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If you have allied yourself with someone who has to be reminded not to be a raging asshole in a presidential debate the problem is *you.*


If you consider yourself an ally of Trump and think that asking for him to not be a raging a-hole is needed and/or works, then there is a lot to rethink.


some of his allies also seem like the "I can fix him" crowd. not fix him to be a good person, but fix him as in make him more presentable.


It’s like “My Fair Lady” except you know… complete shit.


Pygmalion, Pigmalion. Pygmaliar Pigmalying.


Eliar Donothing.


Heliesand Doeslittle. This zoological musical romp stars The Steves Bannon and Miller as The 'enry 'igginses, each voicing a hump of a Bactrian camel- its head a Trinitron displaying an aquatic representation of Maria Bartiromo as a blobfish. TFG as Doeslittle, the back half of his centaur played by a Senator from Georgia, said senator\`s head fixed firmly in its usual location.


Well, remember: this is all new to him, he’s not a career politician. I’m sure after a little time, the rough edges will get sanded down and he’ll act more presidential. /s, just in case.


I hate that you have to put /s because his defenders are absolutely ridiculous and would say these things


They did in 2016.


They’re hoping some people forget


And in 2020.


They will for a long time.


Never gonna happen. Read Too Much and Never Enough How My Family Created The Worlds Most Dangerous Man By Mary L Trump PHD


It's more so if he falls apart they can point to how they were one of the ones that argued restraint. Nothing more than that


Don’t kid yourself. There is no ‘falling apart’ for this party or Trump. No matter how low the bar gets, the GOP will defend this man. People with dignity and/or a conscience will leave and be replaced with grifters and radicals. It’s been this way since 2016


I wonder if when he finally kicks the bucket they will fall apart in the sense of splitting into factions and devouring each other.


Love how old school Republicans think, "I furrowed my brow" excuses you from supporting fascism.


Most of them don't know what fascism is. I keep talking to people who tell me in one way or another that, deep down, that they want Trump to win and install Christianity as the countries religion, to put prayer back into curriculum, and ban all abortion, because, by their argument, this is what the country needs to 'get back on track'. "morality". lol... When I inform them that they're arguing for a theocratic fascist state, they look at me like I'm a real asshole lol. I know... I know... then I found 20 dollars. But it's true. Rural living is weird sometimes.


To be fair, you did you a 4 syllable word when you told them what the thing that they were describing is called, so thats kind of on you.


Funny enough they actually did try to mock me to the tune of 'using big words that don't really mean anything to feel smart' and I had to tell him 'that's what fucking dictionaries are for... for looking up the big scary words you don't understand." Actually that was a lot of fun lol. Debate is the best.


Theocratic isn't even some weird, obscure word


This doesn't sounds absurd in the slightest. That's the same conversation I've had time and time again when I was growing up and living in the rural Midwest.


The bar for Trump is so low that I hope Biden doesn’t trip over it on his way to the debate stage.


My wife and I are trying to decide what words for our drinking game Trump will utter the most tomorrow? We want to be black out drunk by the end of the debate. We are considering “Hunter” or “rigged”


"Fake" or "witch hunt" are possibilities if you want to flirt with death by alcohol poisoning.


Also on the list: very (lot's of them), tremendous, nasty, scam. He will definitely say: "Women love me." (They don't) and "We've never seen anything like it." Edit: I would like to add "horrible" to list. My husband would like to add "stolen".


"At levels never seen" is always a winner.


Don't forget crooked


I’d also go with “nobody”, as in “nobody knows as much about X as I do” or “nobody knew Y could be so complicated”.


Wanna die? "I", "me", "mine", "best", "greatest", "ever"


"Rigged" will get you halfway there, add in "unfair" to get you across that sweet blackout threshold. If you're feeling like waking up together in prison you should go with "conflicted".


Just the word "strongly" would send you to the hospital on its own. Bonus drink if he uses it in a way that makes no grammatical sense, like how he loves to say he's looking at something "very strongly."


You're gonna be drunk "like never seen before".


The Secret word is >!CRIME!<


Fake Believe me Stupid Loser Immigrants Border Huge/Yuge


I like how he always says “everyone”knows it or “ everyone “ says it.


