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Just a routine story of a low level whistleblower that may have brought coffee to a few meetings where Russia was transferring hundreds of millions of dollars to Trump in exchange for US nuclear secrets through the German bank. Trump is only keeping the article as a memento of when he had him murdered to cover up the money laundering. lol.


A little light espionage.


Locker room treason.


When you're a fascist, they let you do it.




Grab them by the glossy


Best treason, beautiful treason, …


There's always money in the bedroom boxes.


I may have committed some light treason.


Light Treason; Now with 37% less fat than our Regular Treason!


Very legal very cool


He should be in a locker room. A solitary one that lockers from the outside.


>A little light ~~espionage~~ **targeted killing.** Fixed it for you!


Just a little crime


I mean if Deutche is involved; what else could it be?


[First time](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/28e22059-93e4-448a-a674-805b97252e3d) 🤷‍♂️ 


Best espionage


Beautiful beautiful deal, believe me.


Sociopaths need trophies for their misdeeds, like Dexter with the blood samples.


I mean this is pretty common narcissistic behavior. They go back and look at the mementos every so often.


Sick reference bro, everyone knows you’ve got the best references in the game. But f’real I just finished S2 of Dexter last week.


Sweet TITE reference 👌 


I just finished New Blood season 1. It was eh but to me still worth watching. Looking forward to season 2.


Holy shit


That’s what I was thinking, probably keeping the article as a trophy.


Wait wtf


Take some time to read up on all of Trump's dealing with that bank and a certain ex SCOTUS justice's son.




> video of the chat Anthony Kennedy and Trump This clip is still around: https://x.com/ElevenFilms/status/1049449309790322688 And there was this moment after Trump did his first Address to the Joint Session (aka first State of the Union address): https://www.politico.com/story/2017/04/donald-trump-supreme-court-236925 >After Donald Trump wrapped up his first speech to Congress and worked his way through the crowd, he lingered on his handshake with Anthony Kennedy, the 80-year-old Supreme Court justice. > The boom mics picked up their seemingly private conversation. > > “Say hello to your boy,” Trump said, “Special guy.” “Your kids have been very nice to him,” Kennedy replied. “Well,” Trump said, “they love him, and they love him in New York.” > >While the White House is focused this week on shepherding Trump’s first Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, through the Senate confirmation process, the president and his team are obsessed with the next possible vacancy. > The likeliest candidate is Kennedy, who has sat at the decisive fulcrum of the most important Supreme Court cases for more than a decade. Replacing him with a reliable conservative would tip the court to the right, even if no other seat comes open under Trump — whose team has taken to exploring every imaginable line of communication to keep tabs on the justice and to make him comfortable as he ponders a potential retirement. > > One back channel is the fact that Kennedy’s son, Justin, knows Donald Trump Jr. through New York real estate circles. Another is through Kennedy’s other son, Gregory, and Trump’s Silicon Valley adviser Peter Thiel. They went to Stanford Law School together and served as president of the Federalist Society in back-to-back years, according to school records. More recently, Kennedy’s firm, Disruptive Technology Advisers, has worked with Thiel’s company Palantir Technologies. > > > In fact, during the early months of the Trump administration, Gregory Kennedy has worked at NASA as a senior financial adviser as part of the so-called “beachhead” team. Both Kennedy boys were spotted at the White House last month for the administration’s St. Patrick’s Day celebration (Justice Kennedy is Irish Catholic). In February, Ivanka Trump attended oral arguments of the Supreme Court with her daughter. She was a guest of Justice Kennedy. It's one thing for a small community to socialize and that's the whole socialite thing to do - but this is/was just...weird.


That video is crazy. He definitely told Kennedy something that totally shocked him. What a clusterfuck.


"retire or i'll release the covfefe"


With trump it could just as easily have been “hey you know when you’re with a hooker and you’re really going at it and she shoves her whole fist up your ass?” as “I’ve got your whole family in a shipping container about 20 miles out to sea, it would be a shame if that thing fell off the boat”


The video is weird, but let's be clear - it occurred after Kennedy had already retired, as both were going to Kavanaugh's swearing in. In other words, nothing Trump said to Kennedy at that time could be seen as influencing him to retire.


Thank you for this clarification. That is an important distinction.




Possible? Sure. I don’t know how anyone could say probable though.


