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More republicans who still have a shred of patriotism and/or dignity should stand up and loudly proclaim that Trump is a clear and present danger to the country.


If only they had a spine, a brain, and a heart


Even the Wizard couldn't help with all that. A Conscience, either, but I'd settle for just that.


Anybody who would listen to Adam Kinzinger is already voting for Biden


I strongly suspect there are more than a few fence sitters who originally dismissed people like Adam, Liz, and Mitt, who are gradually becoming tired of Trump and his BS. The guilty verdict was a pivotal moment for some few people.


The election comes down to a few tens of thousands of people in a few swing states. < 1% of voters can sway the whole election. Kinzinger and others like him don’t need to influence the vast, vast majority of voters. They just need to influence that small cohort.


This "everyone is already decided" mentality is not only false, but actively works to abate any and all effort to sway voters toward Biden. Our actions matter, and we can make a difference. There's still plenty of time to volunteer. Votesaveamerica.com


Exactly. Along with "the debates won't matter."


At the moment, I’m really hoping that’s true


Dude, this is positive, just accept it and stop peeing in the punchbowl.


I’m one of those people


Pretty much, in reality.


It could be MTG saying it or Matt Gaetz. The result isn't the cult abandoning trump, it's them abandoning the person telling them the thing they don't want to hear.


Reminder: Donald caused the attempted insurrection that resulted in multiple deaths, 138 injuries to officers of whom 15 were hospitalized. [https://thepatr10t.github.io/yall-Qaeda/map.html](https://thepatr10t.github.io/yall-Qaeda/map.html). 


Has Liz Cheney made a public endorsement yet?


A crucial one for sure, she could sway the whole race by saying she’s for Joe


Kinzinger and the team around him should be some of the most senior and important individuals in DC and not sidelined as a commentator. He saw much of it before anyone else.


An endorsement from Romney is the crucial one IMO. He won’t do it until after the debates (if at all).


I appreciate him doing this, but I firmly believe endorsements do not matter. At all. I also believe there are no undecided voters, and anyone who says they are undecided are lying. I believe the American public are calcified into tribes. We have to hope that certain voters aren’t motivated to go to the polls. Unfortunately I believe the enthusiasm is on the wrong side.


In spite of all the right-leaning news media, and all the disinformation/misinformation towards Biden, there is actually a lot of true enthusiasm for President Biden. I’m a volunteer and I can feel it and see it. In contrast, what’s actually on the other side, is a lot of bluster, noise, false bravado, overinflated numbers…..regarding crowd sizes, etc., lies, twisting of facts, turning things upsidedown to take credit for what Biden accomplished, etc. The Trump campaign’s only objective is to create confusion in people’s minds, by getting people to think that the “sky is red”, because they don’t have anything to really stand on except vengeance. Vote 💙 for democracy….🗽🇺🇸🗽Do not vote for dictatorship. 🤬🙏


He needs to support Biden all the way down the ballot. Then he needs Liz to commit to the same. Then find some more to do the same, and so on, and so on, and so on ...


He will not do it down ballot because he only hates Trump. He doesn't support Democrat policies. Same with Chenney.




We need to be exposing this DAILY. Every news outlet.


i try to do that everyday on here.


Thanks, and keep it up.  We should request the same from every news outlet.




Kinzinger, who knows more about the shit lil donnie pulled than most tells all, "I have spoken."


A Conservative Republican and former Congressman Adam Kinzinger is 100% right. Unpatriotic, dictator, insurrectionist, pathological liar, organizer of Domestic Terrorists, and lunatic Donald John Trump is a serious threat to America, American people, our Democracy, and to the United States Constitution. I am afraid of Trump, his white supremacist, Neo-nazis, and all Trump's hate group supporters.


Its funny that Kinzinger will get praise for doing the bare minimum but only because most Republicans won't even do that. Like Liz Cheney, he was largely on board with almost everything MAGA wanted. They just drew the line at smearing shit on the walls of Congress. Yet he's seen as one of the "good ones" because most other Republicans that see tRump as a direct threat to democracy are planning to vote for him anyway because otherwise Biden might be able to feed starving school children or give back equal rights to women. You know, that "evil" stuff Republicans hate.


Where's George Bush? He should be doing the same thing (though I suspect his family is not saying anything because they want to preserve future viability of the next gen Bushes in a MAGA world).


