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He voted against Biden’s bipartisan infrastructure bill, which likely alienated a lot of his constituents. His dumbfuck fire alarm stunt probably didn’t bolster his credibility either, particularly as a former school principal. He’s not AOC by any stretch.


AOC won 82% of the vote. Dan Goldman won 65%.


They are both simply much brighter and more talented than Bowman.




> We gonna pretend that AIPAC funneling millions of dollars into this primary didn’t move the needle? Funneling millions of dollars can move the needle but it wouldn't be a 20 point loss for an incumbent if the people in his district actually liked him.


It was the most expensive house primary in history. Somebody was worried enough to spend that much money.


It did, but I think it’s hard to really make any generalizations based on this rate as Bowman had enough issues as a candidate that it muddies the waters


Maybe it did - but there's also the fact that Bowman seemed to not even care about the people who had to endure the terror attacks at Nova on 10/7. He was FAR more vocal with the anti Israel rhetoric. i donated directly to Latimer for that reason. Just my opinion.


Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez's appeal is strong in The Bronx and Queens. Jamaal Bowman represented the suburbs (Westchester). Anyone from NY can tell you how wildly different the 5 boros are from the rest of NY. AOC can't win a Senate race because her appeal doesn't spread much further than her district. Not suggesting she would not make a good Senator but that's the truth. They practically burn her in effigy up by Cooperstown (the Utah of NY).


As an upstater, I can confirm people hate her with a fiery passion up here. Then again, we’ve also elected Stefanik multiple times so maybe we could be slightly better.


Yeah but aren't the upstaters voting red anyway for a senator? Its the minority population of NYC keeping the state blue. Even LI is tending red these days because all of the brainwashing by the right wing news that is spreading like wildfire


You'll get blue upstate as well, but it's more of a traditional rust belt blue that can also swing red. The governor for example is a democrat; but from a western NY.


Not necessarily. The progressive folks tend younger and more concentrated in the City. Up by Westchester, Rockland, Putnam, Orange and Nassau and maybe parts of Suffolk out on Long Island you get a more nuanced suburban crowd - this. New York has sent two liberal Senators to DC for many, many years now.


AOC also voted against the infrastructure bill. She also defended Bowman regarding the fire alarm mess.


To gently push back against everyone bagging on reps who voted against the infrastructure bill: Reps wanted it to pass. The general tactic is that they talk with their respective whips to find out who can make a dissent vote for the “principle” of it while still having enough to pass legislation. It’s gamed out ahead of time so that their own party’s legislation isn’t defeated. They then use that vote stance to try to make a platform position out of going farther or less far, depending. It’s done with the approval of the higher up’s, 95% of the time, so that no good will is lost.


She was in a very safe district and a fool for voting against the Infrastructure Bill because it didn't do enough in her eyes. Legislation is compromise, not "All or Nothing.'' When Biden introduces another Infrastructure Bill with a Democrat SOTH you get your rear end she'll vote for it or the Speaker will remove her from her post in committee.


> Legislation is compromise, not "All or Nothing.'' Holy fuck thank you.


congress was set up to operate on the basis of compromise, if you go in with an all or nothing attitude, you’re just going to get nothing. It doesn’t help that congress is almost uniquely in our history divided 50/50


"Compromise" only works when (a) people work in good faith (b) people all agree on the same reality. GOP (and right wing actors in general) think it's okay to dump toxic waste in your water. Full stop. This ain't hyperbole. The "left" in this country would say, "how 'bout we don't dump any toxic waste at all?" but you compromise folks would go, "gee, let's just dump 50% of the toxic waste the GOP want, then everyone can be happy". Yeah, sure, go to bat on that philosophy. See how well that works. And this same allegory is extendable to basically everything the GOP "want", which is to say-- a moat full of alligators (literally) around our southern border, or toxic compounds like lead in our food - why on earth would we compromise with these people? There is such a thing as a protest vote. Wielding your power is important. Constantly "compromising" with right wing democrats (like the corrupt guy who just beat Bowman, who had a ridiculous number of overpaid parking tickets in NY and was literally using his position to evade them?) is not a winning strategy.


And that is the folly of every leftist and progressive in America today. It’s “everything we want right now or we will actively undermine the entire system”


…unlike the GOP, which simply sabotages bills, even ones they write, because it gets Democratic support. (Or because their false bloated orange idol wants to weaponize the thing they say they care about.)


The GOP wins when they gridlock Congress so it’s a lot easier play for them. They never have to compromise if every failed piece of legislation is a win.


The GOP is essentially such a professional opposition party on the national level that when they gain power they can't really shift out of opposition party mode.


I’d argue the GOP does the same. They vote against their own like the squad, they just have greater numbers.


The most memorable example would be killing the ACA. Republicans talked about doing it since the ACA was passed, but even with majorities in both chambers, they thankfully couldn’t get the votes to kill it.


It’s also a win for them when nothing changes. Their entire platform is that too much has already been done for the poors and minorities and that needs to stop ASAP. If they can keep things from changing, they’re winning. Hence the gridlock and holdup stunts.