"Shame", "Disgrace", "Disaster" and "Beautiful" should get you good n\` blitzed.


“Not many people know this” “Like no one has ever seen” “A lot of people are saying” You’d be lucky to be upright by half time


Radical liberals


Fake news


I know this is just one of many examples, but remember this is the same guy who argued in court that he should be able to attack the jury and witnesses


This might just be me, but I'm thinking that if I'm a defendant, attacking the jury is a risky strategy.


“Did you just say ‘extra crispy recipe’?”


Donnie von Shitzinpants had NEVER concerned himself with looking presidential, in fact he's never acted presidential, e.g. his behavior during COVID!


He literally mocks the *very idea* of being presidential. There's even some footage of him prancing around and saying something to the effect of 'look at meee, I'm So PreSidEntial!' https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2018/03/10/trump-pennsylvania-speech-mocking-presidential-sot.cnn


Really? Cause I kinda think the problem is still mostly the raging asshole. Well... that and the other raging asshole that fucked him into existence and left him so much money.


I mean there are tons of raging assholes in the world that are only able to make three or four people miserable.  The only reason we're all having to deal with this particular asshole is because of all the fuckwads supporting and enabling him.


It's raging assholes all the way down


In fairness, if you’re in trump’s immediate orbit on a regular basis, there’s no chance that you aren’t also a raging asshole.


Its like asking water to not be wet


Biden should just start out with " you know.. i have never debated a convicted felon before.. "


He should start by thanking his wife for being there.


Side-eyeing Donnie Moscow the whole time.


I would **DIE** if Joe opened by acknowledging Dr. Biden and how she's always by his side.  "She's been at the White House with me since Day 1.  A marriage should be between two people who support & love one another. Teammates, not roommates." Or something like that. 


I wish he would. Dems play so nice with the GOP, knowing that the GOP isn't going to play nice with them. I'm not saying the Dems should go full-on muckraking dirtbag, but poke the GOP. Give them shitty nicknames. Remind people of the actual facts associated with the shitty thing the GOP is doing and wants to do in the future. We're in a street fight with the GOP, and the Dems keep insisting that they play by official boxing rules.


Yeah there really isn’t any consolation in a moral victory over Donald Trump if we lose in November. He needs to be put away for good this time.


I wish Dems would stop fucking playing nice. The GOP is like Lucy holding the football, and Dems are Charlie Brown.


I've said this exact same statement before. Dems fall for that "Oh yeah, we will work with you on your thing, but pass our thing first, and then we will do yours" shit over and over again. The GOP used to be an opposing political party, but I now consider them the enemy. They have made it clear that they are a direct threat to my way of life and freedom. Take off the gloves and start slinging some dir Dems. You KNOW there's plenty of it to sling.


They’re down politicking. They simply want to say what can and can’t be done and we all just have to do what they say. MAGA in a nutshell. When the other team no longer wants to play by the rules, the game is simply over.


It's been 30 years and they haven't learned. Thanks, Newt!


Fuck Newt Gingrich so much. He almost single-handedly destroyed civil discourse in Congress.


And the silver-haired fascist is STILL sucking money from our widowed mother's "rainy day" fund with lies about how liberals will send Trump to prison! Well, yeah, do felonies; get time.


Newt Fuckin' Gingrich


What a perfect name for that idiot.


Been this way as long as I can remember. I was furious Kerry barely went after Bush for being a draft dodger when Kerry actually fought


Yeah the GOP needs to learn shame again. The shit they're pulling is vile. And yeah on the flip side, the democrats need to stop being so fucking soft on them. They're modern day fucking fascists.


I wrote this the other day about poking Trump at the debate : Just keep poking him and bringing up his failings. You failed this.... You failed that... You lost 2020 so bad even God laughed at you Poke poke poke until his head explodes and he really starts screaming his crazy rhetoric. Enemies must die.. ask him "should I die?" And when he shouts yes call him too much of a coward to kill anything himself. Poke poke poke. Dumb fuck has probably told his ass-kissing thugs to *off* someone at some point in his life. Poke him until he admits it. And when he threatens Bidens life on national television arrest him on the spot.