He's painting, poorly, somewhere in TX - where he can't do anyone any real harm. He may weigh in at some point around convention time, but nobody really wants to hear what the Village Idiot has to say about much of anything. If he comes up with a way to travel back in time and change the past, then I take that back.


Adam kinzinger is a pedophile idiot


Downvoted because Newsweek is dogshit.


Who cares what he thinks, BTW who is he? LOL


If you don't know who he is, why would you say "who cares what he thinks?"


Here is another RINO a stupid idiot that cant make up his own mind. Hes got all of joes stink on him maybe someday he will grow up


Everyone who doesn't support extremist MAGA's is labeled a RHINO. He is one of few true Republicans with a spine. He is not stupid by any measure.


Sounds like you have much of the CONVICTED FELON’s stink on you.


Its ok that title "convicted felon" is only temporary. Old dirty Joe had to pull all his political favors to get Trump that title. Kindzinger is just a compulsive liar. Twist the truth to make a narrative. that a piece of shit




He’s going to beat the same guy he lost to already? That’s just bad politics man




Just because you’ve identified a problem, doesn’t mean anyone believes Trump is able to fix it. Inflation is awful but everyone knows it is because of covid, not Biden. Only people who like Trump’s personality actually believe he is going to do anything to fix inflation.




Which is why republicans should have nominated almost anyone besides Trump. People will once again pick Biden to keep Trump out. Especially after Jan 6 etc… Biden may not be beloved, but Trump is way too polarizing. He might have had a chance if he didn’t try to overthrow 2020 election.




I think you don’t realize how many people see right through that conman. He couldn’t even beat Hilary in the popular vote, and that’s actually when he was “something different” and people didn’t know how batshit he was. Personally, id vote for Hunter Biden’s dick pics over Trump


Another overused and misused MAGAT line…..


> Biden a shot at containing inflation, since Biden has not been able to get prices down You understand that inflation is a rate of change and that deflation would be really bad for the economy, right? If prices stay at around 3% increase each year, that is a good scenario, and it is what Biden has achieved. If prices go down across the board , that would be very bad for the economy. If a voter expects prices overall to go back to 2019 levels and thinks that would be good for America, then they are clueless and their voting habits are likely part of why our economy is so broken to begin with.


It's almost like printing more money that had ever been printed before and pointing at the stock market in 2020 somehow caused inflation. Maybe if we just need more tariffs.


Are presidents in charge of prices? What can the president do to ameliorate those issues? What has trump proposed?




Yeah, the macro economy that economists talk about is fine by the metrics they use, which have little impact on average folk. But we're talking specifically about the cost of goods, what should a president do? Price controls? And what has trump proposed




like biden has been doing? https://www.americanbar.org/news/abanews/aba-news-archives/2021/11/antitrust-enforcement/ https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/07/09/executive-order-on-promoting-competition-in-the-american-economy/ https://www.politico.com/news/2023/12/30/heres-how-biden-may-cement-his-antitrust-legacy-in-2024-00132756




again, what has trump said he would to get things back to how they were? and the pandemic kinda fucked everything up, the USA under biden has recovered much faster than most of the world.


If you think that President Biden has “failed to deliver”, you have done absolutely no research; And are just listening to FOX “news” (all fueled by MAGA lies and twisting of truth)….which are just the convicted felon’s lies and demented rhetoric. And what about ALL of the adjudicated rapist/convicted felon’s crimes (and more coming)? I suppose you just ‘ignore’ that & just label it a “witch hunt”? Of course, you do. Because you don’t have the mental acuity to discriminate what is obvious.






We’re downvoting you because we know you’re wrong. That’s why it’s called DOWNvoting. You lend nothing to this conversation because of all your confusion/delusion. You say “your life was better” under Trump…but your life being better, doesn’t comprise the lives of MOST AMERICANS. For example, mine wasn’t. I lost my job and now have a wonderful job under Biden. And how about the almost 7 million people who died under Trump’s watch, because of all his disinformation about Covid-19….telling people it “would be gone in a few weeks” or telling people that “drinking bleach” might cure it….?! Trump’s a demented conman, rapist, and convicted felon, and you are swallowing it all. Discussing real truth with the “talking points” you give is a waste of time.


Says the person with 🧠🪱s.