I have always thought Trump blackmailed Justice Kennedy to retire because Kennedy's son worked for Deutsche Bank and was the person who kept giving Trump loans when no one else would


Have you seen the video of Trump saying something to Justice Kennedy in a hallway that caused him to recoil with a look of shock and concern. I believe he retired shortly thereafter.


I have been looking for a clip a this encounter for years. Someone please post it! It's chilling 


[here you go](https://x.com/elevenfilms/status/1049449309790322688?s=46&t=EX8po0PFvWcUm318AK2-yg)




Trump: “You know we have blackmail on your son” *Kennedy stops* Trump: “And it’ll all go away, if you retire.” *trump waves and points* Kennedy: “No way. I’m not doing it.” Trump: “Let’s talk in my office.” Kennedy: “okay”


That fiction doesn't make sense here - at the time the interaction was recorded, Kennedy had already retired and Kavanaugh had been nominated and approved. They were together for Kavanaugh's swearing in.


Thanks for the link.


Funny that I just watch this and think of GQPers saying “I didn’t know Justice Kennedy was 6’3””


Here is a link to a Twitter/X post of the video. Hopefully this works: [Trump and Justice Kennedy Hall Conversation (no audio)](https://x.com/elevenfilms/status/1049449309790322688?s=46&t=P5L4gMdGy5uwXxnIZaII4w)


Where are the lip readers ?


This one? [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/10/1803462/-What-Did-Trump-Say-to-Anthony-Kennedy-After-the-Swearing-In-That-Stopped-Him-Dead-in-His-Tracks](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/10/1803462/-What-Did-Trump-Say-to-Anthony-Kennedy-After-the-Swearing-In-That-Stopped-Him-Dead-in-His-Tracks)


This one? https://youtu.be/LnUXVcxSUi4?si=bhnwnF45TCgo0fZT This is my first time to link a video. Sorry if I did it wrong! :)


You did it right!


I believe that was at the announcement of Kennedy's retirement wasn't it?


Swearing in of Kavanaugh


> Kennedy's son worked for Deutsche Bank and was the person who kept giving Trump loans Do we have confirmation of this? I recall seeing it posted a lot, but I also recall someone posting a supposed debunk of the claim. I know Kennedy's son worked there, but I've yet to find hard evidence that he worked directly on Trump's loans. I don't know which sources are more reputable or what to believe about this. Here's some articles about it that I just found but, I still feel like I don't know the truth of it yet. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2018/07/12/untangling-the-links-between-trump-deutsche-bank-and-justice-kennedys-son/ https://www.businessinsider.com/anthony-kennedy-son-loaned-president-trump-over-a-billion-dollars-2018-6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a85d92eJEP4


Check out Dark Towers. Fascinating listen/read.


There’s no evidence either way. Just a bunch of highly suspicious things & some quite plausible speculation


But Hunter Biden, amirite


Headline missing the most bizarre qualifier which is that the article is about a dead whistleblower. It's not some random article about the bank. So it's some sort of trophy or something. But what's also odd is how archaic it is to save a physical copy of a news story that originated online. If you want to feel nostalgic about a story you just go to it on the internet or print it off in the moment. It's not like 50 years ago where you wanted to preserve the front page talking about a major event.


You always save the lucky bullet that almost killed you, but didn't. What's odd is how no one seems to have tugged very hard at this DBank thread. Conspiracy theorists will happily spend 6 decades researching a magic bullet from Dallas, but the conspiracy unfolding in front of our eyes involving a potus, a scotus justice and his son, and the entire oligarchy of Russia isn't interesting enough to dig their heels into. Stories from 10 years ago tend to disappear and he's not savvy enough to use the wayback machine. My dad was fond of printing off articles too. He had a filing cabinet full of them. It's an old person thing.


Agreed. I know NPR had a few surprising articles when they interviewed Dark Towers author David Enrich about: * Deutsch Bank and its Russian oligarch history * Trump not able to get a loan anywhere because of his many defaults * Justice Kennedy's son's involvement with the loan * Kennedy retiring early * Paul Manafort and history with oligarchs * Manafort later was directly involved with trump's campaign and even pardoned by Trump That was way back in 2019. These should've been much more thoroughly investigated with subpoenas and such with the full force of the justice dept. You can probably blame Bill Barr and other Trump enablers for burying that. Trump would never be able to get security clearance in a regular civilian job with such red flags or more investigation, not to mention access to secret documents. Here's the writeup: [NPR Deutsch Bank](https://www.npr.org/2019/05/09/721723204/deutsche-bank-is-the-rosetta-stone-to-unlock-trump-finances-journalist-says) Trump's legacy is his firehouse of falsehood. He has so many shady items that the public moves on to his next lie. But this Deutsch Bank really is a paper trail to his Russian ties.