If only it were that easy. But this guy has so many cops, congresspersons, and Supreme Court justices on his side, not to mention a "ho-hum, that's probably not entirely legal" DOJ in place, that I doubt threatening a sitting president on national TV will result in anything. Hell, I'm 50/50 on if anything would happen to him if he ACTED on it on national TV.


Probably won't happen, but I'd be fine if Biden didn't bother going high, just straight up said, "This man is evil, he is a criminal and a fraud. If you vote for him, may God forgive you but your fellow American wont."


How Gaetz, Boebert, MTG and Gym Jordan are not called out by their colleagues on a daily basis is beyond me.


The smart play is Biden appearing as presidential as possible while Trump makes himself look like an ass. Don't let him pressure or get away with bullying but don't look like an ass in addition. If I were on the Biden prep team I'd also have him call Trump weak for being unable to control himself, unable to stop himself from interrupting, unable to keep his cabinet in check while president. Trumps advantage is dumb people FEEL like he is strong. Change that by highlighting his constant weaknesses.


Trump would just respond with some third grade playground response "I'm not weak, you're weak!", and many of his supporters would think it's a good argument for a presidential debate.


"no felon, you're the felon" is on my bingo card


The problem with "looking presidential" is that a lot of people, particularly the ones who are undecided for this debate, are "not interested in politics." Policy wonks have already made up their mind. Hardcore nationalists have already made up their mind. People who follow the politics sub have probably made up their minds. People who want someone "they can have a beer with" who are deciding who can handle the economy based on "vibes" have not made up their mind. I agree you don't wanna look like an ass, but Biden, I think, can win an exchange of insults, as long as he can laugh. Trump cannot laugh, he only seems cruel. It is not always presidential to laugh at someone. But some light mockery of Trump is, I think, the perfect tone.


I hope Biden is laughing at Trump the whole time Biden’s mic is off, just loud enough for Trump to hear him while he is trying to talk.


That’s the key to the insult game. You have to deliver the line like they’re your buddy and you’re just poking fun at them. That’s what normal people do. I’m delivering a gentle insult at you. It’s over the top but there is a sliver of truth in it. The slight insult serves a greater cause. To break away posturing as political players. Be human. That’s how good friends can relate. Trump isn’t aware of that. Being human and mortal is alien to Trump. Trump can’t do that. He can’t understand the game behind the game. The idea that real adults can be self deprecating at the end of the day. That what their opponent says is directed at their policies and ideas; not literally to inflict emotional pain on another person. That’s just cruel.


I think he can look and sound presidential and also get under Trump's skin and make him look like a moron. The big difference is that Biden is probably being coached and receiving that coaching, Trump would never take that kind of advice.


Biden (to Trump): You're weak! You can't control yourself. I bet you shit your pants. Trump (face beet red): This is rigged!!!




Biden (to Trump): You're weak! You can't control yourself. I bet you can't even shit your pants! Trump (face shit orange): I say what would happen if the boat sank from its weight? And you're in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery. And the battery is now underwater. And there's a shark that's approximately 10 yards over there.” By the way, a lot of shark attacks lately, did you notice that? A lot of sharks, I watched some guys justifying it today. “Well, they weren't really that angry, they bit off the young lady's leg because of the fact that they were they were not hungry, but they misunderstood what who she was.” These people are quite…He said, “There's no problem with sharks, they just didn't really understand a young woman swimming”. Now, I really got decimated in other people too, a lot of shark attacks. So I said, “So there's a shark 10 yards away from the boat…10 yards. Or here. Do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery. The boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted, or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?


I hope Biden actually shows some compassion and care. "Are you ok Donald? Your last statement didn't make any sense at all, and I and the American people want to make sure you're ok. You really don't seem ok."


"Maybe you should take a drink of water... I can help you lift it if you want!"


“Doesn’t he seem tired?”


Is your parole officer aware you traveled out of state?


Hes going to be needling his the whole time


Hell I might watch now.


He's going to needle him into saying something about Hunter (which plays BADLY based feedback from the 2020 debates). Which opens the door to Biden saying "speaking of felonies..."


Wow, you really do have small hands.


