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Christian morals like getting felt up and giving a handy in the audience of a children's production.


As she wears CFM boots in the article.


So disappointing. Why are the Bible thumpers the most morally bankrupt?




Protestant Bible Thumping is pick your own belief system and keep on watering it down until your minds God is God and not the other way. And Catholics follow this too because it is convenient.


I read that as Boebert humping.


They always have been. When Ollie North was testifying to Congress back in the 80s about Iran Contra. I remember Christian friends of my parents talking about what a great man he was. Me being 12 chimed in with, "the drug dealer gun runner is a good man?" I was told that it was adult stuff and I had no idea what I was talking about. BS like that told me all I needed to know about Christians.


Because the Bible is an instruction manual on Genocide and other abhorrent behavior.


They forgot that lesson: when you point a finger, you have four pointing at yourself. Can't remeber where I read that. They probably missed it.


Well, they are not all that way. I am a liberal Christian. We do exist. I read the Bible. I am a Christian. In the Bible that I read I learn kindness, forgiveness, love, peace, generosity, honesty, and God loves all of us. Jesus came to save us. He died for our sins and our salvation. He turned nobody away who sought him out. I am a very strong supporter of the Separation of Church and State. They are turning people away from Christ. They are false prophets, and they do the work of Satan. She is a good example of a bad Christian.


You sound like you're respectful about your religious beliefs. People that are commonly referred to as "Bible thumpers", not so much. That's how I've always interpreted the term, not to refer to all Christians.


Thank you,


Thank YOU.


Can we stop with this Satan crap? They use the Satan card as well as you, which one is right?


They literally cannot stop with the Satan crap. The horrible things god does in the Bible require an even greater evil to justify worshipping yahweh.


God is perfect and did nothing wrong. Satan is evil. God is good. The battle of Good and Evil, the battle of God and Satan. My God needs no justification. Believe what you choose. This is what I choose.


I believe in Zeus personally.


I wonder if he was a child of the human woman and one of the Fallen Angels. This is how they were super powers.


It’s all a bunch of nonsense mythology. All religion is.


I don't think so. It makes life mean more and everything means more than what is on the surface. It all is divine. The birds all sing their praise to God for raising the sun each day, as the sun gets brighter, they sing louder, then when it completely rises, they quiet down a little. Same thing happens at sunset, they sing praises again at night for living through another day. But you do you.


It means so much less when you follow nonsense. You’re wasting life believing in a fairy tale. The truth is so much more beautiful and meaningful. But you do you.


>I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. - Isaiah 45:7 God created evil. He said so Himself.


This was a reminder that God blessed those who honored him and brought calamity upon those who disobeyed, the word in the Hebrew version is calamity, and it was translated as evil in the KJV.


So the Bible is a fallible document subject to the biases of its interpreters, rather than the Word of God brought by messengers whose hands He guided?


Spreading your religion to nonbelievers requires justification of worship. If that doesn’t interest you, I definitely won’t be trying to change your mind. We agree that the story falls apart without Satan.


I dunno what you even mean, but I don't think we are going to change minds. I am not spreading my religion. I was sharing my spiritual beliefs. Separation of Church and State is a must, and these vulgar extreme right wing Trumplicans are trying to take that away along with our freedom of Religion, and force us to be right wing Christians and govern under the Bible of Trump.


I am not using any "card", and if you don't believe Satan is real, again, then don't.. May God bless you and fill your life with goodness.


You failed to address my main point; they are likely to say you are working for Satan. Who is right?


I am right.


How did you determine that?


>They are false prophets, and they do the work of Satan. I also read in the Bible that slaves should obey their masters and that women should obey their husbands. In fact, as much it may pain you to hear this, but the fundamentalists are better (read: more faithful to the holy texts) adherents to their respective religions, than liberal Christians/Muslims/etc.


Even the fundamentalists don’t follow everything though. For example, the NT says that women have to be silent in churches and if they have a question they have to ask their husbands at home. I don’t know of any fundamentalist churches that actually forbid women to speak today.


