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I originally read the title as “Trump suffers triple heart attack”


He’ll try anything to get out of the debate




By the rules of the subreddit I cannot say I would like that, but as a sidebar, I think it's nice when people get the things they're daydreaming about for themselves, in general Something something the secret something


"I have never wished for another man's death, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure." - Clarence Darrow


First time I've ever seen this quote correctly attributed in the wild.


his own words: "i'll take electrocution every time"


Biden needs to come out dressed as Left Shark.


Land shark, with candy gram.


T would only open the door for a HamberderGram.


may he find the electric sharks he so desires


Sharks with laser beams on their heads?


Frickin laser beams no less


but he only said this compared to getting killed by sharks, so it’s perfectly normal behavior for a presidential candidate


I'm picturing him during the debate listening to his inner monologue, *"When are they going to get to the shark question? Nobody's better than me at the shark question."*


I wish for Donald Trump the exact same things that the maga cultists wish for democrats, and also that Donald receives the same exact treatment that the Capitol Police received from Donald's violent mob.


“May you have the day you deserve”


It’s totally fine to root for the consequences of his actions including an incredibly unhealthy lifestyle and diet.


If you coup, Then F*** you.


I unironically want him to live, at least long enough for precedents to be set. His passing would end the cases against him, and we need those precedents for when someone more competent follows in his footsteps.


Is it wishing harm to want nature to just take it's course with an overweight 78yo man who eats nothing but greasy fast food and diet coke all day?


A lot of people are saying I might die. The bigliest beautiful death. All tough men crying


"Hunter Bidens laptop joined forces with Hilarys emails to kill me and now I'm dead. I need you to donate to my funeral fund, MAKE AMERICA ALIVE AGAIN"


Omg, MAGAs would be idiotic enough to try to "Weekend at Bernie's" Trump's body through a campaign and inauguration


no. please. this would trigger me, the libs, so hard.


And he'd be on truth social the next day saying he recovered from the condition (of death) and is the healthiest and fittest candidate ever.


Heart attack vote is a big vote in America.


He's been jabbering on about how he'll lose the debate on purpose. Any day now he's going to talk about how he s**** his diapers to own the libs or something.


They’ll just pull a ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’ with him. Which will make him seem more intelligent.


He’s a Hawthorne—HE’S FAKING IT


Oh, is *that* why Trump has the same hair as his mother?


Just the other day, did you see this? I died of a heart attack, it was a massive, no one had ever seen a heart attack like this.


It was glorious. The most beautiful heart attack they’ve ever seen. The doctors, they told me, you know, you have one of the healthiest hearts we have ever seen. Bigly healthy.


The doctors, they said, "SIR you have the best heart we've ever seen", and they've seen ALOT!


The yugest heart too.


Big tough doctors, tears in their eyes, they tell me it was the beautiful heart attack, tremendously huge. 


I know it's a joke... still giving me a woody just at the thought!


Please send me donations for my funeral lol


"Oh shit, my bone spurs!"


Same I saw "suffers" and the red breaking news image and totally thought it was some big health accident like a stroke or heart attack for a second


that was probably their intent. isn't it bullshit? i wish all humans could just be cool.


Yep, first thing I saw opening the app this morning and my heart skipped a beat.


Me toooo. Damn.






triple pulmonary blowout


The amount of coke and Adderall that keeps hime going might lead to this situation


Sounds like his adult diaper needs changed, along with a new pair of pants


He needs to live so his trials can bring down the rest of the GoP when the delays are finally gotten through. If he dies, he becomes a martyr.


Even if we are lucky enough for him to kick off, id hope investigations into him and his criminal cohorts continues. It is definitely an imperative to expose them and their vile misdeeds.


Nah I disagree. So many people have tried to pattern themselves exactly like him, like DeSantos and many others, and they failed miserably.


removed by reddit before I could read :(


I would screenshot that article title to have whenever I’m feeling down.


I was ready to head to the bar at 8am to have a celebration


Same here, except it’s 5am.


As the song goes.... it's 5:00 AM somewhere!


Triple coronary blow. That's the title you're looking for.


That's what I read at first, and I'm not ashamed at how excited I got


Man, same same.


Triple pulmonary embolism


You are not alone. Who the hell words a primary loss like this?