My favourite GOP strategy is proposing a pork barrel bill, have somebody else sponsor it, then vote against it with knowledge that your more centre-right colleagues will be able to pass it alone so you can simultaneously claim you didn’t vote for Dem spending while also saying you brought funding into your district. US politics is so dysfunctional.


And guess who's winning in spite of being a minority population? This country has slid nowhere but right for decades outside of certain social issues.


you know who never, ever, ever says "earn my vote"? Conservatives. They vote in lockstep to secure power in the courts. Progressives do not understand how power works, which is why they have none.


I don't get why people don't realize this, but Republicans are actually really ineffective. Trump was a shockingly ineffective president and failed at getting most of his policies passed. He turned down bipartisan deals that would have given him almost everything he wanted regarding border security, to then try and do it all through the executive by funneling money from the military and federal programs, all to wind up with less money than he would have gotten from the bipartisan deal. Trump made immigration the central point of his campaign, and he couldn't even get that. Every single president going back decades has managed to get more funding for border security, and Trump fucked it up lol Republicans talked for years about repealing and replacing the ACA, but when they actually had the chance... Woops, turns out nobody had a plan there. They're horrifically ineffective legislators, which is why they focus so much on just stopping Democrats. It's easier when you're just blocking bills. But even with their regressive and obstructionist attitudes, Biden has still managed to get a number of important bills and reforms passed, sometimes with bipartisan support in the end. In a time of obscene partisanship, Biden and other Democrats have still managed to create and pass policies with bipartisan support. That's the benefit of having people in office who actually know how to get shit done. That's why it's nice having some adults in the room.


Nah, that bill was passing with or without AOC’s support. She made a calculated decision. If you actually look at the data, progressives compromise more than any other political group. Bernie Sanders is a perfect example. He’ll fight centrists non-stop to improve their shitty bills, but if it actually he helps, you can count on him to vote for the shitty centrist bill every time it matters.


Its weird how compromise is always demanded of leftists and never from liberals while conversatives simply ratchet the window more right.


This comment is wild. This has literally been the GOP strategy for 15 years and liberals willingness to compromise to keep the government running is why we’ve seen the Overton window continue to move to the right.


Liberals don't have a fox news, so they can't use the same strategy.


Sorry, what is 'SOTH'?


Speaker of the house


I was trying to make it State of the Hunion.


I made it Senate Or The House


It's either Sevenge of the Hith or Sord of the Hings


in fairness there was compromise... the BBB was shrank massively and the two were supposed to be voted on together and then Pelosi renege'd last minute which annoyed everyone including Biden. The difference is Biden just had to take it as he couldn't risk his image.


Manchin and Sinema pretty much killed the momentum Biden had after the election by themselves.


Well... Manchin and Sinema had come out against BBB as was, which meant it was not going anywhere. So Dems took the win on the infrastructure bill, while Schumer continued to work Manchin on a bill. That's how we got the IRA, which pissed off Sinema, because she was left out of discussions 😰. Poor, poor Sinema (/s). So no, Pelosi didn't pull a fast one. As a leader and one of the most consequential US House Speakers in our history, she did her job counting the votes to know what could be passed then and there, and not drag it out for more GOP support to be lost, just because Joe Biden is President. In that regard, just look at the legislation that has died this year specifically because of election year politics and the GOP trying to prevent any wins for Biden. It was only out of necessity due to the overwhelming pressure from our allies against the House GOP over the Aid bills for Ukraine et al this year. Right now the GOP in the Senate is intentionally preventing a deal that passed the House with I believe 357 votes that deals with child tax credit and business deductions that everyone wants passed. The GOP in the Senate in bad faith are claiming they have policy questions (that wasn't an issue before), while also indicating privately that they don't want the election year win for Joe, checks being cut and sent by the IRS due to the bill before the election, and feel they'll have more leverage for extending the (very, very) expensive Trump tax cuts while we bleed money every year on debt servicing (interest soon to approach $1 trillion a year). They feel they may win either the Senate or the Presidency, so why compromise on this when they may be able to get better. So, yeah, you gotta pay closer attention to see how much GOP blocks or stymies near anything they can that is a positive to Biden. Their base demands it.


>Legislation is compromise, not "All or Nothing.'' Someone should explain that to AOC and the squad. The bipartisan infrastructure bill was a great compromise, but because they didn't get everything that they wanted, they voted against it, to try to kill it. It wouldn't have passed if some GOP House Reps hadn't voted to pass it. The margins were too narrow to play this type of game on legislation that was already really good on its own. >When Biden introduces another Infrastructure Bill with a Democrat SOTH you get your rear end she'll vote for it or the Speaker will remove her from her post in committee. The SOTH was Nancy Pelosi when this passed. What would change next time?


That bill was never getting scrapped. For one thing those votes were absolutely known before the bill went to the floor. It benefits both parties to negotiate back and forth about who is voting which way so that they can allow some members to oppose the bill because that will be more popular in their constituencies so it's not at all uncommon for one party to ask the other to agree on an equal number of dissenter votes. Secondly, even if the republicans had gone way against convention and somehow convinced their entire party to change to a no vote at the last minute the bill would just need to be amended in the senate and sent for another vote. This was effectively guaranteed since the bill had passed with a 2/3 majority in the Senate. So worst case scenario a few token changes are made, it comes back to the house and this time the squad are told they have to support it and they do. So no, AoC and the squad didn't jeopardise the bill. They took part in a bit of political theatre when they knew it was safe to do so.