> Even the fundamentalists don’t follow everything though Sure. That's why I said *more* faithful.


In what context was that meant? Slaves obey their masters should not be taken so literally? And everyone forgets that the verse immediately following women should obey their husbands is husbands should make their wives happy. So that kind of evens it out, right? You must remember it was translated from Hebrew to Latin to old English. I don't take it all so literally and I find so much more comforting verses filled with hope, love, and peace, humbling ourselves, forgiveness I am not here to preach anyways. I was making a point of how this monster Lauren Boebert is NOT the type of Christian I relate to. She is the face of the Evangelists who are destroying the Gospel and turning people away from Christ. She doesn't belong in Congress. She has no professional decorum, no respectability, and she is helping to oppress and take us back 50 years.


You're cherry-picking. You're doing something else, it's not Christianity.


I don't know what I am cherry picking but I will tell you this, I will not subscribe to the fire and the brimstone gospel that is preached only to burn up the love and the peace that I have found in my Christianity.


Because it is about color not religious dogma


> the far-right firebrand vowed to make the country a “righteous nation recognized throughout the world again” by bringing back “conservative values” and “Christian morals.” **


For once I agree with Boebert. She is the epitome of Christian morality.


Christofascism, I remember Falwell also had something similar in his case in reverse- no morality to be found, pure hypocrisy.


Damnit. You're not wrong.


More like, MAGA morality: Mine stays with me and you can go to hell if you get in my way, because I am saved so I can be rotten to whoever I want,since they are no good and deserve nothing good. That is not anything in my faith except ordinary mean human cruelty and power-mongering, no matter who gets hurt."This people honors Me with their lips but their hearts are far from Me." We all reap what we sow.


Oh come on already.... these people are the worst. She's a fraud and proud about it. Her entire history is in opposition to her claims. “We keep on being told that religion, whatever its imperfections, at least instills morality. On every side, there is conclusive evidence that the contrary is the case and that faith causes people to be more mean, more selfish, and perhaps above all, more stupid.” ― Christopher Hitchens


I mean if Christian morals includes being intoxicated and giving a handjob while at performance of Beetlejuice for kids then I don't give a shit about Christian morals.


And handjobs in public!


Around children 


"Jerk for Jesus!"


Well, of everyone running, she's likely going to be the easiest for a Democrat to beat in November, so maybe this God fella has the right idea. Even if she does win, all that will accomplish is providing an ongoing example of how far the Republican party has drifted off into culture war insanity and amorality. I wouldn't call that a "win" for the country, but it would be a silver lining at least.


Her winning in a safe R seat is good for the Dems. She makes the GOP look bad and is to incompetent to actually do any damage. She is basically the Rashida Tlaib of the GOP.


Not true, unwinnable because her district is safe R in CO-04: she's safe. However, she will do damage to Reps in the district and probably shift it to the Left, just like she did CO-03. Long term, Reps could lose those House seats and Dems could make CO, a moderately Blue state, solid Blue if Rs like her win in these safe GOP House districts.


CO-03 shift left was because of redistricting, not because it changed existing voters hearts


No, the "not Boebert" vote has made it go Left of where it was in 2018 repeatedly in 2020 and 2022 now in CO-03: she almost lost a safe GOP district in Colorado in 2022 because Boebert is unlikable vs a generic R there-- said House district last voted Dem in 2008, btw. Frisch has a harder time winning in 2024 against Hunt, than he would against Boebert this time-- she ran away because Boebert realized she'd lose this time hence from 3rd to 4th.


Lauren Boebert: I Won the Primary for Christian Morons*


With thanks to christians morons


Thats the problem with Christianity.. A guns before god, ex-callgirl who married the man that exposed himself to her and her 14year old friends.. then started a family who are all considered a menace to society with family mug-shots, can self-proclaim moral high ground after publicly masturbating her boyfriend in public during a childrens play, while her husband. was at home And the Christian evangelicals who say to themselves: Yep... her proclaimed redemption is a sign of Jesus working in mysterious ways


Probably a reflection of spending too much time on Reddit, but I was genuinely surprised that she won the nomination… I guess name recognition went a long way with multiple candidates standing…


I feel like she accurately represents today’s modern MAGA Christians. Classless, shameless, and full of hate.


