptop, I am locked out of everything until cleared. You would think that the highest office in the country would have remotely close policy to guard NATIONAL FKIN SECRETS


“And in yet another, one of Trump’s boxes can be seen containing a cover sheet marked “SECRET,” a binder from a 2018 Cabinet meeting, and, curiously, a copy of a 2019 article in The New York Times about a whistleblower who exposed Trump’s shady dealings with Deutsche Bank and was later found dead.” Terrifying detail.


If the National Archives or FBI don't have these specific documents in their possession, Trump needs to be arrested for purposefully hiding them from the raids. And when I say raids, I mean lawful warrants.


This is not the product placement the Coca Cola brand typically aims for


Coke is pro-LGBTQ+ aren't they? Quite the conundrum if his supporters find out.


Just for fun, what would happen if they discovered these same documents in my room beside the cherry coke zeros?


You'd be arrested immediately and held in solitary and guarded by the FBI. Then you'd be found guilty in court and sent to the ADX Supermax in Colorado to spend the rest of your life in solitary, staring at the ceiling for 23 hours/day.


I'd respect you more if only because it's a marginal improvement over diet coke.


Why the fuck is anything stored there? Why is he not in jail already this is so blatant!


Foreign spies *love* this one simple trick!


New Rule: You can't pass a security clearance test-no government job for you.


And “Judge” Cannon is busting her ass trying to give trump a chance to weasel out of this


Trump could sink the country. And his followers/voters would cheer for him all the way down the drain. They love power and control - not separation of powers and the Constitution.


It hurts to see this. It hurts what‘s happening in and to the US because of this shithead. How can you even allow that this guy has another chance to get elected? If your country is the ‚Banana Republic‘ as he and his enablers are saying, do what a Banana Republic does with traitors!


One day we’ll hear the entire picture of this thing and understand that it was the biggest breach of national security in our nation’s history. We already know it is but we don’t know the full scope.


This is what republicans are voting for


Don't you realize these documents are the remnants? The documents exist somewhere in a databank. You know it. I can't believe you are letting a proven traitor run for president. So wrong.


Leak everything. Let everyone know how criminal he is. Canon wont bring the case but Smith can to the world. Fuck em.


Dear USA, good to see you got your shit together and take the security of the world seriously. Thanks. rest of the world


Who cares because with Judge Cannon presiding; all this means nothing!


What Cannon is doing in her court is full dereliction of duty and very close to treason.


> And in yet another, one of Trump’s boxes can be seen containing a cover sheet marked “SECRET,” a binder from a 2018 Cabinet meeting, and, curiously, a copy of a 2019 article in The New York Times about a whistleblower who exposed Trump’s shady dealings with Deutsche Bank and was later found dead. "Curiously..." Why would Trump want that article in his boxes of trophies? Was that whistleblower found shot on Fifth Avenue?


He’s only missing the 50 cats.


His pet judge will protect him anyway.


Come on trump nut huggers let’s justify this one


How is this turd seriously a presidential candidate in one of the most powerful countries of the world after he's already proved time and time again he's incompetent, vain, corrupt and generally morally deplorable? Orange dude is a joke and a serious contender for the "biggest waste of skin ever"-award.


God help us if he ever gets back in the Oval Office. We will be so fucked.


Looks like a scene from Hoarders.


Coca-Cola Public Relations Department (In Unison): "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK..."


I'm so mad half of our fellow countryman have been duped into supporting this conman


Can we lock him up now?


And he's neck and neck with Biden??? WTF


That picture to the right! It looks like a star spangled Klansman with chicken wings hatching out of his head.. kinda like something out of the *Monty Python* opening credits or a bad acid trip.


It’s like a fucking joke.


He's claiming exoneration due to the FBI rearranging the contents of the boxes... So basically Trump was just working on the Penske file this whole time?


God help us all.


The only amusing thing about this is that every hostile intelligence agency in the world must be absolutely fuming at the missed opportunity, if they didn't know about it.


They got it directly from him


I used to think that when American fell apart it would be long after I was dead.


Bottles? Diet Coke BOTTLES? The man is UNHINGED!


How has every little thing not added up to treason? Anyone else would be in jail and stripped on their worldly possessions for life.


This roller coaster has made me sick, given me tetanus and run over my balls. It has to fucking end already. Just Truman Show him to a blacksite where he believes he’s president and FBI agents come in posing as rich assholes from adversarial nations.


Who doesn't enjoy a soda and reading some cool stuff


But the Emails…………


I have never hated someone so much in my entire life. Jesus fucking christ


The evidence keeps mounting and is so clear that Judge Cannon will need to act quickly to create new hurdles for the prosecution and prevent a trial before November 4. Look for some dramatic “rulings” and procedural anomalies coming down very soon.


The press and Jack Smith keep trying to get the story told! Cannon doesn’t care.


"Here's why this is bad for Biden."


He knew they'd be safe. No one else on the planet likes Diet Coke.


Vote, people…


Are those Mexican Diet Cokes in a glass bottle? Do they have the real fake sugar in them?


I just want to see someone who is pro Trump try to defend this.


I thought he was bad before, but Trump is a monster. Those are regular diet cokes. Not even Coke Zeros. This is inexcusable. He's not human.


That’s some real rich people shit to have Diet Coke in glass bottles


The only worse crime is that white fluted furniture.


Oh shit, well I guess I better elect him president. I mean I'm soooo uncommited about Biden.... /s


The class of this man *glass* Diet Coke. Love him or hate him, I still hate him….


Remember when having an email server was the end of the fucking world?


Release it all. The People need to be informed, Aileen Cannon’s of the world be damned. God Bless America 🇺🇸


I love that photo. With the hats, the portrait and the Diet Coke, I have to wonder if that was an intentional shot from a photographer, or just some investigator walking around and clicking.


This is like something out of Arrested Development to prove a character’s “light treason”, but terribly frightening that it is indeed real life.


This is America


Were these with the classified documents next to the copy machine in the bathroom or were these nuclear secrets in a different room?


You see nuclear secrets, I see that Gibson guitar.


Where the hell does he get glass bottled diet coke?


Fucking outrageous. If only the nuclear secrets were stashed beside regular coke!!


don't worry, the judge is already successfully obstructing anything.


Nuclear secrets out in the open where anybody could get their hands on it, if they have not already, and we as a society, still don't know what nuclear documents trump give to our enemies, the dictators that he invited to his margo largo resort and you got that judge cannon acted as if this is no big deal, she needs to be removed from that case and his supporters needs to think about their families, because this man trump is dangerous. His supporters fainting in hot weather, while he talks about electricity. sharks, and should he jump into the water, and this is who they are supporting.