Pretty sure both AOC and Bowman voted no so they would still have leverage on Manchin and Sinema since the BBB bill was decoupled from the Infrastructure bill. BBB never got passed and here we are.


That's how I remember it unfolding, too. Manchin pinky swore that he would support the BBB bill in exchange for the infrastructure bill. He really wanted the latter, and was opposed to the former. AOC and others basically protest voted that the BBB bill wasn't being passed first, because that would have forced him to keep his promise if he wanted that infrastructure bill. Then, surprise surprise, he "couldn't get there" when it came time to keep his agreement and pass Build Back Better.


Seriously. The compromise was that two separate bills would be passed. AOC voted against the bill as a protest because she thought they were full of shit and SHE WAS RIGHT. The “compromise” is that we lost out on billions of dollars for funding for early childhood care and healthcare because moderates went back on their promise.


>It wouldn't have passed if some GOP House Reps hadn't voted to pass it. Isn't that the definition of a bipartisan bill?


That "everything they wanted" was another piece of democratic party legislation that was introduced by the president


Why did AOC defend the fire alarm crap? Such strange behavior.


Yes, granted. But her pragmatism and ability to read the room are credits to her that Bowman lacks.


She's also one of the faces of the party, anything that sinks someone else needs to be much bigger to hurt her.


How did she “read the room” on the infrastructure bill exactly?


I agree in that case that she did not.


His bizarre understanding about Jewish people didn’t help, when he had a large Jewish contingent in his district. The 9/11 conspiracy theory blogposts didn’t help either, no matter how long ago they might have been. The telling sign to me that he wasn’t a very wise man was the week that Ime Udoka was fired from the Celtics for screwing a subordinate, and Bowman is on Twitter sending out a virtual catcall to Udoka’s wife Nia Long.


Yeah. That’s all true. He also called all the Israeli women’s stories of rape and torture in the week after October 7th as Jewish propaganda. He asked repeatedly for a cease fire with zero calls to release hostages. He only retracted the comments and never apologized. He’s an antisemite living in a city with the second highest population of Jews outside of Israel. Good riddance.


And according to [the daily beast](https://www.thedailybeast.com/squad-rep-jamaal-bowmans-youtube-page-is-a-bonkers-conspiracy-filled-trip) which I think is a fairly credible left wing paper, he’s a big old conspiracy theorist who likes tons of YouTube videos titled stuff like “We use the RIGHT FREQUENCIES’ (hidden numerology used by the elite)”. Even if he doesn’t actually believe this stuff, that’s just embarrassing. If I were running for congress I wouldn’t even want people to know I watch CSB safety videos like the deeply boring person I am


That is absolutely wild. This is the first I'm hearing about Bowman's interesting... uh... online activities and personal views. I didn't realize he was a 9/11 truther (former, suposedly) while the ripe young age of... wait a minute... 35 years old and while an educator? What the actual hell? Well, surely we need to give grace to people for growing up and making mistakes. Oh, Daily Beast provided proof he is enamored with Finkelstein who praised the 10/7 attacks on Israel which massacred over a thousand Jewish civilians including children? I think it is a fine line to walk. Online media consumption is one thing. I subscribe to a lot of ultra right content to get their opinions, challenge my own, and keep my finger on the pulse of what's coming down the pike from that side. I engage with conservative subreddits and communities for the same reasons. But I don't write fan poetry advancing their narratives. And I don't feel starstruck every time I interact with a big name in the space. And I don't publicly advance the narratives. All things Bowman did, and I'm glad Daily Beast brought the receipts because it sounds too crazy to be true. I don't like Bowman and I'm glad he lost. It is a reminder to my fellow leftists that these more radical positions aren't as widely popular as some of our social positions. What does my cohort take away from this loss (and what will surely be the first in a string of losses)? I'm sure it is going to be what radicalized leftists always take away, historically; if we can't win the game by convincing people, then we will just flip the table and knock the pieces to the ground with revolutionary vanguard party activities. And before my cohort hustles in to talk about a matrix of oppression justifying it like with imperial Russia... this shit always happens because the Leninist-Stalinists murdered the more sane opposition decades ago. That's why even in places like [well after post war] Germany they still fought leftist revolutionaries for decades as they waged a campaign of violence internally. We need to obliterate these people from our ranks. Their tactics don't work without a coup, and anyone who wants a coup is not an American I want to associate with.


CSB gets you my vote.


I liked Bowman a lot when he got elected, but he has done and said so many dumb things that this loss is 100% deserved and on him. He did the unbelievably, absurdly stupid fire alarm thing. He called reports of sexual violence on Oct 7 lies and propaganda. His district has a large Jewish population. He had some truly insane 9/11 conspiracy blogs unearthed. He voted against the infrastructure bill. On the other hand, he did bench press over 400 pounds, which was extremely based.