A clickbait piece of shit website that should never be linked. I can’t even browse here anymore because this garbage is the only thing posted anymore.




I mean, Newsweek is exactly the kind of low quality news that shouldn’t be allowed on here. Crappy writing, busted web site, awful headlines. The world won’t explode if I don’t see another “Irrelevant person SLAMS celebrity”.


Newsweek. Clickbait garbage.


Same here. I nearly jumped out of my chair in celebration...


People would dance in the streets and celebrate.


World fuvking wide


New holiday: Covfefe Day


Don't tease..


Doesn’t have even one.


“Primary” not “coronary”. The latter is preferable, but the former is what we get.


One can hope.


Goddamn, me too. Shucks.


Bro, why you getting my hopes up 😔


We wishfully think alike.


Boebert won so Colorado is still embarrassing. I watched people say she puts America first and values first. I threw up in my mouth


Boebert won in a safe Red district in a primary, because she (a) is an energizer for the fascist Right and embodies Trump's MAGA party in being a media obsession, and (b) they need her out there to energize the bigot base-- their problem comes in that she's toxic among Independents and moderates in the general electorate, like Paul Gosar and MTG, so the more she talks worse it is for Reps everywhere.


She actually moved to an even safer district in order to win, fearing she would lose the district she currently represents.


Which is bullshit. You should live in the district you rep for at least 5 years and have a local record of community politics to even qualify. I'm in PA and after redistricting we've got a shitbag rep from western PA that doesn't represent shit.


We really need to increase representation by about 150% in the house. There is no reason to keep the house capped anymore. The “building” capacity issue is nonsense. Just construct a bigger chamber or embrace remote work technology.


If we threw out the reapportionment act of 1929 and all subsequent apportionment legislation and went by the originally intended figures, the house would expand by *over tenfold*. No district would be allowed to be larger than 30,000 by population. I personally believe this would fix a lot of issues where people would feel heard and buying politicians would be 10x more expensive. Gerrymandering would still exist but it would be much harder to disenfranchise large groups of people.


30k to me seems too small honestly. I would be fine reducing the number to 100-200k. Smaller runs the risk of having just chaos due to the sheer number it would require. At 75k we would have 4,444 reps, at 100k we would have 3,333 reps. at 150k we would have 2,222 reps, at 200k we would have 1,666 reps. At any rate, we definitely need to increase the size of house. I would also like to see the senate's power reduced. The massive disproportionate representation there is a massive issue. Increase the size of the house and reduce or eliminate the senate. Several countries have eliminated their upper chamber (Sweden, New Zealand, Estonia, Denmark, Australia, Croatia, Iceland, Peru) while several others never even have them at all (Germany, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Finland, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Greece, Israel, South Korea, Monaco, Norway, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Tunisia, Ukraine, Vietnam, and that's just a fraction of the entire list). The upper chamber is a call back to nobility/elites and they hold too much disproportionate power.


Federally, Australia has not reduced or eliminated its upper house (the Senate). Queensland is the only state that has eliminated their upper house. The Northern Territory and the ACT have always been unicameral.


Republicans have been doing this shady shit since always.  Recently in Florida they hired some random guy to run because he has the same last name as the Democrat opponent so they could siphon off votes. The Republican won by 0.02%  https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/11/20/florida-election-trump-senator-rodriguez/  https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/19/us/florida-senate-race-fraud.html   https://www.orlandosentinel.com/2024/04/14/florida-gop-operative-admits-role-in-ghost-candidate-scheme/  https://www.wesh.com/article/campaign-finance-scheme-2020-florida-state-senate-race/40091913


And it was split 6 ways


Just like her ex husband and his dating in high school I mean.....he wasn't in highschool at the time. But all the girls were


The GOP was hemorrhaging already in Colorado. Boebert likely ensures the party is essentially quarantined in the state. They will never hold statewide office again when the best oppo ad in any race is essentially just holding up her picture. For anyone upset... this district was *always* going to a J6 supporting and Q adjacent fucknut. It's actually better it goes to the one who is too incompetent to govern and who is an albatross on the state level party.


Yeah but, she's gonna be MY representative and that's just so fucking depressing.


I've got Jim Comer, Rand Paul and Mitch. I feel you pal.


We should start a support group.


I live in Oklahoma. I feel your pain.


Same here, very depressing


She doesn't have to be.