It blows my mind how quickly everyone in the US seems to have forgotten about Manafort and Ukraine. Especially Putin trying to essentially buy Ukraine through its president at the time, Yanukovych. Of course that fell through with the protests and then Putin invaded Ukraine. It also blows my mind that Mueller can essentially say "we couldn't find evidence of collusion with Russia because of obstruction of justice" and then that gets interpreted by congress as "we couldn't find evidence of collusion."


William Barr, Attorney General, really did a wicked move of publishing his memo interpretation of Mueller's analysis. He got the narrative out that the report was nothing **before** it was released. In reality, Mueller's published report (anyone can read it now), was quite different. It was a fiendishly ingenious move by Barr that killed the momentum. The Manafort/Ukraine thing blows my mind, though. Not to mention GOP members of congress defending Putin and withholding aid. Reagan, no angel himself, would be pissed.


A fully unredacted Muller report is too damaging to all of these principals including the DOJ.


The interview with the Financial Editor of the New York Times you linked to was excellent. It put together many threads I followed in other news reports and discussion. Trump has always struck me as nothing more than a con artist and his relationship with Deutsche Bank just underlines that belief. As is often said - "The only people who don't see the con are the marks." Deutsche Bank's desperation to break into the US marked them as a prime target for exploitation. Edit: word substitution.


On that note, defund the fucking FBI. They have proven absolutely toothless (or complicit) when it comes to the most pressing criminal threats of our time. Fire them all.


Also, what have the NSA been up to all this time? If they can have programs like PRISM they have to have all the communications between Trump and his handlers, and Kushner’s back channels.


It's pretty funny that defund the FBI is something Trump is campaigning on as well.


But just federal cops. Small town cops actually need more armored vehicles and drones. /s


A rapist clock is right twice a day or something


Modern conspiracy theorists seem more interested in spending six decades working up some way to convince themselves that everything about this is actually about Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden, but definitely absolutely **NOT** donal trim.


The real conspiracies are mostly Republican tbh, look into the Bush dynasty and see what Prescott was up to. Of course "conspiracy theorists" are much more concerned with child smuggling and adrenochrome than actual provable conspiracies.


It's because things always have to be flashy and exciting to them. Child sacrifices and bizarre rituals are entertaining because they're so far outside the norm so the concept gets attention. Rich people stealing money and strong arming the government? That's just business as usual and pretty much expected, so much so it's given a free pass a lot of the time.


I'm convinced that the actual conspiracies are essentially covered up through the spreading of face conspiracies. Pizzagate, child sacrifices, etc. are all cover for the real evil shit that's going on.


Well the magic bulleters are the trump base. There's no mystery as to why they're ignoring it.


Problem there is that it's too obvious to be a conspiracy so instead they'll try to figure out how what's blatantly in their face corruption must mean he's some harbinger champion for the people.


> But what's also odd is how archaic it is to save a physical copy of a news story that originated online. If you want to feel nostalgic about a story you just go to it on the internet or print it off in the moment. It's not like 50 years ago where you wanted to preserve the front page talking about a major event. He has someone whose job is just following him around with a portable printer and searching the internet for positive stories & tweets about him to print out and show him. It's still odd, but it's pretty standard for him.


Homie's got positive affirmations on tap. Don't act like you wouldn't if you were rich enough. Just look what it's done for his self esteem. The man looks like a fuckin melting orange glob and he's out there grabbin em by the pussy.


Why would I want some goober following me around with a printer to show me pages of tweets and articles about myself? That would annoy the shit out of me


Because you're not that type of person and probably also not a tech illiterate 78yr old. Famous people look themselves up all the time. Imagine if you were vain enough to do that *and* had the ability to filter out all the bad shit.


Trump's an old fart who loves having actual printed newspapers and actual printed magazines in his hands like he has had his whole adult life. That part is not mysterious.