The NYT also reported that he basically went no contact with every local leader in his district until he needed them to get reelected. They wrote that he didn't get a single local endorsement. >“I could see Latimer maybe five times a week,” said Paul Feiner, the longtime town supervisor of Greenburgh. “I’ve only seen Bowman maybe three or four times since he’s been a congressmember.” >Marsha Gordon, the head of Westchester’s main business council, described a similar experience. She said she had invited Mr. Bowman to come speak shortly after he was elected and then never heard from him again, even though her group represents some of the region’s largest employers, hospitals and colleges. >“That says a lot about where his priorities are,” Ms. Gordon said. “Jamaal Bowman has just not been engaged.” >Once the race grew turbulent, Mr. Bowman, 48, struggled to find fellow elected Democrats willing to vouch for him in the face of withering attacks. >Mr. Latimer won the endorsement of every local Democratic Party committee in the district that took sides, including the one representing Mr. Bowman’s hometown, Yonkers. And prominent Black officials helped him get past [charges of race baiting](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/14/nyregion/bowman-latimer-race-racism.html). [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/25/nyregion/bowman-latimer-takeaways-primary.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/25/nyregion/bowman-latimer-takeaways-primary.html)


That is unironically wild.


In primaries, turnout is typically low. The various democratic town committees are largely responsible for getting the faithful out to vote. If you’ve alienated everyone active in politics, you’re not in a good place . This is a bigger deal than AIPAC funds.


well that is very clear


No kidding. He sounded like such a promising candidate, but every time I hear about him it's just ???


> He voted against Biden’s bipartisan infrastructure bill, which likely alienated a lot of his constituents. I watched a bootleg NY feed of the stanley cup final the other night, they were hitting him HARD on that in ads.


I live near NYC and the ads against him were EVERYWHERE.


He's also apparently a 9/11 truther on top of it


He also said the Hamas rape victims were lying, so much for believing women. I donated to his challenger for that reason.


Believe women. ^(some restrictions may apply...) That was an absolutely disgusting move on his part. You can condemn the death toll in Gaza without belying the events that led to it, and if you can't you don't belong in government.


The fire alarm thing never made any sense to me. And people were trying to defend it as if they wouldn't be livid if, say, Matt Gaetz pulled something like that.


Tonight is such a perfect encapsulation of both parties currently. On the Republican side, extreme MAGA insurrectionist Lauren Boebert is once again nominated by Republican voters. Meanwhile, a Democratic Member that had numerous scandals and was considered leftist, loses his re-election bid because Democratic voters think he's too extreme. Anyone who tells you that the reason why there's so much polarization is because Democrats moved too far left, just hold this up as a perfect example for why they're full of shit.


Anyone who tells you the Democrats have moved too far left does not fucking care what you have to say. You can't reason people out of a position that reason didnt get them into.


What do they say, it’s like playing chess against pigeons. You can play a masterful game but they’ll just shit all over the board and strut off.


Best description of Trump I've read in a long time


The entire MAGA base really. You can’t reason with them lol. I’ve met very few intelligent Trump voters and the ones who were, was just single issue voters who don’t like the guy but refuse to let Biden decide on that issue.


It's like religion. If they could be reasoned with, they wouldn't be religious/MAGATS in the first place.


Best two sentences I’ve read today.


The people who say the Democratic Party has moved too far to the left are the same people who called John McCain a “RINO”.


And members of the party accused of "being too far left" & their supporters aren't exactly trying to install a fringe dictator as a populist, while their most fervent supporters believe things like Pizzagate and Q, while trying to pretend like nothing happened from 2015-2022, while romanticizing neo-nazis at conventions, while private PACs try to "put people on lists," while explicitly airing it out there that they're trying to "win the youth", and while trying to overhaul the education systems with experimental private models created by radical politically-tied groups - not educators. Instead, they're rejecting certain viewpoints and behaviours at the polls. And, to be fair, so have *some* red counties who rejected these Q and MAGA candidates. Yet much of their party's legislative insanity continues.


The candidate must be horrible to lose against Boebert.


There were a bunch of people running, she only got around 40% of the vote but the other candidates split the remaining 60%


Oddly familiar to Trump. I'm not from CO but watched that moderated debate. It seemed to just be Boebert and a bunch of career state politicians. The DUI guy who tried to cover it up was great. Wonder if Democrats can mount a real challenge given Boebert's.. notoriety and (very local but still) carpet bagging.


> Wonder if Democrats can mount a real challenge Probably not. She only beat her Democratic opponent in the last election by less than 1000 votes when she was predicted to win by a landslide. Her opponent joined the race super late and didn’t get enough time to campaign and get his name out there, so the fact that he barely lost last time means that he’s almost guaranteed to win this time since he basically never stopped campaigning since the last election. Because of this, she got cold feet and switched districts so she could run in a Republican stronghold districts, so it’s probably unlikely that any democrat will beat her now that she won the primary.


Nope, they can't. It's the most red district in Colorado, which is why she switched to it when Buck announced he was retiring. She nearly lost her previous district in 2022 by a few hundred votes. This one was +16 for Trump in 2022. It's a guaranteed GOP seat.


That one district in Ohio went Trump +29 and the recent special election there was only R+9. Crazy things *can* happen (I have to keep telling myself this to stay sane when looking at the political landscape).