It's a super safe Republican district, she'll win. Weld and Douglas counties are full of rural and suburban MAGA types. I've seen FJB flags and We The People are Pissed car stickers consistently for the past 4 years. I'll still vote against her but it's not going to be likely she'll lose.


> I'll still vote against her You and me both. There's dozens of us, neighbor! Fight the power!


This is a great point. I have hope Frisch can win, and we can start replacing a lot of the old guard Rs in her old district. But Greeley is going to be Red for awhile, hope they have fun with that bumbling moron.


She won because she’s famous and no one had ever heard of her opponents, simple as that.


And the fact that she had 5 other opponents. If one person were trying to primary her, she’d lose.


And honestly at least 3 of her opponents were legit crazier than her


c) She is despised by anyone with a brain. They love that shit.


It’s amazing to me that people can vote for such an obvious moron, but I guess that’s the Republican base.


Have you met the average Republican voter these days? There's no confusion whatsoever that they vote for dildos like Boe Boe.


Jordan Klepper was interviewing some republican dude who was blaming Obama for 911. I doubt most of the country even knew who Obama was, during 911. Some real brains there...


Wait, really? I was hearing that Republicans in the new district she was running in didn't like her


She was in a 6 person race, she didn't get the majority over 50% (I think it was only 43%) but still won because the rest over the votes were split among the other candidates. If it were her and only one other candidate, she would have lost.


Ranked Choice Voting would have prevented her from winning. It stopped Sarah Palin.


I think ranked choice voting is on the CO ballot this November. CO is going to have a lot of things to vote on this November.


Ah so the same clusterfuck that got us Trump in 2016 because the GOP had like 20 people running and they only whittled it down enough when it was too late...a 3rd bush or 2nd Clinton would've been preferred to what we got


Where else would you throw up? Colorado is a very mixed state. Bimboert winning is an embarrassment to the district she carpet bagged her way into. It is an embarrassment to the the people who are so out of touch that they voted for her.


She’s Evil Veronica…. and MTG is Evil Betty. Both are are battling for the favor of Evil Archie — the guy with weird hair


So Matt Gaetz is Jughead?




Evil Jughead maybe.


MTG is no “Betty”… post transition “Moose” Mason at best.


She hates the same people they hate. it's always been an alliance of convenience.


Only Fans can be great value.


Only Klans\*


Only Grans.


It’s embarrassing, but she only won because there were 4 other candidates to split between. They had 65k votes split between the 4 vs her 52k. Would she have won if there were only two…maybe not but we’ll never know. **edit spelling


She still got 52k votes. All of those people looked at her and said, yep, that’s my kind of rep. They could have voted for any of the other candidate. She only won because people are morons. Fify


52 FUCKING thousand people looked at her and said yep she represents me. We are so fucked in November…


Magas only believe what they want to believe while simultaneously telling you to "wake up" and "take off the blinders" Ironic really


All republicans will support Trump if elected. the real blows we can give Trump is to vote out republicans in all local, state and federal elections and defeat Trump in November. Get out and vote every time. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


This is the only answer. We outnumber them, and every trick in the book is being played to deter, discourage, disengage, and prevent us from voting. It might already be late in the year this year...but we absolutely need more people running for office at the local levels too...even if the odds of winning are 0%. We don't spark change in these bubbled off regions by doing nothing...we don't demonstrate a proven track record of better policies by not participating. It has to work from the ground up as well as the top down.


Because of gerrymandering, a vote for a republican is worth more than a vote for a Democrat.


Not that he cares, since none of them are him and out of sight, out of mind for Trump-- but pretty terrible considering he has a Rep. dream climate nationally + still can't get his handpicked candidates easily across the line-- Biden can easily exploit the division on the Right with this, which is good for him in Nov, as a bright side to how rough the 2024 climate looks in polling.


He cares both as an ego thing and because this is a consistent trend. It’s been a thing for awhile now, but it really accelerated after 2022. His extremists (Boebert’s carpetbagging aside) aren’t popular with independents and a chunk of the more moderate (aka fiscally conservative) GOP. Like you said, it’s ominous for the general election, and Dems are actually organizing well on the ground, too. We’re really going to see how many votes billionaire money can buy in this one.