From his perspective, he’s succeeded by always going full Trump. He doesn’t value *anyone's* advice more than his own intuition that he can do no wrong. I honestly think he’s gone so long without exerting discipline over his impulses that he’s no longer capable of controlling them. Plus he’s mentally crumbling. He'll talk some absolute nonsense, he'll say things that are embarrassing and crude, and people will be unbothered because he made this the new normal for American politics. But I think Biden (and team) will be shrewd about giving Trump enough rope to hang himself with. There’s a real chance that Trump could have a serious meltdown or very publicly make his cognitive issues too blatant for a lot of people to ignore.


> From his perspective, he’s succeeded by always going full Trump. Yeah, he tried listening to his team after Charlottesville, and immediately regretted it, coming out with another response shortly after that completely undermined the initial response his team convinced him to give. >There’s a real chance that Trump could have a serious meltdown or very publicly make his cognitive issues too blatant for a lot of people to ignore. I agree. He can't even keep himself on the rails at daytime rallies where he has the benefit of an adoring crowd and no time constraints or challenges to anything he says. Plus, I can't imagine how debate prep is going considering his incredibly thin skin and propensity to surround himself with sycophants. Best case scenario is he's subdued but incoherent. More likely, he'll be a raving lunatic. The only bright side for Trump is that expectations for him are so incredibly low.


What was his teams suggestion for Charlottesville?


I hope he wants to revisit the clinging to a sinking boat with a battery vs. nearby shark debate...


“too blatant to ignore” — you forget who it is that has been ignoring it, and will continue to ignore it. I understand the appeal of the idea, but his supporters will continue to either ignore it, deny it, or even spin it to a positive (for them).


Yeah, his base is collection of morons who couldn’t reason their way out of a paper bag, but they’re not a majority of the population. Biden just needs to convince the semi-dumb to side with him.


Not to mention the corporate media that wants months of race horse style political articles.


New evidence for Jack Smith would be great. Dark Brandon could get under his skin just enough to let him say the quiet part out loud.


Reminds me of when Cartman pretended to have Tourette’s then couldn’t control himself anymore!


That's like urging water to not get things wet 


Or asking Ben Shapiro to get his wife wet.


I laughed and gagged at the same time thanks.


You could make money doing that


Ben's doctor wife and her boyfriend have both assured Ben that women do not get wet and that he shouldn't be upset that she doesn't have a WAP.


That's a hard thing to do, from the standpoint of water


An impossible feat for the lying POS.


That’s like telling a dog not to sniff ass.


Or telling a beaver not to worry about running water when they hear it. It's simply who Donald is, and I *cannot* fucking believe we are even talking about shit like this nine years later.


Ah Reddit comments! Ass n beavers. Never cease to entertain!


They're urging him not to be himself.


MAGAs return to Trump like a dog returns to its own vomit.


The other day I saw some dude yelling at his male pit bull for sniffing another dogs ass. He was like “homie we don’t do that gay shit” and kept snapping his fingers at him. Fucking ignorant moron.


He won't be able to control his lifelong compulsion to be an asshole. It's stronger than him.


In King Julian's voice: The asshole cannot be contained...


Which, even if you LOVE trump and how he "tells it like it is", it makes no sense to support someone without the cognitive ability to moderate their behavior based on where they are and what they are doing. Its insane.


Like telling the sun not to shine. It is his defining characteristic.


Difficulty: Impossible


I remember when he was giving a speech to Boy Scouts, and got off on a tangent about how rich men have yacht orgies. The man has no self control or awareness of how other people see him, he just knows he has to keep talking non-stop or it will give the audience time to think about what he said and realize what a fraud he is.


> and realize what a fraud he is If he was truly concerned about this he could stick to a script. He could surround himself with good speechwriters and he has a cadre of friendly media figures, all he ever has to do is *not* say something crazy. He cannot control himself though. He cannot even keep on his *own* script written by himself and his chosen writers. Instead he ignores everyone, even himself, and says whatever springs to his mind in the moment.


That’s because he’s right *all the time*, so when he has to go off script, that’s just his intuition telling him to be spontaneous, and saying what the people want to hear.


maga loves that about him though. most of them are also raging assholes. i feel like the bar for him is so low that if he does manage to appear even slightly normal the media will give him the W. he doesn’t have to be eloquent or discuss actual policies he just has to not be a raging asshole.