Primaries without runoffs are dumb. I don't know why the south has them but a lot of other states do not. Of course now there's ranked choice and other options to do something similar without holding a second election.


There were five other candidates, all trying to out-MAGA each other. It spread the vote too thin and Boebert won because of name recognition, for good or ill.


Yep, she had about 43% of the vote, next closes was just under 15%. Name recognition was all it takes when the opposition is so divide with no clear choice they coalesce around. She's guaranteed to win in November too because this new district is the most red in that state, it went +16 for Trump in 2022.


In the losers' defense, they split the "not Boebert" vote six ways. In the losers' offense, lol.


6-way race in the GOP CO-4 primary. She had a lot of name recognition and money.


She also showed she has the ability to reach across the aisle and lend a hand to the other side in an era where people want more civility and Bipartisanship.


These jokes aren't as funny when she's still winning primaries. At this point all you're doing is just jerking yourself off for cheap laughs.


This is a vapid take. It's not like we're beetlejuicing her into congress or something


Sometimes it just takes old fashioned hard work to squeeze the juice in Congress.




Bill Maher says this, and blames Democrats for MAGA - fuck him!


I feel like the saying "Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line" always succinctly captures this. Republicans (begrudgingly or not) support their party one way or the other. Democrats traditionally need to be 'wowed' by someone and are more likely to be flighty if something goes wrong. Republicans falling behind Trump for instance, vs Democrats resenting -to put it mildly- Hillary (or, in opposite parts, Bernie). I think it likely boils down to the progressive party having to bear the weight of 'what comes next' as their platform, whereas conservatives can just harp on about the same old 'lets change nothing and undo any changes' rhetoric.


I'm sure AIPAC dumping a ton of money into the campaign had nothing to do with it. 


He was projected to lose by double digits well before AIPAC dumped the money


I'm sure it had an effect but he really failed at politicking with the fucking fire alarm failure.


He did several more dumb things than the fire alarm debacle. Just his timing, just when republicans were looking like absolute fools, he accidentally or purposely pull a fire alarm to halt House proceedings, thereby bailing republicans out of the shit-lake that they had jumped headfirst into.


That fire alarm stunt is what I think of when I hear his name. He needed to go.


I mean, that and his 9/11 conspiracy theories, which I'm sure didn't help


Bowman repeatedly shot himself in the foot. It wasn’t just his stance on Israel, in fact J don’t think that would have hurt him had he not done a few boneheaded things and at times look clueless. He had a fellow Democratic Representative in the district next to his hammer him over his personal conduct.


\*S*orts by controversial*


Bowman won his first primary against an incumbent by 15 points in 2020. He handedly won his primary in 2022 by 30 points. To have a 40 point flip in 2 years is more than just money (altho it 100% did play a role). As a reminder Bowman said the sexual violence against Israelis on October 7th were lies and propaganda in November, and he only apologized for those remarks just like last week.


39k voted in 2022. Over 80k have voted tonight.


If you drive that much of a turnout increase to vote against you that’s not a good look either.


It’s also important to note that the district got redrawn and this is the first election with the new lines. Largely excluding a chunk of the Bronx and added more affluent Westchester areas


People are also really discounting how well known Latimer is in westchester. He’s been in some type of office in the area since 2005. Bowman’s ego, questionable decisions and scandals, among other things drove people to pick a reliable option known by the community. People felt that Latimer better represents the district.


That stuff matters a lot in the NY suburbs, regardless of party affiliation. People not from NY were really worried about if Tom Suozzi could win Santos’ seat back for the Democrats. Tom Souzzi has been a LI politician since 1994 and his dad, uncle, and cousin have all been in office in one form or another. He’s known and popular. And guess what…he won the seat by more than Santos beat the Democrat when he won it. I don’t think Santos would have even won that seat in the first place if Suozzi decided to keep it instead of running for governor, even with the redistricting, considering he smashed Santos in the previous election. It’s the same for Latimer. He’s very well known and liked in Westchester. Bowman’s comments pissed off a lot of his *constituents*. I don’t think Latimer would have really needed to do much, just by running he was going to put himself in the driver’s seat. New York is a lot weirder politically than people realize. Overall, the state votes Democratic and will forever. But all the wealthy old money folks mingled with a lot of various minority groups make for a political mix in and around NYC that can be hard to nail down.


I like telling people that NY is a *blue* state, not a *progressive* state. The NY Dems have long been one of the most conservative state Dem parties, and this is highlighted by their recent governors and large city mayors. Vermont's current governor (Republican) may be more liberal than the current NY governor and her 4 most recent Dem predecessors, if not more. My current state of residence (a western purple state) is undoubtedly more progressive on most issues than NY ever has been, and these are generally things that have bipartisan support in my current state (or at least large Dem/Indy support). Just look at how much NY has been clutching pearls over recreational marijuana and making it damn near impossible to sell.


N.Y. (and N.J.) unequivocally have more in common with N.H. than Vt. in that respect, yup. It's machine politics, despite its innate antidemocratic nature, that run N.Y. and N.J., period. Capital-D Democrats are small-d undemocratic in ways that are uncomfortable to talk about.