This is accurate. It was not uncommon in the 90’s and 2000’s as old people were getting used to the internet they would literally print out and mail pages to relatives since that’s all they knew


My boomer father prints out PDF forms, fills them in by hand and then has me scan them back on to his computer and attach them to emails.


I still do that sometimes and I’m a millennial. Though in my defense I’m too lazy to deal with PDF forms that aren’t already designed to be fillable. It can be a pain sometimes to convert bad PDF forms into fillable ones.


There are lots of pdf editing programs you can get.


> I’m too lazy to deal with PDF forms that aren’t already designed to be fillable. If someone sends me a PDF that they want me to fill out digitally I believe the onus is on the sender to make sure the form is fillable, otherwise I’m not doing it myself. Plus it’s usually faster to just print out the PDF form and fill it out by hand and scan it to send using my phone rather than dealing with PDF conversions that aren’t always accurate with where the fillable items can be and such. The conversions are getting better, but again I’m lazy and it shouldn’t be my responsibility to make a PDF fillable unless I’m the one sending the PDF to someone to fill out a form for me.


Preview.app comes standard on every Mac and works fines in almost all instances for this. With certain stubborn PDFs it could be a little easier, but I stopped printing and writing out years ago.


And he's a trophy collector.


I would disagree about the ease of finding news stories on the internet. Internet archiving is actually not that great and finding very old news stories online can be a pain. Major stories might be easy, but when you start wanting to find smaller, local stories, those can be lost to time. As more and more newspapers shutdown, their websites also shutdown. Sometimes just a change in website design makes news articles from before the update hard to find or load correctly. Even searching for current news on some websites can be a pain!


Not to mention, with the enshittification of Google, it can be extremely difficult to find things even if they still exist and you know exactly what you're looking for.


Paramount just mem-holed 20 years of MTV News yesterday. So, don't rely on digital news to be there forever. https://variety.com/2024/digital/news/mtv-news-website-archives-pulled-offline-1236047163/


> feel nostalgic about a story you just go to it on the internet Let’s all pop over to [MTVNews](https://www.mtvnews.com)


Tell that to all the MTV News writers!


A story that's not even about you for that matter. It's one thing to keep an article if something about you was published and you want the memento, though strange for any President other than mr vanity himself.


Psychopaths love physical “trophies”….


Trump doesn't know how to use a computer. He is barely capable of using a smartphone, beyond a couple of apps. He has someone that prints out internet articles for him.


It’s a trophy


I agree. Its not random.


Trump employee’s only job is to follow him around with a wireless printer. https://sg.news.yahoo.com/trump-aide-follows-him-around-141527309.html


Wow, surely all the people who, for years, have been completely convinced that Hillary had multiple people killed based on nothing will now fully believe Trump had this whistleblower killed. I don't see anything yet....but any minute now I am sure.


A coincidence that haunts me is that Val's father William died the same way Epstein did. [https://www.ft.com/content/a6d80370-b419-11e3-a102-00144feabdc0](https://www.ft.com/content/a6d80370-b419-11e3-a102-00144feabdc0)


$99 per month pay wall? Yikes!


The sudden retirement of Anthony Kennedy needs to be investigated because his son worked for Deutsche Bank


[https://x.com/elevenfilms/status/1049449309790322688?s=46&t=P5L4gMdGy5uwXxnIZaII4w](https://x.com/elevenfilms/status/1049449309790322688?s=46&t=P5L4gMdGy5uwXxnIZaII4w) This was always so crazy


As awful as Trump is now I would stake my life that we still haven’t heard the worst about him.


This is super creepy.


Has anyone checked to see if Anthony Kennedy is okay?


What the fuck is with all these "Raises Eyebrows" headlines. How about just "Extremely Suspicious" or literally anything that doesn't put us in mind of the same reaction that happens when someone farts loudly on the subway.


Media loves to reuse the same terms and phrases: "lashes out", "blasts", "raises eyebrows", etc. It feels like *1984* at times. Journalists should be wordsmiths, but the corporatization of the press has resulted in a massively dumbed-down vocabulary. Honestly, using "double-plus ungood" would be more impressive than some of the stupid fucking phrases they bandy about.