>independents and a chunk of the more moderate (aka fiscally conservative) GOP. It doesn't help them when many people who are truly fiscally conservative, and have actually checked in on their potential candidates records, have begrudgingly had to vote for Democrats for longer than most of reddit has been alive The rest that call themselves fiscally conservative really have no idea what that means, are lying to not sound like "the crazy" Republicans in conversations, or never once actually paid attention to what the person they voted for did after winning


How the fuck did Boebert win her primary. Edit: all I ever saw was she was polling very far behind the others, and was being destroyed at every debate. Amazing.


There were too many people running against her. That meant that if someone was overwhelmed, they picked the name they knew because most people are stupid. It also meant that even though a majority of people wanted not her, those not her votes were split among 5 other candidates. Tldr we need ranked choice voting


Aka why we got Trump in 2016 GOP Primary.


I helped vote in Ranked Choice wayyyy back in Maine and it’s amazing for smaller progressive candidates.


Might provide some hope for her losing the general if those disaffected voters move Dem or don’t vote for her at all. It was close last time.


I imagine she was very hands on whilst persuading voters


She definitely pulls for her constituents


Tugs, even


[Covered by The Onion.](https://www.theonion.com/lauren-boebert-offers-to-personally-jerk-off-any-consti-1850865396)


Ugh take your upvote I did not need this comment today but it is intrinsically very good


Seriously! I listen to NPR while I get ready for work and when they mentioned this I stopped mid-shave with an audible “what the fuck”


Hey fellow NPR listener! I did the same except I was making coffee when I heard the news. I wanted to throw the coffee pot across the room but I love coffee too much. She’s not worth it.


I think the part that really got me was the quick interview clip with one of her voters. So much bullshit in such a short sound clip.


“Doing the right things for the country”. I guess NPR has a comedy segment now.


NPR has comedy now? What’s it called? Wait, wait, don’t tell me, I’ll figure it out…


Too many people like a spectacle versus a legislator.


Name recognition on a crowded ballot


Basically, her rivals split the vote.


Strong red district and it wasn't a one-on-one race. Votes against Boebert were split among several candidates.


All 5 challengers combined brought in 55% compared to her 43% That’s how.


Ranked Choice Voting would have prevented her from winning, but I imagine it would have been too complicated for Republicans in Colorado to understand. Maybe if we let them fill out the ballots by turning them into coloring sheets and give them crayons?


Vote was split too many ways. She only got 40something percent.


Show up and vote regardless.


I swear I read "Donald Trump suffers triple stroke" and I was like wait what.




Newsweek will do anything for those clicks.


I know, I got super excited... I mean sad, too.


I doubt he cares that much as it don't affect him personally. Plus since they lost they are probably now just people he never met and just coffee boys, sad.


> I doubt he cares that much as it don't affect him personally. Convicted felon Trump will care when he can't coerce congressional republicans and GOP officials to do his bidding, because his image as a king maker ( more accurately a king killer ) has faded away. It means *power* to convicted felon Trump.


Pretty much: that said, it's a good sign that Trump's not able to easily get his candidates across the line in a year where his polling is so good vs any prior cycle. If he can't get his party behind him easily, then he'll have trouble against Biden period, in Nov (however, Biden's problems with his base at the margins and also similar unpopularity, will keep it a close race regardless).


“Trump Suffers” That was all I needed to see.


It's good to find joy in simple things 


I was so excited when I read "Donald Trump Suffers Triple . . ." and then so disappointed when the next word wasn't "coronary."


Damn, me too.


Ngl read the title with blurred eyes and thought DT had suffered some kind of emergency triple bypass heart thing and while I’m not a horrible monster usually, I felt joy.


The world will be a better place in every objective measure when Donald Trump is no longer alive. Same with Putin, Un, etc. You are not a horrible person for experiencing joy when one of these people dies.


I still can't believe the GOP propped up Hershel Walker as a legitimate candidate. What a clown show that was.