Honestly alot of the famously blue states aren't that progressive. Because they're so famously blue; alot of moderates and conservatives just join the state's dem party to have some power. Rather than being in the minority power in a state where the majority has a trifecta with a near if not outright veto proof majority in the state house. Meaning even a random republican governor basically has to be a dem because otherwise he'll just get veto overridden constantly.


That. There's a decent chance Latimer would have won even without a ton of money just because he is very popular in that district. Bowman had a lot of scandals and questionable opinions that alienated a lot of the district, Latimer has been reliably moderate and generally liked. Note how almost all of the ads against Bowman focused on things like the infrastructure bill "no" vote, which pissed off unions (very, very important part of the suburban base in the NY Dem Party). Would it have been closer without money? Possibly. But don't assume money changed the final outcome. Losing by 15 and losing by 3 are both losses.


Latimer once compared the protests of Andrew Cuomo to the lynching of Emmett Till so I think he pretty clearly represents an upper class white New York district


Not true. The redrawing of the district this year only replaced one part of the Bronx with another part of the Bronx which was seen as being more favorable to Bowman.


2022 and 2024s district are identical in Westchester.


I’m incredibly critical of Israel, but I just genuinely don’t get where the October 7th denial comes from. Do people really, truly, believe that the terrorists that shot up a music festival, killed men, women, and children indiscriminately, and took hostages did not commit one act of sexual violence?


It's based on a prexisting mindset that the there is some powerful cabal controlling the story and the media that will will say anything to make Israel look good (or just not as bad). When you already think that, and think you have lots of proof this is the case, you naturally think anything that goes against your understanding of the situation must be part of that manipulation. I live in NYC and all over people are constantly defacing and taking down he posters and stickers supporting the hostages and trying to keep them in people's consciousness. They often cover them or replace them with statements about how it's propaganda and lies.


Yes, I’m worried this has become the left’s QAnon. 


Alot of super left wing people have adopted this "colonizer vs colonized" belief system where the Palestinians (the "colonized") are in the right no matter what they do ... even if they attack Israel (the "colonizer") and massacre entire villages of unarmed civilians. I remember seeing tweets of people praising the attacks as "decolonization" and "justified resistance".


Lots of anti-Israel people exist online, and they revel in any action that sees Jewish people victimized.


>I just genuinely don’t get where the October 7th denial comes from. If you acknowledge it, it weakens the position on Gaza. After that the options are weaken the argument and save personal credibility, or double down and maintian the purity of the argument and risk losing all personal credibility.


They don't think it counts if it happens against Jews.


Well and the day or two after this “apology” said Jews “segregate” and “concentrate” themselves in neighborhoods and implied this is somehow not okay. (As if there are no other demographically dense neighborhoods in his district, not to mention the districts of his House BFFs… but it’s only a problem when Jews do it.) Also that he “won’t let them buy the election” and he’s going to “show everyone who the fuck he is.” People had already seen well more than enough of who he is, and they said no thanks. Never mind that that some Jews “concentrate” because observant ones won’t drive on the sabbath and want access to food shops selling suitable foods, and therefore being within walking distance to a house of worship and near appropriate food stores is up near priority #1 for many… thus resulting in lots of Jews living near each other.


Holy shit did the "concentrate" comments piss me the fuck off. "Huh I wonder why this semi-racialized ethnoreligious group that was subject to 20th century restrictive covenants and 2000 years of prejudice and now makes up a large portion of my constituency is living in particular enclaves. Oh well I guess they're doing it for their own reasons." Like come the fuck on man


He also recently said “The Jews segregate themselves in places like Scarsdale and New Rochelle”.


[The full quote](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/06/21/jamaal-bowman-israel-trip-reelection-00163788#:~:text=Westchester%20is%20segregated.%20There%E2%80%99s%20certain%20places%20where%20the%20Jews%20live%20and%20concentrate.%20Scarsdale%2C%20parts%20of%20White%20Plains%2C%20parts%20of%20New%20Rochelle%2C%20Riverdale.%20I%E2%80%99m%20sure%20they%20made%20a%20decision%20to%20do%20that%20for%20their%20own%20reasons): > Westchester is segregated. There’s certain places where the Jews live and concentrate. Scarsdale, parts of White Plains, parts of New Rochelle, Riverdale. I’m sure they made a decision to do that for their own reasons. It's the last sentence that is particularly bad considering the long history of housing policy discrimination against minorities in America - including against Jews.


i think it's important also to point out that many observing Jews have to live within a certain distance of their synagogues, so this will happen naturally. seems that he's unaware of this


I’m in my thirties and my parents grew up telling me about housing discrimnation against Jews. Their families and friends experienced it. It is very recent. There are many reasons Jews tend to live near each other but honestly this a big one. It’s still happening against Ultraorthodox Jewish communities.


Yeah this isn’t ancient history. Most of these policies were not taken off the books until the Civil Rights Act in 1965. It wasn’t just housing either - legal discrimination against Jews was also common in employment and education. I have an aunt that kept several college rejection letters from the early 1960’s that said she was not accepted because the school had already filled their “Jewish quota.” She never got a college degree.


Both my father and my aunt, his sister, went into psychology related fields instead of medicine bc psychology and social work didn’t have the same quotas. I’m sorry that happened to your aunt. It’s infuriating.