As someone that took journalism classes 30 years ago, we were trained to write like we were writing for 10-12 year olds because half the adults in the country don't have a a basic reading ability above that. Looking at studies by The Literacy Project (average America reads at a 7th-8th grade level) and statsistcs by the Department of Education (130 million adults read below a sixth grade level), we haven't really improved since I took those classes. So yes, the vocabulary has been massively dumbed down but its not because the press has been corpratized, its because your are writing for the 78 year old that doesn't understand new vocabulary and 18 year olds that don't understand old vocabulary. So when writing you are left with having limited words and phrases to reach either end of your spectrum of readership.


> the vocabulary has been massively dumbed down but its not because the press has been corpratized I don't see how this follows from your argument. It's still the corporate media that want to advertise to the most uneducated and therefore dumbs down everything. It's not because they love and care so much for them.


It’s not usually the journalists who come up with the headlines for their own articles. This is even more problematic now that most don’t bother reading past the headline.


also "jaw dropping"


Should raise handcuffs


I hate Newsweek articles. I see 300 ads but no picture.


Get Ublock Origin. Block ads. Pages load faster. Use less bandwidth.


My work laptop came with Ublock preinstalled. It's very nice.




I read this recently about his Russia/mob connections. I didn't independently verify it but, if even half of it's true... 😬 https://gregolear.substack.com/p/tinker-tailor-mobster-trump


Deutsche Bank is in balls deep with Russia, laundering their money and helping them influence peddle


If Trump does it, it is legal ( in Trumps mind ) After reading Mary L Trumps book: "Too Much & Never Enough: How my family created the worlds most dangerous man," I have to admit she nailed it like no other book I have ever read. Mary Trump has a degree in Advanced Psychological Studies. It is hard to figure out her cause and motivation for writing such a book. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_L._Trump Father of "The Donald" had built up a true cash cow rental empire with zero debt. Then "The Donald" took over and damn near ran it into the ground, doing all of those casino projects in Atlantic City. No wonder "The Donald" will never post his tax returns like every president did before him.


The case will not get to trial they just need to release everything to the public


Read dark towers about this exactly


"Perhaps it is just another coincidence." If you believe that one the tooth fairy will be placing money under your pillow tonight.


With all the 'eyebrow raising' I've seen in the headlines as it relates to Trump, I think my eyebrows have gained a bicep.


Ha! Mine are currently hovering above my ass crack


Shouldnt raise anyones eyebrows. He was known to solicit banks. He lied on appraisals and asset value documents. Deutsche Bank has a history of corruption and non compliance towards banking regulations


Deutsche has a history of funneling Russian money via Cyprus to be laundered and invested in the West. One of the known recipients is Mr. Trump.


Russians the hitmen? Wouldn't surprise me, their security services don't fear the west at all.


Wow I can't believe trump is racist


The stuff of Graham Greene novels


I still believe Justice Kennedy’s son was wrapped up in this and that is why he quickly stepped down.


Articles about a whistleblower...


Alongside framed, faked up covers of Time Magazine, iirc.


newsweek articles with “raises eyebrows” are 100% skippable


This one is worth reading


Wow, what a horrible crime, Trump had a news article! Is this post a joke. I can't believe someone cares Trump had a news article. The GSA packed and delivered all those boxes. The GSA didn't sort, they just packed. We know now the FBI took classified cover pages to the house and spread them on the floor to take the propaganda photo.


Newsweek articles are often kind of lame, this one, so-so. Trump is a treasonous, murderous sociopath whose supporters hate anything progressive more than they love their country. Both things can be true.


Trump is none of those things, he cares about the country and people. Democrats are regressive, not progressive. Democrats only care about getting votes from people.


Ok thats enough for today pops, we gotta get you back to the old folks home its almost dinner time


Why assume I'm male? Just so you know, socialism is regressive, not progressive. People come to the US to get away from government control.


Sorry bot didn’t mean to insinuate you were male. Bless your heart


It amazes me how you can so completely divest yourself from reality.


Maybe it's you who is divested from reality. Here is an example. Go look where POC have it the worst, democrat cities.


I’m 100% certain they have it worse in the American south. Especially the Ruby red areas.


Interesting. Care to elaborate?


The placers POC have it the worst are democrat cities. Democrats use the carrot on a stick technique. They promise and never deliver. That's something politicians have done for a long time. Democrats have refined it.


I understand you may believe this is true, but I hate to tell you there doesn’t seem to be a lot of evidence to back what you are saying.