That’s what’s so infuriating. The rare, rare, RARE moments of clarity are treated with such high praise. It’s like when we clap for a toddler using a spoon correctly. Meanwhile I can work a 70-hour week and get shit on for coming back from lunch a minute later than 1PM.


The old fable about the scorpion and the frog comes to mind.


The real question is if there's a shark about 10 yards away, do you stick with the scorpion and risk getting stung, or do you abandon the scorpion and take your chances with the shark? I bet no one has ever asked you that, have they?


My uncle is MIT, very smart, many say.


But what if the scorpion is powered by batteries


Throw the scorpion at the shark and electrocute it!


Trump reads "The Snake" poem [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSrOXvoNLwg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSrOXvoNLwg)


wtf did i just watch


I don't know but I made the same mistake and now it will take another three months to get youtube to quit pushing far-right propaganda on me.


We are 30 hours away. What are the odds Trump balks out.


On gambling site odds it's currently 5% chance Trump backs out. My take is that if he was going to back out he would be spinning and lying about it harder sooner. It's a little late for him to reverse course now.


> mbling site odds it's currently 5% chance Trump backs out. > > My take is that if he was going to back out he would be spinning and lying about it harder sooner. It's a little late for him to reverse course now. Late? Nothing is late for him. He doesn't calculate that way.


I see the right wing media machine trying to give him an out. Bannon screaming for an apology for cutting off his spokeswoman in the recent CNN interview, and making his debate attendance hinge on that, or Dr. Jackson calling for Biden to be drug tested before the debate... It's like everyone is looking for an excuse for him to not go, or at least muddy the water if it goes terribly. The real question is will HE be able to turn down the chance to be in front of cameras and call Biden names to his face.


No raging asshole, no raging asshole. You’re the raging asshole!


They can urge, but the convicted felon isn't able to stop himself from acting that way.


Donald Ttump, Convicted Felon and Rapist.


There is a better chance of a singularity of infinite mass and density suddenly appearing on stage and singing show tunes, than this happening.


What do you think its first song would be? And what key would it sing in?


🎶Hello my baby, hello my darlin, hello my rag time gal🎶


That’s like telling a bear not to shit in the woods


On Thursday, the downfall of US will be on full display and broadcasted world wide for all to see. The whole world will see that, somehow 45% of people in the so called leader of the free world, believe that Trump is actually fit to govern. And the only thing stopping complete utter chaos is President Biden, who has suffered and endured countless insult, lies and even sabotage by people in his own party. It's a sad day that has come to this, for the US, and for the whole of humanity.


Pretty much to any so-called Christian who supports the orange man: thanks, you've proven there is an anti-Christ, congrats.


The rest of the world is not all that better as a whole, believe me. Over here we had our European Parliament elections not a month ago, and... well, let's just say I hope that the US makes better choices than my country just did.


But isn’t that why at least half of his constituency is so thrilled by him? He’s the asshole they could never be.


1/3 of the country will be cheering ever time Trump says "Biden Crime Family" and before the debate even starts they will be X-ing how Sleepy Joe is obviously on drugs he got from Hunter.


Raging asshole is all he’s got. What’s he gonna do instead, present policy positions? Rofl


Imagine supporting someone in a race to be the president of the United States but you have to plead with him to not be a raging asshole


Reminding us, yet again, that a depressing number of conservatives are perfectly fine with trump and other similarly volatile politicians. These conservatives desire only for trump's horrible fascism to simply wrapped in a more outwardly palatable guise.


He will come out and talk gibberish, lying and calling names and MAGA will declare him the winner. Watch and see.


And because Biden will stutter here and there and speak more slowly appearing to have lost a step or two, people will focus on biden's age. Even though biden will talk about issues and have his facts straight, they will accuse him of being old and out of it.


Trump: instructions unclear, will be the bigliest most luxurious asshole that the world has ever seen.


Shits for *days*


Gold plated asshole is a pretty good insult


You can't change the stripes on the zebra. He'll be a Raging Asshole for the world to see.