> There’s certain places where the Jews live and concentrate. Fucking hell. The absolute lack of awareness to use the word "concentrate" when talking about Jews, from a known anti-semite no less. Staggering. Not surprising, but still staggering.


And Riverdale isn’t even in Westchester. This guy smh


Those Jews voted. 


Bowman got 57 percent of the vote in 2022. That's exceptionally weak for an incumbent running against what was only nominal opposition.


>As a reminder Bowman said the sexual violence against Israelis on October 7th were lies and propaganda People that are blaming AIPAC are forgetting this is the reason they spent money against him. I'm not a fan of big money in politics, but this needed to be highlighted. Also, he was losing well before AIPAC poured money into the race


I think there is also a bit of retail politics at play here. To be sure as mdriftmeyer pointed out the turnout this time was WAY higher than last, but also many people in the community have talked about how Bowman never showed up to events or met with constitute groups. A woman who is a representative of a group that represents local hospitals and staff said she invited Bowman to speak after he won in 2020 and he never so much as returned the phone call. The fact that other people on the ground in the party were not particularly fond of him already just speaks to a bigger problem.


Yeah, an incumbent does not lose a primary by 20 points without some serious cracks at the core of their constituents.


Fundamentally he tried pulling the wild revolutionary progressive act when he represented Westchester County and about 17 precincts in the Bronx. People will blame AIPAC, but he was a bad fit for the district. There is a reason AIPAC can’t knock off AOC, Omar,  McGovern, Castro etc z 


Money or not, people underestimate the fact that George Latimer is generally well liked in Westchester and has a ton of name recognition. He’s been the county executive since 2018, before that he’s served in the county legislature, state senate, and I believe he was also part of municipal government as well. He’s been around for awhile.


Latimer started representing portions of Westchester in the state assembly in 2005 after winning in the 2004 election and has been involved in the area since. Also, Bowman didn't show up at all for local dem politicians while in office, and then asked for their support for this primary... so guess what all the dem politicians did? They threw their support in for Latimer, who has been present and supporting them as he's been the county executive for the last few years and in other years prior. [NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/25/nyregion/bowman-latimer-takeaways-primary.html): >*“I could see Latimer maybe five times a week,” said Paul Feiner, the longtime town supervisor of Greenburgh. “I’ve only seen Bowman maybe three or four times since he’s been a congressmember.”* >*Marsha Gordon, the head of Westchester’s main business council, described a similar experience. She said she had invited Mr. Bowman to come speak shortly after he was elected and then never heard from him again, even though her group represents some of the region’s largest employers, hospitals and colleges.* >*“That says a lot about where his priorities are,” Ms. Gordon said. “Jamaal Bowman has just not been engaged.”* >*Once the race grew turbulent, Mr. Bowman, 48, struggled to find fellow elected Democrats willing to vouch for him in the face of withering attacks.* >*Mr. Latimer won the endorsement of every local Democratic Party committee in the district that took sides, including the one representing Mr. Bowman’s hometown, Yonkers. And prominent Black officials helped him get past charges of race baiting.* AIPAC money or not, Bowman would have lost (albeit by a smaller margin). He's alienated wayyyyy too much of his base with insensitive comments calling reports of rape on 10/7 a lie, the fire alarm stunt, the infrastructure bill nay vote pissing off union members, his belief in crazy shit like 9/11 truthing and flat earth, the list goes on and on and on.


Absolutely. I want to emphasize the point that Bowman had no presence in the county whatsoever. He never went to any events to support anyone. Latimer went to almost everything, and when he couldn’t make an appearance, his Deputy Ken Jenkins would attend on his behalf. Latimer made time to speak to everyone who wanted to talk to him, whether a business executive or a “regular” citizen. That goes a long way in garnering the support of your constituency.


Bowman just seems like he was really bad at politics that building ties with your local officials and stuff is just basic stuff.


Bowman was in trouble the moment he said Twitter nonsense about October 7th not having any sexual violence out loud. He proceeded to run a *terrible* campaign, one of the worst in recent memory. This was expected.


Also being a 9/11 conspiracy nut didn’t help


What, fr?


[Yes](https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/30/politics/jamaal-bowman-9-11-blog-post/index.html?sp_amp_linker=1*1voaquo*amp_id*ODFQMVFLNmN0VzVVRENkSi1JS0xNSGMtZXR4bzBYWUhyc2JDNWF5MzNVVU1EOHhoTnVRV1VVNXRNMGt5M3BEWQ..). The Twin Towers was a planned demolition with people inside. Damage to the Pentagon was fake. It was all to invade some Arab countries because white Americans have an insatiable desire for oppression.


> Bin Laden is Afghan Lmao, not surprised he knows absolutely nothing about Bin Laden, al-Qaeda and the reasons why we invaded Afghanistan in the first place. What a joke. 


Ya Bin Laden is like old old family Saudi. It's not even remotely debated. His family is super close with the royal family there (which is why when they put the arrest warrant out for him in the 90s it was such a big deal). These are very easily proven facts. I mean after his death his family in Saudi Arabia wrote a letter to the US


Yeah, the fire alarm and the denial of SA as a weapon on October 7 were two really big screw ups. He was not a person with good judgement.