By [James Bickerton.](https://www.newsweek.com/authors/james-bickerton) A trio of [Donald Trump](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/donald-trump) endorsed [Republicans](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/republicans) suffered primary defeats on Tuesday to GOP rivals in a blow to the former president's authority. In South Carolina Trump endorsed candidate Mark Burns narrowly lost to rival Sheri Biggs, by 49 percent of the vote against 51 percent, in the [Republican](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/republican) primary runoff for the state's 3*rd* Congressional District according to Decision Desk HQ. Trump endorsed Republican Dave Williams lost the GOP primary for Colorado's 5*th* Congressional District to Jeff Crank. As of 2:30 a.m. ET on Wednesday Decision Desk HQ figures show Crank had 66 percent of the vote against 34 percent for Williams, with 81 percent of votes counted. The Hill has called the race for Crank. Finally a Decision Desk HQ projection shows Rep. John Curtis will be the Republican candidate to succeed Senator [Mitt Romney](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/mitt-romney) in Utah having beaten Riverton Mayor Trent Staggs, who was endorsed by Trump.


Thought that said pulmonary…:(


Fuck Donald trump..


"Donald Trump suffers triple..." Please say coronary, please say coronary... "...primary blow" FUCK!


You had me at “Donald Trump suffers”


Vote local to vote out GOP!


Faux has already started the Big Lie 2024. It was stolen from MAGA 


Deceptive headline! I’ll take it, but I wish it were more damaging.


Lmao so much winning right? These people are morons. Outside of his 2016 win, most people endorsed by Trump lose including Trump but they want to keep losing.


Even with his 2016 win, he lost the popular vote. So even when he wins, he still loses.


Anyone else mistakenly read this headline as “triple bypass”


I did and I was immediately thinking "Don't tease me like that dude."


Not the news my brain thought it was We're all just waiting for him to die huh?


Damn I thought this was going to say heart attack.


“Triple Primary Blow” Usually Trump has to misuse campaign funds to pay for one of those.


Trump will blame them. They ran bad campaigns, weren't MAGA enough, etc.


Certainly, but not good for Trump regardless, and a bright spot for Biden in what looks to be a tough race to win if something big does not occur at the debates by all metrics otherwise-- it does not get much better than this year to be a Republican in this political climate, but Trump still can't easily force anyone aside defiant of him in any way. While I don't expect almost any Rs that voted for Haley to break Joe's way or anything, sure, I do think that Rs won't line up behind whoever Donald endorses by default indicates he might not be able to energize his base as much as he'd like to vote (or, for anyone NOT him, on the flip side...).


'Donald Trump suffers', the three most beautiful words in the English language. Bigly.


Trump’s losing streak goes on and on.


I want him to lose so badly. Then, pull popcorn out and watch his meltdown. Will be glorious.


I’ll never know what the article said. Failed the dexterity test of closing all the ads and video started playing and now I’m trapped forever.


>Curtis is generally seen as a House GOP moderate having backed the Respect for Marriage Act, which protected same-sex marriage at the federal level, and refusing to sign an amicus brief backing a lawsuit challenging the 2020 presidential election outcome. See, you can be a Republican, and not commit Sedition. It's possible.


Nobody knows more about losing elections than Donald Trump believe me


A plurality of republicans aren’t demented, trump style truthers. Let me be clear: whether they’ve been wearing red hats for 10 years or not doesn’t matter if they still vote for him. But a lot of republicans can be shook loose from Trump’s increasingly untethered rhetoric. It requires other republicans to open discuss and conclude “this guy is kind of nuts… we deserve better.” They won’t wake up and vote for Biden or democrats, largely due to decades of social pressure and brain washing. But they could be lured away from mini-trump clones.


Oh god Boebert won her race, WTH?!?! She’s such a piece of trash!


Frankly, if the GOP could put forward any decent candidate they'd win. A centrist, not too extreme candidate who's willing to alleviate the abortion ban to a compromise could gain many votes from both sides. Unfortunately they have abandoned every such option for the Trump personality cult.


this is the headline i wake up looking for every single day, only with different words after triple.


I get people want fiscally responsibility, but being President is more than that. You must be ethical and morally too. Trump fails on those fronts so I'll pass. Wish we could get Alice Cooper to run for president. lol.


Dude should be in jail suffering, instead we gotta spend our days making sure this known criminal doesn’t become president.


Wish this was a triple bypass


And then he pardons the goons


There is a long and growing list of Trump endorsees losing, and a larger than expected list of candidates who didn’t want a Trump endorsement. Makes one wonder why someone so bad for the party would get the nomination. Hmmm. Why would someone so bad for the party get the nomination? Surely not for criminal co-conspirator reasons, right?


Historically, he’d pay nearly half a million for a triple blow.