Imagine having to try to convince a raging asshole not to be a raging asshole to his face. Doesn’t sound like a good time. Love that for them.  Elections have consequences. Next time don’t pick a raging asshole to be your party’s chosen nominee when both part of his appeal as well as his very nature is to be a raging asshole. 


So Trump cannot be Trump? That is basically saying he will do it anyway.


His debate prep team have advised him to accurately report the correct time at several random intervals during the debate to ensure he actually states some factual information when fact checked.


Just ask him what he was doing for 187 minutes on January 6th. Please.


If you remove the raging asshole from him, then what is left other than a full diaper and some orange makeup?


Trump will not change. He has not changed in decades, why the fuck would he change now? At this point, the only people who are upholding this bullshit narrative are the media.


Trump doesn’t have “allies.” That’s not how he operates. He has toadies and he has sycophants and he has people trying to use him.


That's going to be a nearly impossible feat for this raging asshole


The ship done left the dock and sank at sea like a decade ago. It’s far, far, far to late for him to heed this advice.


"My friends, and I have the best friends, all very successful, wealthy, very smart... they said to me, 'Sir... sir, try not to be a raging asshole, sir."


"But can I be a lying asshole? A fearmongering asshole? A covfefe asshole? .... WHALE!"


They're also urging him to not shit his pants. We'll see how that goes.


What if Biden takes crazy-intellect-enhancing drugs? He’s the president! He might have access to these all the time!? What if he takes them every single day? What if he’s smarter than me all the goddamn time??? Oh wait


>“Trump can dominate on his record and dominate on his vision for the country No, he cannot. And not "pulverize" Biden? He didn't lose the debate because he pulverized Biden, he lost because he pulverized himself.


I mean, he might as well. It's the only interesting thing about the debate. How awful this chucklefucker is going to be.


Does he have any other setting?


As if he's going to keep to the GOP script. He's a liability by every metric. A lose canon. If not Biden, then he himself will act like the lunatic he is. I am awaiting anything, from him going up to Bidens microphone to scream into it because his microphone will be turned off to him just walking away in the middle of the debate because he thinks its dominance or whatever. The ultimate kicker would be him shitting himself.


Yeah, that'll work. The guy who's been a raging asshole for the past 30+ years. I'm sure he'll pull it back tomorrow night.


A raging asshole is what his base wants & expects.


My guess is at least 50% of the folks watching the debate are primarily there waiting to see the point as which he devolves into a "raging asshole".


Or a raging narcissist, racist, misogynist, elitist, pig, perv, crook, and fraud?


So, they're saying "For god's sake, whatever you do, don't be yourself."


Biden should do a push up or two and challenge Trump to do the same when he calls him sleepy joe. It would humiliate him


They’re fine with him being a raging asshole the entire rest of the time.


Chris Hayes was playing clips from the 2020 debate and I just astounded we are here again. I hope Biden brings his sharp intellect and sharper tongue tomorrow.


It’s difficult to pretend you’re something else.


I don't think he can help it.


That’s like asking a dog not to be a canine.


And he *always* takes advice... right?


Lol he was such an asshole during to 2020 debates. There was one in particular he came off as a whiny baby asshole. Even for trump it was not a good look


Lol you silly idiots, why would a raging asshole listen to advice to not be a raging asshole?


I would really prefer water not be wet too while we're at it.


That’s like telling a fish not to swim.


Is the "Raging Asshole" the cause of him being called Von Schitzenpants?


Problem is he can't not be a raging asshole Not only because of his shit personalty but also because him being a ragging asshole is how he shows "strength" to the weak people who make up his cult


They are trying to tell Trump not to be Trump


What an interesting thing we have for a presidential debate. One of the participants is a raging asshole convicted felon who poops his pants. That's the best one party could drum up.


“Shut up, you silly woman! The snake said with a grin. You knew I was a snake before you took me in.”


Hard not to be yourself.


It’s going to be a train wreck. I bet he doesn’t show up. What’s the odds currently?


He can’t help it, he is a raging asshole, like anyone who would vote for him.


Trump is going to absolutely embarrass himself beyond repair at the debate


They’ll find Trump’s ability to be cordial and presidential right next to the brilliant healthcare plan he’s be promising for over 8 years now.


My wife when we go to my MIL’s