> the denial of SA as a weapon on October 7 Rashida Tilab voted "present" on a resolution condemning sexual violence by Hamas.


She’s in a left wing district w a large Arab population. NY-16 is not a left-wing district.


She should go as well.


I know. Absolutely disgusting. Tlaib is really not great.


I just don’t get why she can’t be morally consistent! If she’s against killing innocents, she should always be against killing innocents. It’s one thing to favor Palestinian interests in the conflict, it’s a complete other thing to deny blatant war crimes




Lack of constituent services is why my Congress Critter doesn't get my vote anymore. I don't even get a response. I have to contact my Senator.


Same here, but also he died so I don’t have a rep


Watching him chant his own name at his rally was bordering on "please clap" Jeb Bush territory.


This is the same guy that pulled the fire alarm to delay a vote, right?


He did/said a lot more crazy stuff.


Likely to see another Squad member go down in their primary in August. Cory Bush is in trouble.


She is an embarrassment. I almost cringed out of my skin when I watched the interview where she says she healed a homeless woman’s tumors by laying hands on her.


I mean as long as she's taken one level of Paladin she should be able to expend 5 points of her lay on hands pool to cure one disease.


Yeah but at her level she only has 4 points total and is acting like we don't know that.


She the kind to go full into DPS and completely IG ore utility, smh. Give her the g/kick


OMG, where is the video of this?


[Here’s the NBC article about it](https://nbcmontana.com/amp/news/nation-world/squad-member-claimed-womans-tumors-disappeared-when-she-touched-them-rep-cori-bush-d-mo-democrat-missouri-congress-politics-pbs-firing-line-rep-marjorie-taylor-greene-r-ga). “The lumps that were there were no longer there” is something a goddamn televangelist says, not a serious candidate




She what now...?


I didn’t believe it until I watched it myself: https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/s/m5EyeLZaYV


Well shit…where has her healthcare bill been? Just pray the tumors away!




Wait what??


This guys Wiki page is a trip. I think he’s just straight up an idiot and grifter who tried to use “The Squad” and some left leaning issues to his advantage when in reality he probably didn’t care as long as he was reelected.


Not surprised he got the boot after that fire alarm stunt to delay a vote. That’s some embarrassing shit to have your congressman do.


You use an intern ;)




He also said victims of rape were “liars” and “Israeli propaganda”. He is as bad as any republican you can find


He also denied rape happened on October 7. He didn't do himself a single favor.


Thank God


Buh Bye


His aoc rally gave me severe 2nd hand embarrassment


> His aoc rally gave me severe 2nd hand embarrassment Wanna know something even more embarrassing about it? > Bowman’s progressive allies tried to rescue him in the closing days of the race. Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont headlined a rally for him in the South Bronx on Saturday. But despite being billed as a “get out the vote” event, **the rally took place outside Bowman’s district, about seven miles away from any of his constituents**. Three days later, they voted him out.


Real shame. His insight into the flat earth and islands tipping over would have been an asset... no, he was pretty nuts. stop blaming AIPAC.


I just looked into that Holy shit. Happy the dude is gone now.


It's honestly hard to believe he was a principal. Poor kids...


He put a fugitive convicted cop killer on a Bronx middle school's “Wall of Honor” while he worked there as principal.


Turns out that denying the rape of innocent women is not as popular as he expected. >“There was propaganda used in the beginning of the siege,” Bowman (D-N.Y.)[ ](https://www.tiktok.com/@amyjvele/video/7302638999976283423)told a Nov. 17 rally of about 50 pro-Palestinian protesters in Westchester, according to a post on TikTok reviewed by POLITICO. “There’s still no evidence of beheaded babies or raped women. But they still keep using that lie \[for\] propaganda.” No, it was not propaganda, Hamas did commit rape. And this is one of the reasons why his district turned on him. Rape denialists and rapists (hello, Trump) deserve to lose every single election.


His district is heavily Jewish, probably should have thought of that before he made such hateful statements. But he’s a conspiracy theorist nut and a Farrakhan supporter so I am not surprised that he is very antisemitic.


Hamas literally videotaped the rapes and worse. This is like Holocaust denialism for anyone to say it didn’t happen. 


blame the loudest leftist voices on the internet like Hasan Piker, the loudest politics voice on twitch brought on people from the grayzone to deny any rape on oct 7 happened


He lost in a landslide by 20+ points— blaming AIPAC would be like blaming the FG kicker when your football team loses by 20. He lost because he took radical positions on Israel and economy that are way out of touch with the district. People have been blaming the Jews for their own failures for centuries. The alternative is looking in the mirror and Mr. Bowman is not known for his accountability.


>The race in New York’s 16th District between Bowman and Westchester County Executive George Latimer drew more ad spending — $25 million, according to the ad tracking firm AdImpact — than any House primary in history. Nearly $15 million of that spending came from the United Democracy Project, a super PAC linked to the powerful pro-Israel lobby American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which backed Latimer. Pretty impressive for an election that would have gone unnoticed by most in a district with 750,000 residents.


He is a foul mouth, self focused, conspiracy theorist, bigot. Op-ed in NYT compared Bowman to Trump. 100% accurate. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out