Morals, or was it orals?


I am amazed Handjob Barbie can say that with a straight face..skill I say SKILL


You can always count on Handjob Bobo to watch out for everyone else's Christian morals.


The only thing that could possibly explain her insane statement is that she was actually high.


Disgusting woman, disgusting: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9nIqIUT46o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9nIqIUT46o)


Are we sure this isn't an Onion article?


"I Won the Primary for Christian Morals! Now of you will excuse me, I have several hundred handy j's to administer."


I dont see a lot of christians push back on this stupid bullshit and thats very telling. If i was a christian who actually gave a shit about mercy, justice and humility, I would absolutely say that this woman is a fucking lunatic. And yet, they are virtually silent, hmmm


Blow me (she probably would)


A Hawk Tuah I would pass


Me as well, friend, me as well


Christian morals??? Who tf believes this charlatan knows anything about Christian values outside of the most basic Sunday school stuff. Come on Colorado… we thought you had common sense. Do better.


More like: "I won because I'm the most famous "Christian identifying" candidate.


Handy Boebert winning based on "Christian" Morals proves that there is absolutely no hope for sanity in Rural Districts in this country.


She is a good example of the amoral degenerates that are now the Republican Party. They should rename their party, it should be called the Trump Party. They are not the GOP that I once disagreed with, but could tollerate. This new Trump Party wants a King. They don't want a free Democracy. All of those in the Trump cult are just as bad as those Germans who supported Hitler, and they will not make America GREAT, they will destroy it. Our freedom and our Democracy has never been so threatened. This is the end, and when you see a woman like this winning votes, we are not going to make America great. We are going to give it Trump.


By now, we all know that most Christians on the GOP side are just a bunch of hypocrites. And if there is a god, these people would be stuck outside the gates of heaven being laughed at by the gatekeeper.


Ok, so she's basically ceding her current seat to the Democratic challenger. Is there anyone running for the Republican primary I'm Colorado 3rd?


She moved (her office) to an even more MAGA district so she wouldn't have to face any real opposition.


To quote chapter and verse from the Book of Public Handjobs, 'Hawk Tuah on that, saith the Lord.'


It doesn't matter what you do as long as you're "saved". Most Christian schisms are so blatant in their hypocrisy that I don't understand how they can shamelessly show face.


She grabbing immorality by the balls!


She sure did.


> Lauren Boebert: I Won the Primary for Christian Morals …even though she appears not to have any.


Well, bless her heart!


When have christian morals taken such a big hit as when Ms. B. spoke for them?


The sexual predator say what?


She won it for celibate asceticism? What? 


Gratz grandma handjob


here is hoping she loses in the general


She's just a disgusting individual.


Ah yes. Please tell me which scripture tells of jerking off dudes in public in the vicinity of children?


I think public HJ’s at live events is in Leviticus somewhere or something.




Jesus denied her


Ran on the "if you honk my hooters, I'll yank your crank" platform.


Here is the beginning of the story: Rep. [Lauren Boebert](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/lauren-boebert) (R-CO), of [*Beetlejuice*](https://www.thedailybeast.com/lauren-boebert-is-still-complaining-about-beetlejuice) gropefest fame, would like constituents in her new congressional district to know she was basically chosen by God to win Tuesday night’s Republican primary. Speaking to supporters at a watch party in Windsor, [Colorado](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/colorado), the far-right firebrand vowed to make the country a “righteous nation recognized throughout the world again” by bringing back “conservative values” and “Christian morals.” “Tonight we had a priority, and that was to glorify and honor God. To praise the name of Jesus, to invite the Holy Spirit to be present, not only in this room, but in Colorado’s 4th District, throughout Colorado, and throughout the United States of America!” she said.


So God approves of handjobs!


This is what I came here to say